macaroon(s) (macarons)

cup custards (crème Sainte-Anne au caramel), I: 611

to pulverize, I: 583

soufflé, I: 617, 620

macerate (definition of), I: 13

macérer (to macerate), I: 13

Madeira wine

for cooking, I: 32

for jellied stocks and aspics, I: 114

sauce: see sauces, Madeira

make the ribbon, I: 579

malakoff, charlottes, I: 605–8


for beef, I: 306, 310, 323; 3.1, 3.2

French dressing (sauce vinaigrette), I: 94

for lamb, I: 341–2

for pork, I: 376–7

for rabbit

for veal, I: 358, 567; 3.1

marinate (definition of), I: 13

mariner (to marinate), I: 13

Marley, le

marmite: see fish, stews

Marquis, le, I: 679

marrons: see chestnuts

marrow (moelle)

to prepare, I: 19

sauce, I: 76, 294–5, 419

marsala for cooking, I: 32


mayonnaise sauce, I: 86; see also aïoli

measures and weights

flour, I: 17–18; app1.1

miscellaneous equivalents, I: 21–3

tables of equivalents, I: 20–1; app1.1

meat(s) 3.1(viandes), I: 288

glaze, I: 110


leftovers: see beef, leftover; etc,

loaf I: 375; 5.1, 5.2

stock, I: 107

see also beef; veal; etc.

mélanger (to blend), I: 11

Melba toast


general information

italienne (with sugar syrup)

butter-cream frosting and filling

for frozen chocolate mousse (le Saint-Cyr, glacé)

with whipped cream (Chantilly meringuée)

as a filling

as ice cream (Chantilly glacée)

white (standard)

almond cakes (brésiliens)

for baked Alaska

with nuts, for cake (le Succès; le Progrès; la Dacquoise)

for wine-poached pears

metric system, I: 20–1


mijoter (to simmer), I: 11

mille-feuilles: see Napoleons

mince, to, I: 13, 27

for mushrooms, I: 509

mixer, electric: see electric mixers

moelle: see marrow

molds: see kitchen equipment

mornay: see sauces, mornay

moules: see mussels

Mouli food mill, I: 9; 1.1, app1.1

for puréeing soups

moussaka, I: 349, 577

mousse(s) (mousses)


chocolate (au chocolat), I: 604

see also desserts, frozen

entrée—cold, I: 558–64

chicken (de volaille), I: 560

chicken liver (de foies de volaille), I: 559

duck, game, or turkey (mousseline de volaille), I: 560

fish (mousseline de poisson, blanche neige), I: 562

ham (de jambon), I: 561

salmon (de saumon), I: 562

shellfish (mousseline de crustacés, blanche neige), I: 564


fish, I: 187

see also quenelles

mousseline sauce, I: 83

sabayon, I: 84, 169

mouton: see lamb and mutton

mushroom(s) (champignons), I: 508–17

general information, I: 22

to mince, slice, flute, I: 509–11

broiled (grillés), I: 512

canned, I: 517

with cheese, for appetizers, I: 202

cold, à la grecque, I: 537

creamed (sautés à la crème), I: 514

duxelles, I: 515

in beef (filets de boeuf en feuilletons)

to cloak beef tenderloin

in lamb, boned leg of stuffed (gigot farci, en croûte)

with rice (riz duxelles), I: 531

in Viroflay stuffing

in other stuffings

essence of (fumet de), I: 512

minced: see above duxelles

purée, raw, to stuff artichoke bottoms

quiche, I: 152

sauce: see sauces, mushroom

sautéed (au beurre), I: 513

in brown Madeira sauce (sautés, sauce madère), I: 515

with garlic, bread crumbs (à la bordelaise), I: 513

soufflé, I: 166

soup (potage velouté aux; potage aux, Île de France), I: 40; 1.1

stewed (à blanc), I: 511

stock (fumet de), I: 512

stuffed (farcis), I: 516

timbales, I: 175

with veal chops or steaks (côtes de veau braisées aux)

mussels (moules), I: 226–32

garnish for fish, I: 213–16

on half shell, broiled (au beurre d’escargot; à la provençale), I: 228

marinated, for salad (salade de), I: 229

in rice ring (pilaf de), I: 231

in sauce (en sauce; mouclades; à la poulette; à la béarnaise), I: 230

soup (soupe aux), I: 231

steamed in wine (à la marinière), I: 227–8

mustard (moutarde)

butter, I: 100

to coat calf’s liver, I: 407

to coat roast lamb, I: 335

sauce: see sauces, mustard

mutton: see lamb and mutton

N, O

nap, to (definition of), I: 13

Napoleons (mille-feuilles)

general information, 7.1

cheese (à la fondue de fromage)

cheese filling for

dessert, with pastry cream or whipped cream

forming, baking, assembling

icing for

napper (to nap), I: 13

la cuillère (to coat a spoon), I: 11

navarin printanier, I: 345

navets: see turnips

noisettes (filberts)

oeufs: see eggs

oie: see goose

oignons: see onions

oil, types of, I: 19

olives (olives)

with beef stew

with beef tenderloin

in garniture, financière, 2.1, 2.2

in onion tart, I: 151

in stuffings

for lamb (farce aux), I: 338

for meat, with mushrooms

for paupiettes, with pimento

in tomato quiche (niçoise), I: 148

omelette(s) (omelettes), I: 126–38

general information, I: 126–8

to make, I: 128–35

garnishes for, I: 135–6

gratinéed with tomatoes (gratinées à la tomate), I: 136

with herbs, cheese, etc. (aux fines herbes, au fromage), I: 135–6

pipérade, I: 137

rolled (roulée), I: 132

scrambled (brouillée), I: 129

onion(s) (oignons), I: 22, 480–5; 6.1

general information, I: 480–1

to chop, dice, etc., I: 27, 30

with beef stew (boeuf aux oignons)


brown (glacés à brun), I: 483

sweet and sour (aigre-doux)

white (glacés à blanc), I: 481

canned, I: 484


à la grecque, I: 539

sweet and sour (aigre-doux)

creamed (à la crème), I: 482

in eggplant casserole (ratatouille), I: 503

garniture, I: 484

gratins, with potatoes, I: 153–5

parslied (persillés), I: 482, 484

with peas (petits pois aux), I: 464

quiche or tart, I: 150, 151

sauce (soubise), I: 64, 355, 485

soup, I: 43–5

cream of (crème aux, soubise)

and potato (potage parmentier), I: 37

with watercress (potage au cresson), I: 38

with spinach (gratin d’épinards aux)

stuffed with rice, onion, and cheese (farcis au riz)

in stuffings: see list of stuffings, app.1

orange(s) (oranges)

bavarian cream (bavarois à l’), I: 596

butter cream icing (au beurre à l’), I: 674

butter filling for spongecake, I: 672

butters for dessert crêpes, I: 650–1

cake, I: 671, 676

cream filling for cakes (crème à l’)

flavored hollandaise, I: 83

glazed (glacées), I: 629

liqueur for cooking, I: 32

mousse, I: 603; 7.1

peel, to glaze, I: 587; 7.1

sauce, with duck, I: 76; 4.1

soufflé, I: 616


ounce-gram equivalents, I: 18, 20, 21

for flour, I: 18; app1.1


baker’s vs. house ovens

baker’s, simulated

temperature conversions, I: 24–5

French, British, American, I: 25

types of, I: 3

oysters (huîtres)

garnish for fish filets, I: 215–16

with quenelles, I: 188

to poach, I: 213


pain: see bread


pan measurements

French and American

panade au riz, for pâtés and terrines

panade for sausage, 5.1, 5.2

pancakes (crêpes)

grated potato (de pommes de terre), I: 521

mashed potato (galettes)

with tomatoes, onions, etc. (à la pipérade)

see also crêpes

pans: see kitchen equipment

paper decorating cone, to make

paprika sauce, I: 262, 268


parisienne sauce (sauce allemande), I: 60, 212, 214–16

parsley butter, I: 102

partridge (perdreau; perdrix)

with beans (cassoulet), I: 404

cold in jelly (escabèche), I: 554

pâté, I: 568

roast (coquelets), I: 246


for babas and savarins, I: 658

for cream puffs (pâte à choux), I: 175

pastry(ies) (les pâtes)


cookies from leftover, I: 635; 7.1

crust (en croûte)

for beef Wellington (filet de boeuf)

for chicken (poularde en soutiengorge)

for chicken liver pâté (foies de volaille)

duck baked in (pâté de canard), I: 571

ham baked in (jambon farci), I: 395

lamb, boned leg, baked in (gigot farci)

for pâtés, I: 569–76; 5.1, 5.2

plain or puff, for sausage (saucisson)

puff pastry vs. brioche dough, 3.1, 3.2

veal baked in (feuilletons)


beef Wellington

duck en croûte, I: 574–5

lamb en croûte

pâté en croûte

puff pastry (fleurons)

vol-au-vent cover

doughs (pâtes), I: 139–46, 632–5; 2.1

decorations with, I: 574–5; 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.1

for desserts and sweet tarts (sablées; sèches; sucrées), I: 633–4; 2.1

egg (brisée à l’oeuf), for upside-down shells and cases

electric mixer and processor for

for entrée tarts and quiches (brisée), I: 139–43; 2.1, 2.2

freezing of: see text of each recipe

hand-made, I: 139–43, 633–4

leftovers, I: 635; 2.1, 7.1

for pâtés (à croustade)

for petits fours

for pies, I: 139–43; 2.1, 2.2


for shells, I: 139–43, 633–4; 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

for turnovers, I: 139–43; 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

equipment for making, app1.1, app1.2, app1.3

potato pie (tourte limousine)

puff (feuilletée)

general information, 2.1


chicken garniture for (de volaille, financière)

seafood garniture for (dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)

shells for, 2.1, 2.2

sweetbread garniture for (ris de veau à la financière)

classic (fine)

cream horns (cornets)

baked with cheese filling

cheese filling for (fondue de fromage)

for desserts

to form and bake pastry for

cream rolls (rouleaux)

cheese filling for

for desserts

to form and bake pastry for

decorations and garnitures (fleurons)

desserts using

flour for

leftovers (rognures)

cocktail shells (petites bouchées)


palm-leaf (palmiers)

puff pastry vs. pie-crust dough

tongue-shaped (couques)

decorations and garnitures (fleurons)

to reconstitute dough

mille-feuilles: see below Napoleons

mock, or simple, puff pastry (demifeuilletée)

Napoleons (mille-feuilles)

cheese (à la fondue de fromage)

cheese filling for

dessert, with pastry cream or whipped cream

forming, baking, assembling

icing for

patty shells for bouchées and vol-au-vent

Pithiviers (almond dessert)

tart(s) (tartes)

cheese (jalousie)


shells for

jam or fruit (jalousie)


chicken garniture for (de volaille, financière)

seafood garniture for (dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)

shell for


uncooked insides, use of (ramequin du juste milieu)

sweetbread garniture for (ris de veau à la financière)

quiches: see quiches


for appetizer tartlets, I: 200

for bouchées and vol-au-vent

for dessert tarts, I: 634–5; 7.1

for quiches, I: 143–6; 2.1


tarts: see tarts for dessert and for entrée

turnovers with Roquefort cheese (petits chaussons au Roquefort), I: 204


brisée, I: 139; 2.1

fine, I: 139; 2.1

à l’oeuf, 2.1, 2.2


à choux, I: 175, 181, 184

à croustade, 2.1, 2.2

à l’Envers




à pâté

sablée; sèche, I: 633; 2.1

à Succès

sucrée, I: 633; 2.1

aux jaunes d’oeuf

pâtés and terrines (pâtés et terrines), I: 564–76; 5.1

general information, I: 564–5; 5.1

aspic for, I: 565; 5.1

baking dishes for, I: 565

marinade for, I: 567

molds for, 5.1, app1.1

pork fat for, I: 564; 5.1

storage or freezing of, I: 565

to bake, in pastry crust

in brioche

pork and pork liver (de foie et de porc en brioche)

chicken liver (de foies de volaille)

with chicken, veal, spinach (verte; sans porc)

en croûte, I: 569–76

general information, 5.1

dough for

illustrated directions for hinge mold

meat mixture

molds for, 5.1, app1.1


without mold

duck, boned, in pastry crust (canard en croûte), I: 571

duck (de canard), I: 568

boned, in pastry crust (en croûte), I: 571

game, with veal and pork (de veau et porc avec gibier), I: 568

liver, I: 568; 4.1, 5.1

panade for

pastry for (pâte à croustade)


and chicken, with liver (de campagne)

liver (de foie de porc)

and pork liver in brioche (de foie et de porc en brioche)

pork and veal

with game (de veau et porc avec gibier), I: 568

with ham (de porc, veau, et jambon), I: 566

with liver (de veau et porc avec foie; de campagne), I: 568; 5.1

stuffing for (farce pour), I: 565

porkless (verte; sans porc)

spinach, with chicken, veal, etc, (verte; sans porc)

stuffings for, I: 565; 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

veal: see above chicken liver; pork and veal

patty shells, vol-au-vent, bouchées


paupiettes: see beef, rolls

peach(es) (pêches)

in brioche cake (le Marly; la Riposte)

compote with raspberry sauce (cardinal), I: 630

with duck (caneton aux), I: 279

sherbet and ice cream (mousse aux, glacée)

tart (tarte aux), I: 639, 641

pear(s) (poires)

baked with macaroons (au gratin), I: 630

flans (clafoutis), I: 656, 658

in meringue, wine custard sauce (meringuées, au sabayon)

poached in wine, I: 642; 7.1

tart(s) (tartes)

with almonds (à la Bourdaloue), I: 642

with custard, I: 638, 641

with puff pastry (tarte aux)

peas (fresh, green) (petits pois; pois verts; pois frais), I: 461–7

braised with lettuce (à la française), I: 465

buttered (I, II, III) (à l’anglaise; étuvés au beurre; en braisage), I: 462–5

canned, I: 467

frozen, I: 466

with onions (aux oignons: à la française), I: 464–5

pea-pod soup (soupe belle potagère)

peekaboo cheese tart, puff pastry (jalousie au fromage)

peekaboo jam or fruit tart (jalousie)

Pélerin, le, en timbale

peppers, sweet green or red (poivrons)

general information

buying and storage problem


cold, à la grecque (poivrons), I: 540

in eggplant casserole (ratatouille), I: 503

in garlic and oil (salade de poivrons, provençale)

and leek soup (soupe catalane aux)

pipérade: see pipérade

in stuffings, 3.1, 6.1, 6.2


for eggplant

for saddle of lamb

for zucchini

petits fours

almond wafers, lacy curled (tuiles aux amandes)

cake for

chocolate candy truffles (les truffes au chocolat)

meringue-almond (brésiliens)

puff pastry for

walnut and almond puffs (les croquets Denison)

petits pois: see peas

pheasant (faisan)

cold in jelly (escabèche), I: 554

pâté, I: 568

in tarragon aspic, I: 549

pie doughs, I: 139–43; 2.1, 2.2

pie pans, sizes


caul: see caul fat


see also pork

pigeon (pigeonneau)

cold in jelly (escabèche), I: 554

roast (coquelets), I: 246

in tarragon aspic, I: 549

pilaf, pilau (risotto), I: 532

pimento (piment)

and olive stuffing for paupiettes

sauce for chicken (suprême pimentée)

pineapple (ananas)

boiled in syrup, I: 654

in brioche cake (le Marly; la Riposte)

cream plombières, I: 596

custard (flan des isles), I: 631

glazed (glacé)

with orange mousse (mousse d’orange à l’)

tart, I: 664

pipérade (tomatoes, peppers, etc.)

with beef stew


with ham slices, I: 396

omelette, I: 137

with scrambled eggs, I: 126, 576

with shirred eggs, I: 123

see also variations in recipe texts

pistou (garlic and basil purée)

with beef stew

with eggplant

soup and sauce, I: 45

with zucchini

see also variations in recipe texts


with eggplant

with zucchini


plombières, I: 594–6

plum(s) (pruneaux; prunes)

baked in custard (flan aux; clafouti aux), I: 657; 7.1

poached in syrup, I: 654

poach, to (definition of), I: 13

pocher (to poach), I: 13

pôchouse: see pauchouse

poireaux: see leeks

poires: see pears

pois: see peas

poisson: see fish

poivrons: see peppers

pommes: see apples

pommes de terre: see potatoes

pork (porc), I: 375–89; 1.1, 5.1

general information, I: 375–80

curing of

cuts for

boiling, I: 307

chops, I: 386


roasting and braising, I: 378

sausage making

stew, I: 389


for beef braised and stewed

discussion of, I: 564; 5.1, 5.2

for larding beef

for sausage-making

for terrines and pâtés, 5.1, 5.2

marinades for, I: 375–7

with beans in cassoulet, I: 399

boiled (potée normande), I: 307

boudin blanc, 4.1, 5.1

brains: see brains

braised (braisé), I: 384–5

with red cabbage (aux choux rouges), I: 384

with sauerkraut (avec choucroute), I: 385

chops (côtes de), I: 385–9

casserole-sautéed (poêlées), I: 386

fresh tomato sauce (Robert; charcutière), I: 388

mustard and cream sauce (sauce Nénette), I: 387

cold (rôti de, poêlé), I: 577

dry-salt curing (salaison à sec)

fat, leaf fat, leaf lard; see also pork, general information

leftover, in eggplant and tomato casserole

liver, discussed

pâté, I: 568; 5.1

parslied ham mold in aspic (jambon persillé)

pâté: see pâtés and terrines


roast (rôti de), I: 378–84

with cabbage (aux choux), I: 383

casserole-roasted (poêlé), I: 380

mustard and other sauces, I: 382

with potatoes and onions (grand’mère), I: 382

sauces for, I: 381–2

temperature and timing, I: 379

with turnips (aux navets), I: 383

salt (lard rance) in cabbage soup, I: 48

sausage: see sausages

steaks, I: 385–9

stews (ragoûts de), I: 389

stuffed with cheese (Sylvie), I: 385

in stuffings

with ham for eggplant

with ham for veal

with herbs for lamb, I: 336

with veal for pâtés, I: 565

suckling pig (cochon de lait)

general information, 3.1


fitting into pan


preparing for roasting

stuffings for, 3.1, 3.2, app1.1

roast, stuffed (farci à la Trébizonde)

tongues (langues de); see also tongues

port wine

for cooking, I: 32

for jellied stocks and aspics, I: 114

sauce, I: 75

pot au feu, I: 306

pot roast: see beef, braised

potages et soupes: see soups

potato(es) (pommes de terre), I: 520–8

general information, I: 22; 6.1

buying and storing


to slice, I: 27


use of instant mashed (for duchesse du fromage)

Anna (Anna)

baking dishes for, 6.1, app1.1

baked, with endives (gratin dauphinois aux endives)

cakes, filled (galettes de, farcies)

cheese sticks (bouchées parmentier au fromage), I: 198

cold dish with, I: 578

in cream and basil (au basilic)

in cream and tarragon (à l’estragon)


gnocchi, I: 181–3


with anchovies or sausages (aux anchois; et saucisson), I: 154–5

with endives (dauphinois aux endives)

with ham and eggs (râpée morvandelle), I: 153

with spinach (épinards à la basquaise), I: 474

see also potatoes, scalloped

hashed brown, with tomatoes (galette de, aux tomates)

mashed (purée de)

for borders (duchesse)

cheese flavored (duchesse au fromage)

in cheese sticks (bouchées parmentier au fromage), I: 198

with garlic (à l’ail), I: 520

leftover, in pancakes

for nests or mounds (duchesse)

with turnips (navets parmentier), I: 487

molded, with cheese (galette de, au fromage)

pancakes (crêpes de), I: 521

filled (galettes de, farcies)

made from leftover mashed (galettes de, duchesse)

pie with herbs and cream (tourte limousine)

salads (salade de)

with beans, etc. (niçoise), I: 542

with beef (boeuf à la parisienne), I: 543

with beets (à la d’Argenson), I: 543

French (à l’huile), I: 541


balls (parisiennes), I: 528

in butter (sautées; pour garniture; château), I: 526–8

diced (en dés), I: 528

with lemon and garlic (sautées, calabraise)


with carrots and cream (gratin de, Crécy), I: 525

in cream (gratin jurassien), I: 524

with meat stock and cheese (gratin savoyard), I: 524

with milk and cheese (gratin dauphinois), I: 523

with onions and tomatoes (gratin de, provençal), I: 525, 578


garlic with (soupe à l’ail aux), I: 48

with leeks

and celery (potage Célestine)

or onion (potage Parmentier), I: 37

vichyssoise, I: 39

and watercress (potage au cresson), I: 38–9

with stews

beef with olives

veal (printanier)

with truffles (sarladaise)

with veal chops or steaks

potiron: see pumpkins and winter squashes

poularde: see chicken

poulet: see chicken

poultry, I: 234–87; 4.1

to disjoint

to half-bone


stock, I: 109, 236, 237

to truss, I: 237–9; 4.1

see also chicken; duck; goose; etc.

pound cake (le quatre quarts)

pralin (caramelized ground nuts)

almonds (aux amandes), I: 583; 7.1

walnuts (aux noix)

precooking: symbol (*) in recipes

preserved goose (confit d’oie): see goose, preserved


fillings for crêpes, I: 654

sauces and glazes, I: 593–4

pressure cooker

for dried beans, I: 400

for soups, I: 37, 40

for stocks, I: 107

Progrès, le

prune(s) (pruneaux)

and foie gras stuffing for goose, I: 284

tart with cream cheese, I: 648

puff pastry (feuilletée): see pastry, puff

puff shells; puffs (pâte à choux), I: 177–81

pumpkins and winter squashes (potiron)

general information, 6.1

purée with white beans (gratin de, d’Arpajon)

soup (potage au)

stuffed (tout rond)

purée, to (definition of), I: 13

purée(s) (purées)

apple (soufflé base)

cauliflower and watercress (choufleur en verdure), I: 460

chestnut (de marrons), I: 518

garlic and basil (pistou), 3.1, 6.1, 6.2

jam, preserves, or jelly, for sauce, I: 593

mushroom, to stuff artichoke bottoms

pumpkin with white beans (gratin de potiron d’Arpajon)

raspberry, for sauce, I: 592, 630

rice and turnip (Freneuse)

rutabagas (la, châteaux en Suède)

spinach (d’épinards simple), I: 469

strawberry, for sauce, I: 592

tomato with garlic and herbs (coulis de tomates à la provençale), I: 78

turnip and potato (de navets Parmentier), I: 487

white bean soup with garnish (soupe à la Victorine)

see also potatoes, mashed

puréeing, I: 13

electric blender for soups, I: 37; 1.1

food mill, I: 9; 3, 535


quail, roast (caille rôtie), I: 246

quatre épices, for charcuterie

quatre quarts, le (pound cake)

quenelle(s), I: 184–90

beef (de boeuf provençales)

in chicken filling for vol-au-vent (garniture de volaille, financière)

of fish (de poisson), I: 185

fish for, I: 185

gratin of, I: 188

with oysters (aux huîtres), I: 188

of salmon (de saumon), I: 189

of shellfish (de crustacés), I: 189

of poultry or veal (de volailles ou de veau), I: 189

stuffing for fish filets, I: 216

in sweetbread filling for vol-au-vent (ris de veau à la financière)

see also mousses, entrée

quiche(s), I: 146–53

Camembert, I: 148

cheese (au fromage), I: 147–8

cream and bacon (Lorraine), I: 147

endive (aux endives), I: 152

leek (aux poireaux; flamiche), I: 151

Lorraine, I: 147

mushroom (aux champignons), I: 152

onion (aux oignons), I: 150

pastry shells for

described, I: 143; 2.1

dough, I: 139–43; 2.1, 2.2

forming and baking, I: 143–6; 2.1

Roquefort, I: 148

seafood (aux fruits de mer), I: 149

spinach (aux épinards), I: 153

Swiss cheese), I: 147

tomato (à la tomate, niçoise), I: 148


rabbit (lapin)

general information, 3.1

buying and preparing for cooking

thawing frozen

pâté, I: 568

stewed in red wine (au Saupiquet)

rafraîchir (to refresh), I: 13

ragoûts: see beef, stew; veal, stew; etc.

raised batters and doughs (pâtes levées)

babas and savarins, I: 658

crêpes, I: 649, 650

French breads, brioches, croissants

raisin(s) (raisins)

with braised onions

bread, 2.1, 2.2

brioche with (kougloff)

in sauce for beef tongue

raspberry(ies) (framboises)

bavarian cream (bavarois), I: 600

in brioche cake (le Marly; la Riposte)

Chantilly, I: 608

cream plombières, I: 595

malakoff, I: 607

sauce, fresh, I: 592

on peaches, I: 630

sherbet and ice cream (mousse aux)

ratatouille, I: 503, 577

ravigote sauce, I: 95

reduce, to (definition of), I: 13

reduire (to reduce), I: 13

en purée (to purée), I: 13

refresh, to (definition of), I: 13

Reine de Saba, I: 677

rémoulade sauce, I: 91

ribbon, to form the, I: 579

rice (riz), I: 528–35

and beet salad (à la d’Argenson), I: 543

boiled, for salads (au blanc), I: 532

braised (risotto; pilaf, pilau), I: 532

buttered (I, II, III) (à l’anglaise; au beurre; étuvé au beurre), I: 530–1

mold, orange-flavored with cherries (des Hespérides)

with mushrooms (duxelles), I: 531

with mussels (pilaf de moules), I: 231

and onions (soubise), I: 355, 485

packaged precooked, I: 534–5

panade for pâtés

pudding (à l’Impératrice), I: 601

ring of (en couronne), I: 534

steamed (à l’indienne; à la vapeur), I: 529

in stuffings: see list of stuffings, app.1

and turnips, purée (purée Freneuse)

wild, I: 535

and zucchini, gratin of (tian)

Riposte, la

ris de veau: see sweetbreads

risotto, I: 532

riz: see rice

rognons: see kidneys

rognures (leftover puff pastry)


beef: see beef, rolls

brioches, small

cream (rouleaux), 2.1, 7.1


French bread, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

rooster, I: 235

rouille, sauce for fish soup, I: 51–2

roulades: see beef, rolls

rouleaux (cream rolls)

as appetizer with cheese filling

as dessert with cream filling


for braising sauce

for brown sauce, I: 68; 3.1

for cheese sauce

for white sauce, I: 56

rum (rhum)

in apple aspic, I: 627

babas, I: 660–1

in butter creams, I: 681–4

cake, caramel custard, flambée (charlotte Jamaïque en flammes)

for cooking, I: 32

soufflé, with macaroons (soufflé démoulé aux macaroons), I: 620

syrup for babas, I: 660

rutabagas, I: 485–6

purée (la purée, châteaux en Suède)

rye flour, in spice cake (pain d’épices)


sabayon sauce, for pears

Saint-André, le, 7.1, 7.2

Saint-Cyr, le, glacé

Saint-Jacques en bouillabaisse, les

Saint-Jacques, velouté de

salad(s) (salades), I: 541–4

combination (niçoise), I: 542

mussel (de moules), I: 229

potato (de pommes de terre), I: 541–4

rice for (riz au blanc), I: 532

rice and beet (à la d’Argenson), I: 543

sweet pepper (de poivrons, provençale)

salmon (saumon)

gratin (aux fruits de mer), I: 156

mousse, I: 562

quenelles, I: 189

soufflé, I: 166

variations, I: 167

in stuffing for lamb (farce mentonnaise), I: 338

timbales, I: 175


general information, I: 23

cure of goose

cure of pork

to remove excess, I: 23

spiced, for charcuterie (sel épicé)

sauce(s), I: 54–105

note: sauces for desserts listed separately

general information, I: 54–5

aïoli, I: 92; 1.1

for chicken (bouillabaisse)

for fish stew (bourride)

alsacienne; de Sorges, I: 93

anchovy (aux anchois), I: 66

with garlic for beef stew (provençale), I: 324

aurore, I: 62

bâtarde, I: 64

béarnaise, I: 84

with meat-glaze flavoring (Colbert), I: 85

with tomato flavoring (Choron), I: 85

béchamel, I: 55–64

with eggplant


with fish filets, I: 210

with steak, I: 294

bonne femme, I: 216

bordelaise, I: 76, 295, 419

bourguignonne, I: 76

brandy, I: 296

brown (brunes), I: 66–76

butter (beurre)

brown (noir; noisette), I: 98–9

for calf’s brains, I: 413

for chicken breasts (noisette), I: 270

cold flavored, I: 99–105

lemon (au citron), I: 98

white (blanc; nantais), I: 96

caper (aux câpres), I: 65

Chantilly, I: 83

chasseur, I: 75, 368


blanche neige, I: 105

for chicken

cheese with wine and garlic (fondue de fromage), I: 105, 118

chivry, I: 62

choron, I: 85

Colbert, I: 85

cream (crème; suprême), I: 59, 60, 268, 458

and mushroom, for ham, I: 392

and mustard, for liver, I: 406

sour (vinaigrette à la crème), with dill, I: 95

and white wine, for chicken fricassee, I: 260


brown (brune au cari), I: 73

white (au cari), I: 63, 261; 3.1

deglazing, I: 76, 255–6, 271

diable, I: 71

dieppoise, I: 214

dill, I: 95

duxelles, I: 74

egg yolk

(parisienne; allemande), I: 60

see also below hollandaise; mayonnaise

espagnole (sauce base), I: 66

game (poivrade), I: 70

garlic (à l’ail)

and anchovy for beef stew, I: 324

and basil (pistou), I: 45; 3.1, 6.1, 6.2

and egg yolks for chicken, I: 257

for lamb, I: 334

mayonnaise (aïoli), I: 92; 1.1, 4.1

and pepper (rouille) for fish soup, I: 52


brown (aux fines herbes), I: 73

hollandaise, I: 82

mayonnaise, I: 89–90, 93

white wine (Chivry), I: 62

hollandaise, I: 79–85

electric blender, I: 81

handmade, I: 79

mock (bâtarde; au beurre), I: 64

variations, I: 82–5

italienne, I: 76, 411

jus lié, I: 70

Madeira (madère), I: 75, 298, 300

brown, with truffles (Périgueux), I: 75

with mushrooms, I: 515

for tongue

maltaise, I: 83

marchand de vins, I: 295

marrow (moelle), I: 76, 294–5, 419

matelote, I: 415

mayonnaise, I: 86–93

electric blender, I: 88

handmade, I: 87

remedy for turned, I: 88

variations, I: 89–93

mornay, I: 61, 193

for broccoli

for poached chicken

mousseline, I: 83

sabayon, I: 84, 169

mushroom (duxelles), I: 74

brown (à l’italienne), I: 76, 411

and cream, I: 392

with tomatoes (chasseur), I: 75, 368

mustard (moutarde), I: 66, 95

brown (Robert), I: 72

with cream (à la normande), I: 382

for liver, I: 406

with pearl onions and raisins, for tongue (à l’aigre—douce)

with tomatoes and cream (Nénette), I: 387

Nantua, I: 216

Nénette, I: 387

normande, I: 215

onion (soubise), I: 64, 355, 485

orange, I: 76, 276

paprika (au paprika), I: 262, 268

parisienne, I: 60, 212, 214–16

Périgueux, I: 75

pimento, for chicken (suprême pimentée)

piquante, I: 72

poivrade, I: 70

port wine (au porto), I: 75

ragoût, I: 69

ravigote, I: 95

rémoulade, I: 91

Riviera, I: 90

Robert, I: 72


for brown sauce, I: 68; 3.1

for braising sauce

for cheese sauce

for white sauce, I: 56

Saupiquet, for braising rabbit

soubise, I: 64, 355, 485

suprême, I: 59, 188

tarragon (estragon)

béarnaise, I: 84

brown (brune à l’), I: 73, 251

for chicken, I: 262; 4.1

white (Chivry), I: 62

tartare, I: 90

thermidor, I: 221

tomato (tomate)

with canned tomatoes

classic, I: 76

fresh tomatoes (coulis), I: 78, 388

truffle (Périgueux), I: 75, 271

velouté, I: 55–64, 356–7, 363

venison (venaison), I: 70

vinaigrette, I: 94–5

Walewska, I: 215


béchamels and veloutés, I: 55–66

butter (beurre blanc; beurre nantais), I: 96

wine, I: 62, 84, 217, 294–5

sauce(s) for desserts, I: 588–93

apricot (confit d’abricots en sirop)



crème anglaise, I: 588, 683; 7.1, 7.2


jam or jelly, I: 593

raspberry (aux framboises), I: 592, 630

sabayon, for pears

strawberry (aux fraises), I: 592

saucisse, saucisson: see sausage

sauerkraut (choucroute), I: 280, 385

braised (braisée à l’alsacienne), I: 498

with meat garnish (garnie), I: 499

sausage(s) (saucisses et saucissons)

general information, 5.1


buying and preparing


substitutes for

caul fat


to cure, to hang (saucisson à cuire)

cuts for

fat for

making links

salt and spices (épices fines)

with beans (cassoulet), I: 401

with boiled beef (pot-au-feu), I: 306

boudin blanc, 4.1, 5.1

breakfast (chair à saucisse)

in brioche (en brioche)

with aspic

formed in a loaf pan


braised beef and greens (les tous nus; quenelles de boeuf provençales)

cakes, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

French type, homemade, I: 403

casings: see above, general information, casings

chard or spinach

with beef (tous nus)

pork and liver (caillettes)

chicken liver in brioche (de foies de volaille)

chipolatas, 5.1, 5.2

goose-neck, stuffed (cou d’oie farcie)

gratin, with potatoes, I: 155

large, fresh, to cook (à cuire)

other suggestions


liver, chicken (de foies de volaille)

liver, pork, and greens (caillettes; gayettes)

meat loaf, 5.1, 5.2

panade for, 5.1, 5.2

plain pork (chair à)

in plain or puff pastry (en croûte)

Polish, I: 404

pork and liver with greens (caillettes; gayettes)

pork and veal with truffles and foie gras (truffé au foie gras)

Provençal, braised beef and greens (les tous nus; quenelles de boeuf)

in stuffings, I: 275, 286; 3.1, 3.2, 5.1, 6.1

white-meat (boudin blanc), 4.1, 5.1

sauté, general information, I: 13

sauter (to sauté), I: 13

savarins, I: 662–5

fillings for, I: 664

mold for, I: 662

small (petits), I: 665

syrup for, I: 663

with whipped cream (Chantilly), I: 664

scallop(s) (coquilles Saint-Jacques)

bouillabaisse of (les Saint-Jacques en bouillabaisse)



with cream and mushrooms (à la parisienne), I: 216

with wine and garlic (à la provençale), I: 218

soup (marmite dieppoise)

cream of (velouté de Saint-Jacques)

in stews and chowders

timbales, I: 175


filling for vol-au-vent (garniture dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)

see also crab; fish; lobster; etc.

sel épicé (spiced salt)

semolina gnocchi, I: 183

serving suggestions: see individual recipes

shallot(s) (échalotes)

general information, I: 19, 23

to dice or mince, I: 30

butter (beurre bercy; beurre marchand de vins), I: 103

shellfish (crustacés)


butter (beurre de), I: 104; 1.1


filling for appetizers (fondue de), I: 202

filling, creamed, for vol-au-vent and bouchées (garniture dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)

garnitures for fish filets, I: 212–16

mousse, I: 564

soups (bisques)

see also clam; crab; lobster; etc.


for appetizer tartlets, I: 200

for dessert tarts, I: 634–5; 7.1

for patties

for puffs, I: 177–80

for quiches, I: 143–6; 2.1

upside down

sherbets: see desserts, frozen

sherry for cooking, I: 32

short paste: see pastry, dough

shrimp(s) (crevettes)

in aspic, I: 549

bisque (bisque de)

butter (shellfish butter), I: 104; 1.1

to cook, I: 213

quenelles, I: 189

quiche, I: 149

soufflé, I: 167, 170

soup (marmite dieppoise)

simmer, to (definition of), I: 11

skillets, I: 6, 192

electric, I: 254, 259

for potatoes Anna, 6.1, app1.1, app1.2

slice, how to, I: 27–8

snail butter (beurre pour escargots), I: 103

sole, filets: see fish, filets

sorrel soup (potage crème d’oseille), I: 42


sauce, I: 64

with rice and onions, I: 355, 485

soufflé(s) (soufflés)

general information, I: 157–63

dishes for (charlotte molds), I: 161–2; app1.1

entrée, I: 157–74

cheese (au fromage), I: 163

with egg whites only (aux blancs d’oeufs), I: 173

variations, I: 173

eggplant (d’aubergines en persillade)

fish (de poisson), I: 166, 168, 170

lobster, crab, or shrimp (de homard, de crabe, ou aux crevettes), I: 170

with poached eggs (Vendôme), I: 165

salmon (de saumon), I: 166

variations, I: 167

spinach (aux épinards), I: 165–6

unmolded (démoulé, mousseline), I: 171

vegetable variations, I: 166

sweet or dessert (sucrés), I: 613–22

general information, I: 613–14

almond (aux amandes), I: 618

apple in apples (pommes, Calvados)

other ideas

caramel almond (île flottante), I: 622

caramelized almonds (praliné), I: 617

chocolate (au chocolat), I: 619

coffee (au café), I: 617

Cointreau, curaçao (à l’orange), I: 616

glacée of fruits and kirsch (Rothschild), I: 617

half-and-half (panaché), I: 618

macaroon (aux macarons), I: 617

and rum, unmolded (démoulé), I: 620

orange (à l’orange), I: 616

soufflé glacé

tart with lemon or lime (tarte au citron ou aux limettes), I: 645

vanilla (à la vanille), I: 614

soup(s) (potages et soupes et bisques), I: 37–53; 1.1

general information, I: 37; 1.1

kettles (marmites)


cream of green (crème d’asperges vertes)


white European

bean, white, with garnish (à la Victorine)


bouillabaisse, I: 52

fish for, I: 50

of scallops

cabbage (aux choux; garbure), I: 48


cauliflower and watercress (de la Fontaine Dureau)

celery with potatoes and leeks (Célestine)



cauliflower and watercress



herb, green

leek and potato, I: 39







vichyssoise, I: 39

watercress, I: 39, 41; 1.1


see also end of recipe texts


bisque (de crabes)

cream of (velouté de crustacés)

crayfish bisque (d’écrevisses)

cucumber (aux concombres)

eggplant and tomato garnish, for bean

fennel and tomato garnish, for bean

fish (de poisson), I: 49–53


bouillabaisse, I: 52

fish for, I: 50

of scallops


matelotes, meurettes, pauchouses


stews and chowders

fish for

with garlic mayonnaise, Provençal-style (bourride)

with sole, shellfish, Normandy-style (marmite aux fruits de mer; marmite dieppoise; chaudrée normande)

with wine, onions, mushrooms, Burgundy-style (matelote; meurette; pauchouse)

garlic (aïgo bouïdo), I: 46–8

with poached eggs (à l’oeuf, provençale), I: 47

with potatoes (à l’ail aux pommes de terre), I: 48

herb, green (aux herbes panachées)

leek and potato

with celery (Célestine)

Parmentier, I: 37

vichyssoise, I: 39

and watercress (au cresson), I: 38–9

leek and sweet pepper (catalane aux poivrons)


bisque (de homard à l’américaine)

cream of (velouté de crustacés)

mushroom, cream of

Île de France

velouté, I: 40

mussel (aux moules), I: 231

onion (à l’oignon), I: 43–5

cream of (crème aux oignons, soubise)

and potato (Parmentier), I: 37

pea-pod (belle potagère)

peasant types

pepper, sweet, and leek (catalane aux poivrons)

pistou, I: 45

potato (pomme de terre)

and garlic (à l’ail aux), I: 48

and leek with celery (Célestine)

and leek or onion (Parmentier), I: 37

with watercress (au cresson), I: 38–9

vichyssoise, I: 39

pumpkin (le potiron tout rond)

scallop (velouté de Saint-Jacques)

bouillabaisse (les Saint-Jacques en bouillabaisse)



cream of (velouté de crustacés)

shrimp bisque (de crevettes)

sorrel (crème d’oseille), I: 42

spinach (épinards)

cream of (crème d’), I: 43

Florentine (à la florentine)

sweet pepper and leek (catalane aux poivrons)

tomato with rice, Mediterranean (Magali)

turnip (Untel)

vegetable (Provençal) (au pistou)

veloutés, vegetable

vichyssoise, I: 39

watercress (au cresson)

and cauliflower (de la Fontaine Dureau)

cream of (crème de), I: 41

and potato, I: 38–9

white bean with garnish (à la Victorine)

zucchini (aux courgettes)

sour cream, I: 16; 1.1

dressing (vinaigrette à la crème), I: 95

sour dough

spice bread; spice cake (pain d’épices)

spiced salt for charcuterie (sel épicé)

spices for charcuterie (épices fine)

spinach (épinards), I: 467–76

general information, I: 467–8

blanched chopped (precooking) (blanchis), I: 468

braised, I: 470–1

in butter (étuvés au beurre), I: 470

in cream (à la crème), I: 471

with ham (au jambon), I: 470

with onions (gratin d’, aux oignons)

in stock (au jus), I: 470

canapés, I: 472

crêpes (pancakes), I: 473–4

under giant crêpe (en surprise), I: 473

custard mold (timbale d’), I: 175, 474

filling for crêpes, I: 194

frozen, I: 475

gratin with potatoes (à la basquaise), I: 474

gratinéed, I: 471–3

with cheese (au fromage), I: 471

with cheese sauce (à la mornay), I: 472

with ham (au jambon), I: 470

omelette, I: 136

pâté, with veal and chicken (terrine verte)

puréed (purée d’, simple), I: 469

quiche, I: 153

with sausage mixtures

with beef (tous nus)

with pork and liver (caillettes)

soufflé, I: 165

soup, I: 43

Florentine (potage à la florentine)

in stuffings, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

timbales, I: 175, 474

with zucchini, sauté of (courgettes aux)

spirits for cooking, I: 32


for chicken, I: 242

for duck, I: 275


butter (biscuit au beurre), I: 669

chocolate (le Marquis), I: 679

orange (gâteau à l’orange), I: 671

and almond (et aux amandes), I: 676

with orange-butter filling, I: 672

spreads for appetizers: see appetizers, spreads for

squab, roast (coquelets sur canapés), I: 246

squash (courges, courgettes)

general information, 6.1

to blanch

grated and salted

summer squash

versus winter

see also pumpkins; zucchini

starch (corn, potato, rice)

for soufflé sauce base, I: 614, 619

thickening for brown sauce, I: 70

steak: see beef, steaks; pork, steaks; etc.

stew: see beef, stew; fish, stew; veal, stew; etc.

stocks (and bouillons) (fonds de cuisine), I: 106–15

general information, I: 106–7

brown (brun), I: 110


beef, I: 67

chicken, I: 57

clam, I: 115

consommé, I: 67

chicken (volaille), I: 236–7

brown (brun de), I: 110, 236

white (blanc de), I: 109, 237

chicken scraps for

clarification of, I: 111

degreasing of, I: 108

duck, I: 272

fish (fumet de poisson)

emergency (clam juice), I: 115

for fish stew

white wine (au vin blanc), I: 114

goose, I: 282

jellied (gelée), I: 112–14

meat (simple), I: 107

mushroom (fumet de champignons), I: 512

veal (blanc), I: 109; 216

white (blanc), I: 109

strawberry(ies) (fraises)

bavarian cream (bavarois), I: 600

in brioche cake (le Marly; la Riposte)

Chantilly (whipped cream), I: 608

malakoff, I: 605

plombières (custard), I: 595

in puff pastry shells

with rum babas, I: 661

sauce, I: 592

sherbet and ice cream (mousse aux)

tart (tarte aux), I: 640

straws, potato with cheese (bouchées Parmentier au fromage), I: 198

stuffing(s) (farces)

list of, with suggestions for use

for beef

for case, mushrooms and olives (boeuf en caisse, surprise)

for filet, foie gras with truffles (filet de boeuf braisé Prince Albert), I: 304

for rolls (paupiettes)

chard, sausage, ham, and onion (Gargantua)

olive and pimento (niçoise)

peppers, onions, and diced mustard bread (à la catalane)

pork and veal, I: 319, 565

rice and garlic with herbs (à l’ail de Mme. Cassiot)

for tenderloin, mushroom (duxelles)

boudin blanc, 4.1, 5.1

for ham (jambon farci et braisé), I: 394

for lamb

garlic and herb (aux herbes), I: 336

ham and mushroom (duxelles), I: 337

mushroom and kidney (duxelles aux rognons)

mushroom and spinach (Viroflay)

olive and ground lamb (aux olives), I: 338

pork and herb (de porc), I: 336

rice and kidney (aux rognons), I: 337

salmon and anchovy (mentonnaise), I: 338

for pâtés, I: 565; 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

for pork, for suckling pig, rice, sausage, and apricots (Trébizonde)

for poultry, 5.1, 5.2

for chicken

chicken livers, foie gras, and rice (à la d’Albuféra)

herb and giblet (poulet roti à la normande), I: 243

mushroom (duxelles), I: 251

rice, chicken livers, mushrooms, and garlic (évocation d’Albuféra)

white forcemeat with mushrooms (normande, aux boudins blancs)

for duck

sausage and apple (caneton rôti à l’alsacienne), I: 275

for goose

foie gras in prunes (oie rôtie aux pruneaux), I: 284

pork and veal, I: 565

sausage and chestnut (oie braisée aux marrons), I: 286

for turkey

chicken livers, foie gras, and rice (à la d’Albuféra)

pork and veal, I: 565

rice, chicken livers, mushrooms, and garlic (évocation d’Albuféra)

white forcemeat with mushrooms (normande, aux boudins blancs)

for puff-paste chaussons (saucisson truffé au foie gras)

for veal

chard or spinach (poitrine de veau, farcie)

foie gras and truffles for scallops (noisettes de veau, périgourdine)

ground pork with ham, truffles, and foie gras (veau en feuilletons)

ham and cheese, I: 358

rice, onion, and mushroom, I: 356

other suggestions

for vegetables

for any vegetable, I: 243, 252, 336, 337, 338, 349, 502; 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6

for artichoke hearts: mushroom purée (farcis, froids; en surprise)

for cabbage

leaves: braised beef and ham

whole or leaves: sausage, ham, and rice

for eggplant

eggplant, peppers, onions, tomatoes, and herbs

ground veal, turkey, or pork with onions and herbs

mushroom (aubergines farcies duxelles), I: 502

for mushrooms, I: 516

for onions: rice, onion, and cheese

for potato cakes

for tomatoes, I: 507, 516, 576

for zucchini

almond, cheese, and bread crumbs (aux amandes)

rice and peppers (au riz et aux poivrons)

Succès, le

suckling pig: see pork, suckling pig

suet for larding, 3.1, 3.2

sugar (sucre)

to boil: see fondant

and butter (creaming of), I: 581

caramel: see caramel; caramelized

cookies (galettes sablées), I: 635

crust for tarts (pâte sablée), I: 633

and eggs (beating of), I: 579

icing (fondant), 7.1, 7.2

short paste for tarts (pâte brisée sucrée), I: 633

syrup: see syrup

summer squash: see zucchini

suprêmes de volaille: see chicken, breasts of

surprise du Vésuve, la

Suzette, crêpes, I: 650

swedes: see rutabagas

sweetbread(s) (ris de veau), I: 408–13

general information

blanching of, I: 409

soaking and peeling of, I: 408

braised (braisés), I: 409

with brown mushroom sauce (braisés à l’italienne), I: 411

with quenelles, truffles, etc. (à la financière)

cold in salad, I: 577

creamed (à la crème; à la maréchale), I: 412

with mushrooms (aux champignons), I: 412

au gratin, I: 413

gratin of leftover, I: 157

sautéed in butter (escalopes de, sautés), I: 413

soufflé, I: 167, 173

timbales, I: 175

Swiss chard: see chard

swordfish steaks (thon à la provençale), I: 219, 576

syrup (sugar)

for butter-cream filling, I: 681

caramel, I: 584; 7.1

for fondant

for fruit poaching, I: 630, 642

kirsch, for savarins, I: 663

rum, for babas, I: 660



chicken types, I: 235

of equivalents (American, French, British)

flour, I: 18; app1.1

metric system, I: 20–1

flour, I: 18; app1.1

mayonnaise, ingredients proportions, I: 87

soufflés, ingredients proportions, I: 163

temperature conversion, I: 25

timetables for roasting: see chicken; duck; etc.

tarragon (estragon)

butter (beurre d’), I: 102

with meat glaze (Colbert), I: 102


in aspic, I: 549


casserole-roasted, I: 249

fricasseed, I: 262

sauce: see sauces, tarragon

tart(s) for dessert (tartes sucrées), I: 632–48; 7.1

almond (Pithiviers)

apple (aux pommes), I: 635; 7.1

with custard (normande), I: 637

upside-down (des Demoiselles Tatin), I: 638

apricot (aux abricots), I: 639

variations, I: 640

cherry (aux cerises, flambée), I: 643

cream cheese (au fromage frais), I: 647

and prune (et aux pruneaux), I: 648

custard fillings for, I: 590–2

fruits, various, in puff pastry, 7.1, 7.2

jam (jalousie)

lemon (au citron), I: 645–7

with almonds (et aux amandes), I: 646

soufflé, I: 645

lime soufflé (aux limettes), I: 645

pastry dough for, I: 632–4; 2.1

puff pastry

pastry shells for, I: 634–5

puff pastry

peach (aux pêches), I: 639

pear (aux poires), I: 638; I: 632–48; 7.1

and almond (à la Bourdaloue), I: 642

pineapple (à l’ananas), I: 644

puff pastry (pâte feuilletée)

almond (Pithiviers)

apple or pear (aux pommes ou aux poires)

other fruits, 7.1, 7.2

peekaboo with jam or fruit (jalousie)

shells for fruit (abaisses en feuilletage pour, aux fruits)

strawberry (aux fraises), I: 640

variations, I: 641

tart(s) for entrée

molds for, I: 143; app1.1

onion, I: 151

pastry dough for, I: 139–43; 2.1, 2.2

pastry shells for, I: 143–6; 2.1

peekaboo with cheese, in puff pastry (jalousie au fromage)

see also quiches

tartare sauce, I: 90

tartlets, shells for, I: 200

temperature, Fahrenheit-Centigrade conversions, I: 24–5

tenderloin of beef: see beef, tenderloin

Tentation de Bramafam, la (eggplant caviar)

terrines: see pâtés and terrines

thermidor sauce, for lobster, I: 221

timbale(s) (timbales) for dessert almond cream (le Pélerin en)

timbale(s) (timbales) for entrée

asparagus (d’asperges), I: 440

broccoli (de choux brocoli)

Brussels sprouts (de chou de Bruxelles), I: 454

cauliflower (de chou-fleur), I: 461

chicken liver (de foies de volaille), I: 174

variations, I: 175

French pancakes (de crêpes), I: 195

spinach (d’épinards), I: 175, 474

unmolded, egg proportions for

zucchini (de courgettes)

toilette: see caul fat




tomato(es) (tomates), I: 505–8

general information, I: 23

to peel, seed, juice, etc., I: 505–6

baked whole (grillées au four), I: 506

casserole with eggplant (ratatouille), I: 503

garnish for soup

with hashed brown potatoes

omelette, I: 136–8

gratinéed, I: 136

open-faced (pipérade), I: 137

pipérade: see pipérade

purée with herbs (coulis de, à la provençale), I: 78

quiche, I: 148

in salad nicoise, I: 542

sauce, I: 76–8, 388; 6.1

with scalloped potatoes, I: 525

soup, Mediterranean (potage Magali)

stuffed (à la provençale; farcies duxelles); I: 507–8

with scrambled eggs, I: 576

in stuffings, 6.1, 6.2

tongue(s) (langues)

general information

cooking methods

fresh versus smoked and pickled


preparation, fresh or frozen


types, 3.1, 3.2

beef (de boeuf)

general information, 3.1

boiled, with sweet-and-sour sauce (à l’aigre–douce)

braised, with Madeira sauce (braisée, au madère)

flavorings, etc.

sauces for

sliced, braised with curry (braisée, Calcutta)

lamb (d’agneau)

pork (de porc)

veal (de veau)

tools: see kitchen equipment

toss, to (definition of), I: 14

tournedos, I: 290–1, 296–300

tripe (tripes)

general information, 3.1




preliminaries to cooking

with onions (à la niçoise)

truffes au chocolat

truffle(s) (truffes)

general information, I: 19

with chicken, chaud-froid (chaud-froid de poulet, morvandelle)

with chicken, in pastry (garniture de volaille, financière)

with chicken livers, in sausage (saucisson aux foies de volaille)

chocolate (au chocolat)

in deglazing sauce for chicken breasts, I: 271

with eggs, scrambled (oeufs brouillés aux), I: 126

with fish filets, I: 215

for pâtés, I: 564–9; 5.1

in pork and veal sausage (saucisson truffé au foie gras)

with potatoes (pommes de terre sarladaise)

sauce (Périgueux), I: 75

in sausage (saucisson à cuire)

with steak (tournedos), I: 299

in stuffings

for chicken, half-boned (poularde à la d’Albuféra)

with foie gras for beef, I: 304

for leg of lamb, in pastry (gigot farci, en croûte)

for veal roast, sliced (veau en feuilletons)

with veal scallops (noisettes de veau, périgourdine)

with sweetbreads in pastry (ris de veau à la financière)

trussing a bird, I: 237–9; 4.1


in combination salad (salade niçoise), I: 542

steaks (thon à la provençale), I: 219, 576

in veal patties and veal loaf, I: 375

turkey (dinde)

with beans (cassoulet), I: 404

to bone, I: 570

to half-bone and truss


in eggplant and tomato casserole

filling for appetizers, I: 203

gratin of, I: 157

mousse (mousseline de volaille), I: 560


quenelles, I: 189

soufflé, I: 167

in stuffing for eggplant

stuffings for, I: 565 272–6, 513–15

in tarragon aspic, I: 549

timbales, I: 175

turnip(s) (navets), I: 485–9

general information, I: 485–6

braised in butter (à l’étuvée), I: 486

casserole of (à la champenoise), I: 488

with duck (caneton poêlé aux), I: 279

glazed (glacés à brun), I: 488

greens, in stuffing for beef roll

parslied (persillés), I: 487

with pork (rôti de porc aux), I: 383

and potato purée (purée de, Parmentier), I: 487

purée, with rice (purée Freneuse)

purée of rutabagas (la purée, châteaux en Suède)

sautéed in butter (petits, sautés, en garniture)

soup, green (potage Untel)


with Roquefort cheese (petits chaussons au Roquefort), I: 204

pastry dough for, I: 139–43; 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

U, V

unmolding, directions for

aspics, I: 559

cakes, I: 668

desserts, I: 586

utensils: see kitchen equipment

vanilla (vanille), I: 587

ice cream, with chocolate sauce (Chantilly glacée, au chocolat)

other sauces and flavorings

in sauce or filling (crème anglaise; crème pâtissière), I: 588–92

soufflé, I: 614, 618

variations follow recipe: symbol before recipe title

veal (veau), I: 350–75; 203–25

general information, I: 350–2; 3.1, 3.2

cuts for

chops, I: 369; 3.1


patties, I: 372

roasting, I: 351

scallops, I: 365

steaks, I: 371; 3.1

stewing, I: 360; 3.1

quality, I: 350

timing for roasts, I: 352

blanquette, I: 362

boudin blanc (sausage), 4.1, 5.1

brains: see brains


baked in pastry (feuilletons, en croûte)

sliced and stuffed (en feuilletons)

breast (poitrine de)

general information, 3.1

to bone

to buy

stuffed, braised (farcie)

stuffings for

chard or spinach

other stuffings, 3.1, app.1

chops and steaks (côtes de; rouelles), I: 369–71; 3.1


gratinéed with cheese (au fromage)

with herbs (aux herbes), I: 369

variations, I: 371

with mushrooms and cream (braisées aux champignons)

with potatoes (Champvallon, gratinées)

in wine (dans leur jus)

variations (pistou, bonne femme, etc.)

cold, I: 577

kidneys: see kidneys, veal and lamb


in eggplant and tomato casserole

for patties, I: 375

loaf (pain de), I: 375

marinades, I: 358, 567; 3.1

pâtés: see pâtés and terrines

patties (ground veal) (fricadelles de), I: 372–5

with cream and herb sauce (à la crème), I: 373–4

of leftover veal, I: 375

with mushrooms (duxelles), I: 374

with tomatoes and onions (à la niçoise), I: 372

with tuna (mentonnaise), I: 375

quènelles, I: 189

roast (covered casserole) (poêlé), I: 351–9

with diced vegetables (à la matignon), I: 354

gratinéed with onions (Prince Orloff), I: 355

sliced and stuffed (en feuilletons)

in pastry crust (feuilletons, en croûte)

stuffed (ham and cheese) (Sylvie), I: 357

timing and temperature for roasting, I: 352

sausage (boudin blanc), 4.1, 5.1; see also sausages

scallops (escalopes de), I: 364–9

with cream and mushrooms (à la crème), I: 366

stuffed with foie gras and truffles (noisettes)

with tarragon sauce (à l’estragon), I: 367

with tomatoes and mushrooms (chasseur), I: 368

shank with beans (cassoulet), I: 404

shanks, braised (ossobuco; jarret de, à la provençale)

steaks, I: 371; see also veal, chops

stews, sautés, blanquettes, I: 359–64; 3.1

with onions (blanquette de, à l’ancienne), I: 362


with tomatoes (Marengo), I: 360

with tomatoes, mushrooms, and cream (ragoût de, aux champignons)

variations (olives, pipérade, etc.)

with vegetables (ragoût de, printanier)

stock, I: 109; 3.1


with chard or spinach

with ham and cheese (Sylvie), I: 357

with onions and mushrooms (Prince Orloff), I: 355

with pork, foie gras, etc. (en feuilletons)

scallops (noisettes, périgourdine)

in stuffing, 3.1, 6.1

stuffings for, I: 356, 358; 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, app.1

tongues (langues de); see also tongues

veau: see veal

vegetable mill, I: 9; 1.1, app.1

for puréeing soups

vegetables (légumes), I: 421–535; 6.1

general information, I: 421; see also information preceding each vegetable section

to chop, dice, mince, etc., I: 26–30

green, discussion of, I: 421–2

serving suggestions: see suggestions in main-course recipes

cold, I: 536–41, 577–8; 6.1

in pot-au-feu, I: 306

soup (soupe au pistou), I: 45

stuffed: see stuffings, for vegetables

see also soups, and names of specific vegetables

velouté sauce, I: 55–64, 356–7, 363

venison, sauce for (sauce venaison), I: 70

vermouth for cooking, I: 31

viande: see meat; pork; veal; etc.

vichyssoise, I: 39

vinaigrette sauces, I: 94–5

volaille: see chicken

vol-au-vent, 2.1, 2.2

chicken garniture for (de volaille financière)

cutters for

puff pastry dough for

puff pastry shells for


uncooked insides, use of (ramequin du juste milieu)

seafood garniture for (dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)

sweetbread garniture for (ris de veau à la financière)


wafers, cheese (galettes au fromage), I: 197

walnut(s) (noix)

and almond puffs (les croquets Denison)

brittle (pralin aux noix)

cake (gâteau aux noix; le Saint-André)

with apricot filling (le Saint-André aux abricots)

caramel ice cream (mousse glacée, pralinée aux noix; appareil à bombe)

halves, caramelized (pralin aux noix)

watercress (cresson)

purée, with cauliflower (chou-fleur en verdure), I: 460

soup (potage au), I: 38–9, 41

with cauliflower (de la Fontaine Dureau)

waterzooi (bouillabaisse of chicken)

weights: see measures and weights

white sauces (sauces blanchis), I: 55–66

butter sauce (beurre blanc; beurre nantais), I: 96

wine(s) (vins), I: 31–6

baskets, decanters, I: 36

cooking with, I: 31–2

and food, I: 32–4

glasses, I: 36; 554

sauce, I: 62, 84, 217, 294–5

storage and serving, I: 33–6

see also serving suggestions with recipes

winter squash, purée, with white beans (gratin de potiron d’Arpajon)



general information

batters and doughs (pâtes levées)

babas and savarins, I: 658

crêpes, I: 649, 650

French breads, brioches, croissants

zucchini (courgettes)

general information, 6.1

to blanch whole

to buy and store

to grate and salt

peeling, blanching, salting

weights and measures

baked: see below gratinéed

blanched, whole; recipes

in cream

grated (rapées à la crème)

pieces, with tarragon (étuvées à la crème)

in eggplant casserole (ratatouille), I: 503

with garlic, parsley, and béchamel (en persillade, gratinées)


in cream (rapées à la crème)

molded custard of, with cheese (timbale)

in olive oil and garlic (rapées, sautées à la provençale)

sautéed (rapées, sautées)

with spinach (aux épinards)

gratinéed (baked)

with cheese (à la milanaise)

with cheese sauce (mornay)

with garlic, parsley, and béchamel (persillade)

with rice, onions, and cheese (tian)

molded custard with onions and cheese (timbale)


with rice, onions, and cheese (tian de, au riz)


in butter

grated (rapées)

pieces (maître d’hôtel)

in oil and garlic

grated (provençale)

pieces (provençale)

soup (potage aux)

with spinach (aux épinards)


with almonds and cheese (farcies aux amandes)

with rice and peppers (farcies au riz et aux poivrons)

see also list of stuffings, app.1

with tomatoes, peppers, etc. (en pistouille)