OLE structured storage, Registry as log file, 124
OpenOffice, 19, 245
for case notes, 281
OpenSaveMRU key, user hives, 150–151
OpenSavePidMRU key, user hives, 150–151
Open-source tools (general)
See also specific tools
analysis system set-up, 24
convergence, 19–20
pre-infection intelligence collection, 173–174
suggested reading, 24
timeline creation, 225–226
Operational logs
characteristics, 91
WLAN-AutoConfig example, 92f
Oracle, VirtualBox, 61
Order of volatility, definition, 11
OSession.evt, timeline creation on XP, 233–234


P2P, See Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing
PaaS, See Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
Packed, malware detection, 193–195
Packed files
malware detection, 193–195
PEiD example, 193–194
Packet sniffers, incident response data collection, 41
Event Log records, 86–87, 89–90
Registry keys, 52
ParentIDPrefix value, device mapping, 126
Parse.pl script, 245
Parse::Win32Registry Perl module, 282
Parsing, 77, 79, 84–85, 95, 100, 196
Android devices, 116
Apple products, 115
application files, 111–118
AV logs, 88
Event Logs, 5, 86–87, 88, 92–93, 94
events file creation, 244b
events into timeline, 243–246
index files, 96–97
Internet history, 203
iPod Touch backups, 115
jump lists, 107–108, 109, 109
LNK files, 106–107
Log2timeline framework, 213
malware persistence mechanism, 175–176
malware propagation mechanism, 173–174
MFT, 77
NTFS $I30 Index Attributes, 85
prefetch files, 97–98, 181, 238–239
Recycle Bin, 72–73
Registry analysis, 135, 137–138, 158, 203, 239
scheduled tasks, 102
shellbags, 154, 155
Skype logs, 113–114
timeline analysis, 213–214, 225, 247, 248–249
timeline creation, 225, 228, 230, 231–232, 234, 234, 245
timeline creation on Windows, 8, 234
timeline data volume, 243–246
virtual memory, 176
VSCs, 162–163
WFP, 196
Windows Event Logs, 236
Parsing into timeline, 243–246
Partition table
timeline creation, 228, 230, 232–233
via FTK Imager, 231f
Patent Pending, 86
Patient 0, 174
Payment card industry (PCI)
Data Security Standards (DSS), 47
incident response example, 31
timeline analysis, 219, 220
PCI, See Payment card industry (PCI)
PDE, See Physical Disk Emulator (PDE) module
PDF files, initial infection vector, 172–173
Peer review, 293–294
Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing
applications, 268
initial infection vector, 172
seeded sites, 207–208
PEiD tool
packed file malware detection, 193
UI example, 193f
usage tips, 194
Yara project, 194
Perl Package Manager (PPM), 232b
Perl script listing
Assoc.pl, 144–145
Bodyfile.pl, 230, 235
Devclass.pl, 136–137
Evt-parse.pl, 88, 233–234, 235
Evtrpt.pl, 87, 234, 244b
Evtxparse.pl, 236
Ftkparse.pl, 231–232
Legacy.pl, 140–141
Mbr.pl, 202, 202f
Mft.pl, 80
Mountdev.pl, 134–135, 136
Mp2.pl, 135, 137
Msis.pl, 143
Parse.pl, 244b, 245
Port_dev.pl, 137–138
Pref.pl, 98–99, 100, 238
Recbin.pl, 95
Regdiff.pl, 162b
Regtime.pl, 239–240, 248
Rip.pl, 164, 240
Tln.pl, 240, 241f, 241f, 248, 248f
Usbdevices.pl, 136
Usbstor.pl, 135, 136
Userassist2.pl, 241, 242
Userassist_tln.pl, 158b, 240
Perl scripts, 233–234, 235–236
analysis system set-up, 24
coding skills, 203
DateTime module, 232b
diff, 162b
direct artifacts, 13
Event Log file extraction, 87
Event Log file parsing, 88
Event Log records, 89–90
events file additions, 248f
events file creation, 244b
events into timeline, 244b, 245
“.exe” files, 212
file system tunneling example, 84
gmtime() function, 222
INFO2 file extraction, 95
Internet activity analysis, 205–206
jump list parsing, 109, 109
LEGACY_IMDISK LastWrite time, 140–141
Log2timeline framework, 213
MBR infectors, 201, 202, 202f
memory scraper, 176
MFT analysis, 80
module installation, 232
prefetch file parsing, 98–99
Registry analysis, 164
Registry data and TLN creation, 239–242
Software hive application analysis, 142–143, 144–145
time stomping example, 82
timeline creation, 230, 232, 238, 240, 241f, 241f, 244
timeline creation on Windows, 8, 235–236, 236
timeline creation on XP, 233–235
USB device analysis, 135, 135–136, 138
USB external drive analysis, 135
UserAssist, 158
WiFi geolocation mapping, 146b–147b, 147
Windows Event Log parsing, 95
Perl2Exe, 13
Persistence mechanism (malware), 177
as artifacts, 179
file infection, 176
file system startup locations, 177–178
malicious DLL, 177
memory scraper, 176
multiple mechanisms, 178
“nearby” systems, 178
networked environments, 178
overview, 175–179
Registry, 175–176
scheduled tasks, 177
W32/Crimea, 177
PEView tool, 208
PGPDisk volume, MountedDevices key, 130, 130f
Phishing attacks, training for, 173b
PhishMe.com, 173
Photos, 159–160
Physical Disk Emulator (PDE) module, 60
Physical memory
F-Response, 44–45, 57–58
incident preparation questions, 32
incident response, 42
Registry analysis, 120–121, 163–164
virtualization, 22
Pillion, Martin, 177–178
Pirc, John, 172
Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), 21
Plugin Browser, Registry analysis, 164, 165f
Pogue, Chris, 7
Point of contact (PoC), incident preparation, 29
Poison Ivy RAT, 197
Portable executable (PE) files
compile times, 199–200
MBR infectors, 200
packed, malware detection, 193–195
W32/Crimea, 177
PPM, See Perl Package Manager (PPM)
Prefetch files
See also Application prefetching
application file prefetching, 97
as artifacts, 181
data exfiltration, 181
file analysis, 97–100
incident response data collection, 44
indirect artifacts, 14
installed AV applications, 186
metadata, 98–99
parsing, 98f
purpose, 97
Registry analysis, 203
speculation issues, 12–13
SSD drives, 98
timeline analysis, 218
timeline creation, 238–239
Vista, 100
PrefetchParameters key, 97
Previous Versions shell extension, 51, 51f
Process Monitor (ProcMon), 14
Process Registry key (XP), 5–6
analysis system set-up, 24
dropdown menu example, 205f
Internet History Viewer, 205f
Jump List Viewer, 109, 110f
Mount Shadow Volume, 71f, 72f
time stamp display, 77
VSC access, 9
VSCs in acquired images, 71–73, 72f
VSCs on live systems, 56
Windows 7 .job file, 102f
ProDiscover Basic Edition (BE), 24, 66b, 68
ProDiscover Incident Response Edition (IR)
Internet activity analysis, 204
time stamp display, 77, 78f
VSCs in acquired images, 71
VSCs on live systems, 56
ProfileGuid value, NetworkList, 147
ProfileList subkey, timeline analysis, 223–224
Profiles key, NetworkList, 147
Propagation mechanism (malware)
malware artifacts, 182
malware characteristics, 174–175
ProScript, analysis system set-up, 23
Psexec.exe, interesting artifact searches, 90
PSExecSvc service, malware detection, 206
Pwdump7.exe, Registry analysis, 122
Python script listing
AnalyzeMFT.py, 80
Indxparse.py, 85
Python scripts
analysis system set-up, 24
Android device application files, 116
cache.wifi parsing, 116
coding skills, 203
NTFS $I30 Index Attributes, 85
Registry Decoder, 165
$SIA and $FNA extraction, 80, 82
Yara project, 194


incident preparation, 30–33
“triage worksheet,”, 31b–32b
QuickTime (Apple), 266
malware persistence mechanism, 177


.rar files, 277–278
RAT, See Remote administration tool (RAT)
Rcmd.exe, 90
RDP, See Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
ReadyBoost, 132, 138, 255–256
RecentDocs key, 104, 159, 223, 281
RecoveryStore..dat, 264
Recycle Bin, 24, 95, 95, 95f
bypassing, 94b
file analysis, 94–97
index file, 96f
malware detection, 206–207
Vista, 96
Windows, 8, 96f
Windows XP, 95
RegEdit.exe, See Registry Editor tool (RegEdit.exe)
RegIdleBackup key, 149f
as Registry information source, 162
scheduled tasks, 102, 149
values via WRR, 149f
camera image file analysis, 117
$FNA MFT record, 79
function, 120
installed AV applications, 186
as log file, 124
malware persistence mechanism, 175–176
malware write-ups, 190–192
MFT record, 77
nomenclature, 122–123
prefetch files, 97
ProDiscover Basic Edition, 24
RegEdit.exe view, 123f
RegIdleBackup task, 102
structure, 122b
task sheduling, 5
timeline analysis, 223
data sources, 215
timeline creation, 239–242
Registry analysis, 222
alternate sources, 162–164
browser analysis, 143b
current ControlSet, 126b
device mapping, 126b
DeviceClasses, 130b–131b
diff, 162b
driver events, 127b
EMDMgmt key, 138
EMDMgmt subkey values, 132f
evidence eliminators, 162b
expert tips, 222b
historical Registry data, 152b
malware detection, 203–204
memory, 163–164
MountedDevices key, 130f
overview, 119
Plugin Browser interface, 164, 165f
RegIdleBackup, 162
Registry Decoder, 165, 166f
Registry nomenclature, 122–123
Registry overview, 120
smart phones, 135
Software hive, 142–150, 142f
application analysis, 142–145
Classes subkeys, 144f
GUID key values, 149f
NetworkCards key, 148
NetworkCards12 key, 148f
NetworkList, 145–148, 147f
RegIdleBackup key values, 149f
scheduled tasks, 148–150
Tree subkeys, 149f
Unmanaged subkey values, 146f
WiFi geolocation mapping, 146b–147b
Wow6432Node key, 143f, 150b
System hive
basic considerations, 138–142
services, 139–141, 139f
testing for malware execution, 208
tools, 122, 164–166
U3-enabled devices, 125b
USB device analysis, 124–138
USB drive/disk signature, 134f
USB external drives, 134
USB subkeys, 129f, 129f
USB thumb drives, 125
USBStor and USB subkeys, 134f
USBStor device subkey properties, 127f
USBStor subkeys, 126f, 133b
user hives, 129f, 150–162
c6d3bf33.Windows.XP.Mode key, 161f
ComDlg32 subkeys, 151f
MUICache key, 157, 157f
shellbags, 152–156, 155f
tracking user activity, 154b
TypedPaths key, 161, 161f
UserAssist historical data, 160b
UserAssist subkeys, 158, 158–159
Virtual PC key, 160–161, 161f
WordWheelQuery, 151–152, 152f
XP Mode, 159b
virtualization, 163
volume GUID, 129f
VSCs, 162–163
Wow6432Node key, 143f
Registry data, 269
Registry Decoder, 165, 166f
Registry Editor tool (RegEdit.exe), 123f, 126
Registry hive files, 266
Registry hives
file analysis example, 76
idling processes, 30
incident response data collection, 44
Root key, 15
speculation issues, 12–13
structure, 122b
suggested reading, 64
System Restore Points, 50
timeline analysis, 219–220, 242–243
timeline analysis case study, 248
Windows version comparison, 5
Registry keys (general), 271, 271–272
artifacts, 179
Carbon Black, 39
deleted keys, 138
direct artifact, 13–16
early worms, 16–17
event parsing into timeline, 246
jump lists, 104–110
malware persistence mechanism, 175–176
prefetch files, 99–100
Recycle Bin bypass, 94
Registry as log file, 124
Registry nomenclature, 123
seeded sites, 207–208
time formats, 215
timeline analysis, 217–218, 222b, 224
unique, malware, 175–176
VSCs, 52–53, 63–64
Registry values (general)
Application Event Logs, 184
artifacts, 179
Registry as log file, 124
Registry nomenclature, 123
seeded sites, 207–208
RegRipper, 203–204, 259, 263, 282
analysis system set-up, 24
events file creation, 244b
LEGACY_IMDISK LastWrite time, 140–141
photos.pl plugin, 159
Registry analysis, 121–122, 164
Registry data and TLN creation, 240
smart phone, 135
Software hive application analysis, 142–143, 144–145
timeline analysis case study, 248
timeline creation, 230
USB device analysis, 138
USB external drive analysis, 135
UserAssist subkeys, 158
VSC access automation, 70
VSCs in acquired images, 63, 162–163
WordWheelQuery, 152
XPMode, 159b
RegRipper plugins, 240, 271–272
RegRipper shellbags, 156
Remote administration tool (RAT), 197
Remote Desktop Client, jump list parsing, 109
Remote Desktop Connection, jump list information, 107
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), 35, 221
Remote systems
jump list files, 106–107
VSC access
basic considerations, 58b–59b
F-Response, 57
ProDiscover, 56
Removal, VHD files, 91b–92b
Reporting, 275, 284–294
recemmendations, 291b
review process, 294b
Robocopy command, 63, 69–70
Root key
indirect artifact, 15
Windows services, 140
ZeroAccess, 15b
malware persistence mechanism, 175
MBR, 200–201
ZeroAccess, 15, 180
Rot-13 translation cipher, UserAssist subkeys, 158
Rpcall.exe, timeline analysis case study, 249
RSA, data breach, 2–3
Run key
malware artifacts, 181–182
malware persistence mechanism, 175–176
timeline analysis case study, 248
user hives, 150–151
Wow6432Node key, 150b
Russinovich, Mark, 196–197


Safari (Apple), malware persistence mechanism, 177
Safe Mode, malware persistence mechanism, 175–176
SAM hive
RegIdleBackup, 162
Registry analysis, 122
System Restore Points, 50
timeline analysis, 223–224
SAM Registry hive file, 282
SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT)
analysis system set-up, 22–25
incident response acquisition process, 43–44
Registry data and TLN creation, 239–240
usage example, 22b
VSCs in acquired images, 68b
Windows Event Log parsing, 93
Sbag.exe, 154, 154–155, 155f, 156
Sbag64.exe, 156
Sbag.exe tool, 154–155
SchedLgU.txt, 103–104
Scheduled Task Wizard, 101–104, 101f
Scheduled tasks, 101–102, 266
AppleSoftwareUpdate task, 101f
at.exe vs. schtasks.exe, 103
file analysis, 101–104
GUID key values, 149f
.job files, 206
malware detection, 206
non-user created, 101–102
RegIdleBackup key values, 149f
SchedLgU.txt, 103–104
Software hive, 148–150
timeline analysis data sources, 215
via schtasks.exe, 103
Windows, 5, 102, 103f
Windows 7 .job file, 102f
XP Scheduled Task Wizard, 101f
Schtasks.exe, 103
Schuster, Andreas, 93, 236
Secevent.evt, XP/2003 systems, 90
Security Event Logs, 233–234
events file creation, 244b
file analysis, 87
interesting artifact searches, 90
timeline analysis, 221
timeline approaches, 213–214
timeline creation on Windows, 8, 244
timeline creation on XP, 233–235
Ultimate Windows Security Event Log site, 88–89
Security hive
events file creation, 244b
RegIdleBackup, 162
timeline approaches, 213–214
Security identifier (SID)
malware detection, 206
Recycle Bin, 95
timeline analysis, 223–224
Win7 Recycle Bin, 96
Seeded sites, malware detection, 207–208
Serial number key, 128, 128
Serial numbers, 256
Servers, auditing functionality, 37–38
Service set identifier (SSID), 146
ServiceName value, NetworkCards key, 148
Services Event Log, characteristics, 91
Setup Event Log, characteristics, 91
7Zip, 24, 142
SHA-25 algorithm, scheduled tasks, 150
ShadowExplorer v0.8, interface example, 55f
Shannon, Matthew, 44–45, 57
Shell Items, 153
Shell link files, jump lists, 106
Shellbags, 10–11, 152–156, 155f, 156
Shellbags artifacts, 257
$SIA attributes, 80
SID, See Security identifier (SID)
SIFT, See SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT)
Sigcheck.exe tool, 195, 195f
Signatures, 256
Silberman, Pete, 17
Skype, 63–64, 113–114, 242
Skype History Viewer, 113–114
Skype Log View, 113–114, 114f
The Sleuth Kit (TSK) tools
ASCII timelines, 212–213
Event Log records, 89–90
MBR infectors, 201
SIFT VM usage example, 22
timeline creation, 227, 228
Smart phones
image file analysis, 116–118
ubiquitousness, 1–2
USB device analysis, 135
“Snapshots”, See Volume Shadow Copy (VSC)
Sniper Forensics (Pogue), 7
Software-as-a-service (SaaS), 21
Software hive, 142f
application analysis, 142–145
Classes subkeys, 144f
GUID key values, 149f
malware artifacts, 181–182
malware persistence mechanism, 175–176
NetworkCards key, 148
NetworkCards12 key, 148f
NetworkList, 145–148, 147f
Process Registry key, 5–6
RegIdleBackup, 162
RegIdleBackup key values, 149f
Registry analysis, 142–150
Registry Decoder, 165
scheduled tasks, 148–150
smart phone, 137–138
timeline analysis, 223–224
Tree subkeys, 149f
Unmanaged subkey values, 146f
USB device analysis, 132
via WRR, 142f
WiFi geolocation mapping, 146b–147b
Wow6432Node key, 143f, 150b
Software Registry hive
prefetch files, 99–100
VSC access automation, 124
Solid-state drive (SSD), 98
Source value, timeline analysis, 222–223
Spear phishing, definition, 173–174
Speculation, analysis principles, 12
SPPClients key, 53
SQL injection attacks, 173, 213–214
SQLite databases, 111, 115
Squid, Log2timeline framework, 213
Ssdeep hash, MBR infectors, 202
file system tunneling example, 84–85
file/directory records, 77
Last Access Time, 78
time stamps, 77, 78
time stomping example, 83
timeline analysis, 215, 217–218, 224
timeline creation, 227–228
timestamping manipulation, 214–215
Start value, Windows services analysis, 139–140
Startup location, malware persistence mechanism, 177–178
Stevens, Didier, 158, 172–173
Sticky Notes files, Registry as log file, 124
analysis system set-up, 24–25
Event Log records, 89–90
Registry structure, 122
Structured storage, Registry as log file, 124
Stuxnet malware, 150, 195–196
SubSeven Trojan, 8
Surfacing, VHD files, 91b–92b
Suspicious processes, Carbon Black log example, 39, 39f
Sutton, Willy, 172
Svchost.exe, malware detection, 203
Symantec antivirus (AV) products, 234
AV log time formats, 216
Event Logs, 87
malware characteristics, 172–173
malware detection, 177–178
MBR infectors, 200
timeline analysis, 222–223
timeline creation on XP, 233–235
Sysevent.evt, XP/2003 systems, 90
System Event Log, 233–234
driver events, 127b
malware detection, 206
timeline creation on Windows, 8, 244
timeline creation on XP, 233–235
System field, timeline analysis, 223
System hive
Bluetooth, 141
RegIdleBackup, 162
Registry analysis, 138–142, 139f
smart phones, 136, 138
time formats, 215–216
U3-enabled device analysis, 125
USB thumb drive, 131
VSC access automation, 124
System Properties dialog, 53f
System Registry hive, 203–204, 255
System Restore Points, 51, 51, 52, 266
indirect artifacts, 15–16
Registry Decoder, 165
system files, 51b
timeline analysis case study, 250
timeline analysis via visualization, 246
timeline data volume, 243b
VSS, 52
XP functionality, 50f
XP system “noisiness,”, 17–18
System time change, detecting, 264–265
System-level privileges
Internet activity analysis, 15, 204
scheduled tasks, 101–102
timeline analysis, 214–215, 223–224
NetworkList, 147–148
Registry analysis, 222b
scheduled tasks, 102
time formats, 216


Tablet devices, ubiquitousness, 1–2
Task Scheduler
indirect artifacts, 15–16
SchedLgU.txt, 103–104
Software hive, 148–149
Windows, 8, 102, 103f
Windows version differences, 5
TaskCache\TasksGUID key, values example, 149f
TaskCache\Tree subkeys, via WRR, 149f
TechNet blog, 204
Temp directory
malware artifacts, 181–182
malware detection, 187–188, 206–207
VSCs and Registry keys, 52
Temporal proximity
definition, 30
timeline analysis, 218
Temporary files, Registry keys, 52
Temporary Internet Files (TIF), 100, 204
Terminal Server Client key, UserAssist subkeys, 160
Terminal Services, 269
jump list files, 107
Thomassen, Jolanta, 138
Threat intelligence, 272b
ThreatExpert.com, 5–6
Tilbury, Chad, 85
Time formats, timeline analysis, 215–217, 222
Time stamps, 77, 78, 78f, 79, 81
file system tunneling example, 84
file/directory records, 77
$FNA, 79
hypothesis testing, 81
jump list files, 106
Log2timeline framework, 213
NetworkList, 147–148
ProDiscover IR, 77
$SIA, 78
timeline analysis, 218, 222–223
values from other file, 82–83
Time stomping
definition, 82
example, 82–83
Timeline (TLN) analysis
analysis system set-up, 23
approaches, 213–214
basic concepts, 217–218
benefits, 219–221
case study, 247–250
data source volume issues, 243–244
data sources, 215, 222–223
description field, 224–225
events file additions, 248f
events file creation, 244
via event parsing, 243–246
formats, 221–225
granularity issues, 222
Log2timeline framework, 213–214
non-time-stamped data sources, 242
overview, 212–225
Registry analysis, 222b
system field, 223
time formats, 215–217, 222
user field, 222–223
UserAssist data, 158b
visualization, 246–247
Timeline (TLN) creation
Event Logs, 233–235
basic considerations, 233–238
sources, 235–236
Windows, 8, 235–238
Windows XP, 233–235
events file, 230
example, 228f, 229f
file system metadata, 227–233
image partition table, 231f
modular approach, 226
NTFS file times, 229–230
overview, 225–247
prefetch files, 238–239
Registry data, 239–242
expert tips, 215
timeline analysis data sources, 214–215
Timestomp.exe, 82, 215
TimeZoneInformation key, 222b
Tool validation myth-odology, analysis prinicples, 9–11
Tools, 156
Tools vs. process, analysis principles, 9
incident preparation, 45–46
mock incidents, 45–46
phishing attacks, 173b
Triage checklist, 278–279
“Triage worksheet,”, 18, 31b–32b
TriForce, 85–86, 85–86
“Trojan Defense,”, 19–20, 172, 207
Trojan downloader, 175
persistence mechanism, 177–178
Process Registry key, 5–6
scheduled tasks, 102
TrueCrypt encrypted volumes, 257
TrueCrypt volume, MountedDevices key, 130, 130f
Trusted advisor, incident response, 42
TypedPaths key, 161, 161f
TypedURLs key, 143b, 262–263
TZWorks, 80–81, 156


U3-enabled devices, Registry analysis, 125
Ultimate Windows Security Event Log site, 88–89, 90
UltraEdit, 24, 245
Unallocated space
data breach example, 76
Event Log records, 86–87, 89–90
MBR infectors, 201
Registry structure, 122
Unicode format
DestList stream, 107–108
prefetch file parsing, 98–99
Recycle Bin, 96–97
Uninstall key, 142, 150b
Unique instance ID key
device mapping, 126
iPod Touch, 136
LastWrite time, 128
vs. serial number, 128
smart phone, 135–136
USB device analysis, 126, 128, 132
USB external drive analysis, 134
USB thumb drive, 131
Unix, time formats, 216
Unmanaged subkey, values, 146, 146f
Unsurfacing, VHD files, 91b–92b
Update sequence number (USN), 85–86
USB device analysis, 132–133
checklists, 125b
current ControlSet, 126b
deleted Registry keys, 138b
device mapping, 126b
DeviceClasses, 130b–131b
driver events, 127b
EMDMgmt key, 138
EMDMgmt subkey values, 132f
MountedDevices key, 130f
overview, 124–138, 135
smart phones, 135
subkeys, 131
U3-enabled devices, 126b
USB subkeys, 129f, 129f
USBStor device subkey properties, 127f
USBStor subkey LastWrite times, 133b
USBStor subkeys, 126f
volume GUID, 129f, 131
USB devices, Windows shortcuts and, 255–257
USB external drives
analysis, 134
drive/disk signature, 134f
imaging, 4
incident response, 42–43, 44
Registry analysis, 124–125, 124–138
timeline analysis, 219
timeline creation, 231
USBStor and USB subkeys, 134f
USB key, 134
USB subkeys, 129f, 134f
USB thumb drive
initial infection vector, 173
Registry analysis, 124–125, 126b, 128
time stamp testing, 81
Windows 7 Registry, 131
USBStor key
device mapping, 126b
LastWrite time, 127
OS version comparison, 5
U3-enabled device analysis, 126b
USB external drive analysis, 134
USBStor subkeys
device properties, 127f
LastWrite time, 133b
USB external drive analysis, 134f
USB thumb drive, 131
via WRR, 126f
User accessed files, 257–260
User activity tracking, expert tips, 154b
User field, timeline analysis, 223–224
User hives
c6d3bf33.Windows.XP.Mode key, 161f
ComDlg32 subkeys, 151f
menuorder, 156–157
MUICache key, 157, 157f
Photos, 159–160
Registry analysis, 150–162
shellbag, 152–156, 155f, 156
tracking user activity, 154b
TypedPaths key, 161, 161f
UserAssist historical data, 160b
UserAssist subkeys, 158–159
Virtual PC, 160–161
Virtual PC key path, 161f
WordWheelQuery, 151–152, 152f
XPMode, 159b
UserAssist data, 271–272
UserAssist entries, 257
UserAssist information, 245
UserAssist key, 63, 242–243
UserAssist subkey data, 265
UserAssist subkeys, 120, 158–159
historical data, 160b
timeline analysis, 224
timeline analysis case study, 248
user hives, 158–159
XP Mode, 159b
USRCLASS.DAT hive, 154, 159
MUICache key, 157
shellbags, 154, 155
Software hive application analysis, 145
VSCs in acquired images, 162–163
USRCLASS.DAT hive file, 257, 259
UTC format, 222
event parsing into timeline, 245
file system tunneling example, 84
iPod Touch, 136
jump list files, 106
LEGACY_IMDISK LastWrite time, 140–141
MFT record, 77
NetworkList, 147–148
timeline analysis, 216, 222
USB external drive analysis, 135
UserAssist subkeys, 158


VHD, See Virtual hard drive (VHD)
Vhdmount, VSCs in acquired images, 61
Vhdtool.exe, 61, 73
Virtual hard drive (VHD), 74b, 271–272
expert tips, 91b–92b
image file formats, 73
multiple AV scans, 189–192
Registry analysis, 163
VSCs in acquired images, 61–65, 61f, 62f
Windows 8, 73
Virtual machine (VM)
analysis system set-up, 22
expert tips, 91b–92b
F-Response VSC demo set-up, 57
Virtual memory, direct artifacts, 13
Virtual PC (VPC)
concealing artifacts, 20–22
key, 161f
Registry analysis, 163, 163
user hives, 160–161
VSCs in acquired images, 61
Virtual private network (VPN), 35, 57
Virtual Server, VSCs in acquired images, 00003#p0405
VirtualBox (Oracle), 61
analysis concepts, 20–22
Registry analysis, 163
VirusTotal, 172–173, 202
Visualization, timeline analysis, 246–247
VMDK, See VMWare (.vmdk)
VMPlayer, 57, 65–66, 104, 104f
VMWare (.vmdk)
analysis system set-up, 24
Registry analysis, 163
VSCs in acquired images, 59–60, 65–68
VMWare Workstation, VSCs, 65, 67, 67f
Volatility Framework
hibernation files, 111
Registry analysis of memory, 163–164
Volume serial number, EMDMgmt key, 132–133
Volume shadow copies (VSCs), 257
Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
implementation, 52
Registry Decoder, 165
Registry keys, 52
timeline analysis data sources, 242–243
tools vs. process, 9
Vista implementation, 51
Volume Shadow Copy (VSC)
access, 9
access automation, 68–71, 124–125
acquired images, 60, 60, 66b, 68b
batch files, 70
Diskpart command, 64b
example, 59f
image file formats, 73
LiveView, 60b
overview, 59–73
ProDiscover, 71–73, 71f, 72f, 72f
ProDiscover BE, 66
VHD method, 61–65, 61f, 62f
VMDKs and SIFT, 68
VMWare method, 65–68, 67, 67f
analysis system set-up, 23
definition, 50–53
historical Registry data, 152b
idling processes, 30
indirect artifacts, 15–16
live systems
basic considerations, 58b–59b
F-Response, 57–59, 58f
overview, 53–59
ProDiscover, 56
MUICache key, 157
Registry Decoder, 165
as Registry information source, 162–163
Registry keys, 52–53
ShadowExplorer v0.8 interface, 55f
system files System Restore Points, 51b
timeline analysis data sources, 215, 242–243
timeline analysis via visualization, 246
UserAssist historical data, 160b
Windows 8, 73–74
WMI class, 54
XP System Restore Points, 50f
Volume Shadow Service, 52–53
VPC, See Virtual PC (VPC)
VPN, See Virtual private network (VPN)
VSC, See Volume Shadow Copy (VSC)
VSS, See Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
VSS key, 52
Vssadmin command, 54–55, 56, 62, 69


Wallet drives, See USB external drives
Walters, Aaron, 30, 218
WAPs, See Wireless access points (WAPs)
Warden, Pete, 114
Wardriving, WiFi geolocation mapping, 146
Warez server, intrusions, 17
Application Event Logs, 184
at.exe vs. schtasks.exe, 103
device mapping, 126b
Googled malware information, 192
jump list parser, 109b
“knowing what to look for,”, 198
Last Access Time, 78b–79b
malware evolution, 180
memory scraper, 176
mixing protection mechanisms, 188
multiple persistence mechanisms, 180
Perl module installations, 232
Trojan defense, 172
USBStor subkey LastWrite time, 133b
VSCs on live systems, 58b–59b
Windows Event Log parsing, 237
WMI class, 54b
ZeroAccess, 15b
W32/Crimea, 177
Web history analysis, expert tips, 143b
Web proxy logs, 277
Web servers, 279
Web sites, initial infection vector, 173–174
Weg, Jimmy, 56, 65, 108
Wevtutil.exe, Event Log conversion, 93
WFA, See MiTeC Windows File Analyzer (WFA)
WFP, See Windows File Protection (WFP)
WiFi geolocation mapping, expert tips, 146b–147b
Window of compromise
antivirus log analysis, 112–113
compliance issues, 31b
Dr. Watson logs, 188
initial infection vector, 173
LEGACY_IMDISK LastWrite time, 140–141
timeline analysis, 219
Window Washer, 163b
Windows, 6
alternate Registry sources, 161
analysis system set-up, 22–25, 23
Apple product application files, 115
application prefetching, 181
Applications/Services logs, 91
Audit Policy settings, 38f
device mapping, 126b
driver events, 127b
Event Log conversion, 93
Event Log files, 5, 91f
Event Log metadata, 217
Event Log parsing, 237
Explorer shell searches, 5
F-Response VSC demo set-up, 57b
hibernation files, 110–111
historical Registry data, 152b
idling processes, 30
iPod Touch, 136
jump list parser, 109
jump lists, 104–110, 106, 107
Last Access Time, 78b–79b
live system VSCs, 53–54
Log Parser tool, 93
malware persistence mechanism, 177–178
MUICache key, 157
multiple AV scans, 189–192
NetworkList, 145–148, 147f
prefetch files, 97, 100
prefetch files and TLN creation, 238–239
Previous Versions shell extension, 51f
Recycle Bin, 96f
RegIdleBackup, 162
Registry, 120, 120
Volume Shadow Copies (VSCs), 120
Registry analysis, 122
Registry as log file, 124
Registry Decoder, 165
Registry hive files, 5
Registry keys, 52
scheduled tasks, 5, 102, 148–149
shellbags, 154, 155
smart phone, 135
Software hive application analysis, 143, 145
SSD drive prefetch settings, 98
Task Scheduler applet, 103f
timeline creation, 225, 227
U3-enabled device analysis, 125
USB device analysis, 124–125, 131
USB external drive analysis, 134
user hives, 150–151
virtualization, 20–22, 163
Virtual PC, 160
VMs, 91b–92b
VSCs, 50, 162–163
VSCs in acquired images, 60, 65, 72–73
Windows Defender logs, 186
Windows Event Logs, 90
WordWheelQuery, 151
Wow6432Node key, 150b
Windows 7, 153, 264, 267, 272–273
Event Log example, 91f
shellbags artifacts, 257
USB devices, 255–256
Windows 8
Photos, 159–160
shellbags artifacts, 257
USB devices, 255–256
VSCs, 73–74
Windows 2000, 77
Event Log files, 86–94
Log Parser tool, 237
Registry, 120
Registry hive files, 5
scheduled tasks, 101
$SIA, 77
time formats, 216
timeline analysis, 222–223
timeline creation, 227
Windows 2003, 265
application prefetching, 181
Event Log files, 5, 86–87
Last Access Time, 78b–79b
Log Parser tool, 93, 237
prefetch files, 97, 100
prefetch files and TLN creation, 238
SchedLgU.txt, 103–104
scheduled tasks, 102
Security Event Logs, 88–89
timeline analysis, 222–223, 224–225
Windows Event Log, 90
Windows 2008
analysis system set-up, 23
application prefetching, 181
Event Log files, 5
Event Log parsing, 237
live system VSCs, 53–54
prefetch files, 97
prefetch files and TLN creation, 238
Registry analysis, 122
scheduled tasks, 148–149
Security Event Logs, 88–89
Windows Backup, 51
Windows Defender, 186, 189–190
Windows Event Logs, 90
characteristics, 37
conversion, 93
example, 92f
file analysis, 90–93
Logparser tool, 92–93
parsing issues, 237
Perl-based parsing, 93
size limits, 37
smart phone, 135–136
timeline analysis, 222–223
USB device analysis, 124–125
USB external drive analysis, 135
UserAssist subkeys, 160
Windows 7 example, 91f
Windows Event Viewer, 88
Windows Explorer, 269
Windows Explorer shell
malware persistence mechanism, 177
searches in XP, 5
shellbags, 152–153
time formats, 215–217
time stamps, 77
TypedPaths key, 161, 161f
UserAssist subkeys, 158
VSCs in acquired images, 61–62
VSCs on live systems, 56
Win7 Recycle Bin, 96
Windows File Protection (WFP), 190–192, 196, 197f
Windows Local Group Policy, 178
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), 54b, 198–199
Windows Media Player, 144
Windows NT, 196–197
Windows Registry Forensics (Carvey), 64
Windows Registry Recovery tool, 282
Windows services, 134f
direct artifact, 13–16
direct vs. indirect artifacts, 14b–15b
F-Response, 44–45
interesting artifact searches, 90
Internet activity analysis, 204
Internet history information, 14b–15b
key values via WRR, 134f
malware-created, 179–180
memory scraper, 176
OS version comparison, 6
Registry keys, 5, 52
System hive analysis, 139–141
Windows shortcuts and USB devices, 255–257
Windows systems (general), 184–185
ADS manipulation tools, 196–197
analysis system set-up, 22–25
Apple product application files, 115
application prefetching, 97
auditing functionality, 37–38
Event Log analysis, 89
event parsing into timeline, 243–244
events file creation, 244b
file format diversity, 76
file system tunneling, 84
idling processes, 30
indepth malware detection techniques, 192–193
indirect artifacts, 14
initial infection vector, 173–174
logs and incident response, 36–41
malware persistence mechanism, 175–176
MFT records, 79
MRT, 184–185
multiple AV scans, 189–192
open source tools, 24
prefetch files, 97, 181
Registry, 120
Registry analysis checklists, 125b
Registry hive files, 5
shellbags, 152–153
Skype, 113
system “noisiness,”, 17–18
timeline analysis data sources, 215, 242
timeline analysis via visualization, 246
timeline creation, 227
timeline time formats, 222
time-stamped information, 215–216
tracking user activity, 154b
version differences, 4–6
VPN incident, 35
VSC access automation, 70
ZeroAccess, 15b
Windows Updates, 17–18, 91, 199–200
Windows Vista
ADS manipulation, 196–197
analysis system set-up, 23
application prefetching, 181
device mapping, 126b
Explorer shell searches, 5
jump list files, 106–107
Last Access Time, 78b–79b
live system VSCs, 53–54
log files, 5
Log Parser tool, 93, 237
NetworkList, 145–148
prefetch files, 97, 100
prefetch files and TLN creation, 238
Recycle Bin, 96
Registry analysis, 122
Registry Decoder, 165
Registry keys, 52
scheduled tasks, 148–149
Security Event Logs, 88–89
Task Scheduler, 5
timeline creation, 225
VSCs, 50, 162–163
VSCs in acquired images, 59f, 60, 72–73
VSS functionality, 51
VSS implementation, 9
Windows Defender logs, 186
Windows Event Logs, 90
WordWheelQuery, 151
Windows XP, 22, 71, 265
analysis system set-up, 22–25, 23
Apple product application files, 115
application prefetching, 181
Carbon Black log example, 39
device mapping, 126b
Dr. Watson logs, 188
Event Log analysis, 89
Event Log conversion, 93
Event Log files, 5, 86–87, 90
Event Logs, timeline creation, 233–235
event record format, 86f
Explorer shell searches, 5
hibernation files, 110–111
idling processes, 30
Last Access Time, 78b–79b
Log Parser tool, 93, 237
malware write-ups, 190–192
prefetch files, 97, 100
prefetch files and TLN creation, 238
Process Registry key, 5–6
ProDiscover IR, 71
Recycle Bin, 95, 95f
Registry, 120
Registry Decoder, 165
SchedLgU.txt, 103–104
Scheduled Task Wizard, 101f
scheduled tasks, 102
Security Event Logs, 88–89
shellbags artifacts, 257
Skype, 113
system files in System Restore Points, 51
system “noisiness,”, 17–18
System Restore Points, 50f
Task Scheduler, 5
time formats, 216
timeline analysis, 222–223, 224–225
timeline approaches, 213–214
timeline creation, 225
timeline data volume, 243b
user hives, 150–151
Virtual PC, 20–22
virtualization, 163
VMs, 91b–92b
VSCs, 50, 68
VSS implementation, 9, 50
Windows Defender logs, 186
Windows Event Logs, 90
Windows services, 139–140
WordWheelQuery, 151
Windows XP Mode, 160
C6d3bf33.Windows.XP.Mode key, 160, 161f
UserAssist subkeys, 159b
VM tips, 91b–92b
Virtual PC, 160
Windows XP SP3 system
file system tunneling example, 84
MRT log analysis, 184–185
time stomping example, 82–83
WinInet, 14, 204
Win32_ShadowCopy, 54
Wireless access points (WAPs), 145, 146, 147f, 223
WLAN-AutoConfig log, event example, 92f
WMI, See Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
Woan, Mark, 108
Word, See Microsoft Word
WordWheelQuery key, 5, 151–152, 152f
Worms, early Internet, 17–18
Wow6432Node key, 143, 143f, 150b
Write-blockers, hard drive imaging, 4
WRR, See MiTeC Windows Registry Recovery (WRR) tool
Writing, 284
case notes, 280


XML, See Extensible markup language (XML) format
XPMode, 159


Yara project, malware detection, 194


ZeroAccess rootkit, 15b, 180, 262
Zeus/ZBot, 177–178, 185