abstract objects
purported, 99
A/C and extended A/C accounts of Christian belief, 32–37
actions, free, 134, 139–40, 186
afterlife, 90, 94, 163–64, 184, 206–7
agent causation, 139–41, 143, 173
agents, 134–37, 139–41, 176, 183, 191, 198, 201
human, 192
invisible, 191
rational, 82
self-conscious, 94
alternative possibilities (AP), 108, 134–37, 139, 141
anti-Platonism, 98–100
AP. See alternative possibilities
a priori knowledge, 49–50, 53, 56
Aristotelianism, 69
Aristotelian substances, 117, 123, 125–30, 146
Aristotelian theism, 176
Aristotelian virtue ethics, 241, 247
Aristotle, 3, 6, 16, 54, 74, 117, 125, 145–46, 148, 159, 241–44
atheists, 76, 165, 170, 177, 186–87, 190, 235–37
bare substrata, 117–18, 120–24, 127
basic beliefs, 28–29, 31, 34, 51
being, property of, 108–9, 121, 146, 157, 233
incorrigible, 28
irrational, 34
moral, 224
nonbasic, 28–29
producing proper, 35
random, 31
self-evident, 28
subject’s, 27
believing, 11, 16–17, 21–25, 30, 35, 44, 50, 62, 67, 105, 129, 163, 167, 188, 218
bodies, 90, 96, 102, 134, 137, 144–45, 147–53, 155–61, 164, 207–21
distinct, 215
eschaton, 221
material, 96, 102, 152, 158–59, 215
particular, 158
resurrected, 221
surviving, 219
switching, 158
bodies and souls, 144, 149–50, 152, 159–60, 208–9, 212, 214–15, 218, 221
bodily resurrection, 208, 213–14
body-fission accounts, 220
human, 134
physical, 156
properties, 212
and tropes, 123
Calvinist model, 200–201
cannibalism, 209
cannibal objection, 216, 220–21
causal closure, 197
Chinese Room Argument, 95
choices, 81, 132–36, 139–41, 143, 201, 224, 245
coherence theory of truth, 18
coherentism, 28–30
commands, 224, 230, 241, 244, 248–51, 254
common sense, 50–51, 53, 56, 100, 104, 116, 193
Companionship Problem, 108–10
compatibilism, 134, 136–39, 142
concept nominalism, 107
concrete objects, 115, 122, 125, 127
concrete particulars, 114, 117–18, 122, 125–26
necessary, 18–19, 25, 134–35, 137, 148
consciousness, 95, 151, 153, 155, 158–59, 167, 212
Consequence Argument, 137–38
constituent identity, 119
constituent ontologies, 122
constitutionalism, 157–58
cosmological arguments, 75, 170–71, 174, 177
Kalam, 171–72
counterfactual knowledge, 202–3
courage, virtue of, 242–43
creation, 69–70, 74, 76–78, 82, 86, 103, 163, 167, 200–201, 203, 205
creatures, 16, 109, 179–80, 183, 190, 200
Darwinism, 175
death, 1, 90, 96, 161, 164, 181, 189, 206–9, 211, 213, 215, 217–21
deductive arguments, 6
de facto objections, 33
defense of natural theology, 79–80
deism, 199
deontological theories, 241, 247–51
deontologists, 247–48
deontology, 247–49
design, 75, 81–82, 84–86, 171, 173–74, 193
arguments, 80, 82–84, 86, 174–75
determinism, 131–39, 141, 143, 201, 203
logical, 132
theological, 132
versions of, 132
divine-command theory, 224, 238, 248, 250
unrestricted, 250
divine foreknowledge, 141, 143, 202
divine hiddenness, 164, 177, 187–89
divine interaction, 190–91, 193, 195, 197, 199, 201, 203, 205
divine simplicity, 129
divine substance, 129
Dominicans, 203
doubt, systematic, 13, 38, 41–42, 45–46, 49–50, 56, 178, 187, 192, 197, 209–10, 254
downward-causation, 156
dualism, 92, 96, 103, 156, 158–61, 219
Elisabeth, Princess, 152
empiricism, 93
empiricists, 12
Enlightenment, 27, 62–63, 79, 249, 253
epistemic confidence, 13, 41, 48–49, 53, 56
epistemologists, Reformed, 32–33, 44
epistemology, 4, 11–13, 15–16, 18, 20–22, 24, 28–30, 38, 40, 44, 52, 54, 68
ethical egoism, 244
ethical nonnaturalism, 234–35, 239
ethical nonnaturalist, 233, 235
ethics, 4, 223–25, 227–28, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 241–42, 244–48, 250, 252, 254
contemporary virtue, 225, 241, 251
events, 26, 30–31, 33, 47, 132, 137–40, 150, 154–57, 173, 191, 196–97, 199–200, 233
evidence, 11–12, 25, 27, 29, 44, 47, 50, 66–67, 80, 82–85, 167, 171–76, 193–94
evil, 3, 81, 84, 164, 177–87, 189–90, 201–2, 206, 250
evidential problem of, 178, 181–82, 185
logical problem of, 178–79, 181
natural, 183–84
impossible, 169
necessary, 169–70
possible, 169
existential expressions, 97–99
externalism, 26–28, 30, 32, 39, 66
proof of an, 51–52
faith, 2–3, 15, 40, 56–67, 69–71, 140, 189, 250
and philosophy, 2, 143, 204, 219, 236
fideists, 65–66
fine-tuning argument, 167, 175–77
fine-tuning data, 86–87
first-person awareness, 149
first-person perspective, 94, 148–49, 158
fission event, 219
exhaustive, 141–42
foundationalism, 28–31
Frankfurt style objections, 136
free agency, 137
free creatures, 143, 180, 182, 200
freedom, 7, 43, 63, 132–43, 167, 179–80, 183, 200–203
freedom and determinism, 131, 133–35, 137, 139, 141, 143
free will, 131, 133, 135, 138–39, 154
Free Will Theodicy, 182–83
Frege-Geach problem, 230
functionalism, 156
functionalists, 156
Gambler’s belief, 34
genuine freedom, 133–35, 138, 141, 201
and abstract objects, 98, 107, 115, 237
hiddenness of, 168, 178–79, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189–90
goodness, 3–4, 8, 164, 166, 201, 223, 239–40, 243, 247, 250–51, 254
human beings, 1, 11, 20, 40, 63, 70, 72–74, 76, 78, 148, 155, 161, 164, 206–7, 254
human freedom, 141–43, 164, 185, 199–200, 202–5
human persons, 90, 94–95, 144–45, 147–51, 153, 155–61, 208–9, 212, 214–19
humans, 1, 5, 78, 89–90, 92, 109, 115, 117, 132, 147–48, 163, 165, 167, 183–86, 235–36
ID. See Intelligent Design
Christian philosophy, 101–3
divine, 102–3
sensory, 101–2
identity, person-soul, 159–60, 214–15
immanent realist, 113–15
immaterial souls, 94, 96, 152, 155, 157, 159, 208–9, 215, 221
immaterial substances, 102, 147–48, 150, 153–54, 157
incompatibilism, 137–41
indexicals, 94
Indispensability Argument, 97–98, 100
intellectual virtues, 10, 15, 28, 41, 54–56
Intelligent Design, 86–87, 175
intentionality, 94–95
internalism, 26–28, 30–32, 39, 66
internalist accounts, 38
internalist approach, 28–29, 66
justification, 4–5, 15, 21–32, 34–35, 37–40, 44, 66, 68, 79, 228
and Reformed epistemology, 26–27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39
source of, 38
Justified, True, Belief (JBT), 21–22, 24–26
Kalam cosmological argument, 171–72
knowing, 11, 15, 21–22, 30, 38, 40, 49, 52–54, 199
knowledge, 1–4, 6–8, 10–13, 15, 19–27, 37–38, 42–45, 47, 49–50, 52–55, 76–78, 93–94, 199–200, 202–4
counterfactual, 202–3
divine, 203
free, 203–4
natural, 203–4
nonbasic, 25
propositional, 21
sociological, 72
theory of, 24, 27–28, 30–31, 93
value, 2
knowledge of God, 15, 38, 73, 77–78, 167, 173–74, 236
of nature, 47, 90, 132–34, 137–38, 175, 191–92, 194, 196–98, 205
universal, 249
Leibnizian cosmological argument, 171
libertarian freedom, 138–39, 140–42, 200–201
life after death, 161, 206–7, 209, 211, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221
local/metaphysical skepticism, 42
logical problem, 178
materialism, 90–96, 103, 140, 149–51, 153–54, 157–60, 209, 215, 218–20, 233
materialism and physicalism, 150, 153, 159
mental properties, 115, 154, 156, 212–13, 233
metaethical theories, 228–30, 233, 239
metaethics, 223–25, 227–35, 237, 239–40
materialist, 94–95
materialistic, 93–94
middle knowledge, 142–43, 204–5
mind-body interaction problem, 102, 152, 158, 197
minds, 7–10, 30–32, 45–46, 48, 65–67, 80–81, 102–3, 114–15, 144–45, 147–59, 161
miracles, 95, 164, 176, 190–96, 198–99, 205–6
possibility of, 191, 193–94, 196
miracles and prayer, 190–91, 193, 195, 197, 199, 201, 203, 205
monism, 93
moral arguments, 75, 163, 177, 190, 228, 230, 235, 237
moral facts, 227–28, 230, 233, 238–39
morality, 15, 43, 75–77, 94, 167, 171, 177, 223–25, 227–29, 232–37, 239–41, 244–48, 250–53
moral nonnaturalism, 234–35, 239
moral properties, 227, 229, 233–37, 238–39
moral questions, 227, 240, 254
moral responsibility, 136–37, 143
moral theory, 228, 240–41, 244–51, 253–54
moral truths, 224, 232, 235, 253
naturalism, 93–95, 107, 114–15, 140, 159, 173, 176, 198, 234, 236
ethical, 233–34
naturalists, 114, 197, 205, 228
ethical, 233–34
Naturalness Problem, 108–9, 111
natural religion, 80, 174, 178
natural revelation, 15, 73–75, 78
natural sciences, 13, 53, 62, 69–70, 78–79, 86, 234–35, 251–52
natural signs, 76, 167, 173–74, 236
natural theology, 15, 72–75, 77–81, 83, 85–87, 171, 174–75, 235
Newtonian picture, 197–98
Nicomachean Ethics, 54, 241–42, 244
mereological, 107–8
nonbelief, reasonable, 164, 187–89
noncognitivism, 229–30
nonnatural nontheistic moral realism, 236–38
normative ethics, 223–25, 227, 240–41, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 253–54
objective morality, 235–38, 246
objectivist, 232–33
objectivity, 65
abstract, 90, 96–99, 104–17, 123, 125, 127, 129–30, 233, 237
complex, 118
distinct, 214
located, 112–13
possible, 109
real-world, 98
obligations, 63, 76, 238, 247, 250–51
Ockhamism, 143
omniscient, 141, 169, 173, 199, 217, 238
ontological argument, 60, 75, 168–70, 177
ontological commitment, 98–99, 105
ontology, 45, 93, 99, 102, 108, 114, 122, 129, 151
open theism, 142, 199–200, 205
ostrich nominalism, 105–7, 111–12
ostrich nominalists, 105–6
panentheism, 103
pantheism, 199
particularists, 52
particulars, 104, 106–7, 112, 116–17, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129–30
metaphysical, 114, 121–22, 125, 129
nonseparable, 122, 125, 127–28
spatial, 127
parts and properties, 117, 129
perceptions, 12, 15–16, 45, 92, 101–2, 111, 210
persistence, vii, 90, 151, 218
persistence of personal identity, 211
personhood, 148–49
persons, 18, 27–28, 31–34, 40–42, 54–55, 58–59, 65–66, 144–45, 147–53, 157–60, 209–11, 214–19, 237–38, 242–44
physical bodies, 50, 147–48, 150–51, 157–58, 160, 209–11, 216–17, 219–20
physicalism, 115, 150, 153, 155, 159–60, 216
nonreductive, 155
Platonic atheism, 236–38
Platonic realist, 113–15
Platonism, 96–98, 107, 114, 127
in metaphysics, 97–99
Platonist, 127
possible worlds, 96, 109–10, 169–70, 177, 180, 204
prayer, 61, 164, 189–91, 193, 195, 197–201, 203, 205–6
predicates, 97, 107, 116, 121, 169
prescriptivism, 229–30
principle of alternative possibilities (PAP), 136
properly basic, 34
properties, 96, 99–100, 104–13, 115–27, 129–30, 146, 150, 153–54, 156–57, 169, 212–14, 233–34, 237–38
charactered, 112
coextensive, 108–9
constituent, 127
emergent, 155
epistemic, 40–41
fundamental, 120
genuine moral, 233
mental properties and brain, 212
nature of, 104–5
nonnatural disjunctive, 110
nonphysical, 212
nonshareable, 118
particular, 104
undiscovered scientific, 107
universals, 104–5, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115
property realists, 105–6
proposition, 12, 16–17, 19, 21, 23, 29, 44, 96, 132, 200
pseudosubstances, 128
qualitative sameness, 214
qualities, 34–35, 54–55, 95, 146, 156, 212–14, 242, 249, 254
rationality, 4, 35, 66–67, 69–71, 93, 140, 163, 251–53
representative, 101
metaethical theories, 233
reductive nominalism, version of, 107
Reformed epistemology, 26–27, 29, 31–39
problem, 44–45
relations, 64–65, 96, 116–17, 119–20
relativism, 18, 66–68, 232, 254
cultural, 232
reliabilism, 30–32
classes, 108–11
nominalism, 107–10
resurrection, 164, 207–8, 214–18, 220
possibility of, 218
modern, 15, 53, 56–59, 61–65, 67, 69, 71, 197, 251
and religion, 64
scientism, 93
scientists, 13, 16, 19, 60, 78, 86, 93, 128, 251
self, personal, 153
skepticism, 9, 13, 15, 40–45, 47–53, 55–56, 73, 101–2
global, 41–42
methodological, 42
Soul-Making Theodicy, 182–85
souls, 94, 96, 144–45, 147–48, 150–53, 155, 157, 159–60, 164, 206–17, 241
souls/minds, immaterial, 153
subjectivism, 232
substance dualism, 96, 147, 150, 152, 156, 159–61, 212
substance dualists, 148–53, 159–60, 214–15
substances, 96–97, 102, 111, 117, 120–30, 139, 145–46, 150, 152–53, 156, 159–61
substratum theories, 117–18, 120, 125
bare, 122–23
explanatory gap problems, 124
Summa Theologica, 62, 160, 207–8
supernatural, 165, 191, 193, 196
embodied, 217
postmortem, 219–20
teleological accounts, 241, 251
teleological argument, 75, 80, 163, 173–77, 190
teleological theories, 241–47, 251
theism, 34, 83–84, 96, 114, 175–77, 187, 238
theistic worldview, 183
theists, 67, 84, 102, 107, 142, 170, 176–77, 181–82, 185, 187, 189–90, 200, 237–38
theology, 7–9, 13, 58–59, 61–62, 64, 69–70, 73–74, 79–80, 85, 115, 197
natural revelation and natural, 15, 72–75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87
transworld depravity, 180
charactered, 112
compresent, 123
nuclear, 123
peripheral, 123
theories, 111–12
theories of substance, 123
true beliefs, 5, 17, 22–23, 26–27, 34, 36–38
correspondence theory of, 15–17, 20, 25
and knowledge, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25–26
nature of, 15, 19–20, 30, 68, 132
pragmatic theory of, 15, 17, 20
theories of, 17
uniformity, 198
universalism, 184–85
universal rationality, 63, 249
universals, 104–7, 109, 111, 113, 115–16, 118–19, 121, 125, 127
universe, 69–70, 74–75, 81–84, 87, 89–90, 94, 102, 105, 132, 166–67, 171–77, 180, 196–200
of excess, 242–43
virtue, 54, 98–100, 108, 110–11, 119, 183, 228, 230, 232, 234, 241–43, 251–54
epistemology, 38, 40–41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53–56
libertarianism, 141
wisdom, viii, 3, 7–8, 10, 77, 80, 106
natural, 72–75
quantum, 133
soul-making, 184