Subheadings are arranged in alphabetical order. Page numbers in italic denote illustrations.

Page numbers in bold denote information boxes.

Agamemnon, HMS 212

air operations 92, 94, 94, 196-8


British 94, 196, 198

German 164, 173, 198

Ali Insan Pasha 39, 144, 146

Allenby, General Sir Edmund 174, 175

at Gaza 178

Jerusalem 180

Jordan, First Battle of 184, 186

Megiddo, Battle of 192-3, 196

Palestine 152, 174, 175, 183, 190, 191

Syria 198-9

training methods in Palestine 187-8

Allied troops

casualties in Middle East 217

Dardanelles deployment 115

entry into Damascus 200

entry into Hedjaz 199

stretcher bearers 115

taking medication 111


horror at Armenian massacres 123

misappraisal of Ottoman Army 14, 18, 46-7

war grave cemeteries 210-11

war objectives 20

ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) 97, 98, 100, 107, 108-9, 114

cavalry 213

Dardanelles 60, 62, 64, 68, 70, 75, 75-6, 83

Gallipoli 81

gunners in actions 101

infantry 71

Light Horse brigades 88, 166

Mounted Division 166-7

New Zealand Mounted Rifles 166

New Zealanders 95, 100, 101

recruitment poster 91

Suez Canal 43

Sulva Bay 99

Aqaba 181

Arab Revolt 162-4, 181, 181, 193

Armenia 201, 205, 219

massacres and atrocities 120, 123, 124-5, 209

rebellion 40-1, 118-25

relocation 120, 123, 123, 124-5

Armenian National Army 203

Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaks) 20, 40, 119, 120, 202

Armenian troops 120, 121, 206, 206

armistice 152, 200, 213

Army of Islam 201, 206-7, 208-9


British 19, 110, 176, 192

French 92-3

German 18, 18 , 21, 57, 110, 126-7, 170, 190

Indian 134

Ottoman 14, 96-7, 140

Ashmead-Bartlett, Ellis 109

Asia Minor 1914 (map) 15

Asquith, H.H. 56, 95

Ataturk see Kemal (Ataturk)

Austrian troops, Jerusalem 30, 160-1, 174

Aylmer, Lieutenant-General Sir F.J .138, 140

Azerbaijan 201, 202, 207

Baghdad 146-51, 149, 170-1, 173

Baku 201, 206, 207, 207-9, 208, 209

Balkan Wars (1912-13) 13, 14, 14, 15, 16, 29, 35, 51, 54, 119

Batum 203, 204, 204, 205

Beck, Captain, F.R. 106

Beersheba 162, 176-9, 178, 179

Ben-My-Chree, HMS 94

Berlin Treaty 12

Birdwood, Lieutenant-General Sir William 62, 76, 111

Bismarck, Otto von 12, 13

Bouvet 60

Breslau 23

Brest-Litovsk Treaty 201, 202, 205


Dardanelles Committee 95

declares war on Ottoman Empire 25

Eastern Question 11

British aircraft 94, 196, 198

British Army 18-19, 65

5th Norfolks 106

artillery 192

Cape Helles 96-7

casualties 88, 90, 114, 137, 140, 143, 169, 201

Desert Mounted Corps 175

en route to Dardanelles 68

entering Baghdad 149

funeral procession 216-17

Gallipoli 89, 107

garrison in Egypt 43

Hampshire Regiment 78

Imperial Camel Corps 166

King’s Own Scottish Borderers 79

Kitchener’s New Armies 98, 99, 114

Lancashire Fusiliers 73, 74, 78

London Regiment 185

on the march 150

Munster Fusiliers 78

officer in gas mask 153

Oxford battalion 137

in Palestine 174-6

prisoners 143, 167

in Sinai 166

Staff Headquarters, Gallipoli 95

Suez Canal 43, 44

Sulva Bay 104-5, 115

at surrender of Jerusalem 180

Territorials 104-5, 114, 175

Tommies 96-7

troop numbers on Ottoman front 30

water supply 136

British artillery

94th Heavies 176

gun barge 154

howitzer 110

Lee-Enfield Mk II rifle 174

Lewis light machine guns 175

Maxim .45 Mk 1 19

British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 19, 65

Brooke, Rupert 102

Brusilov Offensive 158

Bulair 68, 80, 82

Bulgaria 11-12, 13, 110

Cape Helles 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 87, 96-7, 99-100, 113

Carden, Vice Admiral Sir Sackville 55, 56-7, 59-60

Carver, Field Marshal 217

Caucasus 33-41, 119

1914 28

1914-1915 (map) 34

1915 117-18

1916 152-7

1918 201-7, 206

casualties 157

Sarikamis 34, 34-41, 35, 36, 46-7, 56

Cemal Pasha 14, 14

Arab Revolt 162, 164

Gaza 167

Palestine 170-2, 174

Raid on the Sublime Porte 13

Suez 41, 44

Young Turks 12

Central Powers alliance 130

Cevat Pasha 191, 195

Chauvel, Sir Henry 175

Chetwode, Sir Philip 169, 175

Churchill, Winston 25, 55-6, 60, 62, 95, 114, 212, 215

Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) see Young Turks

Congress of Berlin 12, 13

Cowley, C.H. 141, 142

Ctesiphon, Battle of 131-5, 132, 135

Cunliffe-Owen, Lieutenant-Colonel 18

CUP see Young Turks

Damascus 199, 200

Damascus-Medina railway 162

Dardanelles 48-51

Admiralty chart 56

air operations 92, 94, 94

Allied submarines 69


Anzac Beach 69-76, 70, 72, 80, 83, 100

British plans 55-6

British troops 62-6, 89, 96-7

Cape Helles 73, 74, 75, 76 , 76-8, 77, 87, 96-7, 99-100

casualties 86-7

Chanak Kale Fortified Area Command 51, 65

deadlock, planning to break 95

field dressing station 86-7

French troops 64

Goeben, SMS, flight of 23-4

Italian-Turkish War (1911-12) 15

landing sites 63, 78-80

naval attacks 57-62

naval diversion 80, 82

Ottoman coastal defences 48-9, 50, 51, 58, 59

Ottoman plans 51-5

Ottoman troops 52-3, 54, 65-9

Peninsula, first week 82-8

Peninsula, stalemate 88-92

Turkish forts 50, 51

Dardanelles Committee 109

Dashnaks 40, 119, 120, 202

Dawnay, Major Guy 109, 175

de Robeck, Admiral Sir John 59, 60, 213

DeLisle, Major-General Sir Beauvoir106, 107

demobilization 213-17

Dera-Hedjaz railway 184, 186

Dera-Medina railway 180, 181

Dobell, General 169

Doris, HMS 46, 56

Dunsterforce 207-8, 209

Dunsterville, Major-General L.C. 207-9, 209

E11 69

E14 69

Eastern Question11, 218

Egypt 41, 42, 43

Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) 167, 169, 175, 187, 190-1, 192

Enver Pasha 12

Arab Revolt 162

Armenian evacuation plan 123, 124

Caucasus 27, 152, 155, 202, 206

Dardanelles 61, 62, 82, 83

First Suez offensive 42

Gallipoli 88, 92

Mesopotamia 45, 139, 144

Palestine 170, 171-2, 173, 184

Raid on the Sublime Porte 13

Sarikamis campaign 34-5, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41

Secret Treaty of Alliance 20

sends troops to Europe157, 158

stormtroops formation 171

taking Empire towards war 20, 24, 25, 26

training guidelines 17-18

troops against Romania 159

Young Turks 12, 14

Erin, HMS 24

Erzurum 28, 40, 154, 157, 203

Esat Pasha 52, 55, 68, 73, 80, 82, 87, 88, 101, 108

Euryalus, HMS 73

Faisal 162, 164, 181

Falkenhayn, General Erich von 159

Gaza-Beersheba line 174, 176-7, 178

Palestine 170, 171-2

relieved of duty 184

Romanian campaign 159

Verdun 158, 159

Falls, Cyril 180-1, 184

Fevzi Pasha 178, 179

Fisher, Admiral John 55-6, 57

Forshaw, Lieutenant, W.T. 107


declares war on Ottoman Empire 25

Eastern Question 11

Frankenberg, Colonel von 34

French Army 19, 80

casualties 90, 114

Corps Expéditionnaire d’Orient 63

Dardanelles 64, 88

Kum Kale landing 85

French artillery 92-3

Freyberg, Bernard 63, 80, 102

Gallipoli campaign 54, 68, 87

British soldiers 89

bunkers 79

casualties 114-15

Chocolate Hill 98, 103, 107

defence of 54, 54-5, 65-6

first week on the Peninsula 82-8

French artillery 92-3

Ottoman trench systems 54

Ottoman troops 84

Scimitar Hill 105, 107

stalemate 88-92

Vineyard 107

see also Dardanelles; Sulva Bay

Gallipoli (film) 101

Gaulois 60

Gaza 167, 167-9, 168, 176-9, 178, 179, 196

Gaza-Beersheba line 169, 172, 173, 174, 176-7

Georgia 201, 202, 205, 206

Georgian troops 207

German aircraft 164, 173, 198

German Army 206

Abou Augeileh station 20

Asia Corps 172, 173

Bavarian Artillery unit 126-7

commander, Mesopotamia 138

officers, prisoners 182-3

troop numbers on Ottoman front 30

German artillery 21

120mm Krupp Howitzer M1905 190

howitzers 57, 110

machine guns 18

Mauser Gewehr 98 rifle 170

Maxim Maschinengewehr ‘08 18

German Military Mission 18, 20, 20, 40

German Navy, bombardment of Russian ports 25


military influence 20

Schlieffen Plan 26

Secret Treaty of Alliance 20, 21, 29

Godley, Major-General 105-6

Goeben, SMS 23, 23-5, 24-5, 214-15, 215

Göökalp, Ziya 120, 122

Goliath, HMS 66

Goltz, Colmar von der 20, 62, 137, 139, 146

guerrilla warfare 193

Guse, Colonel 34, 36

Hafir el-Aujar 170-1

Hafiz Hakki Bey 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41, 117

Halil Bey

Baku 206, 209

Kut al-Amara 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 147-9, 150-1

Halil Sami 70, 73, 79-80, 86

Hamadan 145-6

Hamidieh 65

Hamilton, General Sir Ian 60

Anzac beach landings 76

command of MEF 60-1

Gallipoli 69, 87, 88, 89, 92

replaced by Monro 109

return to London 114

Sulva Bay 95, 98, 99, 103, 104-5, 106

Hammersley, Major-General 101, 104, 106

Hedjaz 45, 199

Hunter-Weston, Major-General Aylmer 69, 78-9, 85, 86-7, 88, 89, 95

Hussein ibn Ali 163, 164, 181, 218

Implacable, HMS 73

Indian Army

6th Indian Division (Poona Division) 28, 29

Ctesiphon, Battle of 131-2, 133

Egypt 43

Gallipoli 88

Kut al-Amara 138, 144

Megiddo, Battle of 192

Mesopotamia 45, 127, 129

Palestine 152, 186-7

soldier 31

Suvla Bay 105

Tigris Corps 138, 146

with Turkish prisoners, Jericho 189

Indian artillery 19, 134

Inflexible, HMS 60

Irresistible, HMS 60

Islam, Army of 201, 206-7, 208-9

Italian-Turkish War (1911-12) 15

Izzet Pasha 156, 170, 171, 177, 178, 200

Jericho 182-3, 183, 189

Jerusalem 28

aerial photograph 197

Austrian troops 30, 160-1, 174

fall of 179-81

military parade 212

Ottoman troops 186, 187

surrender 180, 185

Jihad recruitment 26

Jonquil 103

Jordan offensive 184-6, 189

Julnar 141-2, 144

Kadri, Major 77

Kannengiesser, Colonel Hans 101

Kars 204-5

Katia, Battle of 165, 165

Kazim Bey, Colonel 149

Kemal (Ataturk) 66

Anzac Beach 66, 70, 71, 72-3, 75, 76, 83-4

command of Yildirim Army Group 200

condemned German influence 173

Gallipoli 84

Great Offensive 35

Megiddo, Battle of 192

nationalist government 219

Palestine 170, 171, 172, 191

Suvla Bay 99, 103, 106, 108

Young Turks 12

Kenna, Brigadier-General 107

Kitchener, General Herbert Horatio Dardanelles Committee 95

Gallipoli campaign 88, 98, 106, 107, 109, 111, 114

MEF, error over strength 62

Secretary of State for War 56

Kressenstein, Friedrich Kress von 40, 163, 205-6

at funeral in Georgia 202

Gaza 167, 177, 178

Ottoman stormtroops 171

Palestine 173, 179

Sinai Desert 162, 165, 166

Suez 41, 42

Krithia 79, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90

Kum Kale 57, 59, 61, 68, 69, 80, 85

Kut al-Amara 129, 131, 135-7, 148-50

Arab prisoners 141

Bavarian Artillery unit 126-7

British forces captured 143

Ottoman troops with mortar 140

Second Battle (map) 147

siege of 138-44, 139

Lager, Baron 163

Lausanne Treaty 219

Lawrence, T.E. (Lawrence of Arabia) 163, 164, 180, 181, 181, 193, 193, 199, 218

Lebanon 199, 218

Liman von Sanders, Otto 62

Arab Revolt 181

Damascus 198-9

Dardanelles 61-2, 67, 80, 82

declined Third Army command, Anatolia 34

Gallipoli Peninsula, British evacuation 113

Gallipoli Peninsula troops 92

German Military Mission 18, 20

Krithia, Battle of 87

at Megiddo 189, 191-2, 193, 195, 196

offered Yildirim Army Group 184

Ottoman First Army command 24

relieved of command 200

Sarikamis 36

Sulva Bay 99, 102, 103, 106, 110

Lindley, Major-General 106

Lloyd George, David 56

London Treaty 13, 14

Longford, Brigadier-General 107

Lossow, Colonel von 144, 146

‘lost haversack’ episode 176, 177

Mackensen, General August von 159

MacLagan, Brigadier Sinclair 70-1

Magdhaba166, 167

Mahmut Sabri, Major 78, 79, 84, 86

Mahon, Sir Bryan 98, 105, 106

Majestic, HMS 91

Marmara, Sea of 60, 69

Marshall, General 151, 152

Maude, General Sir Frederick Stanley 146-7, 148, 148, 149-50, 151

Maxwell, Major-General Sir John 43

McMahon, Sir Henry 218

Mecca 28, 162, 163, 181

Mecidiye 36

Medina 28, 162, 181

Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (MEF) 61

Megiddo, Battle of (Nablus Plain) 175, 189, 192-6, 194

Meinertzhagen, Major Richard 176, 177

Mesopotamia 126-31, 151-2

Baghdad, capture of 146-51

British artillery landing 129

British casualties 137, 140, 143

British foothold 29

British forces captured at Kut al-Amara 143

British officer wearing gas mask 153

casualties 128, 134, 137, 140

Ctesiphon, Battle of 131-5, 132, 135

failure to garrison 27, 28

German commanders 138

Kut al-Amara 138-44, 139, 140, 141, 147

map 46

Ottoman Army 45, 47

Ottoman commanders 138

Ottoman prisoners 133

Persia, second invasion 144-6

Townshend’s deployment 133-7

Treaty of Sèvres 219

Middle East

1914 (map) 15

armistice 152

cost of war 217-19

Milbanke, Colonel Sir John 107

Monro, General Sir Charles 109-10, 111, 113

Moorehead, Alan 114

Morosini 15

Muavenet 67

Mudros 64, 64, 65, 68, 212, 212

Murdoch, Keith Arthur 109

Murray, General Sir Archibald 164, 166, 167, 169

Mustafa Kemal see Kemal (Ataturk)

Nazareth 195

Nixon, General 135

Nurettin Pasha (Nur ud Din Pasha)130-1, 132-3, 133, 134, 136-7, 139

Ocean, HMS 60

Oppen, Colonel von 192

Ottoman air service94, 196

Ottoman Army 10, 16-18, 17

Anafarta Group 103, 108

Anatolian Army Group 156

Beersheba 179

bodies, Jerusalem 186

camel transport 44, 45

capability 41

captured by Russians 117

casualties 14, 84, 88, 114-15, 128, 134, 137, 140, 156, 157, 159, 200

casualties, Middle East total 217

Caucasian Corps 157, 201-2, 203

Caucasus 117-18

cavalry (Hamidiye cavalry) 37

commander, Mesopotamia 138

Constantinople Fire Brigade 35

demobilization 213-17

early operations 28-30

encirclement operations 35

following the armistice 212-13

Gendarmerie 40, 187

Hafir el-Aujar army base 170-1

infantrymen 112

Machine-Gun Corps 172

medical services 45

Mehmetciks 114

military band 32-3

misappraisal by Allied leaders 14, 18, 46-7

mobilization 26-7

in Palestine 169-74, 188-9, 191, 195

Plain of Esdraelon 32-3

prisoners 117, 133, 148, 157, 182-3, 188

private, Gallipoli 114

rations 195

regimental standard 168

rifleman en route to war 38

in Salonika 158

stormtroops 171, 186, 189

Suez Canal 32-3, 42, 43

tactical schools 172

transportation 112

triangular infantry divisions 116

troop columns marching 27

Ottoman First Army 24

Ottoman Second Army 66, 155, 156, 157, 201

Ottoman Third Army 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 46, 66, 117, 118, 122, 152, 154, 156-7, 201, 202-3, 205, 206

Ottoman Fourth Army 14, 34, 41, 47, 162, 167, 169, 184, 192, 199

Ottoman Fifth Army 62, 65-6, 67, 68-9, 70, 82, 83, 87, 92, 108, 113, 114

Ottoman Sixth Army 152, 170

Ottoman Seventh Army 170, 173, 177, 178, 179, 192, 195, 199

Ottoman Eighth Army 40, 173, 177, 178, 179, 191, 192, 193, 195

Ottoman Ninth Army 206, 209

Ottoman artillery 14, 21, 96-7, 190

Ottoman Empire 218

declaration of war by Russia, Britain and France 25-6

historical background to war 10-16

opponents 16

reluctance to participate in war 19-23

Secret Treaty of Alliance 20, 21, 29

surrender 210-13

Ottoman Military Academy 14, 20

Ottoman Navy 24, 67

Ottoman Special Organization (SO) 40, 42

Ottoman Yildirim Army Group 170, 172, 173, 174, 178, 180, 184, 188, 189, 192, 199, 200, 213


1918 183-5

air operations 196-8

British Army 174-6

Megiddo, Battle of 189, 192-6, 194

opposing plans 190-2

Ottoman Army 169-74

Ottoman Fourth Army capabilities 47

summer 1918 186-90

trans-Jordan raids 184-6

Treaty of Sèvres 219

Persia 40, 144-6, 204, 205, 209

Petrovsk 207, 209

Picot, François Georges 218, 218

Queen Elizabeth, HMS 56

Rafa 166-7

Raid on the Sublime Porte 13, 23

Reki Bey 17

Reshadiye 24

River Clyde 78

Robinson, Lieutenant-Commander E.G. 61

Romania 159

Royal Air Force, aerial photography 197

Royal Flying Corps 94, 141, 196

Royal Marines 57, 62, 79

Royal Naval Air Service 141

Royal Navy

blockade 29, 30

Dardanelles 60, 61, 78, 80

submarines 69

Suez Canal 41

Royal Naval Division 61, 62-3, 69, 88, 114, 115


bombardment of ports by German Navy 25

declares war on Ottoman Empire 25

Eastern Question 11

loss of access to Mediterranean 30

Russian Army 19, 34, 144-5, 152, 154, 155, 156, 201

Caucasus 28, 37, 119

Ottoman Front troop numbers 30

Sarikamis 36

sharpshooters 118

Tabriz 205

Russian Black Sea Fleet 25, 203

Russian naval cadets, Batum 204

Russo-Turkish War (1877-78 ) 11, 11, 13, 15, 37

Sait Halim 21, 23, 24, 25

Salmond, Sir John 197

Salonika 114, 157-8, 158, 196

San Remo Conference 218

sanjacklar 169

Santo Stefano Treaty 11-12

Sarikamis 34, 34-41, 35, 36, 46-7, 56, 204

Saros, Gulf of 68, 69, 70, 80, 82

Schellendorf, Colonel Bronsart von 27, 33, 35, 36, 38, 41, 170

Schlieffen Plan 35

Schulenberg, Count von 206

Sea of Marmara 60, 69

Secret Treaty of Alliance 20, 21, 29

Sedd el Bahr 57, 59, 61, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 97

Seeckt, General Hans von 206

Seven Pillars of Wisdom: a Triumph (Lawrence) 164

Sèvres, Treaty of 219, 219

Shaiba 128, 128

Shatt al-Arab 28, 46, 206

Shefik, Lieutenant-Colonel 70, 71, 72-3

Sinai 43, 164-7, 166

Skeen, Colonel 98

Sodenstern, Colonel von 68, 87, 88

Souchon, Rear Admiral Wilhelm 23-5, 26

Stange, Major 39-40

Stopford, Lieutenant-General, Hon. Sir Frederick 98, 99, 100, 101, 103-5, 106

Sudanese deserters as Ottoman guides 47

Suez Canal 41, 41-5, 45

Suffren 60

Suleyman Askeri 45, 127, 128

Suvla Bay 96-7, 98

Allies command style 104-6

ANZAC 101, 108-9

August offensive 99-104, 106-11

British plans 98-9

British troops 104-5

Chocolate Hill 98, 103, 107

evacuation 111-17, 115, 116

landings 99, 101-2

Ottoman Army108-9, 114

perimeter 103

terrain features (map) 102

Sykes-Picot Agreement 218, 218-19

Sykes, Sir Mark 218, 218

Syria 198-201, 199, 200, 218, 219

Taalat 12, 13, 14

Tabriz 40, 205, 209

Tannenberg 35, 36, 37

Townshend, General Charles V.F. 131, 142

armistice negotiations 212

Ctesiphon advance (map) 135

entering captivity 145

Mesopotamia 129, 131, 133-7

surrender 142-3

Trabzon 39, 157, 203, 205

Trans-Caucasian Federation Republic 205, 206

triangular infantry divisions 116

Trice, Corporal 129

Turkey 219

see also Ottoman Empire

Turkish Army see Ottoman Army

U21 91

Unwin, Commander Edward 78

Vehip Pasha 100, 108, 155, 156-7, 201, 203, 205, 206

Versailles Treaty (1919) 218

Victoria Crosses 73, 74, 78

Wangenheim, Hans von 20, 21, 23, 24, 26

war grave cemeteries 210-11

Wheeler, Major George Godfrey 128

Williams, Able Seaman 78

Willis, Captain, Richard Raymond 73, 74

Willmer, Major 99, 101, 102

World War I, start of 20-1

Yahya, Sergeant 79

Yavuz Sultan Selim 25, 215

Yemen45, 162

Young Turks

Arab Revolt 162

armistice 211

deposition of Abdülhamid II 22

formation of 12

Ottoman Army improvements 16

reluctance to participate in war 19-21, 24

supporters 8-9

triumvirate 13, 14

troops in Pera 21

Yudenich, General Nikolai 37, 39, 152, 154, 155