PART I Grammar 101
1 Parts of Speech
2 Basic Phrases
3 Sentences and Clauses
4 Verb Forms
5 Verbals
PART II How to Find and Correct Mistakes
6 Writing Complete Sentences
7 Subject-Verb Agreement
8 Pronoun Problems
9 Verb Problems
10 Modification
11 Commas
12 Apostrophes
13 Semicolons and Colons
14 Quotation Marks
15 Dashes, Hyphens, and Other Punctuation
16 Capitalization
17 Parallelism
18 Grammar Etiquette for Digital Communication
Appendix A: Homophone Misspellings and Commonly Confused Words
Appendix B: Commonly Misspelled Words
Appendix C: Eggcorns: Incorrect Wording That Seems Correct
Glossary of Terms