To many persons it will seem almost axiomatic that two mating animals should be individuals of the same species. This is so often true, from one end of the animal kingdom to the other, that exceptions to the rule seem especially worthy of note. To those who believe, as children do, that conformance should be universal, any departure from the rule becomes an immorality. The immorality seems particularly gross to an individual who is unaware of the frequency with which exceptions to the supposed rule actually occur.
No biologist exactly understands why males of a species are attracted primarily, even if not exclusively, to females of the same species. What is there to prevent insects of one species from mating with insects of many other species? What is there to prevent a frog from mating with frogs of other species? Why should mammals mate only with mammals of their own kind? In the animal kingdom as a whole, is it to be believed that the sources of sexual attraction are of such a nature that they provide stimuli only for other individuals of the same species? For the scientist it does not suffice to be told that nature allows nothing else but intraspecific mating because she considers reproduction to be the objective of all sexual activities, and because the production of offspring is supposed to be impossible as a product of an interspecific cross. It does not suffice to think of inner forces which draw individuals together in their sexual relations. Such concepts concern intangibles with which science can have no dealing and, in the last analysis, the biologist and psychologist must look for material stimuli which, originating in one individual, may so affect other individuals that mating is the inevitable consequence.
For instance, such specific stimuli are recognized in the odors emitted by female moths; and they have been demonstrated to be the sources of attraction for the males who come from considerable distances to congregate around the female that emits the odors. Such specific stimuli are recognized in the mating calls of toads and frogs, probably in the songs of birds, in the odors which some female mammals produce and, among the higher mammals, in the visual stimuli which the mere presence of an individual may provide. There is a considerable literature on this subject, but it needs to be analyzed with caution because so much of it is anthropomorphic, arriving at the sort of interpretation that a human intelligence would expect to find if intraspecific mating were the only possibility in nature.
Even the scientists have been considerably biased in their investigations in this field, for they too have accepted the traditions. Even they have believed that matings between individuals of different species occur only rarely. Within the last few decades, however, students of taxonomy, genetics, and evolution have had the existence of interspecific hybrids increasingly drawn to their attention. These, of course, predicate the existence of interspecific matings. Some biologists are clearly uncomfortable in the face of these data, and are inclined to argue them away as they would argue away blots on their philosophy or theology. Even among the higher animals, interspecific crosses, or crosses between distinct varieties, have increasingly become known. The bird banding work has shown that birds respect the limits of their own species much less often than the old-time naturalists would have insisted. And, finally, the students of sexual behavior among the higher mammals are beginning to report an increasing number of instances of animals mating, or trying to mate, with individuals of totally distinct and sometimes quite remote species (Nat. Res. Council Conf. on Mammalian Sex Behav. 1943, Beach 1947).
Fertile crosses between very distinct species are limited by microscopic mechanisms which the students of genetics and of cell structure have investigated in considerable detail. There is, however, no comparable knowledge of factors which might prevent matings between specifically distinct individuals. When one examines the observed cases of such crosses, and especially the rather considerable number of instances in which primates, including man, have been involved, one begins to suspect that the rules about intraspecific matings are not so universal as tradition would have it. Indeed, one is struck anew with the necessity for better reasons than biologists and psychologists have yet found, for expecting that animal matings should invariably be limited to individuals of the same species.
In light of the above, it is particularly interesting to note the degree of abhorrence with which intercourse between the human and animals of other species is viewed by most persons who have not had such experience. The biologist and the psychologist, and the anthropologist and the student of history, will have made a significant contribution when they can expound the development of our taboos on such contacts.
It is known, of course, that these taboos were well-established in the Old Testament and in the Talmud. Attention is also to be drawn to the fact that in the older Hittite code (Barton 1925), which may have had some influence on the Hebrew codes, the taboos on animal intercourse were not clearly the moral issues that they subsequently came to be. Specifically, in the Hittite code it is decreed that “if a man lie with a cow the punishment is death.” “If a man lies with a hog or dog, he shall die.” “If a man . . . lies [with another, unidentified animal] the punishment is death.” “If a bull rear upon a man, the bull shall die, but the man shall not die.” “If a boar rear upon a man, there is no penalty.” “If a man lies with a horse or mule, there is no penalty, but he shall not come near the king, and he shall not become a priest.” These are proscriptions against contacts with certain animals, while contacts with certain other animals are more or less accepted. Such distinctions are strikingly paralleled by the taboos which made certain foods clean and other foods unclean. The student of human folkways is inclined to see a considerable body of superstition in the origins of all such taboos, even though they may ultimately become religious and moral issues for whole nations and whole races of people.
In any event, it is certain that human contacts with animals of other species have been known since the dawn of history, they are known among all races of people today, and they are not uncommon in our own culture, as the data in the present chapter will show. Far from being a matter for surprise, the record simply substantiates our present understanding that the forces which bring individuals of the same species together in sexual relations, may sometimes serve to bring individuals of different species together in the same types of sexual relations.
Data on the incidence and frequency of sexual contacts between the human male and animals of other species have already been detailed in this volume in tables and charts, and in discussions in the text, as follows:
The significance of animal contacts in the history of the human male lies largely in the field of social values; for there is no other type of sexual activity which accounts for a smaller proportion of the total outlet of the total population (Figures 126, 128–130). For that population, including both single and married males, only a fraction of 1 per cent of the total number of orgasms is derived from animal intercourse. In the period when such contacts are most frequent, namely between adolescence and 20 years of age, a little less than 1 per cent of the total outlet is so derived; but the figure drops rapidly in successive age groups, and it amounts to only 0.04 per cent among those males who remain single after the age of 25 (Table 59).
In the total population, only one male in twelve or fourteen (estimated at about 8%) ever has sexual experience with animals (Table 59). In this total population, it is not more than 6 per cent which is involved in the most active period (between adolescence and 20). The percentage drops in successive age groups to a little more than 1 per cent in the early twenties, and to a still lower figure at older ages.
Figure 171. Animal contacts: accumulative incidence in single rural population
Showing percent of single rural males who have ever had sexual contacts with animals to the point of orgasm, by each of the indicated ages. All data corrected for U. S. Census distribution.
Frequencies of animal contacts are similarly low in the population taken as a whole. For most individuals, they do not occur more than once or twice, or a few times in a lifetime.
On the other hand, the significance of such interspecific relationships becomes more apparent if we confine the calculations simply to that segment of the population which has access to animals, namely to the males who are raised on farms. For that group, the incidences and frequencies of animal contacts are more nearly comparable to the incidences and frequencies of contacts with prostitutes, or of homosexual contacts, in the population. There are a number of city-bred boys (4% between adolescence and age 15 alone) who have animal contacts in their histories (Table 124), and the fact that most of their experiences occur when they visit on farms suggests that the entire human male population might have animal contacts as frequently as farm boys do if animals were available to all of them.
Among boys raised on farms, about 17 per cent experience orgasm as the product of animal contacts which occur sometime after the onset of adolescence (Table 151, Figure 171). As many more have contacts which do not result in orgasm, and there are still others who have pre-adolescent experience which is not included in the above calculations. It is, in consequence, something between 40 and 50 per cent of all farm boys who have some sort of animal contact, either with or without orgasm, in their preadolescent, adolescent, and/or later histories. These must be minimum data, for there has undoubtedly been some cover-up in the reports of these activities. The data given in the remainder of this chapter are confined to those contacts which have resulted in orgasm for the human subject; but all of these figures may be doubled if one wishes to determine the total number of persons involved in any sort of relation, whether with or without orgasm. Such data begin to show what the significance of animal intercourse might be if conditions were more favorable for such activity.
In fact, in certain Western areas of the United States, where animals are most readily available and social restraints on this matter are less stringent, we have secured incidence figures of as high as 65 per cent in some communities, and there are indications of still higher incidences in some other areas. The cases, however, are still too few to warrant a specific statement on these regional differences.
Ultimately, 14 to 16 per cent of the rural males of the grade school level, 20 per cent of the rural males of the high school level, and 26 to 28 per cent of the rural males of the college level have some animal experience to the point of orgasm (Tables 91, 151). In this upper educational level, nearly one rural male in three has such contacts to the point of orgasm, and well over half of these upper level males have some kind of sexual contact with animals.
Frequencies of animal contacts vary from once or twice in a lifetime to regular rates of several times a week over a considerable period of years. Maximum regular frequencies for a few individuals may go as high as 8 per week between adolescence and 15, and 4 per week between 16 and 20, but not above once per week between ages 21 and 25 (Table 49). For most males, however, the frequencies come nearer averaging once in 2 or 3 weeks, in that portion of the population which is having any contacts at all (Table 124). In most histories the contacts with animals are limited to a matter of 2 or 3 years, but in some cases they may extend over a 10- or 15-year period or even throughout the whole of a life span.
Animal contacts are most frequent during the late pre-adolescent years (Chapter 5) while ejaculation is still impossible for the human subject and when, in actuality, the boy almost never reaches orgasm in his animal contacts. One-third of the males who will ever have such contacts have had them by the age of 9. Between 10 and 12 there is a rapid increase in the number of boys involved and the peak of such activity is reached just before the onset of adolescence. In a third of the cases, boys with preadolescent experience continue their activities with animals into adolescent years. In terms of actual orgasms achieved by the human participant, the highest frequencies occur in the earliest adolescent years; but in some rural areas, especially in the West, there is a considerable amount of regular activity in the later teens and even through the early twenties. Cases become relatively rare among single males in later years. There are, nevertheless, occasional individuals who have regular contacts from adolescence into their fifties, and there is one case of a male past 80 years of age who had had such contacts regularly throughout the whole of his life.
Table 151. Accumulative incidence data on animal contacts among rural males
Data confined to single males who lived on farms for some period between 12 and 18 years of age, or for longer periods. Data shown for three educational levels, and for the total farm population corrected for the U. S. Census of 1940.
In most parts of the country animal intercourse is extremely rare among married males; but, again, such experiences are not unknown among married adults in some rural areas of the West.
Younger adolescent boys who are having animal contacts, derive, on an average, 7 per cent of their total outlet from that source. The males who are still having such contacts in their early twenties may derive as much as 15 per cent of their outlet from that source (Table 59).
As already indicated a fair number of city boys have sexual relations with animals (Table 124). Some of this is had with household pets, particularly with dogs, and some of it is had with ponies or with animals in the city stockyards. More of it, however, is had with animals with which the city boy comes into contact when he visits a farm during a vacation period. Since their opportunities for contacts are infrequent, city-bred males may not have more than a few experiences, and the frequencies of contacts among farm boys may average thirty to seventy times as high as the frequencies among city-bred groups.
Figure 173. Animal contacts: individual variation in frequencies, in two age periods, at three educational levels
The animals that are involved in these human contacts include practically all of the species that are domesticated on the farm or kept as pets in the household. Because of their convenient size, animals like calves or, in the West, burros and sheep are most often involved. Practically every other mammal that has ever been kept on a farm enters into the record, and a few of the larger birds, like chickens, ducks, and geese. Vaginal coitus is the most frequent technique in the relations, but in at least parts of the country the fellation of the boy by the calf is not uncommon, and occasionally the household pets, particularly the dog and even the cat, may be induced to so perform. There is some anal intercourse. In some cases the boy masturbates by frictation against the body of the animal. There is an occasional record of the human male fellating the male animal.
Masturbation of the animal by the human subject is almost as frequent as vaginal coitus. Masturbation may be either on the male or female animal, but it is most common with the male animal, particularly with the male dog. Very often whole groups of boys may be involved in such activities. If a boy is alone, he may masturbate himself while he masturbates the animal, and there may be considerable erotic stimulation to the boy involved in such a performance.
A considerable portion of the animal activity of the farm boy is the product of his erotic arousal upon contemplating the coitus that occurs among the animals themselves, and of his constant association with animals that he knows have been recently involved in sexual activity. Such sympathetic emotional responses are natural enough and not fundamentally different from those which would be expected if the boy were to observe coitus among human subjects. His attempt to replace the male animal in such relations is the obvious outcome of an identification of his own capacities with those of the animal he has observed. His initial attempts are sometimes inspired by a quite understandable curiosity to try what he has discovered to be a possible sort of activity. Whatever moral issues may be involved, and however long-standing the social condemnation of animal contacts may have been throughout the history of Western European civilizations, the easy dismissal of such behavior by characterizing it as abnormal shows little capacity for making objective analyses of the basic psychology that is involved.
In a considerable number of instances the farm boy’s initiation into animal contacts is inspired by his knowledge of similar activity among his companions. This is particularly true in Western areas where adults as well as adolescents are not infrequently engaged in animal intercourse, and where there may be frequent conversation in the community about such activities. It is not -unusual in some rural areas to find individuals who openly admit that such contacts have provided them with some erotic satisfaction.
To a considerable extent contacts with animals are substitutes for heterosexual relations with human females. In rural areas where both social and sexual relations with girls may be more or less limited, the boy is often left alone or with his brothers, his male cousins, or the adult males who are working on the farm. We share the general impression, although we have no significant data to establish it, that rural communities are on the whole more traditional in their moral condemnation of premarital sexual relations, and the boy on the farm is often strictly forbidden to associate with girls. This cannot help but encourage substitutional behavior of the sort which the animals may afford. There are histories of extremely religious males who, even in their twenties and in later years, continue to derive practically the whole of their outlet from animals because of their conviction that heterosexual coitus with a human female is morally unacceptable.
In not a few cases the animal contacts become homosexual activities. Masturbating the male animal, whether it is a dog, horse, bull, or some other species, may provide considerable erotic excitement for the boy or older adult. He senses the genital similarities between the male animal and himself, and he recognizes the relationship between the animal’s performance and reactions and his own capacities. His enjoyment of the relationship is enhanced by the fact that the male animal responds to the point of orgasm, and in at least some cases he is disappointed that the female animal (with rare exceptions) shows no erotic arousal and fails to experience orgasm. For these reasons, many a farm boy has as much contact with male animals as he does with female animals. There is considerable basis for calling such activity homosexual, but since it is not recognized as such by most of the boys who are involved, they are in no conflict over that fact.
Psychically, animal relations may become of considerable significance to the boy who is having regular experience. While his initial contacts may involve little more than the satisfaction which is to be obtained from physical stimulation, the situation becomes quite different for the boy who is having frequent contacts with particular animals. The depth of the boy’s psychic response is evidenced by his quick erection and by the ease with which he may reach orgasm in his relations with the animal. The psychic significance of his experience is particularly evidenced by the fact that animal contacts may become a regular part of his nocturnal dreams. Moreover, many a farm boy, while masturbating, develops erotic fantasies of himself in contact with some animal. In some cases the boy may develop an affectional relation with the particular animal with which he has his contacts, and there are males who are quite upset emotionally, when situations force them to sever connections with the particular animal. If this seems a strange perversion of human affection, it should be recalled that exactly the same sort of affectional relationship is developed in many a household where there are pets; and it is not uncommon for persons, everywhere in our society, to become considerably upset at the loss of a pet dog or cat which has been in the home for some period of time. The elements that are involved in sexual contacts between the human and animals of other species are at no point basically different from those that are involved in erotic responses to human situations.
On the other side of the record, it is to be noted that male dogs who have been masturbated may become considerably attached to the persons who provide the stimulation; and there are records of male dogs who completely forsake the females of their own species in preference for the sexual contacts that may be had with a human partner.
With most males, animal contacts represent a passing chapter in the sexual history. They are replaced by coitus with human females as soon as that is available. On the other hand, the male who has had any considerable amount of animal experience may become so conditioned that he still finds himself erotically aroused by contemplating such possibilities, even years after he has stopped having actual contacts.
Anglo-American legal codes rate sexual relations between the human and animals of other species as sodomy, punishable under the same laws which penalize homosexual and mouth-genital contacts. The city-bred judge who hears such a case is likely to be unusually severe in his condemnation, and is likely to give the maximum sentence that is possible. Males who are sent to penal institutions on such charges are likely to receive unusually severe treatment both from the administrations and from the inmates of the institutions. All in all, there is probably no type of human .sexual behavior which has been more severely condemned by that segment of the population which happens not to have had such experience, and which accepts the age-old judgment that animal intercourse must evidence a mental abnormality, as well as an immorality.
On the other hand, in rural communities where animal contacts are not infrequent, and where there is some general knowledge that they do commonly occur, there seem to be few personal conflicts growing out of such activity, and very few social difficulties. It is only when the farm-bred male migrates to a city community and comes in contact with city-bred reactions to these activities, that he becomes upset over the contemplation of what he has done. This is particularly true if he learns through some psychology course or through books that such behavior is considered abnormal. There are histories of farm-bred males who have risen to positions of importance in the business, academic, or political world in some large urban center, and who have lived for years in constant fear that their early histories will be discovered. The clinician who can reassure these individuals that such activities are biologically and psychologically part of the normal mammalian picture, and that such contacts occur in as high a percentage of the farm population as we have already indicated, may contribute materially toward the resolution of these conflicts.
* * *
Viewed objectively, human sexual behavior, in spite of its diversity, is more easily comprehended than most people, even scientists, have previously realized. The six types of sexual activity, masturbation, spontaneous nocturnal emissions, petting, heterosexual intercourse, homosexual contacts, and animal contacts, may seem to fall into categories that are as far apart as right and wrong, licit and illicit, normal and abnormal, acceptable and unacceptable in our social organization. In actuality, they all prove to originate in the relatively simple mechanisms which provide for erotic response when there are sufficient physical or psychic stimuli.
To each individual, the significance of any particular type of sexual activity depends very largely upon his previous experience. Ultimately, certain activities may seem to him to be the only things that have value, that are right, that are socially acceptable; and all departures from his own particular pattern may seem to him to be enormous abnormalities. But the scientific data which are accumulating make it appear that, if circumstances had been propitious, most individuals might have become conditioned in any direction, even into activities which they now consider quite unacceptable. There is little evidence of the existence of such a thing as innate perversity, even among those individuals whose sexual activities society has been least inclined to accept. There is an abundance of evidence that most human sexual activities would become comprehensible to most individuals, if they could know the background of each other individual’s behavior.
The social values of human activities must be measured by many scales other than those which are available to the scientist. Individual responsibilities toward others in the social organization, and the long-range outcome of behavior which represents the individual’s response to the stimuli of the immediate moment, are things that persons other than scientists must evaluate. As scientists, we have explored, and we have performed our function when we have published the record of what we have found the human male doing sexually, as far as we have been able to ascertain that fact.