
PART ONE: “Who Needs Paris?”

1. The Money Nobody Knows

2. Kansas City: Seville on the Missouri

3. California’s Central Valley: “Water, Wealth, Contentment, Health”

4. Fort Lauderdale: “How Big Is Your Boat?”

5. West Virginia: “In These Hills and Hollows”

PART TWO: Where the Money Is Quiet

6. The North Carolina Pines: “Sand in Our Shoes”

7. The Alpine Set: “You Can Live Forever Here”

8. Fairfield County: Perilous Preserve

PART THREE: The Simple Playgrounds

9. Sun Valley: “Mr. Harriman’s Private Train Doesn’t Stop Here Any More”

10. Mexico: In Search of What Acapulco Used to Be

11. New York, N.Y. 10022: Indestructible P.J.’s

12. New York, N.Y. 10019: What Are They Doing to Bergdorf Goodman?

13. The Circuit: Tell Us All

PART FOUR: How Not to Do It

14. U.S.A.: The Dwindling Pleasures of the Rich

15. London: His Excellency, the Ambassador

PART FIVE: So the Rich Are Like You and Me

16. Yachting: Everybody’s Doing It

17. “Come and Join Our Exclusive Club … Please?”

18. Where to Get Young and Beautiful

19. The Dying Art of Social Climbing
