
Page numbers in italics refer to exercises

(0, 2) compactification 3246, 376, 472

(2, 0) (tensionless string) theory 2045

(2, 2) compactification

Calabi–Yau 31112, 31819, 3235

Gepner models 394402

of heterotic strings 38690

constraints on spacetime action 38890, 473

of type II strings 37985

orbifold 292, 297

A–D–E singularity 425

An−1 see SU(n)

action (D-brane) 14950

D0-brane 161

Dp-Dp′ system (#ND = 4) 1634, 172

action (general)

Pontrjagin term 173, 187, 333

action (spacetime)

anomaly-cancelling terms 99100, 130

d = 4, N = 1 supergravity 446, 474

d = 4, N = 1 supersymmetry 443, 474

d = 4, N = 4 Yang–Mills theory 443

d = 10, N = 1 Yang–Mills theory 443

eleven-dimensional supergravity 85, 453, 468, 474

F4 term 116, 132

and Born–Infeld action 152, 469

and duality 1934

from (2,2) compactification 473

heterotic string 38890

type II string 3814

from Calabi–Yau compactification 31520, 4046, 472

higher corrections 3214

from orbifold compactification 472

threshold corrections 298300

twisted states 2968

untwisted states 2926

in N = 1 heterotic string vacua 35962, 473

p-form gauge field 4512

R4 term 117

R–R tadpole term 39

singularities in 411

type I supergravity 924

type I–heterotic relation 93, 192

type IIA supergravity 878

massive 8990

type IIB supergravity 902

SL(2, R) symmetry 91, 1812

action (world-sheet)

BC SCFT 4, 106

heterotic string 49

Landau–Ginzburg 270, 392

linear dilation 5

linear sigma model 3989

N = 2 free SCFT 48

nonlinear sigma model 1067

superfield form 1057

superstring 2

WZNW 24750

affine Lie algebra 66

annulus, see cylinder

anomalies 94103, 468

anomaly polynomial 97101, 374

cancellation for SO(32) and E8 × E8 99101

gauge 95ff

global gravitational 34

gravitational 95ff

in six dimensions 417, 420

in two dimensions 946, 107

mixed 95ff

see also Green–Schwarz mechanism

anti-de-Sitter space 223

antisymmetric tensor gauge field, see p-form gauge field

Atiyah–Drinfeld–Hitchin–Manin (ADHM) construction 174

auxiliary field 4424

axion 79, 286, 315, 3734

field (a) 2934

and strong-CP problem 3335

bc CFT, bosonization 15


Bk see SO(2k + 1)

βγ CFT 1520

bosonization 1720, 11819

BPS bound 449

D0–Dp system 168

F-string–D-string system 164, 176, 182

BPS states 449, 474

behavior at strong coupling 1801

black p-branes 183, 220

bound states 16475

D-branes 1405

Kaluza–Klein states 456

macroscopic strings 81, 226, 468

stretched strings 1867, 226

winding states 7980

wrapped branes 404, 41112

zero-force property 146

BRST charge 1516, 24, 43, 50

and picture changing 11821, 125

in topological string theory 385

BRST quantization 245, 43, 45, 50

beta function

and scale transformation 261, 2646

for gauge coupling 298, 346, 367

vanishes for d = 4, N = 4 460

nonlinear sigma model 247, 321

Betti numbers 305, 308

Bianchi identity

Chern–Simons term in 86, 88, 91

for R–R vertex operators 889

in Calabi–Yau compactification 304, 324, 418

related to field equation by Poincaré duality 141, 4512

black hole

entropy 21925, 227, 470

information paradox 2256

produced in graviton–graviton scattering 209

black p-brane 1835, 201, 21920, 227, 470

blow up (a fixed point) 297, 30911, 388, 471

bosonization 1115, 27980, 467

and refermionization 1312

bc CFT 15

βγ CFT 1720, 11819

current algebra fermions 545, 745

higher genus 13

kink operator 12

of U(1) current 68

Ramond states 1315

twisted fermions 1314

bound states

D0–D0 1689, 469

and M-theory 198

and matrix theory 21214

D0–D2 16970

U-dual to FD-string 189

D0–D4 1705, 176, 46970

and instantons 1725

U-dual to winding string 189

D0–D6 175

D1–D5 black hole 2203

F-string–D-string 1647, 176, 469

SL(2, Z) duality 182

U-dual to D0–D2 state 189

C invariance 3301

Ck see Sp(k)

c-map 382

CP invariance 331, 3335, 472

CPT invariance 3312

c-theorem 2623

and supersymmetry multiplets 4412, 447

Calabi–Yau compactification 30224, 4724

and Gepner models 397402

as special case of (2, 2)

compactification 31112, 38690

field theory approximation 315

low energy field theory 31520

massless spectrum 31215

of type II string 37986

Calabi–Yau manifold 30912

Casimir energy 145

Casimir invariant 60

central charge (conformal) 35, 15, 43

and BRST nilpotence 24

and density of states 222, 236

and rank of gauge group 421

and renormalization group 2626, 271

in heterotic string 4950

in rational CFT 2589

in topological string theory 385

in unitary CFT 22833

of ghosts 468


coset models 2504

current algebra 702

N = 0 minimal models 231

N = 1 minimal models 2545

N = 2 minimal models 391

superconformal current algebra 3402

WZNW 2478

central charge (supersymmetry) and BPS states 449, 456

from dimensional reduction 454, 4567, 466

in extended supersymmetry 4489

in heterotic string 7982

in type I/II string 1445, 475

central extension 67

Chan–Paton degrees of freedom 30

for type I D5-brane 1957

reinterpreted as D-brane label 1412

Chan–Paton factor 73, 109, 468

character 2356, 2456

charge conjugation matrix C 434

Chern class (first) 309, 366, 402

Chern–Simons 3-form 92, 100

and modified gauge transformation 92, 107, 469

Chern–Simons terms 86, 453

and anomaly cancellation 99100

from string perturbation theory 11314, 12730

in D-brane action 150

and induced R–R charge 170, 173, 203

chiral gauge couplings 282, 325, 330

constraints from 337, 3402, 3512, 4478

in (2,2) models 3868

in Calabi–Yau models 313

in orbifold models 2889, 291

chiral multiplet 315, 4412

chiral primary fields 3789, 3845

in Landau–Ginzburg models 3945, 397

chiral ring 38495, 473

chiral superfields 4427


and anomalies 968, 101

effect of T-duality on 1378

IIA vs IIB 279, 41516, 4534

matrix (Γ) 10, 432

of NS5-branes 204

Christoffel connection 106

Clifford (Dirac matrix) algebra 2, 193, 430

cocycle 1920, 83


and homology 306, 317

BRST 25, 3856

De Rham 305

Dolbeault 307

of K3 41617

ring 385

Coleman–Weinberg formula 31, 156

collective coordinate 13940, 149

for eleventh dimension 202, 204

commutators and anticommutators

[images] 6

{bm, cn} 16

{βr, γs} 16

[Eα, Eβ] 61

{Gr, Gs} 7

[Hi, Eα] 61

[images] 66

[Lm, Gr] 7

[Lm, images] 66

[Lm, Ln] 7

{ψr, images} 14

{images} 6

N = 2 superconformal 376

{QB, bn} 24

[QB, βr] 24

[Ta, Tb] 59

see also supersymmetry algebras

compactification 274

scale 344, 350

see also (0, 2), (2, 2), Calabi–Yau, Gepner, orbifold, toroidal compactifications

complex manifold 3067

complex structure 3067

hyper-Kähler manifold 463

large 403, 405

complex structure moduli 291, 31415, 381

conifold singularity 40915

effective action 31920, 472

K3 416

moduli space 296, 3834, 4029

orbifold 291, 296, 299

quintic 310

conformal block 235, 272

differential equation 2378

in rational CFT 2557

conformal bootstrap 2336

conformal family 229

degenerate 232, 239

conformal field theory (CFT)

c < 1 23642

c = 1 357

density of states 222, 236

irrational 2589, 471

nonunitary 232

rational 2558, 471

unitary 45, 22832

see also bc, βγ, ψ, coset, Landau–Ginzburg, parafermion CFTs, current algebras, minimal models, superconformal field theory

conformal gauge 20

conformal invariance

constraints on correlators 2335

vs scale invariance 260, 2623

conformal perturbation theory 2636

conifold 405, 40910, 474

massless 3-brane 41112

singularity in CFT 41011

transition 41215

constraint algebra 3, 20, 24, 459

coset CFT 2504, 272, 471

from gauged world-sheet symmetry 251

minimal models 2501

N = 1 minimal models 255

parafermion CFTs 2512

W algebras 2534

cosmological constant 226, 3723, 473

coupling constants

gauge 298, 361

unification 314, 34552

relations among 10710, 1502, 3356, 472

string vs M-theory 199

Yukawa 317, 331

critical dimension 4, 478, 198

critical phenomena 26671, 393, 400

current algebra 6673, 24350, 272, 468, 471

and coset models 2504

and unification 3378, 351, 3534

bosonic representation 745

fermionic representation 68

gauging 945

KZ equation 244

level 67

modular invariants 2456, 24950

primary fields 723

restriction on representations 723, 289, 3378, 349

Sugawara construction 69, 82

superconformal 33842

WZNW models 24650

cycle 306, 31920

collapsing 404, 41013, 425, 427

D-brane wrapped on 404, 41113, 425

intersection number 31718

monodromy 410

world-sheet wrapped on 3224, 406, 408


D-brane interactions from 1467, 15560, 176, 196

in type I theory 379, 135

D-branes 13877, 46970

action 14950

and black p-branes 21923, 227

D1–D5 black p-brane 22023

as BPS states 1401, 145, 226

as R–R sources 1412

charge 1467

coincident, non-Abelian dynamics 149, 166, 21123

D0-brane quantum mechanics 1612

in matrix theory 21114, 21718

D0-branes as Kaluza–Klein states 1989

D1-branes and IIB duality 1802

D3-branes and Montonen–Olive duality 1802

Dp–Dp′ system 1528, 1624, 1756

BPS bound 168

effect of T-duality on 1434, 429

gauge coupling 151

in type I theory 1907

interactions between 1756

parallel 1467

rotated 1548

velocity-dependent 15861

on collapsing cycle 41115, 425

p even, relation to M-theory 2008

substring length scale 1602, 412

tension 146, 150

see also bound states

D-instanton 142, 145, 334, 372, 469

Dk see SO(2k)


four supersymmetries 3646, 399, 4434, 473

and orbifold blow-up modes 297

eight supersymmetries 462

in Dp-Dp′ system 163, 172, 2212

descendants 229, 2334, 271

diagonal modular invariant 36

current algebra 246, 249

heterotic string 55

type 0 superstring 35

differential forms 3056, 4502


and string loop expansion 879, 3602, 3834

coupling to R–R fields 879

in chiral multiplet 294, 315

in hypermultiplet 380, 3834, 429

in vector multiplet 428

dilaton-mediated supersymmetry breaking 370

dimensional reduction

of action 846, 2925, 374

of couplings 206, 335

of d = 10 Yang–Mills 45961

of spectrum 7880, 846, 188, 4535

of supersymmetry 7980, 311, 454, 458, 4634

to d = 2 392, 399, 449, 466

Dirac–Born–Infeld action 149

Dirac equation 12, 22, 88, 179

Dirac matrices 12, 8, 430

Dirac quantization condition 1479, 1835, 196, 2478, 355, 366

Dirac spinor 8, 4302

Dirichlet boundary condition 139, 142, 143, 152

discrete light-cone quantization (DLCQ) 217

discrete series, see minimal models

discrete symmetry (spacetime) 32835, 472

Z5 example 3978

see also S-, T-, U-dualities

discrete torsion 58, 468

disk amplitudes 102, 11012, 11416, 134, 175

tadpole 389, 42, 147

divergences, cancellation 3742, 1023, 135, 1423, 468

doubling trick 78, 153

dual Coxeter number 634, 71

duality, see Montonen–Olive, S-, string–string, T-, and U-dualities

E6 645, 82, 285ff, 312, 3868

singlets 313, 315, 3246, 388

see also grand unification

E6(6) 1889

E7 82

E8 54, 634, 823, 285, 290

and anomalies 100, 110, 134

root lattice 745

Eguchi–Hanson space 30910

electroweak scale 343, 369

energy-momentum tensor 15, 50

in bosonization 12, 15, 18

in type I theory 379, 135

topological 385

enhanced gauge symmetries

at Gepner point 398

at orbifold points 30910, 31213

on coincident branes 149, 1856

on singular manifolds 425, 427

on small SO(32) instantons 1956

winding state 66, 767

Euler number (Calabi–Yau) 305, 309, 41415

extended chiral algebra 2534, 256

extended supersymmetry 359, 440, 4479, 4734

exterior derivative 305, 307, 450

F-terms 399, 4435

F-theory 2001, 474

Faddeev–Popov ghosts 1520, 467

Fayet–Iliopoulos term 3645, 399, 443, 446

Feigin–Fuchs representation 2412, 272

fermion number

spacetime 32

world-sheet 89, 19, 22ff, 323

Feynman diagrams 102, 176, 316

fibrations 404, 428

fixed point

orbifold 275, 284, 286

blowing up 297, 30910, 388, 471

field theory 266

nontrivial 2601, 415, 421, 4601

flipped SU(5) 348

flop 4069, 474

fractional charge 3525

fractional string theory 46, 468

free fermion models 27980, 4712

free parameters, absence of 369, 373

fundamental (F-) string 145, 150

fundamental region 31, 40, 284

fusion rule 23840, 2445, 2568, 2701

gauge coupling, see coupling constants, gauge

gauge-fixing 20

gauginos 30, 315

condensation 3679

general relativity 183, 408, 429

generation (quark and lepton) 645, 28892, 31315, 3246, 3878, 4712

gen.-changing transition 41415, 474

Gepner models 394405, 473

relation to Calabi–Yau 397402

Gliozzi–Scherk–Olive (GSO) projection 27, 30, 33

and spin–statistics 29

and supersymmetry 501, 359

current algebra fermions 515, 82, 193, 386

diagonal 28, 357, 268

global symmetry 45, 94, 3278, 3345

goldstino 140

Goldstone boson 140

grand unification 635, 81, 281, 28890, 3516

partial 348

scale 2989, 34550

symmetry breaking 289, 3256, 3378, 349

gravitational scale 180, 344

eleven-dimensional 199, 212

gravitino 2831, 79, 286, 315, 441

world-sheet 126

Green–Schwarz mechanism 99101, 365, 462

Green–Schwarz superstring 29, 49, 133

H-monopole 82

Hagedorn temperature 83

Hamiltonian, D0-brane 1612, 212

heterotic 5-brane 195

heterotic string 4583, 468

(0,2) and (1,2) 48

amplitudes 11213, 12633, 134, 3734

bosonic form 735

E8 × E8 535

at strong coupling 2058

fermionic form 4950

nonsupersymmetric 559

SO(16) × SO(16) 579

SO(32) 513

at strong coupling 1904

T-duality between SO(32) and E8 ×E8 78

toroidal compactification 7682, 4229

hidden sector 289, 36771

hierarchy (Higgs naturalness) problem 2812, 350, 369

highest weight (primary) state 229ff

current algebra 723, 243

N = 2 chiral 3789, 3845

superconformal 105

Hodge numbers 30910, 315, 4023, 414, 416

holomorphic fields 456, 255

holonomy 304ff, 41517, 4634

homology 306, 317

hyper-Kähler manifold 417, 4634

hypermultiplet 3804ff, 447, 4614

from p-p′ strings 163, 1723, 196

index theorem 330

inheritance principle 290, 293, 314, 351

instanton (Pontrjagin) number 187, 333

instantons 3345

D- 142, 145, 334, 372, 469

world-sheet 3235, 383, 406, 408, 472

Yang–Mills 1725, 1946, 41820, 470

intersection number 31718

irrelevant interaction 192, 264

Ising model 26670

tricritical 269

Jacobi’s abstruse identity 35

K3 manifold 301, 41518

and heterotic string 41821

and type II string 41518, 4258

Kac determinant 2303, 242, 254, 271, 471

Kac–Moody algebra 66

Kähler class 308

Kähler form 3078

Kähler manifold 3078, 446

and supersymmetry 311, 446

Ricci-flat 30811

see also hyper-Kähler manifold, special Kähler manifold

Kähler moduli 291, 315, 381

effective action 31619, 323, 3814, 472

K3 416

moduli space 296, 3813, 4029

Kähler cone 4068

Kähler potential 2948, 308, 35962, 390, 4467

Kähler transformation 296, 308, 4467

Kaluza–Klein gauge symmetry 76, 79, 86, 1889

and supersymmetry algebra 4546

vertex operators 66

Kaluza–Klein monopole 81, 205

Kaluza–Klein states 198

Klein bottle 3941

Klein–Gordon equation 1

Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov (KZ) equation 244, 272

Landau–Ginzburg model 2701, 3924, 400, 471, 473

large-N limit 223

large order behavior 145

lattice (momentum) 19, 748, 83

Laurent expansion, see mode expansion

length, minimum 1602, 412

level (current algebra) 67

level-matching 25, 57, 2769, 2845ff, 395, 468

Lie algebra 5965, 468

and grand unification 635

normalization of generators 678, 93, 112, 151, 336

roots and weights 613, 746

simply-laced 63

light-cone quantization 212, 216

calculations 11718, 1313

discrete (DLCQ) 21718

lightlike limit 21718

linear dilaton CFT 5, 15, 43, 230

applications 89, 185, 2412, 272

linear multiplet 294

linear sigma model 398402, 408

Lorentz generators 89, 431

Lorentz invariance 9, 331

eleven-dimensional 212

local 96

M-theory 198205, 20811, 4267, 470

on S1/Z2 2078, 350, 41920

M2-brane 2012, 470

in matrix theory 21416

stretched 2045, 421

wrapped 427

M5-brane 2015, 41921, 470

macroscopic string 81

magnetic monopoles 812, 187, 205, 353, 468, 470

Dirac quantization condition 1478, 355

Majorana spinor 4334, 437

Majorana–Weyl spinor 433


Calabi–Yau 30911

complex 3067

group 24650

hyper-Kähler 463

Kähler 3078

quaternionic 464

real 3056

SU(3) holonomy 3089

special Kähler 4645

marginal interaction 2645

mass-shell condition 1, 20, 23

matrix theory 21118, 226, 470

Maurer–Cartan 1-form 248

measure, supermoduli 1246

membrane, see M2-brane

Mermin–Wagner–Coleman theorem 140

minimal models 23642

coset construction 2501

Feigin–Fuchs representation 2412

fusion rule 238

Ising model 2679

Landau–Ginzburg models 2701

mirror symmetry 4024, 4734

and conifold transition 401, 414

and flop transition 4069

and Kähler moduli space 4049, 4289

Möbius invariance 233

Möbius strip 39, 412, 135

mode (Laurent) expansion

b, c, β, γ 16

free scalar (Xµ) 6

ja 66

N = 2 superconformal 376

p-p′ strings 1535

ψ 68, 14

TB, TF 7

model-independent axion 333

modular invariance 337, 2356, 471

A–D–E invariants 246, 2501

and anomalies 103

current algebra 2456, 24950

Gepner models 395

heterotic string 523, 558, 82, 3889

minimal model 251

orbifold 2769

rational CFT 268

superstring 267, 335

modular transformations 34, 38, 156

modular weights 297

moduli, physical effects 291, 3246, 331, 3703, 445

in threshold correction 298300, 349

moduli space

(2, 2), product form 381, 38990

IIB theory 912

as spacetime 404, 417

branches 1724, 373, 41215, 41921

D1–D5 system 2212

dilaton–axion 296, 428, 457

for toroidal compactification 768, 81, 912, 4278, 4558

K3 41719, 4278, 474

metric on 362, 374

orbifold 2967, 472

with 8 supersymmetries 4625, 475

with 16 supersymmetries 159, 460, 475

see also complex structure, Kähler moduli

monodromy 240, 252, 410, 471

Montonen–Olive duality 1867, 428, 470

multicritical behavior 26870

NS algebra 7, 43

NS boundary condition 58, 1516

vertex operators 1013, 1618

NS–NS charge 81

in supersymmetry algebra 812

magnetic 812, 145, 1835, 189

NS–NS fields 87

background 106

tadpole 3742

NS5-brane 470

IIA 2024, 426

IIB 1826, 2024

multiple 186

heterotic 195

Narain compactification 739, 83, 468

naturalness problem 282, 350, 369

Neumann boundary condition 141, 143, 152

no-ghost theorem 25, 50, 2323

no-scale models 371

noncommutative geometry 149, 161

nonlinear sigma model 1068, 247, 311, 469, 471

nonperturbative definition (of string theory) 1801, 20811

nonperturbative effects 49, 134, 145, 178, 343, 36673, 4212, 425

see also instantons, strong coupling

nonrenormalization theorems 1334, 300

α′ corrections 11117, 185, 3215, 3823, 472

perturbative, violation by instantons 3235, 3678, 372, 472

string corrections 469, 473

4 supersymmetries 3612, 3645, 444

8 supersymmetries 381, 3834, 41011, 4289

16 supersymmetries 1334, 159, 194, 4601

32 supersymmetries 1334, 180

normal ordering 2, 7, 43

null state 2313, 2369, 2435, 2523

decoupling of 98, 1012, 119, 121

old covariant quantization (OCQ) 3, 203, 25

one-loop string amplitudes 3142, 12634, 135, 1467, 15560, 298300, 374, 4689, 472

operator product expansion (OPE) 43, 823, 956

and bosonization 1112, 1719

B C 106, 134

βγ CFT 1719

closure and locality 26, 525, 74

H H 11

in Sugawara construction 6971

ja jb 66, 68

images 357

jB β 24

jB β 24

λAλB 49

λaλb 73

N = 2 superconformal 37, 47, 375

imagesm imagesn 234

ψ imagesν 14

ψl ψl 252

ψµ ψν 2, 49

ψµ Θα 112

superconformal current algebra 339

TB images 233

TB TB 34

TB TF 34

TF images 10

TF TF 34, 280

Xµ Xν 2, 49

Xµ Xν 106, 134

images 114

W W 253

orbifolds 274301, 331ff, 4712

asymmetric 279

fixed points 311

blowing up 2967, 30910, 31213

K3 3001, 417, 425, 427

modular invariance 2769

non-Abelian 275

nonsingularity of CFT 275, 410, 425

T-duality 2956

twisted sector 2868, 2968

twisting construction 559

Z3 28391, 300, 30910

Z4 2912, 300

orientifold 196, 422

orientifold plane 138, 1424, 147, 151, 175, 2068

p-brane, see black p-, D-, M2-, M5-, and NS5-branes

p-form, see differential forms

p-form gauge field 85, 4512

field strength 86

self-dual 91, 452

see also Chern–Simons term, R–R fields

p-p′ string 1535, 1624

images = 4 1624, 197

images = 8 191

(p, q)-form 3079

(p, q) string 167, 1767, 182

P invariance, see parity

parafermion CFT 2512, 269, 3912, 471

parallel transport 304, 463


and anomalies 958, 285, 304, 32930

and T-duality 137

spacetime 278, 127

world-sheet 2731, 41

partition functions 2356, 266, 272, 471

and bosonization 13

BPS states 171, 190

GSO projected 327, 513, 558

with twists 334, 156

Pati–Salam unification 348

Pauli–Villars regulator 95, 285

Peccei–Quinn (PQ) symmetry 3335, 3602, 3656, 3712, 3823, 473

physical states 1, 3, 203, 28, 45

picture changing operator (PCO) 11821, 126, 469

pictures 10810, 11821, 147

Planck scale, eleven-dimensional 199, 212

Poincaré duality 86, 4502

point group 275

primary field, see highest weight state, tensor field

projective plane 39, 42

projective space 31011, 320, 398, 404, 465

proton decay 3556, 472

pseudospin 67, 244

quantum mechanics 210, 2256, 429

quaternionic manifold 464

R symmetry 393, 444

rank (algebra) 61, 77, 326, 421, 4578

rank (form) 10, 85, 450

Ramond algebra 7, 43

Ramond (R) boundary condition 59, 1516

vertex operators 1315, 19

R–R charge

in supersymmetry algebra 1445

of black p-brane 219

of D-brane 14152, 425

value 147

of orientifold plane 1423

vanishes for strings 889, 92, 381

R–R fields 910, 27, 87, 334

background 106

coupling of dilaton 879

effect of T-duality 1378

tadpole 3742

Ramond–Neveu–Schwarz (RNS) superstring 29

rational CFT 2559, 2723

refermionization 1313, 1567

relevant interaction 166, 2646, 26871

renormalization 393, 445

renormalization group 25966, 346, 350, 369

Ricci flatness 3089

Ricci form 3089

Riemann–Roch theorem 1213

Riemann surfaces 13, 1224

Riemann tensor 96, 113

roots 613, 678, 425

lattice 745

S-duality (weak–strong) 17982, 1867, 1902, 1989, 2057, 4229

SL(2, R) 912, 182

SL(n, R) 61, 1878

SL(2, Z) 182, 1868, 200, 2956, 4278, 474

SL(3, Z) 200

SO(4) = SU(2) × SU(2) 439

[S]O(5, 5, Z) 200

SO(8) spin 223

SO(10) 645, 82, 289, 338, 346

SU(1, 1) 296, 428

SU(5) 645, 82, 289, 338, 3458, 3526

SO(n) 60, 62

traces 99

[S]O(m, n, R) 61, 76, 1878, 417, 4278

[S]O(m, n, Z) 76, 1878, 428

SU(n) 60, 63

S-matrix 124

scale transformation 25963

Scherk–Schwarz mechanism 3634

short multiplet 170, 449

simple current 2401, 272, 354

sin2 θw 290, 34654, 472

soliton 173, 182, 2035, 426

Sp(k) 60, 62

space group 275

special Kähler geometry 31920, 3813, 390, 405, 4645

spectral flow 14, 379, 387

sphere amplitudes 11218, 134

relation to disk 116

spin 223

spin connection 203, 303

embedded in gauge connection 284, 291, 304, 324, 41819

and (2, 2) supersymmetry 31112, 376

spin field 15, 19, 1312

current algebra 54, 66

four-dimensional 341, 356

spin–statistics relation 19, 29, 33, 35, 49, 52, 55, 82, 332

spin structure 1224, 127, 1302

spinor representations 4309

products 4357

SO(N) 4378

under subgroups 4389

Standard Model 178, 274, 326, 3703, 4212

anomalies 94, 98

CP symmetry 3315

chirality 98, 282, 2889, 32931

gauge couplings 298, 314, 34352

gauge group 645, 81, 28990

gauge quantum numbers 3378, 3403, 3525

generations 645, 28892, 31315, 3246, 3878, 4712

hierarchy problem 2812, 350, 369

proton stability 3556

supersymmetric 3468

Yukawa couplings 314, 318

state–operator isomorphism, see vertex operators

statistical mechanics 219, 2245, 260, 26671

Stokes’s theorem 450

string coupling, see coupling constants

string field theory 210, 259

string metric 205

string scale 34350

string–string duality 425, 429

string tension 150, 1647, 180

strong coupling limit

heterotic string 1904, 2058, 4219

type I superstring 1904

type IIA superstring 1989

type IIB superstring 17981

strong CP problem 3335, 472

structure constants 59

Sugawara construction 6972, 82, 243, 247, 250, 339, 468

superconformal algebra 34, 7, 272

as constraint 20, 45

general N 459

N = 2 37, 478, 82, 3756

primary field 105

superconformal current algebra (SCCA) 33842

superconformal field theory (SCFT) 4678

(1, 1) 25, 2545

(2, 2) 292, 31112, 380415, 473

Landau–Ginzburg models 3924

minimal models 3902

(4, 4) 41718

superconformal Killing vector 123

superconformal transformation 2, 10, 43, 1034

supercurrent 25, 50

superderivative 1034

superfield 104

supergravity 468

d = 4, N = 1 2935, 315, 35962

eleven-dimensional 847, 1989, 201, 453

long-distance 160, 176, 21314

toroidally compactified 1879, 4547

type I 523, 923, 98101

same as heterotic 93, 192

type IIA 289, 8790, 96

type IIB 289, 902, 98

supermanifold, see superspace

supermembrane, see M2-brane

supermoduli space 1216

boundary of 1023

superpartner scale 343, 350, 369

superpotential 4437

Calabi–Yau 31520, 325, 390

constraints from holomorphicity 3223, 35962, 3678

Landau–Ginzburg/linear sigma model 392, 398, 400

nonperturbative contributions 3234, 3712

orbifold 2946

super-Riemann surface 1214

superspace 1038, 134

actions 1058, 469

superstring, see types 0, I, IIA, IIB

supersymmetry (spacetime) 471

4 supersymmetries 4407

8 supersymmetries 4615

16 supersymmetries 45761

32 supersymmetries 4527

and GSO projection 2930, 501, 359

and hierarchy problem 2812

and sin2 θw 3468, 473

and vanishing of vacuum amplitude 35, 38, 146

as means of studying strong

coupling 178227

conditions for unbroken

D-brane systems 1525, 1757

general CFT 3569, 374, 473

orbifolds 2823, 300

smooth manifolds 3025

d = 2 449

d = 4, N = 1 4407

d = 4, N > 1 4489

in specific systems

D0–Dp system 168

F-string–D-string system 164

heterotic string 7982

type I/II superstring 144

in statistical mechanics 269

transformations 173, 203, 302, 443

vs world-sheet 29

see also BPS bound, BPS states, nonrenormalization

supersymmetry breaking 473

at tree level 3624

by D-branes 13940, 1525, 168, 1757

dilaton-mediated 370

in loop expansion 3646

nonperturbative 36673

scale 369

symmetries, continuous 3278

T-duality 452, 469

and mirror symmetry 4024, 473

and U-duality 1878

as a gauge symmetry 328

combined with S-duality 199, 2057, 227, 4227

effect on D-branes 13845, 1634ff, 176

effect on R–R fields 137, 149

heterotic theories 768

on orbifolds 2956, 298, 300, 472

type I theory 13843

type II theories 1368

’t Hooft–Polyakov monopole 82, 187

tachyon 213, 82, 266, 341

in nonsupersymmetric D-brane systems 158, 169

removal by GSO projection 27, 31, 52, 54, 589

theories with 27, 558

tadpoles 3742, 1423

temperature 83, 219, 2669

tensionless string theory 205, 2601, 421, 474

tensor multiplet

d = 6 (1, 0) 418, 420, 4612

d = 6 (2, 0) 204, 417, 459

tensor superfield 104

tetrad 77, 96

theta functions 33, 156, 469

Thirring model 36

threshold correction 298300, 334, 349, 3701, 472

topological string theory 49, 385

topology change (spacetime)

conifold 41215, 474

flop 4069, 474

toric geometry 404

toroidal compactification

heterotic string 7682, 4229, 468, 474

type I string 1434

type II string 18790, 4547

torsion 106, 203, 303, 324

torus amplitudes 315, 519, 12633, 374

transition functions 122, 125, 306

tree-level amplitudes 11018, 135

trinification 349

twist (orbifold) construction 558, 251, 2756, 279

twisted boundary conditions 134, 324, 44, 1556ff

twisted sector 2769, 2868

type 0 superstring 27, 35

type I superstring 31, 3742

amplitudes 11016, 135

strong coupling limit 1907

T-duality 138, 1434

type II superstrings 269, 317

amplitudes 11318, 134

on Calabi–Yau manifolds 37986ff

on K3 41518

strong coupling limits 17987, 198205

T-duality between 1368, 1434

toroidally compactified 18790, 4547

U-duality 18790, 199201, 226, 328

U(n) 30, 63, 151, 1867

UV divergence 103

ultrashort multiplet 80, 16971, 210, 449

unitary CFT 456, 22832, 2545, 2623, 391, 471

vacuum amplitudes 3142, 1467, 1558

vacuum selection 373

vector multiplets

d = 4, N = 1 441

d = 4, N = 2 3804ff, 447, 4635

d = 4, N = 4 79, 448

d = 6 (1,0) 163, 172, 461

d = 6 (1,1) 204, 459

Verlinde formula 258, 273

Verma module 232, 236

vertex operators 1015, 10810, 468, 471

and chiral primaries 3849

ghosts 1520

locality 256, 501, 2567

gravitino 28

p-p′ strings 174, 197

pictures 108, 11824

Ramond, branch cuts 6, 10

R–R 30, 88

Virasoro algebra 22833ff

Virasoro master equation 258

W algebra 46, 471

W string 46, 468

WZNW model 24650

weight (conformal) 43, 263

current algebra primary 72

unitary CFTs 231, 255, 378, 391

weight (Lie algebra) 613

lattice 75

weight (modular) 297

Wess–Zumino term 248

Weyl spinor 8, 432

Wilson criterion (computability) 20911, 214

Wilson line 768, 83, 206, 208, 227, 429

gauge symmetry breaking 28991, 314, 3256

Wilsonian action 300, 361

winding string 7781, 18990

Yang–Mills theory, d = 4, N = 4 1867, 428, 4601

Zamolodchikov metric 362, 374, 389

zero modes 119

instanton 3245

sphere 108

torus 121, 123, 127, 130, 1323

zero-norm states, see null states

zero-point energy 7, 14, 34