
4.1. Let a one-dimensional velocity field be u = u(x, t), with v = 0 and w = 0. The density varies as ρ = ρ0(2 cosωt). Find an expression for u(x, t) if u(0, t) = U.
4.2. Consider the one-dimensional Cartesian velocity field: u=(αx/t,0,0)image where α is a constant.
a) Find a spatially uniform, time-dependent density field, ρ = ρ(t), that renders this flow field mass conserving when ρ = ρo at t = to.
b) What are the unsteady (u/∂t), advective ([u·]uimage), and particle (Du/Dt) accelerations in this flow field? What does α = 1 imply?
4.3. Find a nonzero density field ρ(x,y,z,t) that renders the following Cartesian velocity fields mass conserving. Comment on the physical significance and uniqueness of your solutions.
a) u=(Usin(ωtkx),0,0)image where U, ω, k are positive constants
    [Hint: exchange the independent variables x,t for a single independent variable ξ = ωtkx]
b) u=(Ωy,+Ωx,0)image with Ω = constant [Hint: switch to cylindrical coordinates.]
c) u=(A/x,B/y,C/z)image where A, B, C are constants
4.4. A proposed conservation law for ξ, a new fluid property, takes the following form: ddt(V(t)ρξdV)+A(t)Q·ndS=0image, where V(t) is a material volume that moves with the fluid velocity u, A(t) is the surface of V(t), ρ is the fluid density, and Q=ργξimage.
a) What partial differential equation is implied by the above conservation statement?
b) Use the part a) result and the continuity equation to show: (ξ/t)+u·ξ=(1/ρ)·(ργξ)image.
4.5. The components of a mass flow vector ρu are ρu = 4x2y, ρv = xyz, pw = yz2.
a) Compute the net mass outflow through the closed surface formed by the planes x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0, z = 1.
b) Compute ·(ρu)image and integrate over the volume bounded by the surface defined in part a).
c) Explain why the results for parts a) and b) should be equal or unequal.
4.11. The well-known undergraduate fluid mechanics textbook by Fox et al. (2009) provides the following statement of conservation of momentum for a constant-shape (nonrotating) control volume moving at a nonconstant velocity U = U(t):





    where the replacement b = U has been made for the velocity of the accelerating control surface A∗(t). Given that the two equations above are not identical, determine if these two statements of conservation of fluid momentum are contradictory or consistent.
4.12. A jet of water with a diameter of 8 cm and a speed of 25 m/s impinges normally on a large stationary flat plate. Find the force required to hold the plate stationary. Compare the average pressure on the plate with the stagnation pressure if the plate is 20 times the area of the jet.
4.13. Show that the thrust developed by a stationary rocket motor is F = ρAU2 + A(p patm), where patm is the atmospheric pressure, and p, ρ, A, and U are, respectively, the pressure, density, area, and velocity of the fluid at the nozzle exit.
4.14. Consider the propeller of an airplane moving with a velocity U1. Take a reference frame in which the air is moving and the propeller [disk] is stationary. Then the effect of the propeller is to accelerate the fluid from the upstream value U1 to the downstream value U2 > U1. Assuming incompressibility, show that the thrust developed by the propeller is given by F=ρA(U22U12)/2,image where A is the projected area of the propeller and ρ is the density (assumed constant). Show also that the velocity of the fluid at the plane of the propeller is the average value U = (U1 + U2)/2. [Hint: The flow can be idealized by a pressure jump of magnitude Δp = F/A right at the location of the propeller. Also apply Bernoulli’s equation between a section far upstream and a section immediately upstream of the propeller. Also apply the Bernoulli equation between a section immediately downstream of the propeller and a section far downstream. This will show that Δp=ρ(U22U12)/2image.]
4.15. Generalize the control volume analysis of Example 4.4 by considering the control volume geometry shown for steady two-dimensional flow past an arbitrary body in the absence of body forces. Show that the force the fluid exerts on the body is: Fj=A1(ρuiujTij)nidAimage and 0=A1ρuinidAimage.
4.24. 1An inviscid incompressible liquid with density ρ flows in a wide conduit of height H and width B into the page. The inlet stream travels at a uniform speed U and fills the conduit. The depth of the outlet stream is less than H. Air with negligible density fills the gap above the outlet stream. Gravity acts downward with acceleration g. Assume the flow is steady for the following items.
a) Find a dimensionless scaling law for U in terms of ρ, H, and g.
b) Denote the outlet stream depth and speed by h and u, respectively, and write down a set of equations that will allow U, u, and h to be determined in terms of ρ, H, and g.
c) Solve for U, u, and h in terms of ρ, H, and g. [Hint: solve for h first.]
4.29. 2Attach a drinking straw to a 15-cm-diameter cardboard disk with a hole at the center using tape or glue. Loosely fold the corners of a standard piece of paper upward so that the paper mildly cups the cardboard disk (see drawing). Place the cardboard disk in the central section of the folded paper. Attempt to lift the loosely folded paper off a flat surface by blowing or sucking air through the straw.
a) Experimentally determine if blowing or suction is more effective in lifting the folded paper.
b) Explain your findings with a control volume analysis.
4.33. 3A cart that can roll freely in the x-direction deflects a horizontal water jet into its tank with a vane inclined to the vertical at an angle θ. The jet issues steadily at velocity U with density ρ, and has cross-sectional area A. The cart is initially at rest with a mass of mo. Ignore the effects of surface tension, the cart’s rolling friction, and wind resistance in your answers.
4.41. Using only (4.7), (4.22), (4.36), and (3.12) show that ρ(Du/Dt)+p=ρg+μ2u+(μυ+13μ)(·u)image when the dynamic (μ) and bulk (μυ) viscosities are constants.
4.42. 4Air, water, and petroleum products are important engineering fluids and can usually be treated as Newtonian fluids. Consider the following materials and try to classify them as: Newtonian fluid, non-Newtonian fluid, or solid. State the reasons for your choices and note the temperature range where you believe your answers are correct. Simple impact, tensile, and shear experiments in your kitchen or bathroom are recommended. Test and discuss at least five items.
a) toothpaste
b) peanut butter
c) shampoo
d) glass
e) honey
f) mozzarella cheese
g) hot oatmeal
h) creamy salad dressing
i) ice cream
j) silly putty
4.43. The equations for conservation of mass and momentum for a viscous Newtonian fluid are (4.7) and (4.39a) when the viscosities are constant.
4.44. 5Simplify the planar Navier-Stokes momentum equations (given in Example 4.9) for incompressible flow, constant viscosity, and conservative body forces. Cross differentiate these equations and eliminate the pressure to find a single equation for ωz = ∂v/∂x∂u/∂y. What process(es) might lead to the changes in ωz for fluid elements in this flow?
4.45. Starting from (4.7) and (4.39b), derive a Poisson equation for the pressure, p, by taking the divergence of the constant-density momentum equation. [In other words, find an equation where 2p/xj2image appears by itself on the left side and other terms not involving p appear on the right side]. What role does the viscosity μ play in determining the pressure in constant density flow?
4.46. Prove the equality of the two ends of index notation version of (4.40) without leaving index notation or using vector identities.
4.47. The viscous compressible fluid conservation equations for mass and momentum are (4.7) and (4.38). Simplify these equations for constant-density, constant-viscosity flow and where the body force has a potential, gj=Φ/xjimage. Assume the velocity field can be found from uj=ϕ/xjimage, where the scalar function ϕ depends on space and time. What are the simplified conservation of mass and momentum equations for ϕ?
4.48. The viscous compressible fluid conservation equations for mass and momentum are (4.7) and (4.38).
a) In Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) with g=(gx,0,0)image, simplify these equations for unsteady one-dimensional unidirectional flow where: ρ=ρ(x,t)image and u=(u(x,t),0,0)image.
b) If the flow is also incompressible, show that the fluid velocity depends only on time, i.e., u(x,t)=U(t)image, and show that the equations found for part a) reduce to



c) If ρ=ρo(x)image at t = 0, and u=U(0)=Uoimage at t = 0, determine an implicit solutions for ρ=ρ(x,t)image and U(t)image in terms of x, t, ρo(x)image, Uo, p/ximage, and gx.
4.49. 6
a) Derive the following equation for the velocity potential for irrotational inviscid compressible flow in the absence of a body force:



    where ϕ=uimage, as usual. Start from the Euler equation (4.41), use the continuity equation, assume that the flow is isentropic so that p depends only on ρ, and denote (p/ρ)s=c2image.
b) What limit does c → ∞ imply?
c) What limit does |ϕ|image → 0 imply?
4.50. Derive (4.43) from (4.42).
4.51. Observations of the velocity u′ of an incompressible viscous fluid are made in a frame of reference rotating steadily at rate Ω = (0, 0, Ωz). The pressure at the origin is po and g = –gez.
a) In Cartesian coordinates with u′ = (U, V, W) = a constant, find p(x,y,z).
b) In cylindrical coordinates with u′ = –ΩzReφ, determine p(R,φ,z). Guess the result if you can.
4.52. For many atmospheric flows, rotation of the earth is important. The momentum equation for inviscid flow in a frame of reference rotating at a constant rate Ωimage is:



    For steady two-dimensional horizontal flow, u=(u,v,0)image, with Φ = gz and ρ = ρ(z), show that the streamlines are parallel to constant pressure lines when the fluid particle acceleration is dominated by the Coriolis acceleration |(u·)u||2Ω×u|image, and when the local pressure gradient dominates the centripetal acceleration |Ω×(Ω×x)||p|/ρimage. [This seemingly strange result governs just about all large-scale weather phenomena like hurricanes and other storms, and it allows weather forecasts to be made based on surface pressure measurements alone. Hints:
1. If Y(x) defines a streamline contour, then dY/dx=v/uimage is the streamline slope.
2. Write out all three components of the momentum equation and build the ratio v/u.
3. Using hint 1, the pressure increment along a streamline is: dp=(p/x)dx+(p/y)dYimage.]
4.53. Show that (4.55) can be derived from (4.7), (4.53), and (4.54).
4.54. Multiply (4.22) by uj and sum over j to derive (4.56).
4.55. Starting from ε=(1/ρ)τijSijimage, derive the right most expression in (4.58).
4.56. For many gases and liquids (and solids too!), the following equations are valid:
    q=kTimage (Fourier's law of heat conduction, k = thermal conductivity, T = temperature), e = eo + cvT (e = internal energy per unit mass, cv = specific heat at constant volume), and h = ho + cpT (h = enthalpy per unit mass, cp = specific heat at constant pressure), where eo and ho are constants, and cv and cp are also constants. Start with the energy equation



    for each of the following items.
a) Derive an equation for T involving uj, k, ρ, and cv for incompressible flow when τij = 0.
b) Derive an equation for T involving uj, k, ρ, and cp for flow with p = const. and τij = 0.
c) Provide a physical explanation why the answers to a) and b) are different.
4.57. Derive the following alternative form of (4.60): ρcp(DT/Dt)=αT(Dp/Dt)+ρε+(/xi)(k(T/xi))image, where ε is given by (4.58) and α is the thermal expansion coefficient defined in (1.26). [Hint: dh=(h/T)pdT+(h/p)Tdpimage]
4.58. Show that the first version of (4.68) is true without abandoning index notation or using vector identities.
4.59. Consider an incompressible planar Couette flow, which is the flow between two parallel plates separated by a distance b. The upper plate is moving parallel to itself at speed U, and the lower plate is stationary. Let the x-axis lie on the lower plate. The pressure and velocity fields are independent of x, and fluid has uniform density and viscosity.
a) Show that the pressure distribution is hydrostatic and that the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation is u(y) = Uy/b.
b) Write the expressions for the stress and strain rate tensors, and show that the viscous kinetic-energy dissipation per unit volume is μU2/b2.
c) Evaluate the kinetic energy equation (4.56) within a rectangular control volume for which the two horizontal surfaces coincide with the walls and the two vertical surfaces are perpendicular to the flow and show that the viscous dissipation and the work done in moving the upper surface are equal.
4.60. Determine the outlet speed, U2, of a chimney in terms of ρo, ρ2, g, H, A1, and A2. For simplicity, assume the fire merely decreases the density of the air from ρo to ρ2 (ρo > ρ2) and does not add any mass to the airflow. (This mass flow assumption isn’t true, but it serves to keep the algebra under control in this problem.) The relevant parameters are shown in the figure. Use the steady Bernoulli equation into the inlet and from the outlet of the fire, but perform a control volume analysis across the fire. Ignore the vertical extent of A1 compared to H and the effects of viscosity.
4.63. Redo the solution for the orifice-in-a-tank problem allowing for the fact that in Figure 4.16, h = h(t), but ignoring fluid acceleration. Estimate how long it takes for the tank take to empty.
4.64. Consider the planar flow of Example 3.5, u = (Ax, –Ay), but allow A = A(t) to depend on time. Here the fluid density is ρ, the pressure at the origin or coordinates is po, and there are no body forces.
a) If the fluid is inviscid, determine the pressure on the x-axis, p(x,0,t) as a function of time from the unsteady Bernoulli equation.
b) If the fluid has constant viscosities μ and μυ, determine the pressure throughout the flow field, p(x,y,t), from the x-direction and y-direction differential momentum equations.
c) Are the results for parts a) and b) consistent with each other? Explain your findings.
4.65. A circular plate is forced down at a steady velocity Uo against a flat surface. Frictionless incompressible fluid of density ρ fills the gap h(t). Assume that hro = the plate radius, and that the radial velocity ur(r,t) is constant across the gap.
a) Obtain a formula for ur(r,t) in terms of r, Uo, and h.
b) Determine ∂ur(r,t)/∂t.
c) Calculate the pressure distribution under the plate assuming that p(r = ro) = 0.
4.68. Starting from (4.45) derive the following unsteady Bernoulli equation for inviscid incompressible irrotational fluid flow observed in a nonrotating frame of reference undergoing acceleration dU/dt with its z-axis vertical.



4.69. Using the small slope version of the surface curvature 1/R1d2ζ/dx2image, redo Example 4.15 to find h and ζ(x) in terms of x, σ, ρ, g, and θ. Show that the two answers are consistent when θ approaches π/2.
4.70. An spherical bubble with radius R(t), containing gas with negligible density, creates purely radial flow, u = (ur(r,t), 0, 0), in an unbounded bath of a quiescent incompressible liquid with density ρ and viscosity μ. Determine ur(t) in terms of R(t), its derivatives. Ignoring body forces, and assuming a pressure of p far from the bubble, find (and solve) an equation for the pressure distribution, p(r,t), outside the bubble. Integrate this equation from r = R to rimage, and apply an appropriate boundary condition at the bubble's surface to find the Rayleigh-Plesset equation for the pressure pB(t) inside the bubble:
4.71. Redo the dimensionless scaling leading to (4.101) by choosing a generic viscous stress, μU/l, and then a generic hydrostatic pressure, ρgl, to make p p dimensionless. Interpret the revised dimensionless coefficients that appear in the scaled momentum equation, and relate them to St, Re, and Fr.
4.72. A solid sphere of mass m and diameter D is released from rest and falls through an incompressible viscous fluid with density ρ and viscosity μ under the action of gravity g. When the z coordinate increases downward, the vertical component of Newton’s second law for the sphere is: m(duz/dt)=+mgFBFDimage, where uz is positive downward, FB is the buoyancy force on the sphere, and FD is the fluid-dynamic drag force on the sphere. Here, with uz > 0, FD opposes the sphere’s downward motion. At first the sphere is moving slowly so its Reynolds number is low, but ReD=ρuzD/μimage increases with time as the sphere’s velocity increases. To account for this variation in ReD, the sphere’s coefficient of drag may be approximated as: CD12+24/ReDimage. For the following items, provide answers in terms of m, ρ, μ, g and D; do not use z, uz, FB, or FD.
a) Assume the sphere's vertical equation of motion will be solved by a computer after being put into dimensionless form. Therefore, use the information provided and the definition tρgtD/μ to show that this equation may be rewritten: (dReD/dt)=AReD2+BReD+Cimage, and determine the coefficients A, B, and C.
b) Solve the part a) equation for ReD analytically in terms of A, B, and C for a sphere that is initially at rest.
c) Undo the dimensionless scaling to determine the terminal velocity of the sphere from the part c) answer as timage.
a) From (4.101), what is the dimensional differential momentum equation for steady incompressible viscous flow as Reimage when g = 0.
b) Repeat part a) for Re0image. Does this equation include the pressure gradient?
c) Given that pressure gradients are important for fluid mechanics at low Re, revise the pressure scaling in (4.100) to obtain a more satisfactory low-Re limit for (4.39b) with g = 0.
a) Simplify (4.45) for motion of a constant-density inviscid fluid observed in a frame of reference that does not translate but does rotate at a constant rate Ω = Ωez.
b) Use length, velocity, acceleration, rotation, and density scales of L, U, g, Ω, and ρ to determine the dimensionless parameters for this flow when g = –gez and x = (xy, z). (Hint: substract out the static pressure distribution.)
c) The Rossby number, Ro, in this situation is UL. What are the simplified equations of motion for a steady horizontal flow, u = (u, v, 0), observed in the rotating frame of reference when Ro ≪ 1.
4.75. From Figure 4.23, it can be seen that CD ∝ 1/Re at small Reynolds numbers and that CD is approximately constant at large Reynolds numbers. Redo the dimensional analysis leading to (4.99) to verify these observations when:
a) Re is low and fluid inertia is unimportant so ρ is no longer a parameter.
b) Re is high and the drag force is dominated by fore-aft pressure differences on the sphere and μ is no longer a parameter.
4.76. Suppose that the power to drive a propeller of an airplane depends on d (diameter of the propeller), U (free-stream velocity), ω (angular velocity of propeller), c (velocity of sound), ρ (density of fluid), and μ (viscosity). Find the dimensionless groups. In your opinion, which of these are the most important and should be duplicated in model testing?
4.77. A 1/25 scale model of a submarine is being tested in a wind tunnel in which p = 200 kPa and T = 300 K. If the speed of the full-size submarine is 30 km/hr, what should be the free-stream velocity in the wind tunnel? What is the drag ratio? Assume that the submarine would not operate near the free surface of the ocean.
4.78. The volume flow rate Q from a centrifugal blower depends on its rotation rate Ω, its diameter d, the pressure rise it works against Δp, and the density ρ and viscosity μ of the working fluid.
a) Develop a dimensionless scaling law for Q in terms of the other parameters.
b) Simplify the result of part c) for high Reynolds number pumping where μ is no longer a parameter.
c) For d = 0.10 m and ρ = 1.2 kg/m3, plot the measured centrifugal blower performance data from the table in dimensionless form to determine if your result for part b) is a useful simplification. Here RPM is revolutions per minute, Q is in liter/s, and Δp is in kPa.