habeas corpus, 214, 380

Hahn, Michael, 435

Haiti, 7, 36, 304, 337, 338, 470, 541, 545, 728–30, 758–59, 760

FD’s aborted 1861 visit to, 338–39

Haiti, FD as US minister to, 689–711, 703

appointment, 689–90

and Bassett, 694–95, 699

and 1891 rebellion, 706–8

FD’s articles on, 709–11

and financial matters, 699

and housing, 697

and Môle Saint-Nicolas coaling station, 694, 695, 696, 698, 702, 703–6, 709

and Pan-Americanism, 695–96

presentation address of, 696–97

press coverage of, 692–94, 694, 701–2, 705, 707, 708, 709

resignation of, 708–9

and US expansionism, 697–98, 699, 701, 702

Hale, Edward Everett, 382

Hale, John P., 268, 270

Halifax, England, 311, 312–13, 319

Hambleton, William, 70, 72, 74, 75

Hamilton, William, 55

Hamilton College, 207

Hampton Institute, 751

Hancock, Winfield Scott, 615

Hanson, Rev., 52–53

Harlan, John Marshall, 648–49, 753

Harlan, Robert J., 603

Harpers Ferry, 376

Harpers Ferry raid (1859), 280, 288–320, 308, 322, 329, 390

Harris, George, 249

Harris, Henry, 68, 72, 73, 587

Harris, John, 68, 72, 73, 587

Harrisburg, Penn., 186

Harrison, Benjamin, 682–83, 684, 685, 716–17, 722–23

FD appointed minister to Haiti by, 689–90, 691, 702

Harrison, J. Stewart, 752

Harrod, Lucius, 752

Havana, 358

Havre de Grace,, Md., 82

Hawes, Josiah John, 189

Hayden, Robert, 763

Hayes, Rutherford B.:

in election of 1876, 576, 577, 578, 579

and FD’s District of Columbia marshal position, 583

FD’s interview with, 582–83

and Kansas Exodus, 601–2

and labor movement, 613

Southern conciliation policy of, 583, 599, 601, 614

Hays, Ned, 76

Headley, Phineas Jr., 750, 763

“Heads of the Colored People” (Smith), 256

Hebrew prophets, xv–xvi, 228–38, 242, 247, 251, 254, 258–59, 263, 283–84

Hebrews, Book of, 293

Hegel, Georg, 40

Heinzen, Karl, 516

Henry, Jerry, 243

Henry, Patrick, 72

Henry V (Shakespeare), 394

Henry VIII (Shakespeare), 240

Herodotus, 385

“Heroic Slave, The” (Douglass), 224, 248–51

Heschel, Abraham, xvi, 229, 237, 389

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 296

Highgate, Edmonia, 441

Hillsboro, 10

Himrods Corners, N.Y., 367–68

“History” (Keita), 518

History, The (Herodotus), 385

Hoboken, N.J., 306, 513, 514

Hodes, Martha, 460

Hodge, William L., 478

Hodges, Moses, 753

Holme Hill Farm, 10, 49

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 382

Honduras, 370

Honey Hill, Battle of, 450

Hopkins, James, 25

House of Representatives, US, 2

Fourteenth Amendment in, 480

Thirteenth Amendment in, 443, 453–54

Howard, Oliver O., 482, 499, 562

Howard University, 1, 557, 720, 721, 745, 753

Howe, Julia Ward, 369

Howe, Samuel Gridley, 296, 315, 538, 539, 542

Howells, William Dean, 614, 714

Hughs, Thomas, 84

human rights, 471

Humboldt, Alexander von, 291

Humphreys, Tom, 76

Hurn, John, 305–6

Hutchinson, John, 753

Hutchinson Family Singers, 359, 753

Hyatt, Thaddeus, 315

Hyppolite, Florvil, 695, 696, 699, 701, 703, 704, 706, 707–8, 728, 730

Illinois, 507

“I’ll Never Get Drunk Again,” 290

immigrants and immigration, 188, 203, 723

imperialism, 537, 702, 710, 725

Impey, Catherine, 733

Independent, 471

Indiana, 507, 512

Indianapolis Freeman, 734

individualism, 560–61, 566

Inferno the (Dante), 754

Inuit, 726

Iowa, 507

Ireland, 162, 173, 174, 203

Irish Americans, 203, 396, 417, 453, 455, 487

“irrepressible conflict,” 271

Isaac, 165, 226

Isaiah, Book of, xvi, 122, 123, 156, 157–58, 190, 219, 228, 229, 235, 237, 242, 247, 259, 272, 287, 311–12, 360, 421, 434, 515, 516, 639, 681, 687, 752

“Is It Right and Wise to Kill a Kidnapper?” (Douglass), 246

Israel, 232, 237, 239, 284, 285

Ithaca, N.Y., 269

Jackson, Francis, 166

Jackson, Stonewall, 376, 381

Jacob, 237, 287

Jacobs, Harriet, 418

Jefferson, Thomas, 376

Jefferson, Thomas (free black), 289

Jenkins, Sandy, 64–65, 68, 72

Jennings, Isabel, 169–70, 171, 217

Jeremiah, Book of, xi, xvi, 33, 157–58, 179, 180, 197, 200, 219, 228, 229, 237, 242, 259, 434, 515

Jersey City, N.J., 256

Jerusalem, 228, 229, 284

Jesus Christ, 53, 150, 207, 261, 284, 314, 316, 637, 757

Jim Crow:

FD on, xii–xiii, 645

FD’s experiences of, 542, 581–82

and FD’s self-reliance philosophy, 588

Supreme Court support for, 646–47

Jim Crow laws, 269, 303, 730, 757–58

Job, Book of, 39

“John Brown’s Body,” 309, 393

Johnson, Abraham, 243–45

Johnson, Andrew, 458, 471, 472

anti-coercive policy of, 480

Civil Rights Act vetoed by, 479

FD’s criticism of, 476, 477, 482–83, 487

FD’s meeting with, 474–75, 477, 482

Freedmen’s Bureau position offered to FD by, 524

Johnson, Augusta, 718

Johnson, Charles, 53

Johnson, James Weldon, 688–89, 688, 735

Johnson, Oliver, 218, 224

John W. Richard (steamer), 85

Joiner, Charles, 190

Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 473, 480

Joshua, Book of, 285

“Jubilee doctrine,” 293–94

Judah, 237

Judas, 314

Julian, George, 268

Kagi, John, 301–2, 313–14

Kansas, 264, 272, 274–75, 285, 293, 294–96, 297, 299, 300

Kansas Exodus (1879), 601–5

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), 260, 264, 270, 274–75, 283, 293

Keita, M. Nzadi, 510, 518

Kellem, Nelly, 25

Kelley, Abby, 184, 187, 217, 218, 285

Kelley, William D., 482, 487

Kennedy farm, 301, 305

Kentucky, 351, 352, 364, 473

Kerr, John Leeds, 163

Kimmel, Michael, 211

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 421

Knight, Nathaniel, 43

Know-Nothing Party, 287, 323

Koehler, Sylvester Rosa, 451, 510, 516, 517

Ku Klux Klan, 504

FD on, 522–23, 532

Grant’s suppression of, 522, 536

labor movement, 560

Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society of Rochester, 224, 227, 229–36, 252

laissez-faire, 425

Lancaster County, Pa., 243–45

Lange, Johannes, 516

Langston, John Mercer, 1, 2, 3, 4, 391, 440, 441, 664

and election of 1888, 683–84

and emancipation anniversary celebrations, 681

FD’s conflicts with, 640, 663, 683, 684

and Freedmen’s Bank, 547, 548

Hillsdale Fourth of July speech of (1875), 556–57

and Kansas Exodus, 602

on “Our National Capital” speech, 591

on self-reliance, 562

and slave narrative genre, 621

as US minister to Haiti, 691

Lawrence, Kan., 294

Lawson, Charles, 53–54, 57, 70, 754

Lazarus, 456–57

Lee, Joseph E., 686

Lee, Robert E., 369, 377, 381, 418, 456, 461, 473, 480, 530

Lee’s Mill, 11

Légitime, François, 695, 696

Leonard, William, 49

“Lessons of the Hour” (Douglass), 687–88, 736, 740, 741, 743, 746, 747, 749

“Letters from the Old World” (Griffiths), 266–67

Levine, Robert, 249

Lewis, David Levering, 759

Lewis, Edmonia, 672

Lewis, George, 158–59

Lewis, Joseph, 78

Lexington and Concord, Battles of, 244, 309

Liberal Republicans, 534–36

liberalism, xv, 427, 442, 448, 455, 483, 560, 604

Liberator, 94–97, 96, 100, 104, 107, 125, 133, 138, 161, 183, 188, 189, 191, 223, 224, 225, 226

Liberia, 370

Liberty Party, 213, 217, 218, 241, 243, 252–53, 268, 270, 274, 276, 311, 322

Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (Douglass), 13, 42, 244, 264, 272, 280, 281, 284, 295, 306, 310, 384, 411, 462, 465, 485, 619–24, 718, 727, 741

on Anna Murray Douglass, 633–34

on Civil Rights Cases, 647–48

on Eastern Shore visits, 595, 596, 624–27

on election of 1888, 684

on Europe trip (1886), 668, 671

on Freedmen’s Bank, 549

illustrations in, 622–23

and James Weldon Johnson, 688

on post-Reconstruction years, 661–62

publication of, 619

on Reconstruction Washington, 524

revision of, 713

Ruffin’s introduction for, 623–24

self-image in, 620–21

on slavery, 621–22

writing of, 605, 619–20, 712

Lincoln, Abraham, 1, 4, 5–6, 40, 44, 239, 321–27, 333–34, 462, 754

assassination of, 9, 438, 460–61, 462–63, 479

colonization plans of, 370–73, 374–75, 379, 380, 382

as constitutionalist, 363

in election of 1864, 428, 429–30, 431, 432, 437, 438, 439, 443, 444–46, 452, 453, 472

emancipation plan of, 363–64, 366–67, 377–78

Emancipation Proclamation issued by, 357, 374, 378–79, 383, 397

FD compared to, 761

FD’s Brooklyn tribute speech on, 730–32

FD’s first meeting with, 408–10

FD’s meeting on Reconstruction with, 436–37

and FD’s self-reliance philosophy, 564–65

FD’s softening of ire toward, 435

first inaugural of, 336–37

Frémont’s emancipation edict revoked by, 352–54

Gettysburg Address of, 414–15

habeas corpus suspended by, 380

and killing of black prisoners, 405–6

millennialism of, 432–34

and movement to drop from Republican ticket, 429–30

and Niagara peace conference, 443

party unity desired by, 429

and pay of black soldiers, 403

Reconstruction as envisioned by, 430–31, 435–37

Second Inaugural Address of, 433, 458–60, 461–62

second inauguration of, 457–59

slavery opposed by, 363

Ten-Percent Plan of, 431

and Trent Affair, 358–59

Lincoln (Ray), 4

Lincoln, Robert, 644

Lind, Michael, xiii–xiv

Lippincott, Sara Jane, see Greenwood, Grace

literacy, of slaves, 340

“Literary Notices” (Griffiths), 206

Liverpool, England, 175, 177, 282, 309, 319

Lloyd, Daniel, 21–22, 30

Lloyd, Edward, V, 14, 22, 23, 26, 27, 32, 36, 161, 624

Lloyd, Edward, VII, 624

Lloyd, Henry Demarest, 739

Lloyd, William E., 78

Lloyd family, 20, 22, 35

see also Wye Plantation

Loggins, Vernon, 160

Loguen, Amelia, see Douglass, Amelia Loguen

Loguen, Jermain, 299, 440

London, 166, 173, 175–77, 204

London Tavern, 175–77

London Working Men’s Association, 173

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 232, 382

Loring, Ellis Gray, 171

Lost Cause ideology, 530–32, 533, 535, 627, 680

Lot’s wife, 481–82

Loudin, Frederick Jr., 734

Louisiana, 8, 431

Lovett, William, 173–74

Lowenthal, E. J., 516

Lowrie, Walter, 171

Lynch, John Roy, 553, 635, 753

lynchings, xii–xiii, 680, 719–20, 722, 730, 732, 741–44

1892 statistics for, 717

see also “Lessons of the Hour” (Douglass)

Lynn, Mass., 30, 62–63

McClellan, George B., 359, 362, 368, 377, 379

in election of 1864, 432, 436, 444

in Peninsula Campaign, 365

McClintock, Elizabeth, 196

McClintock, Mary Ann, 196

McCune Smith, James, 623

McGowan (ship’s captain), 82

Mackey, Thomas J., 655

Magna Carta, 316

Mahone, William, 683

Malvern Hill, Battle of, 357

Manassas Junction, 357

Manchester, England, 162, 175

Manchester, N.H., 247

Manifest Destiny, 185

Marks, Mrs., 306

“Marseillaise, La,” 174

Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens), 362

Martin, John Sella, 524, 525

Maryland, 26, 158, 164, 166, 190, 198, 260, 301, 313, 364, 378, 444–45, 446–47, 449, 454

free Constitution of, 446

Mason, James, 314, 358

Mason Committee, 314–15

Massachusetts, 242–43, 245, 366, 454

black enlistment in, 391

Matthew, Gospel of, 283

Matthews, James C., 663

Mayflower, 316

May, Samuel J., 187, 206, 218

Mayo, Isabella Fyvie, 733

Mayo, Katherine, 314

“Meditation on the Divine Will” (Lincoln), 433

Meier, August, 236

Melville, Herman, 471

memory, xvii, 24, 30

Memphis, Tenn., race riot in, 483–84, 488

Memphis Free Speech, 717

Mendelssohn, Felix, 753

“Men of Color to Arms!” (Douglass), 385, 392, 393–96, 394

Messenger, 756

messianic tradition, 236–38

Methodists, 161, 198, 260

Metropolitan AME Church (Washington), 679, 693, 741–44, 749, 753

Mexican-American War, 171, 184–85, 200, 268, 332

Mexico, 271

Michigan, 507

middle class, 256

millennialism, 207, 236–38, 284–86, 349–50, 389, 419, 432–34, 471

Miller, De Witt, 741

Miller, Orton and Mulligan, 253

Miller, Samuel T., 210

Miller, William, 207

Mills, Joseph T., 436, 437

Mingo, James, 78

Minkins, Shadrack, 242, 243

Minnesota, 277

minstrels, 317

Mirror of Liberty, 84

miscegenation, 444, 482

Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races (Croly and Wakeman), 444

“Mission of the War, The” (Douglass), 415, 416–17, 419–21, 424, 435, 436, 449, 637

Mississippi, 440, 444

Missouri, 270, 277, 294–95, 300, 301, 352–53, 364, 440

Missouri Compromise (1820), 270, 277

Mitchell, Eliza Bailey, 446, 448

Mitchell, James, 59

Mitchell, Mary Douglass, 446

Mitchell, Peter, 57

Mobile Bay, 444

Môle Saint-Nicolas coaling station, 694, 695, 696, 698, 702, 703–6, 709, 730

Moore, Daniel, 461

moral suasionism, 157, 162–63, 171, 173–75, 207, 214, 249, 252, 304–5

Morgenblatt, 267, 338, 387, 419, 452, 511

Morris, Anna Rosine Sprague, 424, 693, 739, 749

and Douglass house fire, 520

and FD’s second marriage, 650

Morris, Charles S., 693, 739, 748, 750, 757

Morris Island, 400–402, 412, 422

Morton, Oliver P., 2, 485

Moses, 285, 300

Mother Bethel AME Church (Philadelphia), 185–86

“Mother of Cedar Hill” (Perry), 632

Motley, John Lothrop, 528

Mott, Abigail, 167, 179, 181–83, 194

Mott, Lucretia, 187, 196

Mott, Lydia, 179, 181–83, 194

Mount Vernon (Washington estate), 513

Mount Zion Church (Charleston), 679–80

mulattos, 222

Mundy, J. M., 573

Murray, Anna, see Douglass, Anna Murray

Murray, Bambarra, 79

Murray, Charlotte, 79

Murray, Elizabeth “Lizzy,” 79, 386

Murray, Mary, 79

Murray, Perry, 386

Murray, Philip, 79

music, 31–34

Mutual Base Ball Club, 507

“My American Readers and Friends” (Douglass), 312

My Bondage and My Freedom (Douglass), xviii, 53, 67–68, 251, 253–54, 255, 257–64, 265, 267, 290–92, 294, 317–19

and FD’s Europe trip (1886), 676

on FD’s mother, 517–18, 597

on slavery, 621–22

Smith’s introduction for, 623

Myers, Stephen A., 325

“My Mother as I Recall Her” (Sprague), 631–33

Mystery, 191

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (Douglass), xiv, 13, 24, 32, 47, 53, 63, 85, 158, 161–62, 169, 176, 251, 253, 261, 447

on FD’s mother, 517, 597

prison metaphors in, 596

Nassau, 248–49

National Anti-Slavery Standard, 189, 225, 256, 432, 483

National Colored Convention, 188–89

National Convention of Colored Men (1883), 640, 643–46

National Council of Women, 752, 753

National Hall, 305

National League, 508

National Museum of African American History and Culture, xi

National Republican, FD’s 1875 letter to, 554–55

National Union Convention, 484–87

Native Americans, 486, 726

nativists, 274, 276

Natural History of Man (Prichard), 11

natural rights, xiii, xv, xvii, xix, 26, 42, 53, 54, 57, 97, 132, 180, 198–99, 215, 233–34, 236, 238, 245, 254, 262, 278, 316, 442, 515, 653, 761

Negro’s and Indians Advocate (Godwyn), 556

Nehemiah, Book of, 283

Nell, William Cooper, 188, 191, 222, 224–25, 382, 561

New Bedford, Mass., 85, 166, 171, 225

Newcastle, England, 170–71, 317

New England, 295–96, 299, 390

New England Convention, 171

New Era, 524–25

New Jersey, 333, 366

New National Era, 521, 522, 525, 529–33, 539, 544–45, 549–50

New Orleans, La.:

“Battle of Liberty Place” in, 553

1866 riot in, 483, 484, 488

New Orleans Picayune, 756

New York, 182, 188, 254, 269, 324–26, 366, 392

New York, N.Y., 83–84, 179–81, 202–5, 254–55, 272–73, 306, 324, 508

New York Express, 162

New York Globe, 204–5

New York Herald, 162–63, 202, 305

New York Independent, 485

New York Post, 349

New York State Assembly, 182

New York State Suffrage Association, 325–26

New York Sun, 181

New York Times, 311, 755

New York Tribune, 162, 239, 260, 273, 299, 754, 756

New York Vigilance Committee, 83–84

New York World, 326, 444, 475

Noah, 447, 482

Noah’s Ark, 445, 447, 462, 488

North, Edward, 76

North American Review, 471, 719

North Carolina, 440

North Elba, N.Y., 288–89, 293, 299

North Star, 178, 188–200, 204, 206–8, 210, 213, 216–17, 221, 229, 257, 268, 280, 291, 747

Norton, Charles Eliot, 382

Nova Scotia, 309

Oak and Ivy (Dunbar), 735

Oakes, James, 215, 322, 352

Obama, Barack, xi–xii, 5

Oberlin Tent, 187

Odd Fellows, 193, 331

O’dell, Katy, 653

Ohio, 187–88, 192, 268, 269, 281, 507, 512

Old Barney (slave), 23, 27

Old Testament, xv–xvi, 157, 165, 197, 228–38, 239, 258–59, 263, 265–66, 283–85, 316

see also specific books

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 589

One Hundred Conventions, 186

Oneida, N.Y., 207

Orr, James L., 484

Oscar, H., 381

Othello (Shakespeare), 162, 220, 465–67, 466

Ottman, S., 230

“Our National Capital” (Douglass), 588–91

overseers, 23, 24–26

pacifism, 77

Paine, Thomas, 231

Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 358

Pan-Africanism, 730, 731

Panama, 370, 373, 380

Pan-Americanism, 695–96

panic of 1819, 207

panic of 1857, 295–96

Panic of 1873, 546–47, 552, 560

Panic of 1893, 732, 733

Parker, Theodore, 296

Parker, Warren S., 168

Parker, William, 243–45, 287

Parkman, Francis, 382

Parliament, British, 173

Passover, 231

Paterson, N.J., 306

Paul, St., 281

Payne, Daniel Alexander, 686

Peace Democrats, 443, 453

Peck, Francis Jesse, 721

Pendleton, Ind., 163

Penn, I. Garland, 733, 750

Pennington, James W. C., 84–85, 85, 291

Pennsylvania, 70, 499

Pennsylvania Freeman, 225

Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 555–56

“People’s Charter” (1838), 173

Perkins, William, 52

Perry, Fredericka Sprague, 610–12, 631

Peterboro, N.Y., 208, 211

Petersburg, Siege of, 422

Peterson, Carla, 249

Philadelphia, Pa., 184–86, 204, 305–6, 313–14, 373, 404, 508

Philadelphia Pythons, 507

Phillips, Wendell, 178, 179, 218, 222, 285, 291, 330, 363, 397, 398, 430

Fourteenth Amendment opposed by, 483

made head of Anti-Slavery Society, 469

phrenology, 256

Pierce, Franklin, 245

“pig’s foot” joke, 158

Pillsbury, Parker, 221–22, 312–13

Pinchback, P. B. S., 574–75, 602

Pinckney, Alexander, 243–45

Pinckney, Darryl, 621

Pitts, Frances, 654

Pitts, Helen, see Douglass, Helen Pitts

Pitts, Jane Wells, 653

Pitts, Jennie, 653

Pittsburgh, Pa, 186, 191, 268

Pledge of Allegiance, 727

Plessy v. Ferguson, 646

Plug Uglies, 203

Plumbly, Rush, 225

“Poets to Come” (Whitman), 263

Poindexter, James, 582

Point Lookout, 422

Pomeroy, Samuel, 373–74, 376, 380, 407, 408

Poor Laws, British, 173

“popular sovereignty,” 293

Porter, John, 521

Porter, John and Mary, 221, 265

Porter, Maria G., 229

Porter, Mary, 521

Porter, Samuel, 600

Porter, Samuel D., 221, 243, 306

Port Hudson, Battle of, 441

Post, Amy, 188, 190, 196, 306, 307, 418, 468, 582

and Anna Douglass’s death, 634

and Douglass house fire, 521

and Sojourner Truth, 572

Post, Isaac, 188, 194, 206, 306

and Anna Douglass’s death, 634

and Douglass house fire, 521

Pottawatomie Creek massacre (1856), 294–95

“Practical Illustration of the Fugitive Slave Law,” 241

Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, 378–79, 380, 381

Presbyterians, 156–57, 162, 284


on Anna Murray Douglass’s death, 629–30

on Assing’s suicide, 659

on black leadership conflicts, 641–42, 663, 683

on Civil Rights Cases, 648

on Douglass house fire, 520

on election of 1872, 535

on election of 1876, 577–78

on election of 1880, 617, 618

on election of 1884, 661

on election of 1888, 683, 684–85

on emancipation anniversary celebrations, 635, 637

on FD’s commemorative speeches, 556

on FD’s District of Columbia marshal position, 584–86, 586

on FD’s Eastern Shore visits, 593, 594, 597, 598

on FD’s emancipation anniversary celebration address (1888), 681–82

on FD’s Europe trip (1886), 669, 675

on FD’s Hillsdale Fourth of July speech, 558–59

on FD’s retirement, 663–64, 666

on FD’s second marriage, 650–51, 652, 653, 667

on FD’s Southern speaking tours, 686

on FD’s speaking style, 527

on Freedmen’s Bank, 548

on Haiti, 692–94, 694, 701–2, 705, 707, 708

on nepotism accusations, 627–28

on “Our National Capital” speech, 591

on Sprague lawsuit, 655, 656

on violence against African Americans, 553, 554–55

Preston, Charles, 725

Preston, Dickson, 593

Price’s shipyard, 77

Prince (slave), 184

“Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction,” 430

progress, 389–91

propaganda, 198, 205, 244

war, 344, 345, 442, 458

property requirements, 325–26

Protestants, 281, 284

Proverbs, Book of, 269–70

Providence, R.I., 212

“Provisional Constitution,” 296–98

Psalm 91, 420

Psalm 137, 233

“Psalm of Life, A” (Longfellow), 232

Puritans, 157, 229

Purvis, Charles B., 547, 753

Purvis, Robert, 218, 220–21, 222, 224, 605

and FD’s second marriage, 651

Putnam, Frederic Ward, 726

Quakers, 164, 178, 196, 203

Quarles, Benjamin, 548

Queens, N.Y., 373

Queen Street Hall, 311

Quinn Chapel, 729

Radical Abolition Party, 275–76, 293–94, 322

Radical Republicans, 429–30, 472, 478

Reconstruction plan of, 431, 471, 477

Ramses, king of Egypt, 11

Ram’s Horn, 181, 288

Rankin, J. E., 745, 753–54

rape, 200

of black women during slavery, 742

of white women by blacks, as excuse for lynchings, 719–20, 741–42

Ray, Cordelia, 4

Raymond, Robert R., 230

Reason Why the Colored American Is Not In the World’s Columbian Exposition, 733–34, 737

Rebekah, 165

Reconstruction, xii, xiii, 4, 8, 416, 454, 508

“Battle of Liberty Place” in, 553

counterrevolution against, 8–9

and election of 1868, 524

and election of 1872, 533, 534–35, 542

and election of 1874, 549, 551–52

and election of 1876, 574–78, 579–80

ex-Confederates and, 472–73

FD on problems of, 424–28, 430, 431–32, 435–37, 454, 470–71, 473, 476–77, 479–80, 481, 503

and FD’s self-reliance philosophy, 560–68, 578

and Freedmen’s Bank, 545–46, 548, 549, 558

Lincoln’s vision of, 430–31, 435–37

and Panic of 1873, 546–47, 552

Radical plan for, 431, 471, 477

and Republican Party, 532–34, 549, 553

retreat from, 578, 579–80, 582–83, 599

violence against African Americans during, 522–23, 532, 537, 551, 552–55, 570, 578, 579

Redeemers, 477

Redpath, James, 315, 328, 337

Reed, James E., 750, 763

Refuge of Oppression (Douglass column), 223

Remond, Charles Lenox, 178, 183, 218, 220–21, 220, 285, 382, 391

Republican National Convention (1892), 717

Republican Party, 214, 252–53, 260, 264, 265, 271, 274, 275, 276–77, 301, 303, 304, 314–15, 316–17, 321–27, 332, 333, 722–24

and black leadership conflicts, 635, 663

and corruption, 535–36, 551–52, 613, 615

in election of 1868, 524

in election of 1872, 533, 534–36

in election of 1874, 549, 552

in election of 1876, 574–77

in election of 1880, 613–14, 615

in election of 1884, 660

in election of 1888, 682–83

Liberal faction of, 534–35

and National Convention of Colored Men, 644

in post-Reconstruction years, 601

and Reconstruction, 532–34, 549, 553

and Santo Domingo annexation project, 537

Stalwart faction of, 613, 614

“Resistance to Blood-Houndism” (Douglass), 241–42

Revelation, Book of, 183, 185

Revels, Hiram, 507

Revolution, 490

revolutions of 1848, 197, 240

Richardson, Anna, 170–71, 668

Richardson, Ellen, 170, 668, 718

Richmond, Va., 367, 508

Riotte, C. N., 516

Rise of the Dutch Republic (Motley), 528

Roberts, Ned, 15

Robinson, Ezekiel, 461

Rochester, N.Y.:

FD’s homes in, 190, 194–98, 204–8, 213, 217–19, 229–36, 230, 243, 253, 264–65, 268, 270, 272, 279, 291, 292, 295, 296–99, 301, 306–7, 313, 319, 320, 324, 326, 333–34

and Lincoln assassination, 460–61, 462–63

Rockman, Seth, 80

Rockwell, C. H., 698

Rolles, Henry, 78

Rolles, Isaac, 81

Root, Samuel, 489

R. T. Davis Milling Company, 735

Ruffin, George, 623–24

Ruggles, David, 83–84, 85–86, 242

Russell, Mrs., 314

Rynders, Isaiah, 202–5

Sabbath schools, 260

“sailor’s protection,” 81

St. Catherines, Ontario, 299

St. Croix, 370

Saint Domingue, see Haiti

St. Michaels, Md., 55–56, 59

Sally Lloyd (sloop), 35, 36

Samaná peninsula, 538, 539–40

“Sambo’s Mistakes” (Brown), 288, 289

Samson, 309

Sanborn, Franklin B., 296, 313–14, 315, 328

Sanderson, Jeremiah Burke, 170

Santo Domingo annexation project, 536–37, 538–45, 541, 692

Satan, 316

scarlet fever, 183

Schoelcher, Victor, 670

Schouler, William, 399

Schurz, Carl, 453

scientific racism, 376

Scott, Charlotte, 2

Scott, Walter, 160, 167, 267

script system, 730

Sea of Poppies (Ghosh), 78

Sears, Amanda, 485

secession crisis, 310–11, 326–34

Second Coming, 284

Second Confiscation Act, 365, 366

Second Street AME Zion Church (New Bedford), 97, 98

“secret six,” 296, 315

Seddon, James A., 404

“Self-Made Men” (Douglass), 470–71, 528, 564–68, 597, 600–601, 623, 680, 716

self-protection societies, 243–45

self-reliance, FD’s doctrine of, xiii, xiv, 560–68, 716, 724, 740, 757, 758, 761

American Anti-Slavery Society speech on, 563–64

and Burns, 567–68

criticisms of, 599–600

and election of 1876, 578

Hillsdale Fourth of July speech on, 557–58

and individualism, 560–61, 566

and Ruffin, 623

“Self-Made Men” on, 528, 564–68, 597, 600–601, 623, 680

and slave narrative genre, 561–62, 621

Tennessee Colored Agricultural and Mechanical Association address on, 561

West on, 588

Senate, US, 313, 314–15, 319–20

Fourteenth Amendment passed in, 480

Thirteenth Amendment passed in, 443

“Send Back the Money” campaign, 159–60

Seneca County Courier, 196

Seneca Falls convention (1848), 196–97, 488

Seven Days, Battle of the, 365

Seven Pines, Battle of, 357

“Seventh Annual Clam Bake” (1860), 321

Sevier, William, 25

Sewall, May Wright, 752, 753

Seward, William H., 271, 314–15, 321, 409, 443

Sewell, Richard, 322

Shakespeare, William, xi, 162, 220, 240, 247, 465–67

Sharp Street AME Church (Baltimore), 79

Shaw, Francis George, 397

Shaw, Robert Gould, 397–98, 401, 402

Shaw, Sarah Blake, 397

Sheffield, England, 175

Shenandoah Valley, 444

Shepherd, Alexander, 589

Sherman, John, 2, 614, 682, 753

Sherman, William, 436–37, 456

Shiloh, Battle of, 357, 366

Shiloh Presbyterian Church, 248, 289–90, 291

Shriver, Donald W., Jr., 361

Sigel, Franz, 538

Sims, Thomas, 242–43

“Sitting Bull’s Cabin” (Columbian Exposition), 726

“Situation of the War, The” (Douglass), 366

Sixth Avenue Railroad, 290

Slade, William, 524

Slaughter-House Cases, 646

slave breakers, 59–66

slave catchers, 83, 240–42, 245–47, 251, 282, 290

“slave churches,” 158

slaveholders, 190–91, 198–99, 241–47, 251, 253, 259, 260–63, 272–73, 277–79, 300, 307, 327, 329

mentality of, 67–68

“Slaveholder’s Rebellion, The” (Douglass), 367–68

“Slaveholder’s Sermon” (Douglass), 114–15, 130, 137, 149, 162, 184, 212

slave narratives, 158, 161–62, 169, 176, 250, 251, 253, 261, 561–62, 621

see also specific works

slave rebellions, 197–98, 243–45, 248–51, 260–63, 282, 287–88

slavery, 6, 176, 231, 264, 279, 330

black progress since, 737

compromise in, 185, 197–98, 215, 270, 273, 323, 332–34

divine law as opposed to, 235, 237, 278–79, 283–87, 294, 323, 324

expansion of, 185, 194, 200, 214, 264, 271, 273, 275–76, 277, 294–96, 323

Frederick Douglass’s introduction to the realities of, 19–20

freedom from, 171–73, 226, 264, 271, 280, 289–90, 333–34

Haiti and dangers of, 730

history of, 183–84, 272, 324

immorality of, 215, 221–23, 242, 246, 264, 272, 274, 278–79, 283, 316

“impudence” as crime in, 25

legality of, 233–34

Lincoln’s assassination and, 732

as piracy, 242, 270

property rights in, 172, 179–80, 244–45, 248–49, 261, 277–79, 282

religious hypocrisy of, 58–59, 60, 157, 175, 185, 198, 200, 212, 226, 234–35, 316

resistance to, 238–39, 242, 283, 284–86, 300, 323–24, 330–32

sexual exploitation of women in, 345, 742

“societies with slaves” vs. “slave societies” in, 20

as theme of FD’s life, 759–60

Thirteenth Amendment and, 443, 453–54, 474, 478

violence in, 14–17, 23, 24–27

violent opposition to, 240–50, 254, 262, 271, 274, 279, 281, 282–83, 289–90, 304–5, 328–30, 334

westward expansion of, 49

white supremacy in, 238–40


auctions of, 159, 198–99, 229

baptism of, 390

Columbian Exposition and, 714, 737–38

escape into Union lines of, 350–51, 355–56, 379, 381, 422

escape network for (Underground Railroad), 243–45, 250, 294, 296, 298, 302

fugitive, 71–72, 161–62, 186, 190, 202, 214, 223, 231, 234, 240–45, 249–51, 255, 262–63, 268, 270, 273, 277–79, 282, 286, 289, 290, 298, 300, 302, 304, 312, 316, 323, 327, 332

literacy of, 340

murder of, 26

music of, 31–34

sales of, 159, 163–64, 198–99, 229, 240

whites as fathers of, 13–14

Slaves in Barbary: A Drama in Two Acts (Everett), 45

slave trade, 7, 51, 73–74, 183–84, 234, 240, 250, 327

slavocracy, 183–84, 198–200, 272–74, 323

Slidell, John, 358

Smalls, Robert, 399, 635

Smith, A. P., 373

Smith, Gerrit, 191, 202, 207, 209, 211, 213, 215–16, 216, 219, 221, 222, 236, 238, 243–44, 252, 257, 265, 267, 268, 270, 275, 276, 285, 288–89, 296, 322, 358, 385, 393, 413, 430

FD given money by, 501

Fourteenth Amendment opposed by, 483

Smith, Howard S., 661

Smith, James McCune, 252, 254–60, 267, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 293–94, 303, 325, 413, 440

Smith, Peter, 207

Smith, Samuel, 743

Smith, Stephen, 298

Smith, Wealtha, 208

Smyth, Thomas, 162

Social Darwinism, 425

Somerset case (1772), 184

“Song of Myself” (Whitman), 219

Sons of Veterans, 753

Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois), 759

sound money, 732

“Sources of Danger to the Republic” (Douglass), 476

South America, 271, 330–31

South Carolina, 8, 327

Southern Horrors (Wells), 722

South Mountain, 377

Southworth, Albert Sands, 189

Spelman, J. J., 495

Sperry, James, 230

Spooner, Lysander, 214

Spotsylvania, Battle of, 422

Sprague, Alice:

death of, 569–70

and Douglass house fire, 520

Sprague, Anna Rosine, see Morris, Anna Rosine Sprague

Sprague, Estelle, 748, 749, 754

Sprague, Fredericka, 749

Sprague, Harriet “Hattie,” 749, 754

and Douglass house fire, 520

Sprague, Louisa, 628–29, 650, 655–56

Sprague, Nathan, 421–22, 423–24, 506, 739, 749, 754

Assing’s criticism of, 513–14

and black leadership conflicts, 683

Charles’s dispute with, 50, 497–98, 500, 505–7, 508

and Douglass house fire, 520, 521

FD’s loan to, 498–99

financial difficulties, 570

lawsuit against FD, 655–56

in marital separations, 500–502

and New National Era, 550

Sprague, Rosetta Douglass, 84, 166, 179, 181, 194, 212, 301, 319, 338, 386–87, 424, 450, 477, 519, 734, 739, 748

Cedar Hill housekeeping duties of, 628–29

and Douglass house fire, 520

in family disputes, 497–98, 500–503, 505, 508–9

FD’s correspondence with, 569–70

and FD’s Freedmen’s Bank presidency, 547

FD’s loan to, 498–99

and FD’s second marriage, 650

financial difficulties of, 570

Haiti trip planned by, 338–39

in marital separations, 500–502

marriage of, 421–22

and mother’s death, 629, 631–33

and nepotism accusations, 627, 628

and Sprague lawsuit, 656

Sprague, Stella, and Douglass house fire, 520

Sprigg, Samuel, 421

Springfield, Mass., 280–82

Springfield Republican, 365

Spring Street AME Zion Church (Rochester), 333–34, 342, 345, 347, 355, 445, 446

Stanley (black sailor), 81, 82

Stanton, Edwin, 391, 403, 407, 410

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 196, 488–91, 492–93, 492, 717–18

Stanton, Theodore, 670

states’ rights, 331

Statue of the Republic, 725–26

Stauffer, John, 568

Stearns, George Luther, 296, 315, 391, 404, 406, 410

Stebbins, H. H., 754

Stephens, Alexander, 473

Stephens, George F., 403, 413

Stepto, Robert, 249

Stevens, Thaddeus, 479, 483, 484, 485–86

Stewart, Alvan, 214

Stewart, Bill, 76

Stewart, T. McCants, 679

Still, William, 298

Stone, Lucy, 488

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 218, 226–27, 231, 247–48, 248, 249, 270, 382, 736

Strong, George Templeton, 439

Strothers, Henry, 497

Subterranean, 181–83

Suffrage Question in Relation to Colored Voters in the State of New York, The, 325

Sumner, Charles, 322, 384, 429, 473, 476, 477, 536, 537, 538–39, 542, 555, 605

sunstroke, 261

Supreme Court, US, 2, 277–79

“Sweet Highland Mary” (Burns), 167

Switch, 181–83

Switzerland, 512

Syracuse, N.Y., 241–42, 243, 293–94

Syracuse convention, 440–44

Tabor, Iowa, 298

Talbot County, Md., xii, 10–11, 10, 164–65, 166

Talbot County courthouse, 73, 74

Talman Building, 190

Tammany Hall, 202

“Tam O’Shanter” (Burns), 167

Taney, Roger B., 277, 278, 356, 481

Tanner, Benjamin T., 635

Tanner, Henry Ossawa, 751

tariffs, 723, 732

taxation, 324

Taylor, W. R., 754

Taylor, Zachary, 200

Ten Commandments, 284

Tennessee, 444, 473

Tennessee Colored Agricultural and Mechanical Association, 561

Ten-Percent Plan, 431

Thirteenth Amendment, 443, 453–54, 474, 478

Thirteenth New York Volunteers, 342

Thomas, Clarence, 425

Thomas, Edward M., 371, 372

Thomas, John (FD’s assistant), 268

Thomas, John L., 624

Thomas, Lorenzo, 407, 410

Thompson, A. C. C., 161–62

Thompson, George, 158, 168, 171, 173, 174, 206–7, 316

Thompson, Henry, 294

three-fifths clause, 480

Tilden, Samuel J., 578, 579

Tilton, Theodore, 439, 485, 486, 487, 584–85

and FD’s reunion with Perry, 495, 496

Timbucto settlements, 289

Times (London), 204

Tompkins County, N.Y., 269

Toussaint-Louverture, François-Dominique, 692–93, 728

Tracy, Benjamin F., 702

Train, George Francis, 490

treason, 245

Treasury Department, US, 507

Tremont Temple, 328–29, 382–83, 758–59

Trent Affair, 358–59

“Triumph of Freedom, The” (Garrison), 236

Trodd, Zoe, 622

Trouillot, Michel-Rolph, 707

Troy, N.Y., 188–89, 454

Trumbull, Lyman, 354, 478–79

Truth, Sojourner, 392, 572, 602

Tubman, Harriet, 299, 412

Tuckahoe Neck, Md., 14, 79

Tuckahoe River, 9, 14

Tunnell, William, 747

Turner, Henry McNeal, 736

Turner, Nat, 51–52, 59, 197–98, 201, 260–61, 287, 395

Tuskegee Institute, 714–16, 739, 749

Twain, Mark, xii, 558, 619

Twelfth Baptist Church (Boston), 383–84

tyranny, 261–62

“Tyrant’s Jubilee, The” (Douglass), 279

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 218, 226, 231, 247–48, 249, 270

Underground Railroad, 71, 243–45, 250, 294, 296, 298, 302

Union Baseball Club, 507

Union League Club, 730

unions, see labor movement

Uniontown, 506

United States:

democracy in, 248–49

federal government of, 238, 277–79, 294, 330–31

founding fathers of, 214, 215

and Haiti, 70–71, 697–98, 699, 702

legal system of, 214, 216

as republic, 228, 235, 262–63, 283

and Santo Domingo annexation project, 536–37, 538–45, 692

territories of, 185, 264, 271, 273

United States Colored Troops, 422

United States v. Cruikshank, 578, 646

United States v. Stanley (Civil Rights Cases), 646, 647–49

universal suffrage, 173

Usher, John, 407, 443

Van Bokkelen, Charles Adrian, 699

Van Buren, Martin, 200

Van Rensselaer, Thomas, 181

Vashon, John, 186

Vesey, Denmark, 287, 395

Vicksburg, Miss., 410, 414, 422

Vierra, Daniel, 255

Villard, Oswald Garrison, 314

Vincent, Henry, 173

Virginia, 242, 245, 282, 295, 296, 306, 307, 308, 311, 315, 378, 432, 440, 443, 444

rumors of slave insurrections in, 381–82

Vogelsang, Peter, 392

voting rights:

of African Americans, 416–17, 426, 427, 428, 429, 431–32, 442, 444, 454–55, 469, 475, 480–81, 483, 487, 503

of women, 480, 488–93, 717–18

Wade, Benjamin, 538, 542

Wade-Davis Bill, 431

wages, 426, 427

Wagoner, H. O., 497, 718

Wahlverwandtshaften, Die (Goethe), 512

Waite, Morrison, 5

Wakeman, George, 444

Walzer, Michael, 237–38, 389

Ward, Samuel Ringgold, 183

Ward, T. M. D., 631

War Department, US, 381, 402, 411

Record and Pensions Bureau of, 747

Warner, Horatio Gates, 523

Washington, Booker T., 600

“Atlanta Compromise” speech of, 757–58

FD and Tuskegee Institute, 714–15, 749

Howells compares with FD, 714

as speaker at Columbian Exposition, 739

Washington, DC, 214, 323, 418, 508

1876 parade in, 1–2

emancipation anniversary celebrations in, 638–39, 665–66, 680–82

emancipation in, 364–65

FD’s marshal position in, 583–88, 586

home rule issue in, 662

“Our National Capital” on, 588–91

Washington, George, 232

Washington, Madison, 248–51, 287

Washington Mall, 2

Washington Monument (Baltimore), 37

Washington Nationals, 508

Washington Post, 747, 753

Washington Star, 756

Waugh, Beverly, 52

“Way in Which Frederick Douglass Fights Wise of Virginia, The,” 308

Wayland, Francis, III, 603

Wears, Isaiah C., 751

Webb, Maria, 315–16

Webb, Richard, 160, 162, 169

Webster, Daniel, 249, 290

Wells, Ida B., 170, 723

at Columbian Exposition, 733–35, 737, 739–40

emergence as activist, 717

eulogy for FD, 755

and FD’s “Lessons of the Hour” speech and, 747

friendship with FD, 721–22

speaking tours in England, 733, 747

Wells family, 79–80

Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, 196

West, Cornel, 587, 588

West Africa, 337

Western Reserve, 187, 281

Western Sanitary Commission, 2, 3

West Indies, 197, 221, 286, 287, 323, 390

West Virginia, 499

“What the Black Man Wants” (Douglass), 428

Wheatley, Phillis, 562

Whig Party, 190, 239, 269, 274

whips, 23

White, Andrew D., 538, 542

White, Richard Grant, 668

White, Ronald, 432

White, William, 163, 170, 171

White House, 2

“white slaves,” 174

white supremacy, 8, 364, 367, 372–73, 376

Whitman, Walt, 219, 263, 346, 567

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 181, 382

Wilberforce, William, 183, 322

Wildcat (schooner), 48

Wilderness, Battle of, 422

“Wild West Show,” 726

Wilentz, Sean, 616

Wilk Street Methodist Church, 52

Williams, Fannie Barrier, 727

Williams, George Washington, 572, 635, 640

Williams, Peter A., 321

Williams, S. Laing, 727

“William the Silent” (Douglass), 528–29

Wilmington, Del., 82

Wilmot Proviso, 185

Wilson, Douglas, 414

Wilson, Henry, 315

Windsor, Ontario, 300

Wise, Henry, 306, 307, 308, 329

witches, 390

Wolf, Simon, 504


black, 186, 199–200, 203

rights of, xii, 196–97, 211, 221, 480, 488–93, 717–18

white, 189, 204–6, 208–12, 221–24, 268

Women’s Christian Temperance Union, 614

Women’s Loyal League, 419

women’s suffrage, 480, 488–93, 717–18

Worcester, Mass., 295–96

workers’ rights, 173–75, 323

working class, 173–75, 323, 328

Wormley, James, 631

Wormley, W. H. A., 753

Wright, Edward, 718

Wright, Henry C., 158, 172, 174, 221–22

Wye plantation, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20–21, 21, 22–23, 27, 30, 35, 36, 259, 624–26

Denby’s murder on, 26

house servants of, 23

music on, 31–34

overseers on, 25

Yale Divinity School, 85

Yates, Richard, 492

Yeatman, James E., 2–3

Young Barney (slave), 23

Youngstown, Ohio, 188

Youth’s Companion, 727