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Principal glossary entries are shown in bold. For individuals mentioned in commentarial stories see also the Index of Names in Stories.
Abhidhamma Piṭaka, philosophical teachings (Pali Canon) xxiii, 100
Abhidharma see Abhidhamma Piṭaka
accharā 100, 110, 120, 130, 132
acrobats 209
actor, wandering 224
adhiṭṭhāna (commitment) xliii
adultery xlviii, 60, 191, 203–4
perils of 133–4
aggregates (khandha) 41, 73, 105
Ajātaśatru 100
Ajātasattu, King 100
ājīvika/ājīvaka asceticism 100, 131, 137, 210
āḷāra Kālāma, meditation master xvii, xviii
āḷavi, the Buddha at 172
alms l
Brahmin begging for 195
earning food instead of 191
giving of 118, 149, 187, 216, 222
right attitude to 130
wrong attitude to 132, 143, 191, 192, 202
amanussā (spirits) 200
anāgāmin 100
see also Non-Returner
Anāthapiṇdade see Anāthapiṇḍika
Anāthapiṇḍika, banker and lay follower xlv, 101
anātman see anattā
see also no-self
Aṅgulimāla (‘Finger Garland’), former bandit xl, xliv
Aṅguttara Nikāya xxiii
anicca 101
see also impermanence
anitya 101
Anotatta, Lake 215
anusayas, latent tendencies to craving 207
appamāda (‘awareness’) 122–3
apsaras see accharā
‘Arahat’, chapter 20–21, 142–6
Arahats 101
as awakened beings 175
psychic powers 173
Arhat see Arahat
arrow-making xlix
arrows 9, 17, 30, 32, 59, 63, 165, 204
Buddha’s period of xvii–xviii
degraded 137
and modesty 160–61
Brahmin 195
five companions of Buddha-to-be xix, 117–20, 210
jealous of Buddha 202
matted locks of 218
nakedness 204
asubha meditation 116
chains of 209
to family 223
Atula, layman 45
Avīci hell 101, 120, 121, 158, 202
‘Awareness’, chapter 7–8, 122–5
bad company, dangers of 212
demand for human sacrifice 150
former monk 208
and merchant’s daughter 148
murder of Moggallāna 160
see also Aṇgulimāla
miserly 187
stingy 155
and thief 159
without heir 211
bathing, ritual 225
battles xlix
Beal, Samuel, version of Faju piyu jing xxxiv
distraction of 210
impermanence of 209
Bernhard, Franz xxxii
Bhallika, merchant xix
bhante 101
see also monks
bhikṣu see bhikkhu
bhikṣuṇī see bhikkhunī
bhikṣuṇī ordination (of nuns) lx(n)
Bimbisāra, King 101
bird of prey 151
birds 156
garuḍa 166
blind monk, and insects xli–xlii, 113
boar 64
boat 72
boatman, on river Gaṅgā xxxiii
Bodh Gayā, Bihar state, Buddha at xviii, xix, 118
bodhi (awakening) xviii
Bodhisatta (Buddha-to-be) xvi–xviii, xviv, xxv, xxix, 101, 105, 106
Bodhisattva see Bodhisatta
bonds 9, 20, 54, 67–8, 72, 77, 91
five 212
border city 61
bows (weapons) xlix
choice between wealth and spiritual path 138–9
fated to be killed 149
protection by spirits 200–201
tormenting snake 158
see also novices
Brahmā, deity or class of deities l, 23, 45, 102, 103, 108
Brahmā Sahampati, deity xviii, 118
brāhmaṇa see Brahmins
Brāhmī script xii, xxxi, 102, 210
Brahmin, the Buddha’s use of word 217
‘Brahmin’, in Gāndhārī Dharmapada xxxvi–xxxvii, 83–6
‘Brahmin’, the, chapter xxviii, xxix, 75–81, 215–25
Brahmins xlix–l, 30, 57, 58, 65, 102, 179
addressing monks as Arahats 216
anger with wife 220
begging for alms 195
bho as greeting for 219
false ascetic 219
kindness to monks 190
lineage 218
mistreated by heirs 205
old couple 188
at shrine 179–80
woman offering food 221
Brough, John
on Dharmapada types xxxvii–xxxviii
Gāndharī Dharmapada xxix
on literary qualities of Dharmapada texts xlv–xlvi, lxiii–lxiv(n)
Poems from the Sanskrit (1968) xlvi
bubbles 129
‘Buddha’, chapter 37–9, 175–80
Buddha, the 102
life of xvi–xx
Mahāvastu retelling of life story xxxiii
psychic powers 181
royal descent 225
Buddhaghosa, commentator xl, lxii(n)
as Fully Awakened Buddha xxiv, 102
lineages 179
of the past lviii(n), 117, 132, 138, 159, 160, 170, 176, 178, 180, 202, 207, 208
central teachings of 178–9
five precepts of lay conduct 191–2, 212–13
schools of xiv
Buddhist Canon xiv
‘Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit’ xxvii
Udānavarga xxxi–xxxii
Buddhist schools, early xxiii–xxvii
bull 80
Burlingame, E. W. 121–2
Buddhist Legends lxii(n)
Burma, Theravāda school of Buddhism xxvi
butcher, cruel 190
calf 55
calm/calming 20, 21, 22, 30, 37, 40, 41, 68, 73, 76, 84, 85, 86, 93
see also samatha
Cambodia, Theravāda school of Buddhism xxvi
Caṇḍāla (‘untouchable’) 135
captivity l
carelessness 154
carpentry xlix
carpets 166
Carter, J. R. lii
cattle xlix
cavern, monks trapped in 157
celibacy 161, 165, 167, 195, 203
and masturbation 153
chains 209
chariots xlix
children, death of 151, 152, 184
China, Dharmaguptaka Vinaya xxix
Chinese language xxvii
Dharmapadas and Udānavargas in xxxiv–xxxv
chronology xx
Chuyao jing (Chinese translation) xxxv
city, fortification of 204
commentaries, Chinese xliii–xliv
concentration 30, 42, 49, 53, 72, 103, 108, 142
lack of 192
conditioned things xix, 32, 41, 50, 54–5, 72, 74, 75, 84, 103, 193
Cone, Margaret xxx, xxxvi, xxxviii
corn, parched 153
corpses 163
and monk in forest 146
cows, yakkhinī in form of 147
crane, pet 156
craving 224
‘Craving’, chapter 66–70, 206–211
criminals, professional xlix
criticism 188
unfair xlvi–xlvii
‘crow-hero’ 48
Cūḷavedalla Sutta 225
Daedalus, Greek myth 166
dancers 161
daydreaming 127
death l
and human plans xlvii
King of Death 11, 35; see also Yama
deeds, evil and virtuous 171
deer lxiv(n)
harassment of monks 127
household 154
of tree 186
desires 11, 16, 18, 21, 28, 43, 52, 53, 70, 78, 79, 80, 84, 86, 91
Devadatta, cousin of Buddha xix, lxi, 100, 101, 103
meanings liv
Dhamma liv, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 22, 24, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 51, 52, 58, 69, 71, 76, 86, 103
‘taste of joy’ in 182
dhammas liv, 14–15, 30, 55, 69, 73, 103
two-fold states 216
Dhammadinnā, wife of Visākha and Arahat nun xxxix
Dhammajoti, Veṇ K. L. xxxiv
format xiv–xv
as literature xlv–li
problems of translation lii–lvii
versions xiv, xxviii–xxx
Dhammapadaṭṭhakathā (commentary) xv, xxviii, xl–xlv
Dhanapālaka, captive elephant 63
Dharma see Dhamma
Dharmaguptaka sect xxix, lx(n)
animals in lxiv(n)
extracts in Sanskrit xxxii–xxxiv
form and tradition of xxxv–xl
length of texts xxxvi
new verses xxxix
oral tradition xxxviii–xxxix
Dharmatrāta, compiler xxxii
dhyāna see jhāna
Dīpavaṃsa, Pali chronicle of Sri Lanka xx
Dīrghāgama texts 178
discontent 192
dysentery 183
eye xlii
fever 1
skin 186
distractions 125
divine eye 215
doctors (physicians) xlii, 114, 142
pet 164
stray 157
drink and drugs 191–2
drought 199
drowning 157
duḥkha see dukkha
dykkha xvii, 101, 103, 109, 110
see also suffering
earthly existence, briefness of 130
eggs 199
Eightfold Path, Noble 39, 54, 103, 107, 117
‘Elephant’, chapter xv, xlix, 63–5, 204–6
elephant-hunter 117
elephant-trainer 205
attendant on Buddha 115
Māra in form of gigantic 210
retreating to peace of forest 206
rogue 225
stuck in mud 205
eloquence 194
enlightenment factors (seven) 19, 142
etymology, skill in 68
executioner, retired 146–7
mental and physical aspects of 212
Fajü jing (Dhammapada in Chinese) xxxiv, lxiii(n)
Faju piyu jing (Chinese text) xxxiv
Faju yaosong jing (Chinese translation) xxxv
famine, behaviour during 141
accused of theft 136
lost ox 181–2
reborn as ghostly snake 138
farming xlix
Fausbøll, Michael Viggo lii
fetters 8, 44, 67, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 85, 91, 212
freedom from xliv
see also saṃyojana
fig tree 89
image of forest fire 125
image of red-hot ball of iron 202
in thatched roof 157
fletchers (arrow-makers) 9, 17, 30, 140
‘Flowers’, chapter xv, 11–13, 129–33
folk ballads xlvi
folk wisdom xxxviii
folklore xl
accepted by the Buddha from Brahmin 212
received in silence 195
stored 143
thanks given with a dhamma talk 133
food alms 202–3
Fools’ Holiday in Sāvatthi 124
fortification 204
Four Kings, deities xliii
Four Noble Truths xvi, xix, 196
The Friend (Methodist journal) lii
friends, friendship 17, 43, 73
frugality 125
Fully Awakened Buddha xxiv, 13, 37, 38, 76, 83
nature of lxi–lxii(n)
cheating xlix
Gāndhārī Dharmapada xxviii–xxix, xliii, liii, 83–6
gandharva see gandhabba
garland-making xlix
antelope-skin 219
from bark 147
celestial cloth 143
monk’s robe and its symbolism xvii, l, 117
old ragged cloth as ‘teacher’ 162, 214–15
one shared 153
possessiveness over 190
geese xlix, 20, 36, 142–3, 173
killed by monk 211
ghosts (petas) 137–8
in form of snake 159
‘sledgehammer ghost’ 138
gifts 174–5
girth, equated with craving 219
gods l, 8, 11, 13, 20, 36, 37, 44, 45, 72, 80
and destruction of craving 211
see also deities; Radiant Gods
Gogerly, Revd Daniel John lii
goldsmith 190
gong 29
Gotama (gotta or family name of the Buddha) xvii
(Buddha), disciples of, 58
kusa/kuśa 15, 61, 91, 137, 203
pulled by monk 203
‘typha’ (ereka) 176
Griffiths, Paul lxv(n)
‘Happiness’, chapter 40–41, 180–83
happiness, true 179
hare xlix
Harrison, Paul xxv
hatred 3, 6, 40, 51, 57, 69, 72, 73
head, as wisdom 138
Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods 153
heavenly messengers 117
hero 80
‘crow-hero’ 48
Himavat, Mount 59
Hīnayāna, unsatisfactory name for early schools xxiv
Hindu texts xvi
‘Thousands’ sequences 146
see also Mahābhārata; Mānavadharmaśāstra; Rāmāyaṇa
hiri 104
Homer xlvi
horses xlix, 8, 20, 30, 74, 124, 158, 179, 204
house-builder (=Māra) 32
household life l
hrī 104 human beings, divine status l
human sacrifice
bandits’ demand for 150
King Pasenadi dissuaded from 134
hunger 181–2
hunters 155–6
iddhi 104
see also psychic powers
imagery xlviii
imaginings 163
immodesty 160–61
impermanence 101, 124, 127, 152, 163, 196–7, 202
impurity see ‘Rust’
Incomparable Gifts 175
ingratitude 144–5
intoxication, precept against 191–2
Isipatana, Varanasi, Deer Park at xix, 118
Itivuttaka, Khuddaka Nikāya text 174
jackals 167
Jacobi, Hermann 180
Jain texts xvi, xxxviii, 147, 178, 180
‘Thousands’ sequences 146
Japanese language xxvii
jasmine xlix, 12, 73, 136, 214
Jātaka stories (of previous births of Buddha) xliii, lxii(n), 105, 160, 167, 191, 211
monastery 151
visit of fifty monks to the Buddha at 142
jeweller 156–7
jhāna (meditative state) xviii, xix, 97, 105, 106, 108, 198, 208
Jīvaka, physician 105
Journal of the Pali Text Society xxx
judges, taking bribes 193
justice 193
kamma (intention and consequences) xli–xlii, 100, 105, 136, 145
Kapilavatthu, city of 170
Karma see Kamma
Kassapa 105
Kaśyapa 105
Kaṭha Upaniṣad 138–9
see also aggregates
Kharoṣṭhī script xii, xxix, 106, 210
Khattiya families lviii(n), 106, 179
Khemā, Arahat and chief nun 106
Khotan Dharmapada xxviii–xxix
Khuddaka Nikāya text xxiii, xxxi, lxii(n), 174
kings, unjust 206
Kisā Gotamī and the mustard seed xl
Koṇḍañña, ascetic, becomes first Arahat xix
Kṣatriya see Khattiya
Kṣemā 106
Kumāra Kassapa 106
Kurudhamma Jātaka 211
Kusinārā (Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh) xix
languages xxi–xxii
syllables 210
translations xxvii
Laos, Theravāda school of Buddhism xxvi
Latin, translation into lii
laymen, invited to take part in alms-giving 154–5
Learner 11
leprosy sufferer 135–6
three spiritual paths to xxiv, li
three states of xliv
lion lxiv(n)
monk born of lioness 214
Lokottaravāda school xxxii–xxxiii, lxi(n)
London Dharmapada xxix
lotus xlix, 12, 13, 66, 77, 86, 90–91, 198
louse, monk reborn as 190
Māgadha region, language of xxi–xxii
mages 36
Maghavan (Sakka), king of the gods l, 8, 106
magic 192
Mahābhārata, Sanskrit epic lx(n), 159
Mahāpajāpati, stepmother of Buddha and Arahat nun lviii(n)
and brother Cullapāla xlii
story of xliv
Mahāsāṅghika tradition xxxiii
Mahāvastu text xxxii, xxxiii–xxxiv, 176
Mahāyāna school xxiv, xxv–xxvi, xxvii, xxix, xxxi, xxxii, lx(n) lxi(n), 102, 106, 176
mahout 64
Mainstream Buddhism xxv–xxvii, lxi(n), 100, 106, 110, 111
Majjhima Nikāya xxiii
māna, derivation 185–6
Mānavadharmaśāstra (‘Laws of Manu’) 149, 158, 219
Māra, deity (the tempter) l, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 23, 36, 54, 66, 68, 106
daughters of 176
marriage, of Buddha-to-be xvii
Maudgalyāyana see Moggallāna
Māyādevī, mother of the Buddha lviii(n)
meditation 7, 37, 58, 73, 95, 104, 106, 108, 109, 111, 112
on death 172
on emptiness 164
protection provided by 200–201
subjects for 197
see also jhāna
merchants xix, 26, 74, 116, 155, 165–6
daughter of 147–8
plans for future 198–9
two young xliii
metre, verse, śloka xv, xlviii
Mettā Sutta chant 127
Middle Indian languages xxi, xxvii
Dhammapada and Dharmapada texts xxviii–xxx
Middle Way xliii
milk, curdled 137
Mindfulness 57, 103, 106, 109, 120, 122, 142, 151, 188, 212
miracles xvi, 150, 160, 176, 214
mirage 129
‘Miscellaneous’, chapter 57–9, 199–201
Moggallāna (formerly Kolita), Elder xliv, 106, 109
Mongolian language xxvii
‘Monk’, chapter xxxiii, 71–4, 211–15
offer of honey to Buddha 115
monks l
commentarial stories, especially:
behaving badly 139
boastful 193
careless 154
cutting down tree 186
damaging vegetation 176–8
daydreaming 127
diligent and lazy 124–5
dispute between 115
elephant-trainer 205
false teaching 207
fancy sandals 199–200
finding fault with fellows 193
and forest fire 125
former bandits ordained as xl, xliv, 150, 171, 174
and former wife 198
greedy 167
and hunter Koka 156
inflicted with boils 128
killing of goose 211
learned and unlearned 122
with legacy 178
in love with courtesan 163
noisy 189
ordained while looking for woman 135
proud 138
remorseful 203
returning to lay life 208
and rule of celibacy 153
solitary hermit 201
teased 169–70
with too many possessions 160
witness to disturbing events 157
and woman in forest 221
see also bhikkhu
lunar zodiac 182
moonlight 223
Müller, Max lii
must, elephant secretion 205
nāgas, serpent deities 106, 133–4
in River Gaṅgā 176
Nakatani, H. xxxii
nature, similes from xlviii–xlix
Nettippakaraṇa text lix–lx(n)
nibbāna xix–xx, 7, 8, 16, 19, 29, 38, 39, 41, 45, 56, 72, 73, 79, 107, 140, 184, 197, 198, 199, 205, 213, 216
as ‘deathless’ 152
as ‘undeclared’ 185
as ‘unmade’ 144–5
nikāya, texts in Sutta Piṭaka xxiii
nirvāna see nibbāna
Noble Eightfold path 39, 54 103, 107, 117
Noble Truths xvi, xix, 38, 54, 107, 196
non-Mahāyāna schools xxiv
Non-Return, state of 107 185, 188, 196, 224
Non-Returner xliv, 100, 104, 107
see also anattā
The Word of the Doctrine liii
novices 134, 140, 144, 150, 153, 192, 197, 205, 215, 221
nuns lxiv(n), 163, 218, 220, 221
attachment to child 167
bhikṣuṇī ordination lx(n)
rules for 137
see also bhikkhunī
nymphs, wives of god Sakka 132
Odin, Norse god xliii
‘Old Age’, chapter 31–2, 162–6
Old Indian languages xxi
see also Sanskrit
Once-Returner xliv, 104, 107, 108, 122
oral tradition xxxviii–xxxix, xlvi
ottapa 104
otters 167
strayed 181–2
tug of war 220
pabbajita, renouncer 217
Paccekabuddha (Private Buddha) xxiv, 107, 136, 138, 192
Pali Canon xx, xxvi–xxvii
‘Three Baskets’ xxii–xxiii
Udāna xxxi
Pali Dhammapada text xxviii
commentaries xl–xliii
inflected xlviii
and translation liii–liv
Palihawadana, M. lii
paradox, use of xv
care of’ 125
and children who follow Buddha 204
of captive elephant 205
killing of 160, (symbolic) 200
Pārileyyaka Forest, Buddha’s sojourn in 115
parinibbāna (end of rebirths) xix–xx, lxi(n), 26, 107, 126, 128, 160, 161, 169, 209
parinirvāna see parinibbāna
Pāṭaliputta (Patna, Bihar), rulers of xxii
Path, Noble Eightfold 39, 54, 103, 107, 117
paths, physical 196
Patna Dharmapada xxix–xxx, xxxvi, 199
translations liii
peacefulness of mind 214
peepal see pipal tree
perfume 132
perseverance 195–6
Peṭakopadesa text lix–lx(n)
ghost with head of 197
young sow 208
pillar, at town gate 143
ploughman, as monk 214–15
Polish language lii
Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras, later text xxvi
Prakrit (Middle Indian languages) xxi–xxii, lix(n) lxi (n)
Gāndhārī xxviii–xxix
Sri Lanka xl
Prasenajit see Pasenadi
Pratyekabuddha see Paccekabuddha
preta see peta
previous lives 126
bad actions 130, 134, 136, 160
pride 197
hurt 185–6
prophecies xvi
protection, provided by meditation 200–201
psychic powers 145–6, 173, 192, 215
Pudgalavāda tradition xxx
desire/wood 208
on faithlessness 144–5
Pure Abodes 108
Pure Land school of Buddhism xxvi
quarrels xlvii
Rāhula (son of Buddha) xvii
Rains Retreat 108, 116, 127, 176, 215, 222
Rājagaha, Bihar xxi
Rāmāyaṇa, Sanskrit epic lx(n)
rape 136
Ratana (Jewel) Sutta 199
ṛddhi see iddhi
rebirth(s) 164
see also Three Refuges
‘Repetition’ (Peyāla) xxxiii
resentment 144
from anger 188
importance of 116
rivers li
Robbers’ Cliff, deity of 148
robbery, wrong accusation of 168, 169
sacrifice, 23, 95, 134, 149, 150
see also Once-Returner
Sākiya clan xvi
sakṛdāgāmin see sakadāgāmin
Sakka, king of Thirty-Three Gods l, 103, 106, 108, 110
Śakra see Sakka
samādhi see concentration
see also wanderer
Sāmatiya sect xxx
Sammāsambuddha (Fully Awakened Buddha) xxiv
saṃsāra (realm of rebirth) l, lxi (n), 14, 21, 79, 102, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 124, 134, 145, 144, 151, 164, 173, 196, 216
saṃskāra see sánkhāra
saṃyajana xliv, 100, 104, 108, 110,
see also fetters
on suicide 132–3
sandals, fancy patterned 199–200
Saṅgha 38, 39, 58, 94, 95, 107, 109
as monastic community 97, 132, 194
as refuge xix, xxxv, 132, 135–6, 179
see also conditioned things; conditions
saṅkhāras, conditioned things 212
Mahāyāna texts in xxvii
Udānavarga texts xxx–xxxiv, xxxvi, xliii
Sāriputta (formerly Upatissa) xliv, 100, 109
Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh xix
Sarvāstivāda tradition xxxi, 178
sāvaka 109
Sāvatthi 184
Fools’ Holiday in 124
residents of 142
secular power xlix–l
self-control 218
self-sacrifice xlii–xliii
seṭṭhi 109
see also bankers
Setting in Motion of the Wheel of Dhamma xix
‘shaman’ 173
origin of word lxiv(n)
shame 104
shipwreck 147
far and near 216
other 18, 68, 69, 75, 85, 89–92
shrine, the Buddha at 179
Siddhattha (given name of Buddha) xvii, lviii(n)
signs, three 109
silence 195
and failure to hold tongue 211–12
similes, from nature xlviii–xlix
Sindh, province 204
thoroughbred from 63
siṅgila, mythical horned bird 134
skandha see khandha
skulls, of reborn 224
slave, runaway 221
slave woman, adultery with 203–4
sleep, awareness in 200
tormented by boys 158
‘Snake’, chapter (Patna Dharmapada) 89–91
see also stream-enterer
śramaṇa see samaṇa
śravaka 109
śreṣṭhin see seṭṭhi
Sri Lanka origins of Dhammapadaṭṭhakathā xl
Pali Canon first committed to writing in xx
Theravāda school of Buddhism xxvi
Śrotrāpanna see sotāpanna
Sthaviravāda see Theravāda school of Buddhism
strap, equated with hate 219
striving 215–16
suffering xvii, xxiv, xli, lxi(n), 3, 15, 30, 38, 39, 49, 54–5, 59, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 78, 101, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110, 117–18, 119
see also dukkha
sukha 110
Buddha as kinsman of 82
path of 36
zodiac 182–3
Sutra see Sutta texts
Sutta Piṭaka, Buddha’s teachings (Pali Canon) xxiii, lviii(n), 101
symbolism, of killing of parents 200
Tantra 110
Tantric form of Buddhism xxvi
Tapussa, merchant xix
Tāvatiṃsa heaven 100, 102, 104, 110, 115, 116, 130, 185
tax-gatherer 200
of novice 215
of young monk 169–70
Thailand, Theravāda school of Buddhism xxvi
Theravāda school of Buddhism xiv, xvi, xx, xxi, xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, lvii(n), lix(n), 100, 110, 111, 113
grudge against banker 159
Thirty-Three Gods 108, 111, 136, 153, 176
thong, equated with wrong views 219
‘Thousands’ (Sahassa) xxxiii, 97, 146
Three Refuges of Buddhism xix, 108
three signs 109
Tianxizai, translator xxxv
Tibet, Sarvāstivāda tradition xxxi
Tibetan language xxvii
Udānavarga in xxxv
Tipiṭaka (Three Baskets) (Pali Canon) xxii–xxiii, lx(n), 111, 122, 124
Tiresias, Greek myth of 128
Tissa 111
tortoise lxiv(n)
failure to hold tongue 211–12
transcendence lxi–lxii(n)
translations lii–lvii
problems of liv–lvi
Trāyastriṃśa see Tāvatiṃsa heaven
Tripiṭaka see Tipiṭaka
trees, rules against cutting down 186
Truths, Four Noble xvi, xix, 38, 54, 107, 196
Turkish language lii
Tusita/Tuṣita heaven 100, 111, 117, 121, 147, 164, 172, 190
Udāna xxiii, xxx–xxxi, lxi(n), 111, 114, 124, 126, 128, 142
Udānavarga texts
Sanskrit texts xxx–xxxiv
in Tibetan xxxv
Udānavargavivaraṇa (commentary) xxxii
Uddaka Rāmaputta, meditation master xvii, xviii
Udena, King iii
unconditioned 103, 107, 111, 197, 205
upavasatha see uposatha
Utpalavarṇā see uppalavaṇṇā
Uppalavaṇṇā, Arahat nun 111
Uttarajjhayana Sutta, Jain text 137, 180
Vajrayāna school of Buddhism xxvi, 111
vasali, ‘little man’, use of word by Brahmins 222
vengeance 130
quest for 114–15
alliteration xv
metre xv
and oral tradition xlvi
read aloud lvii
rhyme xv
rhythm xlviii
wise sayings in (tradition of) xiv
Vesāli, city of 199
Vibhajjavāda (Doctrine of Analysis) see Theravāda school of Buddhism
Vidyāprabhākara, translator xxxv
Vinaya xxii, xxvi, xxvii, xxix, xxxi, lix(n), 108, 111, 115, 126, 139, 143, 167, 176, 186, 191, 211
Vinaya Piṭaka, disciplinary code (Pali Canon) xxii, xxvi, xxvii, xxxiii, lviii(n)
vipaśyanā see vipassanā
Vipaśyin, previous Buddha 178
Visākha/Viśakhā, lay follower, xlv, 111
vows xlii
Vulture Peak 215
wakefulness, through mindfulness 188
wanderer 6, 30, 38, 50, 52, 61, 65, 76, 85
see also samaṇa
war, arts of xlix
water, dispute over 180
water-pot 26
‘water-pot slaves’ 169
wealth 165
weaver’s daughter 172
wedding celebration 181
weeds 69–70
Weizhinan, compiler xxxiv
wisdom 197
‘Wise Man’, chapter 17–19, 139–42
adulterous 191
in apparition 159
and burglars 213–14
drowned at sea 157
drunken 162
jealousy of slave woman 203–4
observing a fast-day 159
and parched corn 153–4
tempted by Māra 180–81
wood/desire pun 55, 67, 198, 208
worldly satisfactions 141
wrong speech, precept against 174
Avaruddhaka 149
former rich man 160
yakkhinī 112
child-eater 115
mother of novice monk 205
and retired executioner 146–7
yakṣa see yakkha
yakṣī/yakṣíṇī see yakkhinī
Yama, deity (ruler and judge of dead) l, 11, 47, 103, 112
Yiddish language lii
yoga-kkhema (peace of yoga) 7, 123
yoga-kkhemin 177
Zen school of Buddhism xxvi
Zhu Fonian, translator xxxv
zodiacs, lunar and solar 182–3