
Note: ‘Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures and “t” indicate tables.’

Absolute Radio-Frequency Channel Numbers (ARFCNs), 149–150
Absolute RF carrier number (ARFCN), 48
Access barring (AB), 354 , 373 , 411–412
Access bursts (AB), 49 , 51
Access class, 3GPP, 18–19
Access class barring (ACB), 18–19 , 160 , 223
Access control, 373
Access stratum (AS), 19 , 286–287
Acquisition time, 84
Actuators, 711
Adaptive devices devices, 618
Adaptive frequency agility, 617
Additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGN), 279
Administration shell, 724–725
Advanced message queuing protocol, 716
Advertising channels, 624
Aerial vehicle identification problem, 609
Aggregation level (AL), 189 , 305 , 452
Alignment delay, 568
Analogue beamforming, 530
carrier, 284 , 392
of LTE-M-U, 640–641
NB-IoT-U, 662–665
Antenna down-tilting, 604
Antenna gain pattern, 604–606 , 605f
Antenna port, 180 , 408
Architecture layers, 723–724
ARIB (Japan), 13
Asynchronous HARQ operation, 559
ATIS (US), 13
Authentication, authorization and accounting infrastructure, 688
Authentication and authorization for constrained environments, 718
Automated bootstrapping, 718–719
Automatic frequency correction, 405
Automatic repetitions, 540