

budget ix, 150

business: case vi, viii, x, 1, 57, 115, 173; deals vii, 74; expense ix; meeting ix, 145; partners vii, 74; trip ix, 150

case: business vi, viii, x, 1, 57, 115, 173; see also business

Common European Framework i

company: foreign viii; meal viiviii; organization viii, 107

contract: signing vi, 37

corporate: contribution x, 161; social responsibility x, 161

cultural viii

customer: Korean viii; service ix, 164

employee: new 50

employment v, 15

etiquette: drinking viii, 100; office 62; work place vii, 61; see also manners

expense 150

export x

hanja 1; see also Sino-Korean

Happy hour viii; at work vii, 86, 107

housing vi, 38; see also lodging

import x

international: market x

interview: job 24;mock vi, 24; questions vi; responses vi

job: application v, 13; interview vi, 23

lease: types of vi

life: office vi, 50; work vi, 49

lodging 37

manners: office vii, 62

market: international x

marketing ix, 130;ideas 130; meeting ix, 133; strategies viiiix, 145

meal: company vii, 91, 93; see also Happy hour

mistakes 61

office: life vi

plane tickets: how to get v, 3

products: Korean x

proficiency: level 1

recruiting 24

reimbursement ix, 142

relations: business vii, 83; colleague vii, 83; human vi, 47

resume: how to write v; writing 15

season: off v, 3; peak v, 3

self-study 2

Sino-Korean 1

speech style 6263

task viii, 47; work 113

utilities: talking about vi, 37

work: outside of the office vii, 77; place vii, 49, 61; types of vi, 47