#1Reasonmentors 378
1942 226
3D Monster Maze, 50
Aarseth, E. 63, 175, 187–8, 200, 203, 259–60, 334, 430, 434–5, 476–7, 480, 486–8, 491
abandonware 28
Abbott, H. P. 475
academic achievement 320
action: as a game genre 223–5, 227, 229–30; player actions, 223, 227–30
action-adventure: game, 85, 100–2, 104; genre 229–30
action-RPG (game genre) 227
ActionScript 44
Activision 86
Actor-network theory (ANT) 7, 327
adaptive palette 51
addictive mobile games 397
Adobe Flash 45
Adorno, T. 294
Advance Wars 112
Adventure (text adventure game) see Colossal Cave Adventure
Adventure (Crowther and Woods) 110, 128
Adventure (for the Atari VCS) 235
Adventure (Robinett) 129
adventure games 84, 125–6, 129, 232–40
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 109
aesthetic of repetition 204
affect 495–7; see awe, fascination, reverence, sublime, transcendence, wonder
affordances 97
African heritage 404
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings 280
agency 421–42: and embodiment 422; and players 421–2; technological 7
aggression (in video game) see violence (in video game)
agôn 145, 161–3, 198, 475, 485, 490
Ahmad, M. A. 335
AI see artificial intelligence
Air Strike Patrol 27
Aldama, F.L. 399
Alexander, C. 486
Alice (development tool) 317, 319
Alomar S. (video game character) 403, 404
Alpha Centauri 88
alternate reality games (as performative) 392
Ancient Art of War, The 276
animation 128
anthropology 295
anti-aliasing 50, 53–4; anti-aliasing filtering 53
anti-Arab games 405
API see application programming interface
Apple iBooks 41
Apple iOS 45
Apple iPod 130
Application programming interface (API) 45; plug-ins 45
Applr A4 microprocessor 42
Arab 405
arcade cabinets: sound 44
Arcade Empires 216
arcade game 25–8, 104–5, 129, 207, 225–6
archive 30, 275, 278–9, 281; see archiving
archiving 25, 30, 275, 281; with videos 280–1; with replay files 279–80; see also archive
arete 162
Arkanoid 26
Arneson, D. 296
Arnold, K. 208
Arnold, M. 293
artificial intelligence (AI) 126, 129, 423: adaptive 13–14, 15; history of 14–15; innovations in 15–17; pathfinding 11–12, 14, 15, 17; strategic opposition 13; techniques 11–14
Asian 405
aspect ratios 91–2; and “3:4” 91, 92; “4:3” 91; “5:4” 91; “16:9” 91–2
Assassin’s Creed 110
Assassin’s Creed 2 113
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood 216
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations 216
Assassins’ Creed 3: Liberation 399, 400, 404
assemblage theory 214–15, 217; in game studies 215
Atari Video Computer System 21–2, 42, 43, 46, 214, 235, 444
Atari, 175, 226, 295, 331, 380
Atkins, B.
A-Train 259
audio hardware see sound processors
augmented reality games 130; as performative 393–4
authorship 86
autotelic 452
avant-garde games 385
Avatar 436
avatars 242, 244, 245, 306–7, 356–9, 381: health and healing 207; player movement of 207
backward compatibility 25
Baer, R. 2, 126
Baldur’s Gate 233
ball-and-paddle (game genre) 226
Barlett, C. P. 334
Bateman, C. 491
Baudrillard, J. 264
Bedwell, W. L. 334
behavior 261
Bejewelled 136
Beneath a Steel Sky 234
Benjamin W. 294
Bensley, L. 334
Berzerk 226
BioShock 115
Bioshock Infinite 92
Bird in Space 437
Björk, S. 486
Black & White 38; games 13, 15
black women gamers 400
Blade 398
Blade Runner 109
Blast Theory 392
Bleszinski, C. 99
Blinx: The Time Sweeper 209
Blizzard Entertainment, 175
Blow, J. 209
board games 84; 428–9; as platform 41
Bogost, I, 114, 181, 182, 186, 263, 333, 398, 431, 443, 445, 471–2, 489
Bolter, J. 182
boredom 345
Boria, E. 412
boss 100, 103–5; final boss 100, 105
Brand, S. 176
Braunstein 126
Breidenbach, P. 412
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars 233
Brown, D. 99
Bruckman, A. 296
Buchman, D. D. 334
Buckles, M. A. 331
bugs 27
Burke, C. S. 334
Bush, V. 33
Bushman, B. J. 334
Butler, J. 398
Caillois, R. 67, 72, 74–5, 77, 78, 145, 161, 170, 198–200, 213, 226, 241, 332, 475, 485, 490–1
Call of Duty 137, 208, 226–7, 271
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 81, 85, 400, 404
Call of Duty games 76, 79, 145, 252
Call of Duty: Black Ops II 95, 399
Callaway, K. 494
camera 36
Campbell, K. 179
canonicty 127
capital: social, symbolic, academic, cultural 410; in-game 411; gaming 412
capitalism 447
Caplovitz, A. G. 335
Carnagey, N. L. 334
Carroll, J. 247
case modding 4
Castillo, T. 99
Castle Wolfenstein 3D 207
Castlevania 3 44
Castronova, E. 130, 411, 335, 491
Castronova, T. 494
casual game play see casual games
casual games 374, 384–5: definition 135–6; downloadable 136–7; exergames 140–1; mimetic interface 136–7, 139–40; music games 140–1
Casual Games Association 136, 138, 141
casualness see casual games
catharsis 347
cathode-ray TV 26
causality 125
CCCS 298
Centipede 89
CGA see Color Graphics Adaptor
challenge 103–5, 143–50: definition 146; versus competition 145
chance see alea
Chen, S. 99
chess 4, 205–6, 275, 278, 423, 439
Child’s Play Charity 370
children’s culture 264
Chion, M. 29
choices 53
Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Time Theatre 214
Circle of Blood see Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars
citizen journalists 403
Citizen Kane 60
Civilization 84, 86, 89, 261–2, 264, 319, 432, 445–6
colonization 260, 261, 428, 446, 448
classic arcade games 367
cloaked racism 402
Co, P. 99
Coavoux, S. 408
coding 85
cognition 417–24; distributed 418; embedded 418; and embodiment 418, 422; extended 418; and schemas 417, 423; situated 418–19
cognitive film theory 422; and video game theory 422; and cognitive narratology 419, 422; and emotions 422
cognitive psychology 417
Cohn, D. 490
coin-op games 86
collaboration 87; see competition
collecting video games 343
collective effervescence 410
collective resistance griefing 400
Collins, K. 181
color clock 42
Color Graphics Adaptor (CGA) standard 50
color resolution see resolution, color
color: analysis in games 69–71; contrasts 67, 69; depth 68; effects 71–2; and emotion 70–2; feedback to the player 68; in game studies research 70; and light 67, 69, 71; and navigation 68; and player affordances 68; in rendering technologies 67–9; symbolism in games 70
colorblindness 397
Colossal Cave Adventure 232, 234–5
Columbine High School shooting 255, 381
Combat 226
Commando (Capcom arcade game) 226
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines 276
Commodore VIC-20 42
communication infrastructure 411
communicative metafunctions 245–6
communitas 409
compact discs 52
competition 158, 160–4: achievement 161; excellence 163–4; failure 162; fair play 162; losing 160–1; winning 158, 160–3
competitive games 277–80; see e-sport, cyber-athletes
conditioning 346
conflict: competitive 169; cooperative 169; designed 167–8, 169, 171; emergent 168, 170
Conflict: Global Warrior 405
Conkey, C. 334
context: of a game 278–8; of play 25–7
continuity editing 306
Contra 226
Contractor, N. 335
controllers 26, 44, 46–7; music game instruments 44
controls 36, 311, 313, 314, 315–16
conventions 420: cinematic 81; cultural 75; definition 76–7; gameplay 77–9; genre 79–80; narrative 75, 80–1; theater 77; versus rules 74–6
Cooper, J. 331
Cooperation 158–64: reciprocity 159, 162
copyright law 47
core games see hardcore games
core mechanic 251
Cornock, S. 180
Cost of Life: Ayiti, The 115
counterplay 314
Counter-Strike 491
Crash Bandicoot 94
Crawford, C. 99, 166–9, 171, 174–5, 177, 192, 224–5, 333
critical thinking 468; and dilemma and paradox 470
Croft, L. (video game character) 357–8, 396, 400
cross-platform 45
crunch time 384
Crystal Castles 112
Csikszentmihalyi, M. 35, 146–7, 167, 194, 332, 421, 245, 452–3, 457, 495
Culin, S. 295
culture industry 294
Currie, G. 436
cut-scene 53, 80–1, 102, 104–5, 301; pre-rendered 302–3; live-action 302; real-time 303, 307; interactive 304; modular 304; playable 304, 308
Cyan Worlds 51
cyber-athletes 202
cybernetics 444
D&D see Dungeons & Dragons
Dance Central 135
Dance Dance Revolution 204
Darrow, C. 491
Day of the Tentacle see Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle
de Grandpré, A. (video game character) 400, 404
Dead Space 32
Deadline 234
Dean For Iowa, 489
death, representation of 310–11, 313, 314, 315
decision space 96–7; and perfect and imperfect information 96–7; games of progression 97; games of emergence 97
Defender 93
DeLanda, M. 214
Deleuze, G. 214
demand and offer acts 246
Denegri-Knott, J. 335
depth, simulation of 92; and two-dimensional games 92; three-dimensional games 92, 94–5; 2.5-D games 93–4; “3-D games” 94
Descent 129
Design patterns 486
designer-programmer 5
DeVane, B. 334
Dewey, J. 496
Diablo 208
Diablo II 33
Diablo III 194
dialogue 118; dialogue scene 304
Dibbell, J. 335
diegetic world see worlds
difficulty 29, 149; difficulty curves 89
Digital Creativity 333
Digital Games Research Association 369
digital public sphere 403
direct manipulation 233, 235, 239
director (film) 86
DirectX 45
Dishonored 97
distortion, 53
divine-human relationship see technology
Dixon, D. 485
Dixon, S 265
Dobb, L. 335
dollhouses 126
Dominick, J. R. 331
Donkey Kong 77, 104, 138, 153, 206, 225
DOOM 94, 102, 108, 112, 117, 129, 138, 154, 202, 226–7, 253–4, 256
DOS computers 50
Double Dragon 226
Dragon’s Age II 370
Dragon’s Lair 481
drama education 247
Draw Something 217
Drewe, S. 161
Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty 227, 276, 278
Dungeons & Dragons 96, 111, 112, 101, 126, 197, 242, 296–7
DVD-Audio format 53
Dyer-Witheford, N. 262, 288, 335, 444
dys4ia 92
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (video game) 4, 286
EA Sports Active 140
Earthbound 30
easter egg 152
Edmonds, E. 180
education 317; and religion 495–7
Eenwyk, J. van 334
EGA see Enhanced Graphics Adaptor
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, S. 188
Elder Scrolls (The) games 129
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (The) 359
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (The) 440, 453
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (The) 59–60, 62, 64–5, 440
Electronic Entertainment Expo 367
Eludamos, 333
emergence 147–50, 427–32: games of 97, 276, 278, 428, 432
Emes, C. E. 334
emotions 422
empathy 351
empire 444
emulation 25–31, 340: high-level 26–7, low-level 26
enculturation see socialization
Engelbart, D. 33
engines, game 444
Enhanced Graphics Adaptor (EGA) standard, 50
Entertainment Software Association 408
Entertainment Software Rating Board 467–8
epiphany see proleptic moment
ergodic, 175, 181, 182; systems 430
Eric the Unready 232
eros 493
e-sport 158, 164, 278, 280, 409; see also competitive games
Estock, J. L. 334
ethics 466–74; and ethical reflection 468–71, game design 469–72
ethnicity 399
Everett, A. 399
EverQuest 242, 243, 296–7, 381, 435, 491
exhibitions (video game) 342
experience 32–7, 39; experience design 35
expertise 162
exposition 304
F-15 Strike Eagle 86
Faërie 497
Fagen, R. 332
Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy 481
Fairchild Channel F 22
fandom 410
fans 402
fantasy 497–8; and horror 498; and intrusion 498; -fulfillment 85
FAQs see walkthrough
fascination 494
Fast and the Furious (The) 105
Fat, Ugly, or Slutty 376
fear, and wonder 498
feedback loop 173, 174, 175, 178, 182, 429; single and multiple-loop systems 175
feelings see affect
Ferguson, C. J. 334
fiction 277–8, 304, 477–8, 490–2; and games 477–8; cinematic 306, 307–8; genre 305; literary 308, and interactivity see interactive narrative
field 410
FIFA International Soccer games 398, 399
Final Fantasy Anthology 30
Final Fantasy V 30
Final Fantasy VII 242, 244, 245
first-person shooter 76, 79–80, 99, 207, 208, 226–7, 294, 412
flicker fusion 50
flow 35
flow experience 495; see affect
flow theory 35, 78, 146–7, 167, 194, 332, 421, 452–3, 495
Flynn, B. 382
FMV see full-motion video
fog of war 276
formal-functionalist approach 420
Fountain 60
FPS see first person shooter
frame analysis 410
Frankfurt School 294
Frasca, G. 185–8, 246–7, 262, 443, 476–7, 489
Frijda, N. 223
Frogger 138
Frogger 206
Fullertion, T. 160–1, 192, 491
full-motion video 237
fun 89
Funk, J. B. 334
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 234
Gadamer, H.G. 188
Galaga 91
Galatea 238
Galaxy Force II 108
Galtung, J. 348
Game Career Guide 377
game design 35–9, 99, 213, 410, 428–9; spatial design 102, 105; see level design
game development disciplines 85
game feel 175
game journalism 89
game object 488
game sound technology 120
game studies 32, 35, 476–7, 479
Game Studies, 333
game writing 35
gamepad 26
gameplay 173, 174, 177, 180, 182, 301, 303, 306, 428–9, 434, 436–7; challenge segmentation 103–5; phases in 428–30; segmentation 103–5; spatial segmentation 103–4; temporal segmentation 103; systems 85
gameplayer, definition of 199–200
gamer identity 383
games: as artwork 485; as fiction 490–2; as object 484; as process 484; as system 485; semiotic vs mechanical layer 487–90
Games and Culture 333
gaming journalism 396; press 383
gaming race 404
Gao, Q. 179
Gaver, W. 97
geek culture 382
gender 162, 269–70; and space 381–2; identity 373; roles 375, 442, 467
General Aggression Model 256
genre 223–5; game genre history 225–7
Genvo, S. 191
geometric aliasing 52
geometric resolution see resolution, geometric
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective 238
Ghostwire 130
Giddings, S. 7
goals 125
God see religion
Goertz, L. 179
Goffman, E. 241, 296, 388, 409–10
Goldberg Variations 89
Goldilock and the Three Bears 110
Goldstein, J. 335
golf 144
Good Deal Games 341
Good Old Games see GOG.com
Gotcha! 226
Gould, G. 89
Gouraud shading 52
GPU see Graphics Processing Unit
Graf, K. 378
Gran Turismo 208
Grand Theft Auto 138, 141, 259
Grand Theft Auto games 396, 399, 404
Grand Theft Auto III 104, 199, 200, 303, 480
Grand Theft Auto IV 65, 143–4, 147–50, 191, 194
Grand Theft Auto Games 104, 129
Grand Theft Auto V 406
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 46
Grant, B. 224
graphical adventure games 232
graphical text adventures 232
graphics cards see graphics processors
graphics processing unit (GPU) 51
graphics processors 43
graphics rendering 26
Gravitar 129
Gravitation 92
Graybill, D. 331
grayscale imagery 54
Greenfield, P. M. 331
Gregersen, A. 227
Grodal, T. 204, 206, 210, 227, 334, 456–7
Gromala, D. 182
groups 410
Guattari, F. 214
Gumbrecht, H. 163
Gun Fight 226
Gygax, G. 296
Habitat 129
habitus 410
Hacks 154
Half Life games 15–16, 254, 398
Half-Life 2 76, 79, 97, 113, 114
Halliday, M. 246
Halo games 79, 129, 149, 252, 398
Halo: Combat Evolved 154, 206, 226–7, 341, 494
Hamurabi 275
hardcore 201–2; games 135–6, 138; videogame culture 383–5
Harris, M. B. 331
Hartveld, C. 192
Havok (physics engine) 44
health bars 207
Heathcote, D. 241
Heavy Rain 111, 233–5, 238–9, 478, 480
Heeter, 179
Heim, M. 493
Hemnes, T. 335
Herman, D. 477
Hero’s Journey 498
Hero’s Quest: So You Want to Be a Hero 209
Heroes of Might and Magic 277
hidden curriculum see curriculum
high-definition television 50
Hispanic gamers 399
history: portrayal of 277
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The 233, 235, 237
Hobbes T. 347
Holi (Indian holiday) 72
Holopainen, J. 486
homebrew gaming 341
horizon of expectations 79
horror video games 498; see transcendence
Hoyle, E. 333
Huebner, D. 496; see also Otherness
Huizinga, J. 74, 76, 197–200, 242, 332, 389, 485
human eye 51
human hearing 52
humanism 468
humanities 213
Hush 461
Hybridity 305
hyperselectivity 177
hyper-sexualization 373–4, 375
hypertext 302
Hyperzone 108
IBM 50
ICO 37
ideal commodity 7
identification 256, 355, 357–9
ideological clashes 88
ideology 261–2, 265, 268–9, 442–50; and ideological state apparatuses 442; ideological worlds 446; implicit curriculum 444–5; interrogation 448; military-industrial complex 448; simulations 443
Ihde, D. 448
imaginary world tradition 126–7, 131
immersion 37, 85, 147, 311, 314, 316: sensory/perceptual 451; as psychological engagement 452; fictional 453–6; imaginative 454
implicit curriculum see curriculum
improvisation (as performance practice) 390–1
In Cold Blood 437
Indie Game: The Movie 385
indie games 385
information 32–5, 37; imperfect 96–7; information architect 34; information design 34; perfect 96–7
input-output 83
Instagram 396
Intel processors 43
intellectual property 355, 360–2
inter- as prefix 174
interaction 32–5, 39, 173–4; defined 173; interaction design 32–5, 39, 174; interaction flow 34, 39; relevant interaction 182
interactive art 180
interactive fiction 128, 232, 180, 234–8
interactive narrative 235; combinatorial explosion 481; and design 480–1; and role-playing games 482; structures of 477–8
interactive resolution see resolution, interactive
Interactive Tutoring Media 333
interactivity 36–7, 61, 63–5, 167, 438; and sound 181; as conversation 175–7; as gameplay, see gameplay; degrees of 179–80; definition 173–4; in performance 180; MIT Media Lab definition and corollaries 176–7; open and closed 175; perceived interactivity 177, 178, 179, 182; psychological vs. physical 19–21; and phenomenology 20; thresholdy feeling of 173, 174, 177, 181, 182; see Laurel
interesting decisions 83–4, 87
interface 32–40, 136–7, 139–40, 232–3; interface design 32–40; graphical user interfaces (GUI) 32–4, 36–7; human–computer interface (HCI) 35; music games 140–1
International Game Developers Association 369
interpassivity 358
interpretative flexibility 327
IRC 296
Islands of Kesmai 129
isometric view 94
J. K. Greye Software 50
Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie 37
Jauss, H. R. 278
Java 45
Jenkins, H. 59, 81, 186, 195, 244, 245, 287–9, 291, 346, 479, 468, 481
Jobs, S. 33
Johan Sebastian Joust 462
Johnson, C. “CJ” (video game character) 396, 399, 406
Jones, G. 334
Jørgensen, K. 177
Just Cause 2 436
Juul, J. 76–7, 97, 146, 147, 148–9, 185–7, 201–2, 205, 209–10, 242, 259, 434–7, 439, 478–9, 481, 491
Kaboom!-The Suicide Bomber Game 489
Kant, I. 347
Kaprow, A. 389
Karate Champ 226
karma counter 469–71; see also Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Kay, A. 33
Keegan, B. 335
Keller, L. 397
Kember, S. 265
Khasawneh, M. 405
Kinect see Microsoft Kinect
King of Rock 401
Kiousis, S. 173
kitch 187
Kittler, F. 333
KKK 397
Klabbers, J. 487
Klevjer, R. 80–1, 223, 476, 479, 482
Kline, S. 262–3, 288, 294, 335
Kolnai, A. 333
Konami code 154
Kozel, S. 180
Krane, L. 377
Kremers, R. 99
Krzywinska, T. 498
Kuleshow effect 304
Kuma/War 405
Kung-Fu Master 226
Laird, J. 224
large development teams 86
Last Express, The 239
Laurel, B. 173–4, 182, 187, 244, 335, 389
Lazzara, E. H. 334
learning: research on 320–1; through creating 319; through playing 318–19
LeBlanc, M. 84
Ledoux, J. 456
Lee, J. H. 335
Legend of Zelda (The) 233, 235
Legend of Zelda (The): The Ocarina of Time 303, 495
Legend of Zelda (The): The Wind Waker 498
legitimate peripheral participation 243
LEGO 264
LEGO Star Wars video games 128
Leino, O. 188
Leisure Suit Larry games 239
level 99–105; definition of 99
level design 83, 85, 99–102, 104; definition of 99; and genre 99–102; functions of 102–5
Lewis, C. S. 497
Life Flashes By 238
linear perspective 107–9; and one-point perspective 107–8; two-point perspective 108; three-point perspective 108–9
Lister, M. 264
Little Red Riding Hood 110
LittleBigPlanet 94
live action role playing 159
lives or tries 207
living room 47
local area network (LAN) 365
Logic 126
Lopes, D. M. 59, 61, 63, 438–9
Lord of the Ring (The) 95
Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth, The 277–8
Lords of the Realm II 276
Lovecraft, H. P. 498
Ludi Romani, 485,
ludo-fictionalism 491,
ludo-hermenuetics 188
ludology vs. narratology 180
ludology, as department 186, as discipline, 186
ludonarrative dissonance 115
ludo-realism, 491
ludosis 6
ludus 74–5, 161–2, 198–200, 485
Lukacs, A. 410
lusory attitude 144
mach banding 51
Machinarium 233
Machinima 248, 303, 391–2, 401, 402
Mackie, D. 331
Mafia Wars 137
magic circle 75, 76, 389, 392, 460–1
Magnavox Odyssey 21
Major Havoc 129
Manhole (The) 129
Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle 77, 232, 234
mantle of expert 78
maps 125
Marcuse H. 294
Mario Bros. 93
Mario’s Tennis 94
marketing, 86
Marriott, M. 396
Marx, K. 442
mass culture 294
massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) 125, 127, 129, 200, 242, 244, 296, 366, 368, 374, 375, 407–8, 411, 447, 487; as performance spaces 389, 391; sociology of 213
Mastermind 78
matchmaking, 215
Mateas, M. 103–5, 180, 333, 487
Math Blaster 319
Max Payne 488
Mäyrä F. 6, 261–2, 335, 451–2, 454
maze games (game genre) 226
McDonald’s Video Game 115
McLuhan, M. 89, 324–5, 329, 448. meaning 459–64; around 463–4; in 461–2; of 460–1
Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics model (MDA) 84, 190
media: and amplification/reduction 448
Mega Man 340
Melenson, J. 471
Men of Valor 399
Mendlesohn, F. 498
Menendez, R. (video game character) 399
Metal Gear Solid 478
Mickey-Mousing 119
micro stuttering 51
Microsoft Xbox 360 45, 158, 286–7, 360
Microsoft Xbox Live 158, 400, 401, 403, 404
Microsoft XNA (development tool) 317
Middle East 404
Middle-earth 127
middleware 45
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out! 92
militarism 444
militarized masculinity 381
Miller, R. 187
Milton Bradley, 86
mimesis, as Make-Believe 491
mimicry 74–5, 78, 198, 243–4, 485, 490,
Mind Forever Voyaging, A 112
mirror neurons 456
mixed-race 404
Miyamoto, S. 396
MMOG see massively multiplayer online game
mobile phones 55
model railroading 126
Modem Wars 280
Molesworth, M. 335
Molyneux, P. 471
monitors 50
Monkey Island see The Secret of Monkey Island
Moon Patrol 108
moral axis 471
moral panic 468
morality see ethics
Morris, B. A. 334
Morse, M. 174
MOS Technology 6502 43
motion-blurring 51
Motorola 6507 microprocessor 42
Moulthrop, S. 488
movies, characters licensed from 360–2
Ms. Pac-Man 207
multiplayer 27, 276, 278; games 208
Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator see MAME
multi-user dungeon 366
Munsell Color System 67
Murphy, D. 291
Murray, J 187, 213, 244, 434, 453, 476
Muslim 405
must-play character (MPC) 396, 398, 399, 404
Myst 51, 102, 129, 153, 187, 232, 234, 237, 436
Myst III: Exile 128
Myst Masterpiece 51
Mystery House 232
myth of redemptive violence 448
mythopoeia 497
Nakamura, L. 401
name above the title 86
narration 304; cinematic 306, 308
narrative 35, 37, 180–1, 233, 235, 238, 244–5, 261, 436; and gameplay 479–80, 481–2; and games 477–82; and progression/emergence structures 480–1; and time 477–8; framing 304–5; level 311, 312–14; narrative design 35; narrative discourse 306, 308, 477, 481–2
narrative perspective 109–11; and omniscient voice 110–11; epistolary voice 111; unreliable narrator 111
narrativity 105
narratologists 186
narratology 185, 187, 434: applied to games 477–8; classical 475, 478–9; of content 478–81; of expression 481–2; and ludology 476–7, 479; and semiopragmatics 478; and structuralism 475–7
NBA Ballers games 399
Need for Speed games 105
Need for Speed: Underground 105
negative media attitude 318
Negroponte, N. 294
NES see Nintendo Entertainment System
NES: emulators 26–7; Zapper 26
NFL Street 399
Nielsen, S. E. 335
Nietzsche, F. 485
Night Driver 226
Nintendo 361, 381; as designers 43, 44, 47
Nintendo Entertainment System 43, 442, 467; controller 44; Ricoh Picture Processing Unit 43; UNROM storage cartridge 43
Nintendo Wii 46–7, 368; Wiimote 23
non-player characters (NPCs) 10–17, 126, 129, 177–8
Non-Uniform Rational Basis (or Bézier) Splines (NURBS) 52
Norman, D. 97
Novak, J. 99
NPCs see non-player characters
NURBS see Non-Uniform Rational Basis (or Bézier) Splines
O’Keefe, B. 335
Obama, B.H. 396, 397, 398, 404
object-oriented programming 236
Odin, R. 478
Ogmento 130
online multiplayer 254
online worlds 129
ontology 63–5, 435, 439–40; descriptive, 484, existential, 484, formal, 484, problems of, 487
OpenGL 45
oppressive gameplay practices 400
optional-playable characters (OPC) 398
Orange Box (The) 80
Orvis, K. L. 334
Otto, R. 495
oversampling 53
OXO 437
Pac-Man (video game character) 128
Pac-Man 59, 89, 91, 138, 153, 226, 326, 328, 358, 360; on Atari VCS 42
Pandemica, 130
Paratelic 485
patches 279
Pavel, T. 454
PECMA flow theory 456
pedagogical content knowledge 321–2
penalty 315 see punishment
Pentominoes 84
performance (and video games) 388–95
performance capture 303
performance studies 388
permadeath 315
perspective 36
phantasmagoria 265
Phenix, P. 496
phenomenology 495
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 233, 239
Phong shading 52
photorealism 452
physics engines 44
Piaget, J. 332
picture elements 49
pinball 207
Pirates! 86
Pitfall! 225
Planet Zeon 94
platform (game genre) 225–6; games 20, 100, 102, 104,
platform: in business 42; in computing 41; creativity 41, 45, 46–7; criticisms of 42; and culture 46; definition of 41; as discipline 46; material limitations 46; social protocols 46–7;
PLATO system 311
play 421; categories of 161–3; definition of 197; mechanics 207; sociology of 212–13
Player (The) 188
Player vs. Environment 276
player: behaviours 162; customization 87; definition of 197–9, 203; involvement 87; perspective 113–14; player-character (PC) 226, 233–4, 399; space 136–7; transgressive behavior 168; types 170
playing cards 41
Pokemon 361
Poker 96
Pole Position 226
PONG 91, 117, 120, 191, 226, 267, 273, 364
Poole, S. 59
popular culture 293
Portable Sound Format (PSF) 53
possibility space 471
possible worlds theory 454
post-Civil Rights era Millennials 397
posterization 51
Press X to Win 87
Presson, M. 90
Prey 399
Price, J. A. 331
Prince of Persia games 398
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (film) 342
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time 109, 209
printing technology 47
procedural audio 122
procedural content generation 431–2
procedural rhetoric 398, 443, 461
procedures, video game 443
progression 89, 149, 230; games of 97, 428, 432
projective identity 470
proleptic moment 496
Propp, V. 244
PSF see Portable Sound Format
Psychonauts 101
puzzle (challenge) 84, 228–30, 234, 236–7
quick-time events 304
Quilted Thought Experiment 60
Race 85: and ethnicity 396; and identity 398, 401
racing (game genre) 226
racist rants 404
Raessens, J. 335
Rafaeli, S. 179
raiding 160: guilds 160; world-first 160
Randel, J. M. 334
random generation 208
random numbers 84
randomness 428
ratings, video game see Entertainment Software Rating Board
real-time strategy (game genre) 227
real-time strategy (RTS) games 13–14, 264
recorded games see replays
Red Dead Redemption 17, 60–1, 65, 434, 437–8, 440
Red Digital Cinema Camera Company 49
Red One camera, 49
Reid, E. M. 296
religion 448, 471, 493–501; and education 495–7; and literature 497–8; and psychology 494–5; and technology 493–4; see also transcendence
religious education 495–7; experience 494–5; and curriculum theory 495–7
remediation 36
remote control devices 21
repetition: industrial strategies of 207–9; comprehensive 209; looping 206; 209–10; pleasure of 206; predictability 206; practice and learning 204, 206; sectional 208–9; variability 204, 207–10
replay 313, 314, 315; replay value 207–9
replaying games 89
reputation, management of 412
research methods 407–9; quantitative 407; qualitative 407; mixed 407; data mining 408; surveys 408; social network analysis 408
Resident Evil 5 400, 402–3, 404
Resnick, M. 263
resolution: 49–55; color 51, 54; geometric 52, 54; interactive 53–4; sonic 52–4; spatial 49–50, 54; temporal 50–51, 54
restricted languages (in games) 246
resurrection 314
retrogamers 30
retrogaming 230
Rettberg, S. 446
rhetoric 459, 462 see procedural rhetoric
rhetorical perspective 114–15; and systems 115; goals 115
Ricoeur, P. 223
Rise of the Videogame Zinesters 385
ritual 409
Robinett, W. 235
Robotron: 2084 226
Rock Band 44, 85, 135, 137, 141
rock music 293
Rock-paper-scissors 276
Rocksmith 204
Rokeby, D. 178
role (in performance) 391
role-playing game (game genre) 227–8
role-playing game (RPG) 19, 80, 81, 83, 99–101, 207, 209, 242–3, 296–8, 304, 357–9; as performative space 391
Rollings, A. 99, 190, 192, 276
Rome: Total War 276; see also Total War games
Romero, J. 298
Rorschach 238
Rothstein, H. R. 334
RPG see role-playing game
RTS see real-time strategu
rule 75, 144, 145, 146, 160–1, 164, 313, 314, 316, 435–6: local 158; formal 160; sets 83; versus conventions 74–6; video game 443
run and gun (game genre) 226
Run DMC 401
Rushkoff, D. 294
Ryan, M.-L. 334, 454, 475, 477, 480–1
Saints Row 399
Sakamoto, A. 334
Sala, E. 334
salary 86
Saleem, M. 334
Salen, K. 75, 96, 144, 145, 159, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 178–9, 182
Sarkeesian, A. 374
Sartre, J.-P. 249
Saylor, E. 399
Scantlin, R. 335
Scepter of Goth 129
schemas 417–18, 423; and scripts 418, 423
Schiller, F. 485
schizophonic performance 141
Scholtz, C. 495
SCI model 451
scoring 85
Scratch (development tool) 317, 319
scripted events 307
Second Life 127
Secret of Monkey Island (The) 233, 239
SEGA 381
Sega Genesis: sound chip 44
SEGA systems 53
segmentation of gameplay see gameplay segmentation
semiosis 6
semiotic: amplification in games 246; of role-play 245–6
sex roles see gender roles
sexist and misogynist 398
sexual content in video games 467–8
Shadow of the Colossus 472
Shakespeare as game 248
Shaw, A. 334
Sheriff (Nintendo arcade game) 226
shooter (game genre) 83, 226–7; fixed-screen 226; shooting gallery 226; shoot ’em up 226; scrolling 226
shooting game subgenres 251–2; first person shooter 252; third person shooter 252
Showscan 50
Sid Meier’s Civilization see Civilization games
silent film 50
Silverman, M. 409
SimCity 88, 126, 260, 262–3, 264, 265, 494
SimEarth 259
Simons, I. 30
Sims (The) 88, 89, 90, 199, 237, 262–3, 265, 480
Sims 2 (The) 401
Simulation & Games, 333
simulation 105, 235–7, 239, 259–265, 313, 314, 315
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 68
Sixth Sense (The) 496
skills: cognitive 228, 230; sensori-motor 225, 228, 230; skill trees 83
Sky Siege 130
Slattery, P. 496
Sleeping Dogs 78
smartphones 238
Smith, J. H. 335
Snatcher 233
SNES see Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Snow Crash 356
social context 410
social games 366–7; see casual games
social network 408, 412; games 156–7
sonic resolution see resolution, sonic
Sony EyeToy 23
Sony PlayStation 2 46
Sony Playstation 3 45, 52, 286–8, 290
Sony PlayStation 53: use of optical discs 43
Sony Playstation Move 23
Sony PlayStation Vita handheld 399
sound 35, 38: and diegesis in video games 121; and immersion in video games 120; and psychophysiology in video games 121–2; effects 119
sound film 50
Space 33–4, 36, 125: storage 302; polygonal 302; film 303; 3-D 303; game 303, 305–6; embodied 306–7; cinematic 306, 307; and time 306; imagined 306; projected 306; synthetic 306, 307; avatar-based 306, 307; diegetic 307; space-time 261
Space Invaders 53, 59–60, 62, 77, 91, 96, 104, 113, 138, 206, 226, 252, 253
space of possibility 96
Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter 236
Space Race 226
Space Shuttle 129
Spariosu, M. 332
Spasim 129
spatial resolution see resolution, spatial
Special Force 405
Spectrum home computer 236
Spectrum Warrior 405
Spider-Man 3 (video game) 289–90
spiritual experience see religious experience
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow 216
spoil-sport 198
Spore 208
sports game studies: text 268–9; player 270; industry 271
Srivastava, J. 335
Star Fox 27
Star Wars (arcade game) 129, 226
StarCraft games 202
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty 279
Starfire 364
Starhawk 399
StarLogo 263
Steam 368
Steinkuehler, C. 335
stereotypes 374–5; stereotype threat 377
Stern, A. 180
Stonkers 278
storage media 43
story world 95
storytelling 301–2, 304–6: theory of, see narratology; and interactivity, see interactive storytelling
strategy 228–9, 275–81; and fiction 277–8; games 83; guides 280; real-time (RTS) 275–6, 278–80; turn-based (TBS) 275–6, 280
strategy guides see walkthroughs
Street Fighter 78
Street Fighter games 101
strobing 51
subcreation studies 494
Suber, P. 333
Suffering (The) 472
Suits, B. 78, 144, 145, 146, 149, 150, 198–9, 333, 484
Super Mario Bros. 93, 100–1, 119, 153, 190, 204, 225
Super Mario Kart 208
Super Mario Sunshine 487
Super Nintendo Entertainment System 41, 26–7, 29–30; emulators 26–7
survival horror genre 81
Sutherland, I. 33
Sutton-Smith B. 247, 249, 264, 332, 490
Swing, E. L. 334
symbolic interactionism 409
synthetic world 494
tabletop RPGs 101
table-top war games 126
tag 204
Tan, E.S. 422
Taves, A. 495
Taylor, T. L. 159, 163, 215, 243, 335, 407, 409
tech tree 277
technological determinism 41, 47, 324–6, 328
technology: and divine-human relationship 493–4; gendering of 382–4; non-neutrality 445–6, 448, 467
Television Interface Adapter 42
telic 485
Tempest 108
temporal resolution see resolution, temporal
Tetris 84 88–9, 89, 192, 206, 429–30, 437, 487–8
text adventures see interactive fiction
thatgamecompany 160
theater 75, 77; see performance
Thief: The Dark Project 38, 148
tic-tac-toe 84
Tiger Woods PGA Tour games 398
time 125; in video games 205–6, 477–8; navigation 204–5, 209–10; repetition and 205; rewinding 209–10
To Kill a Mockingbird 95
Todorov, T. 224
Toles, T. 467
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell 78
Tomb Raider 110, 129, 245; games 101
TomyTronic 3D games 94
Tosca, S. P. 335
touchscreens 238
Toy, M. 208
transgender 404
translation 30
tremendum mysterium 495
tropes 374
True Grit 438
Tumblr 396
tuning 85
Turow, J. 285
Twain, M. 109
Tyler, T. 261
Tylor, E. B. 295
Ubisoft: multiplayer games 216
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar 469–71
Ultima VI: The False Prophet 470
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 233
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 85, 98, 112
Under Ash 405
unfolding revelation 471
unit operations 443
Unity3D engine 94
Unreal Tournament 32
user, agentic 413
Utopia 276
van Lent, M. 224
Vercetti, T. (video game character) 399
Vertigo 60
VGA see Video Graphics Array
VGM see Video Game Music format
video arcade 381
video game 49–55, 125–31: domestication of 214; genres 158–9; goals 160, 163; history of 25, 30; in public space 214
video game industry 384
Video Game Music (VGM) format 53
Video Graphics Array (VGA) standard 50
ViewMaster 94
violence (in video games) 467–8, 345–51
Virtual Boy system 94
virtual reality 303, 451–2, 493
virtual worlds 126–7, 130–1, 213, 247; as player 213–14
voice-over narration 118
walkthroughs 153
War in the Gulf 405
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness 97, 278–80
Warcraft III 277
Warcraft games 202
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans 227, 278
wargames (or wargaming) 275, 278
Warrior 226
Wartella, E. 335
waste 8
Weber, S. 265
Weiner, N. 175
Weiss, P. 163
Weschler, R. 174
Wetzel, C. D. 334
White Power 397
white supremacy 397
Whitehead, A. N. 496
Whitehill, B. V. 334
whiteness 404
Wichman, G. 208
Wii Fit 140
Wild Gunman 226
Williams, R. 331
willing suspension of disbelief 455
Wilson, K. A. 334
Windows see Microsoft Windows
Wink, W. 448
Winner, L. 3
Winnicott, D. W. 191
Witcher (The) 472
Wolf, M.J. P. 28, 63, 182, 205, 206, 223–4, 260–1, 263, 494
Wolfenstein 3D 76, 79, 108, 112, 226–7, 254
work 409, 447, division of labor 411
World of Warcraft 112, 145, 156, 170, 242, 296–8, 318, 331, 357–8, 366, 369, 411, 447–8, 487
World 54, 125–31; game- 99, 103–4, 301, 314, 315, 316; story- 305; fictional 305; diegetic 306; imaginary 306–8
worldness 315
Wreck-It Ralph 342
Wright, T. 412
writings about game design, 89
Wu, G. 179
Xbox see Microsoft Xbox
Xevious 226
Yie Ar Kung-Fu 226
Yoshi’s Safari 26
z-axis depth 52
Zelda (video game character) 400
Ziegfield, R. 486,
Zillmann, D. 457
Zimmerman, E. 75, 96, 144, 145, 159, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 178–9
ZX Spectrum 28