
3M, 187

9/11, 76


ABC, 12,

ABC News, 75

accountability partner, 42–43

Aikman, David, 194

Alcoholics Anonymous, 42

ambition, See under Relentless, Principles of

American Airlines, 62

American Dream, the, 87

American Idol, 123

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 174

American Life: Ronald Reagan, An, 194

American Psychological Association, 169

America’s Got Talent, 123

America’s Top 40, 13

Angel, Criss, 204

Apple, 24, 104, 157

Art of War, The, 194

Aston Martin DB9 Volante convertible, 40


Baron, David, 194

Barr, Bob, 20–21

Barrymore, Drew, 61

Benedict Arnold, Revolutionary Hero: An American Warrior Reconsidered, 194

Bentonville, AR, 100–1

“Betting Whizkid, The,” 12

Bhandari, Naval, 214

Bible, the, 53, 57, 74, 121, 149, 151, 154, 195

Billboard, 77

Billy Graham: His Life and Influence, 194

Billy Graham: Just As I Am, 193

Bird, Larry, xviii

Bishop, David, 194

Blaine, David, 204

Blaze, The, 22

Bloomberg, 214

BMW, 111, 115

Boston Red Sox, 69

Bosworth, Brian, xviii

branding. See under Relentless, Principles of

Branson, Richard 188

“Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” 186

Bronx, the, xiv, 11, 65

Brown University, 35, 37

Bryant, Kobe, 122

Bryant, Paul “Bear,” 44

Buffett, Warren, xiv, 188, 208

Bush, George W., 89, 104, 206–7

Bush, Jeb, 104

business coaches, 44

Business Insider, 68

Byrne, Rhonda, 56, 193


Cal-Berkeley, 35

California Gold Rush, 29

California Speedway, 62

Cambridge, 35

Camp Soaring Eagle, 189

cancer, 1, 3, 137, 171–72, 175, 186

Carnegie, Dale, 194

Carnegie Mellon University, 156

Carson, Ben, 104

Cavalryman of the Lost Cause: A Biography of J.E.B. Stuart, 194

CBS/Epic Records, 77

CBS News, 75

Celebrate magazine, 102

Center for Disease Control (CDC), 164

central banks, 26, 208, 210

Chicago University, 35

China, Chinese, 23–25, 136, 175, 211

      fastest growing economy in the world, 24

      obsession with Jewish success, 23–24

Christians, 108, 121, 123, 150, 189

Chrysler, 111

Churchill, Winston, ix, 1, 7, 195

Churchill: A Biography, 195

Churchill on Leadership, 195

Clinton, Bill, xxi, 81

Clooney, George, 83, 85, 106

CNBC, xvii, 13, 15, 19, 33–34, 79, 82, 91, 127, 161, 166, 208, 210, 214

CNN, 63, 75, 82, 161

Coca-Cola, 187–88

Columbia University, xiii, 35, 37, 78–79

Comcast Sports Net, 17

complaining, 28–29, 94–95, 117, 150, 204

“Condo Warrior,” 99

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), 174

Connecting Point, 161

Connolly, Cyril, 135

Conscience of a Conservative, The, 194

Constitution, the, 89

Coolidge, Calvin, 192

Copperfield, David, 204

Creswell, David, 156

Crocker III, H. W., 194

Custer’s Last Stand, 23


Dallas Cowboys, xviii

Davis, Al, xviii

debt, 8, 87, 206–8, 210–11. See also U.S. government, debt of

Denver Broncos, 121

depression, 55, 89, 137, 146, 167, 169–70, 173, 201–4

Devane, William, 85

Diamond Market, The, 215

diamonds, rare fancy color diamonds, 213–15

Dickens, Charles, 135

diet. See also Positive Addictions, Relentless Healthy Diet

      at home, 174

      when eating out, 175–76

Discovery Channel, 17

Douglas, Michael, 45

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 214

dream book (a.k.a. vision board), 39–40, 55, 57, 193

Drudge, Matt, 70

DrudgeReport, 70

drugs, xix, 37, 42, 75, 131, 134, 154, 164, 178, 180, 182, 203

DrVita, 179–80, 183–84

Duke Business School, 124, 127

Duke University Center for Spirituality, Theology, and Health, 151


“Easy like Sunday Morning,” 69

Ebola, 212

Edison, Thomas, 93

Ed Sullivan Show, The, 76

Eight Most Valuable Business Secrets of Jewish Wealth, 24

Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP), 212

Elston, Damien, 105

e-mail, power of, 113–15

Emerson, Lake & Palmer, 108

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 119, 135

energy. See under Relentless, Principles of

energy and enthusiasm, as the brands of success, 120

“Energy Management,” 177

Enthusiasm Makes the Difference, 193

Evans, Janet, xviii

exercise, importance of daily exercise, 52, 131, 135–37, 140–41, 163–70, 172, 180

ExxonMobil, 187


Facebook, 70, 82, 114

Fancy Color Diamond Index, 214

fearlessness, 30

FedEx, 60, 114

Fighter Boys: Saving Britain 1940, 194

Fiji, 24

financial improvement, 52, 56

Financial News Network, xvii, 13, 15, 79, 161, 166, 192

Fischer, David Hackett, 194

Foley, Bill, 186–87

follow-up. See Relentless Follow-up

Forbes, 122, 192

Forbes, Steve, 104, 192

Ford Motor Company, 29

Foreman, George, 105

forgiveness, 149–54

Fox & Friends, 125

Fox News, xxi, 22, 34, 75, 82, 125

Fox Sports Net, 17

Foxx, JT, 85, 104–5

France, 35, 209

fundraising, 17, 48, 70, 106, 111

Fuqua School of Business, 124


Gallup, 123

Gandhi, Mahatma, 22

Garvey, Steve, xviii

Gates, Bill, 188

GE, 187

General Patton’s Principles for Life and Leadership, 194

Generation Xers, 142

Germany, 25

Getty, Estelle, 62

Ghost Adventures, 19

Giampapa, Vincent, 183

Gingrich, Newt, 104

Glasgow University, 137

Glass, Lillian, 15

Gleason, Jackie, xvi

gluten-free cereal, 106

GM, 14, 111

gold, 205–12, 215

Golden Girls, 62

Goldman Sachs, 187

Goldwater, Barry, 194

Google, 113–14, 187

Gorsek, Wayne, 183–84

Gotti, John, 34

government, 7, 18, 29, 37, 48, 87–89, 120, 171, 206–8, 210–11. See also U.S. government, debt of

Graham, Benjamin, 209

Graham, Billy, 123, 193–94

grass-fed beef, 174

gratitude, 136, 149–54

Gravel, Mike, 20

Great Depression, the, 67, 204

Great Recession of 2008, 7, 102

greed as good, 45

“Green Workstyle,” 143


Hampton, Dan, xx

Harris, Meza, 100–2

Harvard, 33–38, 46, 74, 84, 127, 142, 146, 161, 168–69

Harvard–Brigham Young study, 169

Harvard Medical School, 164, 167

Harvey, Campbell, 124

Hayward, Steven, 195

heart. See under Relentless, Principles of

Henry, Matthew, 135

Heskin, Dean, 212

Hill, Napoleon, xxvii, 38, 56, 193

Hillenbrand, Laura, 195

Hippocrates, 135

“Hit List,” the, 42, 52–53, 97

Hoffa, Jimmy, 34

Hollywood, 11, 19, 33, 75, 108, 192

How to Win Friends and to Influence People, 194

Hustler, The, xvi

Huxley, Aldous, 135


IBM, 187

If It’s Going to Be, It’s Up to Me: The Eight Proven Principles of Possibility Thinking, 194

infomercials, xxviii, 15, 83, 98, 120, 123, 167

Inmon, Raymond, 136

insurance, 19, 29, 54, 75, 156, 198, 209–11, 215, 217

Intel, 187

internet, the, xx, 9, 16, 75, 88, 105, 112–15, 140, 212

Iraq, 99

ISIS, 211

Israel, 23–27, 31, 127, 211

It’s A Wonderful Life, 109, 128

Ivy League, xiv, 8, 36, 86, 143


Jackson, Michael, 77–78

Japan, Japanese, 25, 153, 175

Jefferson, Thomas, 135

Jenkins, Roy, 195

Jenner, Bruce, xviii

Jennings, Paige. See Wall Street Porn Star

Jeopardy, 9, 75

Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership, 194

Jesus Christ, 121, 123, 150, 154, 194

Jeunesse, 179, 182–84

Jewish People and Business: The Bible of How to Live Their Lives, 24

Jews, Jewish heritage, 23, 26–31, 65, 150

      Jewish chutzpah, 27–31

      Jewish financial success, 23–24, 26

Jimmy “The Greek.” See Snyder, Jimmy “The Greek”

Jobs, Steve, 24, 130, 185

John 3:16, 121–22

Johnson, Magic, xviii

Johnson, Norm, a.k.a. Grandpa Norm, 59–62, 71, 74, 83–84, 94, 127

Johnson & Johnson, 187

Jones, Jerry, xviii

Jones, Laurie Beth, 194

Joshua Chamberlain—A Hero’s Life and Legacy, 194

junk food, 130, 134, 172–73, 175, 180


Kadakia, Rahul, 214

Kandahar, Afghanistan, 99

Kasem, Casey, 13

Kennedy, John F., 76

Kennedy, John F., Jr., 76

King of Vegas, the, 19–20, 81

King of Vegas (TV series), 19–20

Klein, Lisa, 214

Kroger, 187

Krueger, Freddy, 18

Kurth, Florian, 147


LaLanne, Jack, 105, 166–67

Lasorda, Tommy, xviii

Las Vegas, NV, xviii, xx, 12, 14, 16, 20, 34, 36, 39–40, 63, 66–67, 71, 80, 106–7, 136, 183, 186–87, 195

      as an example of branding, 66–67

law of attraction, the, 76

Law of Success, The, 193

lawyers, 18, 65, 95, 106–7, 120, 134, 153, 198–99

Leary, Denis, 85

Legend of Jewish Wealth, The, 24

Libertarian Party, xx, 20–21, 81

Lifshitz, Ralph, 64–65

LinkedIn, 114

Little, Tony, 105

London, 214

London Telegraph, 209

Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela, 195

Lopez, Jennifer, 85

Los Angeles, CA, 2, 13, 19, 39, 61, 66–67, 94, 107, 161

Lowe, Adam J., 215

luck, 10, 11, 17–18, 36–37, 47, 49, 57, 108, 114


Macy’s, 187

Magic of Thinking Big, The, 194

Malibu, CA, xviii, 1, 16, 34, 109

Mancow in the Morning, 81

Mandela, Nelson, 195

Manhattan, xiv–xv, 61, 99–100

mapping goals, 39

Marine drill sergeants, 27, 128–29, 163

Martin, James, 194

Martin, Rachel, as an example of aggressive action, 99–100

Maserati Quattroporte, 40, 115–16

Mays, Billy, 105

Maytag repairman, 22

Mayweather, Floyd “Money,” 63–64

Mayweather/Pacquiao fight, 63–64

McConkey, Phil, xx

media, the, xvi–xvii, xix, 12, 20–22, 59–60, 71, 73, 75, 81, 84, 96, 125–26, 187–88

meditation, xix, 52, 85, 141, 145–47, 150, 169, 180, 202–3

“Meet Wayne Allyn Root,” 83, 86

mental improvement, 52

mentors, xiii–xiv, xvi, 16, 43–44, 85, 130

Mercedes, 111, 115

Merck, 187

MetLife, 156, 187

Meyer, Ron, xx

MGM Events Center, 63

Mickelson, Phil, 160

Microsoft Word, 114

Miller, Doug, xiii–xxii, 12, 16–17, 130

      mentor to Wayne Root, 16, 43, 130

Money: Master the Game, 195

Montana, Joe, xviii

Morgan Stanley, 187

morning walks, 135–36, 169, 203

      quotes about, 135–36

Moses on Management: 50 Leadership Lessons from the Greatest Manager of All Time, 194

“Most Admired People in the World,” 123

Mother Teresa, xxvii, 129

“Mr. Relentless.” See under Root, Wayne Allyn


Muir, John, 135

Muller, Mancow, 81

multi-level marketing (MLM), 48, 54, 106

Murder of the Middle Class, The, 195

music industry, the, 77

My Journey: From an Iowa Farm to a Cathedral of Dreams, 194


Namath, “Broadway” Joe, 63–64, 71

NASDAQ, 25, 209

National Film Preservation Board, 78

National Football League (NFL), xviii, xx, 64, 80, 121–22, 142, 186, 188

National Hockey League (NHL), 186

NBC News, 61, 75

NBC Radio Network, 13, 126

Nevada State Assembly, 67

Newman, Paul, xvi

New York, NY, xiii, xvii, xx, 1–2, 12, 15, 19, 23, 34, 61–62, 68–70, 79, 99, 107, 109, 121–23, 127

New York Daily News, xvii

New York Post, 68–70, 99

      as an example of branding, 69

New York Times, 107, 122

“Next Jimmy The Greek, The,” 12–14, 161

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 135

Nightmare on Elm Street, 18

Nike, 168

Nobel, Michael, 183

Nobel Prize, 26, 146

Nurses Health Study, 164

NutriGen, 183

nutrition. See under Positive Addictions: Relentless Vitamins and Nutrition


Obama, Barack, xiii, 14, 87–91, 107–8, 195, 206–7

      got everything he wanted in government, 87–88

      and the power of Relentless, 87–91

      reaction to 2014 elections, 88–89

Obamacare, 88, 90

obesity, 163–64, 172, 175

O’Donnell, Rosie, 61

Olympics, the, 35, 73, 160

Only, Davion Navar Henry, as an example of aggressive action, 96–97

“Opportunity Village,” 186–87

optimism, power of, 124–28

Oxford University, 35


Pacific Coast Fencing Championship, 35

Pacino, Al, 104

Pacquiao, Manny, 63

parents, presence in children’s lives, 142–43

Park City, UT, 40, 136

Paul, Rand, 104

Paul, Ron, 104

Pay-Per-View, 63

Peale, Norman Vincent, 56, 193

Penn State University, 197

Pepsi, 187

perfection, 92

Peterson, Coleman, 101

physical improvement, 52

Picasso, Pablo, 24, 130, 185

pitching, vs. bitching, 97–99

Pitt, Brad, 83, 85, 106

Popeil, Ron, 105

Positive Addictions

      Relentless Affirmation and Visualization, 155–62

      Relentless Charity, 185–89

      Relentless Early Mornings, 133–37

      Relentless Healthy Diet, 171–76

      Relentless Home and Family, 139–41

      Relentless Inspiration and Empowerment, 191–95

      Relentless Mindfulness, 145–48

      Relentless Motion, 201–4

      Relentless Physical Fitness, 163–70

      Relentless Prayer, Gratitude, and Forgiveness, 149–54

      Relentless Smiling and Saying Yes, 197–99

      Relentless Vitamins and Nutrition, 177–84

positive affirmations, xxiv–xxvi, 155. See also under Positive Addictions: Relentless Affirmation and Visualization

positive thinking, xxiii–xxviii, 56, 131, 151, 180, 201

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 65, 169

Power of Positive Thinking, The, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi, 27, 193

Powter, Susan, 105

prayer, 36, 52, 169, 180, 202. See also under Positive Addictions: Relentless Prayer, Gratitude, and Forgiveness

precious metals, 105, 205, 208–12, 215

progress and rewards chart, 44–45

Psychology Today, 146

Pullen, John J., 194

Puri, Maju, 124


radio, xvi, xviii, xx, 12–13, 22, 33–34, 77, 81–83, 105, 110, 111–12, 125–26, 161

Raiders, the, xviii

Rainbow Centre, 189

raising money. See fundraising

Ralph Lauren (brand), 64–65. See also Lifshitz, Ralph,

Reagan, Ronald, 104, 194

Reagan on Leadership: Executive Lessons from the Great Communicator, 194

Real Custer: From Boy General to Tragic Hero, The, 194

real estate, xiv–xv, 54, 99–102, 197, 209, 212, 214

Regnery Publishing, 107–8

relationships, three aggressive actions to build, 102–4

Relentless, Principles of

      Relentless AGGRESSIVE ACTION, 8, 28, 93–118, 159, 204

      Relentless AMBITION and GOAL-SETTING, 33–46

      Relentless BRANDING, 59–71, 84, 186–87, 211

      Relentless CHUTZPAH, 7–31, 34, 38, 47, 79, 93, 119, 123, 128

             nine rules, 27–31

      Relentless ENERGY, 92, 119–31, 211

             the paradox of, 128–29

      Relentless HEART, 1–5, 38

      Relentless PREPARATION, 47–57, 93

             keeping your pipeline filled, 47–49

      Relentless STORYTELLING, 73–92, 113

Relentless Affirmation and Visualization. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Charity. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Early Mornings. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Face-to-Face Contact, 117–18

Relentless Follow-up, 43, 46, 115–16

Relentless Healthy Diet. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Inspiration and Empowerment. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Internet, 112–15

Relentless Mindfulness. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Motion. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Physical Fitness. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Pitchman, 91–92

Relentless Prayer. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Reminder and Repetition, 110–12

Relentless Smiling and Saying Yes. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Triad, the, 49–57, 70, 91, 93, 152

Relentless Video, 75–91

      ten miracles of, 78–86

Relentless Vitamins and Nutrition. See under Positive Addictions

Relentless Wealth Protection and Appreciation, 205–15

Republican Party, xx, 88, 90, 106

Rice, Ray, 73

Rickey, Branch, 47

Riggins, John, xx

risks, risk-taking, risk-takers, 30, 127–28, 198–99, 202, 211

Ritchie, Lionel, 69

riverboat gamblers, xxvii, 30, 127–28, 199

Robbins, James S., 194

Robbins, Tony, xix, 195

Robb Report, The, 193

Robert E. Lee on Leadership, 194

Rodgers, Aaron, 122

Rogers, Jim, 104

Romney, Mitt, 104

Root, Dakota (daughter of Wayne), 33–38, 84, 127, 142, 161

      “Homeschool to Harvard” story, 34–37

Root, David (father of Wayne), 1

Root, Debra (wife of Wayne), 108–9, 153

Root, Hudson (son of Wayne), 91

Root, Stella (mother of Wayne), 1–4, 75, 129

      story of her final hours, 1–4

Root, Wayne Allyn

      a blue collar “s.o.b.,” 11, 79

      desire to be in politics, xv, xx, 192

      dream car of, 115

      employed by Financial News Network, xvii, 13, 15, 79, 161, 166, 192

      hired by a Las Vegas handicapping company, 16

      how vitamins saved and changed his life, 181–82

      as “King of Vegas,” 19–20, 81

      known as “The Yes Man,” 125

      learned to use a teleprompter, 14–15

      met future wife Debra, 108–9

      “Mr. Relentless,” xiii–xiv, xvi–xvii, xx–xxi, 21, 35, 78

      plan to be a motivational speaker, xix, 85, 104

      plan to be the next “Jimmy The Greek,” xv–xvii, 12–15, 33, 74, 79–80, 161

      products he has successfully sold, 105–6

      ran as 2008 Libertarian vice presidential candidate, xxi, 21–22, 34, 81

      sold business to UK company, 18

      as a spokesman, 48, 73, 83, 85–86, 91–92, 97–98, 105–7, 126, 139, 181, 184, 203, 215

      starts his own business, 16–17, 29, 192

      used video to get accepted at Columbia, 78–79

      a Vegas oddsmaker, xv, xviii, 12–14, 16, 20–21, 48, 80–81

“Root Ritz, The,” 140

“Root’s Theorem for Success,” 177

Rosenthal, Arnie, 13

Rosie O’Donnell Show, The, 61

Ross, Marji, 108

Running Scared: The Life and Treacherous Times of Las Vegas Casino King Steve Wynn, 195


Safeway, 187

Salvation Army, 45

San Francisco 49ers, xviii

saying “YES.” See under Positive Addictions: Relentless Smiling and Saying Yes

Schiffman, Mike, 115–16

Schuller, Robert H., 29, 194

Schwartz, David, 194

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 104

Secret, The, xxiii–xxiv, xxvii–xviii, 56, 76–77, 156, 193

Secrets of Closing the Sale, The, 194

Sedona, AZ, 189

Seeking Alpha, 209

Seligman, Martin, 156


Seuss, Dr., 142

Sheen, Charlie, 34

silver, 105, 179, 205, 208–9, 211–13, 215

Simmons, Gene, 104

Simmons, Richard, 105

Simpson, O. J., 76

smiling. See under Positive Addictions: Relentless Smiling and Saying Yes

Smith, John L., 195

Snyder, Jimmy “The Greek,” xv–xviii, 12–15, 33, 74, 79–80, 161

      response to Wayne Root’s challenge, xvii, 12

Sotheby’s Diamonds, 214

Spike TV, 17, 19

Spitz, Mark, xviii

sports, xv, xviii–xx, 10, 12–13, 16, 44, 59, 64, 73, 79–81, 91, 103, 106, 120, 122–23, 160, 164–65, 186

Stallone, Sylvester “Sly,” 85

Stanford, xiii–xiv, 33, 35–37, 84, 161–62, 164

Stewart, James (Jimmy), 109

stock market, stocks, 10, 16, 25, 29, 48, 68, 75, 153, 186, 198, 206, 209, 211–13

Stone, Clement, xxiii

Strock, James M., 194

Sun Tzu, 194

Super Bowl, the, xx, 4, 63–64, 122

Superstation WGN, 17

Swiss America, 212, 215


Taliban, the, 99–100

Tebow, Tim, 120–23

Thailand, 175

TheBlaze, 22

Think and Grow Rich, xxiii–xxiv, xxvii–xviii, 38, 56, 165, 172, 193

Thoreau, Henry David, 135

Thornton Donovan School, 79

Thriller (album), 77–78

“Throw Grandpa from the Plane,” 60–63, 71

Time, 122

“Time Management,” 177

tithing, 154

Tobin, Phil, as an example of bad branding, 67–68

Truman, Harry, 135

Trump, Donald, xiv, 83, 99, 106

Trump Place, 99

TV pitchmen, 105

Twitter, 68, 70, 82, 114

Tyson, Mike, xxiii, xxv, xxvii, 129, 203


UCLA, 146–47

Ultimate Obama Survival Guide, The, 108, 195

Unbroken, 152, 195

University of Minnesota, 142

University of Nebraska, 142

University of North Carolina, 142

University of San Francisco, 173

University of Texas, 152

UPS, 187

U.S. Army, 65

U.S. government, debt of, 87, 206–8, 210–11

U.S. military, the, 65

U.S. Navy, 65, 99

U.S. Treasury, 206–7


Vegas D. A., 20

Verizon, 187

Viagra, 111

video, power of. See Relentless Video

Vietnam, 175

Virginia University, 35

visualizations, See under Positive Addictions: Relentless Affirmation and Visualization

vitamins. See under Positive Addictions: Relentless Vitamins and Nutrition


“Wall of Fame,” 103

Wall Street, xx, 16–17

Wall Street (film), 45

Wall Street Journal, 142, 192

“Wall Street Porn Star,” the, 68, 71

Walmart, 100–1, 187

Walsh, Bill, xviii

Washington, George, 22

Washington Post

      coverage of the 2008 Libertarian presidential nomination, 20–21

Washington’s Crossing, 194

Washington Times, 22

Wayne Root’s WinningEDGE, 91

wealth protection, 205–15

websites, xxiv, 16, 70, 81–83, 193

weight loss, 137, 156, 168, 180

Wert, Jeffry D., 194

West, Denise, 100–1

White, Randy, xx

White Men Can’t Jump, 9

Wikipedia, 26

Williams, Colleen, 61

Williamson, Porter B., 194

willpower, 2–4, 19

Woods, Tiger, 69, 160

working from home, 16, 56, 139–40, 142–43, 165, 168

“World Cancer Report,” 171

World Health Organization, 171–72

Wozniak, Steve, 104


Yale, 35

Yes, power of. See under Positive Addictions

yoga, 35, 52, 141, 164–66, 168–70, 180, 202–3

Yoga Journal, 15

Yudin, Michael, 19


Zamperini, Louis, 152–53

Zero Hedge, 209

Ziegler, Vic, xvii

Ziglar, Zig, 194