
Africa, 48, 181, 183

agriculture, 16, 17

Antarctica, 8

antinuclear movement/protests, 217, 218–220, 219 (photo)

AP1000 reactor, 158–159, 179, 180

APR1400 reactor, 160 (photo), 161, 167

Arctic Sea, 9

AREVA, 159

Argentina, 133

Arizona, 62–63, 64, 66

armed conflict, 11

Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, 140

Asia, 8, 48, 165, 181, 183

Assured Nuclear Fuel Services Initiative, 137

Atlantic conveyor belt, 9

atomic bombings, 100, 101, 130

Australia, 43–44, 68

automobile(s), 193, 225

accidents, 104, 105 (fig.)

electric, 224, 224 (photo), 226

aviation, 104, 105, 105 (fig.), 108–109

Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict, 140

Bangladesh, 182–183, 226

Banqiao, China, 97

battery storage and technology, 64, 68–71

Belarus, 182–183

Belgium, 27, 207

Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, 185 (photo)

Bhutan, 140

biofuels, 23

biomass, 22, 40

BN-600, -800, and -1200 reactors, 185–186, 185 (photo)

Boston, 7, 8 (photo), 10

Brazil, 133

Breakthrough reactor program, Russia, 183–187, 212

British Columbia, 199–200, 200 (photo), 201

Brownback, Sam, 218

Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant incident, 76

California, 6, 7, 10, 77, 82, 83 (photo), 84, 97, 204–205

nuclear power in, 63

nuclear power plant closings in, 150–151, 151 (fig.)

renewables in, 54, 62–63, 66, 67

Cambodia-Thailand conflict, 140

Canada, 97, 163, 213, 226

cap-and-trade system in, 205

carbon emissions in, 208

carbon price in, 199–200, 200 (photo), 201

coal to nuclear power in, 207–208

fourth-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 168

fusion reactor in, 169–170

hydroelectric power in, 148–149, 208

nuclear reactors in, 208

radioactive waste storage in, 122

CAP1400 reactor, 179, 179 (fig.), 180

cap-and-trade system, 202–206

capitalism, 15, 207

carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), 172–173

carbon emissions, 3, 5 (fig.), 29, 33, 44, 46, 112 (photo), 212–213

in Canada, 208

carbon-intensive model and, 212–213

carbon price and, 191–192

in China, 46, 51, 174, 175, 177

climate change and, 172

coal and, 96, 170

computer simulations of, 15

deaths and, for electricity generation, 94 (fig.), 95

energy consumption, world population growth and, 50–52

in France, 154

in Germany, 29, 30 (fig.), 144

global temperature and, 11–12

in India, 174, 188

in Japan, 154

methane and, 80, 81, 172

in New England, 149, 150

rate of, 3–5

reduction model (French), 209–211, 209 (fig.)

reduction model (MIT), 3–6, 15–16, 73

reduction model (Swedish), 209–210, 209 (fig.)

reduction technology (see technology; nuclear reactor design and technology)

renewables and, 53–55, 55 (fig.)

in Sweden, 21 (fig.), 29, 30 (fig.), 156

trading system, 198, 202–204, 203 (fig.), 205–206

in United States, 174–175

See also carbon pollution; carbon price; decarbonization

Carbon Fee and Dividend, 199

carbon pollution. See carbon emissions

carbon price (aka carbon fee; carbon tax), 191–206, 194 (fig.). See also carbon emissions

Carter, Jimmy, 45, 193

CCS. See carbon capture and sequestration

centrifuges, 129, 130 (photo)

Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident, 92–93, 113, 157–158

China, 81, 95, 97, 174–176, 176 (fig.), 177–181, 205, 214, 216

carbon emissions in, 46, 51, 174, 175, 177

coal-burning power in, 4, 56, 58, 181

electricity generation in, 47, 57 (fig.), 77

energy consumption in, 46, 47, 48

floating nuclear reactor, 186

fourth-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 162, 163, 168

nuclear power exports, 181

nuclear reactor(s)/construction/design/standardization and replication/policy change need in, 23, 159, 174–176, 178–181, 179 (photo), 211, 216, 226

Russia, and India as key players in climate change solution, 174–190

solar and wind power in, 61, 62, 65, 177

third-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 160, 179, 179 (photo), 180

The China Syndrome (film), 91, 105

China-India conflict, 140

Citizens Climate Lobby, 199

clean energy, 22, 38–40, 44, 59, 77, 151, 156, 175–176, 216

bipartisan support for, 218

Swedish and German rates of addition, 39, 39 (fig.)

climate change, 3–18

asteroid metaphor and, 12–14, 220

capitalism and, 15, 207

coal as leading cause of, 114, 210

costs, burden sharing and, 223

electricity and, 16–18 (see also electricity; electricity generation)

environmentalism (see environmentalists/environmentalism)

global temperature and, 11–12, 15–16

innovation and, 225–226

politics and, 14, 201, 216–220, 223

pollution and (see carbon emissions; carbon pollution)

population and (see world population/population growth)

risks vs. nuclear power risks, 209

technology and, 16, 75 (see also nuclear reactor design and technology)

timing and, 15–16

tipping points and, 7–12

train metaphor and, 114–115, 115 (photo)

two types of, 6–12

United States and, 218

worst-case outcomes, 10

climate change solutions, 14–15

carbon emissions reduction (see reduction models under carbon emissions)

China, Russia, and India as key players in, 174–190

Drawdown solutions, 75–76

nuables (nuclear power plus renewables), 40, 54, 55, 55 (fig.), 72, 73–74, 74 (photo), 224, 226

nuclear power, 75–76

renewables, 100% (Stanford model), 71–72, 73–74, 76–77

renewables alone, 72

See also Paris Agreement

coal-burning power plants, 31–33, 32 (photo), 35–37, 39–40, 48–50, 184, 198

coal/coal-burning power, 4–5, 61, 66–67, 114, 144, 148, 187–188

accidents/safety record of, 93, 94–95

carbon emissions and, 96, 170

in China, 56, 58, 181

deaths and illness from, 94–96, 96 (fig.), 105, 112 (photo)

electricity and, 56, 58

in Germany, 30–34, 35–37, 39–40, 156

lignite, 30–34, 32 (photo)

methane as substitute for, 78–81, 80 (photo), 82

to nuclear power, in Canada, 207–208

vs. nuclear power, 21–22, 24–25, 28, 90, 93–94

in Sweden, 21–22, 24–25

waste vs. radioactive waste, toxicity of, 117, 124–125

Cold War, 11, 107–108, 107 (photo), 129, 137, 138

Connecticut, 150, 152

Czech Republic, 132 (photo)

deaths and/or illness

from carbon emissions for electricity generation, 94 (fig.), 95

from coal, 94–96, 96 (fig.), 105, 112 (photo)

from hydroelectric dam failures, 97

from nuclear accidents, 89–91, 92–93, 95–96, 96 (fig.), 102

from radiation, 98–102

decarbonization, 19, 44–46, 72, 80, 162, 165, 172, 206, 207, 212 (fig.), 214, 225, 226

China, India, Russia and, 174

defined, 5–6

electricity generation, carbon emissions and, 212–213

global temperature and, 15–16

model countries and, 19 (see also Germany; Sweden)

nuables and, 54, 55, 55 (fig.)

see also carbon emissions

Deepwater Horizon accident, 95, 97

Deepwater Wind, 60

Denmark, 56

Denver, Colorado, 98

Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, 150–151, 151 (fig.)

Drawdown solutions, 75–76

earthquakes, 11, 87–91, 93, 102, 105, 154, 158, 166

economic growth, 23, 44, 175, 177, 206, 213

Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor, 159

economic(s), 218–219, 220–223

revamping, 213–215, 213 (photo)

Economist, 58

Ecowatch Global Green Economy List, 225

Egypt, 183, 226

Ehrlich, Paul, 52

electric highway, 213 (photo)

electricity, 32 (fig.), 72, 148–149, 153 (fig.), 187, 213–214

battery storage and, 68–71

carbon emissions and, 53–55, 55 (fig.)

coal-burning power plants and, 48–50, 56, 58, 117

nuclear power and, 53–55, 55 (fig.), 56, 75–76, 144–145, 150

nuclear weapons and, 113, 124, 134, 154

solar power and, 49, 53–55, 55 (fig.), 56, 62–68

units used to measure, 17–18, 18 (fig.)

wind power and, 53–55, 55 (fig.), 59–61, 74–75

electricity generation, 16–18, 20–28, 29–40, 43, 47, 57 (fig.), 149

reducing carbon-intensity of, 212–213

deaths and carbon emissions and, 94 (fig.), 95

in developing countries, 48–50

See also energy consumption; under specific countries and states

electrification, 213–215, 213 (photo)

Emissions Trading System (ETS), 198, 202–204, 203 (fig.), 205–206

Energiewende (energy transition) policy, 29, 33, 39, 39 (fig.), 55, 69, 212 (fig.)

energy conservation, 43, 44–45, 201–202

energy consumption, 43–50, 49 (photo)

carbon emissions, world population growth and, 50–52

income, world population growth and, 51–52

in poorer vs. richer countries, 45–50, 47 (fig.)

See also electricity generation

energy efficiency, 14–15, 17, 43–46

energy sources

subsidized, 147–148, 152

energy storage, 68 (see also battery storage and technology)

environmentalists/environmentalism, 225

climate change and, 12, 14, 50–51

nuclear power and, 53, 59, 93–94, 154, 217, 221

nuclear waste and, 124

personal behavior and, 45

solar power and, 67

world population, climate change and, 50–51

EPR reactor (orig. European Pressurized Reactor), 56, 159–160, 179–180, 189

ESBWR reactor, 159

Ethiopia, 181

ETS. See Emissions Trading Ssytem

Europe, 181

carbon emissions, energy consumption, and population growth in, 51–52

deaths and carbon emissions for electricity generation in, 94 (fig.), 95

deaths from nuclear power and coal in, 96 (fig.)

flooding in, 6

fourth-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 165

“lights on but solar power off,” 65 (photo)

methane in, 79

pollution from power plants in, 33

solar power in, 38, 62

third-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 158–159

wind power in, 38

European Pressurized Reactor. See EPR

European Union, 197, 198, 202–204, 203 (fig.)

extreme weather, 6–7

Fantanele-Cogealac wind project, 36–37, 36 (photo)

fast breeder reactors, 188, 189

fear. See nuclear power: risks and fears

Finland, 22, 23, 56, 119–120, 127, 182–183, 207, 226

third-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 159–160

first-generation nuclear reactor design and technology, 157. See also third–generation nuclear reactor design and technology; fourth–generation nuclear reactor design and technology

flooding, 6, 7–8, 8 (photo), 13 (photo). See also sea–level rise

Fonda, Jane, 91

Forbes list of Best Countries for Doing Business, 225

Forsmark nuclear power plant, 23–24

fossil fuels, 5, 78, 90, 93, 156, 187, 207

vs. nuclear power, 20–22, 24–25

phasing out, 16–17

See also specific fossil fuels

fourth-generation nuclear reactor design and technology, 161–169, 225

offshore oil-drilling platforms and, 166–167

in Russia, 183–187, 185 (photo), 212, 226

shipyard methods and, 165–168, 166 (photo)

Small Modular Reactor and, 163, 164 (photo)

in United States, 161–169, 218

See also nuclear reactor design and technology

fracking, 4, 79, 80, 81

France, 35 (photo), 54, 122, 169, 207, 217, 226

carbon emissions reduction model in, 209 (fig.) 209–211

nuclear power in, 27–28, 113, 154

nuclear reactor design and policy change need in, 159–160, 210–211, 212–213, 212 (fig.)

solar power in, 35 (photo)

third-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 159–160

fuel-efficiency standards, 193

fuel-reprocessing facilities, 135

Fukushima nuclear reactor accident, 30, 88–91, 90 (photo), 100, 101–102, 105, 111, 143–144, 153, 153 (fig.), 154

fusion power, 71

fusion reactor, 169–170

Gates, Bill, 70, 162, 184

General Electric, 159

geoengineering, 170–173

carbon capture and sequestration, 172–173

carbon capture, atmospheric, 172

reflective geoengineering, 170–172, 171 (fig.)

Georgia (US state), 159

Germany, 29–40

antinuclear movement/protests in, 219 (photo)

carbon emissions in, 144

carbon price in, 198

coal/lignite/coal-burning power plants in, 30–34, 32 (photo), 35–37, 39–40, 50, 156, 184, 187, 198

electricity fuel mix in, 32 (fig.)

electricity generation in, 77

Energiewende (energy transition) policy in, 29, 33, 39, 39 (fig.), 55, 69, 212 (fig.)

fossil fuels replacing nuclear power in, 90, 93

GDP in, 2

methane in, 79

methane imports from Russia to replace coal, 187

negative pricing in, 63

nuclear power costs in, 221

nuclear power in, 37, 216

nuclear power in, phasing out, 30–31, 33–34, 39–40

nuclear power closings in, 143–144, 151, 154, 156

nuclear reactor design in, 157, 211

renewables in, 29–30, 54

second-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 157

vs. Sweden, and carbon emissions, 29, 30 (fig.)

vs. Sweden, and nuclear power and renewables, 38–40, 39 (fig.)

wind and solar power in, 34–36, 36–40, 61, 66, 67

Ghana, 84

global warming. See climate change

Grand Central Terminal, NYC, 98, 101, 102

granite, radiation from, 98, 101, 102

Great Britain, 44, 59, 60, 160, 223

Greece, 66

Green Party, 216

greenhouse gas, 4. See also carbon emissions; carbon pollution; methane

Greenland ice sheet, 8, 9

Greenpeace, 48–49, 95, 143, 155

Gulf of Mexico, 97

Harvard, 7

HEU. See highly enriched uranium

highly enriched uranium (HEU), 129–131, 132–133, 134, 135–136

Hiroshima, 100, 101, 130

Hitachi, 159

Hualong One reactor, 180

Hungary, 182–183

Hurricane Katrina, 6, 10

Hurricane Sandy, 6, 7

hurricanes, 6, 93

hydroelectric dams, 58–59, 97

hydroelectric power, 20, 23, 40, 53, 58–59, 61, 62, 63, 148–149, 156, 186–187, 208. See also renewables

hydrogen, 215

hydropower. See hydroelectric power

IAEA. See International Atomic Energy Agency

ice age, 9–10, 11

ice sheet, 8–9

ICRP. See International Commission on Radiological Protection

IEA. See International Energy Agency

Illinois, 152

income, energy consumption, and world population growth, 51–52

India, 51, 74, 133, 174–176, 182, 187–190, 226

advanced-reactor research programs in, 189–190

China, and Russia as key players in climate change solution, 174–190

coal-burning power in, 48–50, 174, 187–188

electricity in, 47, 48, 56, 175, 187, 190

energy consumption in, 46–47, 48, 49 (photo)

fourth-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 164, 189

nuclear power/power plants/imports/programs/reactors under construction, 23, 175–176, 176 (fig.), 188–190

solar power in, 56, 187

India-China conflict, 140

Indian Point nuclear power plant, 152

India-Pakistan war, 138

Indonesia, 11, 13 (photo), 165, 168, 226

industrial toxic waste, 121

innovation, 225–226

Internal Revenue Service, 192

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 131–132, 132 (photo), 133, 134, 135, 160 (photo)

global annual investment in new reactors and, 208, 210

low-enriched uranium and, 136–137

supervision, in India, 188

International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), 99–100, 101

International Energy Agency (IEA), 63–64

Iran, 98, 99, 100, 129, 132, 182

Iran-Iraq war, 138

Iraq, 132, 138–139

Israel, 133

Israel-Lebanon conflict, 140

Italy, 66

Jacobson, Mark, 71–72

Jänschwalde coal-burning power plant, 31–33, 32 (photo), 35–37, 39–40, 50, 184, 198

Japan, 51–52, 131, 157, 158, 181, 216

earthquake and tsunami in, 87–91, 90 (photo)

electricity production in, 153 (fig.)

energy consumption in, 43–44

fossil fuels replacing nuclear power in, 90, 93

Hiroshima, bombing of, 100, 101, 130

nuclear safety in, 87–88

See also Fukushima nuclear reactor accident

kärnkraft (nuclear power), in Sweden, 20–28, 38–39, 108. See also nuclear power

Kazakhstan, 136 (photo), 137

Klein, Naomi, 14

Korean Standard Nuclear Plant (KSNP), 178, 180

Korean War, 138

KSNP. See Korean Standard Nuclear Plant

Lac-Mégantic, Canada, 97

LAR. See lifetime attributable risk

Latin America, 48, 183

Law of the Sea, 192

Lazard, 70–71

Lebanon-Israel conflict, 140

Lester, Richard, 161

LEU. See low-enriched uranium

Libya, 130 (photo)

lifetime attributable risk (LAR), 102–103

Lillgrund wind farm, 59, 60 (photo)

linear no-threshold (LNT) assumption, 100, 101

liquefied natural gas (LNG), 79, 80, 84, 149. See also methane

liquid-fueled reactors, 162–163, 163–164, 165

liquid and gaseous low-carbon fuels, 215

LNG. See liquefied natural gas

LNT assumption. See linear no-threshold assumption

Long Island, 152

Los Angeles, 82, 83 (photo), 84

Low-Carbon Portfolio Standards, 217

low-enriched uranium (LEU), 135–137, 136 (photo)

Macron, Emmanuel, 154

Madison, Wisconsin, 94

Mankiw, Gregory, 192–194

Markbygden wind farm, 25–26

Marshall, George, 14

Massachusetts, 148–149

nuclear power closings in, 145–146, 149, 150

offshore wind power in, 147

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 7, 161, 166, 167, 186

carbon emissions reduction model, 3–6, 15–16, 73

medical procedures, 98–99

methane/methane power plants, 4–5, 9, 61, 66–67, 78–84, 144

carbon emissions and, 78–79, 80, 81, 172

cost of, 64

leaks, 81–82, 83 (photo), 84

vs. nuclear power, 21, 25, 79

pipelines, 79, 80

in Russia, 79, 186–187

safety record of, 97

as substitute for coal, 78–81, 80 (photo), 82

See also liquefied natural gas

Miami, 7

Mississippi, 159

molten salt reactors, 162–165

Nagasaki, 130

National Academy of Sciences, 72

NATO, 192

negative pricing, solar power and, 63

Nepal, 11

Nevada, 66, 70

New England, 149, 150

New Hampshire, 149, 150

New Jersey, 152

New Mexico, 123

New Orleans, 7, 10

New York, 152

New York magazine, 10

New York Times, 73

9/11 attack, 104

Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 133, 134, 135

Nordhaus, William, 196

North America, 181

North Korea, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135

North Korea–US standoff, 138

Norway, 226

NPT. See Non-Proliferation Treaty

NRC. See Nuclear Regulatory Commission

nuables (nuclear power plus renewables), 40, 54, 55, 55 (fig.), 72, 73–74, 74 (photo), 224, 226

nuclear accidents, 87–97, 138

death and illness from, 89–91, 92–93, 95–96, 96 (fig.), 102

earthquakes and, 87–91, 102, 105, 154, 158, 166

in Japan, 30, 88–91, 93, 100, 101–102, 104, 105, 111, 143–144, 153, 153 (fig.), 154

tsunamis and, 88–91, 102, 154, 158, 162, 166

in Ukraine, 92–93, 113, 157–158

in United States, 91, 110, 112–113

See also Chernobyl, Fukushima, and Three Mile Island nuclear reactor accidents

nuclear arms race/nuclear stockpiles, 134

nuclear fission, 108, 128, 129

nuclear power, 66–67

“can-do” attitude, 113

carbon emissions and, 53–55, 55 (fig.), 96

vs. coal, 21–22, 24–25, 28, 90, 93–94

as contributor to success, in Sweden, 22–23, 207, 223–226

closing of existing reactors, 143–156

economics and, 213–215, 213 (photo), 218–219, 220–223

environmentalists and, 53, 59, 93–94, 154, 217, 221

expense of, 220–223, 222 (fig.)

kärnkraft (Swedish for “nuclear power”), 20–28, 38–39, 108

large-scale world build-out of, 115, 208. 209–212

lifetime electricity use, waste from, 184

low-enriched uranium and, 135–137, 136 (photo)

vs. methane, 21, 25, 79

nuclear fission and, 128

nuclear-powered ships and, 137–138

offshore oil-drilling platforms and, 166–167

vs. oil, 20–21, 22, 24–25

politics and, 216–220

renewables and, 22, 25–27, 38–40, 39 (fig.) (see also nuables)

renewables claimed as replacement for, 73–74, 74 (photo)

replacement by fossil fuels in Germany and Japan, 90, 93

risks and fears, 97–102, 102–103, 104–116, 115 (photo), 120–121, 122, 123, 209

safety, 93, 109–110, 111–114, 116

as solution to climate change, 75–76

in United States, 27, 27 (fig.), 28, 93, 145–152

zero risk and, 110, 120–121, 122–123

See also radioactive waste storage; under specific countries and states

nuclear power plant(s), 113

cancellations, 94, 143–156

construction costs, in South Korea, 222 (fig.)

cost of, 144

exports, in Russia, 182–183, 183 (fig.)

in India, 189

large-scale world build-out of, 209–212

vs. nuclear weapons, 128–129

ships, 186

subsidized, in United States, 152

in Sweden, 23–27, 24 (photo), 31–32, 35, 39 (fig.), 40, 50, 56, 72, 87, 152, 154, 155–156, 165, 184

in United States, 143–152

See also specific plants; under specific countries and states

nuclear power programs

IAEA inspection of, 131–132

in India, 188–190

in North Korea, 134, 135

in United Arab Emirates, 135

nuclear proliferation, 128–140, 188

wars and, 138–140, 139 (fig.)

See also nuclear weapons

nuclear reactor design and technology, 133, 157–173, 174–190, 211–212, 221–222

first and second generation, 157, 158 (see also third–generation nuclear reactor design and technology; fourth–generation nuclear reactor design and technology)

military use and, 140

model, in United States, 179

policy change, in China, 211

policy change, in France, 210–211, 212–213, 212 (fig.)

standardization, 210–211

standardization and replication, in China, 178–181

See also third-generation nuclear reactor design and technology; fourth-generation nuclear design and technology; nuclear reactors; technology; under specific countries

nuclear reactor(s)

in Canada, 208

in China, 179–180, 179 (photo), 226

under construction in China, India, and Russia, 176, 176 (fig.)

global annual investment in new, 208–210

number of, 144, 176, 176 (fig.), 179, 182

in Russia, 182

in Syria, 133

in United States, 134

See also nuclear reactor design and technology

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 126, 159, 210–211

nuclear weapons

centrifuges and, 129, 130 (photo)

countries that have, 133

dismantling of, 134

electricity, technology and, 113, 124, 134, 154

fissile material for, 129

fuel-reprocessing facilities and, 135

highly enriched uranium and, 129–131, 132–133, 134, 135–136

in India, 188

in North Korea, 135

nuclear fission and, 108, 128, 129

vs. nuclear power plants, 128–129

nuclear-powered ships and, 137–138

plutonium and, 130–131, 132, 134

terrorism and, 131

US/Soviet arms race/nuclear stockpiles and, 134

See also nuclear proliferation

NuScale Power, 163, 164 (photo)

Obama administration, 195

offshore oil-drilling platforms, 166–167

oil, 5

Deepwater Horizon accident and, 95, 97

vs. nuclear power, 20–21, 22, 24–25

safety record of, 97

spills at sea, 124

Onagawa nuclear power plant, 87–88

One Belt, One Road initiative, 181

Ontario, Canada, 207–208, 213, 219

Oregon, 163

Oskarshamn nuclear power plant, 23–24

Pacific Northwest (US), 205

Pakistan-India war, 138

Paris Agreement, 3, 4, 155, 220

PHWRs. See Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors

Pilgrim nuclear power plant, 149

plutonium, 130–131, 132, 134

politics, 201, 216–220, 223

Poneman, Daniel, 137

population. See world population/population growth

The Population Bomb (Ehrlich), 52

positive feedback loops, 9

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), 146–147, 148

PPA. See Power Purchase Agreement

Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs), 188–189

private start-ups, 226

Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor, 189

Puerto Rico, 97

radiation, 97–102, 102–103

radioactive waste

accident, in United States, 123

vs. coal waste, toxicity of, 124–125

environmentalists and, 124

as fuel, 125

quick decay of, 117–118, 124

storage, 117–127, 123 (photo), 126 (photo)

ways to isolate, 124

radium, 98

Ramsar, Iran, 98, 99, 100

rebound effect, 45–46

reflective geoengineering, 170–172, 171 (fig.)

reforestation, 17

refugees, 11

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, 205

Renewable Portfolio Standards, 217

renewables, 29–30, 53–77

climate change and, 77

vs. methane, 79

nuclear power and, 22, 38–40, 39 (fig.) (see also nuables)

as replacement for nuclear power, 73–74, 74 (photo)

See also nuables; hydroelectric power; solar power; wind power

Rickover, Hyman, 138, 211

Ringhals nuclear power plant, 23–27, 24 (photo), 31–32, 35, 50, 56, 87, 152, 154, 165, 184

risk. See nuclear power: risks and fears

Romania, 36–37, 36 (photo)

Rosatom, 182, 186

Russia, 6, 25, 79, 137, 174–176, 182–187, 214

carbon emissions in, 51–52

China, and India as key players in climate change solution, 174–190

export of nuclear reactors by, 182–183

fossil-fuel exports by, 174, 175, 182, 187

fourth-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 183–187, 185 (photo), 212, 226

nuclear power/programs/power plants/power plant ships/power plant exports in, 174, 175–176, 182–183, 183–187, 183 (fig.), 184, 185 (photo), 186, 208, 216, 220

nuclear reactors/reactors under construction in, 176, 176 (fig.), 182

third-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 160

See also Soviet Union

Russia-Ukraine conflict, 140

Saddam Hussein, 132

San Francisco, 7, 84

San Onofre nuclear power plant, 150, 151 (fig.)

sea-level rise, 6, 7–8, 11. See also flooding

second-generation nuclear reactor design and technology, 157. See also third–generation nuclear reactor design and technology; fourth–generation nuclear reactor design and technology


nuclear power plant, 186

nuclear-powered, 137–138

shipyard methods

reactor design and, 165–168, 166 (photo)

Shoreham nuclear power plant, 152

Siemens, 213 (photo)

Siveram, Varun, 65–67

Small Modular Reactor (SMR), 163, 164 (photo), 180

smartphones, 225

SMR. See Small Modular Reactor

solar power, 14–15, 34–36, 35 (photo), 37, 38, 48–49, 56, 62–68, 72, 74, 149, 156, 177, 187

battery storage and, 64, 68–71

cost of, 63–68, 77

environmentalists and, 53, 67

in India, 48–49, 56, 187

negative pricing and, 37, 63

compared with nuclear power, 26–27, 55 (fig.)

rate of addition to grid, 39, 54–56, 55 (fig.)

rooftop (or distributed), 64

utility-scale, 64

variability of, 35–36, 62–63, 64

See also renewables; wind power

Solarpark Meuro, 34–35, 35 (photo)

South Africa, 133

South Carolina, 93, 152, 159

South Korea, 179, 181, 219, 226

methane explosion in, 84

nuclear power in, 135, 178, 180, 208, 219

nuclear power in, costs of, 220, 221, 222 (fig.), 223

nuclear power plants in, cancellation and phaseout of, 154–155

nuclear reactor design in, and shipyard methods, 166 (photo)

nuclear reactor exports, 160 (photo), 161, 167, 212

See also APR1400 reactor; Korean Standard Nuclear Plant

South Sudan, 133

Southeast Asia, 58–59

Soviet Union, 129, 134

nuclear accidents in, 138 (see also Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident)

See also Russia

Sweden, 115

biomass in, 22, 40

carbon emissions in, 21 (fig.), 29, 30 (fig.), 156

carbon emissions reduction in, as model, 23, 27, 54, 55 (fig.), 191–192, 207, 209 (fig.) 209–210

carbon price in, 191–192, 197–198, 202, 206

electricity generation in, 20–28, 43

electrification in, 213 (photo), 214

emissions trading system and, 204

energy consumption in, 43

fossil fuels in, 20–22, 24–25, 156

from fossil fuels to nuclear power in, 207

GDP in, 2, 21 (fig.)

hydroelectric power in, 20, 23, 40, 156

industrial toxic waste in, 121

innovation in, 225–226

nuclear power and renewables in, 38–40, 39 (fig.)

nuclear power as contributor to success in, 22–23, 207, 223–226

nuclear power costs in, 220–221

nuclear power in, 20–28, 38–39, 54, 108, 216, 219

nuclear power plant closings, 155–156

nuclear power plants in, 23–27, 24 (photo), 31–32, 35, 39 (fig.), 40, 50, 56, 73, 87, 113, 152, 154, 165, 184

nuclear weapons in, 133

politics in, 155–156, 216

radioactive waste storage in, 118–120, 118 (photo), 121

traffic safety in, 110–111

wind and solar power in, 25–26, 26–27, 59, 156

Switzerland, 27, 207

Syria, 11, 133

Taming the Sun (Siveram), 64

Tennessee, 158

Terrapower, 162, 184

Terrestrial Energy, 163, 164–165, 164 (photo)

terrorism, 131

Tesla Model 3, 224

Tesla Powerwall battery, 68, 69–70

Texas, 59, 84, 95

Thailand-Cambodia conflict, 140

third-generation nuclear reactor design and technology, 157–161

in China, 160, 179, 179 (photo), 180

in South Korea, 160 (photo), 161, 167, 212

See also nuclear reactor design and technology

ThorCon, 164–165, 186

thorium, 163–165, 188

Three Mile Island nuclear reactor accident, 91, 110, 112–113

tipping points in climate change, 7–12

Toshiba, 159

toxic waste, 21, 22, 24

traffic safety, 110–111

train metaphor, 114–115, 115 (photo)

transportation, 16, 17, 213–214

traveling wave reactor, 162

Trump, Donald, 4

tsunamis, 11, 87–91, 90 (photo), 102, 154, 158, 162, 166

Turkey, 182–183

typhoons, 6

UAE. See United Arab Emirates

Ukraine, 79, 92–93, 113, 157–158. See also Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident

Ukraine-Russia conflict, 140

“The Uninhabitable Earth,” 10

Union of Concerned Scientists, 112

United Arab Emirates (UAE), 135, 160 (photo), 161, 180, 212, 226

United Kingdom, 137, 223

United Nations, 11–12, 88

United States, 6

antinuclear movement/protests in, 217, 218–220

arms race in, 134

atomic bomb and, 100, 101, 130

cap-and-trade system in, 205

carbon price in, 191–192, 197, 199

clean energy in, 218

climate change and, 218

energy consumption in, 43–44, 184

fourth-generation nuclear reactor design and technology in, 161–169, 186, 218, 226

fracking in, 79, 81

hydroelectric dams in, 97

Iraq invasion and, 138–139

nuclear power in, 27 (fig.), 28, 93, 126–127, 134, 144, 217

nuclear power in, cost of, 179, 223

nuclear power plants in, closings of, 143–152

nuclear power plants in, subsidies, 152

nuclear power vs. coal in, 93–94

nuclear weapons in, 129, 130, 134

offshore wind farm in, 60

politics in, 217

radioactive waste storage accident in, 123

radioactive waste storage in, 122–123, 123 (photo), 125–127, 126 (photo)

Three Mile Island nuclear accident in, 91, 110, 112–113

wind power in, 218

uranium/uranium enrichment, 124, 129–137, 136 (photo), 163–165, 188

US Congress, 169

bipartisan support for clean energy, 218

US Food and Drug Administration, 98

US military, 123, 140

US National Research Council, 172

US Navy, 113, 138

US–North Korea standoff, 138

Vancouver, Canada, 169–170, 200 (photo)

Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, 126–127, 145–150, 146 (photo), 220–221

Vietnam, 182–183, 226

violent conflict, 11

Virginia, 159

Vision Zero plan, 110, 111

war(s), 11, 79, 105, 107, 108 (photo), 129, 130, 133, 138–140, 139 (fig.), 187

water contamination, 80

Watts Bar reactor, 158

Weinberg, Alvin, 113–114

West Africa, 8

West Virginia, 95

Westinghouse, 158–159, 179

wildfires, 6

wind power/wind farms, 14–15, 23, 25–28, 72, 77, 149, 218

battery storage and, 68–71

carbon emissions and, 53–55, 55 (fig.)

in China, 61, 62, 177

electricity and, 59–61, 74–75

in Germany, 34, 35, 36–40, 61

and nuclear power, 25–26

offshore, 36, 59–60, 60 (photo), 71, 147

in Romania, 36–37, 36 (photo)

in Sweden, 25–26, 59, 60 (photo), 156

variability of, 37–38, 39

See also renewables; solar power

Wisconsin, 94

World Economic Forum, 225

World Health Organization (WHO), 88, 100, 101–102

world population/population growth, 50–52

World War II, 129, 130

World Wildlife Federation, 33

Xi Jinping, 181

Yale-Columbia Environmental Performance Index, 225

Yucca Mountain, 123, 123 (photo)