Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, 129
accredited investors, 259
Act of 1545 (England), 36
Adolf Gobel Company, 167
agency, problem of, 69
Agricultural Adjustment Act, 108
agriculture, farmland and, 282
AICPA. See American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Akkadian civilization, 16, 33, 60
alignment, 326–27
Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation, 167
almshouses, 101
alpha: beta and, 248–49, 254, 308–9; generation of, 270, 329
alternative investments, 256–89; commodities and natural resources as, 281–82; definition of, 257; final word on, 283; during financial crises, 259–60; fixed income securities as, 10, 134, 283; future of, 288–89; infrastructure projects as, 282–83; private equity as, 258, 274–77; REITs as, 280–81; rise of, 296–98; snapshot of, 257–60; timber, agriculture and farmland as, 282; types of, 10, 256; venture capital as, 277–80, 278, 279. See also hedge funds
Ambrose (saint), 34
American Economic Review, 233
American Express Field Warehousing Corporation, 168
American Express Warehousing Ltd., 168–69
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 150–51
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 218
American Research and Development Corporation (ARD), 275
American Revolution: British supplies contract after, 175; costs incurred by, 88; soldiers compensated during, 102
American Stock Exchange, 89, 95
Amicable Society, 132
amortizing loan, 321
Ampex, 279
Amsterdam, 84–85, 97
Anne (queen of Great Britain), 132
annuities, 113, 117
Antony, 28
Appianus, Aurelius, 20–21
Aquinas, Thomas (saint), 33
Archipelago Holdings, 95
ARD. See American Research and Development Corporation
Argyll Foods, 181
Aristophanes, 24
Aristotle, 19, 33, 41, 59
art, stamps, coins, and wine speculation, 283
asset pricing, 229–38; capital structure and, 233–34; discounted cash flow models and, 232–33; mathematical finance and, 230; NPV and, 231–32
association (compera), 83
Assyria, 17, 51–52
auditor, 150, 174
audits, 151, 163
Augustus (Roman emperor), 58–59
austerity, 209–10
Austrian school, 205–6, 212
autocorrelations, 253
automobile industry, 111, 200, 207
Babylonia, 17
Bachelier, Louis, 230, 234
Backer, Dirk Bas, 140
Bacon, Louis, 266
Bagehot, Walter, 216
bailouts: of Long-Term Capital Management, 6; restructurings and, 217; too big to fail and, 216, 219–20
Bakufu decrees, 31
Banco Zarossi, 156
bandwagon effect, 253
Bank Act of 1826, 74
bankers: as lenders of last resort, 25; social status of, 28
Bank of England, 73, 86, 97
Bank of the United States, 176
bankruptcies: capital structure arbitrage and, 265; of cities, 111; country banks and, 74; Stanford, A., and, 154
banks and banking: branches, 75; crisis, 1970s, 75; decentralization of, 72, 74; depository banks not allowed as investment banks, 276; in England, 70, 73–75; Industrial Revolution and, 73–75; of London, 73, 82; mergers, 136; mutual savings banks, 134–37. See also commercial banks; merchant banks
Barbarians at the Gate, 276
Bardi bank, 43–44
Barings Bank, 170–72
behavioral finance, 251–54
bell curve, 239
Benartzi, Shlomo, 252
benchmarking, 328–30
Benedict XIV (pope), 37
Bent, Bruce, 143
Bentham, Jeremy, 36
Bergen Tunnel construction project, 178
Berlin Wall, fall of, 96
Bernanke, Ben, 9, 197, 208, 226
beta, 243–45; alpha and, 248–49, 254, 308–9
Bible, 34, 239
Bierman, Harold, 204
bills of exchange, 83–84
Birds, The (Aristophanes), 24
Bismarck, Otto von, 108–9
Black, Fischer, 230, 235–36
BlackRock, 299
Black Thursday (October 24, 1929), 164
Blunt, John, 67–68
Bocchoris, 23
Boesky, Ivan, 147, 181, 184–86
Bogle, Jack, 284–85
bond index funds, 285
bonds: convertible, 178; fabrication of Italian, 163; government, 6, 135, 176; high-yield, 276; holding, 93; investment in, 257, 259, 297, 301; management of, 102
Boness, James, 236
bookkeeping, double-entry, 41
borrower, reputation of, 22–23
Borsa Italiana, 95
Boston, 100
Boston Consulting Group, 194
Boston Post, 157
bourses, 84
Breitowitz, Yitzhok, 150
Bristol-Myers Squibb, 188
Britain: beggar-thy-neighbor policies in, 202; colonial rule of India, 49–50, 61; supplies contract, after American Revolution, 175
British Bankers’ Association, 182
British East India Company, 66, 326
Brookings Institution, 91
Brown, Henry, 143
Brown, Robert, 230
Brownian motion, 230, 234
Brumberg, Richard, 121–22
Brush, Charles, 81
Bubble Act of 1720, 68, 87
bubbles: causes of, 5; housing bubble of 2004–2006, 213–14; South Sea Bubble, 68–69; technology (dot-com bubble of 1999-2000), 187, 213, 223–24, 246, 263, 276, 287
bubonic plague, 75
bucket shops, 90
Buddhist temples, 29–30
budget deficit projections, 218
Buffett, Warren: American Express and, 169; earnings of, 305; on efficient market hypothesis, 250–51; financial leverage and, 6; on real ownership, 4; resource allocation and, 7; as value manager, 140
bullet payments, 321
bull market: in 1920s, 91; of 1990s, 269, 285; after World War II, 92, 143
burghers, 42
Bush, George W., 218, 225
BusinessWeek, 143, 188
Buttonwood Agreement, 88, 97
Byzantines, 52
Cabot, Paul, 141
Cady, Roberts decision, 192
Caesar, 28
Calahan, Edward, 90
California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS), 129
call option: performance fee as, 310–11; sale of, 151
CalPERS. See California Public Employees Retirement System
“Can Stock Market Forecasters Forecast?”(Cowles), 248
capital: fixed and working, 72; in Industrial Revolution, 71–72; pools of, 123, 159, 260, 283, 313; in United States and France, 80–82
capital (vedia), 55
capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 243–45
Capital Research and Management Company, 112
capital structure: asset pricing and, 233–34; capital structure arbitrage, 265
CAPM. See capital asset pricing model
Carnegie, Andrew, 125–26, 239
Carnegie Corporation, 125–26
Carnegie Steel Corporation, 276
carried interest, 304, 308, 327
Cary, William, 191–93
Case-Shiller index, 214
castes, in India, 48–49
Casting, John, 86
Catholic Church, 34–36
CDs. See certificates of deposit
Centre for Hedge Fund Research, 268
CEOs, resource allocation and, 6–7
certificates of deposit (CDs), 136, 154–55
Changshengku (long-life bank), 29
charities, 55
Charlemagne, 34
Chartism, 77–78
Chase National Bank, 190
Chiesi, Danielle, 187
China: interest rates in, 29; lending in, 28–31; trade and, 48; usury in, 39; venture capital and, 279
chora (countryside), 23
chreokoinonia investment framework, 52
Christianity, 34–37
Cicero, 20, 51
Cigar Excise Tax Extension bill, 280
cities: bankruptcies of, 111; construction and modernization of, 135; laborers relocation to, 77; trade and, 42–43
City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, 182
claim on debt (luoghe), 83
Clements, Robert Earl, 108
Clingston Co. Inc., 190
Clouds, The (Aristophanes), 24
Cohen, Benjamin, 211
Cold War, 92
collateral, 24, 30
collective investment, 50–55; investment partnerships as, 51–54; joint-stock companies in Rome as, 50–51
collegia, 50, 56, 60
Colonial Index Trust, 285
commander in chief (shogun), 45
commendas, 53–54, 55, 64
commercial banks: focus of, 135; Glass-Steagall Act and, 213; in Greece, 25–26; holdings of, 137; liquidity and, 327
Commercial Revolution, 6, 40, 42–43
commission rate, deregulation of, 92
Committee on Economic Security, 108, 109
commodities, natural resources and, 281–82
commodity ETFs, 288
community foundations, 128
compagnia partnership, 64
Companies Act of 2006, 182
compera (association), 83
Compton, Karl, 275
Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt trust, 140
Consolidated Uranium Mines, 180
consumer credit, 39
consumption: savings and, 121–22; sugar, 75, 77
convertible arbitrage, 265
corporate form: characteristics of, 14, 63; emergence of, 64–69; loosened restrictions on, 89
corporate foundations, 126, 127
corporate-run pensions, 110–14
“Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment, The” (Modigliani and Miller, M.), 233
Council of Economic Advisers, 207
Council of Nicea, 34
country banks, 73–74, 82
countryside (chora), 23
Cowdin, J. Cheever, 192
Cowles, Alfred, III, 247–48
Cowles Commission for Research in Economics (now Cowles Foundation), 247
Crash of 1929: analysis of, 247; causes of, 190; closed-end mutual funds during, 141; Great Depression and, 203–5, 208, 222; regulatory response to, 210–12; warnings for, 197
credit, 5; cheap, 205; consumer, 39; creditworthiness, 208, 221, 222, 322; extension, 208; interest-free loans, 25; letters of, 22
credit default swap market, 220
cross-exchange arbitrage, 171
“Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns, The” (Fama and French), 245
curbstone brokers, 88–89
Curtiss-Wright Corporation, 192
cyclical crises: management of, 225–26; reducing effects of, 9
daimyo (feudal ruler), 45
Dantzig, George, 240
David, Donald, 275
Davis, James, 155
Davison, Henry, 200–201
De Angelis, Tino, 167–70
debt: government, depository receipt for, 140; mortgage, highly rated tranches of, 224; products, 283. See also public debt
decentralized management approaches, 7
deficit spending, 209–10
defined benefit plans: assets of, 113; liabilities and risks of, 122–23; regulations prohibiting too much stock ownership, 123; shift away from, 117, 295, 302
defined contribution plans, 113–14; growth of, 117, 122–23, 144, 295, 303; premature withdrawal fee for, 114
deflation, 198, 231
“Delta One,” 173
demand curve, 229–30
democratization of investment: accelerator of, 70; byproduct of, 291; definition of, 3; development of, 13, 318; impacts of, 139, 283, 296; links to, 120; manifestations of, 99, 116–17; origins of, 62–63; requirements of, 131; significance of, 7–8; story of, 97–98; success of, 147; theme of, 7, 98, 318; transition to, 61
Demosthenes, 24
Department of Labor, 275, 321
depository receipt, for government debt, 140
Depository Trust Company, 149
deregulation: of commission rate, 92; of savings and loan associations, 136
derivatives: leverage and, 214; opportunities with, 92; options pricing formula for, 235–36, 237; partial, 236; pricing, 230, 237; Samuelson on, 234–35; speculation in, 221
Deshima island, 48
Deutsche Börse, 95
Diamond Shamrock, 185–86
Diandang lending institution, 30
Dickens, Charles, 78
Dimmock, Stephen, 169–70
discounted cash flow models, 232–33
discovery, 332
Distilled Company, 181
Distilled Liquors, 164
distressed sales, 220
distressed turnaround operation, 19
diversification, 10; importance of, 229, 258, 319; risk and, 238–40
dividend discount model, of stock valuation, 232
Dodd, David, 250
Dodd-Frank Act, 194, 218, 220, 222
Dodson, James, 132
“Dogs of the Dow” strategies, 254
Dojima Rice Exchange, 45, 60
Donne, John, 121
Doriot, Georges, 274–75
doso (moneylenders), 31
dot-com bubble of 1999–2000, 213
Douglas, William, 166
Dow Jones UBS Commodity Index, 282
Drew, Daniel, 178–79
Drexel Burnham Lambert, 186
Duer, John, 175
Duer, William, 175–77
Dutch East India Company, 66, 85, 97
Dutch joint-stock companies, 64
dynamic hedging, 235–36
Easterlings, 65
East India Companies, 46–47, 49, 61, 69; British East India Company, 66, 326; Dutch East India Company, 66, 85, 97
Eccles, Marriner, 209
Ecclesiastes (Bible), 239
Ecloga laws, 52
economic expansion, 213–14
economies of scale, 75, 298
Economist, 302; Commodity-Price Index, 281
educational endowments, 124–25
Edward III (king of England), 44
Edward VI (king of England), 65
“Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work” (Fama), 249
efficient frontier, 241
efficient market hypothesis, 249–51, 253
Egypt: interest-free banking institutions in, 38; interest rates in, 23–24; lending in, 22–24
88888 account, 171
Einstein, Albert, 230
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 280
Elizabethan Act of 1571, 36
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 92, 112, 113, 282; impacts of, 292–93; rewriting of, 275
endowments, 123–25, 145; educational, 124–25; in Greece and Rome, 56–57, 57; taxes and, 124; university, 257, 271, 296, 328
enforcement, improved, 147
England: Act of 1545, 36; banking in, 70, 73–75; joint-stock companies in, 64–66, 86; stock market in, 86–87; sugar consumption in, 75, 77
English Poor Law of 1601, 100
Enron, 68
Equitable Life Assurance Society, 132
equities markets, 114
equity index funds, 285
equity premium puzzle, 252–53
Erie Railway, 178–79
Erie War, 177–79
ERISA. See Employee Retirement Income Security Act
estate planning, 138
estates: land and, 14–21; management, in Greece, 18–19; management, in Rome, 19–21
estates (ousiai), 21
ETFs. See exchange-traded funds
Europe: medieval, 53–54; population growth in, 71
European Commission, 95
event-driven strategies, 265
exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 10, 284, 286–88, 287
expense fees, 304
Fama, Eugene, 235, 245, 249
Fannie Mae, 266, 321–22
farmland, agriculture and, 282
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 136–37
Federal Express, 277
Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 321
Federal Reserve: data from, 137; financial crisis of 2007–2009 and, 214; Great Depression and, 205–7; Great Recession and, 217–18, 220–21, 225; Greenspan and, 213; interest rates and, 198; as lender of last resort, 216; policy of, 333; Strong and, 201
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, 135–36
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 211–12
feedback effects, 253
fees: event-based, 304; expense, 304; hedge funds, 261, 262, 270–71, 273, 301–2, 304–6, 308–9, 313, 314; implication of high, 311–12; management, 261, 270, 273, 304–5; as misleading proxy for quality, 309–10; performance versus, 312–15; premature withdrawal, 114. See also performance fee
female servants, 103, 134
feudal ruler (daimyo), 45
FHA. See Federal Housing Administration
fiat systems, 201
financial accelerator, 208
Financial Analysts Journal, 257–58
financial crises: alternative investments during, 259–60; legacy of, 213
financial crisis of 2007–2009, 143; cause of, 276, 323; Federal Reserve and, 214; impacts of, 1, 231, 260, 298; key dates in, 227
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 180
financial leverage, 5–6, 333
Financial Stability Oversight Council, 220
financier (ummianum), 51–52
financiers (kuramoto), 45
“Finding Bernie Madoff: Detecting Fraud by Investment Managers” (Dimmock and Gerken), 169–70
FINRA. See Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
First Index Investment Trust, 284
fiscal multiplier, 219
fiscal stimulus, 210, 218–19
Fisher, Irving, 204, 231–32
fish trade, 45
Fisk, Jim, 178–79
fixed income securities, 10, 134, 283
Flanders, Ralph, 275
float, investing, 132
Food for Peace program, 167
Forbes, 303
forecasts, investment, 247–48
foreign investment: in India, 49–50; in Japan, 46–48
Fortune magazine, 262, 263
Foundation Center, 127
foundations, 125–28, 145, 324; in Greece and Rome, 56–57, 57; taxes and, 126–27
Foundations of Economic Analysis (Samuelson), 234
457 plans, 122
401(k), 113–14; automatic enrollment in, 115–16; default contribution rates and allocation of funds, 116; management of, 122; mutual funds and, 144
403(b), 113, 122
France: beggar-thy-neighbor policies in, 202; capital in, 80–82
Frankfurter, Felix, 211
Franklin Syndicate, 159
fraternal society, 134
fraud, 9; De Angelis and, 167–70; Guinness sharetrading, 181–82; Kreuger, I., and, 161–63; Madoff, B., and, 1, 68, 147, 148–53; Miller, W., and, 158–59; Ponzi and, 152, 156–58; Stanford, A., and, 153–56; Ward and, 160–61; Whitney, R., and, 163–67. See also trading frauds
Freddie Mac, 266, 322
French, Kenneth, 245
French Revolution, 87
Friedman, Milton: A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960, 206; on permanent income hypothesis, 121–22; theory of, 9, 197
Friehling and Horowitz, 150–51
Frois, Luis, 31
FTC. See Federal Trade Commission
fundamental value, 4–5, 333
“Fund for Pious Uses,” 102
Funston, Keith, 92
futures: commodities and natural resources, 282; contract, 45
Gaius Gracchus, 58
Gaius Marius, 58
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 162
Galleon Group, 187
Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, 136
Gates, Bill, 239
GDP: per capita, 75, 76; percentage of, 210, 219
general mercantile exchanges, 84
General Mills, 112
General Motors, 265
General Reserve Fund, 129
General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, The (Keynes), 121, 209
Gerken, William Christopher, 169–70
Gertler, Mark, 208
Gibbons, William, 132
Gilchrist, Simon, 208
Gillette, 189
Ginnie Mae, 323
Gintel, Robert, 192
Glass-Steagall Act, 213, 276
global financial market, 90, 95–97
Glorious Revolution of 1688, 86, 97
Gobel, Adolf, 167
gold: bidding war, 206; holdings of, 282; standard, 201, 203
Goldman Sachs, 188–89, 299; Commodity Index, 281–82
Goodwin v. Agassiz, 191–92
Gould, Jay, 178–79
Gould, Stephen Jay, 311–12
Graham, Benjamin, 140, 250
Grant, Buck, 160
Grant, Ulysses S., 160–61
Grant and Ward, 160–61
Great Depression of 1930s, 197–212; causality of, 205–7; Crash of 1929 and, 203–5, 208, 222; deflation and, 198, 231; Federal Reserve and, 205–7; impacts of, 91, 95, 163, 321; interest rates and, 106–7; monetary and fiscal response to, 208–10; 1920s growth and, 199–200; open-ended mutual fund and, 141–42; origins of, 197; policy responses to, 196; Regulation Q and, 114; regulatory response to, 210–12; retirement and, 106–8; Strong and, 200–203
Great Recession of 2007–2009, 212–25; buildup to, 213–15; the crash, 215–16; Federal Reserve and, 217–18, 220–21, 225; fiscal response to, 218–19; intercrisis period, 212–13; key dates in, 227; recovery from, 224–25; regulatory response to, 219–22; response to, 196, 216–22; Treasury and, 217–18, 225
Greece: commercial banks in, 25–26; endowments and foundations in, 56–57, 57; estate management in, 18–19; financial leverage in, 5; guardianship in, 58; interest-free consumption loans in, 25; lending in, 22, 24–27, 60; maritime loans in, 26–27; real estate loans in, 27; resource allocation in, 6; usury in, 33
Greenspan, Alan, 213
Griswold, Merrill, 275
Gross, Bill, 258
Group Association, 106
Guardian International Bank, 154
guardianship, 58
guilds, 42, 48–49
Guinness sharetrading fraud, 181–82
gun mada (tax), 16
Gurney, John, 74
Gurney’s Bank, 74
Gutenberg, Johannes, 71
Hace Şerefüddin el-Hace Yahya, 52
Hamilton, Alexander, 175–77
Hanna, Robert, 81
Hargreaves, James, 71
Harley, Robert, 67
Harrison, George, 202, 206
Harvard University, 257, 271, 311
Hayek, Friedrich, 205
hedge funds, 260–74, 268; definition of, 261; fees, 261, 262, 270–71, 273, 301–2, 304–6, 308–9, 313, 314; funds of, 270–71; growth and development of, 262–64; highest-paid managers, 304–6, 307; illiquidity of, 271–72; origin of, 261–62; passive aggressive, 301, 302; risks and returns of, 272–74; strong performers’ characteristics, 269; universe today, 264–69
Heshuyen, Frans Jacob, 140
Hesiod, 25
Hewlett-Packard, 279
HFR database, 271, 306
Hickman, Bert, 207
Hidetada, Tokugawa, 47
home equity, 115
homeownership, 2, 321–23
Hoover, Herbert, 202, 208–9
Hope and Company, 140
Hopkins, Harry, 209
horoi (stones), 27, 60
Horowitz, Jerome, 150
House Appropriations Committee, 194
housing bubble of 2004–2006, 213–14
Hughes, Charles Evans, 108
Hume, David, 79
Hussein, Saddam, 266
IDS. See Investors Diversified Services
illiquidity premium, 272, 328
Immigration Act of 1924, 199
impact investing, 324–25
increase or expansion (riba), 37–38
independent custodian, 153
independent foundations, 127
index funds, 10, 284–86
indexing, market efficiency and, 301–3
India: British colonial rule of, 49–50, 61; castes in, 48–49; foreign investment in, 49–50; trade in, 48–49; usury in, 38–39
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), 113–14, 144, 295
individuals, retirement accounts and, 120–23
Industrial Revolution, 70–82; banking and, 73–75; breadth of, 79–80; capital in, 71–72; discussions about, 61; impacts of, 8, 40, 98; laborers during, 63, 77–79; wealth generation during, 75–77. See also Second Industrial Revolution
inflation: of 1960s and 1970s, 114, 135; protection against, 115, 258; during World War I, 198
infrastructure projects, 282–83
innovation, 223–24, 290–316
inputs, 237
insider trading, 9, 184–93; by Boesky, 184–86; as illegal, 191–93; by Pajcin and Plotkin, 187–90; by Rajaratnam, 186–87; SEC and, 191–93; by Wiggin, 190–91
Insider Trading Sanctions Act of 1984, 193
insolvency, 216, 220–21
institutional clients, 10, 123
Institutional Investor, 299
insurance: maritime, 65; mortgages, 321; pensions and, 106, 112; Presbyterian Church and, 101–2; probabilistic, 252; purpose of, 26. See also life insurance
Intelligent Investor, The (Graham), 250
interest: carried, 304, 308, 327; interest-free banking institutions, 38; interest-free loans, 25; lending and, 8, 21–31. See also usury
interest rates: in China, 29; in Egypt, 23–24; Federal Reserve and, 198; in fiat systems, 201; Great Depression and, 106–7; savings and, 114, 135–36, 205; swaps, 183
interisse, 35
international reply coupon, 156–57
inventions, 80–81, 89–90, 332
investment: definition of, 2; professionalization of, 123; theory, 9; vehicles, types of, 10
investment advisers, 137–39
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, 142, 275
Investment Company Act of 1940, 142, 286
Investment Company Institute, 114
investment management: future developments in, 10–11; issues in, 2; views on, 69
investment managers: highest-paid, 304–6, 307; independence and entrepreneurship of, 3, 10, 291–300, 300, 315–16, 319; revenue growth and wealth creation for, 303–8; successful, 10–11;
investment partnerships, 51–55; formation of, 258; global influences on, 54–55; Islamic societies and, 53; medieval Europe and, 53–54; in Mediterranean Sea and Middle East, 51–52
investment principles, 3–7, 332–34; financial leverage as, 5–6, 333; fundamental value as, 4–5, 333; real ownership as, 4, 333; resource allocation as, 6–7, 334
investment professionals: performance of, 247–55; relationships with, 10
Investors Diversified Services (IDS), 142–43
Ira Haupt & Company, 168
IRAs. See Individual Retirement Accounts
Islamic societies: investment partnerships and, 53; usury and, 37–38
isolationism, 199
’isqa investment partnership, 52
Italian city-states: merchant banks of, 6, 42–44, 54, 291; public debt securitization in, 82–84
Ivan the Terrible (Russian czar), 65
Jackson, William, 166
James I (king of England and Ireland), 65
James II (king of England and Ireland), 86
Japan: foreign investment in, 46–48; lending in, 31; real estate and, 217; trade in, 44–46, 60
Jensen, Michael, 248–49
Jews: ’isqa investment partnership and, 52; Madoff, B., and, 150; usury and, 34–35
Jianjiao-ku (orphans’ funds), 29
JOBS Act of 2012, 259
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 127
Johnson, Simon, 221
joint-stock companies: characteristics of, 63, 326; creation of, 8, 64–67, 98; English, 64–66, 86; in Rome, 50–51
joint-stock corporation, 87
Jonathan’s Coffeehouse, 86
Jones, Alfred Winslow, 261–63, 269
Journal of Finance, The, 245
J. P. Morgan & Co., 276, 299
J. P. Morgan Private Banking, 138–39
Justinian (Roman emperor), 34
Kahneman, Daniel, 251–52
Keeling, William, 47
Kennedy, John F., 191
Kerkorian, Kirk, 265
Kerviel, Jérôme, 172–74
Keynes, John Maynard: The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, 121, 209; theory of, 9, 197, 202, 212, 231
Keynesian school, 207, 212
Kidder, Peabody, 185
Kindleberger, Charles, 206
Kirby, Robert, 112
KKR. See Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
Knickerbocker Trust Company, 200
Kobe disaster, 171
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), 276
koinonia partnership, 52
KPMG, 268
Kreuger, Ivar, 161–63
Kreuger, Torsten, 163
Kreuger & Toll, 163
Kugel, David, 149
kuramoto (financiers), 45
kusidin (usurer), 39
Kuwait Investment Authority, 129
laborers: during Industrial Revolution, 63, 77–79; labor force participation rates, 104–5
Lamont, Thomas, 164
land: absentee owners, 19; borrowings against, 5; estates and, 14–21; as foundation of wealth and investment, 8; leases, 16–17; Mesopotamia and, 15–17, 291; passive ownership of, 15
Landis, James, 211
laws, improving, 147, 181
Laws of Manu, 39
League of Nations, 199
Leeson, Nick, 170–72
Leffler, Edward G., 141
lending: in China, 28–31; collateral and, 24, 30; in Egypt, 22–24; in Greece, 22, 24–27, 60; interest and, 8, 21–31; in Japan, 31; life as loan from gods, 24; pawnshops, 30–31; risky types of, 39; in Rome, 27–28; subprime-mortgage, 223
leverage: derivatives and, 214; introduction of, 263. See also financial leverage
leveraged buyouts, 275–76
Levine, Dennis, 185–86
LIBOR scandal, 182–83
Life, Liberty and Property: A Story of Conflict and a Measurement of Conflicting Rights (Jones), 261
life expectancy, increase in, 105
life insurance, 131–34, 145; simple term, 132; with survivor benefits, 121; whole, 132
LIMRA market research, 134
linear optimization, 240
Lintner, John, 243
liquid assets (saltum), 52
liquidity, 216–18, 327–28
Literary Works by Mr. Huang of Jinhua, 30
Livermore, Jesse Lauriston, 204
Lives of the Twelve Caesars (Suetonius), 59
Lo, Andrew, 183
loan-to-value ratios, 30
loca (shares), 65
lock-ups, initial investment, 271–72
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 199
Lombard Street (Bagehot), 216
London: banks of, 73, 82; public markets and, 86–87, 97
London Company, 65–66, 69
London Stock Exchange, 95
London Stock Exchange Group, 95
long-life bank (Changshengku), 29
Long-Term Capital Management, 5–6, 213, 246
loss aversion, 252–53
lottery problems, 252
luoghe (claim on debt), 83
Madoff, Andrew, 148–49
Madoff, Bernie, 1, 68, 147, 148–53
Madoff, Mark, 148–49
Magazine, 66
magister (manager), 51
Maimonides, 52
malfeasance: examples of, 9, 146; prevention of, 133, 141
management fee, 261, 270, 273, 304–5
manager (magister), 51
manager in provinces (pro magistro), 51
mandate fragmentation, 330–31
maritime insurance, 65
maritime loans, 26–27
market economy, 42
market efficiency and indexing, 301–3
market inefficiencies, 330–31
market manipulation, 9, 174–83; by Duer, W., 175–77; Erie War and, 177–79; Guinness sharetrading fraud, 181–82; LIBOR scandal, 182–83; by Tellier, 179–80
Markopolos, Harry, 151–53
Markowitz, Harry, 240–43
Marschak, Jacob, 240
Mary I (queen of England and Ireland), 65
Massachusetts Investors Trust, 141
mass production, 200
match markets, 162
mathematical finance, 230
maturation, 332
Mauboussin, Michael, 311–12
McAndrews, James, 94
mean-variance optimization, 10, 243
Medici, Cosimo de’, 35
Medici bank, 6, 43–44, 60, 291
Mediterranean Sea: investment partnerships in, 51–52; trade and, 41–42
Mehra, Rajnish, 252
Mendels, Emanuel S., 89
merchant banks, 81–82; of Italian city-states, 6, 42–44, 54, 291
merchants, 42
merger arbitrage, 185, 265, 288, 314; spread, 331
mergers: acquisition or, 265; banks, 136; NYSE, 95
Merrill, Charles, 92
Merrill Lynch, 188–89
Merton, Robert, 235, 236
Mesopotamia: land and, 15–17, 291; trade in, 41; usury in, 33
middle class: creation of, 8; investment by, 120
Middle East: investment partnerships in, 51–52; SWFs, 130
Milken, Michael, 185–86
Millar, John, 79
Miller, Merton, 121, 233, 235
Miller, William, 158–59
mineral rights, 282
Minsky, Hyman P., 214
Mises, Ludwig von, 205
Mitchell, Charles, 164
Mit Ghamr Savings Bank, 38
Modigliani, Franco, 121–22, 233
Moley, Raymond, 211
momentum investing strategies, 314
monetarist school, 206–7, 212
Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960, A (Friedman and Schwartz), 206
money: Aristotle on, 33, 59; expanding supply of, 176; sterility of, 23; time value of, 32
moneylenders (doso), 31
money market mutual funds, 143
Monte, 83
moral hazard, 219
Mores, Edward Rowe, 132
Morgan Stanley, 294
Morgenthau, Henry, 209–10
mortality risk, 132, 145
mortgages, 321–23; insurance, 321; mortgage-backed securities, 217, 266, 323; mortgage debt, highly rated tranches of, 224; subprime-mortgage lending, 223
mudaraba contract, 35, 53, 55
mufawada contract, 55
Muhammad, 37
Murlyn Corporation, 190
Murphy, Thomas, 7
Muscovy Company, 65–66
musharaka contract, 53
Muth, Richard, 207
mutual funds, 139–44; closed-end, 140, 141; 401(k) and, 144; Great Depression and open-ended, 141–42; industry today, 144; money market, 143; opportunities with, 92; during postwar period, 142–44; precursors to, 140; in retirement accounts, 295; shares through, 93
mutual life insurance companies, 133–34
mutual savings banks, 134–37
Napoleon, 74
Napoleonic Wars, 87
naruqqum investment partnerships, 52
Nasser Social Bank, 38
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 124
National Housing Act of 1934, 321–22
national or international exchange, 94
National School Lunch Program, 167
National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), 278
Natomas Company, 186
natural catastrophe, 332; raising funds by selling, 162; “safe,” 1; selling and purchasing, 165; Treasury, 252
natural resources, commodities and, 281–82
NBC Reports, 111
Needham & Co., 187
negotiable bills of exchange, 83–84
nemulum (net profit), 52
net present value (NPV), 231–32
net profit (nemulum), 52
new asset classes, 331–32
New Deal, 92, 108, 109
new elite, 10, 291, 304–5, 315, 318
New World, 65, 69
New York Curb Market Agency, 89, 97
New York Life, 102
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 88, 191; closure of, 203; mergers and transformations, 95; “Own Your Share of American Business” campaign, 92; stock ticker network, 95; trading volume, 89, 90; Whitney, R., and, 164–67
New York Stock Exchange Gratuity Fund, 165
New York Yacht Club, 165
Nicostratus, 24
no-arbitrage condition, 235–36
Nomos Nautikos, 52
nonnegotiable bills of exchange, 83
Norman, Montagu, 202
Nourse, Edwin, 207
NPV. See net present value
NVCA. See National Venture Capital Association
NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange
NYSE Euronext, 95
NYSE Regulation Inc., 180
Obama, Barack, 218, 225
Oeconomicus (Xenophon), 18
Ohio National Bank, 81
oil: crisis, 143; dealers, of Oyamazaki, 45; prices, 114
Oksanen, E. H., 207
operating foundations, 127–28
options pricing, 235–36, 237
Oregon Investment Council, 296
orphans’ funds (Jianjiao-ku), 29
Ottoman Empire, 52, 55
ousiai (estates), 21
Over the Counter Bulletin Board, 180
“Own Your Own Home” campaign, 321
“Own Your Share of American Business” campaign, 92
Packard Motor Car Company, 111
pairs trading, 267
Pajcin, David, 187–90
Panama Canal, 90
Panel on Takeovers and Mergers, 182
Panic of 1792, 177
Panic of 1907, 200, 204
Paris, stock market in, 85
Pasion, 25–26
Paulson, John, 266
pawnshops, 30–31
P/E. See price-to-earnings
Pecora Commission, 190
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 112
pensions: corporate-run, 110–14; funds, 282, 303, 327; growth of, 117; insurance and, 106, 112; plans, 258, 292; Presbyterian Church and, 101–2; reinsurance, 111–12; in Rome, 58–59, 60; Social Security and private, 109–10; sophistication of, 112–13; taxes and, 109–10, 112; Union Army, 105
“Pensions: The Broken Promise” (NBC Reports), 111
People’s Charter, 77
performance: fees, 17, 273, 310-11, 312–15; of investment professionals, 247–55; new clients, firm size and, 297–98
permanent income hypothesis, 121–22
Peruzzi bank, 43
Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, 103–4, 134
Philemon, 24
Phormion, 25–26
Picard, Irving, 148
Pike, Sumner, 192
pink sheets, 180
piracy, 41
Pittsburgh Survey, 125
Plato, 24
Plotkin, Eugene, 187–90
Poincaré, Henri, 230
political democratization, 63
Polybius, 51
Ponzi, Charles (Carlo), 152, 156–58
Ponzi schemes, 149, 151–52, 194
Ponzi v. Fessenden, 158
population growth, in Europe, 71
Portugal, 47
power elite, 7–8, 318
Presbyterian Church, 101–2
Prescott, Edward, 252
price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios, 204
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 174
“Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities, The” (Black and Scholes), 235
Primary Reserve Fund, 143
principal-agent problems, 47, 61
printing press, 71
private equity, 258, 274–77
private wealth management, 137–39
probabilistic insurance, 252
Procter & Gamble, 189
procurators, 19–20
Prohibition, 164
pro magistro (manager in provinces), 51
promissory notes (tegata), 46
property, separate “claim” on, 46
proprietary trading, 221–22
prospect theory, 251–52
Protestant Reformation, 36
Provident Institution for Savings, 134
public asset management, 16
public auction (sub hasta), 50
public debt: issuance of, 96; Italian city-states securitization of, 82–84; from War of Spanish Succession, 67
public markets, 82–97; Amsterdam and, 84–85, 97; consolidation of, 94–95; emergence of, 63, 98; London and, 86–87, 97; Second Industrial Revolution and, 89; technology and, 89–90; United States and, 88–89, 97
public-private partnerships, 321, 323–24
put options, 151
qirad, 55
Quad/Graphics, 188
Quakers, 74
Quanfu governmental agency, 28
quantitative easing, 217
quantitative fund (quant strategy), 264, 267–68
Quantum Fund, 263
Qur’an, 37
Railroad Retirement System, 109
Rajaratnam, Raj, 186–87
Rampart Investment Management, 151
randomness, 230
real economy, finance and, 208, 222–24
real estate: analysis of, 207; investments, 136; Japan and, 217; loans, in Greece, 27; values, 214–15
real estate investment trusts (REITs), 280–81
real ownership, 4, 333
Reebok, 189
regional exchanges, 94–95
regulations: improved, 147; prohibiting too much stock ownership, 123; Regulation Q, 114, 143; response to Crash of 1929, 210–12; response to Great Depression, 210–12; response to Great Recession, 219–22; SEC and, 166, 180, 194–95, 259
Reinhart, Carmen, 225
REITs. See real estate investment trusts
relative value funds, 267
Renaissance, 35–36
representative sampling, 286
Reserve Fund, 143
Reserve Fund for Future Generations, 129
resource allocation, 6–7, 334
retirement: age of, 59, 107–9; assets, 295; Bismarck and, 108–9; demographic change and, 104–6; early efforts at, 100–101; during eighteenth and nineteenth century, 101–4; funding, 8, 99–118; Great Depression and, 106–8; home equity as asset, 115; involuntary, 103; length of, 105–6; planning for, 115–16
retirement accounts: individuals and, 120–23; mutual funds in, 295; opportunities with, 92; shares through, 93
returns: dollar-weighted compared to buy-and-hold, 273–74; of hedge funds, 272–74; rate of return over cost, 232; risk-adjusted, 151–52
Revenue Act of 1913, 126
Revenue Act of 1917, 126
Revenue Act of 1918, 126
Revenue Act of 1936, 141
Revenue Act of 1938, 110
Revenue Act of 1942, 110
revenue streams, licensing of, 282
riba (increase or expansion), 37–38
rice trade, 45–46
Richard Whitney & Co., 164
risk, 238–47; avoidance of, 122–23; CAPM and, 243–45; common source of, 223; of defined benefit plans, 122–23; diversification and, 238–40; exchange rate fluctuation and default as, 84; fallibility and, 238; financial leverage and, 6; of hedge funds, 272–74; Markowitz on, 240–43; mortality, 132, 145; over cycle, 222; risk-adjusted returns, 151–52; risk management system, 173; risky types of lending, 39; tail, 240, 246–47; three-factor model, 245; Tobin on, 241–42
Rites of Zhou, The, 28
RJR Nabisco, 276
Roberts, Owen, 108
Robertson, Julian, 263
Rockefeller, John D., 126
Rogoff, Kenneth, 225
rogue traders, 170
Roman Empire, 42
Rome: endowments and foundations in, 56–57, 57; estate management in, 19–21; financial leverage in, 5; joint-stock companies in, 50–51; lending in, 27–28; pensions in, 58–59, 60; resource allocation in, 6; tutorship in, 58; usury in, 33–34
Ronson, Gerald, 181
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 107–8, 209–10, 212
Roosevelt, Teddy, 107
Roosevelt Recession, 210
Royal Bank of Scotland, 183
Rozanov, Andrew, 128
Rule 10b-5, 192
Rule 501 of Regulation D, 259
Russell Sage Foundation, 125
Russian Revolution, 95
Sa’ad, Bader Al, 129
Sadat, Anwar, 38
Sage, Margaret, 125
Sage, Russell, 125
Said Business School, 220
sakoku (seclusion), 46
Salad Oil Scandal, 167–69
saltum (liquid assets), 52
Samuelson, Paul, 204, 230, 234–35
Savage, L. J., 234
savings, 134–37, 145; consumption and, 121–22; female servants and, 103, 134; history of, 131; interest rates and, 114, 135–36, 205; life-cycle, 106, 121, 134; rates, 78–79
savings and loan associations, 135–37; deregulation of, 136; real estate investments of, 136
savings and loan crisis of 1980s, 213
Scholastic school, 33
Scholes, Myron, 230, 235–36
Schwartz, Anna, 206
Scipione, Francesco, 37
Scottish Enlightenment, 79–80
SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission
seclusion (sakoku), 46
Second Industrial Revolution, 70; public markets and, 89; savings rates during, 79
securities: fixed income, 10, 134, 283; mortgage-backed, 217, 266, 323; price list for, 85–86; trade in goods compared to, 84
Securities Act of 1933, 141, 211; avoiding registration under, 260–61; Rule 501 of Regulation D of, 259; violations of, 180
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): Boesky and, 184, 186; filings, 212; insider trading and, 191–93; Madoff, B., and, 147, 149, 152–53; Market Surveillance Unit, 189; regulation and, 166, 180, 194–95, 259; reports to, 142; Rule 10b-5, 192
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 141–42, 211
Securities Exchange Company, 157
securitization, 82–84, 322–23
Security Analysis (Graham and Dodd), 250
SEC v. Texas Gulf Sulphur, 193
self-interest, principle of, 69
semistrong-form efficiency, 249
separate account management, 137–39
separation theorem, 242
Seton, William, 177
Shakespeare, William, 239
shares (loca), 65
Sharia, 38
Sharpe, William, 243
Shermar Corporation, 190
Shiller, Robert, 215
Shimabara Rebellion, 47
shogun (commander in chief), 45
short bias funds, 268
Shpigelman, Stanislav, 188–89
Shuster, Nickolaus, 188
side pocket capabilities, 272
Siegel, Martin, 185–86
Siku (temple bank), 29
Silberstein, Ben, 184
Silberstein, Seema, 184
Silicon Valley, 278–79
SIMEX. See Singapore International Monetary Index
Simonide, 24
Singapore International Monetary Index (SIMEX), 170–72
Singleton, Henry, 7
Small Business Act of 1958, 278
Small Business Administration, 275
smart-beta funds, 302
Smith, Adam: South Sea Bubble and, 68–69; theories of, 70, 79, 326; The Wealth of Nations, 36, 69
snowball effect, 94
social change, 320–25
Social Security: private investment accounts, 116; private pensions and, 109–10; retirement age and, 59, 107
societas, 50–51
societas maris, 53–54
societas publicanorum, 51, 56, 64
Société Générale, 172–74
Socrates, 18–19, 24
Soros, George, 263
South Sea Bubble, 67–69, 87
sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), 128–31, 145
S&P 500. See Standard & Poor’s 500
speculation: art, stamps, coins, and wine, 283; in derivatives, 221; excesses, 197; impacts of, 232; value and, 4–5
spinning jenny, 71
split-strike conversion, 151–52
sponsor, 286–87
Stabilizing an Unstable Economy (Minsky), 214
Stagecoach Corporate Stock Fund, 284–85
Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500), 187, 228, 285, 305–6, 309
Stanford, Allen, 153–56
Stanford, Leland, 155
Stanford Financial Group, 154
Starbucks, 277
State Street Corporation, 299
State Street Global Advisors, 299
State Street Investment Trust, 141
statistical arbitrage, 267
steam engine, 71
steamships, 90
Stefanadis, Chris, 94
sterling, 65
stock company, 134
stock exchanges: national or international, 94; new, 96; regional, 94–95
stock market: dislocations, 205; in England, 86–87; in Paris, 85
stock ownership: age and, 93–94; direct and indirect, 91, 93; gender and, 93–94; regulations prohibiting too much, 123; study of, 96; in United States, 90–94, 97
stock ticker, 89–90; network, 95
stones (horoi), 27, 60
Strong, Benjamin, 200–203, 206, 226
strong-form efficiency, 249
Studebaker-Packard Corporation, 111
sub hasta (public auction), 50
subprime, 39
subprime-mortgage lending, 223
Suetonius, 59
sugar consumption, in England, 75, 77
Sumerian city-states, 15–16
supply curve, 229
Supreme Court, 108
survivorship bias, 252
swap spread, 266
Swensen, David, 296, 328
SWFs. See sovereign wealth funds
tail risk, 240, 246–47
taksitum (total profit), 52
Tammany Hall, 179
TARP. See Troubled Assets Relief Program
TASS database, 269, 271
tax (gun mada), 16
taxes: carried interest and, 308; cuts, 219; endowments and, 124; ETFs and, 286; foundations and, 126–27; pensions and, 109–10, 112; REITs and, 281
Tax Reform Act of 1969, 126
Technical Revolution, 70
technology: bubble, 187, 223–24, 246, 263, 276, 287; public markets and, 89–90; venture capital and, 277–79
tegata (promissory notes), 46
telegraph, 89
telephone, 90, 95
Tellier, Walter, 179–80
temple bank (Siku), 29
tenant farmers, 17
Texas Gulf Sulphur, 193
Textron, 275
Thaler, Richard, 252
Theory of Interest, The (Fisher), 231
Theory of Investment Value, The (Williams, J.), 4, 232
“Theory of Speculation” (Bachelier), 230
thrifts, 135
Tiger Fund, 263
Timaeus (Plato), 24
timber, 282, 332
“tipping,” 192
Tobin, James, 231, 241–42
Tokistes, or Usurer, The (Alexis and Nicostratus), 24
“too big to fail,” 216, 219–20
Total Fitness Center, 154
total profit (taksitum), 52
totorum bonurum provisions, 52
Townsend, Francis, 107–8
trade: China and, 48; cities and, 42–43; commerce and, 8, 40–50; in goods compared to securities, 84; in India, 48–49; in Japan, 44–46, 60; Mediterranean Sea and, 41–42; in Mesopotamia, 41; rice, 45–46; in West, 40–42
trade associations, 48–49
trade clearing system, 174
trading frauds: Kerviel and Société Générale, 172–74; Leeson and Barings Bank, 170–72
transatlantic cable, 89
transparency: lack of, 130; level of, 98, 126
Treasury: Great Recession and, 217–18, 225; policies of, 197
Treasury Board, 175
Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), 218
trusteeship, 24
trusts, 55
Truth in Securities Act, 211
tutorship, 58
Tversky, Amos, 251–52
Twain, Mark, 161
Tweed, William, 179
UAW. See United Auto Workers
Udovitch, Abraham, 54–55
UMIFA. See Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act
ummianum (financier), 51–52
unemployment, rise in, 198
Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act (UMIFA), 124
Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA), 124
Union Army pensions, 105
United Auto Workers (UAW), 111–12
United Kingdom: GDP growth and, 75; mergers in, 182; stock ownership in, 96; venture capital in, 279.
United States: capital in, 80–82; public markets and, 88–89, 97; stock ownership in, 90–94, 97
university endowments, 257, 271, 296, 328
UPMIFA. See Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act
Ur dynasty, 16
usurer (kusidin), 39
usury: Asian societies and, 38–39; attitudes about, 8; in China, 39; Christianity and, 34–37; contemporary views of, 39; in Greece, 33; historical and religious views of, 33–34, 60; in India, 38–39; Islamic societies and, 37–38; Jews and, 34–35; in Mesopotamia, 33; in Rome, 33–34; world views on, 32–33
valuation, 228
value managers, 140
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 178–79
Vanderbilt, William, 161
Vanguard, 284–85, 299
van Ketwich, Abraham, 140
Varian, 279
vedia (capital), 55
venture capital, 277–80, 278, 279
Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC). See Dutch East India Company
Virginia Company, 65–66, 69
Vix Pervenit: On Usury and Other Dishonest Profit (Benedict XIV), 37
VOC. See Dutch East India Company
Volcker, Paul, 221
Volcker Rule, 221
Wallace, Henry, 209
Wall Street (film), 184
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, 220
Wang Anshi, 29
Ward, Ferdinand, 160–61
Warner, Nicholas, 100
War of Spanish Succession, 67
Watt, James, 71
weak-form efficiency, 249
wealth: generation of, 75–77; intergenerational transfer of, 15; for investment managers, 303–8; land as foundation of investment and, 8; private wealth management, 137–39; reallocation of, 72
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 36, 69
Wells Fargo, 284
Whippo, Isaac, 176
Whitney, George, 165
Whitney, Richard, 163–67
“Who Holds the Wealth of Nations?” (Rozanov), 128
whole life insurance, 132
Wickham, Richard, 46–47
Wiggin, Albert, 190–91
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, 127
William III (king of England), 73, 97
William of Orange (stadtholder of Dutch Republic), 86
Williams, John Burr, 4, 232–33
Williams, Ted, 311–12
Wilsonian internationalism, 199
Wisselbank, 85
“World’s Largest Hedge Fund Is a Fraud, The” (Markopolos), 152
World War I: impacts of, 95, 162; inflation during, 198; transition out of, 197–98
World War II: bull market after, 92, 143; economy and, 275; impacts of, 96; mutual funds during postwar period, 142–44; price and wage fixing of, 110
Wujinzang (Buddhist temples’ wealth), 29
Wu Zetian, 29
Xenophon, 18
Yale University, 257, 296, 328, 332
yield curves, aberrations in, 266
Zarossi, Luigi, 156
Zhiku lending institution, 29–30