Promoting Health and Vigor Keeping Up Appearances
Enhancing Natural Form Improving Flowering and
Fruiting Controlling Size Guiding Growth Mending
Damage Eliminating Hazards
Chapter 3: Tools and Equipment
Pruners and Loppers Saws Hedge Shears, Clippers,
and Knives
Chapter 4: Pruning Practices Right and Wrong
Where to Cut and Why Pinching Unkind Cuts
Shearing Heading Back (Lateral Pruning) Thinning
Limbing Up Root Pruning
Chapter 5: Pruning Deciduous Shade Trees
Planting Trees Training Shade Trees Maintaining Shade
Trees Pruning Older Shade Trees
Chapter 6: Pruning Flowering Trees and Ornamental Shrubs
Flowering Trees Deciduous Ornamental Shrubs Roses
Narrow-Leaf Evergreens Broadleaf Evergreens
Woody Herbs
Shaping Hedges Types of Hedges
Topiary Espalier Cordon Coppicing and Pollarding
Chapter 10: Pruning Woody Vines and Ground Covers
Woody Vines Clematis Woody Ground Covers
Chapter 11: Pruning Fruit Trees
Timing Pruning Styles Thinning Fruit
Solving Problems Tips for Specific Fruits
Chapter 12: Pruning Bush Fruits, Brambles, and Grapes
Grapes Blueberries and Other Bush Fruits
Raspberries and Other Brambles
Almonds Chestnuts Filberts Pecans and
Hickories Walnuts and Butternuts
Plant-by-Plant Pruning Guide for Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Vines