0.1 Western Africa during the Atlantic slave trade, fifteenth–nineteenth centuries

0.2 New World plantation societies, sixteenth–nineteenth centuries

1.1 Cattle herd from Tassili Jabberen rock art, ca. 4000 B.C.E.

1.2 Indigenous African n’dama cattle, northern Sierra Leone, 1967

1.3 Indigenous African n’dama cattle, the Gambia, 1963

1.4 Areas of domestication of selected African crops

1.5 Food crops of African origin

2.1 Sorghum, eleventh-century Spain

2.2 Monsoon Exchange, 2000 B.C.E.–500 C.E.

2.3 Map of region north of Senegal River, early sixteenth century

2.4 Banana and maniguetta (melegueta) pepper tree, late seventeenth century

2.5 Principal African foodstaples on the eve of the transatlantic slave trade, ca. mid-fifteenth century

3.1 Cabo Corso market, Gold Kingdom of Guinea, ca. 1602

3.2 Chart of the western coast of Africa, 1738

3.3 Danish Fort Christiansborg, Gold Coast, ca. 1760

3.4 About their Barges with which they sail on the sea and how they make them out of a tree, Gold Kingdom of Guinea, ca. 1602

3.5 What Spices and Grains grow in this Country, and what qualities or virtues they have, Gold Kingdom of Guinea, ca. 1602

3.6 Fula Village and Plantation, near Gambia River, early 1730s

4.1 Kola nut, near Cape Mount, Liberia, late seventeenth century

4.2 Advertisement for slave sale, ca. 1760

5.1 Gold washing, Brazil, ca. 1821–25

5.2 Panning for gold, Minas Gerais, Brazil, ca. 1817–20

5.3 Quilombo do Ambrósio, Minas Gerais, Brazil, ca. 1769

5.4 Quilombo do São Gonçalo, Minas Gerais, Brazil, ca. 1769

5.5 Militia units setting fire to a Maroon village, detail of Alexandre de Lavaux map of Suriname (Generale caart van de provintie Suriname), 1737

5.6 Razing of Maroon enclave, detail of Alexandre de Lavaux map of Suriname (Generale caart van de provintie Suriname), 1737

5.7 Maroon settlement, northeast Suriname, 1776

6.1 Plant and animal species found in Cayenne, late seventeenth century

6.2 Manioc processing, French West Indies, 1722

6.3 Habitação de negros (Dwelling of the blacks), 1820s

6.4 The plantain tree, ca. 1647–50

6.5 Angolan woman with hoe, ca. 1660

6.6 Adelaide Washington with hoe and basket on head, St. Helena Island, South Carolina, early 1900s

6.7 Luisa Carvalho in former rice plantation region, Pará, Brazil, 2002

7.1 African plants established in the plantation era

8.1 Initial planting of rice in Charles Towne, Carolina colony, ca. 1680

9.1 Negros going aboard Ships with Provisions in their Canoos, Gold Kingdom of Guinea, late seventeenth century

9.2 African helmeted guinea fowl, Dutch Brazil ca. 1640

9.3 Sheep and African rice, Sierra Leone, late seventeenth century

9.4 African sheep, Dutch Brazil, ca. 1640

9.5 Cattle use in a Brazilian sugar mill, 1682

9.6 Richard Ligon’s map of Barbados, ca. 1647

9.7 Camel transporting bananas with donkey in background, Canary Islands, n.d.

9.8 Guinea grass field depicted in idealized sugar plantation, Saint Domingue, 1796

9.9 Vendedores de capim e leite (Vendors of [Angola] grass and milk), Brazil, ca. 1821–25

10.1 Negresses marchandes d’angou (Black women sellers of angú), Brazil, ca. 1821–25

10.2 A Free Negress and Other Market-Women, Rio de Janeiro, 1821

10.3 The Quitandeira (The market woman), 1857


Plates follow page 176.

1 Women gathering grain, Algeria, ca. 2000 B.C.E.

2 Transport des nègres dans les colonies (Transport of negroes in the colonies), early 1800s

3 Danish slave ship Fredensborg, ca. 1785

4 Slaves washing for diamonds at Mandango on the River Jequitinhonha, Serra do Frio, Minas Gerais, Brazil, ca. 1776

5 Plátano guineo (banana) and guavas, 1763

6 Grass and milk vendors, Rio de Janeiro, ca. 1776

7 El panadero y el malojero (The bread seller and the fodder seller), Havana, ca. 1847–48

8 Female food vendors, colonial Brazil, ca. 1776