
Abercrombie, David 181

abstraction 98, 207, 271, 275, 276, 281

affordance 47, 53, 58, 61, 66, 69, 70, 71, 75, 76, 83, 84, 159, 160, 244, 246, 252, 259, 271272

agraphia 17

Aiello, Giorgia 4, 5, 8, 10, 195208

Alberti 121122

Alexia 21

Allport, Gordon 224

Anderson, Stafford 117, 118

architectural drawing 8, 10, 116137; architectural drawing conventions 127128; editing and selecting architectural drawings 131, 133; types of architectural drawing 128129; use of tracing paper 116117

Aristotle 7, 4950, 51, 86

Arola, Kristin 160

articulation 51, 52, 57, 243, 244

assemblage 85

Barcellona, Luca 101

Barthes, Roland 8, 97

Bell, Charles 33

Bellantoni, Jeff 8

Bergson, Henri 61, 66

Bernstein, Basil 270, 278, 279

Bertelsen, Olav 161

Bezier curves 101, 185

bitmap 184

body 5, 31, 57, 80, 244245, 247; see also gesture

Bologna Towers 100

Bouchy, Karine 4, 5, 10, 138150

Bouvier, Gwen 158

brain mapping 17, 18, 20, 22, 24

branding 197, 199, 205, 206

Breton, Julien 5

Burgert, Hans-Joachim 9697

calligraphic dripping 141143

calligraphy 5, 9, 10, 138115; abstract calligraphy 98; calligraphic materials 94, 95, 99, 141; calligraphic tools 97, 98, 101, 102, 105, 106, 141; Chinese calligraphy 97, 98, 102

Cameron, Deborah 198

Carpo, Mario 121122

Cheetham, Mark 208

Chinese characters 24

Chinese calligraphy 97, 98, 102

chirography 31

colour 169

contact hypothesis 224225

copying 121122

Cornil, Lieve 3, 10, 105115

defamiliarisation 76, 85

DeLanda, Manuel 51, 82, 85

Deleuze, Gilles 46, 49, 50, 51, 60, 72, 85

Derrida, Jacques 32, 40

D’hoe, Jeroen 99

Djonov, Emilia 160, 199

digitisation 6, 24, 101, 176177, 184185

drawing 30, 39, 40, 41; see also architectural drawing

ductus 41, 106, 107, 109, 110, 140

effort 175, 181, 183

Elkins, James 38, 40

embodiment see body

enshapening 230, 233, 237241, 258259

experiential meaning potential 180, 185

experiential metaphor 186

Facebook 158

Fairclough, Norman 267, 269, 270

fingertips 43

first order 3, 46

Flusser, Vilém 119

form 50, 52, 213, 231233; see also invariants; shape

Fuller, Matthew 162

Garver, Eugene 7

genericity 164, 167

gesture 6265, 94, 96, 98100, 119, 132, 144, 177, 178, 186, 191, 244245, 253257

Gibson, James J. 1, 46, 4749, 53, 54, 58, 56, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 76, 135, 159, 179, 182, 260

Gombrich, Ernst 208

Gottdiener, Mark 212213

graphetics 3, 180, 230, 259

graphology 230

Greenaway, Peter 147148

Guattari, Félix 46, 49, 60, 72, 85

Halliday, Michael A.K. 213, 267, 269

hand 3234, 35, 36, 4042, 43, 184185

handwriting 6, 7, 15, 30, 31, 32, 33, 4041; 97, 185186; brain activity 17, 18, 20; holding a pen 35; impairments 1819; importance for reading 21; see also perception

haptic perception 5, 30, 43

Heidegger, Martin 34, 41

Hjelmslev, Louis 213

iconicity 6869

identity 160, 161, 163, 167, 168, 172, 269

illustrator software 175176, 178

indexicality 69, 268

Ingold, Tim 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3044, 58, 66, 72, 177

invariants 48, 56

irregularity 6, 185191

Ishigani, Junya 129

Jackson, Donald 93

Japanese calligraphy 123

Jaworski, Adam 199, 206

Johannessen, Christian Mosbæk 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 52, 56, 86, 175191, 197, 207, 233, 235, 238, 242243, 244245, 247, 251, 253, 265

Kress, Gunther 279, 280

Kvåle, Gunhild 6, 157172

Lagarrigue, Aurélie 2, 7, 1525

Lagopoulos, Alexander 212213

Lapacherie, Jean-Gérard 38, 40

layering 124, 129

learning trace making 58

lefthandedness 105110

legibility 138139

Leroi-Gourhan, André 31, 32, 35, 3738, 41, 42

letterline 37, 39

Libeskind, Daniel 129

lightdrawing 144146

logo 177, 195199, 200, 201, 203205, 207, 208

Longcamp, Marieke 3, 7, 1525

Løvland, Anne 4, 5, 10, 211226

Lucas, Raymond 4, 5, 8, 10, 116137

Lury, Celia 207

Malafouris, Lambros 2, 6, 87, 208

Martinson, Ryan 177

materiality 5, 8, 5556, 102, 197, 206, 207

materials 44, 99, 116117, 144, 182186

Meidani, Mahdiyeh 9, 10, 229264

Meister 99

memory 21, 69, 178

meshworks 8283

Metaalgrenzen 100

Microsoft Word 10, 157172

Microsoft SmartArt 161

modality 270

motor programs 15, 16

motor skills see sensorimotor skills

movement see gesture

Myfonts 177

Nastaliq calligraphy see Persian calligraphy

Neuenschwander, Brody 3, 5, 8, 10, 93103, 147, 148149, 150

neuroscience 3, 1525, 33

Noordzij, Gerrit 143

normativity 160, 170171, 251

Pai, Hyungmin 133134

palaeography 140141

Pallasmaa, Juhani 120

Peirce, Charles C. 268

perception of handwriting 2021, 47, 4849, 53, 54, 5960, 69, 7071; haptic perception 5, 30, 43

Persian calligraphy 229264

Pliny 118

Pold, Søren 162

Polello, Massimo 5, 142

Polyani, Michael 3637

Pott, Gottfried 151

Prospero’s Book 96

reading 38, 39

recurrence 85

Reed, Edward S. 61, 65, 802

regularity see irregularity

Repstad, Pål 4, 5, 10, 211226

Scollon, Ron 268, 281

scribes 3132, 102, 139

scripts 100, 139; historical scripts 9697

Seed, Al 101

second order 3, 46, 52

segmentation 6263

semiotics 8, 56; semiotic mode 229, 258; semiotic technology 159; social semiotics 159, 196, 265, 281

sensorimotor skills 3, 15, 30, 62, 178179, 186; development of 15, 16, 48, 7980

Shadows 99

shape 230, 233, 234, 235, 236, 247248, 258259; see also form; invariants

Shklovsky, Victor 76

signs 211226, 265281

Silverman, Kaja 8

software 6, 158, 159, 175176, 178

standardization 168, 171, 275276

Starbucks 5, 9, 10, 195208

Steffensen, Sune 3

Stirling, James 124, 130

Stötzner, Andreas 197

stratification 5154

style 157, 160, 161, 162171, 172, 196, 198, 207, 269, 274, 278279

support see materials

templates 157, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166168, 169, 170, 171, 172

texture 9, 196, 199206

Thibault, Paul 3, 5, 7, 10, 4686

Thurlow, Crispin 199, 206

tolerance 127

tools 5, 6, 7980, 97, 98, 101, 102, 105106, 139, 140, 158, 182, 186, 245, 246, 255, 256

touch 6, 13, 35, 36; see also haptic perception

trace dynamics 183, 185

trace quality 181, 185

Tønnessen, Elise Seip 4, 6, 10, 265281

Tuan, Yu-Fi 268, 274, 281

Twombly, Cy 97

typewriting 6, 7, 40

typography 8

Van Leeuwen, Theo 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 160, 172, 175191, 199, 269270, 279, 280

vectoring 101, 178, 184

visual representation maps 59, 66

voice 8, 31, 32, 35, 179, 181, 183

Warde, Beatrice 8

Wilson, Frank R. 33

Wong Scollon, Suzie 268, 281

Woolman, Matt 8

writing see handwriting; typewriting

Writing on Water 147

Zitko, Otto 101