Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.

Abel, Othenio, 10, 86, 87, 105

Abelisaurus, 110

acipenseriforms (chondrosteans), 82, 83

actinistian fish, 154–56

Actinopterygii, 82–83

Acynodon, 67, 68, 70

Adriatic Sea, 96

Aegean Sea, 96

Africa, 93, 95, 105, 112, 117, 169, 170, 179

agamids, 73

Ajkaceratops kozmai, 109

Alamosaurus, 28, 169

Albanerpeton, 81, 82

Albanerpetontidae, 80, 81, 81

Albania, 11–14

Albertosaurus, 110

Albian, 109, 217n15, 218n14

Alectrosaurus, 110

alligator lizards, 73

Alligatoroidea, 71

alligators, 19

Allodaposuchus, 71, 179

Allodaposuchus precedens, 67, 69, 69–71

allopatry, 165

Allosaurus, 32

Alps, 94

Alp-Tethys oceanic basin, 95

Altirhinus, 52

Alvarezsauridae, 31

alvarezsaurids, 37

ammonites, 98, 117

Amniota, 60

Ampelosaurus, 28, 107, 178, 179, 181

Ampelosaurus atacis, 110, 180

amphibians, 80–82, 107–9

Amphisbaenia, 73

Anabisetia, 45, 158, 160, 161, 169

anatomy, 21–22, 114

angiosperms, 102, 103, 188

Anguimorpha, 72, 73

Anhanguera, 64

Ankylopollexia, 45

Ankylosauria, 11, 25, 38–43, 141, 161

Ankylosauridae, 39, 110

Ankylosaurus, 39

Anura, 80

Anurognathus, 64

Apatosaurus, 23, 133

Apoda, 80

Aptian, 95

Apulia, 96–98, 105

Apuseni Mountains, 15, 88, 94, 97, 101

Arabia, 93

Aralosaurus, 52

Archaeopterydactyloidea, 64

Archaeopteryx, 19, 30, 31

Archosauria, 18, 19

Argentina, 27, 117, 161

Argentinosaurus, 117

arthropods, 122

Asia, 27

comparisons with, 110, 169

conditions in, 170, 171

and Hadro-sauridae, 171, 174

and migration, 182, 183, 189, 192

and Transylvanian insularity, 112, 167

Auca Mahuevo, 56–58

Aude Valley, 174

Australia, 169, 170

Australopithecus afarensis, 18, 19

Australopithecus africanus, 19

Austria, 43, 109

Austrochelyidae, 76

Austrosaurus, 169

Aves, 18, 33

Avetheropoda, 31

Avialae, 31, 37

axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), 118, 119, 120

Azhdarchidae, 64, 65, 67, 109, 141, 184

Azhdarcho, 64

Azhdarchoidea, 64

Bactrosaurus, 52, 157, 171, 172

Bactrosaurus johnsoni, 52

Bagaceratops kozmai, 176

Bakonydraco galaczi, 109

Bakony Mountains, 176

Balaur bondoc, 37, 38

Balkan Mountains, 94

Bărăbanţ, 15, 46, 73

Barbatodon transsylvanicus, 77, 79, 81

bat, 123

Batrachia, 80

Becklesius hoffstetteri, 72

Becklesius nopcsai, 72

beetle, dermestic, 104

Belgium, 108

Belgorod, 108, 109

benettitaleans, 102

Betasuchus bredai, 108

Bicuspidon hatzegiensis, 72

biogeography, 169–71, 184

birds, 19, 30, 31, 36

Black Sea, 1, 96, 108

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 113

body size, 117, 118

and colonization, 142, 143, 185, 191, 192

and croco-dilians, 118, 141

and Euhadrosauria, 132

and fauna, 86–87, 106

and France, 137

and Iguanodon, 45

and Iguanodontia, 130

and Mag-yarosaurus, 187

and migration, 143–45, 187–89

reasons for, 87, 118, 141, 142

and selection, 185

and Struthiosaurus, 187

and Telmatosaurus, 128–32, 187, 189

and Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, 49

and Thero-poda, 145

and Zalmoxes, 46, 187. See also dwarfism; growth and development

Bohemian Massif, 102

Borod Basin, 32

bowfin fish, 150

Brachiosaurus, 28, 133

Brachylophosaurus, 50

Bradycneme, 36

Broili, Ferdinand, 10

Brookes, Richard, 114

Buckland, William, 114–15, 116

Buffetaut, Eric, 25, 65, 70, 175

Bulgaria, 109

Bunzel, Emmanuel, 39, 40, 61

caecilians, 80

Camarasaurus, 28

Campanian, 95, 97

Campanian–Maastrichtian interval, 95

Camptosaurus, 25, 43–45, 129, 159, 160, 187

Carcharodontosaurus, 30, 117

Carnosauria, 31

Carroll, Lewis, 194–95

Casichelydia, 76

Ćáslav, 109

Caucasus, 93

Caudata, 80

Cenozoic era, 94, 153

centipedes, 122

Cephalopoda, 19

Ceratopsia, 25, 111, 124, 161

Ceratosauria, 31

Cerna River, 87

chameleons, 73

character change, 131, 156–58

rates of, 150, 151, 159–62, 171. See also evolution

character optimization, 126–28, 130, 131, 170, 216n70

Cherven Bryag, 109

chimpanzee, 119, 120, 121

Choceň, 60

choristoderans, 108

cladistics, 16, 18, 152, 168, 170, 171

cladogenesis, 165

cladogram, 18, 20, 21, 126–28, 151, 152

clam, unionid, 104

clubmoss (Lycopodiaceae), 103, 103

Cochirleni, 204n4

Codrea, Vlad, 15, 34, 77

coelacanth, 148, 149, 154

Coelophysoidea, 31

Coelurosauria, 31, 37

coevolution, 196, 197

colonization, 162, 168, 186

and body size, 142, 143, 185, 191–92

and clutch size, 191–92

and continental configurations, 182

and diversity, 106

in Europe, 185

and founder effect, 166

and loss of genetic variation, 186

and sexual maturation, 186, 191

success in, 167, 183, 184, 186, 192

Comoros Islands, 148, 149, 162

Compsognathidae, 31

Compsognathus, 30, 31

conifers, 102, 104

continental drift, 89–91

Cope, Edward Drinker, 117, 142

Cope’s Rule, 117, 142

Cornet, 204n4

Courtenay-Latimer, Marjorie, 147–48, 154

Cretaceous, 93

ephemeral terrestrial habitats of, 159

flora of, 102

habitats of, 105

and hadrosaurids, 52

and isolation and colonization of Transylva-nian region, 145

mammals in, 77

and multituberculates, 77

and ornitho-pods, 45

and Pterosauria, 60, 64

and sauropods, 28

and Southern Carpathian Mountains, 94, 97

and titano-saurs, 27

Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, 65, 77, 198

Crimea, 108

crocodilians, 3, 19, 98, 179, 180

and Al-lodaposuchus precedens, 68–70

body size of, 118, 141

in Europe, 107–9

eu-suchian, 109

feeding by, 72

growth of, 184

social behavior of, 72

Crocodilus affulvensis, 68

Crocodylia, 18, 19, 71

Crocodyloidea, 71

Cryptodira, 76, 77

Csiki, Zoltan, 27, 34, 44, 65, 124

Ctenodactylidae, 64

cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), 197

Cuvier, Georges, 114

cycads, 102

Czechia, 60, 102, 109, 211n57

Danube, 1

Daspletosaurus, 110

deer, 119

Deinonychus, 30, 36

Deinotherium giganteum, 114

Densuş, 15

Densuş-Ciula Formation, 37, 63, 67, 100–102, 159

Devonian, 93

Diacryptodira, 76

Dietz, Robert S., 91, 92

Dinornis maximus, 22

Dinosauria, 18, 19, 22–25, 116, 142

Diplodocoidea, 28, 110

Diplodocus, 117, 133

diversity, 16, 106, 109, 110, 165, 169

Djungaripteroidea, 64

dogs, 122

Dollo, Louis, 10, 10

Dollodon, 52

donkeys, 119

Doratodon, 67, 68, 70, 71

dortokids, 77

Drasković, Ludwig Graf, 11–12

Dromaeosauridae, 31, 33, 34, 36, 36–38

Dromaeosaurus, 35

Dryomorpha, 45, 158

Dryosaurus, 45, 159, 160, 187

Dsungaripteridae, 64

Dsungaripteroidea, 63, 64

Dsungaripterus, 64

dwarfism, 142–46, 184–87, 191, 192, 213n29

and endocrine system, 87, 118, 141, 150

and femoral structure, 124, 125

and insular isolation, 86, 87, 142, 143. See also body size; growth and development

Early Cretaceous, 169, 179

migrations in, 183, 184

and Neotethyan Ocean, 97

and Severin Basin, 95

and Telmatosaurus, 159

Ebro High, 97

Edmontonia, 39, 40

eggs, 107, 108, 190–92

angusticanalicu-late, 55

and clutch size and colonization, 191, 192

dendrospherulitic, 55

and eggshell construction, 54, 55, 58

hatchlings from, 55, 56

nests of, 53–58

elephants, 114, 119, 143–45

Elopteryx, 36

Elopteryx nopcsai, 32–33, 34, 36

embryos, 55–58

enantiornithine bird, 109

England, 98, 115, 179, 211n57

Eolambia, 52

Eolambia caroljonesa, 171

Euhadrosauria, 52, 131, 171–74, 189

and body size, 132

clutch size of, 192

ghost lineage of, 157

Euoplocephalus, 39

euornithopod, 176

Euramerica, 179, 180

Euronychodon, 36, 36, 37

Europe, 27, 93, 97, 174, 182

and dinosaur distribution, 170, 171, 181

and migration, 182, 185, 189

as source area, 169, 178, 179

Eusuchia, 70, 71, 109, 179

evolution, 16–18, 21, 120, 142, 150, 151, 154, 156. See also character change; morphological change, rates of

Fărcădin, 87

Fennosarmatia, 97

fern (Polypodiaceae), 103

fern (pteridophytes), 102

fern, filicalean (Gleicheniaceae), 103

fern, filicalean (Polypodiaceae), 103

Fontllonga hadrosaurid, 174

foraminifera, 98

France, 137, 169, 174, 175, 182

and Ampelosaurus, 110, 178, 181

fauna of, 106–10, 175

Fritsch, Anton, 60

frogs, 80, 81

Gallodactylidae, 64

gar (Lepisosteus oculatus), 83

Gargoyleosaurus, 39

Gasparinisaura, 45, 169

Gastonia, 39

Gavialoidea, 71

Gavials, 19

Gekkota, 73

Germanodactylus, 64

ghost lineage, 151–54, 171

ghost lineage duration (GLD), 152, 153, 159, 160

Giganotosaurus, 30, 32, 110, 117

gigantism, 86, 87, 117, 141, 142, 145

Gila monsters, 73

ginkgoes, 102

Gobisaurus, 39, 169

Gondwana, 27, 93, 171, 178

gorilla, 119, 120

Gosau Beds (Austria), 43

Gosau fauna, 61, 108

Gould, Stephen J., 120, 146, 163, 199

Grigorescu, Dan, 15, 33, 34, 65, 101, 124

growth and development: acceleration of, 122, 123

of crocodilians, 184

of Hadrosauridae, 126

of Hatzego-pteryx, 184

among herbivores, 145

of Hypsilophodon, 137–40

lines of arrested (LAGs), 124

of Magyaro-saurus, 126, 133–37, 141, 144, 146, 184

of Magyarosaurus dacus, 125

of Mammalia, 184

of ornithopods, 125

of Orodromeus, 137–40

of pterosaurs, 184

of Rhabdodon, 137–40

of sauropods, 133–37

and selection, 185

of Struthiosaurus, 184

of Tel-matosaurus, 126, 128–32, 135, 137, 141, 144, 146, 184

of Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, 124–25

of Tenon-tosaurus, 138–40

of Theropoda, 124, 184

of titanosaurian sauropods, 126

of titanosaurs, 137

of turtles, 184

of Tyrannosaurus rex, 124

of Zalmoxes, 126, 137–40, 146

of Zalmoxes ro-bustus, 125, 139–41, 184

of Zalmoxes shqiperorum, 138–40, 184. See also body size; dwarfism

Groza, Ioan, 15

Gryposaurus, 53

Gymnophiona, 80

Hadrosauridae: cranial adornments of, 53

dentition of, 45, 51, 129–32, 187–90, 192

eggs of, 56

in Europe, 108, 109, 174

evolutionary relationships in, 52

Fontllonga, 174

growth of, 126

and Ornithischia, 23

and Para-rhabdodon, 174

perinatal bones of, 58

reproductive biology of, 190–92

and Rhabdodontidae, 46

and social behavior, 53

source area of, 169, 171–72, 174

in Spain, 176

and Telmatosaurus, 132, 157

and Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, 49–51

and Tethyshadros insularis, 172

Hadrosaurinae, 50–52, 131

Hadrosauroidea, 52, 109

Haeckel, Ernst, 120

Haeckel’s Biogenic Law, 120

Hainina, 77

Harrison, Colin J. O., 33

Haţeg: amphibians of, 81–82

an-kylosaur material from, 40

drom-aeosaurid from, 34, 35

eggs from, 58

fauna of, 15

formations in, 99–101

fossils from, 2, 25, 32, 36

geography of, 98–105

geology of, 100

history of, 6

and insular isolation, 84–88

as island, 105–11

mammals of, 77–81

mesoeucrocodilians of, 67–73

pal-eoecological context of, 16

perinatal bones known from, 58

and plate tectonics, 97

pterosaurs from, 59–67

Rhabdodon priscus from, 43

river systems of latest Cretaceous in, 101

squamates of, 72–77

Struthiosaurus transylvanicus from, 38

and Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, 49

turtles from, 73–77

work in, 15

Zalmoxes from, 46

Hatzegobatrachus grigorescui, 81

Hatzegopteryx, 64, 66, 72, 141, 184

Hatzegopteryx thambema, 65–66

Hennig, Willi, 18, 151

Heptasteornis, 36

Heptasteornis andrewsi, 33, 36

Herrerasaurus, 24

hesperornithids, 109

heterochrony, 119–26, 134, 144, 146, 168

hippos, dwarfed, 119

historical contingency, 168, 190, 198, 199

Holden, John C., 91, 92

Hominidae, 18, 19

Homo erectus, 19

homology, 17–21

homoplasies, 19–21

Homo sapiens, 18, 19, 118

Horner, Jack, 58, 190

horsetails (sphenophytes), 102

Huene, Friedrich von, 11, 11, 25, 27

humans, 119–21

Hunedoara County, 2

Hungarosaurus tormai, 109, 176

Hungary, 108, 109, 175, 176, 181

Hylaeochampsa, 179

Hylaeosaurus, 38, 169

Hypacrosaurus, 190

hypermorphosis, 122

Hypsilophodon, 44, 45, 137–40, 169

Hypsilophodon foxii, 139

Hypsilophodontidae, 44

Iberia, 97, 107, 182

Iguania, 73

iguanians, 73

iguanids, 73

Iguanodon: body size of, 45

and hadrosaurids, 131, 187

lower teeth of, 128, 129

and migration, 169

as or-nithischian, 23

recognition of, 116

and Rhabdodon, 43, 44

and Rhabdo-dontidae, 46, 160

teeth of, 130

and Telmatosaurus, 49, 50

Iguanodon bernissartensis, 52

Iguanodontia: body size of, 130

and Hadrosauridae, 171, 187

and Or-nithopoda, 45

rate of evolutionary change of, 160

and Rhabdodontidae, 46, 159, 176

teeth of, 130, 131

and Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, 157

Iguanodontoidea, 52

Iharkut, 176, 177

Iharkutosuchus makadi, 109

Indonesia, 149

insects, 104, 122

invertebrates, 104

Irish Massif, 98

Isisaurus, 28

island, evidence of, 105–11

Island Rule, 143–45

isolation: and clutch size, 191, 192

and dwarfism, 86, 87, 143–45, 185–88

effects of, 106

and Europe, 185

insular, 86, 87

and sexual maturity, 144, 146, 186

and speciation, 165–67

and Telmatosaurus, 162

and Transylva-nian region, 111, 162, 167, 168, 192

Italy, 70, 106, 108, 172, 174, 182

Jaekel, Otto, 10

Janenschia, 124

Jeyawati, 52, 157, 171

Jibou, 15, 46, 73

Jibou Formation, 46, 101

Jinzhousaurus, 52

Jiu River, 87

Jurassic, 43, 114, 115, 124

and Albaner-petontidae, 80

and iguanodontians, 159

and Kallokibotion, 180

and Mammalia, 78

and Neotethyan Ocean, 88

and Paleotethyan Ocean, 93

and pterosaurs, 60, 64

and Struthiosaurus, 182

and Testudinata, 76

and Zalmoxes and Rhabdodon, 176, 182, 183

Kadić, Ottokar, 67, 68

Kallokibotion, 3, 11, 76, 179

Kallokibotion bajazidi, 74, 75

Kayentachelys, 76

Kessler, Eugen, 33

K life-history strategy, 190–92

kogaionids, 179–81

Kogaionon ungureanui, 77, 79, 81

Komodo lizards, 119

Kordos, László, 128

Kutná Hora, 109

Labirinta Cave, 109

Laevidoolithidae, 55

Lambeosaurinae, 50–52, 131

Lambrecht, Kalman, 33

Lancrăm, 15, 46, 73

Late Cretaceous, 16, 82, 161–62

and Carpathian Mountains, 98

duckbills from, 49

in Europe, 108–10

fauna of, 36

invertebrates from, 104

and Kallokibotion, 180

landscape of, 84

migrations in, 171

of Mongolia, Argentina, and the United States, 37

and Neotethyan Ocean, 97

of North America, 34

and Sânpetru Formation, 2, 3

and Telmatosaurus, 159

theropods from, 30, 32, 38

and ti-tanosaurs, 27

of Transylvania, 32

vertebrates of, 10

Late Jurassic, 45, 117

and Apulia and Rho-dope, 95, 96

and multituberculates, 77

and Struthiosaurus, 177

and Telmato-saurus, 183

and titanosaurs, 27

Late Triassic, 28, 76, 93

Latimeria, 154–56, 161, 162

Latimeria chalumnae, 148–50

Latimeria menadoensis, 149

Laurasia, 38, 93, 170

laurels (Lauraceae), 103, 104

Leaellynasaura, 169

Le Loeuff, Jean, 25, 175

Lepisosteidae, 82

Levnesovia, 52, 157, 171, 172

Levnesovia/Bactrosaurus clade, 160

Linnaeus, Carolus, 17

Lirainosaurus, 28, 107, 178, 179, 181

Lirainosaurus astibiae, 176, 180

Lissamphibia, 80, 82

living fossil, 150, 151, 154, 162

lizards, 72, 108, 109

Lower Quarry, 3

Maastrichtian, 84, 88, 104, 108, 109, 159, 173, 174, 180

Macronaria, 28

Macropoma, 154

Madagascar, 27

madtsoiids, 73

Magyarosaurus, 25, 26, 27, 29, 168, 183

anatomy of, 30

and body size, 187

and dwarfing, 136, 184

eggs of, 56

and Europe, 178–79, 181, 182

growth and development of, 126, 133–37, 141, 144, 146

and Nopcsa, 11

as predator, 37

rarity of, 59

rate of evolutionary change of, 161

and Sauropoda, 28

Magyarosaurus dacus, 16, 26, 27, 30, 110, 118, 125, 215n65

Magyarosaurus hungaricus, 27

Magyarosaurus transsylvanicus, 27

Maiasaura, 50, 55, 129, 130, 190

Malawisaurus, 28, 133, 169, 179, 182

Mammalia, 77–81, 107, 141

in Cretaceous, 77

evolutionary relationships in, 78

growth of, 184

placental, 108

Maniraptora, 31, 36, 62

Maniraptoriformes, 31

Mantell, Gideon, 115–16

Mantellisaurus, 52

marsupials, 77, 78

Massif Central, 97

Matheron, Philippe, 43, 46, 68–69

Mayor, Adrienne, 113

Mayr, Ernst, 165–66

Megaloolithidae, 56

Megalosaurus, 16, 23, 31, 32, 115, 116

Megalosaurus cf. superbus, 204n4

Megalosaurus hungaricus, 32

Meiolaniidae, 76

Mesoeucrocodylia, 67–73

Mesozoic, 30, 81, 117

and Apatosaurus, 133

and fossil record, 22, 153

and multituberculates, 77

and Neo-tethyan Ocean, 93

and pterosaurs, 59

and Romania, 105

Mesozoic mammals, 77

Mezholezy, 108, 109

Middle Jurassic, 16

and Albanerpeton-tidae, 82

and Ornithopoda, 45

migration, 169–84

and Africa, 179, 182

and Asia, 182, 183, 189, 192

and body size, 143–45, 184–89

and Cretaceous, 171, 183, 184

and Europe, 177–78, 182, 185, 189, 198

and historical contingency, 198

and North America, 177–78, 182, 183, 189, 192

and South America, 179

and titanosaur sau-ropods, 30

millipede, 122

Minmi, 39, 169

Miocene, 80, 82, 96, 98

moas, 119

Mochlodon, 43, 44

Mochlodon suessi, 108

Moesia, 95, 97

Moesian microplate, platform, promontory, 94–96

mollusks, 104

monitors, 73

monophyly, 17–18, 152

Monotremata, 78

morphological change, rates of, 151, 154–56. See also evolution

mosasaurs, 98, 108, 210n36

mouse, 77

Multituberculata, 77, 78, 80–81, 180–81

Mureş River, 101

Muthmannsdorf, Austria, 60, 61, 108

Muttaburrasaurus, 169

Nălaţ Vad, 46

natural selection, 120, 166, 188, 195, 197–99

Naturphilosophie, 120

nautilus, pearly, 117

Nemegtosaurus, 28, 182

neoceratopsians, 109

neo-Lamarckian inheritance, 141, 150

Neopterygii, 82

Neosauropoda, 28

Neosuchia, 71

neoteny, 123

Neotethyan Ocean, 84, 85, 88, 93, 97, 98, 105, 143

Netherlands, 108

Neuquensaurus, 28

newts, 80

Nodosauridae, 38–43, 107–10, 175, 176

Nopcsa, Franz, 11, 25, 32, 38, 40, 68, 70, 84, 156, 168, 181

and body size, 125, 128–29, 133, 141–42, 143, 150

career of, 8–14

and dwarfism and insular isolation, 85–88

and global positions of the continents, 89

and Haţeg area, 161

and Haţeg as island, 105

and pterosaurs, 62

and Rhabdodon priscus, 43–44

and source areas, 169, 171

and Struthiosaurus, 42

and Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, 9–10, 49

and turtles, 74, 77

and Wegener, 90

and Zalmoxes, 43

Nopcsa, Ilona, 8

Norell, Mark, 151

Noripterus, 64

Norman, David, 44

North America, 110, 117, 167, 169–71

and Hadrosauridae, 171, 174

and migration, 177, 178, 182, 183, 189, 192

and Transylvanian insularity, 112

North Atlantic, 93, 97

North Sea, 97

Nyctosauridae, 64

Oarda de Jos, 15, 40, 46, 73, 74, 77

Ohaba Sibişel, 2

Oligocene, 77, 78, 88, 98, 103

ontogeny, 120, 122

Opisthocoelicaudia, 28, 169

opossums, 150

Oradea, 33

Ornithischia, 19, 23–25, 38

Ornithocheiridae, 62

Ornithocheiroidea, 64

Ornithocheirus, 60–62, 64

Ornithocheirus bunzeli, 61

Ornithocheirus hlavatschi, 60, 61

Ornithodesmus, 62

Ornithodesmus cluniculus, 207n7

Ornitholestes, 31

Ornithomimosauria, 31, 37

ornithomimosaurs, 110

Ornithopoda, 2, 107–9, 169

cladogram of, 172

evolutionary relationships in, 45

growth of, 124, 125

iguanodon-tian, 137

and Nopcsa, 10–11, 16

and rate of evolutionary change, 160, 161

and southern France, 175

teeth of, 129, 130

Transylvanian, 43–53

and Transylvanian deposits, 25

Orodromeus, 45, 137–39, 140

Orodromeus makelai, 139

Orthomerus dolloi, 108

Orthomerus weberi, 108

ostracodes, 104

Ouranosaurus, 50, 52, 129–31, 169

Oviraptorosauria, 31, 110

Owen, Richard, 21–22, 116

owls, 33, 36

pachycephalosaurs, 25, 110, 111

Pâclişa, 101

paedomorphosis, 118, 120, 122, 123, 125, 139, 144, 146. See also body size; growth and development

paleobiology, 9, 10

paleoclimatology, 93

Paleotethyan Ocean, 93

Paleozoic, 92, 93

palm (Arecaceae), 103, 104

Paludititan nalatzensis, 27

Pangea, 92–93

Panoplosaurus, 39, 40

Paralatonia transylvanica, 81

Paranthropus robustus, 19

parapatry, 165

paraphyly, 18

Pararhabdodon, 107, 108, 175

Pararhabdodon isonensis, 110, 173, 174

Parasaurolophus, 53

Paraves, 31

Paris Basin, 97

Parksosaurus, 45, 160

Paronychodon, 36, 37

parrots, 31

parsimony, 21

Patagonia, 133

Pawpawsaurus, 39, 169

pelican, 33

Pelorosaurus, 169

peramorphosis, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 131, 139. See also body size; growth and development

Pereda-Suberbiola, Xabier, 25, 40

Peri-Tethyan realm, 106

Petroşani Basin, 98

phylogeny, 169

and evolutionary rates, 156, 160, 161

and geographic data, 170

hierarchy of, 17

and homology, 19

and homoplasies, 19

and ontogeny, 120, 122

single origin in, 17

size increases through, 142

Pinacosaurus, 39

Pincemaille, Marie, 46

placentals, 77, 78

Plateosaurus, 24, 124

plate tectonics, 89–98, 176, 183, 197

and Transylvania, 105–6, 111–12, 154, 167

Pleistocene, 113, 143, 145

plesiosaurs, 108

Pleurodira, 76, 77

Pliocene, 98

Plot, Robert, 114

Poiana-Ruscă Mountains, 87, 88, 98, 99

Polish Trough, 97

Polypteridae, 82

Portugal, 107

predators, 30, 43, 145, 167, 185–87, 189

Probactrosaurus, 52, 169

proboscideans, 143

Proganochelys, 76

progenesis, 122, 123

prosauropods, 124

Protohadros, 52

Protohadros byrdi, 171

pseudoacromion, 40

Psittacosaurus, 124

Pteranodon, 63, 64

Pteranodontidae, 66, 67

Pteranodontoidea, 64

Pterodactyloidea, 60, 64

Pterodactylus, 64

Pterosauria, 19, 59–67, 107–9, 141

bones of, 65–66

crest of, 67

evolutionary relationships in, 64

feeding by, 67

femur of, 63

gait of, 66, 67

growth of, 184

notarium of, 62, 63

as predator, 72

social behavior of, 67

warm-bloodedness of, 67

wings of, 65

Pui, 27, 77, 87, 100

Quaesitosaurus, 28

Quetzalcoatlus, 64

Quetzalcoatlus northropii, 66

Rapetosaurus, 28, 133, 179, 182

Rapetosaurus krausei, 27

Râul Băárbat, 100

Râul Mare, 100

red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio), 197

Red Queen hypothesis, 169, 196–99

Retezat Mountains, 1, 87, 88, 98, 99, 101, 168

Rhabdodon, 10–11, 45, 107, 108, 175–77

ghost lineage of, 158, 159

growth and development of, 137–40

migration of, 182

source area for, 178

Rhabdodon priscus, 43, 44, 46, 139, 160, 176

Rhabdodontidae, 45, 46, 108, 109, 159, 176, 177

and migration, 182

and rate of evolutionary change, 160

rhamphorhynchoids, 64

Rhaptochelydia, 76

Rhenish Massif, 98

Rhodope, 95–97

Rhodope microplate, 96, 98

Rhodopian Mountains, 94

Riabinin, A. N., 108

Richardoestesia, 36, 37

Rocasaurus, 28, 136, 179

Romania, 1, 105, 110

Roth, V. Louise, 143, 144, 145, 146, 186

Roth model, 186

r selection, 186, 192

r strategy, 190, 191

Rusca Montană Basin, 98, 103

Russia, 108, 109, 174

Saichania, 39

salamander, 80

salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum), 119

Saltasauridae, 28

Saltasaurus, 28, 133, 169, 179

Saltasaurus loricatus, 27

Sânpetru, 1, 2, 60, 63, 77, 159

Sânpetru Formation, 2, 3, 6, 40, 99–102

Sântămărie Orlea, 100

Santonian, 32, 109

Şard Formation, 46, 101, 102

Saurischia, 19, 23

Saurolophus, 53

Sauropelta, 39

Sauropoda, 3, 11, 16, 28, 37, 110, 161

braincase of, 27, 29

embryonic remains of, 57

growth and development of, 117, 124, 133–37

and Saurischia, 23

in Spain, 176

Sauropodomorphs, 19

Saurornithoides, 36

Saurornitholestes langstoni, 34

Schindewolf, Otto H., 142

Scincomorpha, 72, 73

Scleroglossa, 73

screw pines (Pandanaceae), 104

Sebecosuchia, 71

Sebeş, 15, 46, 47, 73, 101

Sebeş Formation, 37

Sebeş Mountains, 87

Seeley, Harry Govier, 22–23, 39–40, 43, 60–61

Seismosaurus, 117

Selmacryptodira, 76

Serpentes, 73

Severin Ocean, 95

sexual maturity, 123, 125, 144, 146, 186, 191, 192

Shamosaurus, 39

Sibişel River, 1–3, 15, 33, 43, 87, 100

Sichuan (China), 133

Silvisaurus, 39

Simpson, G. G., 150

skinks, 73

Slovenia, 108

Smith, J. L. B., 148

snakes, 72, 73, 108

South America, 110, 133, 169, 170, 179

South Atlantic, 93

Southern Carpathian Mountains, 1, 94, 96, 97, 98

Spain, 107–9, 110, 137, 173–76, 181

speciation, 164–66

sphenophytes, 103

Spinosauroidea, 31

Squamata, 73

Stegosauria, 25, 38, 161

Steno, Nicholas, 16

Struthiosaurus, 11, 107, 108, 110, 141, 161, 168, 183

and digestion, 42

discovery of, 39, 40

growth of, 184, 187

and locomotion, 42, 43

and migration, 182

and North America, 177

rarity of, 59

Struthiosaurus austriacus, 40, 43, 110

Struthiosaurus languedocensis, 110

Struthiosaurus transylvanicus, 16, 38–43, 110

sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), 83

Suess, Eduard, 8, 9, 87, 89

Sulawesi Island, 149, 162

Sum of Minimum Implied Gaps (SMIG), 152

Şureanu Mountains, 98

Sweden, 211n57

sycamore (Platanaceae), 103, 104

sympatry, 165

Tapejara, 64

Tapejaridae, 64

Tapejaroidea, 64

Tarascosaurus, 107

Tarbosaurus, 110

taxonomic rates, 150, 151

Teleosteii, 82, 83, 98, 154

Telmatosaurus, 33, 52, 59, 109, 132, 168, 169, 172, 192

and body size, 128–32, 187, 189

and dentition, 129, 146, 190

and diet, 189

eggs of, 56

and Europe, 171

and Fontllonga hadrosaurid, 174

ghost lineage of, 157, 159

growth and development of, 126, 135, 137, 141, 144, 146, 184

migration of, 182, 183

and Pararhabdodon, 174

and rate of evolutionary change, 159–62

scapulocoracoid of, 3

Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, 9–10, 9, 16, 49–53, 58, 110

ghost lineage of, 156–57

growth of, 124, 125

source area of, 171

Tendaguru (Tanzania), 133

Tenontosaurus, 44–46, 137, 160, 169, 187

ghost lineage of, 158

growth and development of, 138–40

lower teeth of, 129

and rate of evolutionary change, 160, 161

Tenontosaurus tilletti, 139

Tertiary, 77, 96, 97, 122

Testudinata, 76, 180

Testudines, 76, 77

Tetanurae, 31

Tethyan Ocean, 92, 93

Tethyan region, 93–98

Tethyshadros, 52, 132, 157, 160, 171, 172, 174

Tethyshadros insularis, 108, 172, 173

tetra, blue neon (Paracheirodon simulans), 83

tetrapods, 111, 149

Theria, 78

Theriosuchus, 71

Theriosuchus sympiestodon, 67, 68

Therizinosauroidea, 31, 110

Theropoda, 3, 16, 19, 107–9, 117

al-varezsaurids in, 37

avialan, 175

avian, 161

biogeographic dynamics of, 181

dromaeosaurid, 175

drom-aeosaurid and troodontid, 141

in Europe, 110

evolutionary relationships in, 31

growth of, 124, 145, 184

nona-vian, 161

and Ornithischia, 23

ostrich-mimicking, 31

and southern France, 175

in Spain, 176

Transylva-nian, 30–38

Thescelosaurus, 45, 160, 169

thyreophorans, 161

tigers, Bali, 119

Titanosauria, 2, 25–30, 107, 109, 133

anatomy of, 27, 28

cladogram of, 136

eggs of, 56

embryos of, 57, 58

and Europe, 182

growth and development of, 126, 137

source area for, 178

and southern France, 175

Titanosaurus indicus, 27

titanotheres, 122

toads, 80

Toteşti-baraj, 54

Traianus, 5

Transylvania, 64, 84

climate of, 99, 101, 102

fauna of, 141, 143, 150

floras of, 102–4

geologic history of, 94–97

and historical contingency, 167, 194

insularity of, 106–12, 118, 143–46, 167–68

paleogeography of, 98–105

paleosols of, 101, 102

Transylvania Depression, Basin, 15, 25, 46, 94, 98, 101, 105

tree ferns, 103

Tretosternon, 180

Triceratops, 23

Troodon, 30

Troodontidae, 31, 33, 36, 37

turtle, 73–77, 107–9, 118, 141, 184

turtle (Kallokibotion), 11, 180

turtle, Galapagos, 119

Tuştea, 54, 56, 57 typostrophy, 142

Tyrannosauroidea, 31, 110

Tyrannosaurus, 19, 30, 110, 117

Tyrannosaurus rex, 23, 124

Ukraine, 108

United States, 27, 117, 177

Urodela, 80

Valdosaurus, 169

Vălioara, 15, 60, 63, 67

Van Valen, Leigh, 143, 195, 196, 197

Vardar Ocean, 95

Velociraptor, 30, 32, 36

Versluys, Jan, 10

Vertebrata, 19

Villaggio del Pescatore, 172

Vinţu de Jos, 15, 46

Vurpăr, 15, 40, 46, 73, 77, 101

Vurpăr Formation, 47

walnut (Juglandaceae), 103, 104

Wegner, Alfred L., 89–91

whiptail lizards, 73

William of Ockham, 21

Wiman, Carl, 10

woodchuck, 77

worm lizards, 73

Zalmoxes, 2, 3, 43–48, 50, 59, 168, 176

body size of, 187

ghost lineage of, 157–59, 161

growth and development of, 126, 137–40, 146

migration of, 182, 183

and Nopcsa, 10

and North America, 177

and rate of evolution, 160–62

source area for, 178

Zalmoxes robustus, 16, 46, 138, 157, 159, 160

growth and development of, 125, 139–41, 184

Zalmoxes shqiperorum, 46, 157, 159, 160

growth and development of, 138–40, 184

Zeicani, 87

ziphodonts, 67

Ziphosuchia, 71