Page numbers refer to the 2014 print edition.
p. 28 Nina V. Fedoroff, ‘Prehistoric GM corn’, Science, 302 (2003), 1158–59; p. 34 W. H. McNeill, ‘How the potato changed the world’s history’, Social Research, 66(1) (1999), 67–83; p. 41 Lindsey Williams, Neo Soul (Penguin, New York, 2006), quoted in Ken Albala, Beans: A History (Berg, New York, 2007), 125; p. 44 Alfred Russel Wallace, The Malay Archipelago (Macmillan & Co., London, 1869), 233; p. 45 Pliny, Natural History, 18.43, trans. J. Bostock and H. T. Riley (Bohn, London, 1856); p. 49 Columella, De Re Rustica, V, 8; p. 52 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, 1.8, Anacharsis, ed. R. D. Hicks (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1925); p. 58 John Gerard, Herball (London, 1636), 152; p. 61 John Milton, Paradise Lost II, 639–40; p. 73 Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (Macmillan & Co., London, 1872), 75; p. 76 Pliny, Natural History, 19.42, trans. J. Bostock and H. T. Riley (Bohn, London, 1856); p. 78 John Gerard, Herball (London, 1636), 884; p. 80 Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (Penguin, London, 1984); p. 85 George Young, A Treatise on Opium: Founded Upon Practical Observations (London, 1753), 77; p. 89 Thomas Sydenham, On Epidemics (Epistolae responsoriae) (Letters & Replies); p. 92 Jurg A. Schneider, in Robert Woodson, Jr., et al., Rauwolfia: Botany, Pharmacognosy, Chemistry, & Pharmacology (Little, Brown, Boston, 1955); p. 98 J. D. Hooker, Illustrations of Himalayan Plants (Lovell Reeve, London, 1855), Plate XIX; p. 103 quoted in Pierre Laszlo, Citrus, A History (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2007), 7; p. 108 Margaret Sanger, ‘A Parents’ Problem or a Woman’s?’, The Birth Control Review (1919), 6; p. 110 Philip Miller, The Gardener’s Dictionary (London, 1768); p. 125 David Christy, Cotton is king: or, The culture of cotton, and its relation to agriculture, manufactures and commerce (Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., Cincinnati, 1855); p. 128 Peter Osbeck, A Voyage to China and the East Indies (London, 1771), 270; p. 130 Thomas Sheraton, The Cabinet Dictionary, 1803; p. 134 Lu Tung, quoted in Roy Moxham, Tea: Addiction, Exploitation and Empire (Constable, London, and Carroll & Graf, New York, 2003), 56; p. 138 Jonathan Swift, letter, quoted in Mark Pendergrast, Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and how it Transformed the World (Basic Books, New York, 2010), 3; p. 154 Hymns of the Atharva Veda, Ralph T. H. Griffith (Luzac and Co., London, 1895); p. 151 King James I of England, A Counter-blaste to tobacco, 1604; p. 154 Elijah Bemiss, The Dyer’s Companion (Evert Duycckinck, New York, 1815), 105; p. 156 quoted in Charles C. Mann, 1493: How Europe’s Discovery of the Americas Revolutionized Trade, Ecology and Life on Earth / Uncovering the New World Columbus Created (Granta, London, and Knopf, New York, 2011), 308; p. 160 Pliny, Natural History, 12.12, trans. J. Bostock and H. T. Riley (Bohn, London, 1856); p. 166 Henry David Thoreau, The Maine Woods (Tickner and Fields, Boston, 1864), 231; p. 168 John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America (Viking Books, New York, 1962); p. 174 Marion Sinclair, ‘Kookaburra’; p. 176 J. D. Hooker, letter to Sir William Hooker, 1849, in L. Huxley, Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (John Murray, London, 1918), I, 256; p. 178 William Dampier, A New Voyage Round the World, Vol. 1 (London, 1697), 54; p. 183 D. T. Suzuki, Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist (Harper and Brothers, New York, 1957), 121; p. 188 Virgil, Georgics, II, trans. H.R. Fairclough (Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1999); p. 198 quoted in Jennifer Potter, The Rose (Atlantic Books, London, 2012), 246; p. 202 quoted in Mike Dash, Tulipomania (Gollancz, London, and Crown Publishers, New York, 1999), 87; p. 216 Michel Adanson, A Voyage to Senegal (London, 1759), 96; p. 218 J. D. Hooker letter to T. H. Huxley, in L. Huxley, Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (John Murray, London, 1918), II, 25; p. 219 W. P. Hiern, Catalogue of the African plants collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853–61 (British Museum, London, 1896), I, xiii; p. 222 Alfred Russel Wallace, The Malay Archipelago (Macmillan & Co., London, 1869), 91; p. 226 John Gerard, Herball (London, 1636), 751; p. 228 J. W. von Goethe, ‘Ginkgo biloba’, 1815, from Sigfried Unseld, Goethe and the Ginkgo: A Tree and a Poem, trans. Kenneth J. Northcott (University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London, 2003).
Page numbers refer to the 2014 print edition.
All images are © Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, unless otherwise stated.
CLA&A = Collection of the Library, Art & Archives – © Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Half-title: CLA&A; Frontispiece: CLA&A; Title-page: K000844466 Herbarium Kew; 4a A. H. Church, Food-grains of India (1886), fig. 16; 4b E. Benary, Album Benary (1876), I, Tab. I; 5al detail, see p. 83; 5ar detail, see p. 102; 5b detail, see p. 111; 6al detail, see p. 147; 6ar detail, see p. 131; 6bl detail, see p. 140; 6br detail, see p. 179; 7a CLA&A; 7bl detail, see p. 189; 7br John Day Scrapbooks, CLA&A; 9 Roxburgh Collection, CLA&A; 10r & l CLA&A; 11 H. van Reede tot Drakestein, Hortus Malabaricus (1678) Pars. I, Tab. 37; 12a J.-J. Grandville, Les fleurs animées (1847) vol. I; 12b P.-J. Buc’hoz, Collection precieuse et enluminée des fleurs (1776), vol. 2, pl. XII; 13 Roxburgh Collection, CLA&A; 14, 15l CLA&A; 15r A. Targioni Tozzetti, Raccolta di fiori frutti ed agrumi (1825), Pl. 22; 16 J. Rea, A Complete Florilege (1665), frontispiece; 17 E. Benary, Album Benary (1879), VI, Tab. XXIII; 18l J. Metzger, Europaeische Cerealien (1824), Tab. VI; 18r Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie, Les meilleurs blés (1880), p. 135; 19, 20 CLA&A; 23 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1794) Centuria VI, Tab. 557; 24 CLA&A; 25l J. Metzger, Europaeische Cerealien (1824), Tab. XIX; 25r CLA&A; 26 A. H. Church, Food-grains of India (1886), fig. 28; 28 A. F. Frézier, A voyage to the South-sea, and along the coasts of Chili and Peru (1717), pl. 10; 29 F. G. Hayne, Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse (1830), Vol. 11, pl. 45; 30l J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1803), Centuria VII, Tab. 694; 30r E. Benary, Album Benary (1876), IV, Tab. XV; 31 CLA&A; 33 K000478459 Herbarium Kew; 35 CLA&A; 36 N. F. Regnault, La Botanique (1774), Tome I, pl. 33; 37 W. G. Mortimer, Peru: History of Coca (1901), p. 196; 38 M. E. Descourtilz, Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles (1829) Tome VIII, pl. 545; 39 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1838–39), vol. 65 (new ser., v. 12), Tab. 3641; 40 CLA&A; 42 H. van Reede tot Drakestein, Hortus Malabaricus (1688) Pars. 8, Tab. 41; 43 CLA&A; 44 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1803), Centuria VII, Tab. 656; 45 H. van Reede tot Drakestein, Hortus Malabaricus (1692) Pars. 11, Tab. 22; 46 P. de’ Crescenzi, De omnibus agriculturae partibus (1548) Liber II, p. 43; 47l W. Harte, Essays on Husbandry (1770, 2nd ed.) pl. V; 47r J. Metzger, Europaeische Cerealien (1824), Tab. XII; 48 CLA&A; 51 P. d’Aygalliers L’olivier et l’huile d’olive (1900), p. 257; 52 P. de’ Crescenzi, De omnibus agriculturae partibus (1548) Liber IIII, p. 117; 53 P.-J. Redouté, Choix des plus belles fleurs (1827–33), pl. 24; 55 J. P. de Tournefort, A Voyage into the Levant (1741), p. 396; 56 E. Benary, Album Benary (1879), VI, Tab. XXIV; 57l CLA&A; 57r N. F. Regnault, La Botanique (1774), Tome 2, pl. 91; 58 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 78362; 59 F. E. Köhler, Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen (1887), Band II, Tab. 164; 60, 61 CLA&A; 62, 63 G. T. Burnett, Medical Botany (1835 new ed.), Vol. II, Pl. 104 and Pl. 95; 64 H. van Reede tot Drakestein, Hortus Malabaricus (1688) Pars. 7, Tab. 12; 65a Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 78869; 65b Marianne North, 119. Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Nutmeg Tree, and Humming Bird, Jamaica; 66 CLA&A; 67 E. Benary, Album Benary (1877), V, Tab. XVII; 69 E. Benary, Album Benary (1879), VI, Tab. XXII; 70l&r J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium, (1789), Centuria III, Tab. 253 and Tab. 254; 72 E. Benary, Album Benary (1879), VI, Tab. XXI; 73 CLA&A; 74 E. Benary, Album Benary (1876), I, Tab. I; 75l K000914166 Herbarium Kew; 75r Agricultural Society of Japan, The Useful Plants of Japan (1895), Chap. XIV, No. 308; 76 J. Gerard, Herball (1633), Lib. 2, Chap. 457, p. 1110; 77 E. Blackwell, A curious herbal (1739), Vol. II, pl. 332; 79 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1812), Centuria VIII, fasc. 2, Tab. 707; 80 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1828), vol. 55 (new ser., v. 2), Tab. 2814; 81 E. Benary, Album Benary (1879), VI, Tab. XXIV; 82 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 41265; 83l Roxburgh Collection, CLA&A; 83r G. W. Knorr, Thesaurus rei herbariæ hortensisque universalis (1770), Tome 1, Pars. 2, Tab. A14; 84 CLA&A; 85 J.-J. Grandville, Les fleurs animées (1847) vol. I; 86 ‘Poppy Seed Head’, © Brigid Edwards, part of the Shirley Sherwood Collection; 87 J. Stephenson, Medical Botany (1834–36), Vol. 3, pl. 159; 88 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1789), Centuria II, Tab. 131; 89 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 52445; 91 Tanaka Yoshio & Ono Motoyoshi, Somoku-Dzusetsu; or, an iconography of plants indigenous to, cultivated in, or introduced into Nippon (Japan) (1874), no. 26; 92 CLA&A; 93 H. van Reede tot Drakestein, Hortus Malabaricus (1686) Pars. 6, Tab. 47; 94 W. G. Mortimer, Peru: History of Coca (1901), p. 89; 95 K000700870 Herbarium Kew; 96 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1789), Centuria II, Tab. 117; 97 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 49120; 98 A. Kircher, China Illustrata (1667), p. 184; 99 CLA&A; 101 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1812), Centuria VIII, Tab. 701; 102 Roxburgh Collection, CLA&A; 104l J. C. Volkamer, Nürnbergische Hesperides (1708–14), Vol. I, p. 164 a; 104r T. Moore, The Florist and Pomologist (1877), f. p. 205; 106 L. Fuchs, De Historia Stirpium (1551) Cap XLIX, p. 143; 107 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1818), vol. 45, Tab. 1975; 109 M. Scheidweiler, L’Horticulteur Belge (1837), No. 76; 111 P.-J. Redouté, Choix des plus belles fleurs (1827–33), pl. 41; 112 Roxburgh Collection, CLA&A; 113l CLA&A; 113r P. Sonnerat, Voyage aux Indes orientales et à la Chine (1782), Tome. 1, pl. 26; 114 CLA&A; 115 F. Antoine, Die Coniferen (1841) Vol. V, Tab. XXIII; 116 F. A. Michaux, The North American Sylva (1865), Vol. I, Pl. 2; 117 CLA&A; 118 T. Nuttall, The North American Sylva (1865), Vol. IV, ii; 121 N. F. Regnault, La Botanique (1774) Tome II, Pl. 79; 123 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1812) Centuria VIII, Tab. 706; 124 Roxburgh Collection, CLA&A; 126 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 73588; 127 Roxburgh Collection, CLA&A; 128 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 67854; 129 E. M. Satow, The Cultivation of Bamboos in Japan (1899); 130 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 73892; 131 F. G. Hayne, Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse (1805), Vol. 1, pl. 19; 132 CLA&A; 133l J. Cowell, The Curious and Profitable Gardener (1730), foldout plate; 133r CLA&A; 134 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 66450; 135 CLA&A; 136l J. C. Volkamer, Nürnbergische Hesperides (1708–14), Vol. II, p. 145; 136r S. Ball, An Account of the Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea in China (1848), Frontispiece; 137 CLA&A; 138 P. S. Dufour, Traitez nouveaux & curieux du café, du thé et du chocolate (1688), p. 15; 139 F. G. Hayne, Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse (1825), Vol. 9, Pl. 32; 140 CLA&A; 141 F. Thurber, Coffee: from Plantation to Cup (1881); 142 CLA&A; 143 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 40591; 145 A. H. Church, Food-grains of India (1886), fig. 14; 147 B. Hoola van Nooten, Fleurs Fruits et Feuillages choisis de la flore et de la pomone de l’île de Java (1863); 148 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 56321; 150 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1788) Centuria I, Tab. 99; 151 P. Sonnerat, Voyage aux Indes orientales et à la Chine (1782), vol. 1, pl. 8; 153 B. Stella, Il Tabacco Opera (1669), p. 204; 154 J. G. Stedman, Narrative of a five years’ expedition against the revolted Negroes of Surinam (2nd ed., 1806), Vol. II; 155 N. F. Regnault, La Botanique (177), Tome II, pl. 47; 157 F. E. Köhler, Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen (1887), Band III, pl. 8; 158 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 44097; 160 L. Colla, Memoria sul Genere Musa e Monografia de Medesimo (1820), end plate; 161 B. Hoola van Nooten, Fleurs Fruits et Feuillages choisis de la flore et de la pomone de l’île de Java (1863); 163 F. E. Köhler, Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen (1887), Band III, pl. 77; 164 CLA&A; 165l Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1859), vol. 85 (ser. 3, v. 15), Tab. 5146; 165r Marianne North, 563. A Mangrove Swamp in Sarawak, Borneo; 167 G. T. Burnett, Medical Botany (1835) Vol. II, Pl. LXXV (2); 169 Marianne North, 173. Under the Redwood Trees at Goerneville, California; 170 Marianne North, 185. Vegetation of the Desert of Arizona; 171 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1892), vol. 118 (ser. 3, v. 4), Tab. 7222; 173 Voyage de la corvette L’astrolabe exécuté pendant les années 1826–1829 (1833) Atlas, Pl. 10; 174 CLA&A; 175 Conrad Loddiges & Sons, The Botanical Cabinet (1821), Vol. 6 Tab. 501; 177l J. D. Hooker, Himalayan Journals (1854), Vol. II, Pl. VII (Frontispiece); 177r J. D. Hooker, The Rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya (1849), Tab. 1; 179 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1789) Centuria II, Tab. 359; 180 CLA&A; 181l J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1789) Centuria II, Tab. 376; 181r A. Targioni Tozzetti, Raccolta di fiori frutti ed agrumi (1825), Pl. 5; 182 CLA&A; 183 A. Kircher, China Illustrata (1667), p. 140; 184 Economic Botany Collection, Kew, EBC 41216; 185 R. Duppa, Illustrations of the Lotus of the Ancients, and Tamara of India (1816); 186 E. Kaempfer, Amoenitatum Exoticarum (1712), Fasc. IV, p. 747; 187 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1812), Centuria VIII, Tab. 726; 188 E. Kaempfer Amoenitatum Exoticarum (1712), Fasc. III, p. 641; 189 F. E. Köhler, Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen (1890), Band II, Tab. 175; 190 A. Poiteau, Pomologie française (1846), Tome II, Grenadier Pl. 1; 191 Maria Sibylla Merian, Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium (1705), Pl. 9; 192 J. H. Knoop, Pomologie, ou Description des meilleures sortes de pommes et de poires (1771), Tab. V; 193 M. Bussato, Giardino di agricoltura (1592), Cap. 30; 195 J. J. Plenck, Icones Plantarum Medicinalium (1791), Centuria IV, Tab. 394; 196 Agricultural Society of Japan, The Useful Plants of Japan (1895), Chap. IX, No. 179; 197 CLA&A; 198 J. Gerard, Herball (1633), Lib. 3, p. 1261; 199 P.-J. Redouté, Les Roses, (1817), Vol. 1, Pl. 107; 200l CLA&A; 200r K000844514 Herbarium Kew; 202 K000844460 Herbarium Kew; 203 Tulipa greigii 1973, © Estate of Mary Grierson; p. 204 Robert Thornton’s Temple of Flora, or Garden of Nature (1799–1807), Pl. 10; 206 E. Kaempfer Amoenitatum Exoticarum (1712), Fasc. V, p. 844; 207 CLA&A; 208 John Day Scrapbooks, volume 44, p. 13; 209 CLA&A; 210 F. Bauer, Illustrations of Orchidaceous Plants (1830–38) Part 2, Tab. 11; 212 P.-J. Redouté, Choix des plus belles fleurs (1827–33), Pl. 22; 213, 214 CLA&A; 215l Roxburgh Collection, CLA&A; 215r Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1863), vol. 89 (ser. 3, v. 19), Tab. 5369; 216 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1828), vol. 55 (new ser., v. 2), Tab. 2791; 217 Thomas Baines Collection, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; 219 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1863), vol. 89 (ser. 3, v. 19), Tab. 5368; 221 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1847), vol. 73 (ser. 3, v. 3), Tab. 4276; 223 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1828), vol. 55 (new ser., v. 2), Tab. 2798; 224, 225 CLA&A; 226 C. Duret, Histoire admirable des plantes et herbes esmerueillables & miraculeuses en nature (1605), p. 253; 227 CLA&A; 228 E. Kaempfer, Amoenitatum Exoticarum (1712), Fasc. V, p. 811; 229 CLA&A.