Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
abalone, 138, 142
Aboriginal Australians, 64
Abra cadabra, 64
“absolute dating,” 34
abyssal deep, 172
Acanthostega, 205
acorn worms, 186
Actinoceratoidea, 162
actinopterygians, 202205
adductor muscles, 146147
Aepycamelus, 276
Aepyornis, 237238
aetosaurs, 222223
Agate Springs fossil beds, Nebraska, 25
“Age of Crinoids,” 182
“Age of Dinosaurs,” 22
age, of the earth, 36
“agnathans,” 193195
agnostids, 126127
Agra vation, 64
Agriochoerus, 271
Aha ha, 64
aistopods, 206
Alchisme, 64
alder, 306
algae, 284286
Alnus, 306
alpacas, 273
alternation of generations, 8385
Alvar, 40
amber, 810
ambulacral areas, 178
Ambulocetus, 246
American mastodon, 252
American Museum of Natural History, 52
Amia, 202
ammonites, 89, 13, 46, 54, 56
ammonitic suture, 163169
ammonoids, 155171
amniotes, 209
amphibians, 24, 67, 117. 205209, 282
Amphicyon, 258, 259
amphicyonids, 259
Amphineura, 140
Amynodon, 265
anaspids, 194196, 209213
Andean condor, 237239
angiosperms, 303308
Animalia, 67
Anisonchus cophater, 66
ankylosaurs, 231
anteaters, 249251
Anthozoa, 82
anthracosaurs, 206208
antiarchs, 197
Apatosaurus, 67
Apatosaurus louisae, 28, 67
aperture, 142
apex, 142
Aphelops, 265
aragonite, 89, 11, 138
Araucaria, 295, 302
Araucariaxylon, 294
Archaeocyatha, 7375
Archaeocyon, 62
Archaeopteris, 291292
Archaeopteryx, 236238
Archaeothyris, 241
Archelon, 211212, 214
Archimedes, 111113
Archimedes screw, 112
Architectonica, 143
Archosauria, 209235, 218239
Arctic, 2425
Arctinurus, 129130
Arcy–sur–Cure, France, 119
Ardipithecus, 66
Arfia, 65
Argentavis, 237239
Argentina, 227
argon–40, 34
Aristotle’s lantern, 178
armadillos, 249251
arthrodires, 196197
Arthropleura, 117118
Arthropoda, 67, 114, 118137
articulate brachiopods, 97106
Artiodactyla, 268279
Asaphina, 127
ascon sponge, 7273
Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska, 2527
Asteroidea, 175
Astraeospongia, 7576
Astylospongia, 7577
Atdabanian Stage, 119
Atrypa, 102
Aturia, 162
Audolioceras, 166167
Australia, 64
Australopithecus, 66
Aves, 67, 235239
axial lobe, 121122
Ba humbug, 64
bacteria, 4
bactrian camel, 27
bactritoids, 163
Baculites, 166168
badlands, 3740
bald cypress, 300301, 303
Barameda, 64
Barwick, Dick, 64
Barwickia downunda, 64
Basilosaurus, 65, 67
Batondonoides vanhouteni, 240
beak, 148149
“beardogs,” 258, 259
belemnites, 5456, 169171
Bellerophon, 143
bellerophontids, 142144
Berlin–Ichthyosaur State Park, Nebraska, 214
bichir, 202
biconvex, 95
Big Badlands, South Dakota, 25, 38, 266, 275, 280
Big Island, Hawaii, 19
bilateral symmetry, 174
binomial name, 63
biostratigraphy, 5455
bird, 1415, 235239
Bison, 278
Bittium, 64
bivalves, 9192, 145154
“Black Beauty,” 2
Blastoidea, 172, 184185
blastomerycines, 275
blastopore, 174176
bleaching, 90
Boavus, 221
bony fish, 202205
Borhyaena, 248249
borophagine dogs, 257
Bothriolepis, 197
brachial valve, 9296
brachiopods, 13, 91106, 147
Brachiosaurus, 227
Brachycrus, 270271
brittle stars, 172174, 176
Brontosaurus, 28, 6264, 67, 227
brontotheres, 246, 265268
bryozoans, 107113
bubble shells, 142
Buettneria, 206207
Bumastus, 128
Bureau of Land Management, U.S., 57
Busycon, 144
buttercups, 6
byssal threads, 149
Cacops, 208209
cadicone, 163
Calamari, 138
Calamites, 289291
calcareous sponges, 7374
calcification, 121
calcite, 811
California (U.S. state), 6
Calistoga Petrified Forest, California, 308
Calliostoma, 144
callus, 142
Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, 45, 198
Calymene, 131
calyx, 181
Cambrian, 70, 73, 119, 126, 140, 174, 181,188
Camelops, 278
camels, 273275
Camelus bactrianus, 67
Cameroceras, 161162
Campanile, 140
Canidae, 66, 259
captorhinids, 211
carbon-14, 3637
Carboniferous, 98, 117, 206, 241, 290, 291
carbonization, 1214
Carcharocles megalodon, 198201
Caribbean Sea, 85
Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 2728, 66
Carnegie, Andrew, 2829
Carnivora, 66, 253259
cassowary, 238
“cat gap,” 259
cats, 259
Catskill Mountains, 196
Cayman Islands, 71
Celtis, 280
cephalon, 121122
cephalopods, 155171
ceratitic suture, 163165
ceratopsians, 232
“chain coral,” 8588
chalk, 39, 215, 284
cheeks, 121122
cheilostomes, 113
chelicerae, 134
Chelicerata, 115, 131137
chiggers, 131
chimney effect, 7172
chitin, 117, 121
chitons, 139141
“chondrosteans,” 202
chordates, 186, 193279
Choristoceras, 166
Cincinnati, Ohio, 48
Cindarella, 64
Cladoselache, 198199
clams, 9192
Clarkia, 280
class, 6667
classification, 6166
Cleveland Shale, Ohio, 196, 197
climate change, 3
“cloven hooves,” 268
club mosses, 286
Cnidaria, 8090
coal, 45
coal swamps, 282
coccolithophores, 284
cockroaches, 114, 117
coelenterates, 8090
Coelodonta, 266
Coelophysis, 229231
Coleoidea, 169171
collecting rights, 57
Colorado (U.S. state), 15, 2729, 57, 205
columella, 142
columnals, 181183
commissure, 9596, 148149
concavo-convex, 95, 98100
cones, 291
conifers, 291303
Constellaria, 110
Conus, 144
convexi-concave, 95
Cooksonia, 286287
Cope, Edward Drinker, 66
corallites, 85
corals, 80, 8390
Cordaites, 301
costae, 9596, 148149
cranes, 27
cranidium, 121
creodonts, 253255
Crepidula, 144
Cretaceous, 2224, 38, 39, 145, 163171, 179, 284
Cretaceous extinctions, 169, 244
crinoids, 172173, 181185
crocodilians, 222224
cross–cutting relationships, 3334
“crown of thorns” sea star, 90
crustaceans, 115
crypstostomes, 108113
Cryptolithus, 129
Culmacanthus, 64
Cuttysarkus, 65
cyanobacteria, 283284
cycadeoids, 297, 302
cycads, 296, 302
cyclostomes, 113
Dactylioceras, 163166
Dalmanites, 131132
Daphoenus demilo, 64
dasycladacean algae, 285286
“Dawn Redwood,” 298299, 302
day length, 87
Deinonychus, 229231
Deinosuchus, 222224
Deinotherium, 252
Dekayella, 109110
dendroids, 190
Depression, 29
determinate cleavage, 175
deuterostomes, 174176
“Devil’s toenails,” 151
Devonian, 2425, 87, 91,119, 162163, 188, 198, 205, 285286
Devonian extinction, 78, 85, 102, 119
dextral, 142
Diacodexis, 268
diaphragm, 240, 244
Diapsida, 209235
diatoms, 284
Diatryma, 237239
Diceratherium, 265
Dictyonema, 190192
dicynodonts, 241
Didymoceras, 166169
Didymograptus, 190192
Dimetrodon, 227, 241243
Dinictis, 259
dinocephalians, 241
Dinohippus, 261
Dinohyus hollandi, 66
Dinorthis, 98
Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, 2731
dinosaurs, 22, 193, 227239; behavior of, 233; color in, 233; feathers on, 233
Diplocaulus, 206208
Diplodocus, 27
Diplograptus, 190192
Diplomoceras, 166167
Diplomystus, 204205
Diprotodon, 248249
dissolution, 1112
Djalgaringa, 64
Djaludjiangi, 64
Djarthia, 64
DNA, 67, 11
Doedicurus, 250
dogs, 259
Doleserpeton, 209
Dolichisme, 64
dolomite, 12
dorsal valve, 9296
Dorset, England, 46
Douglass, Earl, 2731
Dragon, Utah, 29
dragonflies, 117118
dromedary camels, 273
dromomerycids, 275
duckbilled dinosaurs, 231, 303
Dunkleosteus, 197
echidna, 240, 244
Echinodermata, 172185
Echinoidea, 176179
Ecphora, 144
ectodermal cells, 80
Edaphosaurus, 241
“edentates,” 249251
Edmontosaurus, 231
Edops, 206
Ekgmoiteptecela, 64
Ekgmowechashala, 63
Elachisme, 64
elasmosaurs, 214216
Elasmotherium, 266
Eldredgeops, 131133
“elephant birds,” 237238
elephants, 251253
Elrathia kingi, 119, 124128
Emry, Robert, 5253
emu, 238
enantiornithes, 238
endocameral deposits, 162
Endoceras, 162
Endoceratoidea, 162
endocones, 162
endodermal cells, 80
endosiphuncular deposits, 162
endotherms, 240
endothermy, 233234
Eobasileus, 246
Eohippus, 261
Eoraptor, 227228
Epicyon, 257
Equisetum, 289291
Eryops, 206207, 242
erythrosuchids, 222223
Escargot, 138
Estemnosuchus, 241
Etruscan shrew, 240
Eudimorphodon, 225
Eunotosaurus, 211
Euplectella, 7374
Euryapsida, 209, 213216
eurypterids, 115, 118, 134137
Eurypterus remipes, 136137
Eusmilus, 259
even-toed hoofed mammals, 268279
Exogyra, 151153
exoskeleton, 117
eyeball, 155
facial suture, 121
“false saber-toothed cats,” 256
family–rank names, 66
faunal succession, 5254
Favosites, 8588
“feather stars,” 181
feldspar, 34
Felidae, 66, 259
Fenestella, 109,112
fenestrate bryozoans, 109, 112113
Fenestrellina, 109, 112
ferns, 14, 290
field notebook, 5152
Fingal’s Cave, Isle of Staffa, Scotland, 20
fish, 24, 193205
Fissuridea, 144
fixed cheek, 121
flagellum, 7071
Flexicalymene, 131132
Florichisme, 64
Florissant Fossil Beds, Colorado, 15, 304
flowering plants, 303308
fold, 9596
foot, 146147
Fossil Butte National Monument, Wyoming, 205
fossil club, 50
Frick Laboratory, American Museum of Natural History, 52
frog, 11, 209
“Frogamander,” 209
Gansus, 238
gar fish, 202203
Gargylosaurus, 231
Gastornis, 237239
Gastropoda, 141145
Geisenoceras, 163167
genal angle, 121
genus, 63
geoducks, 151
geologic map, 2224, 54, 55
geologic timescale, 35
geosaurs, 222
Gerobatrachus hottoni, 208209
giant clams, 151152
giant squid, 140, 155156
Gigantocamelus, 275
Ginkgo biloba, 296, 302
Ginkgo Petrified Forest, Washington, 308
Giraffatitan, 230
“giraffe camels,” 275
gizzard, 222
glabella, 121122
glass sponges, 7374, 79
Glossopteris, 291293
Gluteus minimus, 64
Glyptal, 40
glyptodonts, 249251
Gobiconodon, 246
gomphotheres, 251253
Gomphotherium, 252
goniatites, 160, 163164
Goodrich, “Dad,” 28
gophers, 61
gopher tortoise, 61
Gorgonops, 241243
GPS systems, 51
Grand Canyon, Arizona, 32
granite, 19
graphite, 188
graptolites, 188192
Great Barrier Reef, 85
Green River Shale, 1415, 203205, 218, 304
greenhouse gases, 3
Greenland, 24
Greenops, 131
“ground pine,” 286, 288
ground sloths, 250
growth lines, 9596, 148149
Gryphaea, 151153
guanacos, 273
Gulf of Mexico, 85
gymnosperms, 291303
hackberry bushes, 280
hagfish, 194196
Haldane, J. B. S., 114
Hamites, 166167
Hamulina, 166
hard hat, 4446, 4748
Harpes, 130
harpids, 129130
harvestmen, 131
Hawaii (U.S. state), 19
heart urchins, 179180
Hebertella, 9899
Heerz tooyia, 64
Helicoprion, 198200
Heliophyllum, 8790
Hell Creek Formation, Montana, 65, 235
hemichordates, 186192
Hemiptera, 64
Herrerasaurus, 227228
Hesperaletes, 263
Hesperornis, 238
heteromorph ammonites, 166169
heterostracans, 193195
hexacorals, 90
Hexagonaria, 8790
high-spired shells, 142
holdfast, 182
Holland, William J., 2729, 66
Holmesina, 250
holochroal eyes, 121
“holosteans,” 202
Holothuroidea, 176
Holzmaden Shale, Germany, 214217
Homo, 63, 66
Homo erectus, 63
Homo habilis, 63
Homo neanderthalensis, 63
Homo sapiens, 68
Homotelus, 128129
“honeycomb coral,” 8588
Hooke, Robert, 159
Hoplophoneus, 256, 259
horizontal tooth replacement, 251253
horn corals, 8790
horses, 27, 259262
horseshoe crabs, 134135
horsetails, 289291
House Range, Utah, 119, 126
Hunkydora, 64
Hyaenodon, 256
Hydnoceras, 79
Hydra, 83
Hydrozoa, 81
hyperstrophic, 143
Hyphatoceras, 166
hyponome, 157160
“hypothetical ancestral mollusk,” 140141
Hyrachyus, 266
Hyracodon, 264, 266
Hyracotherium, 261
Icaronycteris, 247
icehouse, 4
Ichthyornis, 238
ichthyosaurs, 14, 22, 214216, 227
Ichthyostega, 205
Idaho (U.S. state), 280
igneous rock, 16, 19
illaenids, 128
Illaenus, 128
inappropriate names, 65
inarticulate brachiopods, 9697
indeterminate cleavage, 174
index fossils, 2223
India, 63
inertial homeothermy, 234
Ingabalanaridae, 64
inoceramids, 151154
insects, 810, 114116, 282
interambulacral areas, 178
internal mold, 1112
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 68
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 65
Iowa (U.S. state), 85
irregular echinoids, 179180
Isachisme, 64
Isle of Staffa, Scotland, 20
Isotelus, 118, 128129
Isurus, 198
Ittibittium, 64
jacketing (fossils), 4043
Jaekelopterus, 135137
Japan, 63
jawless fish, 193196
jaws, 196
Jurassic, 2224, 2729, 46, 163171, 179, 218
Jurassic Park, 3, 11, 38, 233
Jurassic World, 3, 11, 218
Juxia, 266
Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah, 235
kangaroos, 248
Kannemeyeria, 241
Kansas (U.S. state), 215, 284
kelp, 284
Kentucky (U.S. state), 48
Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, 19
king crab, 118
kingdom, 67
Kirkaldy, George W., 64
kiwi, 238
Knightia, 204205, 304
komodo dragons, 218
Kronosaurus, 214217
Kukusepasatanka, 64
“lace collar trilobite,” 129
Lagomorpha, 66
Lakota Sioux, 63
Lambdotherium, 266
Lamellibranchia, 145
“lamp shells,” 91
lampreys, 194196
Lance Creek Formation, Wyoming, 235
lancelets, 186
Larson, Gary, 66
Late Ordovician extinction, 98, 119
Latin America, 63
laurel, 306
lava flows, 1920
lead-206, 34
lead-207, 34
Lecanospira, 144
Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina, 198
Leioclema, 109110
Lepidodendron, 288, 290
Lepidosauria, 209, 217221
lepospondyls, 206208
Leptauchenia, 271273
Leptomeryx, 275
leucon sponges, 7273
Liaoning beds, China, 236, 238
Lichas, 130
lichids, 129130
ligaments, 147
limestone, 45, 1819
limpets, 141142
Limulus, 134
Lingula, 97
Linnaeus, Carolus, 62, 66
lions, 61
Liopleurodon, 214217
“Lizard of Aus,” 64
lizards, 11, 217219
llamas, 273
Longrich, Nicholas, 64
lophophores, 9394, 107113
Lophospira, 144
low-spired shells, 142
Lucas, Spencer, 67
Lucashyus, 67
lucinids, 150
Lunatia, 144
lycophytes, 286290
Lycopodium, 286, 288
Lyme Regis, Dorset, England, 46
Macdonald, J. Reid, 6364
Macginitea, 305
Maclurites, 143144
Macroscaphites, 166169
magma, 19
magnetite, 140
magnolia, 307
Mahonia, 307
mammalian evolutionary radiation, 244
“mammal–like reptiles,” 240241
Mammalia, 67, 227, 239279
mammoths, 67, 61, 227, 251253
Mammouth, 61
Mammut, 252
Mammuthus, 61
Mamut, 61
mantle, 139140
Marichisme, 64
Marsh, O. C., 66, 67
marsupials, 248249
mastodonts, 251253
Medusa, 8385
Megacerops, 268
Megalania, 218219
Megalonyx, 250
Megatherium, 250
Megoreodon, 270272
Mendenhall Gneiss, California, 2021
Meninatherium, 266
Menoceras, 25, 264266
Meomyia, 64
merostomes, 134
Merychippus, 261
Merychyus, 271273
Merycochoerus, 270271
Merycoidodon, 269271
mesogastropods, 143145
mesoglea, 83
Mesohippus, 261
Mesolimulus, 135
mesotarsal joint, 227228
Mesozoic, 22
Messel lake beds, Germany, 205, 236
metamorphic rocks, 16, 2021
Metamynodon, 265, 266
Metasequoia, 298299, 302
meteorites, 36
mica, 34
microsaurs, 206
middens, 138
millipedes, 115117, 282
Miniochoerus, 270271
Miohippus, 261262
miolabine camels, 275
Mississippian, 112, 181185
mites, 131
moa, 236238
Moeritherium, 247, 252
Mojoceratops, 64
Mollusca, 67, 9192, 138171
molting, 117
Mongolia, 65
Monograptus, 191192
monoplacophorans, 140142
Montana (U.S. state), 65
Monte Bolca beds, Italy, 205
Montypythonoides, 64
moon rocks, 36
Morocco, 129, 162, 163
Morrison Formation, 2729, 30, 235
mosasaurs, 22, 218219
Mosasaurus copeanus, 66
Moschops, 241
mosquitos, 11
“moss animals,” 107
mosses, 286
mother of pearl, 811, 138
Mount St. Helens, 19
Mucrospirifer, 102104
musk deer, 27, 275
mussels, 149150
Myaceae, 151
Mylodon, 250
Namilamadeta, 64
Nanichisme, 64
Nautiloidea, 161164
nautilus, 157159
Nebraska (U.S. state), 25, 57
neocortex, 240
neogastropods, 144145
neognath birds, 239
Neospirifer, 102104
Neotrigonia, 151
Neuropteris, 293
Ngapakaldia, 64
nimravids, 256, 259
Nimravus, 259
Nipponites, 166169
Norfolk Island pine, 295296, 302
North Dakota, 57
Notharctus, 246
notochord, 186
nudibranchs, 142
numerical dating, 3436
Numidotherium, 252
Ochisme, 64
odd-toed hoofed mammals, 261
Odontochelys semitestacea, 211212
odontopleurids, 129130
Ohio, 48
Old Red Sandstone, UK, 196, 197
Olenellidae, 124126
Olenus, 124
Onycharonycteris, 247
Onychodus jandamarrai, 64
open hip joint, 227228
Ophiuroidea, 176
opisthobranchs, 142
opisthoma, 134
opisthoparians, 121
opossums, 248
Orbitremites, 184185
order, 66
Ordovician, 98, 108, 117, 119, 126127, 161162, 188
Oregon grape, 307
oreodonts, 269271
original continuity, 3334
original horizontality, 3334
Ornithischia, 227235
orthides, 98100
Orthis, 98
orthostrophic condition, 143
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 66
osculum, 71
ossicles, 175
Osteichthyes, 202205
osteostracans, 193195
Ostlingoceras, 166
ostriches, 238
Oviraptor, 65
Oxyacodon marshater, 66
oxycone, 163
oysters, 138, 146150
Ozraptor, 64
paddlefish, 202
Painted Desert, Arizona, 206
Palaeomastodon, 252
palaeomerycids, 275
palaeoniscoids, 202203
Palaeosyops, 266
paleobotany, 280308
pallial line, 148149
pallial sinus, 148149
palmetto, 304
palms, 304
Palorchestes, 248
pampatheres, 250
Panopea, 151
Pappochelys, 211
Paraceratherium, 266
Paradoxides, 124125
Paranthropus, 66
Parapuzosia, 156
Parasaurolophus, 233
pariesaurs, 211
Patrofelis, 255
pearls, 138
peccary, 61
pedicle, 9296
pedicle valve, 9296
pedipalps, 134
Peggichisme, 64
Pelagornis, 239
Pelecypoda, 145
Pentamerida, 101103
Pentremites, 184185
Peraceras, 265
Perissodactyla, 259268
permafrost, 67
Permian, 98, 206, 291
Permian extinction, 90, 98,102, 113, 119, 163, 169, 183, 185, 244
permineralization, 1011
Persian Gulf, 85
Peru, 6
Peterson, O. A., 66
Petoskey stones, 90
Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, 810, 206, 294, 302
phacopids, 131
Phacops, 131133
pharynx, 186
Phiomia, 252
Pholadidae, 151
phorusrhacids, 237239
Phosphatherium, 252
Phyllograptus, 190192
phylum, 67
phytosaurs, 222223
Pieza pi, 64
Pilkipildridae, 64
pinnules, 181
placentals, 249279
Placenticeras, 163165
placoderms, 196198
plankton, 4
plano-convex, 95
plants, 280308
plaster of paris, 4043
platypus, 240, 244
plesiosaurs, 22, 214217, 227
pleuracanth sharks, 198200
pleural lobe, 121122
plications, 9596, 148149
poachers, 57
Poebrodon, 275
Poebrotherium, 273276
polar bears, 24
Polychisme, 64
polyp, 8385
Polyplacophora, 140
Porifera, 7089
Portheus, 205
potassium-40, 34
potassium-argon dating, 3436
pouched mammals, 248249
Prasopora, 110111
primates, 66, 246
Prismopora, 109110
Proboscidea, 251253
Procamelus, 273
procolophonids, 211
Procoptodon, 248
productids, 98
Proetida, 131
Proganochelys, 211212
progymnosperms, 291292
Promerycochoerus, 270272
pronghorns, 275278
proparian suture, 121
prosobranchs, 141145
prosoma, 134
Protherohyus catadontus, 67
Protoceratops, 65
Protoclepsydrops, 241
protolabine camels, 275
“protomammals,” 241
Protoreodon, 269
Protorohippus, 247, 261262
Protylopus, 273
Psaronius, 290
Pteranodon, 225226
pterobranchs, 186192
Pterodactylus, 225
pterosaurs, 222226
Pterygotus, 135137
Ptychoparia, 124
ptychopariids, 124126
Puijila, 64
pulmonates, 142
Purgatorius, 65
Purgatory Hill, Montana, 65
Purussaurus, 222224
pygidium, 121122
pyrite, 12, 122123
quahog, 150
quarries, 44, 4749
Quetzalcoatlus, 225227
quillworts, 286
radial cleavage, 174176
radial symmetry, 174
Radiaspis, 129
Radinskya, 261
Rafinesquina, 98100
Rancho La Brea tar pits, California, 69, 236
range zones, 5455
ratites, 238
razor clams, 151
receptaculitids, 284285
recording locations, 51
recrystallization, 11
Redlichiida, 124
Redrock Canyon, California, 38
reefs, 85
relative dating, 3234
replacement, 1112
Reptilia, 67, 209235
Resserella, 98
Rhabdopleura, 187188
rhabdosomes, 188
Rhamphorhynchus, 225
rhea, 238
rhinoceros, 68, 2527, 66, 263267
Rhinocerotidae, 66
Rhomaleosaurus, 217
Rhombopora, 110
rhynchonellides, 102106
rhynchosaurs, 222223
Rhynia, 286
Riggs, Elmer, 67
roadcuts, 44, 4749
Rodentia, 66
Rooseveltia natteri, 65
Rosaceae, 66
rostroconchs, 140141
rotation, of the earth, 87
rubidium-87, 34
rudistids, 101, 151154
Rugosa, 8790, 101
rule of priority, 67
ruminants, 275277
Russia, 63
Sabal, 304
Sabalites, 304
saber-toothed cat, 61, 227, 257
“sago palms,” 302
Sahelanthropus, 66
San Gabriel Mountains, California, 2021
sandstone, 1618
sarcopterygians, 202
Sarcosuchus, 222
satellite, 51
Sauria, 209221
Saurischia, 227235
Scala, 144
scallops, 147150
Scaphites, 166167
Scaphopoda, 140141
Scaumenac Bay, Quebec, 196
schizochroal eyes, 121
scientific names, 6166
Scleractinia, 8082, 90
scorpions, 131, 282
“scouring rushes,” 291
sea anemones, 8084
sea biscuits, 179180
sea cliffs, 4446
sea cucumbers, 172176
sea hares, 142
sea jellies, 8084
“sea lilies,” 172, 181
sea stars, 172175
sea urchins, 176179
Sebecus, 222
Second World War, 29
sedimentary rocks, 16, 3234
seed ferns, 291
semi-upright posture, 222
septa, 158159
serpenticone, 163
Sespia, 271
setae, 94
Seymour, Texas, 206
Seymouria, 208
shale, 1418
sharks, 198200
Sharktooth Hill, California, 198
Shonisaurus, 214215
short-faced bear, 258259
shovel-tusked mastodonts, 251253
Shubin, Neil, 2426
Siberia, 68
Sierra Nevada, 20
Sigesbeck, Johann, 65
Sigesbeckia, 65
Sigillaria, 288, 290
silica, 812
Silurian, 75, 102, 119, 162, 188, 286
silverfish, 117
sinistral pattern, 142
siphon, 146147
siphonal notch, 142
siphuncle, 158159
Skinner, Morris, 5253, 57
sloths, 249251
Smilodon, 61, 257
Smith, William, 5255
Smithsonian Institution, 52
snakes, 217221
“Snakewater, Montana,” 38
Solnhofen Limestone, Germany, 236
South Dakota (U.S. state), 25, 57, 63
South Pacific islands, 85
species, 63
sphenodontids, 217
sphenophytes, 289291
spicules, 70
spiders, 131, 282
spiral cleavage, 174176
Spirifer, 102
Spiriferida, 94, 102106
Spiroceras, 166169
Spitsbergen, 24
sponges, 7089
spongocoel cavity, 71
springtails, 117
squamates, 217221
Starunia, Poland, 68
steel-toed boots, 48
Stegosaurus, 6263, 232
Steinkern, 1112
Steno, Nicholas, 3234
stenomylines, 275, 276
Stenomylus, 276
Stephanoceras, 163166
Sterculia, 305
stinger cells, 8081
stipe, 188
stolon, 188
Streblostrypa, 109110
Streptelasma, 8788
Strigiphilus garylarsoni, 66
stromatolites, 283284
stromatoporoids, 7678
strontium-87, 34
Strophomena, 96
Strophomenida, 98106
Stupendemys, 211213
sturgeon, 202
Stylemys nebraskensis, 211213
Subhyracodon, 265
sulcus, 9596
“sunflower corals,” 284285
superposition, 3234
suture, 159168
sycon sponge, 7273
symmetry, 147; in brachiopods, 9193
Synapsida, 239279
tabulae, 8586
tabulate corals, 8590
tapirs, 263265
Tapirus, 263
Taxodium, 300301, 303
taxonomy, 6166
Teleoceras, 2627, 264266
teleosts, 202205
tellins, 150
temnospondyls, 206208
Terebra, 144
terebratulides, 104106
test (shell), 175
Tetracorallia, 90
Tetrapodophis, 220
tetrapods, 205209
Thamniscus, 109110
thecae, 188
thelodonts, 194196
theropods, 227235
thorax, 121122
Thrinaxodon, 244
Thylacosmilus, 248249
ticks, 131
tide pools, 172
Tiktaalik, 2425, 205
Tindouf Basin, Morocco, 129, 162, 163
Titanoboa, 221
titanotheres, 265268
Titanotylopus, 275, 277
topographic map, 51
tornaria larva, 174
tortoises, 280
tracheophytes, 286
trepostomes, 108113
Triadobatrachus, 209
Triarthrus, 124
Triassic, 163, 227
Triassic-Jurassic extinction, 169
Triceratops, 6263, 232233
Tridacnidae, 151152
Trigonia, 151152
trilobites, 114131
trinucleids, 128129
trivial name, 63
tuatara, 217
tube feet, 174
tunicates, 186
Turrilites, 166169
Turritella, 144
Turritella ocoyana, 68
turtles, 211213
tusk shells, 140141
Tyrannosaurus rex, 2, 6263, 222, 229231, 233
Uinta Mountains, 2729
uintatheres, 246
umbilicus, 158159
umbo, 148149
University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln, 25
University of Utah, 29
uranium-235, 34
uranium-238, 34
Utah (U.S. state), 15, 2729, 205
valves, 91
vampire squid, 157
Van Valen, Leigh, 66
vascular plants, 286308
vegetative reproduction, 303
Velociraptor, 6263, 229231, 238
venter, 163
ventral valve, 9296
venus clams, 149150
Venus’s flower basket, 7374
Verae peculya, 64
Vernal, Utah, 28
vertebrates, 67, 193279
vicuñas, 273
Vini vedivici, 64
volcano, 19
Wakiewakie, 64
Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 29
Walliserops, 131133
wampum, 138
“warm-blooded dinosaurs” controversy, 233, 240
Washington (U.S. state), 19
water vascular system, 174
Wells, John, 87
Wenlock Limestone, England, 4
Wheeler Shale, Utah, 127
White Cliffs, England, 284
White River badlands, 57
whorl, 142
Wilson, Woodrow, 29
Winchester, Simon, 54
Wyoming (U.S. state), 15, 57, 205
xenacanth sharks, 198200
xenarthrans, 249251
Xiphactinus, 39, 203205
Yalkparidontidaem, 64
Your Inner Fish (Shubin), 24
Ytu brutus, 64
Yucatan, Mexico, 85
Yurlunggur, 64
Zaisanamynodon protheroi, 67
Zanchisme, 64
Zaphrentis, 8788
zircon, 34
Zoological Society of London, 64