Fig. 1. The knee joint

Fig. 2. Joint cartilage and circulation

Fig. 3. The immune system: healthy and gone awry

Fig. 4. Why cartilage has bounce

Fig. 5. Muscles that move and maintain the shoulder

Fig. 6. Healthy and arthritic hip joints

Fig. 7. Healthy and arthritic lumbar spinal segments

Fig. 8. Comparative anatomy of spinal segments

Fig. 9. Variants of cervical posture

Fig. 10. The sacroiliac joints: structure and movement pattern

Fig. 11. Basic structure of the hand

Fig. 12. Arches of the foot

Fig. 13. The foot’s four points of support

Fig. 14. Spinal stenosis at L4-L5 (MRI)

Fig. 15. Spondylolisthesis at L4-L5 (MRI)

Fig. 16. Correcting scoliosis

Fig. 17. Strengthening the convex side’s iliopsoas muscle (MRI)

Fig. 18. Vasisthasana reduces spinal stenosis (MRI)

Fig. 19. Vasisthasana reduces spondylolisthesis (MRI)

Fig. 20. The ankylosed spine

Fig. 21. Anusara alignment principles