

of circular orbit, 45–46

due to gravity, 71–72

mass, force, and, 63–66, 70

of particle, 40–41, 42, 43–44, 45–46

position and, 44, 46

state-space of system of particles and, 88, 89

units of, 68

Action, 108–110, 115

reaction and, 92–94, 139

total, 112

See also Principle of least action

Active change of coordinates, 131

Addition, of vectors, 24–25, 26–27

Advanced mechanics, 105–107

Angle, measure of, 19–20

Angular frequency, 45

Angular momentum, 124–125

conservation of, 140, 143–144, 219, 225–226

Earth’s orbit and, 216–217

Poisson brackets and, 178–181, 182–187

Angular velocity, radial distance and, 219–221

Antisymmetry of Poisson Brackets, 174

Aristotle’s (false) law of motion, 58–63

Atomic energy, 103, 104

Axes, 15–16

Basis vectors, 25–26

Binomial theorem, 31, 32

Brahe, Tycho, 223


fundamental theorem of, 50–53

of variations, 110

See also Differential calculus; Integral calculus

Canonical momentum, 203–204, 205–207

Carat, 25

Cartesian coordinates, 15–19, 121–122

vectors for, 23–24, 25–27

Central forces, 212–215

equations of motion and, 218–221

gravitational potential energy and, 215–216

planetary orbits and, 213–215

polar coordinates and, 217–218

Centrifugal force, 120

in effective potential energy diagrams, 221, 222

effective potential energy function and, 220, 221

Chain rule, 35–36

Chaos, 14

Charges, 85–86

Chemical energy, 103, 104

Circle, right triangle drawn in, 21–22

Circular motion, 44–46

Circular orbit, 222–223, 226–227

velocity and acceleration of, 45–46

Classical mechanics, 1–2

Classical physics

assumptions about time in, 17–18

cycles and conservation laws and, 12–13

defined, 1–2

dynamical systems with infinite number of states and, 10–12

limits of precision and, 13–14

minus-first law and, 8–10

systems and state-space and, 2–8

Closed systems, 2

Commutator, 173

Components, of vectors, 26

Condensed matter physics, 210

Configuration space, 91

Conjugate momentum, 123–125, 126–127

Conservation, symmetry and, 178–181, 187–189

Conservation laws

cycles and, 12–13

for simple systems, 128–130

symmetry and, 139–144

Conservation of angular momentum, 140, 216–217, 219, 225–226

Conservation of energy, 101–103, 145–152

Conservation of information, 9–10

Conservation of momentum, 92–94, 139–140

Constant, derivative of a, 34

Continuous evolution, 3

Continuous transformations, 134, 137

Convergence, 165

Coordinates, 15–19

Cartesian, 15–17, 121–122

cyclic, 125–127

generalized, 121–125

polar, 124, 217–218

Coordinate system, Cartesian, 15–17

Coordinate transformation, 117–120, 130–135

Coriolis force, 120–121, 199

Cosine (cos), 20, 21, 23

Cross product, 27, 193

Curl, 193–194

Cycles, 5–6

conservation laws and, 12–13

Cyclic coordinates, 125–127

Definite integral, 49

Degrees of freedom, 4–5

Euler-Lagrange equation for a single, 110–111

Del, 191–194

Delta (Δ), 30


calculating, 31–36

defined, 30–31

of a constant, 34

integrals and, 50–53

of powers, 32–34

rules for, 33–36

second, 79, 82, 83–84

second-order partial, 76

special cases, 33–34

time, 38–39

Determinant, 82

Deterministic, 2

dynamical laws and, 8–9

laws of classical physics and, 5

Differential calculus, 29–37

partial derivatives and multivariable, 74–84

Differential equations

first-order, 60–63

second-order, 69–72

Direction of time, 17

Displacement, 23, 38–39


angular velocity and radial, 219–221

coordinates and, 16

electric and gravitational forces and, 85–86

Divergence, 165

flow and, 165–167

of magnetic fields, 195

of vector field, 167, 192

curl and, 194

Dot product, 27

Double pendulum, angular

momentum and, 140–144

Drag force, 85

Dynamical laws, 3–8

reversible and deterministic, 8–10

Dynamical systems, 3

with infinite number of states, 10–12


Aristotle’s law of motion, 58–63

mass, acceleration, and force, 63–66

Newton’s equations, 69–73

Earth, angular velocity and distance from Sun, 219–220

Earth’s orbit, 224

central forces and, 213–215

equation of motion for, 215

gravitational force and, 214–215

as movement in a plane, 216–217

radius of, 222–223

Effective potential energy diagrams, 221–223

Electric field, 198

Electric forces, 85–86

Electromagnetic energy, 103–104

Electrostatic energy, 103, 104

Ellipse law, 223–225

Elliptical orbit, 223–225

Energy, 95–104

atomic/nuclear, 103, 104

chemical energy, 103, 104

conservation of (see Energy conservation)

electrostatic, 103, 104

heat, 103–104

kinetic, 97, 101–102

magnetic, 103, 104

mechanical, 103

multiple dimensions and, 99–102

potential, 95–99

radiation, 103, 104

rate of change of, 97–99

total, 97

Energy conservation, 97–99, 147–152

motion in uniform magnetic field and, 208–210

phase space fluid and, 162–164

symmetry and, 145–152

Equations of motion, 203–205, 218–221

determining trajectories from, 105–108

for Earth’s orbit, 215

generalized coordinates and, 121–125

Lagrange and the vector potential, 203–205

Newton-Lorentz, 204–205, 207, 209

Newton’s, 69–73, 86–88

Euler-Lagrange equations, 110–114, 202

conjugate momentum and, 123–125

derivation of, 111–114

use of, 116–121

Fictitious forces, 118, 199


electric, 198

gauge, 210–211

magnetic (see Magnetic fields)

scalar, 190–191, 194

vector (see Vector fields)

First-order differential equations, 60–63


divergence and, 165–167

in phase space, 162–164

stationary, 166

Forces, 58–59, 96

central (see Central forces)

centrifugal (see Centrifugal force)

on charged particle, 198–199

Coriolis, 120–121, 199

defining, 63–66

electric, 85–86

fictitious, 199

friction, 58, 63, 85

fundamental, 85–86

gravitational (see Gravity/gravitational force)

Lorentz, 198–199

magnetic (see Magnetic forces)

mass, acceleration, and, 63–67, 70

nonconservative, 100

potential energy and, 95–99

types of, 85

units of, 68–69

velocity and, 58–60

velocity-dependent, 198

Friction, 58, 63, 85

Functional, 110


graphing, 18–19

implicit, 35

minimizing, 76–79

trigonometric, 19–23

Fundamental forces, 85–86

Fundamental theorem of calculus, 50–53

Gauge, 197, 203

Gauge fields, 210–211

Gauge invariance, 203, 210–211

Gauge invariant, 198, 203–205, 208

Gauge transformation, 197, 201, 202, 211

Generalized coordinate system, 121–125

Generalized coordinates, 121–125

Generalized momentum, 123–125

Generator, 183, 188

Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 169

Gibbs-Liouville theorem, 169

Global minimum, 77

Gradient, 191–192


of functions, 18–19

of harmonic oscillator in phase space, 163–164

of integration, 47–48

of local maxima, 78

of local minima, 77

of simple harmonic motion, 42

of trigonometric functions, 21

of vector, 24

of velocity field, 165

Gravitational potential energy, 215–216

Gravity/gravitational force, 85–86, 212–216

acceleration due to, 71–72

in effective potential energy

diagrams, 221–222

effective potential energy function

and, 220–222

inverse-square law of, 222–223

on orbiting Earth, 214–215, 226–227

properties of, 214

Gyroscope, 185–187

Hamiltonian, 149–152

charged particle in magnetic field

and, 205–208

gauge fields and, 210–211

harmonic oscillator, 156–159

phase space and, 152–155

symmetry of, 157

Hamilton’s equations, 153–155

derivation of, 160–161

Poisson brackets and, 178

Harmonic oscillator, 72–73

Liouville’s theorem and, 170

phase space fluid and, 162–164

time-translation symmetry and, 145–147

Harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, 156–159

Heat energy, 103–104

Hessian matrix, 82–84

Implicit function, 34

Incompressibility of fluid, 166–167

Liouville’s theorem and, 167–170

Indefinite integral, 50, 51–54

Inertia, law of, 63

Infinitesimal transformations, 134–136, 137

Inflection, point of, 78–79

Information, conservation of, 9–10

Initial conditions, 13–14

Integral calculus, 47–57

integration by parts, 55–57


definite, 49

derivatives and, 50–53

indefinite, 50, 51–54

integration by parts and, 55–57

Integrand, 49


formulas, 53–54

graph of, 48

by parts, 55–57

Inverse-square law of gravity, 223

Irreversible, 8–9

Kepler, Johannes, 223

Kepler’s laws, 223–227

Kilogram (kg), 68

Kinetic energy, 97–98, 101

defined, 97

Kronecker delta, 175, 181

Lagrange equation of motion for a charged particle, 203

Lagrangian (L), 107–111

cyclic coordinates and, 125–127

energy conservation and, 147–152

gauge fields and, 210–211

in generalized coordinate system, 123–125

Hamiltonian and, 149–152

Lorentz forces and, 199–203

in polar coordinates, 218–219

symmetry and, 130–136, 137–139

time-translation symmetry and, 146–147

use of, 116–121

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 1–2, 13, 85

Law of inertia, 63

Law of motion, 3–10

Length, units of, 67

Levi-Civita symbol, 181–182, 183–184, 193

Limits, 29–30

of integration, 47–48

of precision, 13–14

Linear combination, of basis vectors, 26

Linearity of Poisson Brackets, 174–175

Liouville, Joseph, 169

Liouville’s theorem, 167–170

Local maximum(a), 78

Hessian and, 82

in higher dimensions, 80, 82

Local minimum(a), 77–78

Hessian and, 82

in higher dimensions, 80–82

Lorentz, H.A., 198

Lorentz forces, 198–199

Lagrangian and, 199–203

Magnetic fields, 194–198

equations of motion and, 203–205

gauge invariance and, 210–211

Hamiltonian of charged particle in, 205–207

motion in uniform, 208–210

Magnetic forces

on charged particles, 198–199

Lagrangian and, 199–203

Magnitude, of vector, 23, 26

Mass, acceleration, force, and, 63–66, 70

Mathematica, 19, 55

Mathematical induction, 176

Matrix, Hessian, 82–84

Maximum, local. See Local Maximum(a)

Mechanical energy, 103

Mechanical momentum, 205–206

Mechanics, axiomatic formulation of, 174–178

Meter (m), 67

Meters per second (m/s), 68

Minimizing functions, 76–79


global, 77

local (see Local minimum(a))

Minus-first law, 8–10

Mixed partial derivatives, 76


angular (see Angular momentum)

canonical, 203–204, 205–207

conjugate, 123–125, 126–127

conservation of, 92–94, 139–140

defined, 90–91

generalized, 123–125

mechanical, 205–206

phase space and, 90–92

Momentum space, 91


Aristotle’s law of, 58–63

circular, 44–46

examples of, 41–46

oscillatory, 41–42

particle, 38–41

simple harmonic, 42–44

in uniform magnetic field, 208–210

See Dynamics; Equations of motion

Multiplication, of vectors, 24, 27

Multivariable differential calculus, partial derivatives, 74–76

N-dimensional space orbit through, 114–115

principle of least action and, 114–115

6N-dimensional space

conservation of momentum in, 94

motion of system through, 90–92

Newton, Isaac, Kepler’s laws and, 223

Newton-Lorentz equation of motion, 204–205, 207, 210

Newton (N), 69

Newton’s equations of motion, 86–88

solving, 69–73

Newton’s first law of motion, 63–64, 70

Newton’s law of gravitation, 214

Newton’s second law of motion, 66, 70

Newton’s third law of motion, 92–93, 139

Noether, Emmy, 130

Nonconservative forces, 99

Nuclear energy, 103, 104

Open systems, 2

Orbit, 114–115

circular, 222–223, 226–227

elliptical, 223–225

Origin, 15

Orthogonal vectors, 28

Oscillatory motion, 41–42

Partial derivatives, 74–76

Hessian matrix and, 82

Partial differentiation

minimizing functions and, 79–84

Partial derivatives, 74–76

stationary points and, 76–84

Particle motion, 38–41

examples of, 41–46


force on charged, 198–199

gravitational force on, 214

Hamiltonian of charged, 205–208

on a line, Hamilton’s equations for, 155

rate of change of momentum of, 93–94

See Systems of particles

Passive change of coordinates, 130–131

Period of motion, 45

Phase space, 90–92

Hamiltonian and, 152–155

harmonic oscillator in, 158–159

infinitesimal transformation of, 188

Phase space fluid, 162–164

flow and divergence, 165–167

Liouville’s theorem and, 167–170

Phi (Φ), 19


Earth’s orbit in, 216–217

Planetary orbits

central forces and, 212–215

Kepler’s laws and, 223–227

See Earth’s orbit

Plotting points, 18

Point(s), 16

of inflection, 78–79

plotting, 18

stationary, 76–79

Poisson brackets, 171–173

angular momentum and, 179–181, 182–187

rotors and precession and, 183–187

rules for, 174–178

symmetry and conservation and, 187–189

Polar coordinates, 124, 217–218

Euler-Lagrange equations in, 124–125

Lagrangian in, 121, 218–219


acceleration and, 44, 46

in phase space, momentum and, 91

representing, 38

velocity as rate of change of, 39–40

Potential energy

effective potential energy diagrams, 221–223

force and, 95–99

gravitational, 215–216

in more than one dimension, 99–103

Potential energy principle, 96

Pound (lb), 69

Powers, derivatives of, 33–34

Precession, 183–187

Principle of least action, 102, 105–127

advanced mechanics, 105–107

cyclic coordinates, 125–127

derivation of the Euler-Lagrange equation, 111–114

generalized coordinates and momenta, 121–125

Lagrangian and, 107–111

N-dimensional space and, 114–115

reasons for using, 116–121

Product rule, 35, 138

Pythagorean theorem, 23, 26

Radian, 19, 20

Radiation energy, 103–104

Radius, of planet’s orbit, 222–223, 226–227

Rates of change, 30

of momentum of particles, 93–94

of potential energy, 98

of total energy, 98–99

See also Differential calculus

Reaction, action and, 93–94, 139

Reference frame, 18

Relative motion, 116–121

Resolving power of an experiment, 14

Reversed time, 61–62

Reversible, 2, 8

dynamical laws and, 8–10

Right triangle

drawn in circle, 21, 22

relation among three sides of, 20

trigonometric functions and, 20


of frames of reference, 118–121

transformations of, 134–135

Rotation symmetry

about the origin, 216

conservation law and, 139, 140

conservation of angular momentum and, 178–179, 184

Rotors, 183–187

Saddle point, 80, 82

Hessian and, 82

Scalar, 24, 26

Scalar fields, 190–191, 194

Second derivatives, 82

stationary points and, 83–84

Second-derivative test, 79

Second-order partial derivative, 75–76

Second (s), 17, 67

Sigma (σ), 5

Sigma (Σ), 49

Simple harmonic motion, 42

Sine (sin), 20, 21, 23

Speed, 40

Spring balance, 64–66


defined, 2–3

dynamical systems and, 3–8

infinite systems and, 10–12, 14

system of particles and, 88–90

Stationary flow, 166

Stationary points, 77–79

in higher dimensions, 79–84

Stroboscopic, 3

Subtraction, of vectors, 25

Summa (∫), 49

Sum rule, 34


antisymmetry of Poisson Brackets, 174

consequences of, 137–139

conservation and, 178–181, 187–189

conservation law and, 139–144

defined, 131

examples of, 130–136

general, 136–137

rotation, 136, 140, 143, 178–181, 184–185

time-translation, 145–147

translation, 132–133

Systems, 2–8

closed, 2

dynamical, 3, 10–12

open, 2

Systems of particles, 85–88

action, reaction, and conservation of momentum and, 92–94

momentum and phase space and, 90–92

space of states of, 88–90

Tangent (tan), 20, 21, 23

Theta (θ), 19


Aristotle’s equations of motion and, 60–63

assumptions about, 17–18

direction of, 17

reversed, 62

units of, 17, 67

Time derivative, 39–41

Time translation, 146

Time-translation invariance, 146–147

Time-translation symmetry, 145–147

Trace, 82


determining from equations of motion, 105–107

Lagrangians and, 107–111

of particle, 38

through N-dimensional space, 114–115

through phase space, 155


continuous, 134, 137

coordinate, 130–135

gauge, 197, 201, 202, 211

infinitesimal, 134–136, 137

Translation, transformations of, 134

Translation symmetry, 132–133

Trigonometric functions, 19–23

oscillatory motion and, 41–42

Unitarity, 170


of acceleration, 68

of distance, 16

of force, 68–69

of length, 16, 67

of mass, 68

of time, 17, 67

of velocity, 67

Unit vectors, 25

Vector equations, 66

Vector fields, 190–191

divergence of, 167, 192–194

magnetic fields and, 194–195

Vector potential, 195–197

equation of motion and, 204–205

Lagrangian and, 200

Lorentz force and, 201

Vectors, 23–28

addition of, 24–25, 27

basis, 25, 26

dot product, 27

in component form, 25–26

linear combinations, 25–26

magnitude, 24

multiplication by a scalar, 24, 26

orthogonal, 28

subtraction of, 25

unit, 25


acceleration and, 40–41, 42–46

of circular orbit, 44–45

Coriolis force and, 120

force and, 58–60

Lagrangian and, 109, 122

momentum and, in phase space, 90–92

of particle, 38–41, 42–46

representing, 39–40

state-space of system of particles and, 88–90

units of, 68

Velocity-dependent forces, 198

Velocity field, 165–166

Viscous drag coefficient, 63

x-axis, 15

x-coordinate, 16

y-axis, 15

y-coordinate, 16

z-axis, 15

z-coordinate, 16