
Page numbers reflect those in print edition.

Americanism. See nationalism

American Unity League, 185186

anti-Catholicism, 12

in American history, 4445

and confession, 152154

and gender, 149152, 154155

and Knights of Columbus, 205207

and marriage, 156160

and Protestantism, 4243, 4647

Romanism, 202

anti-Semitism, 12


Beck, Glenn, 258262, 264.

See also Tea Party Movement

Birth of a Nation, 4

Burrows, Nelson B., 204205


Catholicism, 198199

and the Klan, 4647, 201203, 205

Roman Catholicism and the Ku

Klux Klan, 198200

See also Evans, Hiram Wesley; Kourier Magazine

Christian Century, 105107, 158159, 177178

Christianity, muscular, 101102


and the home, 134135, 160

and religion, 9496

See also Evans, Hiram Wesley

The Clansman, 4, 74, 122123

Colbert, Stephen, 260

Comer, Robbie Gill, 138139, 157

and the men’s order, 141142

on motherhood, 145148

and Protestant theology, 139142, 146

on women’s roles, 142148

common schools. See public schools

Conley, Jim, 2

conservatism, 12, 232234

Cosmopolitanism, 7879

crosses, fiery, 71, 7477


Dawn, The, 184185


ethnographic methods, 2829, 31

and empathy, 2831

Evans, Hiram Wesley (H. W.), 5, 37, 39

and Abraham Lincoln, 8384

on Catholics, 202204

on immigration, 171172

on nationalism, 7779

on race, 190196

on white supremacy, 180, 182


Fauntroy, Walter, 260

femininity. See womanhood

flag, American, 71, 72, 139

Frank, Leo, 23

lynching of, 34

fraternity, 100101


Harold the Klansman, 123125, 181182

hate. See intolerance

history, moral, 240242

place of judgment, 236241


immigration, 6, 8081, 8485

Johnson-Hartley Act, 169, 171172

Menace of Modern Immigration, 80, 169170, 175

and nativism, 169172

Imperial Night-Hawk (magazine), 2122, 2526, 6768

on Catholics, 201202, 204, 245

on immigration, 170171

purpose of, 183

on race, 162163


in America, 235, 238, 242245, 247, 249

and Catholics, 47, 95, 111, 209,

and the Klan, 27, 201, 204, 224, 230233

after September 11th, 250253, 256, 263


Jackson, Helen, 149, 155

Convent Cruelties, 149152

Jefferson, Charles E., 198200

Jesus, 4041, 43, 4546

as example, 50, 5253

and Jewishness, 4849

as a Klansman, 4850

and manhood, 103105

and sacrifice, 5254, 107108

traits of, 105107

Jones, Terry, 250, 262, 264

Koran burning, 256258


King, L. J., 152155

Klan, Ku Klux (1915–1930)

beginnings, 45, 8, 37

charitable giving, 5052

in Christian press, 6667

critics, 105

demographics, 8–9

end of, 227, 229231

“false” religion, 1819, 36

Fry, Henry, 3435

on history, 8084, 143144, 191192

on the Jews, 174175

Junior Order, 116118

Klansman’s Creed, 165166

on the Negro, 175176

organizational structure, 112113

persecution of, 108109, 111, 182184, 210211

populism, 17

print, 13, 2022

violence, 1516

Witcher, W. C., 3536

Klan, Reconstruction (1866–1871), 6, 7, 8

Klan, women of the Ku Klux, 125126

origins of, 135138

Klans, modern, 247248

Kloran, 117118

knighthood, Christian, 101102, 118119

Knights of Columbus, 205208

supposed oath, 206208

Kourier Magazine, 22

on Catholics, 4044

on immigration, 172173

on the Negro, 176177

on white supremacy, 177179, 231


lynching, 1516. See also Frank, Leo


manhood (masculinity), 115, 119121

and Protestantism, 97100, 105

marriage, 156

Marlborough-Vanderbilt, 158159

martyrdom, 107108

Abbott, Thomas, 110112, 184

Roberts, Fred, 109110, 112

Meacham, Jon, 250

Mecklin, John Moffatt, 1415,

militarism, 112113

and democracy, 113114

and masculinity, 114116

motherhood, 130131, 145146

and citizenship, 132133

and the home, 134

and religion, 131133


nationalism, 7779

and the founding, 81, 8485

and Protestantism, 7982, 231235, 239244, 248, 252254, 263264

nativism, 44. See also anti-Catholicism; immigration

naturalization, 3435


Oberholtzer, Madge, 226230

Our Sunday Visitor, 159160, 208209, 222


parochial schools, 9295

Patriotism, 70, 71,

Phagan, Mary, 13, 226, 230

Knights of, 3, 226

Protestant, 56, 1721, 26

definition of, 4041

and freedom, 4143

Luther, Martin, 39, 43, 4546

and masculinity, 6465

nationalism, 7779

Reformation, 43, 4546, 87

relationship with Klan, 3839, 6364

unification of, 6566

public schools, 8586

and Catholics, 9194

and citizenship, 86, 8891

and religion, 8697, 8991



and African Americans, 16, 76, 175179, 181

the American, 190196

and Jews, 16, 76, 167, 171, 174175

and Klan membership, 165166, 168

miscegenation, 181182

and purity, 173174


“false,” 1819

and print, 2426, 3839

Right, American, 12, 232235

Right, Christian, 236

Right, Far, 234235

Riot of 1924, Klan–Notre Dame, 200, 212, 217219, 222

and Americanism, 210211, 215216, 219, 221, 224

and anti-Catholicism, 214215, 223

Klan descriptions, 209215

Notre Dame descriptions, 216217, 219221

The Truth about the Notre Dame Riot, 212214


and community, 6163

construction of, 58

images of, 5657

modern, 246249

and Protestantism, 5860

and symbolism, 5556

and white supremacy, 186190


Santelli, Rick, 258259. See also Tea

Party Movement

Simmons, William

beginning of Klan, 46, 8

and Klan ritual, 3738, 51, 74, 9899

on race, 163166, 175176, 193

Smith, Albert “Al,” 45, 229, 231

Stephenson, David Curtis “Steve,” 226231


Tea Party Movement, 258262, 264

tolerance, 250251

Tolerance (newspaper), 184185


uniforms. See robes


Walsh, Matthew J., 216217, 219220

whiteness, 163, 173

definition of, 166168

and Protestantism, 190197

theology of, 178180

white supremacy, 163164

womanhood, white

description of, 123, 125126, 156, 160

protection of, 128130, 148149

See also Comer, Robbie Gill