Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Aboriginal Australians, 64
Agate Springs fossil beds, Nebraska, 25
alternation of generations, 83–85
American Museum of Natural History, 52
Arcy–sur–Cure, France, 119
articulate brachiopods, 97–106
Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska, 25–27
Batondonoides vanhouteni, 240
Berlin–Ichthyosaur State Park, Nebraska, 214
Bureau of Land Management, U.S., 57
calcareous sponges, 73–74
California (U.S. state), 6
Calistoga Petrified Forest, California, 308
Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, 45, 198
Carcharocles megalodon, 198–201
Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 27–28, 66
Cleveland Shale, Ohio, 196, 197
Cretaceous extinctions, 169, 244
cross–cutting relationships, 33–34
“crown of thorns” sea star, 90
determinate cleavage, 175
Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, 27–31
duckbilled dinosaurs, 231, 303
endocameral deposits, 162
endosiphuncular deposits, 162
even-toed hoofed mammals, 268–279
“false saber-toothed cats,” 256
Florissant Fossil Beds, Colorado, 15, 304
Fossil Butte National Monument, Wyoming, 205
Frick Laboratory, American Museum of Natural History, 52
Gerobatrachus hottoni, 208–209
Ginkgo Petrified Forest, Washington, 308
Grand Canyon, Arizona, 32
Hell Creek Formation, Montana, 65, 235
heteromorph ammonites, 166–169
Holland, William J., 27–29, 66
Holzmaden Shale, Germany, 214–217
Homo neanderthalensis, 63
horizontal tooth replacement, 251–253
“hypothetical ancestral mollusk,” 140–141
inarticulate brachiopods, 96–97
indeterminate cleavage, 174
inertial homeothermy, 234
interambulacral areas, 178
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 68
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 65
Isle of Staffa, Scotland, 20
jacketing (fossils), 40–43
Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah, 235
Kentucky (U.S. state), 48
Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, 19
“lace collar trilobite,” 129
Lance Creek Formation, Wyoming, 235
Late Ordovician extinction, 98, 119
Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina, 198
Liaoning beds, China, 236, 238
Linnaeus, Carolus, 62, 66
Lyme Regis, Dorset, England, 46
Macdonald, J. Reid, 63–64
mammalian evolutionary radiation, 244
“mammal–like reptiles,” 240–241
Mendenhall Gneiss, California, 20–21
Messel lake beds, Germany, 205, 236
Monte Bolca beds, Italy, 205
Nebraska (U.S. state), 25, 57
odd-toed hoofed mammals, 261
Odontochelys semitestacea, 211–212
Old Red Sandstone, UK, 196, 197
Onychodus jandamarrai, 64
original continuity, 33–34
original horizontality, 33–34
orthostrophic condition, 143
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 66
Painted Desert, Arizona, 206
Permian extinction, 90, 98,102, 113, 119, 163, 169, 183, 185, 244
Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, 8–10, 206, 294, 302
potassium-argon dating, 34–36
Protherohyus catadontus, 67
Purgatory Hill, Montana, 65
Rancho La Brea tar pits, California, 6–9, 236
Redrock Canyon, California, 38
rotation, of the earth, 87
San Gabriel Mountains, California, 20–21
Scaumenac Bay, Quebec, 196
semi-upright posture, 222
Sharktooth Hill, California, 198
shovel-tusked mastodonts, 251–253
Smithsonian Institution, 52
“Snakewater, Montana,” 38
Solnhofen Limestone, Germany, 236
South Dakota (U.S. state), 25, 57, 63
South Pacific islands, 85
Strigiphilus garylarsoni, 66
Stylemys nebraskensis, 211–213
symmetry, 147; in brachiopods, 91–93
Triassic-Jurassic extinction, 169
University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln, 25
vegetative reproduction, 303
Venus’s flower basket, 73–74
Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 29
“warm-blooded dinosaurs” controversy, 233, 240
Washington (U.S. state), 19
water vascular system, 174
Wenlock Limestone, England, 4
White Cliffs, England, 284
Your Inner Fish (Shubin), 24
Zaisanamynodon protheroi, 67
Zoological Society of London, 64