albatross 13, 99

anatomy 25, 29, 47–63, 113, 114, 116

feathers 47, 48, 53, 55–57, 59, 61, 67, 71, 72, 82, 111

muscles 49–53

skeletal adaptations 47, 48, 50, 61, 62, 66, 69, 71, 72, 74, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 89, 90

sternum (keel, breastbone) 47, 52–53

Andrews, Mark 153–154

arctic skua 31–34, 36, 45, 121

arctic tern 13

auks 79, 80, 81, 82, 109, 112, 121

avocet 29, 67, 102

balance, points of 27, 29

Bartlett, Paul 56, 70, 78, 102, 142

Bass Rock 35

Bateman, Robert 12, 23, 58, 64, 103, 147–149

beaks and bills 18, 62

Bennett, David 67, 73, 77, 118

behaviour 79

bio-mechanics 23

Bishop, Arthur 143

blackbird 58

blackpoll warbler 12

blocking-in 128, 129

Bowley, Adam 65, 114

van Boxtel, Frank 61, 82, 127

bullfinch 102, 127

Busby, John 8, 35, 44, 79, 82, 96, 106, 109, 111, 112, 118, 119, 125, 144

buzzard 114, 124

character portrayal 118–119

chickadee 25

coal tit 25

coast 109, 110, 121

collage 78, 93, 142

collared dove 8

colour wheel 94

complementary colours 94

composition 123–145

rule of thirds 123

hotspots 123

negative space 123, 125

focal point 123, 127

thumbnails 96, 125

colour composition 127

construction drawing 19, 25, 67, 68, 69, 72, 75, 77, 79, 80, 82, 88

coot 98, 132

cormorant 74, 76

Craigleith Island 112

crane 103

crow 87, 88, 102

Dalton, Alan 9, 24, 34, 38, 60, 145

Dancy, Adrian 23, 25, 26, 27

Derry, Nick 11, 76, 87, 93, 103, 107, 117, 119, 156

digital camera 120

diver 77, 132

dipper 111

domestic fowl 71, 72, 105

Dougalis, Paschalis 10, 12, 35, 68, 74, 76, 90, 96, 98, 105

dove 8

drawing exercises 16–17, 20–22

centre-lines 28

concentric circle exercise 21

loop exercise 22

photographic memory (cultivating) 41

two-circle approach 18, 26

warm-up exercise 20

drawing from life 114–118

drawing mediums

charcoal 32–34, 36

ink (pens etc) 37, 44, 60, 115

pencil (graphite) 34, 35, 44, 115, 118, 137

drawing techniques 15

linear hatching 24

drawing ‘from inside the form’ 30, 31

tone and shade 30–34

wash 38, 39

shorthand techniques 18, 30–34


eider 36, 66, 97, 139

goldeneye 140, 142

long-tailed 134, 135

mallard 57, 69, 95

mandarin 107, 142

merganser 137

shelduck 67, 111, 127

shoveler 57, 96

tufted 139

wigeon 67, 68, 96, 145

teal 141

garganey 143

dunnock 156

van Dusen, Barry 8, 12, 57, 72

eagle 40, 89, 102, 151

Ellis, Andrew 12, 45, 89, 91, 92, 121

exercises 16–17, 20–22, 32–34, 138

Fair Isle 36

falcon 35, 37, 60, 90, 91, 98, 109, 121, 155

falconry 90, 121

field painting 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 108, 109, 113, 134

fieldcraft 112

flight 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 50, 53–54, 85

flycatcher 117

food-pass 98

French, Angela 52

fulmar 53, 54, 97, 103, 150

gannets 35, 78, 79, 109, 112

geese 56, 58, 69, 70, 71, 105, 106, 145

geometric shapes 19, 26, 30

great grey owl 35

great tit 27, 61

grouse 73

van Grouw, Katrina 49, 51, 52

gull 119, 141, 144, 148

habitat 120, 121, 122, 143, 145, 148–149

hand–eye coordination 20

hawk 90, 91, 114

Hawkyard, Paul 150–152

heron 29, 98, 102, 111, 145

house martin 96

hoopoe 156

house sparrow 11, 101

hummingbird 118

illustration 65, 114

Impressionists 23

jackdaw 34

jay 120

jizz (giss) 18

Kaspari, Debby 15, 24, 73, 83, 121

Keeble, Ed 37, 60, 102, 115, 143

kingfisher 65, 121

kite 155

Kokay, Szabolcs 10, 76, 91, 113, 145

lark 107

learning to see 15, 16

little owl 10

Loch Garten 8

long-tailed tit 7, 11

mantling 90

Mathios, Peter 66, 131, 137, 145

Meredith, Clive 35, 137

migration 13, 65

model-making 42, 43, 59

moulting 56

movement 40

nidifugous 83

nuthatch 23, 24

optics (binoculars and telescopes) 112, 113

Orkney Islands 13, 104

osprey 12, 59

Oudesluys, Jocelyn 58, 71, 91, 107, 118, 143

owl 38, 98, 145

parrot 82, 83, 106, 127

passerine 86

Pearson, Bruce 13, 45, 99, 101, 102, 121

penduline tit 29

penguin 121, 149

perspective 28, 59

pheasant 12, 56, 73, 118, 152

photographic memory 41, 116

photographs, using 23–27, 65, 114, 120, 121

video and film 120, 121

pitta 153, 154

Pointer, Jonathan 8, 72, 85, 120, 127, 152

post-mortem study 78, 86, 113, 114

preening 23, 57, 58, 111

puffin 10, 13

purple martin 15

raven 87

redstart 143

reference material 113

ring-billed gull 60

rock bunting 156

roller 92

rook 52, 86, 88

Rose, Chris 126, 139

Rosenkoetter, Beth 87

ruff 37

sea-parrot 11

shag 75, 77, 112, 141, 144

shrike 103

siskin 119

skua 119

sparrowhawk 12

starling 9, 38, 119

stretching 23, 57, 58

studio 100, 101, 114, 123, 140

swallow 119

swan 15, 24, 71, 136

taxidermy 113, 114

three-quarter view 29

Threlfall, John 13, 70, 76, 81, 97, 102, 106, 136, 145

thrush 9, 107, 121, 133

tree swallow 8

Tunnicliffe, Charles 56, 107, 123, 141, 142

turkey 72, 73

twitcher 9

Tyson, Esther 101

Varela, Juan 29, 40, 57, 85, 87, 89, 111, 155–156

vulture 90

waxwing 10, 55, 124, 125

waders 83

curlew 85

dotterel 116

godwit 45, 57, 58

ibis 85

oystercatcher 84, 111

phalarope 77

plover 45, 118, 122, 142

redshank 84, 109

sanderling 126

sandpiper 115

snipe 85, 144

stilt 131

woodcock 86

lapwing 136, 144

warbler 106, 108

water (and reflections) 131–141

wheatear 145

WIPs (works in progress) 95, 127–131, 151–152, 153–154

Woodcock, Mike 11, 60, 122, 144

Woodhead, Darren 39, 98, 136, 144, 154–155

woodland 108

woodpecker 93

yellowhammer 10