Image Index

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) pipes

about, 300–301

cutting, 311

measuring, 311

solvent cementing, 310

See also pipes

acid-tolerant pump sprayers, 46

acoustic tiles, replacing, 77

ampacity, 395

anchoring cement, 233



energy efficiency and, 510

replacing, 511–513

supply tubes for, 513

floor installation and, 11

food disposers

anatomy of, 515

baffled kitchen drains for, 515

dishwasher installation and, 513

drain configurations for, 358, 514

replacing, 516–519

types of, 514

as part of plumbing system, 292–293

water heaters

gas installation, 525–527

gas vs. electric components, 522

hookup of electric, 527

reading nameplates, 521

relief valve installation, 524

sediment traps for, 521

specifications for, 520–521

arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) circuit breakers, 412

armored cable (AC), 393

asphalt driveways

anatomy of, 276

cleaning, 276

repairs to, 277–279

sealing, 279

automatic switches, 433

backlit countdown timers, 427


anatomy of, 16

installation, 17

removing, 16


subpanels and, 408

window well covers, 120–121

See also foundations

basin wrenches, 297

bathrooms. See bathtubs; showers; sinks; tile


compression diverter valve repair, 365

deep-set faucet valve removal, 367


hand auger declogging, 373

maintenance, 372

plunger-type, 374

pop-up type, 375

recaulking joints with tile, 71

shower faucets

single-handle repair, 368–369

single-handle with scald guard, 370

three-handle, 364–365

two-handle, 366

types of, 362–363


anatomy of, 371

cleaning, 371

repairing, 371

replacing, 371

tub spout replacement, 367

beveled drywall patches, 62

bifold doors

installation, 184–185

maintenance, 119

black (iron) pipes, 300–301

blow bags, 298

braided metal pipes, 300–301

branch drains

about, 292–293

clearing, 378–379


cleaning, 268–269

replacing damaged, 264–265

troubleshooting problems, 260–261

tuck-pointing mortar joints, 262–263

See also masonry

brick molding

painting, 223

removing, 203

replacing, 211

building drains, 292–293

bus bars, 410


joints, 107

painting, 101, 104–105

repairing, 106–107

cable rippers, 388

cable staples, 397


electrical boxes and, 403

types of, 393–394

carbon monoxide (CO) alarms

connecting, 459

specifications for, 458


fully-bonded, 43

gluing loose seams, 41

patch installation, 27

patching major damage, 42–43

restretching loose, 41

spot damage, 40

cartridge fuses, 412, 413

cast iron pipes, 300–301

Cat 5 (Category 5) cable, about, 394

cat’s paws, 52

ceiling fans

blade wobble, 478

loose wire repair, 479

pull switch replacement, 480–481

ceiling lights

attachment of, 453

replacing, 454–455

support for, 453


acoustical tile, replacing, 77

ceiling fans

blade wobble, 478

loose wire repair, 479

pull switch replacement, 480–481

ceiling lights

attachment of, 453

replacing, 454–455

support for, 453


sagging, 77

water-damaged, 78–79

painting, 102–103

preparation for removing, 80

removing popcorn texture, 76

roof leaks and, 190

texture touch-up products, 76

ceramic duplex receptacles, 435

chandeliers, 476–477

childproofing, 437

chromed brass pipes, 300–301

circuit breaker panels

about, 409

anatomy of, 410–411

connecting circuit breakers, 414–415

circuit breakers

AFCI (arc fault circuit interrupter)

installation, 449

resetting, 413

specifications for, 448

connecting, 414–415

GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupter)

installation, 449

resetting, 413

specifications for, 448

resetting, 413

safety and, 391

shutting off, 409

types of, 412

circuit indexes, 390

closet augers, 298–299, 337

closet flanges, 331, 338–339

coaxial cable, about, 394

compression diverter valves, 365

compression fittings

joining copper pipes with union, 317

joining supply tubes and shutoff valves with, 316–317


concrete slabs, 246


in foundation walls, 242

large crack repair, 241

prepping for repair, 240

small crack repair, 241

disguising repairs, 233

large area patching, 237

patio resurfacing, 256–259

repair products, 233

repairing shaped, 246

small hole patching, 236, 238


building, 252–255

corner patches, 244

corner replacement, 244

designing, 251

safety guidelines, 250

tread repair, 245

types of damage, 243

troubleshooting, 234–235

types of repairs, 232

walkways, resurfacing, 248–249

See also concrete floors; masonry

concrete blocks

cleaning, 268–269

reinforcing refaced, 267

replacing damaged, 266

troubleshooting problems, 260–261

tuck-pointing mortar joints, 262–263

See also masonry

concrete cleaner, 233

concrete floors

acid etching, 46–48

etching products, 45

floor leveler application, 239

patching, 239

residual grease, 45

sealing, 49

concrete fortifier, 233

concrete patches, 233

concrete pigment, 233


types of, 393–394

water heaters and, 521

See also cables; wires

continuity testers, 430

copper pipe

about, 300–301

bending flexible, 303

cutting, 304–305

fittings for, 302

joining with union compression fittings, 317

measuring, 303

pipe and fitting chart, 302

reading grade stamps, 303

soldered joints, taking apart, 308

soldering, 304, 306–307

soldering brass valves, 308

tools for, 303

types of, 302

See also pipes

cords, 490–491. See also electrical plugs; wires

corner bead, repairing, 64

countdown timer switches, 426

CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) pipes, 300–301

crazing, of concrete, 235

dampers (forced-air heating), 496

daylight sensor switches, 427


maintenance of, 280

renewing, 281

See also patios

detail scrapers, 215


energy efficiency and, 510

replacing, 511–513

supply tubes for, 513

door reinforcers, 151


chime replacement, 463

switch replacement, 463

testing, 461–462

wiring for, 460



installation, 184–185

maintenance of, 119

caulking around, 120–121

deadbolt installation, 153

drilling holes for hardware, 179

drywalling over removed, 64

entry door installation, 179–183


entry door installation, 179–183

painting, 223

replacing threshold of, 131–132

weatherizing, 123

felt door sweeps, 120–121, 123

fiberglass, 180

hardware for securing, 148

hinge mortises, adding, 178–179

hinges, tightening hinge plates, 115


prehung installation, 170–171

shortening hollow-core, 129

shortening solid-wood, 127–128


misaligned, 114

strikeplate alignment, 116

stuck, 114

old jamb installation, 176–179

painting, 100, 223, 227

peepholes, 152

removal of, 115, 168–169

salvaged, 51

sealing, 100

security and, 151–152

security box strike installation, 152

shortening, 177–178


maintenance of, 119

securing, 150

sticking, 114, 118

storm doors

about, 174

installation, 175

maintenance, 143

weatherizing and, 122

warped, 117

weatherizing, 122–123

See also garage doors; jamb extensions; thresholds

double wall switches, 424

drain kits, 359

drainage stacks, 292

drainage systems

about, 292–293

branch drains, clearing, 378–379

floor drains, clearing, 380–381

main drains

cleanout plug replacement, 379

clearing, 379

See also kitchen drains; plumbing systems; sinks

drill-powered augers, 298

driveways. See asphalt driveways



removing popcorn texture, 76

texture touch-up products, 76

corner bead repair, 64

corner cracks, 61

crack repair, 61

dented, 60

gash repair, 61

large hole repair, 63

mold and, 78–79

patching over window/door openings, 64

patching plaster with, 66

popped nails, 60

removing, 82

repair supplies, 60, 62, 63

small holes, 62

taping and mudding, common problems, 84–85

water-damaged, 78–79

drywall paper-flange patches, 62

drywall repair patches, 62

ductwork, 80

electrical boxes

fill chart, 400

installing exterior fixture boxes, 469

nonmetallic types, 404–405

pop-in retrofit

about, 406

installation, 407

replacing, 406

specifications for, 403

types of, 400–402

electrical panels, See also circuit breaker panels; main service panels; subpanels

electrical plugs

flat-cord, 489

quick-connect, 488

round cord, 489

types of, 488

electronic switches, testing, 433

expanding insulating foam, 242

expansion nozzles, 298

extension cords, safety and, 391

extractor pulling pliers, 52


painting, 221

wood repair, 196

faucets. See under sinks

felt door sweeps, 120–121, 123

finish sanders, 215

fish tape, 389


brass valves, soldering, 308

compression fittings

joining copper pipes with union, 317

joining supply tubes and fixture shutoffs with, 316–317

for copper pipe, 302, 309

push fittings, 309

shutoff valves

installation, 315

joining to supply tubes with compression fittings, 316–317

main, 292–293

types of, 294–295, 314

water heaters and, 521

fixture shutoff valves, 295

flashing, roof

patching valley, 194

repairing joints around, 191

replacing step, 195

replacing vent, 194

flexible copper tubing, 300–301

flexible stainless steel pipes, 300–301

floating floors, 31. See also laminate floors

floor drains, clearing, 380–381

floor joists

bulging, 12

cracked, 13

sagging, 13

squeaks and, 15


appliances and, 11

ceramic tile

cracking grout, 11

maintenance issues with, 10

replacing tiles, 38–39


acid etching, 46–48

etching products, 45

residual grease, 45

sealing, 49

evaluating problems, 11

floating, replacing planks, 31


cleaning, 18

floorboard replacement, 20–23

identifying surface finishes, 18

maintenance issues with, 10

patching sections, 26–27

patching small holes/cracks, 19, 25

refastening boards, 11

splinter repair, 24

squeaks in, 14–15

stain removal, 19

waxing, 18


anatomy of, 28

replacing planks, 29–30

maintenance issues with, 10

parquet tile

establishing depth, 32

tile replacement, 32–33


acclimating, 53

installing, 56–59

milling tongues and grooves, 54–55

salvaging, 51

resilient sheet

air bubbles, 11

patching, 35–36

squeaks in, 14–15


maintenance issues with, 10

patching floor covering and, 27

squeaks and, 11

threshold height and, 11

vinyl tile

evaluating, 11

patching, 27

replacing tiles, 37

wood-frame, anatomy of, 10

See also carpet; floor joists

fluorescent light fixtures

anatomy of, 482

ballast replacement, 486

fluorescent tube replacement, 484

replacing, 487

socket replacement, 485

starters, 483

troubleshooting, 483

food disposers

anatomy of, 515

baffled kitchen drains for, 515

dishwasher installation and, 513

drain configurations for, 358, 515

replacing, 516–519

types of, 514

force cups, 298, 335–336

forced-air heating systems. See gas forced-air heating systems

foundation walls, 242

four-way wall switches

about, 422

replacing, 423

testing, 431

typical installations, 422

frost heaves

concrete and, 234

stonework and, 270

fuse panels, 409


blown fuse replacement, 413

cartridge fuse replacement, 413

safety and, 391

shutting off, 409

troubleshooting, 439

types of, 412

garage doors

installation, 160–164

openers for, installation, 165–167

tuning up, 154–159

weatherizing, 122

garages, 408., See also garage doors

garbage disposals

anatomy of, 515

baffled kitchen drains for, 515

dishwasher installation and, 513

drain configurations for, 358, 514

replacing, 516–519

types of, 514

gas forced-air heating systems

air filter replacement, 497

anatomy of, 496

balancing, 496

blower motor maintenance, 498


cleaning, 501

inspecting burner flame, 500

electronic ignition, 502

high-efficiency, 503

locating dampers, 496

pilot lights

adjusting, 500

cleaning, 500

inspecting, 497, 499

thermocouple, 499

gas pipes, wall and ceiling removal and, 80

ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) circuit breakers, 412


circuit break panels, 410

high-voltage receptacles, 436

metal electrical boxes and, 403

subpanels, 411


cracking in, 11

maintenance issues with, 10

replacing ceramic floor tile and, 38

wall tile regrouting, 70

See also tile

grout saws, 38


guards for, 199

leak patching, 199

leaking joint repair, 200

maintenance of, 198


patching, 200

section replacement, 201

rehanging sagging, 199

slope of, 199

unclogging, 199

hand augers, 373, 377


deadbolt installation, 153

door hinge mortise installation, 178–179

drilling holes for in doors, 179

for securing doors/windows, 148

security box strikes, 152

hardwood floors

cleaning, 18

floorboard replacement, 20–23

identifying surface finishes, 18

maintenance issues with, 10

patching sections, 26–27

patching small holes/cracks, 19, 25

refastening boards, 11

splinter repair, 24

squeaks in, 15

stain removal, 19

waxing, 18

heat guns, 214

high-efficiency forced-air heating systems, 503

hot water heating systems

anatomy of, 504

bleeding, 508

blower maintenance, 506

draining, 507

exhaust leaks

identifying, 509

sealing, 509

filling, 507

oil filter servicing, 505

strainer cleaning, 505

See also radiators

HVAC systems

gas forced-air systems

air filter replacement, 497

anatomy of, 496

balancing, 496

blower motor maintenance, 498

burner cleaning, 501

electronic ignition, 502

high efficiency, 503

inspecting burner flame, 500

locating dampers, 496

pilot light adjustment/cleaning, 500

pilot light inspection, 497, 499

thermocouple, 499

hot water and steam systems

anatomy of, 504

bleeding, 508

blower maintenance, 506

draining, 507

exhaust leaks, 509

filling, 507

oil filter servicing, 505

strainer cleaning, 505


bleeding, 508

control valve replacement, 508

types of, 504

See also water heaters

hydraulic cement, 233, 236

hydronic heating systems. See hot water heating systems

ice dams, 188

integral shutoff valves, 295

iron (black) pipes, 300–301

jack posts, 13

jamb extensions, 170

joint-filler caulk, 233

kitchen drains

configurations for, 358

drain-in-floor type, 361

drain kits, 359

garbage disposals and, 515

hooking up, 360–361

selecting, 359

slip joints and, 359

See also sinks

kitchen sprayers

anatomy of, 351

locating diverter valves, 351–352

repairing, 351–352

replacing, 353

knee kickers, 42

knob and tube wiring, 393


painting and, 86–87

wiring safety and, 391

laminate floors

anatomy of, 28

replacing planks, 29–30

See also floating floors


cord replacement, 490–491


replacement/repair, 493

types of, 492

See also electrical plugs; light fixtures

laser levels, 388

latch guards, 151

lead paint, 80


in gutters, 200

in roof, 189

light fixtures

built-in switch replacement, 475

ceiling fans

blade wobble, 478

loose wire repair, 479

pull switch replacement, 480–481

ceiling lights

attachment of, 453

replacing, 454–455

support for, 453

chandeliers, 476–477


anatomy of, 482

ballast replacement, 486

fluorescent tube replacement, 484

replacing, 487

socket replacement, 485

starters, 483

troubleshooting, 483

motion-sensing floodlights

about, 468

installing exterior fixture boxes, 469

replacing floodlight with, 470–471

removing, 474

socket replacement, 475

testing sockets, 474

troubleshooting, 473

typical incandescent wiring, 472–473

vanity lights, finished bathroom replacement, 456–457

See also lamps

liquid cement color, 233

liquid propane (for heating), 496

locks. See doors; hardware

main drains

cleanout plug replacement, 379

clearing, 379

main service panels

about, 408

safety and, 390

main shutoff valves

indoor types, 294

outdoor types, 294

as part of plumbing system, 292–293

MAPP torches, 299



cleaning, 268–269

reinforcing refaced, 267

replacing damaged, 266

troubleshooting problems, 260–261

tuck-pointing mortar joints, 262–263


cleaning, 268–269

replacing damaged, 264–265

troubleshooting problems, 260–261

tuck-pointing mortar joints, 262–263

caulking gaps around, 238

concrete veneer repair, 247

prepping for paint, 217, 269

pressure washing, 274–275


damage causes, 270

mortar tips, 272

popped stone replacement, 270

rebuilding drystack wall sections, 271

replacing mortared wall stones, 273

repointing mortar joints, 272

masonry caulk, 230

masonry paint, 233

metal clad (MC) cable, about, 393

metal conduit, about, 393

mold, drywall and, 78–79

molding. See trim molding

motion-sensing floodlights

about, 468

installing exterior fixture boxes, 469

replacing floodlight with, 470–471

motion-sensor switches, 433

multimeters, 389, 390, 451

muriatic acid, 217

nails, removing, 42, 50

National Electrical Code

electrical boxes and, 400

GFCI/AFCI breakers and, 448

wall switches and, 418

natural gas, for heating, 496

neutral service wires, 410

nippers, 52

NM (nonmetalic) cable

about, 393–394

reading sheathed, 395

reading unsheathed, 395

sheathing colors, 394

stripping sheathing and insulation, 396

occupancy sensors, 426

outlets. See receptacles


chemical content and, 88

clear finishes

removing, 216

staining siding with, 228–229

disposal of, 89


diagnosing problems, 212–213

removing, 214

paint sprayers

about, 224

use on doors, 227

use on exterior, 225–227

safety and, 88–89

paint sprayers

about, 224

use on doors, 227

use on exterior, 225–227

paint thinners, 89


cleaning, 221

using, 97, 219–220


cabinets, 104–105

cleaning tools, 221

doors, 100


cleaning tools, 221

fascia, 221

paint removal, 214

paint sprayers and, 224–227

paintbrush use, 219–220

painting sequence, 218

planning, 218

prepping surfaces, 215–217

roller use, 220

selecting tools for, 219

siding, 222

soffits, 221

trim, 221

ladders and, 86–87

masonry, prepping for paint, 217, 269

metal, prepping for paint, 217

paintbrush use, 97, 219–220

plaster, 95

preparations tools, 90–91

preparing rooms for, 92–93

primers for, 91, 94–95

roller use, 96, 220

sealers for, 94–95

textured surfaces, 95

trim molding, 101, 221

windows, 98–99


polishing scuffs, 68

replacing strips of, 69

wax touch-up sticks, 68

parquet tile flooring

establishing depth, 32

replacing tiles, 32–33

partial-house shutoff valves, 295

patio doors

maintenance of, 119

securing, 150

weatherizing, 122


resurfacing concrete, 256–259

See also decks; patio doors

PE (polyethylene) plastic pipes, 300–301

PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) tubing, 300–301

pilot jet tools, 501

pilot-light switches

testing, 432

wiring for, 425

pipe wrenches, 298



bending flexible, 303

cutting, 304–305

fittings for, 302

joining with union compression fittings, 317

measuring, 303

pipe and fitting chart, 302

reading grade stamps, 303

soldered joints, taking apart, 308

soldering, 304, 306–307

soldering brass valves, 308

tools for, 303

types of, 302

floor squeaks and, 15

loose, 384

noisy, 384

rigid plastic

cutting, 311

measuring, 311

solvent cementing, 310, 312–313

supply tubes

installation, 315

joining to shutoffs with compression fittings, 316–317

types of, 314

types and uses of, 300–301

water hammer arrestor installation, 385


crack repair, 67

dents, 65

latex bonding liquid and, 65

paint preparation, 95

patching holes cut in, 67

patching large holes in, 66

removing, 83

small holes, 65

spackle and, 65

tips for, 65

plenums (forced-air heating systems), 496

plug fuses, 412, 413

plug-in testers, 389, 450

plugs, safety and, 391

plugs. See electrical plugs

plumbing fixtures, 292–293

See also bathtubs; kitchen drains; showers; sinks; toilets

plumbing systems

components of, 292–293

drainage, about, 292–293

main shutoff valves, 292–293

shutoff valves, types of, 294–295

tools for working with, 296–299

water hammer arrestor installation, 385

water supply

pictured, 293

replacing pipes of, 382–383

popcorn texture, 76

power augers, 379–380

preset timer switches, 427

pressure washers

for masonry, 274–275

safety and, 274


selecting, 91, 94

tinted, 94

using, 95

programmable timer switches, 426, 433

protective eyewear, 33

push-in connectors, 397

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes

about, 300–301

cutting, 311

measuring, 311

solvent cementing, 310, 312–313


bleeding, 508

control valve replacement, 508

types of, 504

See also hot water heating systems

railings, for concrete steps, 250, 255


AFCI (arc-fault circuit interrupter), 438

amperage ratings, 434

childproofing of, 437

duplex, specifications for, 438

GFCI (ground-fault circuit-interrupter)

about, 438

multiple-location protection installation, 446–447

for outdoor locations, 444

single-location protection installation, 445

specifications for, 444

wiring for, 444

high-voltage, wiring for, 436

installation of new, 442–443

older types, 435


testing, 433

wiring for, 425


multimeters, 451

plug-in testers, 450

touchless circuit testers, 450

troubleshooting, 439

two-slot, 440–441

types of, 434

voltage ratings, 434

wiring configurations

end-of-run, 440

middle-of-run, 440

split-circuit, 440–441

switch-controlled, 440–441

two-slot, 440–441

reclaimed lumber


about, 51

acclimating, 53

installing, 56–59

milling tongues and grooves, 54–55

removing nails, 50, 52

salvaging, 50

separating laminated beams, 50

types of, 51

relief valves, 524

repair clips (drywall), 63

resilient sheet flooring

air bubbles in, 11

patching, 35–36

respirators, 89


cleaning, 221

using, 96, 220

roof systems

emergency repairs, 191


painting, 221

wood repair, 196


joints around, repair of, 191

patching valley, 194

replacing step, 195

replacing vent, 194

ice dams and, 188

leaks, evaluating, 190


buckled asphalt repair, 191

reattaching loose asphalt, 191

replacing asphalt, 192

troubleshooting problems with, 189

washing, 189


painting, 221

wood panel repair, 197

water damage and, 188

zinc strips for, 189

See also gutters

roofing cement, 191

S type fuses, 412

saddle valves, 295


acid etching floors and, 45, 48

concrete steps and, 250

jacks and, 285

lead paint and, 80

paint and, 88–89

pressure washers and, 274

protective eyewear, 33

scald-guards, 370

service panels and, 390, 408, 411

soldering and, 304

unpolarized receptacles, 435

wiring and, 390–391

wood cutting/drilling, 33

sanding blocks, 215

scald-guards, 370

screw-in receptacles, 435

screw terminals, 397

sealers, 94–95

security bars/gates, for windows, 150

security box strikes, 152

sediment traps (water heaters), 521

service entrance cable (SE), about, 394

sewer lines, about, 292–293


jacking up, 284–285


maintenance, 283

painting, 282–283

siding replacement, 288–289

wooden door installation, 286–287

sheet vinyl flooring. See resilient sheet flooring

sheetrock. See drywall



buckled repair, 191

reattaching loose, 191

replacing, 192

troubleshooting problems with, 189

washing, 189

wood, replacing, 193


compression diverter valve repair, 365


hand auger declogging, 373

maintenance, 372

plunger-type, 374

pop-up type, 375

faucet types, 362–363


anatomy of, 371

cleaning, 371

repairing, 371

replacing, 371

single-handle repair, 368–369

single-handle with scald guard, 370

three-handle, repairing, 364–365

two-handle, repairing, 366

shutoff valves

installation, 315

joining to supply tubes with compression fittings, 316–317

main, 292–293

types of, 294–295, 314



end cap replacement, 207

patching, 207

board and batten

painting, 222

removal of, 203

replacing, 208


paint removal, 214

painting, 222

removal of, 203

replacing, 209

log cabin, staining, 228–229

painting, 222

removal of, 202–203

shed, 288–289


large area repairs, 231

painting, 222

removal of, 203

small area repairs, 230


locking mechanism, 206

removal of, 203

repairing, 207

wooden shakes/shingles

removal of, 203

replacing, 208

staining, 229

single-pole wall switches

about, 419

testing, 430


drains, clearing traps, 376


about cartridge, 349

anatomy of, 341

ball, 348

compression, 343–344

disc, 349

identifying type of, 342

one-handle cartridge, 346–347

one-piece with sprayer installation, 357

pull-out kitchen installation, 355–356

removing, 354

repair kits for, 342

troubleshooting, 341–342

washerless two-handle, 345

kitchen drain

clearing traps, 376

configurations for, 358

drain-in-floor type, 361

drain kits, 359

hand auger declogging, 377

hooking up, 360–361

plunging, 377

selecting, 359

slip joints and, 359


anatomy of, 351

installing one-piece faucets with, 357

locating diverter valves, 351–352

repairing, 351–352

replacing, 353

Sioux straps, 384

sistering floor joists, 12, 13

sliding doors

maintenance of, 119

securing, 150

weatherizing, 122

slip joints, 359

smoke alarms

connecting, 459

specification for, 458

types of, 458


painting, 221

repairing wood panel, 197

spalling, of concrete, 235

specialty switches

dimmer switches

automatic, 428

installation, 429

switch action options, 428

timer switches

testing, 432

types of, 426–427

See also electronic switches; wall switches

spring-wound timer switches, 427

spud wrenches, 298, 359

Squeeeeek No More, 15


on asphalt driveways, 276

of brick/block structures, 268–269

of concrete, 234, 268

siding, 228–229


anatomy of, 108


building, 252–255

corner patches, 244

corner replacement, 244

designing, 251

safety guidelines and, 250

tread repair, 245

types of damage, 243

replacing broken treads, 110–111

squeaks in, 109


damage causes, 270

mortared walls

mortar tips, 272

repointing joints, 272

stone replacement, 272

popped stone replacement, 270

rebuilding drystack wall sections, 271

See also masonry

storm doors

about, 174

installation, 175

maintenance and, 143

weatherizing and, 122

storm windows

glass replacement, 141

maintenance and, 143

screen replacement, 140

weatherizing and, 124


large area repairs, 231

painting, 222

removal of, 202–203

small area repair, 230

stud finders, 388


maintenance issues with, 10

patching floor covering and, 27

squeaks and, 15

subpanels, anatomy of, 411

surface-mounted receptacles, 435

T-molding, 26

telephone cable, about, 394

texture paint, plaster and, 66

texture touch-up products, 76


line-voltage, 529


about, 465, 529

testing, 530–531

mercury, 467


about, 464–465, 528

upgrading to, 466–467

THHN/THWN wire, about, 394

three-way wall switches

about, 420

replacing, 421

testing, 431

typical installation, 420


anatomy of, 130

evaluating floors and, 11

making accessible, 133

metal saddles, 132

painting exterior, 223

replacing exterior door, 131–132

threshold inserts, 132


acoustic, 77

ceramic floor

cracking grout, 11

maintenance issues with, 10

replacing tiles, 38–39

ceramic wall

recaulking joints, 71

regrouting, 70

removing, 81

replacing built-in accessories, 72

replacing surface-mounted accessories, 72

replacing tiles, 73

vinyl floor

evaluating, 11

patching, 27

replacing tiles, 37

time-delay fuses, 412

time-delay switches, testing, 433

timer switches

testing, 432, 433

types of, 426–427

toilet flanges

evaluating, 331

repairing, 338–339

toilet shims, 338


clog clearing methods, 334–335

closet auger declogging, 337

fill valve replacement, 324–325

flush valve replacement, 326–327

inspecting toilet flanges, 331

installation, 331–333

minor adjustments to, 320–321

plunging clogged, 336

removing, 330

resetting tank level, 322

selecting, 328–329

shimming, 338

toilet flange repair, 338–339

troubleshooting problems, 319, 321, 323

types of, 318

wax ring removal, 330

tool belts, 389


acid etching, 45, 46

carpet, 42

ceramic tile, 38

copper pipe and, 303

exterior paint removal, 214–216

for nail removal, 52


cleaning, 221

selecting, 219

use of, 219–220

painting preparation, 91–92

plumbing, 296–299

vinyl siding and, 206

wall repair, 92

wiring, 388–389

touch-up sticks, 68

touchless circuit testers, 389, 450

trim molding


anatomy of, 16

installation, 17

removing damaged, 16

exterior, 221

brick molding, 203, 211

painting, 221, 223

preparing to paint, 216

wooden, 210

laminate floors and, 31


exterior, 221, 223

tips for, 101

windows, 98–99

patching floors and, 26

tubing cutters, 298

twist-lock receptacles, 435

two-slot receptacles, 440–441

UF (underground feeder) cable, about, 393–394

underlayment, maintenance issues with, 10

unpolarized receptacles, 435


brass, soldering, 308

main shutoff valves

indoor, 294

outdoor, 294

as part of plumbing system, 292–293

shower, compression diverter valve repair, 365

shutoff, types of, 294–295

sprayer diverter, 351–352


fill valve replacement, 324–325

flush valve replacement, 326–327

vanity lights, 456–457


ice dams and, 188

paint and, 89

plumbing, 292–293

vinyl flooring


air bubbles in, 11

patching, 35–36


evaluating, 11

patching, 27

replacing tiles, 37

voltage testers, 390

walkways, resurfacing, 248–249

wall sheathing, replacing, 205

wall switches

anatomy of, 416, 418

double switches

testing, 433

wiring for, 424


about, 422

replacing, 423

testing, 431

typical installations, 422

pilot switches

testing, 432

wiring for, 425


about, 419

testing, 430

typical installations, 419


testing, 433

wiring for, 425


about, 420

replacing, 421

testing, 431

typical installations, 420

types of, 417

See also electronic switches; specialty switches

wallboard. See drywall

wallboard compound, plaster and, 66


air bubbles in, 74

patching, 75

regluing seams, 75

removing, 81

wallpaper. See wallcoverings


foundation, repairing cracks in, 242

painting, 102–103


polishing scuffs, 68

replacing strips of, 69

wax touch-ups sticks and, 68

preparation for removing, 80


recaulking joints, 70

regrouting, 70

replacing built-in accessories, 72

replacing surface-mounted accessories, 72

replacing tiles, 73

wall-repair tools, 91

See also drywall; plaster; siding, wall sheathing; wallcoverings

water hammer arrestor installation, 385

water heaters


anatomy of, 522

hookup, 527


anatomy of, 522

installation, 525–527

reading nameplates, 521

relief valve installation, 524

removal of, 523–524

sediment traps for, 521

specifications for, 520–521

water meters, 292–293

water supply

pictured, 293

replacing pipes of, 382–383


basement window well covers, 120–121

caulking openings, 120–121

felt door sweeps, 120–121

products for, 121


casement window cranks

cleaning/lubrication, 137

removing for security, 150

repair, 137

caulking around, 120–121

drywalling over removed, 64

hardware for securing, 148

metal sash frame repair, 142

painting, 98–99, 223

pane replacement, 138–139

removing, 168–169

replacement installation with nailing flange, 172–173

sash cord replacement, 136

sash-replacement window installation, 144–147

securing, 149–150

spring-lift adjustment, 134

spring-loaded adjustment, 134

sticking, 135

storm windows

glass replacement, 141

maintenance, 143

screen replacement, 140

weatherizing and, 124

weatherizing, 124–125

weatherstriping, 125

wire ampacity, 395

wire connectors

joining wires with, 398

types of, 395

wire strippers, 388


about, 392

ampacity table, 395

color chart, 392


cable staples, 397

push-in connectors, 397

to screw terminals, 397

wire connectors, 397, 398

connectors for, 395

pigtailing, 399

size chart, 392

types of, 393–394

See also NM (nonmetalic) cable; UF (underground feeder) cable


connecting wires to screw terminals, 397

diagnostic tools for, 389

doorbells, 460


end-of-run, 440

GFCI (ground-fault circuit-interrupter), 444

middle-of-run, 440

split-circuit, 440–441

switch-controlled, 440–441

two-slot, 440–441

safety and, 390–391


line-voltage, 529

low-voltage, 528

tools for, 388–389

types of, 393–394

wall and ceiling removal and, 80

wire connectors, types of, 395

See also wires

wood shakes, replacing, 193

zinc strips, 189

zip-lock tools (for siding), 206