1: 14, 93

2: 15, 93

3: 18, 93

4: 18

5: 18, 100

6: 21, 101, 131

6a: 24, 101

7: 22, 101

7a: 24, 101

8: 27, 103

9: 37, 115

10: 38, 112

11: 39, 112, 207

12: 43, 116, 154

13: 44, 118, 155, 207, 217

14: 48

15: 94, 150

16: 96

17: 99, 150

18: 100, 150

19: 100

20: 100

21: 118, 150, 155, 207, 217

22: 121

23: 122

24: 124

25: 124

26: 127

27: 132

28: 154

29: 155

30: 155

31: 156

32: 170

33: 306, 304, 333

34: 311, 304

35: 311, 304, 318

36: 311, 333

37: 314, 318

38: 326

39: 330

40: 351

41: 357

42: 359

43: 365

44: 367

45: 368

I: 244

II: 245

III: 246

IV: 249

V: 250

VI: 255

VII: 260

VIII: 275


1: 45

2: 46

3: 47

4: 48

5: 124

6: 290, 333

7: 290, 333

8: 299, 308, 310

9: 300, 308, 310

10: 302, 308

11: 311

12: 316

13: 334

14: 337

Also there are (A)-(B) (equivalence classes) p. 159; (A)-(D) (set theory) pp. 178, 179, 185; (A)-(B) (N and predicate calculus) p. 208; (A)-(F) (degrees and hierarchies) pp. 265, 268-271; and five unnumbered lemmas and theorems (Gentzen, Herbrand) pp. 339-342, 345.