
Numbers in italics indicate illustrations.

Abbott, Edward 54, 74

Aborigines 21831

Black wars 10, 132, 146, 22530

Cattle theft by 252, 255, 256

Clashes with 51, 84, 146, 206, 229, 230

Dharug 159, 172, 218, 220

Dispossessed 10, 55, 61, 139, 205, 21831, 271

Employment of 10, 104, 106, 159, 229, 231

Eora people 51

Extermination/massacre of 223, 2268, 230

Gifts for 225

and Governors 244, 245, 246, 247

Gundungurra 159

Hoschen 221

Mudgee tribe 205, 224, 226

Mulgowie 159, 231

Revenge attacks by 220, 2212, 226, 227, 2301

Settler attacks on 220, 226

Spears 2189

Symbolism of land 220

Traditional pursuits/food 159, 218, 220, 223

Tribal chiefs 225

‘Uninhabited’ land 219

Wiradjuri 132, 2267, 229, 253, 255

Agricultural Society of NSW 10, 21, 159, 238, 239, 243, 246, 276


Barracks, 524

Corruption in 62, 73

12th Regiment 255

40th Regiment 230

46th Regiment 2634

48th Regiment 2167

62nd Regiment 253

68th Regiment 301

73rd Regiment 80, 222

117th Regiment 30

New South Wales Corps 31, 34, 48, 53, 54, 55, 60, 623, 67, 74, 155, 1834, 206, 263

as 102nd Regiment 76, 215, 255, 263

Militias 17, 279, 34

NSW Corps officers assigned convicts 183

Regimental agents, NSW Corps 7, 589, 60, 65, 74, 186, 201

Artificial grasses (clover, etc.) 1589, 186, 201

Atkins, Revd Thomas 166

Austen, Jane 10, 20, 140, 159, 188, 236

Australian, newspaper 247, 249, 254

Badajoz, siege of 255, 263

Balmain, William 63

Bank of New South Wales 189, 214

Bank of Australia 274, 276

Banks, Sir Joseph 93

Bannister, Saxe 223, 227

Barrallier, Francis 69, 93, 97

Bathurst, Earl 945, 132, 135, 137, 1812, 192, 194, 196, 2034, 2078, 210, 219, 220, 229, 232, 234, 242, 245, 246

Bathurst plains 9, 10, 61, 96, 108, 124, 131, 135, 140, 179, 1812, 185, 188, 2235, 231, 255, 261, 266, 271, 273

Bathurst, settlement 94, 95, 99, 101, 133, 135, 1389, 144, 1467, 149, 1612, 1729, 193, 201, 2045, 207, 210, 214, 222, 226, 228

Beddek, Francis 217, 262, 266, 274

Bell, Archibald 140, 194, 197, 206, 219, 2212, 2301, 23840, 2434, 247, 261, 275

Bennelong 218

Bennett, Samuel 9, 62, 2557, 278

Bigge, Commissioner 78, 10, 423, 456, 81, 889, 93, 99, 125, 135, 1389, 1401, 1459, 151, 155, 158, 16199, 206, 215, 277

Character 181

Directive 200, 204

Interviews/evidence to 180, 182, 185, 195

Hidden agenda 178, 1812

Reports on the colony 140, 158, 161, 178, 1802, 185, 2012, 2057, 268

in Tasmania 268

Blachford, Anna (Cox)

Activities 1513, 155, 252, 261, 265

Arrival 216

Birth 216

Marriage to William 215, 233

Remarries 291

Sister and wedding 217, 260, 274

Blachford, Mrs (Anna’s mother) 266

Blaxland, Gregory 53, 64, 70, 78, 89, 934, 967, 105, 116, 183, 189, 197, 243, 247

Blaxland, John 64, 78, 93, 171, 275

Bligh, Governor 63, 74, 767, 80, 86, 156, 169, 244

Blue Mountains 137

1813 expedition 94, 133, 201, 204, 207

Road 8, 9, 71, 94, 96100, 100, 10112, 113, 11434, 132, 138, 173, 177, 1845, 192, 200, 204, 229, 231

Bell’s Line of Road 108

Maquarie’s orders on road building 94, 97

Macquarie’s rewards 98

Blue Mountains Council 114

Bourke, Governor 2112, 2745, 239, 243, 253, 267

Brabyn, John 54, 163, 164, 202, 240

Brisbane, Governor 150, 166, 229

Broadbent, James 261, 265, 271

Broombee 271

Brush Farm 51, 534, 568, 70, 78, 89, 140, 145, 158, 172

Buffalo, ship 33, 74

Burrundulla 149, 259, 271, 2758, 278

Caley, George 93, 97, 107, 185, 205

Caley’s Repulse (Pile) 93, 1067, 110

Camden Park Estate 11, 64, 140, 146, 165, 238, 269

Camden, Lord 63

Campbell, John, Colonial Secretary 88, 97, 103, 10710, 114, 116, 119, 1234, 129, 132, 150, 167, 182, 184, 193

Campbell River 129, 130

Campbell, Robert, trader 65, 657, 71, 76, 79, 85, 248, 254

Canterbury Farm 58, 66

Cartwright, Revd 901, 125, 146, 155, 164, 192

Castle, Forbes 253

Castle Hill riots 53, 59, 67

Castlereagh, Lord 80, 85

Castlereagh, town 86, 89, 91, 106, 156

Catchpole, Margaret 153

Chamberlain, Theophilus 206

Church of St John, Parramatta 55, 215

Clarendon, royal park 16

Clarendon, estate NSW 10, 11, 69, 72, 779, 91, 96, 1013, 105, 109, 112, 127, 134, 13561, 171, 1801, 190, 267

Clarendon, house 84, 1423, 252

Clarendon, Tasmania 16, 72, 179, 261, 269

Cobbett, William, and Rural Rides 23, 159, 190, 325

Colonial Council, William proposed for 229


Assignment of 88, 89, 168, 1804, 197221, 232

Complaints against Cox 16179, 226

Emancipation of 85

Escaping 133, 138

Incentives to work 98, 135 (also see Blue Mountains road)

Female 39, 43, 45, 49, 58, 77, 1501, 1667, 1902, 234, 274

Land grants 1945, 202

Numbers 202, 210

Pay 189, 235, 268

Rehabilitation of 84, 87, 197

Rights 234

Road gangs 98, 113

Shepherd’s life 181, 201

Cost of living 153

Cottage, the (Mulgoa) 106, 140, 209, 217, 260, 270, 272, 274

Courts Martial 68, 724

Cow pastures, the 634

Cox, Alfred 149, 157, 153, 161, 171, 268

‘Reminiscences’ 142, 157, 2613, 265, 267

Cox, Anna – see Blachford

Cox, Anne, sister 74

Cox, Charles 39, 69, 263

Cox, Edgar 261, 290, 291

Land 261

Marries Andrewina Piper 261

Cox, Edward 16, 63, 77, 84, 105, 105, 137, 140, 145, 150, 154, 209, 260, 271, 272, 276

Magistrate and Legislative Councillor 273

Cox, Edward King 275

Cox, Eliza (Bell) 275

Cox, Elizabeth (Sloper Piper) 263, 2656, 273

Cox, Frederick 31, 39

Cox, Francis Edmund 37

Cox, George 30, 39, 77, 140, 143, 144, 150, 2057, 209, 213, 215, 244, 252, 2601, 262, 265, 2712

at Bathurst 147, 228, 230

Character of 2756

During recession 144, 276

Letters of 273, 274

Marriage 275

Proposed for Council 248, 267

and Tenant farmers 149, 259

Winemaker 246, 274, 276

Cox, George Henry 154, 259, 275

Cox, Henry 37, 99, 206, 209, 260, 2701

Cox, James 33, 38, 69, 70, 76, 92, 179, 212, 216, 260, 26870

Acquires land 268

Character 268

Criticized by Bigge 268

Death 269

Magistrates 268

Marries Eliza Collins 269

Member of Legislative Council/Assembly 269

Cox, Dr James Charles 275

Cox, Jane, mother 14, 17

Cox, Jane Maria (Brooks) 217, 265, 2713

Cox, Philip 190, 2723

Cox, Rebecca (Upjohn)

During bankruptcy 66, 701, 75

Birth 25

at Brush Farm 57,

at Clarendon 90, 102, 1056, 134, 145, 151, 154, 265, 268

Child rearing 18, 30, 32

Drowned 81, 91, 143, 147, 200

Fortitude 66, 71, 261

Generosity 154

Illnesses 38, 39

Land for sons 63, 106, 271

as Leading citizen 24, 76, 152

Marriage 24, 26

On Minerva 38, 39

New life in NSW 31, 34

No portrait of 24

Social life 152, 154

Tomb 147

Cox, Sir Richard 15, 72

Cox, Robert, father 14

Cox, Robert Harvey, brother 16

Cox, Thomas 18, 262, 278

Cox, William Jnr 33, 38, 69, 70, 155, 191, 210, 212, 241, 260

Army service 254

Death 267

as Landed gentleman 263, 266

and Legislative Council 237, 248

Magistrate 267

Marriage 263

Pretensions 254, 261, 264

Cox, William Snr

and Aborigines 10, 139, 220, 252

Employing Aborigines 159, 229

Agricultural improvements 112, 201, 259

and Agricultural Society 10, 2436, 252

Ancestry 15, 17

Army, joins regulars 289, 31

Army, militia 17, 27, 289

Army rank, actual 74

Bank of Australia shareholder 274

Birth 13

Birthday (50th) 102, 111

‘Captain Cox’ liberty 193

Children, baptized 30

Coat of arms 15

Complaints against 149, 162, 193

Complaints to Bigge 8, 178

Commandant at Bathurst 7, 133, 1358, 1734

Convicts, views on / understanding of 7, 160, 184, 189, 1989

Convicts, assigned to 89, 149, 156, 162, 169, 171,

Convicts, relationship with 1478

Criticized by Bigge 170, 178, 1812

Death 255, 259, 261

Dynasty and descendants 78, 233, 2589, 278

and Emancipists 195, 232

Evidence to Bigge 162, 195

Exploratory missions from Bathurst 134, 162, 169, 173

as Farmer 7, 55 – see also Brush Farm and


as Government contractor 902, 96, 150, 172, 185, 188, 203, 210, 233

Humanity and liberal views 36, 37, 40, 232, 251

Illness 141, 154, 212, 236, 251, 280

Journal on Blue Mountains road 96112, 11434

Land grants and purchases 539, 69, 1323, 138, 179, 220, 213, 255, 259

Magistrate 11, 17, 62, 83, 139, 161, 194, 197, 240, 252

Magistrate at Bathurst 146

Sentencing as magistrate 17880, 183

on Minerva 38, 4050

Morality of 58, 259

O’Connell Street house 84, 262

Paymaster, NSW Corps 7, 33, 50, 67, 73, 75

and Petitions 2478

Philanthropy 232

Recommendations/praise of 7, 193

Rehabilitation of 779

Remarriage 215

Son, Francis Edmund, unrecorded 31, 39

as Squatter

Commandant at Bathurst 133, 135, 138, 146, 148, 173

Tomb 87

Trades at Rio 48

1797 visit to colony 32, 56

Will 138

as young officer 31

Cox’s River 9, 94, 108, 111, 119, 1235


Classic view of 889, 184, 195

Positivist approach to 88, 184

Punishment 89, 163, 166, 181, 184

Cudgegong River and settlement 132, 197

Cunningham 197, 231

Currency lads and Lasses – see Emancipists

Dabee 209

Damousi, Joy 46, 191

Darling, Governor 150, 202, 206, 2089, 210, 242, 251, 255

Davidson, Walter 63

Dawe family 334

Depression of 1840s in NSW 276

Devizes 22, 267, 29, 57

Ditcheat 33

Dorset 201, 32, 235, 258

Dundas 59

Earle, Augustus 100

East India Company 12, 42, 242

Eden, Sir Frederick Morton 223, 29

Education of children 1557, 171

Elizabeth Farm 55, 191

Emancipations 99, 100, 133, 169, 170, 192, 194

Emancipists 77, 79, 140, 194, 212, 237, 239, 243, 2467, 249, 256

Status 78, 83

Farming 67, 79, 93, 241

Further crimes 195, 213

Native-born children 232, 234, 238, 247

Emu Ford 108, 110, 112, 122,

Emu Plains 94, 97, 1012, 118, 121, 246

Emu Valley 129

Enlightenment, the 21, 158

Evans, George 54, 93, 104, 114, 111, 1201, 129, 133

Exclusives 78, 194, 196, 212, 23258

Executive Council 208

Fairfield, Richmond 84, 143, 255

Family enterprise (Cox) 78, 13560, 17980, 207, 215, 238

Field, Mr Justice 2445

Fenn-Kemp, Anthony 68, 203

Female Factory, Parramatta 86, 167, 1912

Fernhill, NSW, 72, 144, 150, 209, 265, 272, 274

Fern Hill, Dorset 1156, 250

Fish River 116, 120, 1235, 12831

Flinders, Matthew 69

Flogging 61, 63

Forbes, Sir Francis 184, 212, 237, 247, 273

Foveaux, Major Joseph 60

Frazer, Charles 1734

Freemasons 73

Friendship, the 40, 45

Fulton, Revd Henry 43, 856, 106, 156

Gammack, Dr Alexander 2612

Gipps, Governor 213, 2367, 267, 274

Glenroy 124, 127

Glenmore 144, 261, 270, 275

Goderich, Viscount 23, 148, 203, 2112, 2334, 255

Gold rush at Gulgong 247, 259

Gorman, storekeeper 101, 104, 117, 120, 122, 1778

Goulburn, Major Frederick 149, 150, 164, 206, 241

Government House

Parramatta 534

Green Hills (Windsor) 90

Grammar schools

Queen Elizabeth I, Wimborne 14, 17, 18, 155

Salisbury 34, 38, 70

Great Dividing Range 93

Great Western Highway 97, 110, 124

Green Hills (Windsor) 79, 82, 90

Greenway, Francis 86, 92, 265

Grose, Major 53, 62, 63, 67, 92, 194

Grose River 89

Guntawang 206

Harris, Alexander 157

Hartley 94

Hawkesbury 10, 21, 24, 61, 69, 70, 75, 83, 88, 97, 139, 155, 161, 163, 186, 192, 195

Fertility exhausted 93

Settlers 67, 76, 79, 84, 923, 151

River/floods 89, 90, 101, 151, 187, 1878, 195, 240

Hereford farm, Bathurst 132, 202, 214

Hickson, Edna 12, 275

Hillsborough, ship 40, 41

Hobartville, 144, 191, 255, 264, 265

Holt, Joseph 7, 36, 367, 435, 4750, 53, 58, 64

as Farm manager 32, 54, 56, 5961, 66, 69, 78, 140, 152, 154, 158, 190

Hughes, Robert 39

Hunter, Governor 63, 89, 92, 183

Hunter Valley and settlers 2367, 249, 255, 257, 260

Immigrant workers 2345, 2378

Improvements, farming and civic 20, 203

Indulgences – see Pardons, Emancipation, Tickets of leave

Jamison, Dr 64

Jamison Sir John 65, 84, 91, 140, 141, 147, 153, 159, 171, 188, 205, 214, 232, 239, 241, 244, 246, 248, 252, 2567, 266, 272

Johnson, Revd Richard 58

Justices of the Peace (JPs), English 23 – see also Magistrates

Kangaroos 1178, 128,

Karskens, Grace 51, 83, 231,

King, Governor 568, 62, 64, 667, 68, 69, 745, 92, 152, 263

King, Mrs 1523

King, Sergeant James 78, 102, 145, 274

King’s Table Land 110

King’s School 1567

Kociumbas, Jan 228, 230

Lachlan River 134, 162, 169, 172, 177

Land ownership

by Cox’s sons 105, 179, 210, 260

Importance of 20, 55, 137, 180, 233

Landed gentry 12, 13, 28, 57, 64, 78, 134, 155, 159, 181, 215, 23258, 267

Next generation of 260

Residences of 260

Lang, Gideon Scott 236

Lang, James Dunmore 243

Launceston, Tasmania 72, 216

Lawson, William Snr 13, 78, 934, 133, 137, 140, 226, 2289, 2003, 206, 20910, 244

as Superintendent at Bathurst 146

Lawson, Nelson 206, 211

Lawson’s Sugarloaf 125

Laycock, quartermaster 35, 59, 63

Legislative Council/Assembly 11, 251, 2367, 248, 252

Leroux, Lieutenant George Wilson 215, 217

Lett River 119, 1234

Lewin, John 113, 135

Lewis, Richard 98100, 1035, 107, 109, 110, 118, 1223, 126, 127, 146, 1767

Lively, brig 39

Linden 1067

Liverpool, Lord 137, 203

Liverpool Plains 210, 213

London Gazette 7, 28

London Missionary Society

Lord, Simeon 66, 70, 78, 85, 194, 242, 249, 252, 254


Elizabeth 53, 556, 1512, 265

Family 8, 148, 235, 238, 257

Hannibal 144, 159, 238, 244, 267

James 148, 234, 238, 242, 2545, 267

James, 1837 treatise on NSW 259

John 11, 13, 32, 35, 501, 52, 53, 55, 57, 60, 634, 72, 78, 139, 140, 147, 152, 159, 186, 188, 203, 205, 214, 250

Mackaness, Sheriff 247

Macquarie, Lachlan 7, 31, 51, 55, 623, 756, 79, 80, 81, 92, 94, 98100, 102, 109, 117, 131, 135, 147, 150, 1671, 165, 174, 1803, 190, 1934, 2023, 205, 233, 242, 251

as Patron of Cox 108, 146

Anniversary dinner 81, 83

and Rehabilitation of convicts 78, 878

and Mountain road 97, 110, 112

Tours of Inspection/journals 89, 91, 200

Macquarie, Elizabeth 80, 84, 901, 154, 272

Macquarie River 94, 110, 129, 1312, 1723

Macquarie towns 69, 77, 81, 89, 901, 154, 185, 203

Magistrates / JPs, NSW 24, 78, 88, 167, 193

Malversation (of funds) 73

Marsden, Revd Samuel 54, 55, 66, 78, 87, 90, 13840, 167, 171, 194, 197, 203, 205, 215, 239, 2446

Martial Law 229, 246

McLeay, Alexander 157, 171, 210, 257

Memoirs of William Cox JP 11, 12, 28, 49, 61, 143144, 145, 200, 202, 278

Mileham, Dr 901, 146, 164

Minerva, transport 8, 334, 3650, 52, 270

Mutiny on 46, 48

Molesworth Committee 148, 1834

Morisset, Major 2267

Mount Blaxland 97, 111, 119, 1201, 1247

Mount Victoria 97, 108, 110

Mount York 9, 94, 96, 112, 114, 116, 121

Cox monument 114, 132

Mudgee 139, 149, 200, 2057, 2101, 213, 215, 224, 226, 25960, 271, 2757

Mudie, ‘Major’ James 237, 2523

Mulgoa 16, 63, 84, 104, 119, 139, 231, 209, 235, 246, 260, 271

St Thomas Church and Coxes 154, 273, 276

Mulgrave Place 69

Munna 2056

Musters 207

Napoleonic Wars 13, 169, 1878, 204, 236, 263

National Trust of Australia at Clarendon 270

Naval Officer, the 54, 214, 216

Nepean River 89, 94, 97, 101, 110, 117, 119, 125, 127, 231, 246

Newcastle (Coal River) 164, 166, 193

New Zealand 2612

Nineteen Counties 136, 208

Nombie 260

Norfolk Island 43, 69, 156, 166

Ovens, Major, Colonial Secretary 208

Overseers – see Supervisors

Oxley, John 134, 138, 140, 145, 158, 161, 1724, 176, 179, 186, 208, 210

Pardons 99, 133, 184, 1923

Parramatta 17, 50, 51, 535, 66, 76, 84, 97, 127, 138, 146, 244, 246

Pastoralists 1812, 198, 200, 215, 232, 234, 254, 257, 268

Paternalism 1656, 174

Patronage 2034

Paterson, Lieutenant Colonel 59, 60, 62, 69, 73, 76, 154

Peron 59, 60

Petitions/memorials 152, 174, 193, 212, 241, 2478, 252, 271

Piper, John 13, 54, 69, 702, 74, 78, 155, 202, 214, 244, 261, 2723

Piper, Elizabeth 217

Piper, Robert Sloper 263

Phillip, Governor 39, 53, 62, 978, 2189, 182

Pitt Amphitheatre 111

Pitt, William 90, 111

Pitt Town 89, 90

Platypus 130

Point Piper 54, 214

Ponds, The 53

Poole, Dorset 13, 15

Port Dalrymple 216, 268

Portland, Duke of 62, 89, 1834

Portland Head settlers 165

Price, John Washington 3650

Primogeniture 139, 207, 267

Prince Regent’s Glen 111

Pulpit Rock 110

Pure Merinos 160, 202, 2123, 2323, 2478, 252, 255, 273

RAAF 11, 144

Rawdon, Yorkshire

Rawdon, NSW 209, 271, 273

Redfern, William 85, 159, 242

Regentville 84, 155, 246

Richmond, NSW 81, 84, 89, 97, 143, 156, 241, 246, 255

Ritchie, John 1745, 185, 195

Rocks, the 51

Rose Hill 53

Rylstone 209

St John’s Alley, Devizes 26

St John’s Church, Devizes 26

St Matthews church, Windsor 86, 87, 145, 172

Salkeld, commander 434, 467

Scurvy 103

Sheep 212, 1589, 224, 198, 2012, 205, 268

Sidmouth Valley 129, 1301

South Creek 69, 79

Springwood 103, 138

Squatters 213, 233, 2356, 253, 256, 260

Stanley, Lord 274

Supervisors/overseers 147

Sydney Gazette 67, 70, 75, 79, 81, 83, 91, 2278, 230, 217, 241, 2512

Sydney, Lord 39

Sydney, (Port Jackson) 32, 35, 389, 49, 512, 52, 74, 186, 216

Talbragar 211

Task work 147, 189

Terry, Samuel 78

Therry, Revd Roger, 165

Thompson, Andrew 77, 79, 83, 85, 90, 194

Threlkeld, Revd L. E. 2278

Tickets of leave 84, 99, 133, 162, 164, 169, 170, 1734, 184, 191, 199, 266

Essential for pool of labour 203

Tindall, labourer 99, 1256

Toongabbie 61

Townshend, Viscount ‘Turnip’ 186

Trial by jury 196, 242, 248, 251

Upjohn family 19, 235, 29

Vale of Clwyd 119

Wakefield, Edward Gibbon 148, 211, 277

Watch and clock making 12, 16, 19, 25, 27, 29, 32, 56

Weatherboard Inn 108, 113

Wellington, Duke of 80, 263

Wentworth, D’Arcy 13, 54, 66, 74, 85, 141, 171, 191, 203, 205, 216

Wentworth, W. C. 71, 85, 934, 242, 24750, 252, 2567, 273

1819 account of the colony 156, 204

‘A new Britannia’ 249, 256

Wentworth Falls (Weatherboard) 1078, 113

Wentworth’s Sugarloaf 125

Westmoreland, County of (Bathurst) 200

Wicks, Agnes (convict servant) 191

Wilberforce, town 89, 90

Wilberforce, William 90

Wimborne, Dorset 13, 135, 17, 26

Winbourne, NSW 72, 144, 2612, 272, 275

Windsor, NSW 82, 89, 90, 967, 131, 155, 163, 1667, 266

Court house 91, 92, 203

Rectory 67, 87

Wollondilly River 115

Women’s rights 108

Women’s roles 140

Wyndham, George of Dalwood 236

York, Duke of 62, 723