[Note: Page numbers followed by i indicate illustrations]
Abdallah, Gary 305
abductions 299
conflict with squatters and settlers 6, 16
murdered by Border Police 16
abortion inquiry (1970) 262–3, 270
Accident Appreciation Squad 236
Accident Compensation Act 1985 (Vic) 375
Act for Regulating the Police in Towns (Sydney Police Act) 14
Adam, Frederick 263
Administration Department 274
African community, relations with police 421–2
age of retirement 117–18, 122–3
alcohol abuse by officers 10, 20, 22, 48–9, 294, 352
alcohol ban in police premises 351–3
alcohol-related road deaths 313
alcohol-testing of police 352, 353
Alexander, R. (Constable) 92
aliens (enemy)
control of 217
registration of 143
Allan Government 176, 188, 208
Allen, Andrew (Det Inspector) 362, 363, 365
Allsop, James 360
Allsworth, John 11
Anderson, W.A.D. (Colonel) 68
Andrews, Daniel 427
Andrews Government 427
Angela Taylor Memorial Trust 335, 337
anti-war protests 246, 252–4, 255i
Argyle, Stanley (chief secretary) 188, 191, 205
Armed Offences Taskforce 370
Armed Offenders Squad (AOS) 358, 367, 368–70
armed robberies 368
Armed Robbery Squad (ARS) 304, 358, 367–8
Armitage, Penny 397
Armstrong, H. (Constable) 92
Arnold, Rupert (Chief Commissioner) 246–7, 264
Arthur, Sir George 6
artillery corps (Stubbs’s Bulldogs) 68–70, 69i, 100
Ashby, Noel (Assistant Commissioner) 356, 381, 383, 388–9
Ashley, James (Detective Sergeant) 17, 36
Ashton, Graham (Chief Commissioner) 297, 418, 427–30, 429i
Ashworth, Ken (Det Inspector) 365
Asian Crime Squad 361
Asling, Stephen 367
assaults on police 306
attrition rates 268
Audio-Visual Section 276
Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence 295
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 364
Australian Crime Commission 295, 364
Australian Customs Service 364
Australian Federal Police (AFP) 364
Australian Institute of Criminology 307
Australian Natives’ Association (ANA) 121
Australian secret service 144
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 145
Australian Taxation Office 364, 366
Automobile Club of Victoria (ACV) 130, 132, 133, 136
Avery, John (NSW Commissioner) 348
Avon, Dermot (Detective) 305
awards and honours 118–19, 234, 305, 331–2, 338
badges, with motto 231
Bailey, Mark 377
Baillieu Government 412–13, 414
Ballarat Reform League 45
Barbaro, Pasquale 363
Barnett, Edward (Constable) 49
barracks life 35, 36, 57, 69, 103, 105, 168–9, 268
Barritt, James Patrick ‘Jim’ (Detective Sergeant) 273
Barrow, Samuel 22
Barry, John (Senior Constable) 111–12, 115
Barry, Redmond 90
Bateman, Mark (Senior Constable) 300, 301, 377
Batman, Henry 11
Batman, John 6
Batty, Luke 417
Batty, Rosie 417
Bayles, Norman (MLA) 133
Beach Inquiry (1975–76) 271, 280–2, 367–8
Beggs, Maxwell (Brevet Inspector) 311
Benalla 15
Benbow, William 436
Bendeich, Frank (Senior Constable) 333–4
Bent Government 125
Bentley, James Francis 44
Berry, Berry, Graham 94
Berry, Graham 90
Berzins, Valda 359
‘Beverly Hills Cop Affair’ 378–9
Bike Patrol 387
Birch, J. R. (Inspector) 198i, 202, 217
Black Saturday bushfires 392–5
Blamey, Thomas Albert (Chief Commissioner) 165, 189i, 199i, 201i
corruption allegations 203
crises during commissionership 188
and crushing of public protest 200–3
leadership and management style 190, 192, 193, 195
and merit-based promotion system 196–7
missing documents from commissionership 203
and Police Association 195–200
reactionary politics 188
relations with the press 203–4, 208
‘third degree’ controversy 210, 211
and welfare needs of force 193–4
in World War II 215
Blayney, Jack (Assistant Commissioner) 418
Blewitt, Terrence 367
Blogg, L. J. 281
Bloomfield, Joseph (Chief Constable) 17
Blue Ribbon Day 337
Bodycoat, Danny (Inspector) 370
Bolte Government 263, 265, 270, 272
Bongiorno, Bernard 305
Bookey, Power Le Poer (Superintendent) 67, 85
Border Police 16
Bostjancic, Lita 394
Boston Consulting Group 361, 373
Bourke, Claire (Constable) 302
Bourke, Governor 6
Bourke Street West police station 169, 182, 276
Bracks Government 338, 346, 351, 375, 385
Bracks, Steve 338, 364, 372, 380, 382, 385, 409
‘Bradbury factor’ 297
bravery awards 118–20, 303, 331, 376, 436
Breadmore, Peter 322
Breathnach, Seamus 79
Brennan, Niall 78
Brennan, R. P. (Detective) 144
Brodie, Charles (Chief Constable) 16, 207–10
Brooks, William (Constable) 170, 171, 172, 176
Brophy, J. O. (Superintendent) 188
Brown, Gavin (Assistant Commissioner) 326
Brown, Sally 349
Browne, James Unsworth (Sergeant) 65, 66
Bruche, J. 165
Brumby Government 305, 407, 408–9
Brumby, John 390, 392, 395, 397, 400, 407
Building Operational Capability and Capacity (BOOC) 420, 423
Bull, Brian (WA Commissioner) 336
Bunning, Matthew 365
Bureau of Internal Investigations (BII) 289, 327–8
burglary rates 355
Burke, Matthew (Constable) 154
bushrangers 1, 11, 36, 91 see also Kelly, Ned
Butler, Shane 384
Butterfield, Michael (Detective) 369
Cain, Frank 145
Cain Government (1982–90) 308, 328
Cain Governments (1945–47; 1952–55) 226, 227, 232
Cain, John (1882–1957) 184, 226, 308
Cain, John (1931–) 308
Callaghan, Timothy (Constable) 6
Cameron, James (MLA) 122
Cameron royal commission (1905) 125–6, 127
Cannabis Cautioning Program 338–9
Canning, F. W. (Constable) 186i, 187i
car registration and licensing 130, 133–5
‘Carlton Crew’ 361
Carmichael, Angus Lindsay (‘Jack’) (Deputy Commissioner) 273
Carr, Paul (Inspector) 378
Carr, Stanley (Captain) 25
Carroll, M. (Constable) 106
Carter, Gordon 153
Cartwright, Tim (Deputy Commissioner) 418, 427
Casey, Brian (Chief Superintendent) 336
Caulfield Institute of Technology 278
Central Unemployment Committee 202
Chan, Karmein 299
Chandler, Jo 390
Chartres-Abbott, Shane 361, 387–8
chief commissioner role
demanding nature 297
chief commissioners
career policemen 95, 140, 165, 165–6, 177, 238
establishment of position 29
first Australian-born appointee 121
impact of performance on the force 177–8, 296
‘outsiders’ 159, 177, 213, 232, 233–4, 318, 411–12, 413, 434
relationship with police ministers 424
Chief Commissioner’s Certificates 234
child sexual abuse 272
Chomley, Hussey Malone (Chief Commissioner) 25, 94i
on compulsory retirement age 117
as ‘darling of the State’ 110
on effects of police service 109
introduction of bravery award 118–19
on police pensions 123
Christie, J. M. (Detective Inspector) 126
citizens’ rights, full rights extended to police 153
City Police 27
civil debt collecting 115
civil policing 60
Civil Service Royal Commission 1870–1873 72
civil versus military law enforcement 7, 22–3, 68
Clark, Joshua (Constable) 13
Clarke, Andrew 42
Clarke, Anthony (‘Tony’) 376–7
Clarke, Max 302
Cliffe, Geoff 322
Clinch, Neil (Constable) 301
Clugston, H. V. (Assistant Commissioner) 247
Code of Practice for the Investigation of Family Violence 374
Coghlan, Jim (Det Sergeant) 366
Collins, Rod (Superintendent) 393, 394
Comerford, George 11
Commonwealth Police Force 146
Commonwealth Powers (Industrial Relations) Act 1996 321
Commonwealth Security Service 217
communications systems
Intergraph communications system 332–3
Wireless Patrol 182, 183, 183i, 185–7, 192, 221
community involvement, lack of 245–6
Community Involvement Groups 286
community policing initiatives 286–8, 315–16
Community Policing Squads 286
Community and Radicalisation research project 408
community support for police 337–8
complaints against police 292–3, 314, 323–6, 340, 367–8, 421–2
Complaints Section 327
Computer Systems Division (CSD) 280, 311–12
Comrie, Heath 318
Comrie, Mary Ellen 318i
Comrie, Murray 318
Comrie, Neil (Chief Commissioner) 116, 206, 297, 305, 307, 319i
background 319
drug diversion program 339
educational opportunities for senior officers 322
ethical standards 327
on Intergraph system 333
on killings of police 333, 334, 335
public servants in command team 322
relationship with Bracks Government 383
relationship with Police Association 321
review of honours and awards 331–2
scapegoating of his administration 384
swearing-in ceremonies 349
on WEF demonstration 340
conditions of service
in 1970 264
benefits and allowances 102, 103, 147, 154, 266, 291, 309
compared to New South Wales 148–9, 171
in first unified force 33–4, 35
hardships 49
reforms following 1923
reforms in post-war period 226–9
transfers and transfer expenses 103–4
working hours 102, 147, 154, 227–8, 241, 309
Conroy, Stephen 390
Constitutional Act (Vic) 66, 153
Continental Airlines imbroglio 307–8
Cook, Ellen 184
Corporate Management Group 358, 372
corruption see police corruption
corruption prevention program 330
Corry, Inez 261
Costello, Tim (Reverend) 397
Costelloe, W. J. (Sergeant) 124–5, 149
Counter Espionage Bureau (CEB) 144–5, 159
Country Fire Authority (CFA) 297
Cousins, Ben 382
Coventry, A. H. 270
Cox, Stephen 365
Crime Department 360–1, 362, 368, 369
crime rate
in 1983 286
in 2001 346
crime statistics
collection and distribution by Victoria Police 406–7
debate over accuracy and worth 355, 407
inquiry into manipulation of 411
politics and policing 408
release of 408
Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) 411
crime theme desks 361
Crimes (Blood Samples) Act 1989 (Vic) 342
Crimes (Fingerprinting) Act 1988 (Vic) 342
criminal charges against police, acquittals 261–2
Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB)
decentralisation 160
deployment of detectives 284
criminal investigation procedures 210–12
criminological research on police 260, 407
Crisp, Andrew 427
Critchley, T. A. 136
Crowley, W. D. 253, 259–60, 280
Curr, Edward 16
Currie, Arthur (Constable) 137
D.24 communications control centre 22, 221, 332, 333
Dabb, Robert (Detective) 369
Dale, Paul (Det Sergeant) 365
Dalton, Sergeant 76
Dana, William (Superintendent) 32, 52, 67
Dandenong Police Stud Depot 183
Davies, Greg (Senior Sergeant) 389, 404–5, 409
Davis, George (Assistant Commissioner) 330, 358, 362
Day, John (Catholic priest) 272
Day, Robert (District Constable) 7, 8, 9, 10
de Kretser, David 395
De Villiers, Christian L.J. 12
first death 11
on goldfields 49
motorcyclists 300
number killed 436
traffic patrols 377
and Victoria Police Legacy 282–4
Delaney, Joseph (Mounted Constable) 171, 436
Demirian, Levon 304
demonstrations see public protests
Deputy Ombudsman (Police Complaints) Act 1988 (Vic) 329
deserters 37
Detective Branch 36, 96–7, 122
Detective Training School (DTS) 162, 214
in England 17
first detective force in Melbourne 17
Dewes, Police Magistrate 44
Dibra, Dino 362
Dickie, Vance 281
Didak, Alan 382
Dillon, J. V. 257
disenfranchisement of police 49–50, 71–2, 110, 112
Disher, Garry 78
DNA Molecular Biology Section 343
Dodds, T. H. 165
dog killing 20
Domestic Violence Service Delivery model 417
Dow, Caroline (Constable) 279
Dowling, T. (Constable) 92
Downie, Frederick William (‘Pop’) (Senior Constable) 183i, 185–6, 187, 187i, 192, 211
Doyle, Rachel 395
Draper, James Chester (First Constable) 216–17, 224
drink-driving offences by police 313, 352
drunkenness among police 10, 20, 22, 48–9
Duffy, Michael (Senior Constable) 302
Duncan, Alexander Mitchell (Chief Commissioner) 212i
appointment 213
badge and motto 231
as chief air raid warden 214, 216
crime statistics 406
criminal investigation reform 213–14
and police auxiliary force 235
police college 236
on police duty 227
retirement 231
and Special Branch 217
training for detectives 162, 214
Dunstan, Albert 208
Dunstan Government 208, 209, 211
Duross, W. (Constable) 92
Dwyer, James (Constable) 7, 8, 10
Eames, Peter (Senior Constable) 374–5, 376
economic depressions
education see police education and training
Edwards, Bernie (Det Inspector) 365, 366
Elizabeth II, royal visit 1954 231
Elizabeth and Collins streets (1920s) 131i
Emergency Services Superannuation Scheme (ESSS) 310
enabling powers for police 299–300, 306
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Unit 313, 372
equal opportunity 193, 279, 294
Equal Opportunity Services Branch 345
Equity and Diversity Strategy 345
Equity and Diversity Unit 345
Ethical Standards Department (ESD) 327, 330, 358, 365, 369, 385
Etter, Barbara (WA Assistant Commissioner) 350
Ettershank, Kathy 345
Eureka Hotel riot 44
Eureka Stockade, storming of 45–7
Evans, Paul (Assistant Commissioner) 402
extraneous non-police duties 10, 13, 20, 58–9
Eyre, Damian (Constable) 304, 305, 309, 335, 336, 336–7, 338
Fair Cop (Nixon and Chandler) 390
Falconer, Bob 316
Falkiner, Edward (Chief Constable) 16
Fane, Samuel James (Mounted Constable) 106
Farrell, Anthony 304
Farthing, A. A. (MLA) 147
Federal Bureau of Investigation 307
Fenton, Ron (Sergeant) 302
Ferguson, Ian 365
fine-sharing scheme 20–1, 27, 43–4
fingerprint analysis 127–8, 160
Finnegan, Owen (Constable) 13
Firearms and Operational Survival Training Unit (FOSTU) 306, 307
firearms policy 306
firemen, police as 36
Fitzpatrick, Alexander (Constable) 87
Fitzpatrick Incident 87
Fleming, Jenny 374
Fontana, Stephen (assistant commissioner) 393, 393i, 394
Force Response Unit (FRU) 323, 324, 325
Ford, Jack (Inspector) 263
Forrest J, Terry 389
Forsythe, Gayle 302
Forsythe, Lindsay (Senior Constable) 302
Fosbery, Edmund Walcott 25
Frame, John (Deputy Commissioner) 314, 317, 318, 349, 352
Franc, Matthew (Detective) 369
Francis, J. G. 73
Fraud Squad 361
Freckelton, Ian 328
Freeman, Samuel (Superintendent) 26, 35, 47, 48, 56, 67
Freestun, Edward (Constable) 12
Friends of Richmond Secondary College Occupation Committee 323
Future Plans Division 274
Gangitano, Alphonse 361
gangland war 358, 361–7, 387–9
first gaol in Melbourne 8, 8i, 14
Police Prison, Richmond 48
second gaol and watchhouse 14, 15i
Gargasoulas, Dimitrious 429
Gassner, Leigh (Assistant Commissioner) 355, 374
Gatto, Mick 362
Gellibrand, Sir John (Chief Commissioner) 162–5, 163i, 167
Gillard, Julia 390
Gillies, Duncan 113
Gippsland, makeshift police station 99i
Gisbourne, H. F. 16
Giuliano, John 321
Glare, Kelvin (Chief Commissioner) 309i
on administrative reform 298, 309, 310, 311, 317
and command of IID 328
community policing initiatives 315–16
and Continental Airlines imbroglio 308
management style 309
and murders of Tynan and Eyre 377
on Nixon’s appointment 350
on Police Brass Band 116
retirement 317
swearing-in ceremony 349
and women police 372
Glenister, R. 281
Gobbo, Sir James 332
Gold Escort 27
Gold Fields Commission of Enquiry 42, 43
Gold Fields Police 27
gold rushes, impact 18–19, 21, 22, 27, 37
goldfields, policing of 21, 33, 41–7
Goldstein, Vida 157
Gordon, Ian 422
Government Camp, Ballarat 40i, 42
Graham, Robert (Constable) 100
Gray J, Ian 365
Greta police station 100
Griffin, Lindsay 348
Gustke, Andrew (Det Inspector) 365
Haermeyer, Andre 338, 346, 371, 381, 383
Haines, William 136
Hallenstein, Hal 305, 306, 307
Hamer, Rupert James (‘Dick’) 257, 272, 281, 311, 367
Harding, Richard 260
Hare, Francis A., as gold digger 43
Hare, Francis A. (Superintendent) 91, 94
Harnetty, William 436
Hastings, Bob (Assistant Commissioner) 397
Havelock diggings riot 49
Haydon, A.L. 110
Heale, Beth 387
health issues, work-related 109, 293
Heathershaw, Sydney Arthur 162
Hells Angels 421
Henry, Dennis (Commander) 393
Henry, Sir Edward 159
Henry, Stephen (Senior Constable) 302, 335, 436
Hetherington, John 188, 191–2, 202
Hewitt, Walter (Constable) 300
Hickey, Gerald Joseph (‘Gerry’) 272
Hill, Robert 304
Hill, Robert (Assistant Commissioner) 418, 419, 421
Hindmarsh, Ben 409
Hobley, Fred (Brevet Sub-Inspector) 211, 214
Hobsbawm, Eric 82
Hocking, Doug (Inspector) 393
Hoddle Street massacre 299
Hodson, Christine 365
Hodson, Terrence 365
Hogan Government 194, 196, 197, 202–3
Holt, Harold 253
Homicide Squad 262, 341, 368, 388
Homicide Squad Cold Case Unit 361
honours and awards 118–19, 234, 305, 331–2, 338
Hooson, Joseph William (Constable) 7, 8, 10
Horman, W. J. (‘Bill’) (Deputy Commissioner) 308, 316, 328, 349
Horne, Donald 258
Hotham, Sir Charles 43
Houghton, Jedd 305
Howell, George 436
Hoysted, Peter 272
HR Assist 408
Human Resources and Development Department 359
Hyde, Mal (SA Commissioner) 316, 322, 348
Iddles, Ron 384
ill-health retirements 293
Imperial troops, withdrawal of 68
impersonal policing 314
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) 412
industrial action see strikes by police
industrial disputes see strike-breakers, police protection of
Information Systems Division (ISD) 311
informers, detectives’ use of 17, 91, 96–7
Ingram, George Mawby (Lieutenant) 205
Inspectorate 274
Instrument Development and Maintenance Section 276
Intergraph communications system 332–3
Internal Investigations Department (IID) 327, 328, 329, 330
Internal Security Unit (ISU) 328, 330
international students, safety of 401–2
internment of enemy subjects 143
interpreters 9
Irish immigrants 82
Irish influence 36–7, 67, 75–86
Irish-Australian mythology 76, 77
Irish-Australian outlawry 76, 77
Irvine, William H. 122
Islamic extremism, threat of 428
Jackson, Reginald (Chief Commissioner) 273i, 372
appointment 271
as assistant commissioner 247, 271
background and character 271–2
and Beach Inquiry 281
on public protests 258
relationship with Miller 272–3
Jacobson, Martin 263
Jamieson, Gary (Assistant Commissioner) 397
Jamieson, Gary (‘Jamo’) 410
Jarrett, Donald (Inspector) 336
Jeffries, Sir Charles 84
Jensen, Graeme 304
Job Description Manual 277
John Hill Memorial Award 305
Johnson, John 371
Johnson, Lyndon B. 252
Johnson, Matthew 361
Jones, Sir Ken 397, 398–9, 400, 409, 412
Kallipolitis, Paul 362
Kaminski, Ulf (Inspector) 375, 376
Kapetanovski, John (Sergeant) 302
Kaufman, George 342
Kellam, Murray 412
Kelly, Bill (Deputy Commissioner) 381
Kelly, Bryan (Inspector) 283
Kelly Gang
police pursuit of 55, 85–6, 88, 90, 91–3, 97
Kelly, Ned 1
execution 90
killing of police 88
reputation 86
Kelly Reward Board 93
Kelly, William (Sergeant) 65, 66
Kellyana 1
Kennedy, Michael (Sergeant) 88, 89i, 334
Kennedy, Michael (Snr Constable), oath sheet 77i
Kennett Government 317–18, 319, 321–2, 338, 371, 375
Kennett, Jeff 349
Kent, Graham 385
King, R. L. 281
Kinniburgh, Graham (‘The Munster’) 361, 367
Kirkwood, Ray (Sergeant) 302
Kirner Government 317
Kit Walker case 385
Knapp Commission, New York 379–80
Knight, Julian 299
Konrad, Karl (Constable) 326, 327
Korhonen, Kai Veli 302
Kosky, Lynne 346
La Trobe University, student protests 252
labour movement, police relationship with 151–2
Lake, Marilyn 350
Lalor, Peter (‘Stash’) (Det Sergeant) 385, 387–8
Lambert, Rod (Commander) 359
Lamer, J. N. (Sub-Inspector) 95
Land Acts 85
land question 67
Lane, Robert (‘Rocky’) (Senior Constable) 282–3, 436
Langlands, Sandra (Commander) 359
Larner, J.N. (Sergeant) 72
larrikin street pushes 250
Latch, Brian 263
Latta, Ken (Executive Director) 356, 388, 400
Lawson Government 159, 164, 165, 171, 174, 181, 184
Lawson, Leigh (Senior Constable) 302
Lay, Ken (Chief Commissioner) 416i
abolition of police bands 117
as acting chief commissioner 414
appearance guidelines 418
appointment 415
background 414
and ‘Bradbury factor’ 297, 423
as deputy commissioner (Road Policing) 398, 408, 415
family violence initiatives 416–18, 426
leadership style 423
and operational safety 418
resignation 426
LEAP (Law Enforcement Assistance Program) 312–13, 407, 422
legal fees 154
legal profession, influence on the force 435
Lemmon, John (MLA) 150
Levonian, Hagop 304
LGBTI community, relationship with police 325–6, 350–1
Licensing Branch 170
Linehan, Daniel (Superintendent) 191
Loader, Andrew (Executive Director) 418
Local Priority Policing (LPP) 331
local safety committees 331
Lockwood, Clinton (Detective) 305
London Metropolitan Police 16, 26, 30, 85, 96, 245
London model of policing 85
Longmore, Francis (MLA) 90, 91, 92, 95
Longmore royal commission (1881–83) 90–3, 95–6, 97–8, 109, 110, 111, 117, 122
Lonigan, Thomas (Constable) 88, 89i
Lonsdale, William (Captain) 7, 9–10, 11, 12–13, 14–15
Lotteries Gaming and Betting Act 1906 (Vic) 126
Lukaitis, Peter (Sergeant) 375, 376
Lynas, Nicola 299
Lyttleton, Thomas 56
McCallum, Ian (Senior Sergeant) 377, 378
McCallum, Norman 236
McCay, Sir James 177, 178, 180
MacDonald, Graeme (Assistant Commissioner) 362
MacDonald, Rod (Senior Constable) 302
McEvoy, Peter 304
McGrath, Bill 371
McGrath, Tom (Chief Superintendent) 327
Macindoe royal commission (1936) 208–9, 210
McIntyre, Thomas (Constable) 88, 89i
Mackay, Katherine 219
McKechnie, Nicole 400
McKeever, Patrick (District Constable) 13
McKenzie, Nick 388
McKerral, Jack (First Constable) 205
McLeod, Donald (MLA) 153
McLeod, Ronald 395
MacMahon, Charles (Chief Commissioner) 35, 51i
as acting chief commissioner 39–41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 49, 51
background 33
as chief commissioner 50–4, 67, 68
on community support for police 245
and disenfranchisement of police 49–50
as Member of Legislative Assembly 68
as Member of Legislative Council 49–50
mounted city patrol 36
police manual 50
political interference 52–3, 66, 68
resignation from police 66
Sandhurst cell-death inquiry 51–2
McMeeken, Lisa (Senior Sergeant) 373
Macneil, Andrew 356
McPherson, Charles 176
McPherson Goverment 196
McPherson, Norman (Mounted Constable) 107–8, 107i
McPherson, William Edward 206
McQuilton, John 78
Macready, Sir Nevil 159
‘Mad Max’ saga 302
Maguire, Damien 364
Major Crime (Investigate Powers) Act 364
Major Crime Squad (MCS) 368
Major Drug Investigation Division (MDID) 358, 365
Makepeace, Sandra (Senior Sergeant) 345
Mallia, Mark 366
Management Services Bureau 274
Mann CJ, Sir Frederick 210, 211, 212
Mansell, David (Chief Superintendent) 374–5
Manual of Police Regulations for the Guidance of the Constabulary of Victoria 50
marriage, restrictions on 80, 82, 104
Marshall J, Shane 422
Martin, John (Superintendent) 176
Masters and Servants Act 85
Masterson, Bernice (Assistant Commissioner) 313, 318, 372, 394
Mathews, Race 310, 328, 347, 409
Matthews, John (Superintendent) 263
Melbourne Club 54
Melbourne and County of Bourke Police 18
Melbourne Police District 164
mental health of officers 418, 429
Menzies Government 252
Merlino, James 408
Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) 356
Michael, Daniel Haile 422
Miechel, David (Det Senior Sergeant) 365
militarism 39–40, 43, 44, 46, 60, 68–70
Military Intelligence Service 144, 217
Miller, Craig (Constable) 374–5, 376
Miller, Rodney (Senior Constable) 333–5, 337, 377, 378
Miller, Sinclair Imrie (‘Mick’) (Chief Commissioner) 289i
advice to Overland 298
anglicisation of motto 231
appointment 271
as assistant commissioner 257, 272
background and character 272
community policing initiatives 286–8
disputation with Police Association 284–5
on early retirement of officers 310
as ‘Father of the Year’ 288
on Ken Lay 426
on lack of enabling powers 299–300
police advisers 409
on police effectiveness 317
and police motorcyclist fatalities 300
on police responses to public protests 257
on police shootings 303
relationship with Jackson 272–3
Requiescat 336
on retired chief commissioners 391
retirement 306
on Russell Street bombing 303
and Victoria Police Legacy 283–4
Milne, Police Sergeant-Major 44
mining licence hunts 42, 43, 45
Missing Persons Squad 361
Missing Persons Unit 340
Mitchell, James 159
Mitchell, Michael John (Constable) 283
Mitchell, Pam 283
Mitchell, William H.F. (Chief Commissioner) 25, 31, 32i, 33, 34–5, 36, 37–8, 51–2
Mokbel, Antonios (‘Tony’) 362, 366–7
Mollison, Dr 211
Monash royal commission (1924) 169, 175–6, 180, 182
Monash, Sir John 174, 178, 179, 189
Monoah, Kot 403
Mooney, W.W.W. (Acting Chief Commissioner) 209, 213
Moore, Andrew 180
Moore, Maurice (Senior Constable) 303, 335
Moran, Desmond (‘Tuppence’) 361
Moran, Judy 361
Moran, Lewis 366
Moran, Mark 358, 361, 363, 366
Moroney, Ken 397
Morrell, Gary (Senior Constable) 302
Mossop (Sub-Inspector) 200
Motor Car Act 1903 (UK) 130, 131
Motor Car Act and Regulations 1910 (Vic) 134–5
Motor Driving School 236
Motor Patrol 185
Motor Police 134
Motor Registration Branch 134, 242
motor vehicle theft 355
motorists, hostility towards police 135–6, 137, 243
motto 231
Mount Moriac police station 108
mounted city patrol 36
mounted police 15–16, 27, 45, 46, 64i, 86i, 106–7, 129
Mounted Police Fifth Division 15–16
Moynihan, Shaun (Constable) 300
‘Mr Cruel’ 299
Mullett, Paul (Senior Constable) 303, 321, 370, 372, 383–6, 388–9
multi-agency approach to gangland war 364, 366
Murphy, F. C. (Constable) 152–3
Murray, John (MLA) 122, 124, 134, 150–1
Murray, Sir Brian 307
Nancarrow, Peter (Deputy Commissioner) 330, 380–1, 383
National Council of Women 156–7
National Crime Authority (NCA) 295, 316
National Police Remembrance Day 336, 337, 338
National Police Research Unit 307
Native Police Corps 12, 13i, 32
Neesham Committee (1982) 295, 310
Neesham, Thomas 295
Neighbourhood Watch 240, 287, 288
Nelson affair 24
Nelson, Heather 341
New and Emerging Community Liaison Officers (NECLOs) 403, 408, 422–3
new managerialism 323
New South Wales Report on Police and Gaols 27
Newnham, Noel 316
news media, relationship with police 203–4, 208, 214, 410–11, 415, 434
Nichol, W. P. 276
Nicholson, Alexander (Chief Commissioner) 167i, 187i
and aftermath of police strike 178
criticism of 176
leadership and management style 166–7, 176
mismanagement and ineptitude 174, 176, 177
response to police strike 172, 174
retirement 187
special supervision system 169–70, 171, 172
Nicholson, Sandra (Assistant Commissioner) 359–60
Nicolson, C.H. (Superintendent) 91, 94, 97
Niven, Brian 336
Nixon, Christine (Chief Commissioner)
abolition of PSIP 315
alcohol ban in police premises 351–3
appointment 297, 346–7, 349–50, 380
at Bushfires royal commission 395–6
‘Beverly Hills Cop Affair’ 378–80
and Black Saturday bushfires 392–5, 396
creation of MDID 358
on criminological research 407
‘culture war’ 353, 354, 355, 387
and deaths of officers on duty 376–8
demands of the job 380
‘Eddie-phone’ incident 382
family violence and violence against women 373–4
importance of family 349
leadership and management style 351, 354, 355, 356, 374, 378, 400
leadership team 257–8, 359–60, 380–2
on LEAP 313
‘meet-the-troops’ tours 351, 391
memoir 390
Operation Clarendon 359
as public face of the force 382–3
relationship with Bracks Government 386
relationship with Mullett 383–4, 389
review of crime statistics 356
swearing-in ceremony 349
undermining of authority 386
use of consultants 31
Nixon, Mark 348
Nixon, Ross 348
Nolan, Lucinda (Deputy Commissioner) 297, 325, 326, 418, 426, 427
Noonan, Wade 427
Norden, Peter 306
Norris, J. G. 281
Nowell, Robert 303
oath sheet 77i
O’Brien, Jim (Det Inspector) 365, 366
O’Callaghan, Thomas (Chief Commissioner)
abolition of pensions 123
challenges to his authority 124–5
and compulsory retirement age 122–4
impact of his administration 139–40, 147, 159
leadership style 159
Police Code 127
police record sheet 122
occupational status of policing 30, 50
O’Donnell, David (Sergeant) 120, 126–7
Office of Police Integrity (OPI) 312, 369, 379, 385, 388, 411, 412
Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP) 364
Office of Strategic Crime Assessments 295
oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray 386, 400
O’Loughlin, Michael (Sergeant) 149, 150–1, 152, 153
O’Loughlin, Neil (Deputy Commissioner) 355, 356–7, 362
one-person traffic patrols 377
O’Neill, Chris (Assistant Commissioner) 418
Operation Burglary Response 355
Operation Clarendon 359
Operation Ethos 287
Operation Galop 365
Operation Hamada 333
Operation Hemi 358
Operation Noah 288
Operation Olympus 287
Operation Shadow 342
operational safety 307, 377, 386, 418
operational safety and tactics training 307
Operations Department 311
Operations Response Unit (ORU) 403–4
Organised Crime Squad 361
O’Shanassy, John 52, 63–4, 66, 67, 80
outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs) 421
Overland, Simon (Chief Commissioner) 297, 397i
as assistant commissioner (crime) 360–1, 362, 364, 369–70, 397, 404
back-to-basics policing philosophy 400, 403, 404, 405
and Black Saturday bushfires 396, 404
as deputy commissioner 381, 387, 396, 397
enmity of Police Association 404–5
on investigation of gangland war 364
on police corruption and gangland killings 388
and police–community relations 400–4
possession of prohibited articles in carry-on luggage 404–5
recruitment campaign 405
reform of promotion system 405–6
relationship with Ken Jones 400, 410, 412
release of crime statistics 408, 411
‘report card’ of achievements 403–5
restructure of senior command 398–400, 428
on road safety 415
tasers 386
and Victoria Police Star 338
and Victoria Police website 401, 407
Owen, Cliff (Executive Director) 418
Page, Rennie (Senior Constable) 377
Pakington, Sir John 25
Palmer, Michael (‘Mick’) (NT Commissioner) 336
Pankhurst, Adela 157
Parents Without Partners 288
Parkinson, Kim 377
Pascoe, Susan 395
paternalism 373
Paton, Stephen 365
PATROL system 312
patron saint of police 336
Patton, Shane (Assistant Commissioner) 418
Patton, Stephen 427
Peacock, Robert 231
Peacock, Sir Alexander 122, 132, 133, 134
Pearce, G. F. 144
peasant bandits/state bandits theory 82
Peel, Sir Robert 16, 26, 30, 245
Peirce, Wendy 304
Pell, George (Cardinal) 429
pension scheme
abolition 123
calls for reintroduction 163–4, 168, 176
reinstatement 181
Perry, Barry (Deputy Ombudsman) 323–5, 327
personal assistance committee 294
Pettingill, Trevor 304
Phillips CJ, John 349
photographic section 211
Pigott, M. A. (Constable) 119
piracy 24
Plain Clothes Branch 158, 160, 198’
Police Amateur Athletic Association 160
Police Association see Victorian Police Association
police associations/unions 124–5, 149
Police Auxiliary Force (PAF) 217–18, 235
police bands
range 116
Victoria Police Brass Band 115–16
Victoria Police Highland Pipe Band 117, 205–6
police brutality, public protests against 254, 256
police buildings 57, 99i, 168–9, 182
Police Classification Board 226, 227, 228–9
Police Commission of Inquiry (1854–55) 47, 50
Police Community Consultative Committees (PCCCs) 315–16
Police Complaints Authority (PCA) 328–9
bribery 262
conditions conducive to 264
Kelley inquiry 203
payments from shutter-service operators 326–7
Police Depot, St Kilda Road 161, 194, 195, 206, 214, 275
Police Discipline Board 226, 292, 320–1
police districts 58, 274, 290, 330–1
police duties at Russell Street headquarters 268
day duties 102
defence work in Great War 144–5
extraneous duties 10, 13, 20, 58–60, 105, 107
on home front in World War II 216–24
impact on health and wellbeing 109
increase in volume and complexity 239–46
mounted patrols 105, 106–7, 108
night duties 102
Barry’s Victorian Police Guide 111–12
exchange program for senior officers 322
in-service police education 193, 278
induction 148
operational safety and tactics training 307
opposition to 232
overseas study 278
seven-week course 161
study tours for senior officers 322
three-month training course 192–3
twenty-week residential training course 267
Police Executive Committee 153
police helicopters 277
Police Historical Society 338
Police Hospital 56, 64, 104–5, 193, 266, 275
Police Institute 194
Police Killings in Australia (Harding) 260
police library 57
Police Life (magazine) 234
Police Life-Saving and Swimming Club 160
Police Manual 276
Police (Married Women) Regulation 372
police misconduct
in original forces 10, 11, 19–20
public reaction to 49
statutory offences 30
police motor vehicle fleet 137, 242, 276–7, 300–1
Police and Muslim Youth Council 408
police powers
coercive questioning powers 364
lack of enabling powers 299–300, 306
Police Prison 48
Police Provident Fund 194–5, 266
police radios 222
police reform, nature of 142
Police Registration and Services Board 424
Police Regulation Act 1853 (Vic) 29, 49
Police Regulation Act 1873 (Vic) 71, 78
Police Regulation Act 1902 122
Police Regulation Act 1958 424
Police Regulation Bill 1852 29
Police Regulation (Discipline) Act 1993 (Vic) 320
Police Regulations 1856 68
Police Regulations 1877 102, 103–5, 110, 111, 127
Police Review Commission 321
Police Reward Fund 21–2, 27, 62
Police Schools Involvement Program (PSIP) 315
Police Service Board 269, 284, 309, 320–1
police services, fees for 314
police shootings, fatal shootings 305, 306–7
Police Shootings Inquiry (1989–94) 305–6
police special branches 145
police stations
new buildings in 1970s 276
one-man stations 292
Police Strikers’ Association 175
Police Superannuation Fund 30–1
police to population ratios
in 1853 33
in 1861 62
in 1910–1919 135
in 1930s 207
in 1939 225
in 1955 233
in 1984 289
Police Training Academy, Glen Waverley 275
Police Training Depot 267
police–community relations
country police stations and 57
nature of 8
and traffic breaches 135–6, 137, 243
Police–Indian Western Reference Group 401
police–press relationship 203–4, 208, 214, 410–11, 415, 434
policy history, research into 1–2
policy motorcyclists 300
political interference 52–3, 66–7
Political Labor Council, support for police union 151
Political Rights Bill 153
Port Phillip District
Border Police 16
calls for police protection 5–7, 12, 13
crime and punishment 9
detective force 17
first metropolitan constabulary 7–12, 14, 16–18
Melbourne and County of Bourke Police 18
Native Police Corps 12
policing of 5
public administration 7
Port Phillip Stevedores’ Association 201
Porter, Selwyn (Chief Commissioner) 232–8, 233i, 237i, 406
Potter, Lionel Frank (Detective) 127–8, 211
poverty, as a crime 115
Power, Harry 91
Pratt, Michael (Constable) 436
Prendergast, George 175
Prendergast Government 175–6, 184–5
Prison Squad 368
private lives, control over 104–5
private security industry 240, 241, 244–5
Probationary Constables Extended Training Scheme 290–1
professional standards 314
promotion 29
merit-based system 160, 196–7, 200, 291
seniority system 53–4, 159, 166, 264, 266
service periods for qualification 124, 147, 181, 193, 291
Protective Security Group (PSG) 323, 325
protective services officers (PSOs) 419, 420
protest movement 246–7, 248–50, 252 see also public protests
public inquiries
abortion inquiry (1970) 262–3, 270
Beach Inquiry (1975–76) 271, 280–2, 367–8
during Standish’s administration 56–7
Gold Fields Commission of Enquiry (1854–55) 42, 43
Government Select Committee (1852) (Snodgrass Committee) 25, 26–9, 32
Macindoe royal commission (1936) 208–9, 210
Neesham Committee (1982) 295, 310
Police Shootings Inquiry (1989–94) 305–6
press coverage 434
Royal Commission into the Victoria Police strike (1924) (Monash royal commission) 169, 175–6, 180, 182
Royal Commission on Police (1854–55) 47, 50
Royal Commission on Police (1881–83) (Longmore royal commission) 90–3, 95–6, 97–8, 109, 110, 111, 117, 122
Royal Commission on the Victorian Police Force (1905-06) (Cameron royal commission) 125–6, 127
Rush Report 413–14, 418, 419, 420, 423–4
Sandhurst cell-death inquiry (1857) 51
Public Order Response Team (PORT) 404
public protests against police brutality 254, 256
conciliatory role of police 259
excessive force used by police 323–4, 339–40
guidelines for police conduct 257
mass protests 246–7, 248, 250, 252–4, 255i
police confrontation and suppression of 246–50, 248–9i, 252–3, 256–7
police use of pain compliance techniques 324–5
provocative acts by protestors 256–7
violence against police 339
public relations, business approach to 234
public satisfaction rating 346
Public Service Association 151
Purana Task Force 362, 363, 364, 365–7, 388, 397, 404
Purton, Terry (Commander) 358
qualifications for recruitment 29
Queen Street massacre 299
Queensland Criminal Justice Commission 316
Queensland Police Service 316
Radev, Nikolai 362
radicalisation of youth 252
rank structure 29, 193, 274, 372
Rapke, Jeremy 422
Rattlesnake, HMS 8
Rawlings, F. A. (Constable) 155–6
during gold rushes 19–20, 22, 25
eligibility requirements 29–30, 69, 100, 266–7, 290
falsification of birth details 154–5
height requirements 181, 229, 234
native-born Australians 84
physical fitness testing regime 370–1, 405
in post-war years 225
predominance of Irishmen 36–7, 67, 78–84
service in artillery corps 68–9, 100
special list appointments 66–7
recruitment campaigns
women and people from diverse backgrounds 371, 405
red-light cameras 316
refugees, and police 403
Reginald Jackson (patrol vessel) 277
Regional Boundaries Project 408
Regional Traffic Task Unit (RTTU) 376
Reid, Peter 302
Research and Development Department 274–5
reserve duty 47
retired police reserve 235, 243
Richards, Melinda 414
Rimer 362
Rix, Brian 388
Road Policing Command 421
Road Traffic Authority 242
Roberts, A. R. (Commander) 324
Roberts, Mick (Det Inspector) 365
Robertson, Debbie 384
Robertson, Ken (Chief Inspector) 354
Robertson, W. H. (‘Bill’) (Assistant Commissioner) 311
Robinson, Fiona (Senior Constable) 300, 301, 377
Rogers, James 11
Rogerson, W. (Sergeant) 119
Rosenes, Malcolm 365
Rotherham, Wayne (Detective) 304
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 206, 207, 307, 322
Royal Human Society of Australasia (RHS) awards 119
Royal Irish Constabulary 16, 25, 26, 29, 34, 36, 66, 67, 78, 80, 83i, 84–5
Rudd, Kevin 395
Rural Bench Constabulary 27
Rush, Jack 414
Rush Report 413–14, 418, 419, 420, 423–4
Russell, Nat (Inspector) 206
Russell Street bombing 303
Russell Street headquarters 222, 223i, 275, 332
Russell Street Police Complex 275, 303
Russell Street station and barracks 57, 182, 201i
Ryan, Gavan (Det Inspector) 363, 364, 365, 384
Ryan, Peter (Deputy Premier) 408, 409, 412–13
Ryan, Peter (Inspector) 283
Ryan, Peter (NSW Commissioner) 348
Rylah, Sir Arthur 263
Sadleir, John (Superintendent) 24, 26, 55–6, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98
Safety House programme 240, 287
Sainsbury, Alfred George (Chief Commissioner) 141i
background 140
and female recruits 156–7, 158, 183
and formation of police union 149–50, 152–3, 153, 154, 158
leadership style 142
membership of CEB 144
on police enlistment in Expeditionary Forces 137–8, 145
retirement 158
St Johnston, Sir Eric 133–4, 242, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 276, 327
St Michael (patron saint of police) 336
Saldler, Glenn 365
Salisbury, J. R. G. 270
Savoy Plaza Hotel, Spencer Street, acquisition of 275–6
Sayce, Graeme (Constable) 302
Scanlan, Michael (Constable) 88, 89i
scientific section 214
Scobie, James 44
Scotland Yard 211
Scott, Ernest 143
Scott, Kevin (Assistant Commissioner) 344–5
Search and Rescue Squad 340
Secretan, Frederick (Inspector) 96
sectarianism 67
Selby, Hugh 328
semi-automatic weapons 386, 400
separation of powers 58
sexual harassment within the force 427, 429
Shea, Pat 211
Sheils, John (Sergeant) 6
Sheridan, Paul (Superintendent) 334
Sherren, Darren (Senior Constable) 333–4
Sherritt, Aaron 96
Shuey, Ray (Assistant Commissioner) 307
Sickerdick, F. W. (Constable) 144
Silk, Gary (Sergeant) 333–5, 337, 377, 378
Silk–Miller Trauma Receiving Centre, Dandenong Hospital 337
Silvester, John 117, 363, 405, 410, 426
Sinclair, Graham (Deputy Commissioner) 316, 322, 380
Skillion, Bill 87
Slater, W. (MLA) 197, 226, 227
sly-grog shops 20, 21, 44, 56, 190
Smith, Alexander Brooke (Inspector) 92
Smith, Dave (Superintendent) 287, 312
Smith, P.H. (Inspecting Superintendent) 67
Snedden, Billy 253
Snodgrass Committee 25, 26–9, 32
Snodgrass, Peter, MLC 26
South Australian Police Association 149–50
Speagle, Don 425
Special Constabulary Force (SCF) 174, 177, 178–81
Special Operations Group (SOG) 305, 357i
Special Response Squad 368
special supervision (‘spook’) system 169–70, 171, 172, 176
specialist squads and divisions 277, 290
Spectrum Task Force 299
speed cameras 316
speeding by police 314
Splatt, J. R. 284
Standish, Frederick (Chief Commissioner) 39, 54–61, 55i
background 54
cancelling of travelling allowances 104
on extraneous duties of police 58–60
failure of leadership 98
letter to Chomley re Kelly hunt 94
and police involvement in industrial dispute 73–4
public inquiries into his administration 56–7, 65–6, 90
sacking of 90
special list appointments 66–7
on wage cuts 62
State Coordination and Management Council (SCMC) 319
State Emergency Communications Centre 332
State Emergency Response Plan (SERP) 392
State Forensic Science Laboratory (SFSL) 341–3
State Services Authority 412
Statewide Management Model (SMM) 331
status of police
in early colonial era 9, 11, 19
under Blamey 207
within public service 148
Stavely, Ralph (Chief Inspector) 338
staves 12
Steele, A.L.M. (Sergeant) 92
Steele, Peter (Senior Constable) 302
Steendam, Wendy (Deputy Commissioner) 297–8, 373
Steward, Alex (Det Senior Constable) 338
Steward, Sir George (Chief Commissioner) 144, 159–62, 161i, 164, 165, 167, 351
Stewart, Bob (Assistant Commissioner) 307–8
Stewart J, Donald 295
Stooke, Brian (Sergeant) 302
Strathclyde Police, Scotland 322
Strawhorn, Wayne (Det Senior Sergeant) 358, 359, 365
Strickland, A. E. (Constable) 124, 149
strike-breakers, police protection of
shooting of demonstrators at Prince’s Pier 200–2
over special supervision system 171–6
Stubbs, James A. (Captain) 68
Sturt, E.P.S.
as Chief Inspector of Victorian Police 31, 32
as magistrate 67
as Superintendent of Melbourne Police 17–18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27
substance abuse by police officers 294
Sugden, William (Chief Constable) 16–17
‘Sunshine Crew’ 362
superannuation 28, 30–1, 70–1, 123
supervision ratios 167, 168, 169–70
Swanson, D. J. 270
Swindells, Phillip (Det Senior Sergeant) 362, 365
Sydney Police Act 14
Syme, G. A. 171
Tait, Andrew (Det Leading Senior Constable) 421
Tanfield, Robert 307
task forces 295
Taskforce 370
Taskforce 700 370
Taskforce Alexis 417
Taskforce Eagle 421
Taskforce Echo 421
Taskforce Emerald 370
Taskforce Keel 421
Taskforce Phoenix 404
Taskforce Razon 421
Tasty nightclub incident 325–6
Taylor, Angela (Constable) 303, 335–6, 338
Taylor, C. F (MLA) 118
Taylor, Charles 211
Taylor, S. Caroline 374
Taylor, Squizzy 135
Taylor, Wayne (Superintendent) 389
Teague, Bernard 395
terrorist attacks 304
‘third degree’ controversy 210–11, 212
Thompson, Trevor (Assistant Commissioner) 355
Thyer, James (Constable) 101i
Tibaldi, Anne 359
Tomkin, Matthew (Constable) 11
Trades Hall Council 156
traffic cameras 316
traffic control
changes since 1946 242
horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles 131, 133, 135
and road toll reduction 236
Traffic Department 242
Traffic Operations Group 242
training see police education and training
Transfer and Promotion Unit 405
Trimble, Dan (Inspector) 405
Turkish Consulate bombing 304
Turner, George 121
Tynan, Steven (Constable) 304, 305, 309, 335, 336–7, 338
Tynan–Eyre Memorial Foundation 337
Tynan–Eyre Trauma Centre, Bendigo Hospital 337
Tynan–Eyre Unit, Alfred Hospital 337
unemployed, policing of 20, 114–15, 202–3
Uniform and Appearance Advisory Committee (UACC) 419
Appearance Guidelines 418
complaints about 101
Melbourne and County of Bourke Police 19
mounted police in bush dress 64i
Port Phillip police 12
standardisation 57
Victoria Police in 1861 61i
Uphold the Right (Niven) 336
Valour Award 118–20, 303, 331, 338, 376
Van Diemen’s Land, reputation of police 6
van Oorschot, Roland 343
Vehicle Safety Testing School 236
Venderheide, Michael 399
Veniamin, Andrew (‘Benji’) 362
‘verballing’ 367
victim support 340
Victims of Crime Assistance League (VOCAL) 286–7
Victoria, Colony of
autonomous police bodies 27
consolidation of police bodies 28, 29–30
impact of gold rushes 18–19, 21, 22, 27
inquiry by Snodgrass Committee 26–9
military force 23
Victoria Forensic Science Centre (VFSC) 343
Victoria Police Act 2013 (Vic) 424, 430
Victoria Police Annual Church Service 336
Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation 337
Victoria Police Blueprint 2012–15 424, 428
Victoria Police Brass Band 115–16, 423
Victoria Police Centre, Docklands 332
Victoria Police Conference 195–6, 198–9
Victoria Police (formerly Victoria Police Force)
above average individuals 436–7
administrative reform under Project Arbiter 310–11
badge and motto 231
public satisfaction rating 346
reconstruction after 1923
regulation of 433
reorganisation in 1970s 271, 273–80
sexual, racial and ethnic composition 294, 371–2, 373
structure and composition in 1984 289–91
Victoria Police Gay and Lesbian Advisory Unit (GLAU) 408
Victoria Police Gazette 37
Victoria Police Highland Pipe Band 205–6, 336
Victoria Police Intelligence Doctrine (VPID) 421
Victoria Police Memorial 335
Victoria Police Requiescat 336
Victoria Police Service Medal (VPSM) 331–2
Victoria Police Star (VPS) 338
Victoria Police website 401, 407
Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority (VBRRA) 395
Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission (VBRC) 395–6
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) 427, 429
Victorian Ombudsman 412
and 1923
on Beach Inquiry 282
on civil auxiliaries 235
claims for improved conditions and pay 226–7
destruction and takeover by Blamey 198–200
first attempt to establish 124–5
industrial passivity in wartime 226
Kit Walker case 385
on merit-based promotion 197–8
no-confidence vote in Miller’s administration 284–5
and Police Complaints Authority 328–9
publication of Police Journal 155–6
relationship with Bracks Government 383, 385–6
renewed agitation to establish 149–53
response to public criticism of police 262
right to affiliate 227
scapegoating of Comrie administration 384
studies to improve position of police 269
workplace bullying 385
Victorian Police Guide (Barry) 112, 115
Victorian State Service Federation (VSSF) 149, 153
Video Production Unit 276
Villenueve-Smith, Cairns 280, 282
‘Violence Against Women’ project 373–4
Vitkovic, Frank 299
Vollmer, August 159
voting rights
granting of 112
Wade, Jan 349
Wages Board 149
wages and salaries
in 1984 291
chief commissioners 187–8, 198
compared to New South Wales 148–9, 181, 229
determination by Police Classification Board 226–9
pay rates 100, 102, 147, 265–6
Wainer, Bertram 262, 264, 280, 282
Waldron CJ, Glen 349
Waldron, Tom (Senior Constable) 126
Walsh, Danny 321
Walsh Street shootings 304, 305
Walshe, Kieran (Deputy Commissioner) 355, 381–2, 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 402, 408, 414–15, 418
Wangman, Mal 337
War Precautions Act 1914 (CT) 143
Ward, Michael (Detective) 92, 97
Water Police 27
Waters, David (‘Docket’) 388
Watt Government 149
during gold rush 40
of mounted city patrol 36
oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray 386
tasers 386
wooden rattles 19
see also firearms policy
Webster, A. A. (Inspecting Superintendent) 232
Westcott, George Thomas (Superintendent) 115
Weston, Tristan (Det Leading Senior Constable) 409
Whalan, Jeff 412
Wharf Patrol 164
Whitlam, Gough 257
Whitrod, Ray (Cwlth Police Commissioner) 286
Whittaker, Allan 201
Wilby, Noel (Chief Commissioner) 247, 263–5, 265i, 271
Wilkinson, Geoff 288
Willgoose, Andrew 387
William Street headquarters 275, 332
Williams, Carl (‘The Fat Boy’) 361, 362, 363, 365, 366
Williams, George 363
Williamson, Brickey 87
Willingham, Richard 405
Winch, Frederick A. (Superintendent) 56, 94, 95
Wireless Patrol 183, 183i, 185–7, 192, 221, 222, 263
wireless telegraphy 182, 186, 221, 222
women police
equal opportunity 279–80, 294, 345, 372–3
expanded role 182, 183–5, 192, 219, 221, 278
first Chief Commissioner 297
increase in numbers from 1970s 278–9
in key and specialist positions 313
married women 372
physical fitness requirement 370–1
promotion 373
proportion of force 313, 344–5, 371–2, 372
support for 164
uniform 219, 220i, 221, 279, 354, 355
Women’s Political Association 156
Women’s Police Auxiliary Force (WPAF) 218–19
Workman, Gregory John 361
WorkSafe 385
World Economic Forum (WEF) 2000 demonstrations 339–40
World War I, military service by police 138–9, 146, 215
World War II
military service by police 215–16, 224
police on home front 215, 216–24
Wright, Walter (Constable) 37
Wright, William (‘Tulip’) (Chief Constable) 14, 15i, 16
Youth Resource Officer Project 315
Zalewski, Sue-ellen 359