Copyright © 2006 by Hearst Communications, Inc.
All rights reserved. The recipes and photographs in this volume are intended for the personal use of the reader and may be reproduced for that purpose only. Any other use, especially commercial use, is forbidden under law without the written permission of the copyright holder.
The information in this book is not meant to take the place of the advice of your doctor. Before embarking on a weight loss program, you are advised to seek your doctor’s counsel to make sure that the weight loss plan you choose is right for your particular needs. Further, this book’s mention of products made by various companies does not imply that those companies endorse this book.
Good Housekeeping | |
Rosemary Ellis | Editor in Chief |
Richard Eisenberg | Special Projects Director |
Susan Westmoreland | Food Director |
The Good Housekeeping Cookbook Seal guarantees that the recipes in this cookbook meet the strict standards of the Good Housekeeping Research Institute, a source of reliable information and a consumer advocate since 1900. Every recipe has been triple-tested for ease, reliability, and great taste.
Cover Design by Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich
Book Design by Richard Oriolo
Photo Credits: Antonis Achilleos: ♣ and ♣. Quentin Bacon: ♣. James Baigrie: ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, and ♣. Beatriz Da Costa: ♣. Brian Hagiwara: ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, ♣, and ♣. Rita Maas: ♣, ♣, and ♣. Steven Mark Needham: ♣ and ♣. Alan Richardson: ♣, ♣, and ♣. Mark Thomas: ♣ and ♣.
The Library of Congress cataloged the hardcover edition of this title as follows:
Jibrin, Janis.
The Good housekeeping supermarket diet cookbook / Janis Jibrin & Susan Westmoreland.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-58816-590-9
1. Reducing diets—Recipes. I. Title: Supermarket diet cookbook. II. Westmoreland, Susan. III. Title.
RM222.2.J5243 2006
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1
Published by Hearst Books
A division of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
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Sterling ISBN 978-1-58816-774-3
Sterling eBook ISBN: 978-1-58816-841-2