Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
abolition: of Atlantic slave trade, (i), (ii)n72; slaveholder compensation and (see compensation claims); of slavery, (i). See also emancipation; formerly enslaved people; freedom
abolitionism, (i), (ii)n9, (iii)n40, (iv)n46, (v)n80
absentee owners, (i), (ii), (iii)
abuse, (i), (ii). See also brutality; violence
Adams, Abigail, (i)
Adams, Arthur, (i)
Adams, John Quincy, (i)
adultery, (i)n6
advertisements (newspaper notices): “Brought to Jail” notices, (i), (ii), (iii); “Lost Friends” or “Information Wanted,” (i), (ii); for nursing medications, (i); for runaway slaves, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); for separation of property, (i), (ii); for wet nurses, (i), (ii), (iii)n15, (iv)n66
African Americans: enlisted in Union Army, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); kidnapping of, (i), (ii); orphaned freed children, (i), (ii)n27; racial stereotypes about, (i), (ii). See also enslaved children; enslaved men; enslaved people; enslaved women; formerly enslaved people
agents and proxies: advertisements placed by, (i), (ii); auctions and, (i); claims by, (i); hired by women, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); husbands and male kin as, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); legal cases against, (i); listed in directories, (i); women as, (i), (ii)
Aimé (formerly enslaved woman), (i)
Alabama, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); during the Civil War, (i), (ii); emancipation, (i); newspapers in, (i); property laws, (i); refugeeing to, (i); secession of, (i)
Alfred (formerly enslaved by Green Martin), (i)
Alice (formerly enslaved by Missus Jones), (i)
Alston, Caroline, (i)
America (formerly enslaved wet nurse), (i)
American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission, (i), (ii), (iii)n30, (iv)n67
American Missionary Association (AMA), (i)n27
Angel, Sarah, (i)
Ann (formerly enslaved by Elizabeth Humphreyville), (i), (ii)n42
antenuptial agreements, (i), (ii). See also marriage contracts
Anthony, James, (i)
Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans (Child), (i)
Apprentice Act (Georgia), (i)n27
apprenticeship system, (i), (ii), (iii)nn27,30
Arkansas, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Armstrong, Mary, (i)
Arvent, James, (i)
Atkins, Smith D., (i)
Atlantic slave trade, (i), (ii), (iii)n72
auctioneers, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n59
“Aunt Hannah” (formerly enslaved woman), (i)
authority, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); of enslaved drivers, (i); married women’s, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); of overseers, (i); slave discipline and, (i)
Ayres, Mary, (i)n61
Baden, Augustus, (i)
Baker, Daniel, (i)
Baker, Esther, (i)
Baker, Mrs. (Mattie Lee’s owner), (i)
Baker, Mrs. S. F., (i)
Baltimore Criminal Court, (i)
Bancroft, Frederic, (i), (ii)n9
Banks, Sealy, (i)
Bank’s Arcade, (i)
Barbados, (i)
Barbee, Jack, (i)
Barber, Caroline, (i)
Barber, James, (i)
Barber, Margaret C., (i), (ii)n37
Barinds and Company, (i)
Barnet, Jack, (i)
Barrett, Armstead, (i)
barter exchanges, (i)
Beard, Joseph A., (i)
Becky (formerly enslaved by Elizabeth Patterson), (i)
Becky (formerly enslaved by Mrs. S. F. Baker), (i)
Bedgood, John A., (i)
Bee, Frances C., (i)n50
begging, (i)
Bell, Ann, (i)
benevolence, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Bennefield, Willis, (i)
Bennet, S., (i)n44
bequests. See inheritances; wills
Bergfels, W. H., (i)
Berliner, Sarah Johnson, (i)
Berry, Fannie, (i)
Bersije, Mademoiselle (slave owner), (i)
Bethea, John C., (i)
Betts, Maria, (i)
Binns, Arrie, (i)
Birney, William, (i)
Biscoe, Ann, (i)n61
Bishop, Ank, (i)
Bishop, Joel Prentiss, (i)n73
Blachard, Louise Marie Eugenie Bailly, (i)
Blackstone, William, (i), (ii)
Blackwell, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
Blair, Eveline, (i)
Blake, Mary S., (i)
Blakely, Adeline, (i)
Blalock, Zadock, (i)
Bland, Theodorick, (i)
Blanks, Julia, (i)
Boazman, James W., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n77
Boggs, Susan, (i)
Boiffeuillet, J. P., (i)n66
Boles, Eliva, (i)
Border States (Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, West Virginia), (i), (ii), (iii)
Bost, W. L., (i)
Boston Juvenile Anti-Slavery Society, (i)n9
bottle-feeding, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n31
Botts, George Ann, (i)
Boulware, Nancy, (i)
Bowery, Charity, (i), (ii), (iii)
Boxley, Jane, (i)
Bradley, Solomon, (i)
Bragg’s Arctic Liniment, (i)
Braxton, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
Brazier, Jane, (i)
breast milk, (i), (ii), (iii). See also nursing; wet nursing
Breedlove, Maria, (i)
Bremer, Fredrika, (i), (ii), (iii)
Brian Cape and Company, (i)
Briscoe, Mrs. (Lewis Ayres’s owner), (i)
brokers, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)n7
Brom and Bett v. Ashley, (i)
brothels, (i)
“Brought to Jail” notices, (i), (ii), (iii)
Brown, Jennie, (i)
Brown, John, (i)
Brown, Polly, (i)
Brown, William Wells, (i), (ii)
brutality, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n72; of slave market, (i); by slave owners’ children, (i), (ii); by Union soldiers, (i). See also captivity; murder; violence
Bryan, Mary Norcott, (i)
Buck (formerly enslaved by Leah Woods), (i)
Buie, Jane, (i)
Bullitt, Alexander C., (i)
Bullitt, Magne, and Company, (i)
Burke, Glendy, (i)
Burke, Madame (of Lafourche Parish), (i)
Burke, Watt, and Company, (i)
Burton, Annie L., (i)
Burton, Caroline, (i)
Burton, Henry, (i)
Burwell, John A., (i), (ii), (iii)
Burwell, John E., (i)n6
Burwell, Letitia M., (i), (ii), (iii)
Burwell, Lizzie Anna, (i), (ii)
Bushy, Mathilda, (i), (ii)n74, (iii)n82
business activities, of white women, (i), (ii), (iii)n31
Butler, Benjamin F., (i)
Butler, Pierce Mease, (i)
Butler, Sarah, (i)
Byrd, Susie R. C., (i)
Calvert, Eugenia, (i)n7
Calvert, George, (i)n7
Campbell, Ellen, (i)
Camp Edwards, (i)
Camp Sherman, (i)
Cannon, Elisha, (i)
Cannon, Patty, (i)
Cape and Company. See Brian Cape and Company
Capeheart, Nancy, (i)
Capers and Heyward, (i)
captivity, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv). See also imprisonment
Carraby, Marie, (i)
Carrydine (overseer), (i)
Carter, Jesse, (i)
Carter, Mary L., (i)
Cartwright, Lewis, (i)
Carual, Filman, (i)n20
Casey, Julia, (i)
Cayce & Son, (i)n59
Census of Merchants (New Orleans), (i)
Chalkley, O. H., (i)
chancery courts, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Charleston, South Carolina, (i), (ii), (iii); enslaved children in, (i)n9; Fort Sumter attack, (i); newspaper advertisements, (i), (ii), (iii); slave auctions, (i), (ii); slave dealers, (i); workhouse, (i), (ii)
Charlton, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
Chavis, Sarah Thompson, (i)
Chesnut, James, (i)
Chesnut, Mary Boykin, (i), (ii)
Chew, Angelica, (i)
Child, Lydia Maria, (i)
children: control over enslaved people, (i); mothers’ emotional attachments to, (i); at slave auctions, (i), (ii)n15; violence of slavery and, (i), (ii). See also enslaved children; nursing; wet nursing
Childress, Elizabeth, (i), (ii)n5
Childress, Wiley, (i)
Child’s Book on Slavery; or, Slavery Made Plain (Grosvenor), (i)n46
Chitty, Charles C., (i)
Christianity, (i)
civilizing, slavery described as, (i)
Civil War, (i); aftermath of, (i); beginning of, (i); end of, (i), (ii); runaway slaves during, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n42. See also Confederate States of America; Union Army
Clanton, A. M., (i)
Clanton, Mary M., (i)
Clark, Mary, (i)
Clarke, Edward, (i)
Clarke, Lillian, (i)
class, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); slave auctions and, (i)n15; wet nurses and, (i)
coartación, (i)
Code Noir (Louisiana), (i)
Cofer, Betty, (i)
Cohen’s New Orleans and Lafayette City Directory (Cohen), (i)
Collins, Harriet, (i)
Collins, Mrs. P. E., (i)
Columbia, South Carolina, (i)n15
“Committed to Jail” notices, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
common law, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
compensation claims, (i), (ii), (iii); Confederate government and, (i), (ii)n20, (iii)n45; District of Columbia, (i)nn60,61
Confederate States of America (CSA), (i)n85; Committee on Claims, (i); compensation for slaveholders, (i), (ii)n20, (iii)n45; Congress of, (i), (ii); establishment of, (i); impressment of enslaved people, (i), (ii), (iii)n51; repossession of slaves, (i). See also Civil War
Confiscation Acts, (i), (ii), (iii)
confiscation of slaves, by Union Army, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Contee, Ann L., (i)
cotton, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)
Cottrell, Elsie, (i)
Counter, Nancy, (i)
Courier (Charleston), (i), (ii)
courts of equity. See chancery courts
Coutreil, Madame (slave owner), (i), (ii)
coverture, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)n59. See also marriage contracts; married slave-owning women; wives
Cox, Esther, (i)
Craddock, John, (i)n73
Craddock, Lucy, (i)n73
Craig, Caleb, (i)
Craig, Henry, (i)
Craig, Mary, (i)
Crane, Sallie, (i)
Crasson, Hannah, (i)
Craw, Sally M., (i)
creditors. See debt
Creswell, Elihu, (i)
Crews, Martin M., (i)
Crosby, Mary, (i)
Crosby, William, (i)
Cross, Mrs. A., (i)
cross-racial intimacy, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv). See also love; sexual violence
Cuba, (i)
Curlett, Mary, (i)
Curry, James, (i)
Dailey, John A., (i)
Dana, N. J. T., (i)n42
daughters, (i); enslaved people given to, (i), (ii), (iii)nn9,10,11; inheritances, (i); instruction in slave mastery, (i); life estates, (i)
Davezac, Augustus, (i)n82
Davidson County Chancery Court, (i)
Davis, Annie, (i)
Davis, Francis, (i)
Davis, Sarah Ann, (i)
Davis, Thomas B., (i)
Davison, Ann Maria, (i)
Dawson, Mrs. (employer of formerly enslaved wet nurse), (i)
death: of enslaved people, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); former slave-owning women’s wishes for, (i)
DeBow’s Review, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n45
debt, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Declaration of Rights and Sentiments (1848), (i)
deference: enslaved people’s, (i); white children’s understanding of, (i)
Delaware, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Delia (formerly enslaved wet nurse), (i)
Delphine (formerly enslaved wet nurse), (i)
deSaulles, Louis, (i)
De Saussure, Louis D., (i)
De Saussure, Nancy Bostick, (i)
destitution, slave-owning women’s, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Devereux, Frances, (i)
Devereux, Sarah E., (i), (ii), (iii)n22
Dianna (formerly enslaved by Harriet A. Heath), (i)
discipline: advice columns on, (i), (ii); delegation of responsibility for, (i); instruments of, (i); laws on, (i), (ii), (iii); parental instruction on, (i), (ii); of white girls, (i). See also brutality; punishment; slave management and discipline
District of Columbia: compensation for slave owners, (i), (ii)nn60,61; emancipation, (i); slave pens, (i)
divorce, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n42
domestic labor, (i), (ii), (iii)
domestic violence, (i), (ii)n6
Douthit, Mrs. Charles, (i)
Downward, Lou, (i)
drawing ceremony, (i), (ii)n13
drivers, enslaved, (i)
Dudley, Wade, (i)
Dufour, Honoré, (i)
Dulany, Ida Powell, (i)
Dunbar, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
Duncan, Elizabeth, (i)
Duncan, Mary, (i)
Duncan, William, (i)
Duplat, John Baptiste, (i)
Ealey, Mary, (i)
E. Barinds and Company, (i)
economic dependency: abolition and, (i); of husbands, (i), (ii); of wives, (i), (ii)
economic investments in slavery, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); emancipation and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); enslaved people as wedding gifts, (i); financial losses, (i). See also sale of slaves; slave management and discipline; slave markets; wet nursing
economy, U.S., (i), (ii), (iii)
Edmonston, Catherine Ann, (i)
Edwards, Mary Kincheon, (i), (ii)
Ellis, Anna R., (i)
Elmore, Grace Brown, (i), (ii)
emancipation, (i); during Civil War, (i); economic impact on slave-owning women, (i), (ii), (iii); slave-owning women’s opposition to, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)n72. See also abolition; formerly enslaved people; freedom
Emancipation Proclamation, (i), (ii), (iii)
Emerson, Irene, (i)
Emery, Samuel, (i)
emigration, by slave-owning women, (i), (ii), (iii). See also refugeeing
Emmanuel, Ryer, (i)
Emmeline (formerly enslaved wet nurse), (i)
employers: discipline of hired slaves, (i); of formerly enslaved children, (i); of formerly enslaved people, (i); of wet nurses, (i), (ii)
enslaved children: abolitionist literature on, (i)n9; awareness of unfree status, (i); claimed by slave owners’ children, (i); as companions of slave owners’ children, (i), (ii); on display for guests, (i); humane treatment of, (i); infants, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n72; laws on sale of, (i); separated from fathers, (i)n67; separated from mothers, (i), (ii), (iii)n72; separated from parents, (i); value of, (i), (ii)n72
enslaved men: compensation claims for, (i); confiscated by Union troops, (i), (ii), (iii) (see also impressment, Confederate; Union Army); purchased by women, (i); value of, (i)
enslaved people: awareness of emancipation, (i) (see also emancipation); corpses used in medical research, (i); discipline of (see slave management and discipline); familial separation, (i) (see also familial reconstruction); financial and legal knowledge, (ii), (iii); freedom, buying from owners, (i), (ii); freedom, court petitions for, (i); given to women, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)nn9,10,11, (v)n56; held in captivity, (i), (ii); heterarchy and, (i); hired out, (i), (ii), (iii); humane treatment of, (i); as “immovable property,” (i); racial categories and, (i); rebellions, (i), (ii); refugeeing and, (i); resistance by, (i), (ii); sickly, (i), (ii)n72; sold to pay for dresses, (i), (ii) (see also sale of slaves); trauma and grief, (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)n80 (see also brutality); value of, (i), (ii). See also formerly enslaved people
enslaved women: in brothels, (i); emotional attachments to children, (i); as gifts for daughters, (i) (see also gifts, enslaved people given as); gynecological exams on, (i)n82; mixed-race, (i), (ii), (iii); nonconsensual sexual relationships, (i)n94 (see also sexual violence); purchased by women, (i); reproductive capacity of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n2, (v)n72 (see also wet nursing); value of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv). See also mothers
Erickson, Amy Louise, (i)
Estes, Mrs. (Sealy Banks’s employer), (i)
Eulenberg, Smokey, (i)
Evans, John, (i)
Evans, Millie, (i)
Every Woman Her Own Lawyer (Bishop), (i), (ii)n71
Ewell, Fanny, (i)
Ewell, Mildred, (i)
Falls, Robert, (i)
familial reconstruction (of formerly enslaved people), (i), (ii), (iii)
Fanny (enslaved by Lizzie Anna Burwell), (i)
Fanny (formerly enslaved by Charles C. Trabue), (i)
Farrarby, Mr. (slave owner), (i)
Fayetteville, North Carolina, (i)
Federal Writers’ Project (FWP), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n3
Felton, Rebecca, (i)
Fessenden, W. P., (i)
fictive kinship ties, (i)
financial losses. See economic investments in slavery
Firth, Sarah J., (i)
Fitts, Jennie, (i)
Fleming, Miss (slave owner), (i)
Flood, Margaret, (i)
Florida, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Folger, J., (i)
Folger, N., (i)
Folger v. Kendig, (i)
Follett, Richard, (i)
formerly enslaved people: children of, with former owners, (i); FWP interviews with, (i); hired for wages, (i), (ii). See also African Americans; emancipation; enslaved children; enslaved men; enslaved people; enslaved women
Fort Monroe (Hampton, Virginia), (i)
Foster, Analiza, (i)
Foster, Thomas, (i)
Foster, William, (i)
Fowler, Margaret, (i)
Franklin, Isaac, (i)
Franks, Becky, (i)
Freedmen’s Bureau, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Freedmen’s Court, (i)
freedom, (i), (ii); awareness of, (i), (ii); based on enlistment, (i); bought by enslaved people, (i); petitions for, (i), (ii). See also abolition; emancipation; formerly enslaved people; manumission; runaway slaves
free labor system, (i)
Freeman, Elizabeth (“Mum Bet”), (i), (ii)n46
Frémont, John C., (i)
Frisby and Lamarque, (i)
Fugitive Slave Act (1850), (i)
Fulton, Catherine, (i)
FWP. See Federal Writers’ Project
Galloway, Lucy, (i)
Gardiner, Catherine, (i)
Garlic, Delia, (i)
Georgia: Apprentice Act, (i)n27; emancipation, (i), (ii), (iii); secession of, (i)
Georgia v. Green Martin, (i)
Georgianna (formerly enslaved wet nurse), (i)
Gibbs, Henry, (i)
Gibbs, Martha, (i)
Gibbs, Mrs. (Albert Todd’s owner), (i)
gifts, enslaved people given as, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)nn9,10,11
Gilbert, Mary, (i)
Gill, Addy, (i)
Gilman, Caroline, (i)
Girardeau, Mrs. (white woman), (i), (ii)
Gladney, Jane, (i)
Glasgow, Missouri, (i)
Glen, Tyre, (i)
Glenn, Robert, (i)
Glenn, Silas, (i)
Goffney, Alfred, (i)
Goldsmith, John, (i)
Goodwin, Charlotte, (i)
Grant, Rebecca Jane, (i), (ii)
Grant, Ulysses S., (i), (ii), (iii)
Gray, Frances, (i)
Green, Emily Camster, (i)
Greeson, Abram, (i)
Grey, Eliza, (i)
Griffin, Clara, (i)
Grimes, James, (i)
Grimké, Angelina, (i), (ii)n40, (iii)n48
Grimké, Sarah, (i), (ii)n9, (iii)n40
Gumaer, Elias, (i)
Gumaer, Mary, (i)
Guy, Elizabeth, (i)
Hagan, John, (i)
Hagg, Beulah Sherwood, (i)n67
Hainline, Eleanor, (i)
Hale, Milley, (i)
Hall, Mary (brothel owner), (i)
Hall, Mary Ann, (i)n60
Hall, Sallie and Mary, (i)
Hammond, James, (i)
Hammond, Milton, (i)
Hancock, Filmore, (i)
Hanks, George H., (i)
Hanna, G. W., (i)
Hannah (formerly enslaved by Mrs. S. F. Baker), (i)
Hannibal, (i)
“happy slaves” image, (i)
Harriet, Madam (business owner), (i)
Harris, Kitty, (i)
Harris, Mary, (i)
Harris, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
Harrison, J. W., (i)
Hatcher, C. F., (i)
Hawkins, Tom, (i)
Hayes, Adelicia, (i)
Haynes, Addie, (i)
Haynes, Tom, (i)
Haynie, Aaron and Francis Hudson, (i)
Heath, Harriet A., (i)
Hector (formerly enslaved by Eliza Sego), (i)
Henderson, Charles, (i)
Henley, Robert Y., (i)
Henry (formerly enslaved by Emily G. Hood), (i)
Henry (formerly enslaved person), (i), (ii)n57
heterarchy, (i)
Hevener, Peter, (i)
Heyward, Pauline DeCaradeuc, (i)
Hicks, Ann V., (i)
hiding of slaves, (i), (ii). See also captivity
hierarchical societies, (i). See also patriarchal households
Hill, Rebecca Brown, (i)
Hill, Robert, (i)
Hill, Sarah, (i)
hiring of enslaved people: discipline and, (i); as wet nurses, (i), (ii)
Hite, Adelaide Vinot, (i)
Hite, Samuel N., (i)
Holloway, H. B., (i)
Holsell, Rhody, (i)n72
Honoré, A. M., (i)
Hood, Emily G., (i)
Hood, Mary A., (i)
Horner, John W., (i)
Horry, Ben, (i)
housekeeping, (i), (ii), (iii)
Howard, O. H., (i)
Hudgens, H. M., (i)
Huff, Annie, (i)
Humphreyville, Elizabeth, (i), (ii), (iii)n42
Humphreyville, Joseph, (i)
Hunter, Caroline, (i)
Hunter, David, (i)
Hunter, Susan, (i)
Hurley, Emma, (i)
husbands: adultery and, (i)n6; as agents and proxies, (i), (ii), (iii) (see also agents and proxies); appointed as trustees, (i); control over wives’ property and slaves, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); debts, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); domestic violence by, (i), (ii)n6; economic dependence of, (i). See also coverture; married slave-owning women; wives
Hyams, Catharine, (i)n82
Iberville, Louisiana, (i)
illiteracy, white women’s, (i), (ii), (iii)n24
immovable property, (i)
impressment, Confederate, (i), (ii), (iii)n51
imprisonment, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi). See also captivity
infants: care of, (i); enslaved, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n72; mortality rates, (i). See also wet nursing
infertility, (i)
“Information Wanted” advertisements, (i), (ii)
Ingraham, Joseph Holt, (i)
Ingram, Calvin, (i)
inheritances: enslaved people as, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); enslaved people’s knowledge of, (i); women’s preferences about, (i), (ii)n7
instruction in slave mastery, (i)
Isaac (Rebecca Jane Grant’s grandfather), (i)
Jackson, George, (i)
Jacob (formerly enslaved by Mary Clark), (i)
jailor’s notices, (i), (ii), (iii)
James, Agnes, (i)
James, Fanny, (i)n85
Jane (formerly enslaved by Ziba Oakes), (i)
Jane (formerly enslaved woman), (i)
Jefferson, Thomas, (i)
Jenkins, Jose, (i)
Johnson, Ben, (i)
Johnson, Betty, (i)
Johnson, Cornelia, (i)
Johnson, Daniel, (i)
Johnson, Ebenezer, (i)
Johnson, Frank, (i)
Johnson, Joseph, (i)
Johnson, Mary, (i)
Johnson, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
Jones, Eva, (i)
Jones, Isaac, (i)
Jones, Missus (slave owner), (i)
Jordan, J. W., Sr., (i)
Josephine (formerly enslaved by Mary Taylor), (i)
judicial patriarchy, (i)
Kellar, Bedilia Gaynor, (i)
Keller, Mrs. William, (i)
Kelly, Hannah, (i)
Kemble, Frances Anne (Fanny), (i), (ii)
Kemp, Jane, (i)
Kendig, Bernard, (i), (ii)nn75,77, (iii)n82
Kendricks, Tines, (i)
Kennedy, James, (i)
Kentucky: confiscation of enslaved people, (i); emancipation, (i), (ii); property law, (i); runaway slaves in, (i)
Kidd, Bill, (i)
Kidd, Nancy, (i)
Kimball, Cornelia, (i)
kindness, (i), (ii), (iii). See also benevolence
King, Henrietta, (i)
kinship, extended, (i)
Knight, Mary Fuller, (i)
Kramer, John Theophilus, (i)
Krenshaw, Louise, (i)
Ku Klux Klan, (i)
labor, skilled, (i); nursing as, (i) (see also wet nursing)
labor contracts, coercive, (i)
labor negotiations, (i)
ladies’ auctions, (i), (ii), (iii)nn58,59
Lallande (factor for Eliza Bowman Lyons), (i)
Lamon, Lester C., (i)n7
Lane, Lunsford, (i)
Larkin, Liza, (i)
laws: common law, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); inheritance, (i); on inheriting slave status, (i); prohibiting testimony by African Americans against whites, (i); on sale of enslaved children, (i); on slave discipline, (i), (ii), (iii). See also property rights
lawsuits. See legal cases
Leake, Joseph S., (i)
Leake, Mary Massie, (i)
Lee, Mattie, (i)
Lee, Robert E., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
legal advice, (i)n71
legal cases: married women and, (i), (ii); against overseers, (i); on repossession of slaves, (i); on slave ownership, (i); against slave traders, (i), (ii). See also chancery courts
legal rights of enslaved people, (i)
Le Sassier, Victoria, (i)
Lestree, Madam (slave owner), (i), (ii)n51
Letty (formerly enslaved by Elias and Mary Gumaer), (i)
Levy, A. S., (i)
Lewellen, James, (i)
Lewis (formerly enslaved by Esther Baker), (i)
Lincoln, Abraham, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)
Lindsay, Mary, (i)
Lindsay, Mrs. (Kittie Stanford’s owner), (i)
Linier, Lucy, (i)
Little, Janie, (i)
Logan, Lucinda, (i)
Lomax, Carrie, (i)
“Lost Friends” advertisements, (i), (ii)
Louisiana: Civil Code, (i)n92; Code Noir, (i); emancipation, (i), (ii), (iii); fertility rates on sugar plantations, (i); French colonial, (i); property law, (i); records of slave sales, (i); refugeeing from, (i), (ii); secession of, (i); Spanish colonial, (i). See also New Orleans
love, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Luisa, Miss (slave owner), (i)
Luke, Letty, (i)
Lumpkin, J., (i)
Lynch, Thomas, (i)
lynching, (i)
Lyons, Eliza Bowman, (i)
Mabson, Clarissa H., (i)
Macon Daily Telegraph, (i)
Mactaviah, Emily, (i)
Maddox, Anne, (i)
Malcolm (Jane Buie’s father), (i)
male kin: as agents and proxies, (i), (ii) (see also agents and proxies). See also husbands
“Management of Negroes” columns, (i), (ii), (iii)
“Management of Servants” column, (i)
Mann, Marshall, (i)
Manson, Benjamin B., (i)
Manson, Nancy, (i)
manumission, (i), (ii). See also freedom
Margaret (formerly enslaved by Mary Taylor), (i)
Maria (formerly enslaved woman in Eliza Rowland trial), (i)n50
marriage contracts, (i), (ii), (iii)n7, (iv)n73
married slave-owning women, (i); authority of, (i); civil death and, (i), (ii); conflicts with husbands, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); as deputy husbands, (i); enslaved people as wedding presents for, (i); as fictive widows, (i); legal claims, (i), (ii); marital agreements, (i), (ii); property rights, (i); remarriage by widows, (i); runaway slave notices, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); separation of property, (i); widows, property rights of, (i). See also husbands; wives
Marshall, Alice, (i)
Marshall Mann v. Charles C. Trabue, (i)
Martha (formerly enslaved by Charity A. Ramsey), (i)
Martin, Catherine, (i)
Martin, Godfry, (i)
Martin, Green, (i)
Martin, Louise, (i)
Martin, Mary, (i)
Martin, Sarah, (i)
Martineau, Harriet, (i)
Mary (formerly enslaved by John Craddock), (i)n73
Mary (formerly enslaved by Sarah Butler), (i)
Maryland: compensation claims, (i); emancipation, (i), (ii); laws on inheriting slave status, (i); slave rebellions, (i)
Mascey, Mathilda, (i)
Mason, Betsy, (i)
Mason, Caroline, (i)
Mason, Edwin, (i)
Mason, Margarette J., (i)
Massachusetts, (i)
“Master” salutation, (i)
maternal labor, (i). See also nursing; wet nursing
maternal violence, (i), (ii)n72
M. C. Cayce & Son, (i)n59
McCook, A. McD., (i)
McCord, Louisa, (i)n45
McElveen, A. J., (i)
McGruder, Tom, (i)
McGuire, Zachariah R. T., (i)
McMillan, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
McNeill, Sallie, (i)
McRae, Catherine, (i)
McWhite, Elizabeth, (i)
McWhorter, William, (i)n73
M. E. H. Dupland v. T. B. Cabos, separation of property notice, (i)
Melinda (formerly enslaved woman), (i)
Memphis, (i); slave market, (i)n7, (ii)n59
merchants, white women as, (i), (ii), (iii)n31
Merrick, Bill, (i)
Mexico, (i)
midwives, (i)
Militia Act, (i)
Miller, Anna, (i)
Miller, Henry, (i)
Miller, Henry Kirk, (i)
Miller, Margaret, (i)
Miller, Susan Walton, (i)
Milliken, Primerose, and Company, (i)
Mills, Charles C., (i), (ii)n2
Mima (formerly enslaved by Jane Gladney), (i)
Mississippi, (i), (ii), (iii); Natchez slave market, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n7
Missouri: Civil War and, (i); compensation claims, (i); emancipation, (i), (ii), (iii); Supreme Court, (i)
mistresses: definitions of, (i), (ii)n17; northern, (i)n18. See also slave-owning women
“Mistress” salutation, (i)
mixed-race enslaved people, (i), (ii), (iii)
Mollere, Madam, (i)
Mollet, William, (i)
Montgomery, R. M., (i)
Moore, Amy Van Zandt, (i)
Moore, Betty, (i)
Moore, Edward, (i)
moral obligation, (i)
Moss, Claiborne, (i)
mothers, (i); separated from children, (i), (ii), (iii)n72; teaching slave management and discipline, (i) (see also slave-owning women). See also enslaved women; nursing; wet nursing
Mount Sterling, Kentucky, (i)
mourning, (i), (ii)n80. See also grief
Mum Bet (Sedgwick), (i)n46
murder, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Murrel, James, (i)
Nancy (formerly enslaved by Zachariah R. T. McGuire), (i)
Nancy (formerly enslaved wet nurse), (i)
Nanny (formerly enslaved by Betty Jones), (i)
Natchez, Mississippi, slave market, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n7
National Advisor on Folklore and Folkways, (i)
nativism, (i)
Nelson, Ambrose, (i)
Nelson, Fanny, (i)
New Bern, North Carolina, (i)
New Jersey, (i)
Newman, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
New Orleans: brothels (fancy trade), (i); commercial districts, (i); slave auctions, (i); slave market, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)n25
newspaper notices. See advertisements
Nicholls, Francis T., (i)
Nigeria, (i)
Nightingale, Sally, (i)
Nixon, William H., (i)
Nixon v. Bozeman et al., (i)
Nobles, Elizabeth, (i)
Noland, Caroline, (i)
Norris, James C., (i)
North: slavery in, (i); wet nursing in, (i)
North Carolina, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Nunnalee, James, (i)
nuns, as slave owners, (i)
nursing: attitudes toward, (i); bottle-feeding and, (i)n31; cross-racial, (i), (ii)n3; by white southern women, (i). See also wet nursing
Oakes, Ziba, (i)
oath of allegiance, (i)
O’Connor, Rachel, (i), (ii)n73
Olivia (Mary Armstrong’s owner), (i)
Olmsted, Frederick Law, (i)
Onion, Elizabeth, (i)
Organ, Martha, (i)
orphaned freed children, (i), (ii)n27
Orr, Martha, (i)
overseers: employed by slave-owning women, (i); slave discipline by, (i), (ii)
ownership: defined, (i). See also slave owners; slave-owning women
Ozanne, Urbain, (i)
P., Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
Page, Susy, (i)
Palmer, Mrs. (employer or slave owner), (i)
Panic of 1819, (i)
pardons, for Confederates, (i), (ii)n59
parents, slave-owning, (i), (ii). See also children
Parnell, Henry, (i)
Parnell, Priscilla, (i)
Parnell, Sarah Davis, (i)
passing as white, (i)
patriarchal households, (i), (ii), (iii)
Patrick, William C., (i)
Patsey (formerly enslaved by Mary Taylor), (i)
Patterson, Amy Elizabeth, (i)
Patterson, Delicia, (i)
Patterson, Elizabeth, (i)
Patterson, Fannie, (i)
Patterson, Martha, (i)
Pedrow, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
Pennington, James W. C., (i)
pensions, (i)
Perrie, Lucy, (i)
Peterson, Joseph, (i)
Petigru, Jane, (i)
Phillips, Catharine V., (i)
Phillips, Weldon, (i)
Piatt, Donn, (i)
Pinckard, George, (i), (ii)n15
Polly (formerly enslaved by Elizabeth Humphreyville), (i)
Polly (Mary Armstrong’s owner), (i)
Poore, Annie, (i)
Posey, Zoe, (i)
possession (legal term), (i)
postnuptial agreements, (i). See also marriage contracts
poverty, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
power: class and, (i); modes of, (i); slave sales and, (i); of whiteness, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n2
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, (i), (ii)
Prentis, Mrs. (slave owner), (i)
primogeniture, (i)
property rights, (i); conflicts with husbands over, (i); coverture and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)n59; defined, (i); legal claims, (i); marriage contracts and, (i); minors and, (i)nn1,5; postwar restoration of, (i), (ii)n59; recognition of, (i); separation of property, (i), (ii), (iii)
prostitutes, (i)
protection, government and military, (i), (ii)
proxies. See agents and proxies
psychological distress, (i)
Pugh, Josephine, (i)
punishment, (i); instruments used in, (i); value of slaves and, (i). See also brutality; discipline; slave management and discipline
Pye, Charlie, (i)
Quarles, James M., (i)
Queener, Ann, (i)
Queener, Olive (Ollie), (i)
race, citizenship and, (i)
racial segregation, (i)
Raleigh, North Carolina, (i)
Ramsey, Charity A., (i)
Rankin, Mrs. (owner of F. H. Brown’s mother), (i)
rape, (i), (ii), (iii). See also sexual violence
Rapelye, Bennett, and Company, (i)
Ray, Deborah, (i)
Raymond, Mathilda, (i)
Read, Tyler, (i)
Redpath, James, (i)
Redwood, Richard, (i)
refugeeing, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Reid, Whitelaw, (i)
reproductive capacity of enslaved women, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n2, (v)n72. See also wet nursing
respectability, politics of, (i)
Rhode Island, (i)
Richmond, Virginia, (i)
Ridley, Mrs. (George Womble’s owner), (i)
Ripley, Eliza, (i), (ii), (iii)
Rives, A. L., (i)n45
Robertson, John, (i)
Rogers, B. E., (i)
Rose (formerly enslaved by Mary Fuller Knight), (i)
Rose Bud/Southern Rose, (i)
Roulain, Catherine, (i)
Rousseau, Lovell H., (i)
Rowley, Charles N., (i)
Rowley, Jane, (i)
Royal African Company, (i)
Rumph, Anna, (i)
runaway slaves: advertisements for, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); during Civil War, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n42; held in captivity, (i); laws on discipline of, (i)
Russell, Rose, (i)
Saint Louis Hotel (New Orleans), (i)
sale of slaves, (i); bills of sale, (i), (ii); during Civil War, (i), (ii); reasons for, (i), (ii); threat of, (i), (ii). See also agents and proxies; slave auctions; slave markets; slave traders
Sally (formerly enslaved by Elizabeth Childress), (i)
Sam (formerly enslaved by Mary Gilbert), (i)
Sarah (formerly enslaved by Mrs. Bonsigneur), (i)
Sarah (formerly enslaved woman), (i)
Satterwhite, Eldred, (i)
“savage Africans” stereotype, (i)
Schedule of Slave Inhabitants, (i)
Schroder, A. E. [Ann], (i)
Schroder, Henry W., (i)
Scomp, Samuel, (i)
Scott, Winfield, (i)
Screven, Thomas, (i)
Seage, John, (i)
Seddon, James A., (i)n45
Sedgwick, Catherine, (i)n46; The Linwoods, (i)
Sedgwick, Theodore, (i)
Sego, Eliza, (i)
self-purchase, (i)
Sellers, W. W., (i)n2
separation, legal, (i). See also divorce
separation of property, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
sexual violence, (i), (ii), (iii); nonconsensual sexual relations, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n94; slave markets and, (i), (ii), (iii)
Shaw, Tiney, (i)
Sheppard, Morris, (i)
Shields, Wiley, (i)
Shipley, Alfred, (i)
Shipley, Joe, (i)
Shorter, John, (i)
Shreveport, Louisiana, (i)
Sims, James Marion, (i)n82
Sims, William, (i)
Sisters of the Visitation (Georgetown), (i)
skilled labor, (i), (ii). See also wet nursing
Skinner, John Colbert and Edward, (i)
Skipwith, Sir Peyton, (i)
slave auctions: analogous to ladies’ auctions, (i), (ii)nn58,59; auction houses, (i); class and, (i)n15; in commercial districts, (i); enslaved people’s knowledge of, (i); performance and, (i); slave owners’ children at, (i)n15. See also sale of slaves; slave markets; slave traders
slave management and discipline, (i); by employers of hired slaves, (i); girls’ and women’s instruction in, (i), (ii); heterarchy and, (i); methods of, (i); slave-owning women’s husbands and, (i); styles of, (i). See also brutality; discipline; punishment
slave markets, (i); in commercial districts, (i); eighteenth-century, (i); enslaved people buying freedom, (i); households and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n9; as masculine, (i); nineteenth-century, (i); questions asked at, (i)n52; regional variations, (i); in residential neighborhoods, (i)n25; sexual aspects, (i), (ii), (iii); as tourist attractions, (i); wet nurses and, (i)
slave mastery: girls’ and women’s instruction in, (i); mistress-ship, (i); slave-owning women and, (i), (ii); violent discipline and, (i). See also slave management and discipline
slave owners: absentee, (i), (ii), (iii); average and elite, (i), (ii), (iii); children of, (i), (ii), (iii)n15; compensation for (see compensation claims)
slave-owning women: after emancipation, (i); Civil War and abolition of slavery, (i); as “fictive masters,” (i), (ii); illiteracy, (i), (ii), (iii)n24; instruction in slave mastery, (i); overview, (i); property rights and, (i); reasons for supporting slavery, (i); slave management and discipline, (i); slave markets and, (i), (ii), (iii); wet nurses and, (i). See also married slave-owning women
slaves. See enslaved children; enslaved men; enslaved people; enslaved women; formerly enslaved people
slave trade: abolition of, (i), (ii)n72; Atlantic, (i), (ii), (iii)n72; domestic market, (i); “natural increase” and, (i), (ii); regional variations in, (i)
slave traders, (i), (ii), (iii); bills of sale, (i), (ii); enslaved infants and, (i); female kin of, (i), (ii)n25; kinship ties and, (i); lawsuits against, (i), (ii); marriage and, (i). See also agents and proxies; sale of slaves; slave auctions; slave markets
Sloan, Peggy, (i)
Smith, Adam, (i)
Smith, Benjamin, (i)
Smith, Fanny L., (i)
Smith, Irene, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n42
Smith, John, (i)
Smith, Palonia, (i)
Smith, William, (i)
social order, (i)
sons, life estates for, (i)
Sorrell, Elizabeth, (i)
Sorrell, Ria, (i)
South Carolina: emancipation, (i), (ii); gifting of slaves, (i)n10; laws, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); records of slave sales, (i); secession of, (i)
Sparks, Elizabeth, (i)
Sparks, Jared, (i)
Spears, John, (i)
Spears, Mary Ann, (i)
Sprague, Homer B., (i)
Stanford, Kittie, (i)
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, (i)
State of Georgia v. Green Martin, (i)
Stephens, Charlotte, (i)n67
Stewart, Mrs. E., (i)
Stout, William, (i)
Strange, Mrs. (Alfred Goffney’s employer), (i)
Street, John, (i)
Street, Louisa, (i)
Street, Samuel, (i)
Strickland, Barnabas, (i)
Strickland, Eliza, (i)
“sulks,” slaves with, (i)
Summers, Sallie, (i)
Sweneua (or Brzarenne), Mrs. Mary, (i)
Sybert, Peggy, (i)
Tabb, Henry Wythe, (i)n43
Tabb, Sally V. B., (i), (ii)n43
Talbott, William, (i)
Tarbe, John, (i)
Tarrant, Mary A., (i)
Taylor, J. K., (i)
Taylor, Mary, (i)
Taylor, Mary Jane, (i)
Taylor, Thomas, (i)
Taylor, Warren, (i)
Tempe (formerly enslaved by John A. Burwell), (i)
Ten Eyck, Julia, (i)
Tennessee: emancipation, (i), (ii); Memphis slave market, (i)n7, (ii)n59; runaway slaves in, (i), (ii)n42; secession of, (i)
Terrill, J. W., (i)
Terryl, Timothy, (i)
Texas: emancipation, (i); refugeeing to, (i), (ii), (iii); secession of, (i)
Theiner, Thomas, (i)
Theresa (formerly enslaved by Mary Taylor), (i)
Thomas, Cora Lou, (i)
Thomas, Ella Gertrude Clanton, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Thomas, Ellen, (i)
Thomas, Jefferson, (i)
Thomas, Lorenzo, (i)
Thomas, Mrs. Robert Wagner, (i), (ii)
Thomas, Nancy, (i)
Thompson, Penny, (i)
Thompson, Rachel, (i)
Tinubu, Madam Efunroye, (i)
Tisdale, Piety, (i)
Tivis, Euphrasia, (i)
Tobe (slave owner’s infant), (i)
Toca, Phillipe, (i)
Toledano, Raphaël, (i)
Trabue, Charles C., (i)
trauma: of Civil War, (i); of separation from children, (i), (ii). See also brutality; murder; violence
trust deeds, (i)
trustees, husbands as, (i)
Tucker, Leila, (i)
Turnbull, Matilda, (i)
Turnbull, Walter, (i)
Turner, John C., (i)
Turner, Nat, (i)
Union Army: African Americans in, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); confiscation of enslaved men, (i), (ii), (iii); enslaved people and, (i); pensions, (i)
U.S. Colored Cavalry, (i)
U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery, (i)
U.S. Colored Infantry, (i), (ii), (iii)n51, (iv)n42
U.S. Colored Troops, (i)
U.S. Congress, (i), (ii), (iii)
U.S. Federal Census, (i)n2, (ii)n45
U.S. Pension Bureau, (i)
U.S. Supreme Court, (i)
Vaden, Ellen, (i)
Van Hook, John, (i)
Van Zandt, Frances, (i)
Venable, William Henry, (i)
vice districts, (i)
violence, (i); expressive value of, (i); racial, (i), (ii), (iii); in slave discipline, (i), (ii); slaveholding households and, (i); slave owners’ children and, (i). See also brutality; murder; sexual violence
Virginia, (i), (ii); compensation claims, (i), (ii)n45; emancipation, (i); laws, (i), (ii), (iii)n8; secession of, (i), (ii); slave jails, (i)
Walker, Ben, (i)
Walker v. Cucullu, (i)
Wallace, Annie, (i)
Walton, Henry, (i)
Ward, John, (i)
Washington, D.C. See District of Columbia
Washington, Ella, (i)
Watson, Henry, (i)
weddings: enslaved people as gifts, (i), (ii); slaves sold to pay for, (i)
Weld, Theodore Dwight, (i)
Welsh, Dennis, (i)
Welsh, Sarah, (i)
West, Eli, (i)
West Virginia, as Border State, (i)
wet nursing, (i); advertisements for, (i), (ii), (iii)n15, (iv)n66; attitudes toward, (i); breastmilk and, (i), (ii), (iii); cross-racial, (i); by enslaved women with children, (i)n73; by enslaved women who lost children, (i); hiring of enslaved women for, (i), (ii); by immigrants, (i); northern marketplace, (i); nutrition and, (i); psychological distress and, (i); sale of enslaved wet nurses, (i); separation of enslaved mothers from their children, (i); as skilled labor, (i); value of, (i). See also nursing
White, Bacchus, (i)
White, George, (i)
White, John Rucker, (i)
Whitehead, Elizabeth Stout, (i)
Whitehead, John, (i)
Whitehead, William, (i)
white laborers, (i)
white men: power of, (i); slave mastery, (i), (ii). See also husbands
whiteness, power of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n2
white southern women: believed to be alienated from slavery, (i), (ii), (iii); business activities, (i), (ii), (iii)n31; culture of mourning and, (i); discipline of, as girls, (i); ideals of womanhood and, (i); nursing problems, (i), (ii) (see also wet nursing); sentimental/maternal view of slavery and, (i); writing during Civil War, (i). See also married slave-owning women; slave-owning women; wives
white supremacy, (i), (ii), (iii)n2. See also whiteness, power of
Whitney, Theodore A., (i)
Whitworth, William, (i)
widows: fictive, (i); property rights of, (i)
William (formerly enslaved by Elias and Mary Gumaer), (i)
William (formerly enslaved by Mathilda Bushy), (i)n82
Williams, James A., (i)
Williams, Mary, (i)
Williams, Ruth, (i)
Williams, William, (i)
wills, (i), (ii), (iii). See also inheritances
Wilmott, R. P., (i)n82
Wilson, Ella, (i)
Winchester, James, (i)
Winney (formerly enslaved by Elizabeth Stout Whitehead), (i)
Winslow, John A., (i)
Witherspoon, Margaret, (i)
wives: as attorneys-in-fact, (i); financial stability, (i); legal status of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); property rights of, (i), (ii), (iii); separation of property, (i). See also coverture; husbands; marriage contracts; married slave-owning women
womanhood, ideals of, (i)
Womble, Enoch, (i)
Wood, Warren D., (i)
Woodberry, Eugenia, (i)
Woods, Alex, (i)
Woods, Betsy, (i)
Woods, Leah, (i)
Woolfolk, John W., (i)
Woolfolk, Jourdan, (i), (ii)n20
Woolfolk, Mary Elizabeth, (i)
Woolfolk, William, (i)
Woolfolk family, (i)
Works Progress Administration (WPA), (i), (ii). See also Federal Writers’ Project
Worth, Jonathan, (i)
Wright, Colonel, (i)
Wright, Lewis, (i)
Wyvill, Richard A., (i)
Yewel (former slave owner), (i)
Young, Ann, (i)
Young, Sophia, (i)