

acupressure 114

acupuncture 110

adapting practices 10

affordability 10

air (element) 30, 49, 72

alignment 134

altar-building 52

apothecary, home 47, 9799

Aquarius 72, 73, 78

Aries 70, 73, 76

astrology 6879, 140

birth chart 69, 70, 7475

elements 15, 49, 72, 82

houses 73

moon signs 58, 7678

planets 73

qualities 72

zodiac signs 69, 7072

autonomic nervous system 111

autumnal equinox 33



herbal 102103

salt 46, 59, 61

Beltane 32

birth chart 69, 70, 7475

breathwork 18, 23, 111, 112, 113114, 131, 141

burning, for release 64


Cancer sign 69, 71, 73, 76

candles 49

Capricorn 72, 73, 78

CBD (cannabidiol) 100, 141


decluttering 44, 132

salt and salt water cleansing 46, 51, 59, 61

smoke cleansing 44, 46

clearing 132

color meanings 51

core self 9, 10, 126, 128, 132, 134, 135

crystals 49, 51

crystal-infused water 51

cultural sensitivity 910


dance 23

decluttering 44, 132

digital detox 30


earth (element) 15, 30, 49, 72

ego 9, 126

elements 15, 49, 72, 82

immersion in 30

see also air; earth; fire; water


embodying the seasons 28

practices 23, 140


observing and feeling 17

working through difficult emotions 116

energy work 108123, 135

acupuncture 110

healing through 109116

home, energy in the 45

reiki 116, 141

sexual energy 23

tapping (emotional freedom technique: EFT) 114, 128, 131, 141

see also breathwork; movement

equinoxes 32, 33, 44

essential oils 47, 49, 63

exercise 111

see also movement


feminine, embracing the 1225

cycle synching 18, 2021, 140

embodiment practices 23, 140

everyday grounded practices 16

feminine and masculine, balancing 1415

feminine qualities 14, 15

honoring your body 1723

pleasure practices 25, 132

sexual energy 23

fire (element) 15, 30, 49, 72

flow 134

flower essences 100, 141


cravings 103

healing foods 47, 95

herbs in 102, 103

kitchen witchery 47, 96

magical food 1011

seasonal 28, 30

supporting your menstrual cycle 2021, 22

taking pleasure from 25

see also recipes


Gemini 71, 73, 76

goals 10, 63

gratitude practice 61, 132, 135


Halloween 33

healing 10, 47

healing foods 47, 95

with herbs 47, 9499

morning practice 121

through energy work 109116


bath soaks 102103

cooking with 102, 103

essential oils 47, 49, 63

growing 96

healing with 47, 9499

infusions 102, 105, 106107

list of common herbs 9799

powders 103

smoke cleansing 44, 46

sourcing 44

tinctures 103

working with 102103, 141

home, magical 4253, 140

altar-building 52

candles 49

color 51

crystals 49, 51

decluttering 44, 132

home apothecary 47, 9799

kitchen witchery 47

lighting 51

music 51

plants 51

scent 49

smoke cleansing 44, 46

witchy home 4446

working with your home’s energy 45

homeostasis 100, 109


Imbole 33

intenSati 119


infusing food with 47

New Moon intentions 59, 63

setting 10, 59, 111

intuition 9, 10, 11, 17, 125, 134

accessing 56

questions and responses 17

Tarot and 81, 82, 84, 139


journaling 64, 86, 87, 88, 131, 132


kitchen witchery 47, 96


Lammas 32

Law of Attraction (LoA) 126

Leo 69, 71, 73, 77

Libra 72, 73, 77

lighting 51

Litha 32

lunar living 5467, 140

Full Moon check-in and release 64

Full Moon pasta feast 66

moon sign self-care 7678

New Moon ceremony 63

tuning in 63

working with the moon 5561

see also moon phases


Mabon 33

magical living 6

magical self-care: what it is 6

manifestation 125, 126127, 141

casting a spell 135

Law of Attraction (LoA) 126

worth-based 126


masculine and feminine, balancing 1415

qualities 14, 15

May Day 32

meditation 18, 47, 119, 128, 135

menstrual cycle

cycle synching 18, 2021, 140

moon cycle 58

mindfulness 18, 23, 119

moon phases 55, 56, 58, 6061

astrology signs 58, 7678

cycles 56, 58

Dark Moon 58, 59

First Quarter Moon 56, 60

Full Moon 58, 61, 64, 66

Last Quarter 58, 61

menstrual cycle synching 18, 2021, 140

New Moon 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 63

Waning Gibbous 58, 61

Waning Moon/Balsamic Moon 55, 58, 61

Waxing Crescent 56, 60

Waxing Gibbous 58, 60

see also lunar living

movement 111, 116, 119, 135, 141

dance 23

hip-centered movement 23

intenSati 119

supporting your menstrual cycle 2021

yoga 119, 141

mushrooms 100

music 51, 135



connecting with 18, 27, 29

elements 15, 30, 49, 72, 82

immersion in the elements 30

see also seasons


parasympathetic nervous system response 111, 119

Pisces 72, 73, 78

planets 73


adaptogens 100

flower essences 100, 141

in the home 51

plant medicine 95, 96, 100

see also herbs

pleasure practices 25, 132



Almond Butter Tahini Success Cookies 53

Autumnal Equinox Bowl 38

Empress breakfast 92

Grilled Veggie Summer Solstice Salad 37

Grounding Golden Yellow Lentil Stew with Greens & Garlic Yogurt 122

Heart-Opening Reishi Hot Cacao 79

herbal infusions 105, 106107

Roasted Cauliflower Pasta 66

Spring Equinox Bowl 34

Strawberry Beet Power Smoothie 22

Walnut Pesto and Brain-Health Bowl 136

Winter Solstice Soup 41

reiki 116, 141

resources 11, 140141

rest, restorative 18

meditation 18, 47, 119, 128, 135

mindfulness 18, 23, 119

nature, connecting with 18, 27, 29

regular breaks from work 18

screen-free time 18, 30

rituals 9, 10

building your own ritual 9

room refresher and spray 49


safety 4

Sagittarius 72, 73, 78

salt and salt water cleansing 46, 51, 59, 61

Samhain 33

scent in the home 49

Scorpio 72, 73, 78

screen-free time 18, 30


embodying 2829

seasonal food and recipes 28, 30, 3441

Wheel of the Year 3233


foundational habits 6

magical self-care 6

mindful 18

what it is 6

self-hypnosis 128, 131

self-knowledge 70

see also astrology

self-worth practices 132

sensuality 25

see also pleasure practices

sexual energy 23

shadow work 125, 128131, 141

embracing your shadow 131

identifying and loosening your shadow 128

moving through shadow blocks 131

sleep 18, 61

see also rest, restorative

smoke cleansing 44, 46

solstices 32, 33, 44

sounds, vocal 23

spices, healing with 47

Story Medicine 64

subconscious, working with the 56, 119, 128

summer solstice 32

sympathetic nervous system response 111


tapping (emotional freedom technique: EFT) 114, 128, 131, 141

Tarot 8093, 138139, 140

card reversals 88

creating a Tarot ritual 91, 139

decks 81, 82, 83, 139

intuition and 81, 82, 84, 139

Major Arcana and Minor Arcana 82

repeating cards 88

for self-care 8688

spreads 90, 91, 139

suits 82

working with the tarot 8284, 138139

Tarot reflections 11, 91

energy work 121

feminine, embracing the 25, 135

herb and plant medicine 105

the home 52

lunar living 64, 78

nature and the seasons 33

pleasure practices 135

Taurus 70, 73, 76

terms, explanation of 910

time factor 10


universe 9


vernal/spring equinox 32

Virgo 71, 73, 77



crystal-infused water 51

element 15, 30, 49, 72

Wheel of the Year 3233

winter solstice 33

witch 9

witchy 9


Yin and Yang 14, 15, 56

yoga 119, 141

yoga nidra 119

Yule 33


zodiac signs 69, 7072