- Acasta gneiss, 212–13
- accretion, 49, 70, 76–85, 98, 270, 325, 330
- Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, 251
- acidophiles, 251, 254, 264–65
- Adamala, Katarzyna, 169
- Adams, Douglas, viii
- adenine, 101, 117–19, 185
- adenosine diphosphate, 122
- adenosine triphosphate. See ATP
- ADP, 122
- aerobic metabolism: mitochondria, 237, 239
- AFP, 256–57
- Akilia rock, 213–17
- alanine, 106, 112, 133, 189, 192, 346
- aldehydes, 108–10, 113–16, 120, 124, 133, 145, 310, 323
- aldol condensation, 115
- aldotetrose, 115
- Aldrin, Buzz, 276–77
- algae, 238, 242, 257–58
- ALH84001 (meteorite), 360–65
- aliens, vii, 16, 178–79, 372–78
- alkaliphiles, 264–66
- alkenes, 131
- alkynes, 131
- Allen, Paul, 376
- Allen Telescope Array, 376
- alpha helix, 182, 256
- α-particle and x-ray spectrometer, 291–92
- Alphaproteobacteria, 235
- Alpher, Ralph, 26–28, 61–62
- Altman, Sidney, 160
- Alvin (submarine), 246–47, 250–52
- amino acids: assigned in genetic code, 191–96
- basics, 101–2
- chirality, 171–74
- in meteorites, 133
- peptide bonds, 101–2, 187
- prebiotic synthesis, 98–100, 106–12, 117, 128, 138, 147
- in proteins, 101–2, 180–82, 202
- in RNA world, 188–90
- ammonia (NH3): condensation in Solar nebula, 69–73, 77
- Darwin’s “warm little pond,” 142
- extraterrestrial sources, 131
- in outer Solar System, 302, 304, 314, 322–24
- prebiotic synthesis of amino acids, 98–104, 107–12
- prebiotic synthesis of nucleic acids, 117–21
- primordial atmosphere, 102–4
- properties, 18–20
- radical reactions, 108–9
- reducing environments
- volatile inventory, 66, 103–4
- ammonium cyanide, 118–19
- Andromeda galaxy, 27
- animals: origins, 238–42
- anisotropy, 36, 40
- Antarctica, 257–60, 360–62, 367
- anthropic principle, 47–51, 128, 170, 173, 374, 380
- antifreeze, 256–57
- antifreeze proteins, 256–57
- antimatter, 30–32
- anus, 238, 241
- Apollo missions, 81, 276–77, 337
- APXS, 291–92
- Aquifex pyrophilus, 254–55
- archaea: acidophilic, 264
- discovery of new domain, 209–11, 243
- fatty acid synthesis, 205–7
- genome sequence, 211
- halophilic, 222–23, 263–64
- histones, 231–32
- membranes, 205–7
- methanogenic, 357
- origin of eukaryotes, 180, 231–38
- relation to LUCA, 180, 203, 234
- rock-eating, 273–74
- in subglacial lake, 259
- thermophilic, 255, 269
- tRNA synthetases, 195
- used in mining, 251
- Archaean eon, 212–13
- archaebacteria. See archaea
- Arecibo radio telescope, 371
- argon (Ar), 79, 361
- Aristotle, 140
- Armstrong, Neil, 276–77
- aromatic amino acids, 111–12, 202
- Arrhenius, Gustaf, 213
- Arrhenius, Svante, 142–44, 213, 279
- Asgard archaea, 236
- asparagine, 111, 192, 195
- aspartic acid (aspartate), 100, 106, 112, 133, 192–95
- asteroids, 23, 63, 66, 74–76, 80, 131, 216, 303–4, 359
- Atacama Desert, 262
- Athiorhodaceae, 223
- ATP: produced in Krebs cycle, 229
- produced in photosynthesis, 225
- synthesis by ATPase, 223, 229, 265–66
- vestige of RNA world, 185, 203
- ATPase, 223, 229, 265–66
- autocatalysis, 145–46, 160
- axial tilt, 95, 280
- Bacillus alcalophilus, 266
- Bacillus subtilis, 143, 201, 248
- Backus, Peter, 376
- bacteria: in clouds, 341
- compared to eukaryotes, 180, 231–38
- domain of life, 209–11
- drought-resistant, 260–64
- fossils, 217–21
- magnetotactic, 363–65
- membrane, 205–7
- minimal set of genes, 201
- nanobacteria, 364
- photosynthesis, 221–26
- relation to LUCA, 180, 203, 234
- ribonucleotide reductase, 199
- ribosome, 180, 186–87
- rock-eating, 366
- spores, 142, 277
- stromatolites, 219–21
- thermophilic, 255, 269
- tRNA synthetases, 195. See also cyanobacteria
- bacteriorhodopsin, 222–23
- Bada, Jeffrey, 107, 134, 138, 244
- Banavar, Jayanth, 182
- banded iron formations, 227
- Bangiomorpha pubescens, 238
- barite, 218
- Barnard’s star, 57
- barophiles, 266–68
- Bartel, David, 163–65, 170
- baryonic matter, 36–37
- basalt, 217, 246–47, 271
- Bean, Alan, 277
- Becker, Luanne, 134–35
- Benner, Steve, 116, 181–82, 199, 201–2, 364–65
- Beresheet (spacecraft), 262
- Bethe, Hans, 26, 46
- “big bang” hypothesis, 28–41
- Billingham, John, 372
- biochemistry basics, 101–2
- biodiversity, 180, 273
- bioleaching (mining), 251
- biomineralization, 241
- blackbody radiation, 28–29, 38
- Blackmond, Donna, 175
- black smokers. See hydrothermal vents
- Bogdanov, Alexander, 281
- Boltzmann constant, 128
- borates, 116
- Bowyer, Stuart, 372
- Brasier, Martin, 218
- Breakthrough Listen, 376–77
- Brock, Thomas, 250
- Brook, Jim, 84
- Brown, Mike, 78
- Brownian motion, 3–4
- buckyballs, 134–35
- Budin, Itay, 169
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 281
- Butlerov, Alexander, 113–14
- Cairns-Smith, A. G., 154–57
- calcium (Ca), 16, 79, 154–55, 293
- borate, 116
- carbonate (limestone), 89, 107, 221
- hydroxide, 114, 116, 145
- sulfate, 291
- Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus, 251
- Callisto, 302, 312–14, 324–25
- compared to Pluto, 324–25
- discovery, 302
- ocean, 313–14
- properties, 313–14
- topography, 313–14
- Calvin, Melvin, 97–98, 225, 228, 373
- Calvin cycle, 225
- Cambrian, 215, 240
- Cambrian explosion, 238–41
- Campbell, William, 281–82
- Canfield, Donald, 218
- carbohydrates. See sugars
- carbon (C): basis for life, 7–17
- buckyballs, 134–35
- carbon monoxide (CO), 5, 116, 147, 346–48
- fusion reactions, 45
- graphite, 213–17
- isotope ratio, 213
- nuclear resonance, 46–50
- properties, 7–17
- radicals, 108, 130. See also carbon dioxide (CO2)
- methane (CH4)
- carbonaceous chondrites (meteorites), 78, 84, 132–33, 181, 364
- carbonate globules, 362–63
- carbonate rocks, 88–92
- carbon dioxide (CO2), 12–13, 21, 73, 107, 115–16, 145–47, 203–204, 218, 228, 256, 268–71
- Earth’s carbon cycle, 89–92
- on Mars, 286–88, 295, 345–53, 356–57
- role in photosynthesis, 223–25
- structure, 15
- on Venus, 88–89
- carbon-14 (14C) labeling, 345–48
- Cassen, Pat, 304, 307
- Cassini mission, 317–24, 367
- catalysis, 115, 160–62, 166–69, 172, 251
- Cech, Thomas, 159–60, 183–84, 188
- Ceres, 75–76
- ceviche, 254–55
- chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), 251
- champagne, 203
- chaperones, 248–49
- Charbonneau, David, 328
- Charon, 30, 96
- Chelyabinsk, 63
- CHEOPS mission, 336
- chert, 217–19, 227
- chirality, 171–76, 206–7
- Chivian, Dylan, 271–72
- Chlorobiaceae, 223
- Chloroflexaceae, 223
- chlorophyll, 224–25
- chloroplasts, 237
- cholesterol, 149, 237
- chondritic meteorites, 78, 84, 132–33, 181, 364
- chromosomes, 199, 231, 239
- 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (comet), 131–32, 303
- Chyba, Chris, 310
- circularly polarized light, 174
- citric acid cycle, 146, 203, 228–29
- Civis, Svatopluk, 119–20
- clay minerals, 154–57
- climatic fluctuations, 95
- closed universe, 35–40
- Cloud, Preston, 244
- clouds (as habitats), 279, 341
- coacervates, 144
- codons, 191–96
- cold adaptation, 255–60
- cold shock proteins, 248
- Collins, Michael, 276–77
- comets, 63–66, 131–35
- complex organisms: probability, 244
- condensation processes: aldol condensation, 115
- planet formation, 69–80, 83
- purine nucleobases, 118
- Conrad, Pete, 277
- continental drift, 246
- continuously habitable zone, 91, 336
- convergent evolution, 232
- Copernican principle, 49–50
- Copernicus, Nicolaus, 27, 49–50
- copper (Cu), 230, 251
- Corliss, John B. “Jack,” 246–47
- coronaviruses, 101, 159
- Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite, 40
- COSMIC-LOPER, 181–82
- cosmic microwave background (CMB), 29–32, 36
- cosmic rays, 106, 131, 292, 361
- COVID-19, 101
- Crick, Francis, 51, 158, 178–79, 208
- critical density (of the Universe), 36–37
- crystallin, 248
- crystallization, 4, 79, 216, 256
- CspB, 248
- Curiosity (Mars rover), 291–95, 356–58
- cyanimide, 124–26
- cyanoacetaldehyde, 120
- cyanoacetylene, 120–21, 126
- cyanobacteria: early fossils, 218–21
- in extreme environments, 262
- inventing photosynthesis, 222–26
- lichen-forming, 238
- stromatolites, 219–21
- cyanonitrile, 110, 124
- cytosine, 198
- Daniel, Isabelle, 273
- dark energy, 37
- dark matter, 37
- dark reaction (of photosynthesis), 225
- Darwin, Charles, 141–42, 241
- dating methods, 79
- Dawn mission, 76
- Dead Sea, 263–64
- Deamer, David, 133–34, 149–51, 188–89
- Deep Carbon Observatory, 272–73
- deep sea: pressure, 266–68
- temperature, 252. See hydrothermal vents
- DegP (heat shock protein), 248
- dehydration reactions, 121–22, 127–28
- Deinococcus radiodurans, 260–61
- density of the Universe, 34–37
- deoxyribonucleic acid. See DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
- deoxyribose, 101, 121–22, 196
- desert, 237, 260–63, 344, 352
- Desulforudis audaxviator, 272
- deuterium (2H), 32–35, 44, 46, 89, 282, 295
- deuterostomes, 241
- diacylglyceride, 205–6
- diaminomaleonitrile, 118
- Dicke, Bob, 26–28
- dihydroxyacetone, 115
- dinosaurs, 198, 215
- Dione: orbital resonance, 323
- properties, 314, 322
- tectonic activity, 322
- Discovery missions, 355
- diving, 266–68
- division of labor, 205
- DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): advantages, 196–97
- ancient, 197
- basics, 101
- before or after proteins, 198–99
- chirality, 172
- circular, 239
- difference from RNA, 196–97
- genetic code, 192–94
- histones, 231–32
- linear chromosomes, 239
- origins, 196–99
- polymerase, 164, 202, 250
- repair, 260–61
- stability, 197
- DnaJ, 248
- DnaK, 248
- domains of life, 209–11, 243
- Doppler, Christian, 27
- Doppler shifts, 27, 36–37, 327–30, 334
- Drake, Frank, 371–74, 377
- Drake equation, 373–74
- Driessen, Arnold, 207
- drought, 260–64
- Earth: abundance of elements, 8–9
- center of the Universe, 49
- energy balance, 221–22
- engulfed by Sun, 45
- geological timeline (table), 214–15
- history of life, 209–43
- location within Milky Way, 59
- magnetic field, 365
- origins, 69–86
- primeval conditions, 97–107
- search for life, 339–40, 378
- tides, 57–58
- Echo (communications satellite), 25
- ecological niche, 228, 241
- ecosystems: origins, 219–21
- Edmond, John, 246–47
- Einstein, Albert, 49
- Einstein equation (E = mc2), 30
- electric discharge, 106–8
- electron, 32, 43, 46, 79. See also radical reactions
- elements: formation processes, 32–35, 43–48
- life-forming elements, 6–17
- nuclear binding energy, 35
- relative abundances, 8–9
- enantiomers, 172–75
- Enceladus, 322–24, 367
- geysers, 322–23
- orbital resonance, 323
- reflective surface, 322
- temperature, 323
- endolithic organisms, 258, 263, 268–74
- energy (needed for life), 20–22. See also metabolism
- entropy, 21
- enzyme: DNA polymerase, 164, 202, 250
- DNA repair, 198–99, 260–61
- efficiency, 181, 185
- metabolic, 199–204
- origins, 199–204
- tRNA synthetase, 179
- equilibrium condensation model, 71–80
- equilibrium/disequilibrium, 21, 41, 44, 247
- Eris, 78
- erosion, 85, 212, 216, 289, 297, 339
- Eschenmoser, Albert, 126, 175–76
- Escherichia coli, 160, 207, 248–49
- Eukaryotes (eukarya): definition, 209
- origins, 231–38
- structure of cell, 231–33
- Europa, 302–14
- density, 307
- discovery, 302
- habitability, 310
- ice rafts, 309
- life, 367
- magnetic field, 307–8
- ocean, 307–14, 367
- orbital resonance, 304–5
- properties, 305
- smooth surface, 307–11
- tidal energy, 305, 307, 310
- evolution, 4, 209–43
- exceptionalism, 49
- exoplanets. See extrasolar planets
- extinctions, 215
- extrasolar planets, 326–37
- atmospheres, 368–70
- direct imaging, 330
- first discovery, 327
- habitability, 335–36
- life, 368–70
- methane, 368–69
- transit observation, 327–30, 368
- extraterrestrial life (search for), 339–79
- on Mars, 343–58
- in Martian meteorites, 358–67
- on Venus, 342–43
- extreme conditions, 246–75
- Mars, 343–58
- Venus, 342–43
- extremophiles, 246–75
- commercial use, 207
- Mars, 286
- eyes, 222
- FADH2, 185, 229
- Farquhar, James, 227
- fermentation, 203, 228
- Fermi, Enrico, 373
- Fermi Paradox, 373–74
- Ferris, James, 136–37
- 51 Pegasi (star), 327, 377
- fire, 4–5, 21
- Fisk, Martin, 365–66
- formaldehyde, 108, 113–16, 145, 310, 323
- formose reaction, 113–15
- fossil fuels: origins, 270
- fossils: animal, 230, 240
- earliest, 217–19
- eukaryotic, 230
- microbial, 217
- plant, 242
- stromatolites, 219–21
- tunnels, 366–67
- 4-thioUTP, 164
- Fowler, Willie, 47
- freezing, 207, 249, 256–58
- Fuller, Buckminster, 134
- fullerenes, 134–35
- fungi, lichen-forming, 238–39, 257
- fusion reactions, 32–35, 43–48
- galactic habitable zone (GHZ), 59–60
- galaxy formation, 41–56
- Gale Crater (Mars), 291–95
- Galilean satellites, 302–14
- table of, 305. See also Callisto
- Europa
- Ganymede
- Io
- Galilei, Galileo, 302, 314
- Galileo mission, 65, 302–303, 307–12
- Gamow, George, 26–28, 46, 61–62
- Ganymede, 304–5, 311–12
- discovery, 302
- magnetic field, 311
- ocean, 311–12
- orbital resonance, 304–5
- properties, 311–12
- topography, 311–12
- gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, 344, 352–54
- gas giants: extrasolar, 331–36, 368
- moons, 302–14, 367
- origins, 71–72, 74–77. See also Jupiter
- Saturn
- GCMS, 344, 352–54
- gel electrophoresis, 210
- gene expression, control, 232, 248
- genes-first theories, 153–58
- genetic code: codon assignment (table), 192
- evolution, 191–96
- exceptions, 191
- frozen accident, 191–92
- robustness, 192–93
- genome: archaeal, 211
- bacterial, 200–203
- minimal, 200–201
- mitochondrial, 191
- organized in chromosomes, 239
- RNA vs. DNA, 196–98
- genomics, 200–201, 233–36
- Geogemma barossii, 254
- geological processes, 90–91, 357. See also plate tectonics
- geological timescale (table), 214
- geysers, 323–24
- Ghadiri, Reza, 157–58
- Gilbert, Walter, 162–63
- Gladman, Brett, 360
- Gliese 581 (star), 328
- Gloeomargarita lithophora, 237
- glucose, 112–13, 200, 203, 226, 229
- glutamic acid (glutamate), 189
- glyceraldehyde, 115, 225
- glycerol, 205–7, 256
- glycine, 106, 112, 131–33, 192–94, 346
- glycolic acid, 106
- glycolysis, 203
- gold (Au): mining, 251
- Gold, Thomas, 270
- Golden, D. C., 365
- Gould, Stephen Jay, 240
- graphite, 213
- gravitational forces: dark matter, 37
- early Universe, 39–42
- Jupiter, 304, 321
- measurements, 312–13
- Moon, 80–81
- planet formation, 70
- inside stars, 44–48
- the Sun, 48, 57–58, 66, 143
- gravitational waves, 54–55
- greenhouse effect, 89, 279
- GroEL/GroES, 248
- guanine, 101, 117, 119–20
- guanosine, 137, 210
- guanosine triphosphate (GTP), 165
- Guth, Alan, 31
- habitability, 91, 270, 310, 333
- Europa, 310–11
- extrasolar planets, 332–36
- Mars, 279–301
- Titan, 321
- habitable worlds, 276–338
- Hadean eon, 212
- Haemophilus influenzae, 201
- Hafnium (Hf), 82
- Haldane, J. B. S., 98, 144, 381
- Haloarcula marismortui, 186
- Halobacterium, 222–23
- halophiles, 222–23, 263–64
- halotolerance, 263–64
- handedness, 171–76, 206–7
- Hawking, Stephen, 377
- heat adaptation, 249–55
- heat shock, 248–49
- heavy elements, 43–56
- Heimdallarchaeota, 236
- helium (He), 6, 32–35, 41, 71, 76–78, 94, 135, 331,
- Helmholtz, Hermann von, 142
- hematite, 290
- hemoglobin, 162, 189
- hexose. See sugars
- histidine, 111, 192
- Hodges, Elizabeth Ann, 63
- homochirality, 172–76
- Hooker, Joseph, 141–42
- Horikoshi, Koki, 254
- horizontal gene transfer, 192–3
- Horning, David, 165–66
- Horowitz, Norman, 346
- Hoyle, Fred, 22, 28, 46–50, 144
- Hsp31/Hsp90/Hsp104, 248
- Hubble, Edwin, 27–28
- Hubble Space Telescope, vii, 43, 65, 310, 355, 369
- Huber, Claudia, 147
- Hud, Nick, 126
- Huygens (Titan lander), 317–20
- Huygens, Christiaan, 314–15
- hydrogen (H): abundance in Universe, 32–35
- chemical life systems, 6
- fusion reactions, 41–56
- hydrogen bonds, 19, 182, 197
- hydrogen to deuterium ratios, 89, 94
- isotopes, 32
- Jupiter, 71–72
- loss from atmosphere, 89–94
- nuclear binding energies, 32–35
- primordial planetary conditions, 97–99
- properties, 6
- radical, 5
- volatile inventory, 83–94
- hydrogen cyanide (HCN), 108–10, 117–20
- hydrogen fluoride (HF), 18, 20
- hydrogen sulfide (H2S), 111, 130, 138, 145–47
- hydrolysis, 110, 121, 197–98
- hydrophobic effect, 19–20
- hydrothermal vents, 145, 252–53
- discovery, 252
- ecology, 252–53
- structure, 253
- Hyperion: properties, 314
- hypoxanthine, 122–24,
- Iapetus (properties), 314
- ice nucleation proteins, 256–57
- Imbrium Basin, 85–86
- imines, 110
- inflation (cosmology), 31
- inosine, 123
- InSight (Mars lander), 297, 357
- intelligent life: detection problems, 340
- on Mars, 280–81, probability, 244, 373–74
- search, 370–78
- interstellar travel, 370
- intraterrestrial life, 268–74
- intron, 159
- Io, 304–7
- discovery, 302
- eccentric orbit, 304–5
- properties, 248
- tides, 304–5
- volcanism, 304–7
- iridium (Ir), 216
- iron (Fe), 53, 227
- availability, 230
- hemoglobin, 189
- in meteorites, 363
- mining, 251
- iron sulfide (FeS), 145–47, 293, 363
- isopropanol (role in photosynthesis), 223
- isotopes, 79, 97, 213, 216, 361
- isotopic dating, 79
- Isua rock, 213–17
- James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), 369
- Jamieson, Corey, 310
- Jannasch, Holger, 211, 247
- Jeans, James, 42–43, 88, 315
- Jeans escape, 88–89, 94, 295, 342
- Jeans mass, 42–43
- Joyce, Gerald, 157–58, 165–66
- Juno mission, 76
- Jupiter: composition, 74–76
- gravitational forces, 64–66
- hydrogen to deuterium ratios, 94
- life on, 22
- missions overview, 303–4
- moons, 302–14
- planet formation, 74–76
- Shoemaker-Levy 9, 63–66
- water (H2O) concentrations, 75. See also Galileo mission
- Voyager missions
- Kelvin, Lord William Thomson, 49, 142, 171
- Kennedy, John F., 277
- Kepler, Johannes, 70, 329, 382
- Kepler mission, 329–36
- ketoacids, 147
- ketones, 113, 131
- ketotetrose, 115
- kilonova, 54
- kingdoms, 209
- Kirschvink, Joseph, 364–65
- Kivelson, Margaret, 307
- Krebs, Hans, 228
- Krebs cycle, 146, 203, 228–29
- Krogh, Thomas, 216
- Kuiper, Gerard, 78, 315
- Kuiper belt, 78, 66, 247
- LACROSS mission, 96
- Lagrange point, 369
- Lake, James, 234–35
- lakes: under-ice, 258–60
- Lake Vostok, 258–59, 274
- Lake Whillans, 259–60
- Lancet, Doron, 149–51
- laser altimeter, 292
- Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, 55
- Laskar, Jacques, 95–96
- last universal common ancestor. See LUCA
- late heavy bombardment, 85, 212
- lead (Pb), 79, 88
- leucine, 112, 189, 192–94
- Levin, Gilbert, 345, 353
- Levy, David, 63–65
- lichen, 143, 257
- life: anthropic principle, 49–50
- definition, 2–6
- detection, 339–42
- formation requirements, 6–17
- galactic location, 59–60
- history, 209–45
- Jupiter, 22
- limits, 246–75
- Mars, 280–81
- multicellular
- origins, 140–77
- primordial planetary conditions, 140–42
- probabilities, 244
- ring of, 234–35
- search for, 339–79
- timeline (table), 214–15
- tree of, 234–35. See also intelligent life
- life-forming elements, 6–17
- light harvesting, 222
- lightning, 98–99, 106–7, 113, 319, 371
- light reaction (of photosynthesis), 225–26
- LIGO, 55
- limestone, 88–89, 221, 288
- Linde, 31
- Lindquist, Susan, 248
- lipids, 129–31, 149–51, 168–69, 205, 207, 257
- lipid world, 149–51
- lithium (Li), 33–35
- Lohse, Peter, 184
- Lokiarchaeota, 235–36
- Lowell, Percival, 280–84
- LUCA, 180–83, 210–11
- dating, 230
- genes, 167
- genetic code, 195
- linked to thermophiles, 255
- membranes, 205
- metabolism, 201–4
- Lunar Prospector, 94–96
- Magallón, Susana, 242
- magnesium (Mg), 16, 52, 89, 123, 128, 137, 154–55, 160, 169, 291, 293
- magnetite, 363–65
- magnetotactic bacteria, 363, 365
- male (uselessness of), 239
- mammals, 215, 240, 268
- Mariana Trench, 90, 105
- Mariner missions, 72–73, 284–88
- Maritan, Amos, 182
- Marois, Christian, 330
- Mars: “canals,” 280–84
- cattle population, 356
- color changes, 280–84
- density, 72, 74
- dust storms, 284, 286
- exploration, 278–301
- geology, 285–300
- groundwater, 297–300
- gullies, 297–99
- habitability, 278–301
- life, 343–58
- meteorites, 358–67
- methane, 356–57
- moons Phobos and Deimos, 95
- origins, 74–76
- permafrost, 295–96
- pole caps, 280, 282, 295
- sample-return mission, 301
- seismic activity, 297
- subsurface habitats, 297–300
- temperature, 286–87
- topography, 285–86
- watery past, 286–95. See also Curiosity (Mars rover)
- Opportunity (Mars rover)
- Perseverance (Mars rover)
- Phoenix (Mars lander)
- Spirit (Mars rover)
- Viking missions
- Mars Express (orbiter), 296–97, 299–300, 355–57
- Mars Global Surveyor, 297–98, 355
- Mars missions (Mars 2, Mars 3, ...), 343–44
- Mars Observer (orbiter), 355
- Mars Odyssey (orbiter), 288, 295, 355
- Mars Pathfinder (lander), 355
- Mars Reconnaissance (orbiter), 288–89, 299
- Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity), 291–95, 356–58
- Martel, Jan, 364
- Martin, William, 147–48, 203
- mass transport, 22
- Mather, John, 40
- Maus, Deborah, 357
- MAVEN (spacecraft), 288
- Maxwell equations, 174
- Mayor, Michel, 327
- McKay, Chris, 262, 354
- McKay, David, 360–61, 365–67
- McKinley, James, 271
- McSween, Harry, 364
- mechanical life systems, 3–4
- meiosis, 239
- membrane, 205–7
- mercury (Hg), 164
- Mercury (planet), 72–73, 86–87, 278
- Meridiani Planum, 289–91
- mesophiles, 248
- MESSENGER (spacecraft), 73, 86
- messenger RNA. See mRNA
- metabolism: network, 199–204
- metabolism-first theories, 145–53
- metagenomics, 236, 273
- metals (astronomical definition), 44
- meteorites, 63, 84, 358–67
- ALH84001, 360–67
- Antarctica, 361–62, 366–67
- Martian, 358–67
- Murchison, 133, 358
- Nakhla, 359, 365–67
- SNC, 358–59
- Tissint, 359
- transit Mars to Earth, 361
- methane (CH4): amino acids, 98–102
- compared to silane, 12–13
- disequilibrium, 339–40
- extrasolar planets, 368–69
- extraterrestrial sources, 131
- greenhouse gas, 13
- Mars, 356–57
- primordial planetary conditions, 98–120
- produced by microbes, 210, 271
- properties, 12–13
- radical reactions, 108–9
- Titan, 315–21
- volatile inventory, 98–102
- Methanococcus jannaschii, 233
- methanogens, 210–11
- Methanopyrus kandleri, 210
- methylglycine, 133
- methyl radicals, 5, 108–9
- micelles, 149, 151
- microfossils, 214, 217–21, 237, 363
- Miller, Stanley, 97–112, 134, 138
- Miller-Urey chemistry, 97–138
- Milky Way, 27, 37, 54, 56, 59–60, 373–74, 377
- Milner, Yuri, 377
- Mimas, properties, 314
- mirror images. See chirality
- mitochondrion, 228–29
- Mojzsis, Stephen, 213–15
- molecular chaperones, 248–49
- monomers: amino acids, 100
- chirality, 172–75
- DNA, 101
- nucleobase synthesis, 117–27
- phosphorimidazolides, 157
- polymerization processes, 135–38
- prebiotic syntheses, 106–27, 147
- RNA, 136–37, 158, 167–71
- montmorillonite, 136, 154–55
- Moon, 80–82, 86–87, 262, 276–78
- Moorbath, Stephen, 216
- Moore, Peter, 186–87
- Morabito, Linda, 305–6
- Mossbauer spectrometer, 291
- Mount Sharp (Mars), 295, 358
- mRNA, 190
- editing, 231–32
- genetic code, 191–96, 198
- Mullis, Kary, 251
- multicellular organisms, 228, 244, 252
- Murchison meteorite, 133, 358
- mutation, 193
- Mycoplasma genitalium, 201
- NADH, 185, 229
- NADPH, 225
- Nakamura, Tomoki, 134
- nanobacteria, 364
- nanofossils, 361, 364
- Neptune, 77–78, 324
- neutrinos, 37
- neutrons, 30, 32–37, 52–55
- neutron spectrometer, 86, 284, 292, 295, 355
- neutron star, 53–55
- New Horizons mission, 324–26
- Newton, Isaac, 49
- nickel (Ni), 16, 73, 105, 145, 147
- Nielson, Peter, 176
- nitrogen (N): bond strength, 8–10
- compounds, 65, 69, 103
- electronegativity, 103–4, 181
- nitrate, 272
- nucleobase, 197
- peptide bond, 102
- nitrogen (N2): Earth’s atmosphere, 282
- fixation, 204, 238, 251
- liquid, 11, 256–57
- Miller-Urey experiment, 107
- Pluto, 326
- Titan, 315, 319
- Triton, 324
- Venus, 88
- nitrogenase, 204, 230
- N-methylalanine, 86, 109
- North Pole, Australia, 217–19
- Nostoc commune, 257
- nova, 52
- nuclear binding energies, 33, 53
- nuclear resonance, 47, 49–50
- nucleic acids, 101, 117–29. See also DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
- nucleobase synthesis, prebiotic, 117–29
- nucleons, 30–34, 40–41
- nucleosides, 121–29,
- nucleosynthesis, 32–41
- nucleotides, 121–29, 135–36, 160–66, 170
- chirality, 173
- as cofactors, 184–85
- genetic code, 191–96. See also ADP
- ribonucleotide reductase
- nucleus (cell), 231–33, 237, 239
- Nuvvuagittuq, 217
- octopus eyes, 222
- Oort Cloud, 72, 84
- Oparin, Aleksandr, 98, 144, 149
- open universe, 36–37
- Opportunity (Mars rover), 289–91, 355
- orbital (molecular), 11–14
- orbital resonance. See resonance
- order (phylogenetic group), 240
- ordered/disordered states, 21
- Ordovician, 240
- organelles, 232
- Orgel, Leslie, 118, 122–24, 129, 137, 157–58, 178–79
- origin of life, 140–177
- Orion nebula, 67
- Oro, John “Juan,” 117–18,
- Oumuamua, 84
- outer Solar System: habitable worlds, 302–26
- oxaloacetate, 228
- oxic atmospheres, 104, 204, 226–27
- oxidation, 21, 138, 185, 223–24, 244, 251, 345
- oxidation state, 223
- oxidative phosphorylation, 229
- oxygen (O): abundance, 8, 20
- bond strength, 8–10
- carbohydrates, 112–13
- clay, 155
- compounds, 129
- double bonds, 15
- electronegativity, 104–5
- fire, 4–5
- fusion, 50–53
- hydrogen bonds, 182
- isotope ratio, 81, 359, 363–64
- missing from DNA, 101, 196–97
- phosphate groups, 127
- photolysis of water, 91–93
- radical reactions, 5, 116, 261
- oxygen (O2): atmosphere, 21, 214–15, 237
- diving, 266
- Europa, 310
- first environmental catastrophe, 226–27
- inhibiting nitrogenase, 204, 230
- produced by photosynthesis, 105, 224–27, 244
- required by chemosynthetic organisms, 269
- sign of life, 293, 339–40, 350–53
- volatile inventory, 65, 103. See also aerobic metabolism
- ozone layer
- Oyama, Vance, 349
- ozone layer, 242
- Pacific Ocean, 81, 246, 276
- palimpsest, 201–2
- Palmer, Patrick, 372
- panspermia hypothesis, 142–44, 179, 361
- Papineau, Dominic, 217
- Pasteur, Louis, 140–41, 171, 176
- Pauli, Wolfgang, 37
- Pauling, Linus, 182
- PCR, 251–52
- Peale, Stan, 304, 307
- Peebles, Jim, 26–28, 61–62, 327
- 51 Pegasi (star), 327, 377
- pentose. See sugars
- Penzias, Arno, 25–29, 61–62
- peptides, 157–58, 188–90
- peptidyltransferase, 184, 187
- perchlorate, 353–54
- periodic table, 7–8, 11–12, 16–17
- Perseverance (Mars rover), 300–301
- Phanerozoic eon, 215
- phenylalanine, 111, 192–93
- Phoenix (Mars lander), 295–96, 353–54
- phosphates, 101, 121–29, 197, 343
- phosphine, 342–43
- phospholipids, 149
- phosphorimidazolides, 129, 135
- photolysis (of water), 227, 244, 279, 340, 342
- photons, 21, 28–30, 32, 38–39, 142, 226, 330, 368
- photosynthesis: Calvin cycle, 225
- chloroplasts, 232, 237, 239
- dark reaction, 225, 373
- indepencence from, 269–70, 274
- light reaction, 225
- origins, 221–26
- photosystems I and II, 224–26
- photosystems I and II, 224–26
- pH scale, 265
- pH values, 254, 266
- phylogeny, 209–11
- pi bond, 12
- pigeon droppings, 25–26
- Pioneer missions, 302–3
- Pioneer Venus mission, 89
- Planck (spacecraft), 36, 40
- planetesimals, 70–71
- planet formation, 69–80
- plate tectonics, 89–92, 105, 212, 246
- PLATO mission, 336
- Pluto, 78, 324–26
- polyalcohols. See sugars
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 362–63
- polycytidine, 137
- polymerase chain reaction, 251–52
- polymerization processes, 102, 116, 119, 137, 147, 157–58, 162–65, 167–71, 175–76
- polymers, 127–28, 135–37, 156–57, 162–76, 181–82, 188–90, 197–99
- polyols. See sugars
- polypeptides, 181–82, 188–90
- population I stars, 41, 55
- population II stars, 41, 55–56
- population III stars, 41–43, 56
- porphyrins, 189
- positrons, 32
- potassium (K), 74
- Prasiola crispa, 257
- prebiotic synthesis, 97–139
- predators, 241
- pre-solar nebula, 8, 66, 78–79, 174
- pressure, 266–68
- primordial planetary conditions, 82–94, 97–139
- Project Ozma, 371–72
- proline, 112, 133, 192
- Prometheoarchaeum, 236
- propionic acid, 106
- protease, 159, 172
- protein biosynthesis, 178–79, 189
- proteins: basics, 101–2
- before or after DNA, 198–99
- catalysts, 151, 182, 199–204
- chirality, 172
- folding, 172, 181–82, 248
- histones, 231, 233, 239
- iron-sulfur clusters, 148
- membrane pores, 222–23
- metabolic enzymes, 199–204
- origins, 181–82, 188–90, 198–204
- ribosomal, 186–87
- stability, 255
- stress proteins, 248–49
- structures, 209, 264
- Proterozoic eon, 214, 221
- protogalaxies, 42
- protons, 30–39, 44, 53–54
- protoplanets, 69–80
- protostomes, 241
- proto-Sun, 66–69
- psychrophiles, 256–60
- Ptolemaic system, 302
- purine nucleobases, 117–29
- purple membrane, 222–23
- pyrimidine nucleobases, 117–29
- pyrite (FeS2), 146, 227, 251
- Pyrolobus fumarii, 254
- pyruvate, 200, 203, 229
- radical reactions, 4, 107–8, 129, 145
- radio-frequency radiation (radio waves), 25, 29, 299, 370–71, 374–75
- radioisotopic dating, 78–79, 216
- radiolysis, 272, 310
- Ramakrishnan, Venkatraman, 186–87
- Rasmussen, Birger, 219
- recombination event, 38–39
- red dwarf stars, 57–58, 328, 332
- red giants, 45, 48
- Redi, Francesco, 140
- red shift, 26–29, 38, 42
- reducing environments, 104–31
- reduction (chemistry), 131, 145–47, 185, 225, 229, 268–69, 343
- Rees, Martin, 50
- refractory materials, 69–74, 94
- re-ionization process, 43
- reproduction: definition of life, 2–6
- resonance: carbon nucleus, 47–50
- Enceladus-Dione, 323–24
- Io-Europa, 304–6
- Mercury-Sun, 58
- Moon-Earth, 57
- planetesimals–outer planets, 83
- reverse transcriptase, 164
- Reynolds, Ray, 304, 307
- Rhea, 322
- Rhizocarpon geographicum, 143
- Rhodopseudomonas viridis, 223
- ribonucleic acid. See RNA (ribonucleic acid)
- ribonucleotide reductase, 199
- ribonucleotides, 185
- chirality, 173
- cofactor, 184–85
- 2′ hydroxyl group, 196–97. See also ADP
- ribose, 101, 112, 116–17, 122–28, 134, 172–75, 196–97
- ribosomes, 179, 183–88, 190
- reconstitution, 186–87
- ribozyme, 160–61
- 16S RNA, 210–11
- structure, 186–87
- ribozymes, 159–71, 183–88
- hammerhead, 165, 185
- ribosome, 160–61
- Ricketsiales, 235
- Rivera, Maria, 234–35
- RNA (ribonucleic acid): autocatalytic hydrolysis, 196–97
- basics, 101–2
- catalysts, 159–71, 183–88
- genetic material, 196
- origins, 135–37
- primer, 164, 198
- ribosomal, 210–11
- RNA polymerase, 164
- RNA world, 158–71, 179, 183–88
- robots, 3–4
- rocks: half-life, 212
- Rosalind Franklin (Mars rover project), 301
- Rosetta mission, 131–32
- Rubidium (Rb), 79
- Rubin, Vera, 37
- Russell, Michael, 147–48
- Sagan, Carl, 91, 143, 211, 315, 320–21, 370–71, 373–75, 378
- salinity, 260–64
- Saturn, 76–77, 314–24
- missions overview, 303–4
- moons, 314–24
- scattered disk, 78
- Schiaparelli, Giovanni, 280
- Schidlowski, Manfred, 213
- Schleper, Christa, 135
- Schopf, William, 217–18
- Schrödinger, Erwin, 1–2, 23
- Schulze-Makuch, Dirk, 357
- Scott, Edward, 364
- sea water (salt content), 253, 256
- self-replication, 3–7, 137, 145, 152–58, 162–71
- sequence, complementary, 137, 157, 164
- gene, 101
- genome, 198, 233
- protein, 102
- random, 162–63
- ribozymes, 158–71
- template, 137, 157, 162
- SERENDIP, 372, 376
- serendipity, 372
- serine, 112, 191–93
- SETI, 370–78
- at home, 376
- institute, 375
- NASA program, 372, 375
- sex, 239
- Shoemaker, Carolyn, 63–65
- Shoemaker, Eugene, 63–65, 94
- Shoemaker-Levy 9, 63–66, 94
- sigma bond, 12
- silane, 7–8
- silicates, 16, 69–74, 81–82, 104–5, 154–56, 216, 227, 305, 314, 369
- silicon (Si), 7–16, 52–53
- Sinton, William, 282
- 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (comet), 131–32, 303
- skeleton, 240–41
- Slipher, Vesto, 26–28
- Smoot, George, 40
- snowball Earth, 92, 258–59
- snow line, 75
- Soai, Kenso, 175
- sodium, 56
- solar nebula, 81, 94, 66–80
- Solar System: composition, 9
- habitable worlds, 278–326
- heliocentric model, 49
- origin and evolution, 56–58, 66–80
- radioisotopic dating, 79
- solar winds, 67, 69, 77, 80, 288
- solfatare fields, 253–54, 264
- solvents, 17–20
- Spallanzani, Lazzaro, 140
- sperm whale, 268
- sphingolipids, 149
- Spirit (Mars rover), 289–91, 355
- splicing reactions, 159–60, 163
- spontaneous generation, 140–42
- spores, 142–43, 179, 277
- spreading centers, 89–90, 246
- Stardust (spacecraft), 131
- Starobinsky, Alexei, 31
- stars: formation, 41–56, 66–67
- life supporting, 56–58
- multiple, 56–57
- red dwarf, 57
- Steitz, Tom, 186–87
- stellar winds, 67
- sterilization methods, 249
- sterols, 149, 237–38
- Stetter, Karl-Otto, 211
- Stevens, Todd, 271
- Stewart, Potter, 2
- Stolper, Edward, 364
- stratosphere, 242
- Strecker, Adolph, 109–10
- Strecker synthesis, 109–10, 133
- Strelley Pool, Australia, 219, 221
- stress response, 248–49
- stromatolite, 219–21
- strontium (Sr), 79
- subduction zones, 90, 105
- subsurface habitats, 268–73
- sugars, 112–17
- chirality, 171–72
- metabolism, 145, 201, 229
- photosynthesis, 225
- prebiotic synthesis, 112–17, 124, 130
- sulfides: prebiotic chemistry, 147
- role in chemosynthesis, 252–54, 269
- role in photosynthesis, 223
- sulfur-containing amino acids, 111, 138, 164
- Sun, the, 44–45, 55, 66–69
- super-Earths, 331–36, 368–70
- supernovae, 52–54
- superoxides, 353
- supracrustal rocks, 213, 217
- Sutherland, John, 124–26
- symbiosis, 229, 238, 242, 252,
- Szostak, Jack, 163, 168–69, 184
- Tagish Lake, British Columbia, Canada, 84
- tardigrades, 261–62
- technology: limits, 370
- temperature scale, 250
- template-directed polymerization, 137, 153, 157–58, 162–71, 190, 202
- terpenoid, 205–7
- terrestrial planets, 9, 45, 71–72, 95, 98, 103–5, 331–33, 369
- Tesla, Nikola, 371
- TESS mission, 336
- Tethys, 314
- Tetrahymena, 159–60
- Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum, 251
- thermodynamics, 1–2, 8, 21, 128
- thermophiles, 249–55
- thermostabilization, 255
- Thermotoga elfii, 251
- Thermotoga maritima, 254–55
- Thermus aquaticus, 250–52
- thiols, 131
- Thiorhodaceae, 223
- 4-thioUTP, 164
- third-order reactions, 34
- tholins, 315–16
- thorium (Th), 49, 94
- threose, 175–76
- thymine, 101, 117
- importance of methyl group, 198
- tidal locking, 57–58, 333
- time requirements, 23, 58
- Titan, 314–24
- atmosphere, 315
- discovery, 314–15
- habitability, 321
- haze, 315–17
- life, 321, 367
- methane cycle, 316–19
- temperature, 316
- topography, 217–18
- Tjhung, Katrina, 165–66
- Totani, Tomonari, 170
- Trace Gas Orbiter, 357
- transit observation, 327–30, 334–36, 368–70
- transmutation, 141
- TRAPPIST-1 (planetary system), 332–34, 369
- tree of life, 207, 210, 232–34
- trehalose, 261
- tricarboxylic acid cycle, 146, 203, 228–29
- trinuclear fusion, 33
- tritium (3H), 32–35
- Triton, 324
- tRNA, 160, 189–90, 195–96
- tRNA synthetase: evolution, 195–96
- troilite (FeS), 130–31, 146
- tryptophan, 111, 191–92, 202
- T-Tauri stars, 66–69
- tungsten (W), 82
- tun state, 261
- tyrosine, 111, 192, 202
- ultraviolet radiation (UV light), 43, 92–93, 98, 106, 115–18, 131, 143, 174, 199, 262, 278
- Universe: anthropic principle, 48–51
- chemical composition, 8
- density, 36–37
- multiple universes, 51
- open or closed, 36–37
- origins, 29–56
- uracil, 101, 117, 121, 137
- difference from thymine, 198
- uranium (U), 74, 216
- Uranus, 71–72, 77–78, 83, 302
- urea, 106, 120–21, 127
- Urey, Harold, 97–98, 104–5, 138, 319
- valine, 112, 133, 192–94
- van der Oost, John, 207
- Vega missions, 74, 343
- Venera missions, 74, 344
- Venus, 73–74, 87–89, 278–79, 342–43
- Verne, Jules, 272
- vesicles, 133, 144, 149, 151, 168–69
- Vesta, 76
- Viking missions, 262, 287–88, 344–54, 359
- gas exchange experiment, 349–53, labeled release experiment, 345–46, 349, 352–53
- landers, 344–54
- orbiters, 287–88
- pyrolytic release experiment, 346–49
- viruses, 5, 101, 159, 196, 205
- volatile materials, 66, 83–94, 102–4
- volcanism, 76, 89, 106, 305–7
- Vostok: lake, 258–59, 274
- Voyager missions, 302–3, 305–6, 314–17, 322, 324
- Wächtershäuser, Günter, 145–48
- water (H2O): boiling point, 10
- carbon dioxide (CO2) regulation, 89
- Ceres, 76
- in clay, 154–55
- Enceladus, 322–23
- Europa, 308–11, 367
- extrasolar planets, 333, 368–69
- extraterrestrial sources, 83–86
- heat capacity, 18
- Jupiter, 74–75
- Jupiter’s moons, 302–14
- Mars, 279–99, 355
- Moon, 96
- photosynthesis, 222–26
- planet formation, 71–76
- Pluto, 324–25
- primordial planetary conditions, 97–102
- properties, 17–20
- radical reactions, 108, 115–16
- required for life, 17–20
- Saturn’s moons, 314–24
- snow line, 69–75
- as solvent, 17–20
- Titan, 314–21
- Venus, 88–89
- volatile inventory, 66, 83–94, 102–4
- weak nuclear forces, 173
- weathering processes, 89, 293
- Wegener, Alfred, 246
- Wells, H. G., 281
- Whaling, Ward, 47
- White, Harold, 184–85
- white dwarf stars, 50
- Wilkinson, David, 26–28, 40
- Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), 40–41
- Wilson, Robert, 25–29, 61–62
- Wisdom, Jack, 95–96
- Wittung, Pernilla, 176
- Woese, Carl, 158, 209–11, 232–33
- Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, 203–4
- Xanthoria elegans, 143
- x-rays: observation of neutron stars, 54–55
- produced by black holes, 59
- x-ray spectrometer, 291–92
- Yarus, Michael, 183–84
- yeast, 191, 203, 239
- Yellowstone National Park, 250, 254, 264, 323
- Yen, Albert, 352
- Yonath, Ada, 186–87
- Yoshida, Masasuke, 265
- Young, John D., 364
- Zhu, Ting, 169
- zircon, 216
- Zuckerman, Benjamin, 372
- Zwicky, Fritz, 36–37