Adversarial operational psychology, 40–41, 43–44
Adverse impact, 72
Aeromedical: consultation, 135; disposition, 130; Psychology Training Course (APTC), 147
Aeronautical adaptability, 132
Aerospace experimental psychologists, 146–47; psychology, 130
Aircraft mishap intervention and prevention (AMIP), 148
Aircrew selection, 123, 130–32; suitability screening, 149
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), 186–88, 196, 199, 201, 204–5, 264, 270, 272–78
Alison, L., 264, 269, 273, 276, 302–3, 305, 311, 359
American Psychiatric Association (ApA), 216, 223–24
American Psychological Association (APA), 7, 10–12, 18, 97, 107, 158, 212, 222–23, 306–8, 352, 360; APA Council of Representatives, 11–12, 247, 361; APA ethics code, 21, 25, 36–37, 40–41, 71, 73–74, 80, 85, 88, 158, 175, 180, 203–5, 230, 245, 252, 254, 351, 360; APA presidential task force on psychological ethics and national security (PENS TF), 11, 43, 247
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 72
Antiterrorism, 7
Armstrong, H.G., 138
Army Alpha and Beta, 4
Army Field Manual 2–22.3 (interrogation), 287–311; approaches, 295–96; origin of, 292
Arrigo, J.M., 35, 40, 42–43, 244, 351, 361
Assessment, 20–21, 23, 31, 46, 59, 65, 70, 108, 206, 226–27, 356; center, 4, 56, 352; feedback, 22; instruments, 23; and selection (A&S), 13, 58, 63, 66–68, 73–75, 79, 353, 357
Attentional: focus, 355; management, 123, 355; resource management, 124
Aviation: aviation psychologist, 130, 136, 138, 143, 145–46; operations, 123–24, 127, 133, 148; psychology, 130, 139, 143, 146; Safety Reporting System (ASRS), 142–43
Baddeley, A.D., 129
Banks, L.M., 4–6, 8, 55–57, 243
Baradell, J.G., 129
Barany chair, 136–37
Barron, L.G., 132
Basic Underwater Demolition (BUDs), 57
Behavioral science, 8, 188, 197, 201, 241–42, 264, 267, 271; consultation, 251–53; Consultation Team (BSCT), 10–11, 243–50, 253–55; origins of, 243–44; policy, 246–47, 249; timeline of reports, 248
Bennett, R., 35, 38, 42, 244, 361
Bias (biases), 69, 71, 146, 199, 202, 353
Biebrauer, G., 28–29
Big-data, 67, 353; analytics, 352, 359
Bluestein, B., 17
Bono, J.E., 102–4
Boquet, A., 143–44
Borum, R., 7, 44, 163, 171, 337, 358
Bowles, S., 147
Brandon, S.E., 3, 263, 269, 287, 295, 308–9
British War Office Selection Board (WOSB), 4–5
Broadbent, D.E., 127
Broadbent, M., 127
Brockway, J., 57
Calhoun, F.S., 160, 171, 197–98
Cannon-Bowers, J., 61
Canter, D.V., 185–87, 192, 207, 225
Carretta, T.R., 132
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 6, 10, 57, 213, 243–44, 253
Chee, S., 123
Choking, 125–26
Church, A.H., 102
Church, T.A., 18
Church Report, 245
Civiello, C.L., 7
Civil Rights Act, 72
Clandestine, 6
Coaches, 354
Cognitive appraisal, 124
Cognitive interview, 267, 277, 303–4, 311; cognitive interviewing, 200, 202, 264
Collaborative operational psychology, 40–41, 43–44
Collectivism (collectivistic), 28, 340
Collins, J., 8
Commando Look, 57
Common Cause Analysis (CCA), 144
Compartmentalization, 129, 355
Competence, 73, 80, 86, 178, 204–5, 362
Concurrent task management, 123
Confidentiality, 45–46, 74, 91, 177
Connelly, B.S., 38, 104, 217–19
Consult, 251
Consultants, 35, 44, 86, 113, 170, 271
Consultation, 8, 25, 27, 45, 74–75, 85, 92, 95, 101, 105, 107–8, 114, 118, 123, 130, 145, 148, 169, 173, 178–79, 188, 191, 250–51, 253–54, 362
Consultative, 13, 92, 107, 130, 203, 252
Consulting, 46, 106, 110, 138, 140, 174, 204–5, 357–59
Counterintelligence, 7, 9, 13, 169, 174–75, 181, 206, 351
Counter-interrogation, 300
Counterterrorism, 13, 342, 357–58, 361
Counterterrorist, 8
Cowings, P.S., 136–37
Credibility assessment, 264, 267, 277, 359
Criminal: investigation, 9, 203, 206–7, 271, 357; profiling, 186
CRM, 124, 139–40, 142; cockpit resource management, 124, 128; crew resource management, 124, 128, 130, 139–40
Cross-cultural, 17–18, 25, 27, 254, 305, 311, 359, 361
Cultural, 73, 105, 254, 267, 339–40, 344; attribution fallacy, 18; awareness, 19–20, 22; bias, 18; competence, 19–20, 22, 24; differences, 31; engagement, 30; groups, 341; practices, 21; preconditions, 342; psychologists, 21; psychology, 21; values, 343
Culture(s), 17, 19–20, 29, 80, 93, 105, 114, 134, 139, 149, 337, 339–40, 359; -fair, 23; -free, 23
Curphy, G.J., 102–3
Curtis, K., 7
Daly, S., 331
Deception, 298, 304; detection, 9, 187, 212, 220, 254, 305, 359
Decision: maker(s), 8, 13, 129, 308; making, 9; modeling, 38; trees, 67
Deontological, 36
Department of Defense (DoD), 3, 10, 57, 134, 173, 214, 243, 247, 249–50, 253, 267, 269–70, 310, 328
De-radicalization, 327, 343–44, 358
Detained person, 288
Detainee(s), 11, 13, 245–47, 250–52, 293
Detainee Act, 288
Detention, 10, 13, 242, 246, 249–50, 255
Detwiler, C., 143–44
Direct assessment, 9, 211, 214
Division 13 (American Psychological Association), 7
Division 19 (American Psychological Association), 7, 42
Donovan, W.J., 5
Driskell, J.E., 128
Dual agency, 13, 35, 44, 107, 251–53, 351
Dual relationships, 252
Easterbrook, J.A., 128
Educing information, 254
Eidelson, R.J., 35, 38, 42, 244, 361
Emotional intelligence, 102, 106
Enculturation, 20
Error analysis, 123
Ethical, 7, 17, 21, 35, 37, 39, 73, 86, 175, 203, 206, 212, 223, 243–44, 253–55, 310, 352, 360
Ethically, 252
Ethics, 21, 25, 35–37, 39, 40–41, 71, 73–74, 80, 85, 88, 158, 175, 180, 203–4, 223–24, 244, 253, 264, 360, 362
Event Tree Analysis (ETA), 144
Extremist(s), 344; groups, 340; ideology, 330, 337, 340, 343–44; thought, 343
Fatigue, 129, 134, 139, 147, 298
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), 144
Fear of flying, 138
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 132, 142
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), 171, 186, 267, 312, 328
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), 200–201, 271, 277
Fein, R.A., 44, 163, 171, 254, 263, 292, 337, 358
Fiske, A., 18
Fiske, D.W., 56
Five-factor model, 103–4, 131, 294
Flin, R., 81
Galinsky, T.L., 128
Gehrwehr, S., 331
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), 73
Geneva Conventions, 11, 245, 247, 254, 291, 297
Gerhardt, M.W., 102–3
German Wehrmacht, 4
Giesbrecht, G.G., 127
Goldwater Rule, 223–24
Goleman, D., 102
Greene, C., 6, 40, 44–45, 57, 98, 224–25
Grisso, T., 41, 225–26, 228, 252
Guantanamo Bay (GTMO), 10, 242–44, 253
Guerrilla warfare, 5
Hackworth, C., 143–44
Hancock, P., 128
Hartwig, M., 264–65, 273, 304, 308, 310–11
Harvey, S., 3, 35, 79, 351, 360
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), 177
Hermeneutic cultural awareness, 19
Highhouse, S., 56
High-reliability, 55–56, 75, 145
High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG), 201, 263–69, 272, 312
Hoffman, D., 10, 11, 40, 42–43, 247
Holcomb, K., 143–44
Holland, A.W., 7
Hostage negotiations, 9, 242; negotiator, 266
Hoyt, G.B., 7
Human factors, 9, 123, 130, 142–43, 145–46, 149, 356; Analysis and Classification System (HFACS), 144–45
Human intelligence (HUMINT) collector, 287, 289–90, 296, 298–99, 301, 303, 305; collection, 295
Ilies, R., 102–4
Indigenous assessments, 21
Indirect assessment, 9, 47–48, 211–12, 218, 223, 226, 229–30; origins of, 212–13
Influence operations, 9
Information operations, 5
Informed consent, 22–23, 40, 74, 86, 91–92, 176, 351, 362
Insider threat, 13, 157–66, 169, 175, 181, 199, 358; assessment, 171; consultation, 170; critical path, 160–63, 171; definition, 157; detection, 164, 170, 172; deterrence, 164, 172; mitigation, 167, 172; pathway to violence, 160, 162–63, 171; routine activity theory (RAT), 167
Intelligence, 6, 9, 46, 250, 255, 287, 304, 358–59; activities, 13; agency, 252; analyst, 8; community, 173–74, 254; interrogations, 264, 276, 278; interview, 278; operatives, 20; practitioners, 265; professionals, 359–60; report, 310; requirements, 288
International Coach Federation (ICF), 111–13
Interrogated, 296
Interrogation(s), 9, 10, 13, 241–44, 246, 249–51, 255, 263–74, 276–78, 293, 298–305, 310–12; approaches, 287–89, 305; methods, 289, 303, 308–11; model, 306; operations, 287, 297; practitioners, 309; technique(s), 288–89, 297, 305
Interrogator(s), 8, 265, 293–94, 296–300, 305
Intimate partner violence, 193–95
Investigative: inquiry, 242, 359; interviewing, 201; operational psychologist, 188, 191–92, 199–200, 202–5; psychologists, 187, 191–92, 197, 199, 207; psychology, 185, 204, 206
Job: analysis (analyses), 59–60, 63, 75; suitability screening, 27, 62, 352
Johnson, W.B., 7–8, 44, 92, 252
Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA), 200
Judge, T.A., 102–4
Kalbeitzer, R., 7
Keith-Spiegel, P., 39
King, R., 39, 44, 132, 135–37, 252
Kitaeff, J., 6
Kitchener, K.S., 39
Kleinman, S.M., 263, 287, 295, 299, 305, 308
Krauss, D., 214
KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities and other factors), 62–64, 66, 68, 106
Law enforcement, 6, 7, 169, 172, 186, 200, 226, 241–42, 251–52, 255, 265, 267, 311, 351–52, 356, 358–59, 362
Lawrence, T.E., 27
Leadership, 102; assessment, 101, 105–6; consultation, 106, 108; development, 45, 101, 103; effectiveness, 102–4; emergence, 102; performance, 102, 104; suitability, 103, 106, 118
Lewin, K., 124
Lewis, B., 27
Mangelsdorff, A.D., 3
Martinez-Lopez Report, 246
McCauley, C., 329–30
McCausland, T.C., 60
McCrae, R.R., 27, 61, 103, 132, 294
McDaniel, S.H., 47
McGrath, J., 124
McNeil, J., 80
Meissner, A.C., 263, 274, 276, 295, 303, 305, 308–9, 311, 359
Memory, 123, 128, 298, 304; explicit, 128; implicit, 128; long-term, 124, 129; muscle, 128; prospective, 129; registry, 124; short-term, 124, 129; working, 129
Milgram compliance study, 249, 254
Military: Commissions Act, 243; investigations, 255; operational psychologists, 148; psychologists, 10, 147, 185, 243–45, 253; psychology, 7
Moghaddam, F., 330
Moral visions, 18
Morris, H.L., 185
Motivational interviewing, 266, 274–76, 302
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 57; astronaut selection, 57
National defense, 6–7, 9, 226; defense, 35, 44, 75, 101, 118, 351–52, 359, 361–362
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 159, 288
National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF), 158–59, 170
National security, 6–7, 9, 13, 21, 36, 44, 71, 75, 101, 118, 173, 226, 247, 351–52, 358–59, 361–62; security, 35
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), 140
Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), 253
Navy Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), 10
Neller, D.J., 211, 214, 222, 225, 360
Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ), 27, 29
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 57, 75
Nydell, M.K., 27
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 4–6, 20, 23–24, 31, 56–57, 213
Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), 173
OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act), 82
Operational, 9, 13, 268, 301; accord, 13; activities, 189; applications, 359; decision making, 38; personnel, 353–55; practitioner, 10–11, 24, 43, 118, 352; psychologist(s), 7–8, 13, 20–21, 24–26, 30–31, 44, 46, 61, 65, 73, 75, 79, 84, 86, 88–90, 92–93, 95–96, 101, 106, 108, 110, 113, 118, 123, 136, 138, 142, 146, 148–49, 169–70, 173, 177–81, 206, 244, 253, 352–60; psychology, 3, 7–8, 17, 20, 35, 39, 43–44, 47, 74, 81, 123, 130, 169, 177, 179, 351, 358–62 (definition of, 8–9; origins of, 3–6); research, 355, 359; risk management (ORM), 139–40; training, 81, 356
Operations, 130, 251, 264, 361–62
Organizational: change management, 101, 106; consultation, 110; culture, 356; development, 101, 105–7
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 4–6, 20, 23–24, 31, 56–57, 213
Palaiou, K. 104–5
Patai, R., 27
Pathway to Violence, 197
Patterson, J.C., 57
Paunonen, S.V., 27
Peer assessments, 62
Peer ratings, 63
Personnel: assessment, 352; biases, 60; screening, 74, 127, 352; selection, 7, 73, 212, 352; suitability, 63, 66, 101, 106; suitability screening, 55, 58, 72, 359
Picano, J.J., 5, 8, 55, 57, 74, 79, 82, 132–33, 211
Police, 6, 265, 277, 303, 308, 356, 360–61; police psychologists, 251
Predictive analytic, 67
Profiling: criminal, 186, 191; offender, 191; psychological, 214
Program validation, 66
Psychological: assessment, 73, 190, 215–16, 250; autopsy, 195; interview, 61, 74; profile(s), 214, 337; testing, 61
Radicalization, 330–31, 335–36, 341–44
Rasmussen, J., 143
Recognition-Primed Decision model (RPD), 38
Redman, J., 83
Reintegration, 9
Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), 132, 134
Roland, R.R., 5, 8, 55, 57, 74, 79, 82, 211
Rose, M., 132
Sabotage, 5
SafeGuard, 188–89
Saier, W.E., 57
Salas, E., 128
Santy, P.A., 57
Saus, E.R., 7
Scharff Technique, 264–65, 295–96, 298–300, 311
SEAL (Sea, Air and Land), 82–83, 85
Selection, 63, 68, 130–31, 354, 356–57; selection board, 63, 70
Self-radicalization, 327, 331, 335, 337
Sensory deprivation, 297
Sentiment analysis, 167
Shappell, S., 143–44
Shumate, S., 7
Sidley Austin law firm, 11, 42
Situational awareness, 124
Situational judgment tests, 352
Sleep deprivation, 298
SME (subject matter expert), 64, 66, 145
Society for Military Psychology, 7
Society of Consulting Psychology, 7
Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP), 56, 59, 75
Socio-cultural, 19
Special Forces (SF), 6, 57; Assessment and Selection (SFAS), 57
Special operations, 79; community, 79, 84, 93–94, 97; forces (SOF), 57, 69, 80, 83; personnel, 82, 89
Squillacote, T., 214
Staal, M.A., 4, 6–7, 13, 27, 35, 38–40, 44, 48, 55, 123, 125–26, 148, 214, 224–25, 241, 243, 247, 252, 327, 342, 351, 355, 360–61
Stanford prison study, 245, 249
Stephenson, J.A., 4, 6, 7, 38–39, 55, 243
Strategic, 8–9
Stress, 124–26, 129, 138, 143, 147, 353; management, 133, 137, 147; response-based model, 124; states, 125; stimulus-based model, 124; transactional model, 124
Suitability: assessment, 133; screening, 27, 56–57, 62, 67, 71, 73–74, 132
Tactical, 9
Talent management, 354
Task: load, 124; saturated, 129
Teleological (teleology), 37
Terrorism, 254, 327–28, 332, 337–39, 342, 344; history of, 329
Terrorist(s), 8, 300, 327–28, 330–31, 335, 342, 344, 358; actors, 342, 344, 358; acts, 330, 338, 342; behavior, 337–38; group, 334–35; organizations, 358; recruitment, 333; training camps, 334–35
Third-party (consultation), 8, 10, 13, 21, 23, 35, 45, 86, 253
Threat: assessment, 196, 199–200; management, 181, 196; mitigation, 196
Torture, 7, 11, 204, 242, 291; torturing, 11, 244
Trent, A., 157
Tunneling hypothesis, 128
United Nations (UN), 11, 247; Convention against Torture (UN CAT), 11
Unmanned aerial: aircraft, 132; systems, 355; vehicles, 9
U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 56–57
Utilitarian, 37
Violence risk assessment, 212, 216, 221–22
Violent extremist network, 8