FIGURE 2.1 Age-price profile for Paul Cézanne

FIGURE 2.2 Age-price profile for Pablo Picasso



TABLE 2.1 Illustrations by age, Cézanne and Picasso, from books published in English

TABLE 2.2 Illustrations by age, Cézanne and Picasso, from books published in French

TABLE 2.3 Peak ages, ten early modern artists

TABLE 2.4 Distribution by artist’s age of paintings included in retrospective exhibitions, Cézanne and Picasso

TABLE 2.5 Peak ages, ten American painters

TABLE 2.6 Ages at which artists included in table 2.3 executed paintings reproduced in An Invitation to See

TABLE 2.7 Ages at which artists included in table 2.5 executed paintings reproduced in An Invitation to See

TABLE 2.8 Ages at which artists included in table 2.3 executed paintings exhibited in “The Heroic Century”

TABLE 2.9 Ages at which artists included in table 2.5 executed paintings exhibited in “The Heroic Century”

TABLE 3.1 Illustrations by age, Monet, from books published in English and in French

TABLE 4.1 Ranking of paintings of French artists, by total illustrations in American textbooks

TABLE 4.2 Ranking of paintings by French artists, by total illustrations in French textbooks

TABLE 4.3 Number of entries by selected artists at Impressionist exhibitions

TABLE 4.4 Ranking of selected nineteenth-century painters by total illustrations in 31 French textbooks

TABLE 4.5 Most frequently illustrated paintings by artists in table 4.4

TABLE 4.6 Ranking of selected twentieth-century sculptors by total illustrations in 25 textbooks

TABLE 4.7 Most frequently illustrated sculptures by sculptors in table 4.6

TABLE 4.8 Ranking of selected artists of 1950s and 1960s by total illustrations in 36 textbooks

TABLE 4.9 Most frequently illustrated works by artists in table 4.8

TABLE 4.10 Ages of American artists at the time of their first one-man New York gallery exhibitions

TABLE 4.11 Number of different countries of origin of artists mentioned in Art since 1960, by birth cohort of artists

TABLE 5.1 Ages of selected old masters when they executed their single most frequently reproduced painting

TABLE 5.2 Shortest periods that include at least half an artist’s total illustrations

TABLE 6.1 Ranking of selected modern sculptors by total illustrations in 25 textbooks

TABLE 6.2 Single most frequently illustrated work by each of the sculptors in table 6.1

TABLE 6.3 Total anthology entries for selected American poets

TABLE 6.4 Most important novels by selected authors

TABLE 6.5 Ages at which authors published most important novels

TABLE 6.6 Best movies of selected directors

TABLE 6.7 Ages at which directors made best movies

TABLE 7.1 Most often anthologized poems by poets listed in table 6.3