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© 2012 Roger Rosewell.

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St Bernard arriving at Clairvaux with his monks, fifteenth-century manuscript ©The British Library, Yates Thompson Ms 32, f.9v.


To the people of Yelford parish.


Matthew Champion, Peter Fullerton, Susan Harrison, Christine Huddleston, Annie Janik, Cameron Newham, Lyn Stilgoe and Robin Wiltshire.


Photographs appear by kind permission of the Dean and Chapter of the cathedrals of Canterbury, Chester, Gloucester, St Albans, Winchester and Worcester and the Chapter of Ely Cathedral; the Vicar and church wardens of Malvern Priory and Tewkesbury Abbey; the Rector and church wardens of Binham Priory, Hexham Abbey, Leominster Priory and Pershore Abbey. Gratitude is also extended to English Heritage and Cadw. Thanks also to the following copyright holders: The British Library, cover, pages 10 (top), 14, 15, and 33; Canterbury Cathedral Archives, page 55; Martin Crampin, page 61; Peter Edwards, pages 36, 42 (bottom), 43 (bottom), 48 (bottom), and 51; Annie Janik Studio, page 18 (bottom); Aidan McCrea Thompson, page 18; National Portrait Gallery, page 68 (top); C. B. Newham, pages 6–7; 11, 21 (bottom), 23 (top and bottom); 39, and 46. 70–1; Reading Local Studies Library, page 18 (top); The Dean and Chapter of Winchester Cathedral, pages 8 and 24 (assigned by the author). All other images are the author’s own.

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