A | B | C | D | E
F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O
P | R | S | T | U
V | W
Acting out stories, 173-74
Alphabet Soup, 88
Animal tracks, 58-59
Apples, Half-Baked, 112-13
Aprons, 78
Art lines, 171
Art projects, 168-72
beads, 183
child’s own book, 190-91
ephemeral art, 180-81
family portraits, 170-71
floral paper, 186-89
food art, 90
hanging bells or chimes, 175
leaf and flower collages, 193
nature’s stained glass window, 191-92
with pipe cleaners, 172
potato head portraits, 128
rainsticks, 177-78
scented ornaments, 183
sculpting with clay, 182
setting up area for, 168
supplies for, 169
tablecloth decoration, 170
toad cottages, 176
Atlases, 27
Backyard Explorer Kit, 32
Bale planting, 164-65
Banana Bliss, 113
Basil, growing, 158-59
book, 5
“mad,” 6
of memories, 6
Bats, 69
Beads, 183
Beans, growing, 119-21
Beans in a Blanket, 94-95
Bells, hanging, 175
Berry-Basket Biscuits, 86
Berry Soup, Simple Summer, 89
Bindlestick lunch, 58
Birdbaths, 33
Birdhouses, 42
attracting to yard, 42-43
hummingbirds, 44
learning about, 48
listening to, 48-49
neighborhood, chart of, 47
peanut butter energy food for, 50
pinecone feeders for, 50
Bird words, 49
Birth tree, 9
Biscuits, Berry-Basket, 86
Bone folder, 190
Book, making:
child’s own book, 190-91
with moon phases, 67
about time spent together, 24
Book-a-month club, 21
Book basket, 5
Bookmarks a month, 26
reading aloud in dramatic way, 173
Breakfast, 81-86
Bubbles, blowing, 28-29
Dump, 106
Mini Mug, 105
Cameras, for grandchildren, 25
Campfires, 72-73
Carrots, growing, 118, 133-34, 147-48
Chalks, drawing with, 168, 171
Chamomile tea, as garden spray, 120
Heidi Sandwich, 87
Mac and, 95-96
Chimes, 175
Citrus trees, growing, 122-23
making beads with, 183
sculpting with, 182
Collages, leaf and flower, 193
No-Bake Nests, 104-5
Peanut Butter, 103-4
Cooking, 75-113
breakfast, 81-86
dessert, 103-6
dinner, 94-99
faerie tea party, 92-93
family recipes, 76
lunch, 87-89
organic food and, 77
preparing for, 77-80
snacks, 91
with sunshine, 108-13
Crickets, 65
Critter Cakes, 83-84
Critter-friendly yard, 40-45
Croutons, 102
Daikon radishes, growing, 128
Dandelion wishes, 6
Desserts, 103-6
Dinner, 94-99
restaurant night at home, 97-99
tabletop nature museum, 37
tokonoma, 11
for each grandchild’s things, 3
family portraits, 170-71
natural objects, 35
Dump Cake, 106
Frog on a Lily Pad, 82
Seussian Scramble, 81-82
Watercress Nests, 162
Ephemeral art, 180-81
Faerie berries, 144
Faerie Carriages, Pumpkin, 155
Faerie handkerchiefs, 52
Faerie house and garden, 16-19
Faerie mailboxes, 13-15
Faerie stories, 21
Faerie tea party, 92-93
Family history, 9
Family portraits, 170-71
Family recipes, 76
Family time capsule, 10
Fireflies, 64
Five-senses walkabout, 33-35
Flashlights, night vision and, 68
collages with leaves and, 193
making paper with, 186-89
Memory Game and, 194-95
Fluffy Clouds, 84-85
Food art, 90
Fortune cookies, 26
Frog on a Lily Pad, 82
Frogs, 43
Memory Game, 194-95
Mother Nature’s Toy Chest, 196-197
Scavenger Hunt, 51
Sensory Sack, 36
Spider Search, 53
treasure trove of, 5
Gardens, indoor. See Kitchen garbage gardens
Gardens, outdoor, 139-65
bale planting in, 164-65
Italian foods in, 156-59
moisture meters for, 149
potatoes in, 149-51
preparing and planting pots for, 141
pumpkins in, 152-55
salad greens in, 160-65
Garlic, growing, 118, 133-34, 159
Ginger, growing, 134-35
Good-night stories, 25
Gourd instruments, 179
Gramma Gimmy’s Mini Mug Cakes, 105
Granny-ola, 112
Grasshopper toy, 196
Half-Baked Apples, 112-13
Heidi Sandwich, 87
Herbs, growing, 136-37, 158-59
in salad garden, 160-65
Hideouts, in yard, 46-47
Hollyhock doll, 191
Hummingbirds, 44
Huwawanani, 196
Italian foods, growing, 156-59
Italian Spaghetti Dinner, 97-99
Japanese kyaraben, 107
Joke-a-month, 26
Keeping in touch, 26
Kitchen garbage gardens, 115-37
beans in, 119-21
beets, carrots, leeks, and garlic in, 118, 133-34
chamomile tea spray for, 120
citrus trees in, 122-23
equipment for, 117
ginger in, 134-35
glass containers with root vegetables in, 128
herbs in, 136-37
labeling plants in, 122
peanuts in, 124-26
peek-a-boo planters for, 134
pineapples in, 130-31
potatoes in, 127-28
pumpkins in, 121-22
temperature and drafts in, 123
wheat berries in, 132
Kyaraben, Japanese, 107
Labels, for plants, 122
Lacrosse, 196
Ladybird beetles, 43
Lanterns, firefly, 64
Lavender sugar, 107
collages with flowers and, 193
collecting, 39
making place cards with, 95
rubbing, 39
scented, sugar flavored with, 107
Leftovers, gardening with. See Kitchen garbage gardens
handmade postcards and, 21
growing, 160-65
Life board, 4
firefly lanterns, 64
to birds, 48-49
to crickets, 65
in nature walkabout, 33-34
to pumpkin growing, 153
Lizards, 42
Long-distance granny, 20-21
Looking at nature, 35
Loop toss, 197
Lunch, 87-89
bindlestick, 58
Japanese kyaraben, 107
Mac and Cheese, 95-96
Mâche, 160
“Mad basket,” 6
Mailboxes, faerie, 13-15
marking travels on, 27
of yard or neighborhood, 38
Mealtime conversations, 96
Measuring ingredients, 80
Memory basket, 6
Memory box, 199
Memory Game, 194-95
Meteors, 70-71
Mini Mug Cake, 105
Moisture meters, 149. See also Poke test
Moon, observing, 66-67
Moon Pizzas, 111
Mother Nature’s toy chest, 196-97
Mud pies, 11-12
for butterflies, 41
Museum of natural treasures, 37
carved in pumpkin, 153
grown with wheat berries, 132
Native American toys, 196-97
Natural objects. See also Flowers; Leaves
drawing, 35
in faerie house and garden, 16-19
in faerie mailbox, 13-15
Scavenger Hunt for, 51
in Sensory Sack, 36
in stained glass window, 191-92
stockpiling, 4
in tabletop museum, 37
in tokonoma display, 11
toys made with, 196-97
Nature, 31-73
animal tracks and, 58-59
ephemeral art and, 180-81
five-senses walkabout and, 33-35
nighttime explorations and, 60-73
waterside expeditions and, 54-57
Nature map, 38
Neighborhood bird chart, 47
Nighttime explorations, 60-73
campfires and, 72-73
meteors and, 70-71
moon and, 66-67
No-Bake Nests, 104-5
Onions, growing, 128
Oregano, growing, 159
Organic fruits and vegetables, 77
Ornaments, scented, 183
Pancakes, Critter Cakes, 83-84
Papers, floral, 186-89
Parsnips, growing, 118
Peanut butter:
Cookies, 103-4
energy food for birds, 50
Homemade, Homegrown, 126
Peanuts, growing, 124-26
Peek-a-boo planters, 134
in basket of memories, 6
drawing from, 170-71
family history and, 9
of long-distance granny, 20
of parents when they were children, 24
stick puppets with, 173
taken by grandchild, 25
of times spent together, 24
Pineapple, growing, 130-31
Pinecone bird feeders, 50
Pipe cleaners, 172
Pizza box oven, 108-13
making, 109-10
recipes for, 111-13
Pizzas, Moon, 111
Place cards, natural, 95
Planting in pots, 141
Plastic shopping bags, 79
Poke test, for soil moisture, 136
Ponds, 43
underwater viewers for, 54-56, 57
family, 170-71
potato head, 128
Postcards, handmade, 21
Potatoes, growing, 127-28, 149-150
Potato head portraits, 128
Potato Snowmen, 151
Potato Volcanoes, 150-51
Pots, preparing and planting, 141
Pumpkin Crunchies, 154
Pumpkin Faerie Carriages, 155
Pumpkins, growing, 121-22, 152-53, 155
Puppet shows, 173
Radishes, growing, 118, 128, 147-48
Rainsticks, 177-78
Recordings, of good-night stories, 25
Restaurant night at home, 97-99
Rose sugar, 107
Salad Bar Party, 101-2
Salad gardens, 160-65
Salads, colors, textures, and tastes in, 100
Sandboxes, 11-12
Sand dollars, 18
Sandwich, Heidi, 87
Scarecrows, look-alike, 4-5
Scavenger Hunt, 51
Scramble, Seussian, 81-82
Screen savers, photos in, 20
Sculpting with clay, 182
Self-portraits, 170-71
Senses, nature walkabout and, 33-35
Sensory Sack, 36
Seussian Scramble, 81-82
Sleeping places, 3
Smells, in nature, 34
Smoothies, Slippery-Slider, 81
S’mores, 73
Snacks, 91
Snow peas, growing, 143
Sound makers:
hanging bells or chimes, 175
rainsticks, 177-78
Alphabet, 88
Simple Summer Berry, 89
Spaghetti Dinner, 97-99
Spaghetti squash, growing, 157-58
Spider Search, 53
Spider webs, 52
Stained glass window, natural, 191-92
acting out, 173-74
family history and, 9
good-night, 25
telling around campfire, 72-73
Strawberries, growing, 143-44
String-a-ma-bob, 197
Sugars, flavored, 107
Sunshine, cooking with, 108-13
Sweet potatoes, growing, 118, 127-28
Tablecloth art project, 170
Tastes, in nature, 34
Tater Tots, 149
Tea parties, 12
faerie, 92-93
Tents, for “sleepovers,” 3
Time capsule, 10
Tin can band, 179
Toad cottages, 176
Toads, 43
Tokonoma displays, 11
Tomatoes, growing, 144-46, 157
Tomato Sauce, Roasted, 98-99
Touching, in nature, 35
Toys made of natural objects, 196-97
Tracks, of animals, 58-59
Travels, 27
Traveling with grandchildren, 29
Treasure trove of games, 5
Memory Game and, 194-95
planting when grandchild is born, 9
Turnips, growing, 118
Turtles, 43
Vacation book, 24
Vanilla, as perfume, 85
Vanilla sugar, 107
Vegetables, 96
growing. See Gardens, outdoor; Kitchen garbage gardens
organic, 77
Walkabout, five-senses, 33-35
Walnut dice, 197
Washing fruits and vegetables, 89, 143
Watercress, growing, 162
Watercress Nests, 162
Waterside expeditions, 54-57
Wheat berries, growing, 132
Willow rod and ring, 197
Wind chimes, 175
Wind wishes, 188
Word-a-month, 26
Worms, 184-85