Frontispiece: Excavating at Tel Kabri

Hellenistic bronze figure, Tel Anafa

Close-up of wine jars, Tel Kabri

King Tut’s gold death mask

Howard Carter and assistant, examining King Tut

Cave Canem mosaic plus dog in plaster of Paris

Mount Vesuvius as seen through Pompeii Arch

Street scene, Pompeii

Sophia Schliemann wearing Priam’s Treasure; depiction of the Trojan Horse

Wall of Troy VI

Rosetta stone hieroglyphics

Step Pyramid of Djoser, Saqqara

Queen Pu-abi, Ur

Man-headed winged bull, Dur Sharrukin (modern Khorsabad)

Skull rack at Chichen Itzá

Temple of the Grand Jaguar (Temple 1), Tikal

Surveyors walking a transect

Tractor and ground-penetrating radar, near Stonehenge

Laetoli footprints

Chauvet cave painting

Çatalhöyük figurine: possibly a goddess or queen

Plastered skull, Jericho

Mycenae: Lion Gate and “Mask of Agamemnon”

Lion Gate, Mycenae

Akrotiri: miniature wall fresco

Eruption of Santorini

Uluburun: copper ingots and other artifacts

Uluburun diver

Delphic oracle

Temple of Apollo, Delphi

Roman Colosseum

Arch of Titus

Close-up, Arch of Titus

Digging: tools of the trade

Stratigraphic layers, Tel Kabri

Megiddo: ivory griffin

“Solomon’s Stables” at Megiddo

Dead Sea Scroll fragment

Caves at Qumran

Masada ostraca


Palmyra: distant view

Triumphal Arch, Palmyra

View of the “Treasury” at Petra

Tollund Fen Bog Man

Terracotta Warriors

Nazca Lines: hummingbird

Machu Picchu

Pyramid of the Moon, Teotihuacán

Olmec colossal stone head, San Lorenzo

Aztec Moon Goddess, Tenochtitlán

Confederate submarine H. L. Hunley

Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Looter digging

Looting in Iraq

Future artifact

Statue of Liberty, head