Methodology: An Introductory Essay
John W. Hilber
Tremper Longman III
Discourse 1: Avoid Evil Associations (1:8–19)
Discourse 2: Don’t Resist Woman Wisdom (1:20–33)
Discourse 3: The Benefits of the Way of Wisdom (2:1–22)
Discourse 4: Trust in Yahweh (3:1–12)
Discourse 5: Praising Wisdom (3:13–20)
Discourse 6: The Integrity of Wisdom (3:21–35)
Discourse 7: Embrace Wisdom! (4:1–9)
Discourse 8: Stay on the Right Path (4:10–19)
Discourse 9: Guard Your Heart (4:20–27)
Discourse 10: Avoid Promiscuous Women; Love Your Wife (5:1–23)
Discourse 11: Wisdom Admonitions: Loans, Laziness, Lying, and Other Topics (6:1–19)
Discourse 12: The Dangers of Adultery (6:20–35)
Discourse 13: Avoid Promiscuous Women, Part II (7:1–23)
Discourse 14: Wisdom’s Autobiography (8:1–36)
Discourse 15: The Ultimate Encounter: Wisdom or Folly? (9:1–18)
Solomon’s Proverbs: Collection I (10:1–22:16)
Sayings of the Wise (22:17–24:34)
Solomon’s Proverbs: Collection II: (25:1–29:27)
Sayings of King Lemuel (31:1–9)
Duane Garrett
Everything Is Meaningless (1:1–11)
Wisdom, Pleasures, and Toil Are Meaningless (1:12–2:26)
A Time for Everything (3:1–22)
Oppression, Toil, and Friendlessness (4:1–16)
Stand in Awe of God (5:1–6:12)
A Common Destiny for All (9:1–12)
Wisdom Is Better Than Folly (9:13–10:20)
Remember Your Creator While Young (11:7–12:8)
The Conclusion of the Matter (12:9–14)
Duane Garrett