1. motivation, p. 402
  2. instinct, p. 402
  3. physiological need, p. 403
  4. drive-reduction theory, p. 403
  5. homeostasis, p. 403
  6. incentive, p. 403
  7. Yerkes-Dodson law, p. 404
  8. hierarchy of needs, p. 405
  9. glucose, p. 409
  10. set point, p. 411
  11. basal metabolic rate, p. 411
  12. obesity, p. 414
  13. asexual, p. 418
  14. testosterone, p. 418
  15. estrogens, p. 418
  16. sexual response cycle, p. 419
  17. refractory period, p. 420
  18. affiliation need, p. 423
  19. ostracism, p. 425
  20. narcissism, p. 427
  21. achievement motivation, p. 428
  22. grit, p. 429
  23. emotion, p. 433
  24. James-Lange theory, p. 433
  25. Cannon-Bard theory, p. 433
  26. two-factor theory, p. 434
  27. polygraph, p. 439
  28. facial feedback effect, p. 447
  29. behavior feedback effect, p. 448
  30. stress, p. 450
  31. general adaptation syndrome (GAS), p. 454
  32. tend-and-befriend response, p. 455
  33. health psychology, p. 456
  34. psychoneuroimmunology, p. 456
  35. coronary heart disease, p. 459
  36. Type A, p. 459
  37. Type B, p. 459
  38. catharsis, p. 460
  39. aerobic exercise, p. 467
  40. mindfulness meditation, p. 470
  41. feel-good, do-good phenomenon, p. 473
  42. positive psychology, p. 473
  43. subjective well-being, p. 473
  44. adaptation-level phenomenon, p. 476
  45. relative deprivation, p. 476


Abraham Maslow, p. 405

Alfred Kinsey, p. 419

William Masters, p. 419

Virginia Johnson, p. 419

William James, p. 433

Walter Cannon, p. 433

Stanley Schachter, p. 434

Robert Zajonc, p. 434

Joseph LeDoux, p. 435

Richard Lazarus, p. 435

Paul Ekman, p. 445

Hans Selye, p. 454

Martin Seligman, p. 473


Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. Cylee is thirsty and takes a drink. Her motivation to reduce the need for water is best explained by (the)
    1. instinct theory.
    2. drive-reduction theory.
    3. achievement motivation.
    4. arousal theory.
    5. hierarchy of needs.
  2. Attempts to control social behavior by using the punishing effects of isolation is an example of
    1. the general adaptation syndrome.
    2. ostracism.
    3. the behavior feedback effect.
    4. wanting to belong.
    5. the tend-and-befriend response.
  3. Marcelo has a good job, a nice house, and plenty of food. On weekends, he skydives for fun. His weekend behavior is best explained by which of the following theories?
    1. Incentive
    2. Drive-reduction
    3. Instinct
    4. Arousal
    5. Two-factor
  4. Thom has been on a diet for several months and has lost 50 pounds. What is happening to the fat cells in his body?
    1. The number of fat cells is increasing.
    2. The number of fat cells is decreasing.
    3. Fat cells are storing excess glucose due to his reduced food intake.
    4. The number of fat cells is remaining constant.
    5. The fat cells are dividing to increase the number of them available for fat storage.
  5. When individuals were placed on a semistarvation diet, researchers found that these individuals
    1. became obsessed with physical exercise.
    2. were more interpersonally outgoing.
    3. became more energetic.
    4. were in a state of homeostasis.
    5. lost interest in social activities.
  6. Which of the following is the best biological explanation for why the human body stores fat?
    1. Fat signals affluence and social status.
    2. Fat is a fuel reserve during periods when food is scarce.
    3. Fat is a display of abundant food sources.
    4. Fat keeps the body warm in winter climates.
    5. Fat contributes to the global epidemic of diabetes.
  7. What do we call a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior?
    1. Incentive
    2. Stress
    3. Emotion
    4. Motivation
    5. Instinct
  8. Which of the following would be most difficult to explain using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
    1. A person who moves to a new city gets an apartment before beginning to make friends.
    2. A very hungry reality show contestant searches for food before trying to win a competition.
    3. A professor spends time socially with her colleagues before she works on her own research.
    4. An artist works to win a local award before spending time on his own personal projects.
    5. An athlete follows a “no pain, no gain” motto rather than stopping for rest and nourishment.
  9. A hungry person eats in order to maintain an internal balance known as
    1. hierarchy of needs.
    2. basal metabolic rate.
    3. homeostasis.
    4. instinct.
    5. motivation.
  10. A person who eats excessively and never seems to feel full may have which of the following conditions?
    1. Tumor in the hypothalamus
    2. Too much insulin
    3. Tumor in the hippocampus
    4. Stomach bypass surgery
    5. Too much of the hormone PYY
  11. According to the Yerkes-Dodson law
    1. performance on an easy task is best when pressure is low.
    2. performance is generally best when pressure is low.
    3. performance on a difficult task is best when pressure is high.
    4. performance is generally best when there is a moderate amount of pressure.
    5. difficult tasks get easier with time.
  12. Emotions are a mix of consciously experienced thoughts, expressive behaviors, and physiological arousal. Which theory emphasized the importance of cognition in emotion?
    1. Facial feedback theory
    2. James-Lange theory
    3. Arousal and performance theory
    4. Fight-or-flight theory
    5. Schachter-Singer two-factor theory
  13. Research on facial expressions and gestures has found that
    1. facial expressions and gestures both tend to be culture-specific.
    2. facial expressions and gestures both tend to be universally understood.
    3. facial expressions tend to be culture-specific, and gestures tend to be universally understood.
    4. facial expressions tend to be universally understood, and gestures tend to be culture-specific.
    5. facial expressions of emotion influence the gestures of a culture.
  14. The stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine are released from where?
    1. Parasympathetic nervous system
    2. Hippocampus
    3. Brain stem
    4. Adrenal glands
    5. Hypothalamus
  15. People can most readily detect the emotion of _____ in a set of facial expressions.
    1. sadness
    2. happiness
    3. anger
    4. fear
    5. surprise
  16. Julia is experiencing very positive emotions. A brain scan would indicate high levels of activity in her
    1. right temporal lobe.
    2. cerebellum.
    3. left frontal lobe.
    4. left temporal lobe.
    5. right parietal lobe.
  17. Which one of the following statements about stress is true?
    1. Surgical wounds heal more slowly in stressed people.
    2. Stress has no effect on those exposed to cold viruses.
    3. There is no correlation between stress and longevity.
    4. Stress makes us more resistant to infection and heart disease.
    5. Anxiety, irritation, and guilt all prompt very different physiological responses.
  18. The Evers’ new neighbors make more money and drive nicer cars than the Evers. The Evers used to be content with what they had, but they are now jealous of the status of their new neighbors. The best explanation for this change is
    1. the feel-good, do-good phenomenon.
    2. the tend-and-befriend response.
    3. the behavior feedback effect.
    4. relative deprivation.
    5. the adaptation-level phenomenon.
  19. Which psychological concept would predict that smiling warmly on the outside would cause you to feel better on the inside?
    1. Relative deprivation
    2. Mimicry
    3. Empathy
    4. Facial feedback effect
    5. Catharsis
  20. After an alarming event, your temperature, blood pressure, and respiration are high, and you have an outpouring of hormones. Hans Selye would most likely guess that you are in which general adaptation syndrome phase?
    1. Exhaustion
    2. Resistance
    3. Immobilization
    4. Collapse
    5. Shock

Free-Response Questions

  1. Hope’s soccer team is playing in the championship game today. Hope knows the opposing team is the defending champion and that this will be a challenging game. Explain how the following theories apply to Hope’s performance and reactions during the game.
    • Yerkes-Dodson law
    • Affiliation needs
    • Schachter-Singer two-factor theory

(3 points)

  1. Franz is 17 years old and wants to lose 15 pounds. Explain how the following factors might contribute to the success or failure of his weight-loss attempt.
    • Social influence
    • Set point
    • Sleep
    • Incentive theory

(4 points)