
(Names from inscriptions which occur only once in the text are not indexed except where confusion miglit otherwise arise.)

Ath. = Athens, Cor. = Corinth, Horn. = Homer, Mac. = Macedonia, Ptol. = Ptolemaic

Abdera, 105

Abydos (Egypt), 106

Acarnania, 62, 108

Achseans: Akaiwasha, 17; western colonies, 102, 107-08

Acharnse, 171-72, 227, 253, 259 Acragas, 108,122

Acropolis (Ath.), treasures of, 231-32, 304

ADONIS, Ath. Metic, 182,184

Adria, 124, 312

Ægina: trade, 75, 107, 114, 117, 122, 139, 143, 307; metal-work, 128, 132-33; pottery, 134; slaves, 198; war with Cor., 143; ÆEginetan standard (see under Money).

Ænos, 105

Æolis, epic in, 58

ÆSCHINES, philosopher, 241, 273

ÆSCHYLIDES, mines, 303

Ætolia, 62, 108, 193

Africa. See Libya

Agathe, 110

AGATHON, two architects at Delphi, 266

AGATHON, stone (Eleusis), 266

AGIS III, K. of Sparta, 326

AGIS IV, 153

Agora (see Market); of Ath., 194, 208, 278, 289-90

AGORACRITOS, sculptor, 187

Agriculture: Hom., 14, 20, 31-32, 38-41; later, 63-65, 202-04, 245-62, 282; Sparta, 89; Attica, 129, 288 Hellenistic, 344-46

Akaiwasha. See Achseans

Alalia, 110

ALCÆOS, 101; on wealth, 77

ALCIBIADES, cook of, 200

ALCIDAMAS, on slavery, 219

ALCINOOS, house of, 12-13, 20

ALEXANDER, K. of Mac.: conquests and discoveries, 316, 332, 372-73; Persian treasures, 233, 325; coinage, 325-26; cities, 335; Tigris navigation, 369

ALEXANDER of Pherae, 237, 315

Alexandreia. See Alexandria

Alexandretta, Alexandria, 335

Alexandria, various cities, 335

ALEXANDRIA (Egypt): town, port, 336-37, 368-69; trade, 369-70, 372-73; industry, 350, 352; associations, 324; wages, prices, 358; Museum, 329, 336

ALEXIS, comic writer, 190

ALYATTES, K. of Lydia, 101

Alybe, 45, 60

AMASIS, Pharaoh, 106

AMASIS I, II, vase-painters, 129, 140-41, 182

Amber, 121,124-25, 375

Ambracia, 103-04

AMEINOCLES (Cor.), 131

Amisos, 309

AMMON, Oasis of, 120

Amphipolis, 309

Amyclæ, 95, 232

AMYNTAS, K. of Mac., 316

ANAXAGORAS, philosopher, 187

ANAXANDRIDES, comic writer, 190

Andania, 113

ANDOCIDES, orator, 182

ANDOCIDES, potter, 139

ANDROCLES (Ath.), 185, 315

ANTENOR, sculptor, 129-30

ANTIMACHOS (Cephisia), 175, 266

ANTIMENES (Rhodes), 364

Antioch, various cities, 335

Antioch on the Orontes, 335, 371

ANTIOCHOS I, K. of Syria, 320

ANTIPATROS (Ath.), 185

ANTIPATROS (Thessalonica), 352

ANTIPHANES, comic writer, 190

ANTIPHANES, statuettes, 173

Antipolis, 110

ANTISTHENES, banker, 303, 305

ANTISTHENES, philosopher, 188

ANYTOS, 228, 266

Apameia, various cities, 335

Aphytis, 314

APOLLO, 24, 232. See also Delphi

APOLLODOBOS, son of Pasion (Acharnæ), 167, 251, 267, 305

APOLLODOBOS, nail-maker, 182

APOLLODOBOS, ship-owner (Phaselis), 185

Apollonia, 230, 320

APRIES, Pharaoh, 101

Arabia: trade, exploration, 119, 312, 371-73; pirates, 370

Arabs in Attica, 179

Arachosia, 370

Aral, Sea of, 370

Arcadians, 232

ARCESILAS, K. of Cyrene, 121

Arcesine, 366

ARCHEBMOS, sculptor, 128

ARCHESTBATOS, banker, 303, 305

ARCHIAS(Cor.), 368


ARCHIMEDES, 344, 352

ARCHITELES (Cor.), 231-32, 238

ARCHYTAS, engineer, 269

ARETHUSIOS, slave-hirer, 204

Argos, Argolis, 99, 114, 128, 134, 143, 229, 271

ARISTABCHOS, friend of Socrates, 161,164

ARISTEAS, explorer, 121

ARISTEIDES, 171, 230; son of, 248

Aristocracy. See under Land

ARISTON, explorer, 372

ARISTOPHANES, 189-90; on agriculture, country, rustics, 165, 171, 252-54, 260; craftsmen, 165, 222, 225, 227-28, 263, 270, 272, 278; Euripides, 165; food, 285; Heliasts, 148; Metics, 178; retailers, 289; slaves, 200-01; socialism, 157-58

ARISTOTLE, 372; Economics attributed to, quoted, 300; on aristocracy, magnificence, luxury, 78, 170; associations, 322-23; “Athenian economy,” 207-08, 252; barbarians, 318; democracy and men of sea, 308; democracy and slavery, 196; economics, 69-70; financiers, 306; labour, 162-63; landed property, 248; offices, division of, 220; poverty, 148; servants, 202; Sparta, 9 6; trade, 117, 288, 295-97

Armenia, 133

Arsinoe, 350

Art: low esteem of, 160-61; Metics in, 187; in industry, 274-75

ARTEMIS: Orthia, 94; of Ephesos, 114

Artemision, C. (Spain), 110

ARTEMON, Metic, 185

Asclepiadæ, 27

Asclepieia, 293

Ascra, 99

Asia: relations with Greece before Mac. conquest, 310-11; roads, 370-71; Seleucid kingdom (see under Syria)

Asia, Central, 121, 312, 375

Asia Minor: wood from, 259; Greek cities in (see Ionia)

Associations, commercial companies, trade unions, 85, 243, 300-03, 318-19, 322-24, 339, 350, 363-64, 369

Assyria, 106,132

Astynomoi, 276

ATHENE: and crafts, 15, 25, 44; Chalciœcos, 94; Promachos, 294

ATHENIS, sculptor, 128

ATHENOGENES, orator, 167, 210, 266, 281

Athens, Attica: for Athens during the Athenian Period, see under the different subjects; arts, 128-29, 321; corn-supply, 64, 125, 346-47; Cretans visit, 50; Dionysiac artists, 324; farming, 64, 129, 346; forests, 6 3; Harpalos, 326; metal-work, 128; money, 69, 325-26, 328, 334; natural economy, 6 3; pottery, 117, 124-25, 129-30, 134-35, 138-43; property, classes, 62-63, 76-78, 79, 81-82, 84, 317; quarries, 127; roads, 114; Rome, Delos, 338-39; no serfs, 8 2; trade, 66, 122; Hellenistic decline, 333-34

Athos, Mt., canal, 116

Atlantic Ocean, explored, 320 375-76

Attalids. See Pergamon

Attica. See Athens

Autarkeia. See Labour, family

Babylon, 101,119

Bacchiadae of Cor., 75

BACCHIOS, potter, 277-78

Bactriana, 375

Banking, 185, 217, 241, 300, 303-06, 314, 349, 363-67

Barbarians, feeling about, 318

Bards, 24-25, 27

Barter. See Trade

BATTOS, K. of Cyrene, 102

Bebryces, 104

Beer, 348, 355

Bees, honey, 260-61, 312

Beggars, 29-30

Berenice, 372

Berezan, 121

Berytos, 371; association at Delos, 318-19, 323, 339

Bithynia, 104, 339

BLEPUÆOS (Ath.), 305

Bœotia: industry, 127-28, 130, 132, 134-35, 160; transport, 259, 292; road, 291; slaves, 203; Hellenistic decline, 333. See also Thebes

Books, trade, 312

Bosphorus, 99,106, 125

Bosphorus, Cimmerian. See under Cimmerians

Bottomry, marine loans, 69, 117, 185, 241-43, 298, 300-02, 315,365

Box-Merchants, St. of, 227, 264

Britain, 124, 375

Bronze: payments in, 55-56; work in (see Metal work); Bronze Age civilization, 7

Building: Horn., 14, 27, 44; Ath. industry, 129; rate of work, 282; slaves, 204-05; wages, 282-85. See also Contracts, public works, and refs, under that head

BUPALOS, sculptor, 128

Byzantion, 104,106,193, 300, 337

CACHRYLION, potter, 140

Cænepolis, 370

CALLIAS, inventor of dye process, 270


Campania, 123, 311

Canals: proposed, 320; Greece, 116; Egypt, 119, 320, 336-37, 372

Capital: capitalist system, 69; use of, 74-75, 231, 238 ff., 365-66; in industry, 268-69; held by Metics, 186

Capua, 128

Caria, 18, 58, 101, 310

Carthage: opposition to Greeks, 104, 109-10, 124, 375; Greek trade and influence, 126, 135, 312, 326, 362, 369

Cart-wright, 26-27, 44

Caspian Sea, 320,370

Cassandreia, 336

Catane, 107

Celts. See Gaul, Galatians

Ceos, 295, 300, 316

Cephallenia, 59

CEPHALOS, 163, 166, 182, 185, 205-06, 266-67


Cephissos R. (Attica), plain of, 253

Cerameicos, 138, 140-41, 263

Cerceosiris, 345

Ceryces (Eleusis), 27

CHÆREPHILOS and Sons, 184-85

Chæroneia, 199

Chalcedon, 106, 211

Chalcidice, 69,102,105, 291, 309

Chalcis. See under Euboea

Chalybes, 125

CHARAXOS (Lesbos), 75

CHARTRODES, agronomist, 256

CHERSIPHRON, architect, 269

Chersonese (Thrace), 125,309

China, 372, 374-75

Chios, 59, 85, 105, 122, 126, 193, 248, 266, 312

Cholcis, 310

CHRYSIPPOS, corn-dealer, 184-85, 187, 210

CHRYSIPPOS, philosopher, 201

Cillicyrians, 104

Cimmerians, 60, 103; Cimm. Bosphorus, 309, 316

CIMON, 171,192

CIRON, land-owner, 200, 208

Cirrha, 291

Citizens, 168-72; in business, 172-77; sale of citizenship, 318

CITTOS, banker, 217

City: beginnings of city economy, 11-13, 48, 65-66; Hellenistic development, 334-36. See also State

Clarotæ, 83

Clazomenae, 105,135, 300

CLEANTHES, philosopher, 181


CLEITIAS, potter, 139

CLEOMENES III, K. of Sparta, 153

CLEOMENES, Governor of Memphis, 364

CLEON, engineer (Egypt), 357-59

CLEON, politician (Ath.), 166, 172, 225, 266

CLEOPHON, (Ath.), 172, 227

Cleruchies, 99, 149-50, 152, 169, 172, 309; Hellenistic, 332, 343-44

Clothing. See Textiles

Cnidos, 101,353

COLÆEOS (Samos), 109,125, 133

Colonization, 65, 98-111, 332

Colonos, deme, 170

Colonos on Agora, 278

Colophon, 106

Comedy: by Metics, 189-90; on Metics, 186; slaves, 198; Tettix, 181; work, 164

Competition: Horn.,43-44; archaic, 71; local and international, 142-43

CONON, banker (Egypt), 364

CONON, bonnet-maker (Ath.), 225, 228, 269

Contracts: no contractors in Horn., 43; private, 300-01; public works, 181, 226-28, 268, 270-72, 299. See also under Delos, Delphi, Eleusis, Epidauros, Erechtheion

Cooks, 201, 223

Copais, L., 290

Copper: sources, 45,125,127, 312; in payments, 55-56, 328; prices, 238

Coptos, 370, 373

Corcyra, 59,108,122

Corinth: actors’ association, 324; colonies, 99, 102, 105, 108; society, 75, 86, 88-89, 108, 160; metal, 125, 128, 132-33; money, 69, 122; pottery, 117, 124-5, 129-30, 134-40, 142-43; shipping, 114, 116, 129, 131; slaves, 198; textiles, 229, 266; trade, 121-22, 182-83, 299, 307, 311-12; wars, 143; Hellenistic prosperity, 333, 369

Corn: supply, sources, 64, 111, 121, 124-25,184, 257-58, 297-98, 306-07,309-13,346-47, 364-65, 368-70; prices, 237-38; doles, 150, 168, 172; public granaries, 366-67

Corsica, Cyrnos, 110

Cos, 215, 266, 352

Craftsmen. See Industry

CRATES, philosopher, 188

CRATES, poet, on crafts, 26

Credit. See Loans, Banking

CRESILAS, sculptor, 187

Crete: Minoan, 7, 49, 64, 116; Horn., 12; crafts, 128, 132-34; Gela, 108; mercenaries, 101; payments, 67; pirates, 50-51, 315, 337; property, 62; serfs, 83-84; syssitiai, 89-90

Crissa, 116

CRITON, land-owner, 252

CRŒSUS, K. of Lydia, 76, 94, 118, 143, 232

Croton, 102,108, 143,156


Cumæ, Cyme (Italy), 107, 110, 123, 128

Customs. See Taxes, etc.

Cyclades: raids on, 49; coins at Taras, 122; iron, 127; mints, 236

Cyclopes, 34, 38

Cyllene, 114

Cyme (Æolis), 65-66, 85, 119, 366

Cyme (Italy). See Cumæ

Cynics, social theories of, 159,188, 219

Cynosarges, 188

Cyprus: Greek influence, 118; metal, 45-46, 49, 53, 56, 58, 125, 128; Phœnicians, 106; pottery, 129, 134; textiles, 266; timber, 63, 259; trade with Ath., 139, 310

Cypselidæ of Cor., 102

CYREBOS, banker, 205, 264

Cyrene, Cyrenaica: founded, 101-03, 107; land-owners, 37; money, 69; pottery, 94,120, 122, 125, 131, 135; trade, 120-22, 135, 312; Aths. migrate to, 334; decline, 370

Cyrnos, Corsica, 110

Cythera, 127

Cyzicos, 232, 236, 334

Dædalids, 95

DALION, explorer, 372

Damascus, 371

Daphnæ, 106

DAREIOS, Metic (Ath.), 185

DARIUS I, K. of Persia, 232

Debt, 73-74, 80, 82, 146, 153, 193, 243, 249, 333, 347-48

Deceleia, 206, 281, 291

DEINARCHOS, orator, 189

DEINOCRATES, architect, 336

Delos: associations, 318-19, 323-24, 339, 356; banks, 363-64; Confederacy of, 230, 236, 304, 309, 313; farming, 347-48; festival, 113, 118, 299; loans, 154, 304, 366; population, 318-19; pottery, 134; prices, 363; public works accounts, 321, 328, 356, 359-60, 363; slaves, 351; trade, prosperity, 338-40, 362-63, 369; trade regulations, 297; transport, 368; wages, 359-60

Delphi, Oracle of Apollo: art, dedications, etc., 128, 142, 151, 231; building works, 227-28, 266, 271, 283-85, 291-92, 296, 302-03, 311, 326; and colonies, 103; Cor. pottery, 143; exchange rates, 233, 237, 304; festival, 50,113; hostelries, 293; looted, 203, 232; manumissions, 192, 195, 199, 203, 217, 351; pilgrims, 116; roads, 114; subscription, 230; Sybaris, 123; treasures, 231-32, 304, 325

DEMEAS, chiton-maker, 205, 225

DEMETER, Thesmophoros, 38

Demetrias, 336

DEMETRIOS, Metic, 182

DEMETRIOS, of Phaleron, 200, 333


Demiurges: Horn, (craftsmen) (see Industry); later (industrials and merchants), 71, 76, 79, 82

DEMODAMAS (Miletos), 370

DEMON (Ath.), 315

DEMOPHILOS, (smelter), 303

DEMOSTHENES: clients, 165-66, 176; factories, 167, 205-06, 217, 225, 228, 239, 267-68, 272-73,281; bottomry cases, 185, 315; on bankers, 185, 306; coinage, 233; credit, 242; Meidias, 202; Phaselis, 310; wealth of State, 248

Diacria, 253; Diacrians, 64

DICÆOCRATES, sons of, mines, 303

Didyma, 351, 356

DIEITREPHES, house-breaker, 175

DIITREPHES, basket-maker, 227

Diobelia, 150

DIO CHRYSOSTOM, on ownership, 153



DIOGENES, philosopher, 188, 201


DION, merchant, 217

Dionysiac artists, 324

DIONYSIOS, explorer, 372-73

DIONYSODOROS, painter, 180

DIONYSODOROS, ship-owner, 185

DIONYSOS, introduced, 64


DIPHILOS, mines, 274

Dipylon vases, 112,134,139

Doctors. See Medicine Dodone, 124

DORYCLEIDAS, sculptor, 95

DRACON, 63,145

DURIS, potter, 182, 226, 267

DUTAS, sculptor, 95

Duties. See Taxes, etc.

Ebro, R., 124

Echinos, 293

Egesta, 311

Egypt, before Ptolemies: Ath. expedition, 297; Egyptians in Attica, 179; corn, 111, 258, 309-11; gold, jewels, 45-46, 125; Greek mercenaries, 100-01; metal-work, 132; Persian conquest, 110, 327; plants from, 261; raids on, 17, 53; textiles, 125, 312; trade and relations with Greeks, 49, 58-59, 75,106,120,126,139,310-11

Egypt, Ptolemaic: size, 318; associations, 323-24; banks, 329; canals, 320; Egyptians at Delos, 338-39; finance, 366-67; Greeks in, 318, 332; industry, 321, 349-59; land-ownership, 320, 329 341-45; mines, quarries, 353-54, 356-59; money, kind, 326-30; monopolies, 353-55; officials, 329-30; public granaries, 329; river navigation, 369-70; State and economic life, 320, 328-29; trade, 362, 371-73

Ekecheiria, 113

Elbe, R., 124, 375

Electron, 46; coins, 68-69, 232-33

Eleusis: agriculture, 247, 253; Ceryces, 27; leases, 230, 254-55; road, 114, 291; public works accounts, 174-76, 180-84, 211-12, 266, 271-72, 280-85, 291-92, 295, 302

Elis, 62, 88

Emporia, 117, 288, 295

Emporion, 110, 124

Epeiros, 108, 327

Ephesos: citizenship sold, 318; duties, 116; port, 113-14; slave-trade, 193; trade, industry, 76, 119, 128, 134, 310-11, 334, 371

EPICRATES, mines, 274, 303

EPICTETOS, vase-painter, 141-42

Epidauros: building contracts, 226-28, 271, 283-84, 292, 302; public slaves, 160

Eranos, 240

Erechtheion, accounts, 172-74, 179-80, 183, 187, 204-05, 209-10, 226-27, 271, 280, 282-84

Erembi, 53, 58

Eretria. See under Euboea

ERGOTELES, potter, 129

ERGOTIMOS, potter, 129, 139

Erythræ, 289, 297

Eschatie, 9, 34-35, 63

Eteocretans. See Crete

Ethiopia, 49, 58, 312, 372

Etruscans, 101, 104, 108-10, 119, 123-24, 126, 128, 135, 138-39, 311

EUANGELOS, steward, 252

Eubœa, Chalcis, Eretria: agreement with Amyntas, 316; alphabet (Ch.), 117, 123; Ath. ships to Ch., 175; building contract (Er.), 302; colonies, 102,105,107,123, 311; communications, 59, 291; expropriation (Er.), 153; farming, 261, 346; Hippobotae (Ch.), 75; metalwork, 66, 125, 127-28, 130, 133, 229; pottery, 124, 134-35; wars of cities, 143

Euboic standard. See Money

EUCHEIROS, potter, 129

EUCRATES, politician, 172


EUDEMOS (Platæa), 292

EUENOR, doctor, 187


EUMARES, painter, 129-30

EUMATHES, banker, 217

EUMENES, Alexander’s sec., 337, 373

Eupatrids, 64, 73, 81

EUPHRANIOS, potter, 143

EUPHRONIOS, potter, 142, 164

EURIPIDES: mother, 165, 176; quoted, 197, 252

Europe, Central, 121, 124, 312, 369, 372

EUTHEROS, friend of Socrates, 161-62, 201

EUTHYCARTIDES, sculptor, 132

EUTHYMENES, explorer, 320, 375

EUTHYMIDES, builder, 226

EUTHYMIDES, potter, 143

Euxine, Scythia: coinage, 326; colonies, 101, 103-06; corn from, 111, 125, 257, 298, 309, 311, 314, 368-69; exploration, 60; exports, trade, 117, 121, 125, 138-39, 143, 309-10, 368-69; Græco-Scythian art, 128; Persians, 110; Scythian inroads, 369; slaves from, 125, 212

EXECIAS, potter, 139,141


Family, genos, 7-9, 61-62, 145-46. See also under Industry, Land, Labour

Fayum, 332, 343

Festivals and trade, 113, 290, 316

Fish, fishing, 26, 37-38, 63, 121, 125, 184, 290, 309-10, 312

Foreigners, hospitality, 48 ff., 54-55, 169, 178-79, 183-84, 191,315-16; at Rhodes, 337. See also Metics, Barbarians

Forests. See Wood

France. See Gaul

Freedmen, manumission, 23, 195, 199, 203, 214-19, 306, 351

Fruit-growing, 40-41,64-65,260-61

Galatians, 179, 369

Gaul, France, Celts: Greek trade and influence, 124,133,312, 326, 362. See also Ligu

Gaza, 311

Gebel Dukhan, 370

Gela, 108

GELLIAS of Acragas, 246

Genos. See Family

Geomori, 73,102

Germany. See Europe, Central

GITIADAS, metal-worker, 94, 133

GLAUCIAS, statuary, 132

Gold: sources, 45, 68, 121, 125, 231, 309; temples, 68; value, 232-34; payments in, 55-56, and see under Money. See also Metal-work

GORGIAS, 161, 187-88

Grave-reliefs, Attic, 164

Great Greece. See Italy

Guardafui, C., 373

GYGES, K. of Lydia, 101


Halicarnassos, 248

Hallstatt culture, 124

Harbours, 51, 58, 107-08, 113-14, 116, 119, 146, 227, 307-08, 321, 336-40, 362, 368, 370, 372


Hectemors, hektemoroi, 81-82, 84


Hellenes, invasion, 7

Hellespont, 50, 298, 309, 324

Helots, 90-93, 96, 202

Hemeroscopion, 110

HEPHÆSTOS, 26-27,42,45,140,182

HERA, Lacinian, 122-23

Heracleia (Euxine), 104, 334

Heracleia (Italy), 230

HERACLEIDES, banker, 303

HERACLEIDES, banker (Delos), 364

HERACLEIDES, Metic (Ath.), 184

HERACLES of Tyre, association, 323, 339

Heralds, 24-25, 27

Herat, Alexandria, 335

HERMES, 24, 112-13; association of Mercury, 323, 339

Herm-sellers, St. of, 264

HERODOTOS, 309; quoted, 160,238

HERON(Alexandria), 342

HERONDAS, quoted, 195, 267, 363

HESIOD: father, 99; on family industries, 24; Iron Age, 70-71, 81; navigation, 52, 114-15, 117; peasant, 41, 64; plutocracy, 77; vehicles, 57

Hesperia, 109

Hibeh, 371

HIERON I, tyr. of Syracuse, 232


Himera, 108; battle, 110


Hippeis. See Knights

HIPPIAS, philosopher, 188, 201, 220 233

Hippobotse, 37, 73, 75,102

HIINPPOCRATES, doctor, 187

HIPPODAMOS (Miletos), 156, 187, 308

HIPPONICOS, (Ath.), 206, 208, 274

Hired men. See under Labour

HISCHYLOS, potter, 141-43

Histiæa, 365

Homeridse, 27

Homeritae, 373

Horses, 36-37, 74

Hospitality. See Foreigners

Hostelries, 292-93, 371

Household economy. See Labour, family

Houses, 11, 22, 285; leases, 239-40. See also Building

House-work, 14 ff., 19-20, 32, 84, 200-02; and see under Slaves

Hunting, 37-38

HYPERBOLOS, politician, 172

Hyperboreians, 121, 125

HYPEREIDES, mines, 303

Iasos, 248

Iberia, Spain, 60, 109, 110, 125, 139, 312

Ida, Mt. (Asia), 127

Ilion, 366

Illyria, 108, 315

India, 320, 362, 370, 372-74

Industry, craftsmen: Horn., Demiurges, 24-29, 31, 42-47, 60; later, 65, 71, 76-77, 119, 126-43, 146, 194-95, 263-87; Ptol. Egypt, 336,349 ff.; family, 14-16, 19, 24, 26, 61, 85, 127, 132, 200, 223-25, 264-66; social distinctions, 166-67; citizens in, 172-76; aristocrats, 75; Metics, 178-83, 191; freed-men, 216-17; slaves, no machinery, 85, 204-08, 269, 352; scale of, and workshops, 42-43, 130-31, 263-64, 267-70, 278-80; investments, returns, 241, 268-69, 273-74; hereditary crafts, technical education, 128-30, 266-67, 277-78, 321, 351-52; 129-30, 274-75; and colonization, 100; State participation, 353. See also Labour, Demiurges, Thetes, and under separate branches

Infants, exposure of, 193

Interest, rates of, 241-44, 365-66

Ionia, Asiatic Greeks: actors’ association, 324; civilization, 126; costume, 132; epics, 58; industry, 119, 128; land-owners, 37; Lydia, 67, 101, 104, 119, 128; mercenaries, 101; metal-work, 132-33; Neleidæ, 101; Persian conquest, 110; pottery, 124-25, 130, 135; trade, 58, 66, 75-76, 117, 138-39, 307; wine, 260

Ios, 365

IPHICRATES, Strategos, 225

Iron: Horn., 43, 45-46; payments in, 55-56; prices, 238; sources, 125, 127, 310, 312; work in (see under Metal)

ISÆOS, orator, 189

ISOCRATES: father, 250; quoted, 227 313 319

Isthmus of Cor.’, 59, 113, 116, 320; Isthmic-Nemeian association, 324

Italy, Great Greece: colonies, 102, 107-09; money, 69, 233; payments, 67; trade, resources, 59, 121-25, 127, 258-59, 311-12; writing, 117; Italians at Delos, 323, 338-40; Hellenistic influence, 362

Ithaca: town, 12; Cretans visit, 50

Ivory, 125, 355, 372

JASON of Pheræ, mother of, 265

JESUS, son of Sirach, quoted, 322

Jewellery, 46, 125, 370

Jews, association, 323, 339

Kandahar, Alexandria, 335

Kiev, 121

Kind, wealth and payments in. See under Wealth

Kleros, 9-10, 87-88, 91-93, 96. See also Cleruchies Knights,

Hippeis, 37, 168-70, 247

Krypteia, 93

Kyanos, 45

Labour: and democracy, 171-72; division of, 24-27, 117, 129-30, 201, 204, 220-29, 321-22, 351-52, 369-70; international division of (see Trade); esteem of, 70-71, 86, 160-67, 322; family, 8, 14-16, 19-20, 200, 222-23, 264, 380-81; forced, 342, 350, 357; hire of, 29-33, 255, 276, 278; labour laws, 163,176,276-77; workman’s life, 279-81, 356-61; decline in Greece, 333; in Ptol. Egypt, 350, 352, 356-59. See also Agriculture, Industry, Slaves, Wages

Lacedaemon. See Sparta

Laciadae, 299

Laconia. See Sparta

LAERTES, farm and staff, 16,39,41, 48

Læstrygons, 60

Lagids. See Egypt, Ptolemaic

LAMPIS, freedman, 217

Lampsacos, 237, 297, 310, 334

Land: family and private ownership, 9-11, 35, 38-39, 61-62, 73, 76, 87-89, 93, 98-99, 146, 246-58; ownership in Ptol. Egypt, 320, 341-45; in Mac., 341; in Seleucid Syria, 345-46; in Hellenistic Greece, 346-48; great landlords, aristocracy, 37, 71, 73-76, 80-82, 146, 160, 165, 170-71, 247-48, 251-52; small proprietors, tenants, 41, 73-74, 79-82, 91,145-46, 165, 171, 246-55; State restrictions, 87-89, 152-53; Metics excluded, 178, 152; sought by colonists, 98-100; great estates formed, speculation, 239-40, 248-50, 262; value, 247-48, 261-62; leases, 230, 239-40, 254-55, 259, 329. See also Cleruchies, Kleroi

Laodiceia, various cities, 335

Laos, 123

Larissa (Æolis), 134

Larissa (Thessaly), 346

Larissa, hostel at Delphi, 293

Latakia, Laodiceia, 335

La Tène culture, 362

Latium, 123

Laureion: new veins discovered, 146; silver from, 229, 234-36; Thracian miners, 178; proposal regarding lead, 300; abandoned, 235. See also Mines

Law, international, 315-16. See also under Trade

Leather-work, 14, 26-27, 47, 95, 181,225,272, 311

Lebadeia, 360-61

Lemnos, 49-50, 55

Leontion, 103-04, 311

Lesbos, Mytilene, 59, 75, 105, 135, 150, 236, 316

Leucas, Strait of, 116

Leucos Limen, 372

Libya, Africa: trade, 49, 53, 59, 107, 119-20, 125, 372-73; caravan-routes, 370; exploration, 372,375

Lighthouses, 336, 367

Liguria, 103, 109-10, 123, 139

Lindos, Chronicle, 133

Lipari Is., 101

“Liturgies,” 154,169-71,178,186, 189, 333

Loans, credit, 69, 80, 238 ff., 247-48, 304-05, 365-67; marine (see Bottomry)

Locri, Epizephyrian (Italy), 66, 99,102,104,108,121,288-89

Locris (Greece), 62, 88, 203, 315; colonies, 99,102,104,107-08

Logographoi, 188

Lycia, 46

LYCON, philosopher, 200

LYCURGOS, lawgiver (Sparta), 88, 157

LYCURGOS, manufacturer (Ath.), 175

Lydia: trade, industry, 58, 76, 118-19, 125, 128; coinage, 67-68; public works, 116, 118; slaves, 18, 125; relations with Greeks, 104,106, 126; Persian conquest, 110; Lydians in Attica, 179,182


LYSIAS, 167, 239, 266, 272; client, 204; on landed property, 254

LYSICLES, politician, 172

Lysimacheia, various cities, 336

LYSIPPOS, sculptor, 277

Macedonia: size, 317-18; coinage, 233; coins at Taras, 122; exports, 184, 259, 270, 309; land-ownersliip, 341; roads, 291, 370; Strymon mines, 231

Macedonian conquest: and coinage, 237; and slavery, 219; corn question during, 298

Machinery, 269-70, 279, 344, 352; absence of, 204-07, 228-29, 274, 352

Mænace, 110

Magdola, 364

Malea, C., 52, 59

MANTITHEOS, mines, 241, 305

Manumission. See Freedmen

Marathon, battle, 146

Mariandynians, 104

Market, agora, Agoranomoi, 12, 48, 113-14, 290, 296-97, 320

Maroneia (Attica), 231

Maroneia (Thrace), 41, 105

Massalia, 103, 110, 124, 312, 375

MASSINISSA, K. of Numidia, 338

Meat, 38, 63

Media, 106

Medicine, doctors, 24-25, 27, 187, 266, 321

Megara (Greece): Ath. boycott, 299, 314; Ath. slaves, 198; colonies, 99, 106, 108; Cor. war, 143; faction, 82, 153; farming, 261,290; industry, 205, 229, 266, 312; nobles in business, 75

Megara Hyblsea (Sicily), 108

MEGASTIIENES, 320, 370, 373

MEIDIAS, Demosthenes’ opponent, 202

MEIDIAS, potter, 226

Meinæans, 373

Melampidæ, 27

Melite, 290

Melos, 128, 134-35

Memphis, 106

MENANDER, on agriculture, 254, 348

MENES, governor, 326

MENON, cloak-maker, 205, 225

MENON, locksmith, 182

Mercenaries, 100-01, 232, 318, 332

MERCURY. See under Hermes

Mermnadæ of Lydia, 67,106

Merv, Antioch, 335

Mesogæa, 253, 257

Messapians, 104, 107

Messenia, 88-89, 202

METAGENES, architect, 269

Metal: sources (see Mines); wealth in, 11, 55-56; circulation of, 231-32; work in, statues, etc., 26-27, 42, 44-47, 94, 120, 128-29, 130-33, 182, 187, 205, 225, 270, 311-12, 352-53; speculation, 306-07

Metapontion, 121

Methone, 314

Metics: condition, 163-64, 178-79, 316; in art, 187; business, 140, 173-77, 179-85, 239, 242, 306, 318; freed-men, 215, 218; intellectual activity, 187-90; excluded from land, 178, 182, 239, 242; wealth, influence, 186, 190-91; at Rhodes, 337

METON, astronomer, 187

MICCIADES, sculptor, 128

MICON, artist, 130

MIDAS, slave, 210, 281

Miletos: Aeinautai, 75,125; alphabet, 117; colonies, 101, 105-06, 123; Egypt, Milesians’ Wall, 106-07; Thales’ oil-trust, 126; trade, industry, 66, 85, 117, 119, 125,128,130,132,134,138, 143, 229, 266, 312; Hellenistic business, prosperity, public works, population, 321, 334-35, 351, 355-56; wars, 143

Mines (chiefly Laureion): State rights, concessions, 151-52, 182-83, 231, 303, 341, 353; organization, working, 183, 206, 208-09, 225, 263, 267, 272-73, 282, 356-57; plant, 269-70; capital invested, 194, 268, 273-74; profits, 273-74; labour laws, 276-77; treatment of slaves, 198, 206, 280-81, 356-57. See also Copper, Gold, Iron, Silver, Tin

Misthoi, 147-49, 172, 333

MNESIERGOS, letter of, 253

Mnoitae, 83

Money: circulation of metals, 231-32, 325; economic and social effects, 63, 71, 75-78, 80, 116, 237, 325-31; gold and silver, 68, 232-33, 325-26; electron, 68-69, 232-33; copper, 328; local currencies, 63, 233-34, 236; ¿Eginetan and Euboic systems, 67-69, 237; exchange, 233, 236-37, 297, 304; value in fourth century, 306; Ath., 211, 234-37, 311, 314; Sparta, 95. See also Wealth, Banking, Loans, Capital

Monæcos, 110

Mortgage, 241, 249, 365

Music, 189, 266 (and see Bards); instruments, 227

Mycenæ, 59

Mycenæan civilization, 7, 47, 55, 57,128

Myconos, 134

MYLIAS, freedman, 217

Myos Hormos, 372

Myra, 368

MYS, bronze-worker, 187

MYS, potter, 182

Mytilene. See Lesbos

Nabataeans, 373

Natural economy. See under Wealth

Naucratis, 104, 106-07, 113, 116-17,119-20,124-25,135,143

Naurouze, Col de, 124

NAUSICLES, mines, 303

NAUSICYDES, miller, 205, 228, 264

Nautodikai of the Peiraeeus, 276, 301

Navigation. See Ship-building

Naxos, 127,130,132

NEARCHOS, admiral, 320, 373

NEARCHOS, potter, 129,141

Neleidae, 99

Nemea, 113; Isthmic-Nemeian association, 324

NESIOTES, sculptor, 187

Nicæa, Nice, 110

NICIAS, 206, 208, 274, 281

NICOBULOS, merchant, 241

NICOMACHOS, clerk, 217

NICOSTHENES, potter, 139, 141-43, 225-26

Nile: navigation, 369-70; sources, 372

Norway, explored, 375

ODYSSEUS: wealth, 11, 35-36; slaves, 16, 20; as worker, 14-15; as trader and adventurer, 53

Œnoe, name, 64

Oikistes, 103,105

Oil: olive, 41, 64-65,125,129, 237, 259-60, 309-10, 312; other plants, 321, 349, 354, 358

Olbia (Liguria), 110

Olbia (Scythia), 106,119,124,128, 236, 259, 297, 309, 353, 366

Olive. See Oil

Olympia, 113-14, 123, 130-31, 133, 230, 232

OLYMPIAS, Queen, 326

Olynthos, 309

ONATAS, statuary, 133

ONESIMOS, dyer, 181

ONESIMOS, painter, 142

Oratory, 188-89

Oreos, 291

Ortygia, 101

Oscans, 123

Oxus R., 374-75

Pagasse, 318

Painting, 130, 266, 277; vase-painting (see Pottery)

PAMPHæOS, potter, 141-43


PAMPHILOS, Metic, 185

Panathenæa, 170, 260

Pangæos, Mt., 231-33, 309, 325

PANTÆNETOS, mines, 208, 241

Panticapaeon, 106

Paphlagonians: in Attica, 179; slaves, 310

Parastasis, 117, 295


Parnes, Mt., 253, 259

Paros, 99, 101, 105, 127, 130, 132, 353, 361

PARRHASIOS, painter, 187

Parthians, 375

PASION, banker, 182, 185-86* 205, 210, 217, 268, 303, 305

PASION, mason, 302

Pastures. See Stock-breeding

Patræ, 266

PATROCLES, 320, 370

Peiræeus: town, harbour, 146, 187, 227, 307-08; roads, 291; business, 184-85, 190, 227, 263, 267, 269, 307-08, 312, 315; corn, customs, 298-99, 303; democracy, 171-72, 190; Metics, 179, 310; theatre, 303

Peisistratids, 257, 291

PEISISTRATOS, 63, 82,146

Pelasgians, 50

Pellene, 229, 266

Peloponnesian War, 171, 232, 249, 250, 253, 309-10

Penestæ, 83

Pentacosiomedimni, 168-69, 247

Pentelicon, Mt., 130, 132, 291

“Peoples of the Sea,” 49

Pergamon, 320, 324, 334, 351-52, 355, 371

PERIANDROS, tyr. of Cor., 86, 116, 122

PERICLES: power, 171-72; policy, 148, 163, 168, 307; public works, 150, 163; on Ath. trade, 314; estate, 166, 201, 230, 252; in Euxine, 309; Anaxagoras, 187

Perioeci, Perioikis, 88-89, 93-96

Persia: and Phœnicians, 106; conquers East, Egypt, 110, 327; relations with Greeks, 232, 307, 310-11; Persian Wars, 110, 145-46; Alexander conquers, 233, 317, 373; lucern from, 258; coinage, 68, 232; treasures, 232-3; carpets, 312; Persian Gulf explored, 320

Phæacians, Scheria, 9, 12-13, 57-58, 99, 102-03

PHAEINOS, astronomer, 187

PHÆNIPPOS, land-owner, 250-51

PHALEAS (Chalcedon), social theory, 156, 211

Phaleron, 307

Pharos I., 336

Phaselis, 310-11

Phasis, city, 106, 309-10

PHEIDIAS, doctor (Rhodes), 187

PHEIDIAS, sculptor, 130, 270

Pheiditia, 89-90

Pheræ, 293

PHILEMON, comic writer, 190, 219, 254

PHILIP, K. of Mac., 232-33, 325-26

PHILIPPOS, mines, 303

PHILOMELOS (Phocis), 202


PHILON, banker (Delos), 364

PHILON, iron-merchant (Ath.), 175, 182

Philosophy: and science, 126; in Ath., 187-88; in West, 109

PHILOXENOS, musician, 189

PHINTIAS, potter, 140, 142

Phocæa, 68, 103, 106, 109-10, 122, 124, 236

Phocis, 62, 134, 199, 202-03, 232, 291

Phœnicia, Tyre, Sidon: early trade, piracy, relations with Greeks, 17-19,46,49-50, 53, 58-59; power and decline, 109; industry, 18-19, 46, 49,128 18, 310-12; writing, 116; Greek influence, 126; influence on Greece, 128; on Cythera, 127; at Delos, 323, 338-39. See also Carthage

PHORMION, Metic, 185, 208, 210, 217, 250, 303, 306

Phortegia, 117, 295

Phrygians, 178-79

Picentini, 124

PINDAR, on land-owners, 246

Pirates, 10, 17-18, 48-53, 100-01, 112, 315, 337, 370

PISTOXENOS, potter, 142

Pitchers, Feast of, 212

PITTALACOS, Govt, slave, 212-13

Platæa, 203, 293; battle, 110

Platea I„ 101,103

PLATO, 188, 200, 249; social theory, 148, 156-57, 319; on Cleruchies, 149; colonization, 98; farming, 255, 259; forestry, 227, 256-57; labour, 162, 220-21, 265-66, 276; slaves, 196-97, 202, 211; Sparta, 90; trade, 48, 288, 296, 300

Plough, 40, 256

PLUTARCH, quoted, 95, 160-61


POLOS, philosopher, 188

POLYBIUS, quoted, 333


POLYCRATES, tyr. of Samos, 130-31

POLYGNOTOS, 161, 187

POLYIDOS, musician, 189

POLYPHEMOS, dairy, 37

Population: excess, 98; decrease, 332-34,359,361; Sparta, 96

POSEIDON of Berytos, association, 323, 339

Posts, 293, 371

Potidæa, 105, 309

Pottery, vase-painting: Horn., 26-27, 47; archaic, 134-35; hereditary, 266; apprentices, 277-78; specialization, 130, 225-26; plant, 270; Metics, 182,187; State, 353; trade, 117, 121, 124-25, 143, 309-12, 363; Ath., 138-42; Cor., 129, 135-38; Cyrene, 120, 131; Delos, 339; Sparta, 94, 131; Rhodes, 338

Pramnian wine, 41

PRIAM, household, 8

Prices: Horn., 55-56; effect of money on, 80, 237-38, 331, 359; cost of living, 285-87, 358-60. See also under the Commodities

Priene, 334, 363

PRODICOS, philosopher, 188

Property: private, 9-11, 61; movable, 9-11, 69, 71, 74-75, 82, 191; State and, 146-54, 248. See also Wealth, Socialism, and under Land

Propontis, 106, 143, 309-10


PROTOGENES, sculptor, 277

PROTOS, Metic, 185

Proxenos, 316

PSAMMETICHOS, Pharaoh, 101

Ptolemies. See Egypt, Ptolemaic

PTOLEMY I, Soter, 336



Purple, 127-28,132

Puteoli, 339, 369

Pydna, 370

Pylos, 50, 59

Pyrene, 110

PYRRHOS, K. of Epeiros, 320, 327

PYTHAGORAS, philosopher, 156

PYTHAGORAS, sculptor, 130

PYTHEAS, explorer, 320, 375-76

PYTHIOS, Lydian, 118, 231, 238


PYTHON, potter, 142

Pyxus, 123

Quarries. See under Stone

Rarian Plain, 257

Red Sea, 370, 372

Rentiers, 166-67

Rhacotis, 336

Rhegion, 107,123, 311, 324

Rhode (Spain), 110, 261

Rhodes: founded, 99; associations, 323; coinage, 326, 328; colonies, 101, 108; Cor. vases, 134; Delos, 339; marine code, 337, 369; mercenaries, 101; metalwork, 142; pottery, 124, 134, 353; Ptolemy III, 357; Rome, 337-38; siege, 195; Hellenistic trade and prosperity, 337-38,369, 372


RHCŒOS, metal-worker, 120, 130, 132

Rhone, R., 124

Roads, land communications: Greece, 57, 114, 291, 370; Asia, 118-19; Africa, 370, 372-73; slaves, 211

Rome: early, 123, 311; and Delos, 318-19,338-40; and Rhodes, 337-38; usury under, 365

Sabæans, 373

Saïs, 119

Salamis, battle, 110, 146

Salentines, 104

Samos: colonies, 106; corn, tax, 347; industry, 128, 132-33, 143; shipping, 116, 129, 131; trade, 106-07; war, 143

SARAPIS, association, 323

Sardis, 67-68, 118 Sarmatians, 103

SATYROS, banker, 217

SATYROS, engineer, 369

Scambonidse, 290

Scapte Hyle, 231

Scheria. See Phaeacians

Science, 126. See also Machinery

Scopads of Crannon, 246

Sculpture, 44,95,128-30,132,141, 172, 187, 226-27, 266, 270, 277; bronze statues (see under Metal)

Scythia. See Euxine

Sea-marks, 294

Seisachtheia, 82, 84

Seleuceia, various cities, 335

Seleuceia on Tigris, 371

Seleuceia Pieria, 371

Seleucids. See under Syria


Selinus, 108

Serfs, 23, 71, 82-84, 104, 202, 345. See also Helots

Ship-building, navigation, 15, 27, 31-32, 44, 51-52, 57-58, 114-16, 129, 131, 184, 227, 293-96, 315-16; Ath. fleet, control of shipping, 147, 169-70, 178, 268, 314-15, 333; Hellenistic, 367-68, 373, 375-76; Alexandria, 336; Rhodian code, 337, 369; river, 369-70

Siberia, 121

SICELOS, potter, 182

Sicily: early trade, 59, 101, 107; colonies, 102, 104, 107-09; land-owners, 37, 121; money, kind, 63, 67, 69, 109, 233, 326; trade, 107, 121-22, 311; farming, corn, 111, 121, 124, 258; culture, 109; Sicilian expedition, 291, 297, 311

SICON, figurines, 143

SICONIDES, vase-painter, 141

Sicyon, 123, 128

Sidon. See Phoenicia

Sigeion, 125

Sigynnes, 124

Silesia. See Europe, Central

Silphium, 120-21, 312

Silver: Horn., 46; coinage, value, 232-34; sources, scarcity, 45, 60, 125, 231, 312. See also Laureion

Sinope, 106, 309-11,334

Siphnos, 68,151,231

Siris, 123

SISYPHOS, Metic, 180,182

Slaves: ideas on slavery, 155, 158-59,188,191-92,195, 218-19, 351; sources, trade, 17-19, 62, 84, 121, 125, 192-94, 309-11, 351; prices, 18, 194-95; hire, 204, 207-11, 240, 273; numbers, 199-200, 350-51; legal position, condition, 20-23, 193, 195-98; house and family work, 16, 19-20, 84, 200-02, 350; agriculture, 20, 22, 84, 202-04, 207, 350; industry, 84-86,140,204-07,228, 267-69, 273, 350-51, 381; State slaves, 160, 211-13, 282; insurance against flight, 364. See also Freedmen

Smyrna, 334, 353, 364

Socialism and communism, 148-49,154-59, 348

SOCLES, banker, 217

SOCRATES, banker, 207

SOCRATES, philosopher, 167, 280, 304; social theory, 156,163; on farmers, 251; on investments, 209, 240; on labour, 161-62, 164, 263

SOLON: in business, 75; social reforms, 82, 84, 146, 168, 301; economic legislation, 63-64, 129, 166, 257, 296; quoted, 71, 77

Soothsayers, 24-25, 27

Sophists, 187-88, 219

SOPHOCLES: father, 167, 205; quoted, 311

SOSIAS, mines, 183,186, 206

SOSTRATOS, architect, 336

SOSTRATOS, Metic, 182-83

Spain. See Iberia

Sparta, Laconia, Lacedaemon: reputation in antiquity, 86, 161; organization, 87-97; land-ownership, 87-89, 93, 96, 153, 346; money, wealth, 63, 67, 246; agriculture, 89-92; stock-breeding, 94-95; horses imported, 124; art, industry, trade, 89-90, 94-96, 112, 122, 127, 131,133-35,143,232; army, 89-92; population, 96; Talthybiadae, 27; road, 59; colonies, 104, 107-08. See also Helots, Periceci

Speculation, 69, 250, 298, 306-07, 311,364

Spice Coast, 373

State: domains, 151-52, 254-55, 341-46,353 (and see Mines); finance, loans, banking, 153-54, 233-37, 305, 365-66 (and see Money); State banks, 366-67; public works fostering trade, 116, 118, 362, 370-71, 373; control of economic life, monopolies, 300, 320, 329, 56, 368, 370-71; public offices, 319-20, 329-30; State and colonization, 103; and interest, 242; and labour, 163, 176, 276-77; and property, 87-89, 152-54, 159, 248; the large Hellenistic State, 317 ff. See also Sparta, Taxes, and under Contracts, Slaves, Trade

Stathmoi, 118-19, 371

STEPHANOS (Ath.), 200

Stock-breeding, pasture: Horn., 8, 11, 20, 26, 30, 34 ff.; prices, 80, 237; archaic, 63-64, 127; Sparta, 94-95; West, 121; Attica, 258-59; import of stock, 309-11; Ptol. Egypt, 345-46

Stoics, 188; theories, 159, 351

Stone, stone-work, quarries, 44, 127, 129-30, 132, 172, 226-27, 281, 310, 312, 321, 349, 358-59, 370; State quarries, 152, 353. See also Sculpture, Building

STRATON, philosopher, 200

Stratonice, 335

Stratoniceia, 134

Strikes, 359, 361

Strymon, R., 231

STYPHAX, sculptor, 187

Sudan, 120, 370

Sunion, 194

Sybaris, 102, 108-09, 122-23, 132, 143

Syene, 370

Syracuse: founded, 99,101,108-04, 108; organization, 102,104, 121; city, coinage, 108; taxes, 230; industry, 266, 281; trade, 333, 369; and Ath., 311; actors’ association, 324

Syria (Asia), relations with Greece before Mac. conquest, 125, 138, 179

Syria, Seleucid kingdom: size, 318; associations, 323-24; government, 335; Greek immigrants, 332; industry, 355; land, agriculture, 345-46; natural economy, 327; State domains, 353

Syria I., 50

SYRISCOS, potter, 182

Syssitiai, 353-89-90

Talthybiadae (Sparta), 27

Tanais, city, 312

Taphians, 17, 45, 49, 55

Taras, 104, 107-08, 122, 266, 312, 339, 369

Tarsos, 118

Tartessos, 60,109, 110

Tauromenion, 347

Taxes, duties, tolls, 116; in kind, 327, 329; Ath., 153-54,169, 178, 183, 298-99, 312-18; Byzantion tolls, 337; Olbia tax, 297; Rhodes customs, 338, 372; Samos tax, 347

Tegea, 128, 361

Tekton, 25-27, 44, 226-27

Telchines (Rhodes), 142

TELECLES, statuary, 128

TELESTES, musician, 189

Temenos, 39

Temples: treasures in, 231, 233, 238, 303-04, 366; leaseholds, 254-55; economic activity in Egypt, 330, 343, 349

Tenos, 324

Teos, 62,106, 315

Textiles, clothing: home industry, 15, 19, 38, 85, 132, 200, 223-25, 264-65; separate trade, 85, 125, 129, 131-32, 181, 266, 270, 321; imports from East, etc., 48-49, 59, 125, 310, prices, 238; Cos, 352; Miletos, 355; Pergamon, 352; Sparta, 95; Ptol. Egypt, 349, 352, 355, 358


Thasos, 99,105, 151, 231, 294, 353

Thebes (Bceotia), 88, 114, 160, 203, 261, 272, 293, 324

Theline, 110

THEMISTOCLES, 171, 307, 311

THEOCLES, sculptor, 95

THEODOROS, Metic, 185

THEODOROS, statuary, 94, 128, 130, 132

THEOGNIS, quoted, 75, 82, 153

THEOPHRASTOS, 188,200; miser of, 208, 210, 244

THEOPOMPOS, land-owner, 249-50

Theorika, 150-51

Thera, 64-65, 102-03, 134

Theseion, 175, 289

Thesmothetai, 301

THESON, potter, 129

Thespiæ, 160

Thesprotians, 17

Thessaly: society, 37, 62, 83, 202, 246; pottery, 134; slave-trade, 193; taxes, 230; Cyrene, 102,107; road, 291; agricultural decline, 346

Thetes: Horn, (hired men), see under Labour; later (small craftsmen, retailers, labourers), 79,168-70 (and see under Land, small proprietors)

THETTALE, Metic, 181, 184

Thirty Tyrants, put down, 153-54

Thoricos, 281

Thrace: trade (Horn.), 49-50, 58; wealth, colonies, 105; exports, 41, 50, 125, 127, 184, 231, 260, 309; slaves from, 309; miners from, 178; coins at Taras, 122; road, 291; waterways, 369; Aths. migrate to, 333-34

THRASYMEDES, (Paros), 275

Thria, Plain of, 247

THUCYDIDES, quoted, 34, 62, 163, 171

Thurii, 311

Tigris R., navigation, 369

TIMARCHOS, shoe-manufr., 205-06, 210, 249, 267-69, 273, 281

TIMODEMOS, banker, 217

TIMOMACHOS, woodman, 167

TIMOSTHENES, admiral, 368

TIMOTHEOS, general, 270, 305

TIMOTHEOS, musician, 189

Tin, 45, 125, 375

Tithorea, 113

TLEPOLEMOS, hero, 99

TLEUPOLEMOS, potter, 141

Tools, Horn., 44

Trade: Mycenaean, 107; Horn., 8, 48-60; later, 65-66, 69-70, 77, 106-07, 112-26, 146, 288 ff.; and colonization, 101-03, 108-10; Mediterranean market, 111-12; law, 112-14, 183, 288-89, 296-301, 315-16; capital in, 241, 243, 302; merchant class, 125-26, 150, 176-77, 183-86, 190-91, 209, 216, 314-15, 362 (and see Demiurges, Thetes); aristocrats in, 75; social and moral effects, 65-66, 70-72, 125-26, 130, 245; Sparta, 95; Ath. supremacy, 307-16; Hellenistic, 334, 337-39; as State service, 320, 355. See also Labour, and under various commodities

Trade unions. See Associations

Tragedy, 189

Transport, 206, 227-28, 291-93, 295-96, 315, 368-71

Trapezus, 106, 370

Troad, 50

Trœzen, 102, 238

Troglodyte Coast, 373

Tyrants, 79, 317

Tyre. See Phoenicia

TYRTÆOS, quoted, 87

Umbrians, 123

Ural Mts., 121

Utensils as currency, 55-56

VARRO, 255

Vegetable-growing, 40, 261, 288

Vehicles, 44, 57, 191-92. See also Cartwright

Venetia, 123-24

Vine, wine, 40-41, 64-65, 125, 129, 247, 259-60, 309, 312, 345-47

Wages, 32, 43; in food, 230; rates and methods, 166, 174, 204-05,212,282-87; Hellenistic, 329-30, 357-61

War: and slavery, 17; retailers and armies, 290-91; Ath. army, 147-48, 169-70, 178; Spartan army, 89-92

Wealth, 77-78; in cattle, 11, 38, 55; metal, treasure, 11, 48, 55-56, 231-32; wealth and payments in kind, 63, 69, 230, 327-30, 366-67. See also Property, Capital

Weapons: Horn., 45; right to bear, 74; manufacture (see Metal, work in)

Weights, measures: length, area, 39,55; capacity, 55; iEgine-tan and Euboic systems, 66 ff.; Metronomoi, 297

Wine. See VineM

Women: Horn., 14-16, 31-32; slave, 18-19, 199; freed, 217; crafts, 263

Wood: forests and supplies, 8, 63, 125, 127, 175, 256-57, 259, 309-12, 341; work in, 14-15, 25-27, 44, 94-95, 172, 175 226-27

Writing: effect on trade, 116-17; Chalcidian alphabet, 123

WU-TI, Emp. of China, 375

Xenelasia, 95

XENOPHANES (Colophon), 84

XENOPHANES (Syros), 356

XENOPHON: proposalsaboutmines, 182, 206, 209, 211, 243, 273; on Ath., 308; division of labour, 221-23; farming, 203, 245, 251-52, 255-56, 259, 262; household staff, 201; industry, 267, 272, 277; monarchy, 319; sailing speeds, 294; troops and trade, 291

XERXES, K. of Persia, 116, 118, 238

ZACYNTHOS, 63, 127

Zancle, 101, 107-08, 123

ZENO, 188

Zeugitae, 79, 149, 168-71, 247, 251

ZEUS: Idsean, 128; of Olympia, 123; Xenios, 54

ZEUXIS, painter, 187