
B(x, r), 18

C(X, Y), 67

CL(X), 67

CL(X, Y), 67

C[a, b], 3

C1[a, b], 4, 44

Cn[a, b], 17

Dk, 231

H(x), 234

Hn(a, b), 242

K(X, Y), 211

L(X), 57

L(X, Y), 57

Images(Rd), 233

L[a, b], 7, 14

Lp(Ω), 14

Lp[a, b], 5, 14

O(1, 1), 50

O(2), 50

[·, ·], 84

D′(Rd), 233

D(Rd), 230

L1(A), 368

S′(R), 255

S(R), 254

, 4

p, 4

S2, 21

Sd−1, 50

{·, ·}, 152

c, 5

c00, 5, 21, 43

c0, 5

p-adic norm, 17

absolute time, 141

absolutely convergent series, 37

absolutely integrable function, 367

action, 146

adjoint operator, 108, 190

algebra, 83

almost all, 363

almost everywhere, 363

Appollonius identity, 162

approximate spectrum, 103

arc length, 61

Archimedean property, 21

averaging operator, 77

Axiom of Choice, 113

Baire Lemma, 93

Banach algebra, 83

Banach limit, 116

Banach space, 27

Banach, Stefan, 27

Banach-Steinhauss Theorem, 97

Bernstein polynomials, 22

Bernstein, Sergei, 22

Besicovitch almost periodic function, 188

Bessel’s inequality, 172

bidual of a normed space, 110

Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, 30

bounded above, 112

bounded linear operator, 73

bounded variation, 105

Cantor set, 47

Cauchy sequence, 26

Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 157

Cayley transform, 199

Cesáro summation, 77

chain, 112

chain rule, 125

classical mechanics, 145

closed ball, 20

Closed Graph Theorem, 96

closed interval, 20

closed set, 20, 43

closed unit ball, 16

closure (of a set), 43

coarser topology, 79

commutant, 252

commutator, 84, 153

compact operator, 103, 210

compact set, 45, 51

complementary observables, 205

complete normed space, 27

completion of an inner product space, 163

composition of maps, 64

composition of operators, 82

conservation of angular momentum, 143

continuity at a point, 60

continuous map, 60

continuously differentiable function, 4

convergence in D, 232

convergence in S, 254

convergent sequence, 24

convex function, 128

convex set, 16, 128

convolution, 257

Convolution Theorem, 256

d’Alembert’s formula, 56

delta distribution, 235

delta function, 229

dense set, 21, 43

derivative, 119

diagonal operator, 103, 214

diagonalizable matrix, 91

differentiability at a point, 119

differentiable, 119

diffusion equation, 90

dipole, 238

Dirac delta distribution, 235

Dirac distribution, 103

Dirac, Paul, 229, 251

Dirichlet problem, 86

discrete topology, 79

distance, 8

distribution, 233

distributional derivative, 237

dual operator, 106

dual space, 79, 104

dual space of a normed space, 104

eigenvalue, 98

eigenvector, 98

energy, 148

Enflo, Per, 77

epigraph, 129

equivalence class, 163

equivalence relation, 163

equivalent norms, 33

essential supremum norm, 14

Euclidean norm, 9

Euclidean plane, 141

Euler-Lagrange equation, 134

Extreme Value Theorem, 10

factorial of a multi-index, 249

finite rank operator, 211

Fréchet derivative, 119

Fredholm integral equation, 87

functional analysis, vii

functional, bounded linear, 104

fundamental solution, 241, 242, 251, 252, 257

Fundamental Theorem of ODEs, 39

Galerkin approximation, 219

Galerkin method, 217

Galilean spacetime, 141

Gateux derivative, 122

Gelfand-Beurling formula, 102

generalised Fourier series, 185

Gram-Schmidt orthonormalisation, 167

graph, 96

Green’s function, 257

Hölder’s inequality, 14, 15

Hahn-Banach Lemma, 111

Hahn-Banach Theorem, 108

Hamel basis, 94, 115, 183

Hamiltonian, 150

Hamiltonian equations, 151

Hamiltonian mechanics, 150

harmonic oscillator, 172

Heaviside function, 234

Heaviside, Oliver, 234

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 84, 204

helicoid, 144

Hermite functions, 172

Hermitian operator, 195

Hilbert cube, 48

Hilbert space, 160

Hilbert-Schmidt norm, 76, 163, 196

Hilbert-Schmidt operator, 196, 215

hyperbolic rotation, 50

hypoelliptic differential operator, 252

ideal of an algebra, 216

identity operator, 83

image of a set, 62

index, 20

index set, 20

induced norm, by an inner product, 157

induced norm, in a subspace, 15

initial value problem, 39, 89

inner product, 156

inner product space, 156

integrable function, 367

integral equation, 87

integral operator, 70

invariant subspace, 77

invariant subspace problem, 77

inverse image of a set, 62

invertible operator, 84

isometric isomorphism, 185

isomorphic normed spaces, 96

isomorphism, 96

Isoperimetric Theorem, 187

Jacobi identity, 153

Jordan canonical form, 92

jump rule, 239

Kepler’s second law, 143

kernel of an integral operator, 71

kinetic energy, 146

Lagrangian, 146

Lagrangian density, 143

Laplace equation, 171, 241, 242, 257

Laplacian, 242

law of conservation of energy, 148

law of conservation of momentum, 148

least squares approximation problem, 174

least squares regression, 176

Lebesgue integral, 6, 165

left shift operator, 54, 68, 102

Legendre polynomial, 168, 184

Leibniz rule, 249

Leibniz’s formula, 169

Lie algebra, 152

limit point of a set, 43

linear isometric embedding, 110

linear transformation, 54

Lipschitz condition, 39

Lipschitz function, 42

locally integrable function, 233

matrix mechanics, 200

maximal element, 113

measurable function, 363

measurable set, 360

measure, 360

metric space, 8

mid-point convexity, 94

minimising sequence, 178

minimum surface area, 144

Minkowski spacetime, 141

module, 250

momentum, 148

multi-index notation, 231

multiplication, of a distribution by a smooth function, 249

multiplicative identity element, 83

Neumann series, 86

Neumann Series Theorem, 86

Neumann, Carl, 86

Newton’s second law, 145

Newtonian mechanics, 145

nilpotent matrix, 92

Noether’s Theorem, 148

norm, 8

normed algebra, 83

normed space, 8

numerical analysis, 217

observables, 84

ODE, 39

open ball, 17

open cover, 51

open interval, 18

Open Mapping Theorem, 95

open operator, 93

open set, 18

open set in a topological space, 23

open unit ball, 16

operator norm, 74

order of a multi-index, 249

ordinary differential equation, 39

orthogonal, 161, 166

orthogonal complement, 172

orthogonal projection of a vector, 180

orthonormal basis, 183

parallelogram law, 160

Parseval’s identity, 186

partial order on a set, 112

partially ordered set, 112

partition of an interval, 105

perturbation theory, 237

phase plane, 151

phase plane trajectory, 151

phase portrait, 151

Poisson bracket, 152

Poissonian mechanics, 152

polarisation formula, 161

position operator, 103, 251

positive operator, 226

potential energy, 145

principle of stationary action, 145

product of normed spaces, 44

projection approximation, 220

proper time, 142

Pythagoras’s Theorem, 161

quantum mechanics, 84, 103, 153, 171, 172, 200, 229, 237, 251

reflexive space, 110

regular distribution, 234

relation, 163

representation theorems, 104

resolvent, 99

resolvent identity, 102

Riesz Representation Theorem, 104, 189

Riesz, Frigyes, 106, 189

Riesz, Marcel, 189

right shift operator, 54, 68

Rodrigues’s formula, 169

scalar multiplication, 3

Schauder basis, 76

Schrödinger equation, 172

Schwartz space of test functions, 254

seaview property, 28

self-adjoint operator, 195

separable normed space, 21

separable space, 77

simple function, 365

skew-adjoint operator, 195

Sloan approximation, 220

smaller topology, 79

Sobolev spaces, 242

special relativity, 142

Spectral Mapping Theorem, 103

spectral radius, 102

Spectral Theorem for Compact Operators, 103

spectrum, 99

sphere, 50

square root operator, 226

state, 151

stationary for a functional, curve/function/solution, 134

step function, 364

strong operator topology, 80

stronger topology, 79

subcover, 51

subspace, 4

supremum norm, 10

symmetric set, 94

taxicab norm, 10, 19

tempered distribution, 254

test function, 230

topological space, 23

topology, 23

total variation, 105

triangle inequality, 8, 9, 14

trivial topology, 79

twin paradox, 142

unbounded operator, 103

Uniform Boundedness Principle, 96

uniform operator topology, 80

unit sphere, 21

unitary operator, 195

upper bound, 112

vector addition, 3

vector space, 3

wave equation, 56, 144

wave mechanics, 200

weak operator topology, 81

weaker topology, 79

Weierstrass’s Approximation Theorem, 22

Weierstrass’s Theorem, 66

zero linear transformation, 57

zero vector, 3

Zorn’s Lemma, 112, 183