Sailing Alone Around the World. See Slocum, Joshua
Saint Martin (Sint Maarten), 333–4, 342, 344
Saito, Minoru, 312
Samoa, 72, 77, 95, 138, 267, 285
Samuelson, Frank and Harbo, 50–51
Sanders, Jon, 371–2, 373, 420, 444
San Diego, 138, 165–6, 171
San Francisco, 64–5, 148, 153–5, 154, 160, 227, 260, 375
Santa Barbara Oil Spill, 173, 264
Santa Cruz Islands (Solomons), 35, 253–4
satellite phone, 236, 331, 334, 341, 339, 348; Fox, 235, 318, 331, 352, 408, 412
Schrader, Mark, 303
scuba diving, 173, 310
Sea Around Us, The. See Carson, Rachel
seabird (general), xv, xvii, 21–32, 46, 77, 103, 114, 115, 142, 171, 276, 293, 345, 405, 410; MacArthur, 385–8, 392; Moitessier, 213, 221. See also groups or species, e.g. albatross or brown booby
“Sea-Fever” (poem). See Masefield, John.
seal, 21, 75, 164, 293, 295
seagull, 25, 28, 75, 213, 223, 334; herring, 23
sea jelly (jellyfish), 114, 157, 208; Portuguese man-of-war, 114, 157; Velella velella, 157–8
seasickness, 22–3, 92, 147, 150, 330; pets, 141
sea snake, 114
sea turtle, xvii, 109–10, 111, 114, 115, 116, 179, 181, 375; Aebi, 142–3; loggerhead, 110, 428; Slocum, 110, 138, 284
self-steering, xvii, 179–89, 191, 321; autopilot (electronic), 186–8, 335, 340, 379, 380; lack of, 55; Fox (“Sandy”), xix, 50, 55, 61, 85, 179–80, 183–4, 230, 247, 250, 258, 355, 397–401, 404–407, 411; naming, 257–8, 339; sails alone without, 83, 181; tiller pilot (electronic), 186, 355. See also wind-vane self-steering
self-sufficiency/reliance, 40, 41, 103, 130, 248, 414
Selkirk, Alexander, 37–8, 76
Sendak, Maurice, 271–2
Seymour, Teddy, 268, 299, 419; after circumnavigation, 278–9; before circumnavigation, 263–5, 270; circumnavigation, 267–8; dolphin, 276, 278; engine, 276; fish, 276; Love Song, 264, 276, 303, 330; navigation, 276–77; ocean/marine life relationship (general), 275–7; orca, 290–92; reader/writer, 268, 274, 277, 438; self-steering, 276, 277, 290; ship avoidance, 315–16; why go, 265
Shackford, Josiah, 35–41, 38, 42, 46, 137, 365, 415, 423
shark, xvii, 45, 46, 85–90, 103, 114, 157, 213–14, 284; Adams, 171–2; Das, 120, 133; Davison, 19; fiction, 86, 130; Fox, 85, 230; Horie, 88, 431; King, 88–9, 292; Knox-Johnston, 206, 208, 230; Moitessier, 220; Pidgeon, 88, 98, 116; Slocum, 86–7, 87, 138; white, xvii, 89, 162, 322
shearwater, xvii, 22–3, 29, 32, 221, 355; little, 385; Manx, 23
Shelley, Percy, 42
ship avoidance, 51–3, 55, 315–17, 409. See also AIS, radar
ship encounters, xvii, 6, 22, 161–2, 317–19, 332; Adams, 168–70; Fox, 22, 356, 398–408, 409; Horie, 152–4; Moitessier, 216, 318; Pidgeon, 97–8, 318; Pinkney, 305–307, 315, 316; Watson, 330–33
Silent Spring. See Carson, Rachel
Single-Handed Passage. See Allcard, Edward
skua, 29, 32
sleep, 161; deprivation, 1, 6, 17, 54–5, 74–5, 103, 128, 232, 238, 241, 243, 409; MacArthur, 383; management, 3, 51, 52, 55, 60, 165, 185, 239, 245–6. See also dreams
Slocum, Henrietta “Hettie” Elliott, 67–8, 70, 71, 80, 83
Slocum, Joshua, 73, 91, 174, 249, 391, 416; after circumnavigation, 79–82; before circumnavigation, 63–72; biographies, 82–3, 425; circumnavigation, 72–9, 196, 278, 361, 395; death, 82, 108, 426; dolphin, 284–5; ecstasy-so-pure moment, 76; extrasensory perception, 162; fish, 11; hallucination (pilot of Pinta), 241, 242, 246, 247, 405, 435; influence, 8, 83, 99, 105, 146, 147, 191–3, 220, 243, 303, 310, 325, 338, 372; Liberdade voyage/narrative, 68, 86; loneliness, 142, 240; navigation, 76–7, 412, 425; nostalgia for sail/anti-steam, 68–9, 72, 96, 412; ocean/weather relationship (general), 59, 76–7, 83, 104–105; pet, 138; privilege, 270; racism/colonialism, 272–3; reader/writer, 8, 71, 76, 142; religious faith, 78–9, 215, 405–406; Sailing Alone Around the World, 8, 79–80, 99, 191; seabirds, 26–28, 77, 225; shark, 86–7, 87, 284; Spray, 73–4, 81, 83, 95, 181, 209, 214, 260; son Benjamin, 86; son Garfield, 67, 69, 71, 80; son Victor, 67, 82; storm strategy, 150; turtle, 110, 284; whale, 293; why go, 47, 63, 69–72, 94
Slocum, Virginia Walker, 64–7, 71, 86
Smeeton, Miles and Beryl, 427
solar power, 56, 159, 199, 276, 334, 341, 379
Southeast Asian solo sailors (general), 123. See also Das, Florentino
space travel, 173–4, 207, 226, 305
Spenser, Ann, 425
Sperry, Armstrong (Call It Courage), 130–32, 300, 391
sperm whale, 290, 294, 295
spider (pet), 138
sponsorship (fundraising), 47, 192, 172, 203, 326; Das, 121–2, 133; environmental causes, 160, 311–12,372, 375; MacArthur, 378–9; Petersen, 312–13; Pinkney, 302–304; Sunderland, 335; Watson, 329, 330
Spray (boat). See Slocum, Joshua
squid, 170–71, 345, 347; flying, xvii, 19, 114, 116; giant, 222; plastic lure, 355
St Croix, 265, 270, 278–9, 299
St Helena, 27, 79, 96–7
Stone, Robert, 434
storm, 361–62; experienced at sea, 24, 67, 102–103, 150–51, 175, 242, 320, 340–41, 357, 367, 387, 429; preparations for, 17, 357–8, 403; reading/writing about, 40, 68, 89, 358–65, 391. See also gale, storm
storm-petrel (“Jesus petrel”), xvi, 29–32, 49, 103, 110, 151, 199, 367–8, 414, 422; black-bellied, 385; Leach’s, 29; Wilson’s, 28, 29, 30
Story of a Voluntary Castaway. See Bombard, Alain
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 43, 77, 95
Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst, The, 206, 212, 418. See also Crowhurst, Donald
stress (anxiety), 103, 158–9, 205, 210, 229–41, 243, 257; Fox, 22, 229–32, 354, 357, 410
Suez Canal, 73, 97, 267, 274, 275, 290, 342, 395, 419
suicidal thoughts (death wish), 202, 232, 248
suicide, 205, 206, 254–6, 418
Sunday Times, 203, 226, 320
Sunderland, Abby, 338, 349, 420; after circumnavigation, 349–50, 375; before circumnavigation, 327, 334, 335–7; circumnavigation attempt, 334, 335, 340–41; dolphin, 345; environmentalism, 375; fundraising, 335; ocean/marine life relationship (general), 345; reader/writer, 335, 345, 360 ; religious faith, 336, 340, 345, 405; rescue, 341–2, 348–50; rogue wave, 341, 360–61; seabird, 345, 405; squid, 345; why go, 336–7; Wild Eyes, 335–6, 349
Sunderland, Zac, 326–8, 335, 350
sunfish (Mola mola), 112
swordfish, 112
Sydney (Australia), 46–7, 64, 78, 195; Watson, 333, 338–40, 347, 362, 442