Note: Page numbers in italics indicate a figure and page numbers in bold indicate a table on the corresponding page.
Abraham 48
Abrahams, Karl 290
Adler, Alfred 227, 236, 245–247
Aga, Mustapha 76
Agassiz, Louis 152
Albee, G. W. 105
Alenis, Julius 350
Alexander the Great 53
Allah 57
Allport, Gordon 220, 251, 264–265
Anderson, Norman 313
Angell, James Rowland 27, 145, 162–163
Aristophanes 51
Arnheim, Rudolph 223
Arvanitaki, Angelique 81
Augustinus, Aurelius 56
Averröes 58
Avicenna 58
Bain, Alexander 108, 119–120, 126
Bakan, David 8
Baldwin, James Mark 166
Baynes, C. 348
Bekhterev, Vladimir 321, 331–334
Bellah, Robert 346
Bem, Sandra 293
Benjamin, L. T. 308
Bentham, Jeremy 118
Bernays, Martha 231
Berry, J. W. 9
Beutler, L. E. 22
Bleuler, Eugen 242
Bond, M. H. 345
Boodoo, G. 96
Boring, Edward G. 27
Botkin, S. P. 329
Bouchard, T. J. 96
Bowditch, Henry Pickering 157
Bowers, G. 28
Boykin, A. W. 96
Boyle, Robert 114
Brady, N. 96
Brentano, Franz 130, 139–140, 143, 209
Broca, Pierre-Paul 69, 77–78, 88
Brooks, D. 85
Bruce, Addington 237
Brücke, Ernst 231
Brush, Stephen J. 31
Burbles, N. C. 7
Burr, Emily T. 284
Calkins, Mary Whiton 16, 279–280
Caporael, Linnda 30
Cattell, James McKeen 145, 165–167, 177–178
Cavendish, William 71
Ceci, S. J. 96
Chaplin, J. P. 28
Charcot, Jean-Martin 90–91, 99–100, 230
Chelpanov, Georgy 321, 334–335
Christina of Sweden (Queen) 66
Clark, Jonas Gilman 158
Cohen, I. B. 33
Combe, George 95
Comte, Auguste 108, 111, 125–126
Coon, D. J. 29
Cooper, Sathasivian 363
Corey, Martha 30
Cronan-Hillix, William 27
Crouse, E. M. 308
Danziger, K. 142
Darwin, Charles 145, 147–150, 177
Dasen, P. R. 9
de Bernieres, Louis 143
Deleon, P. H. 20
Dembo, Tamara 221
Deng, Xiaoping 354
Denmark, Florence 294
Descartes, René 40–41, 65–66, 69, 71–72, 87, 90, 113, 160–161
Dewey, John 26–27, 145, 160–162, 177
Dix, Dorothea 230
Donders, Franciscus Cornelius 138
Dubois-Raymond, Emil 136
Duncker, Karl 222
Ebbinghaus, Hermann 15, 108–109, 121–122
Einstein, Albert 214
Eliot, Charles William 153
Elliotson, John 98
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 152
Emperor Wu 347
Entwistle, S. R. 22
Erdmann, Benno 163
Fairbairn, W. R. D. 250, 254–255
Fechner, G. T. 121, 129, 133–135, 134, 143
Ferrier, David 78
Fitzroy, Robert 147
Flourens, Marie-Jean Pierre 69, 76–77, 77, 87–88
Foster, Thomas 94
Fox, P. T. 82
Freedheim, Donald K. 28
Freud, Sigmund 26–27, 52, 100, 227–228, 230–240, 238, 239
Fromm, Erich 250, 260–263, 263
Frost, Robert 198
Gabriel 57
Galilei, Galileo 40, 63–64, 71
Gallup, G. G. 85
Galperin, Petr 339
Galton, Sir Francis 145, 148, 150–151
Gantt, W. H. 330
Gassner, Johann Joseph 97
Gautama, Siddhartha 47
Gazzaniga, M. S. 83
Gibbons, Alice Howe 153
Gilbreth, Lillian Moller 286–287
Golddman-Rakic, Patricia 81
Goldstein, Kurt 222
Good, Sarah 30
Griesinger, William 230
Hall, Granville Stanley 34, 156–159, 371
Harlow, Dr. John 79
Havel, Vaclav 4
Heelas, P. 10
Heidbreder, Edna 27
Hein, A. 123
Hell, Maximillian 97
Henle, Mary 223
Henslow, John Stevens 147
Heraclitus 7
Herodotus 50
Hobbes, Thomas 69, 71–72, 87, 114
Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd 81
Hollingworth, Leta Stetter 284–285
Holt, Henry 153
Holtzman, W. 10
Hull, Clark 91, 100, 105, 190–192
Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding 81
James, Henry 152
James, William 20, 27, 101, 104, 141, 152–156
Johnson, Allan 306
Jordan, David Starr 283
Jung, Carl 235–237, 241–245, 374–375
Kant, Immanuel 108, 120–121, 206, 209
Khrushchev, Nikita 340
Kierkegaard, Søren 270
Kimble, G. A. 34
King, Martin Luther, Jr. 27
King Philip 53
Koch, S. 25
Koffka, Kurt 207, 214–215, 224
Köhler, Wolfgang 27, 207–208, 215–217
König, Arthur 121
Kornilov, Konstantin 321, 325, 335–336
Kraepelin, Emil 230
Krawiec, T. 28
Krock, Ray 95
Ladd-Franklin, Christine 282–283
Lange, Carl 155
Lao-tzu 46
Lashley, Karl 180, 186–188, 187
Leahy, T. H. 33
Leibowitz, H. W. 103
Lemonick, M. D. 85
Leontiev, Aleksei 322, 338–340
Lerner, Gerda 277
Ley, Ronald 215
Li, Shizhen 349
Liébeault, Auguste Ambroise 90, 99
Loehlin, J. C. 96
Loftus, Elizabeth F. 123, 302–303
Lorenz, Konrad 169
Lötze, Rudolph Herman 165
Lundy, R. M. 103
Mach, Ernst 108, 112, 125, 209
Magendie, Francois 74
Magnus, Albertus 60
Maras, Pam 6
Marquis de Puysegur 98
Marx, Melvin H. 27
McDaniel, Susan H. 16
McDougall, William 185
McKeachie, W. J. 34
Mencius 46
Meng, Tzu 347
Mesmer, Franz Anton 90, 96–98, 105
Meyer, Adolf 376
Mill, John Stuart 108, 118–119, 152
Miller, Beulah 29
Misiak, H. K. 116
Mitchell, Silas Weir 78
Molyneux, William 113
Monte, Christopher 233
Mowrer, Orval Hobart 180, 195–196
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 97
Münsterberg, Hugo 29, 91, 101, 172–175, 177–178
Murchinson, Carl 28
Nash, M. 103
Neisser, U. 96
Nichomachus 52
Nurse, Rebecca 30
Ogden, Robert 220
Oppenheim, Hermann 290
Osborn, Sarah 30
Park, A. 85
Parmenides 50
Parris, Samuel 30
Parrish, M. 103
Paul the apostle 55
Pavlov, Ivan P. 182, 188–190, 321, 329–330
Pearson, Karl 151
Perloff, R. 96
Peter the Great 324
Petersen, S. E. 82
Pilate, Pontius 55
Plotinus 54
Polo, Marco 349
Poortinga, Y. H. 9
Porter, R. 33
Posner, M. I. 82
Prince, Morton 376
Raichle, M. E. 82
Rayner, Rosalie 184
Ricci, Matteo 349
Rice, S. 7
Richards, Graham 306
Robinson, James H. 31
Rorty, R. 7
Ross, Barbara 152
Rush, Benjamin 230
Russo, Nancy 291
St. Augustine 56
St. Mary of Bethlehem 229
Saint-Simons, Henri 111
Sammons, M. T. 20
Scarborough, E. 32
Schacter, D. L. 125
Schur, Max 240
Sechenov, Ivan M. 327–329, 330
Segall, M. H. 9
Seligman, Martin 21, 181, 199–200
Sexton, J. L. 20
Sexton, V. S. 116
Sinha, D. 10
Skinner, Burrhus Fredric 181, 183, 196–199
Slife, B. D. 34
Smith, Edwin 76
Spearman, Charles 82
Sperry, R. W. 83
Spinoza, Baruch 90, 92–93, 105, 113
Spurzheim, Johann Gasper 90, 95
Squire, L. R. 82
Stalin, Joseph 325
Stekel, Wilhelm 236
Suinn, Richard 315
Taylor, Dalmas 312
Taylor, Harriet 118
Thales 49
Theana 50
Thoreau, Henry David 152
Thorndike, Edward Lee 119, 145, 167–169
Thucydides 50
Timofejewna, Raissa 245
Tinbergen, Niko 169
Titchener, Edward Bradford 16–17, 27, 130, 137, 141, 146
Tituba 30
Tolman, Edward C. 180, 193–195, 194, 195
Triandis, H. C. 9
Urbina, S. 96
von Bingen, Hildegard 278
von Ehrenfels, Christian 206–207, 209–210
von Fleischl, Ernst 231
von Helmholtz, Hermann L. F. 75, 138, 157
von Leeuwenhoek, Anton 94
von Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 90, 93–94, 105, 113
von Posch, Maria Anna 97
Vygotsky, Lev 337
Wakefield, P. J. 22
Wallace, Alfred Russel 149
Wallin, J. E. Wallace 371
Washburn, Margaret Floy 141, 280–282
Watson, John B. 27, 33, 163, 180, 182, 184–185
Weber, Ernst Heinrich 129
Wedgwood, Emma 148
Wells, Samuel 95
Wertheimer, Max 27, 207–212, 214
Wilhelm, R. 348
Williams, Beryl 326
Williams, R. E. 22
Williams, R. N. 34
Wissler, Clark 166
Witmer, Lightner 34, 103–104, 145, 152, 175–176, 178
Wittman, Blanche 100
Woodworth, Robert Sessions 27, 145, 169–171
Worcester, Elwood 376
Wundt, Wilhelm 15–17, 27, 130, 136–139, 143, 146, 208
Xun, Zi 347
Yahweh 48
Yan, Yongjin 351
Young, Thomas 75
Zener, Karl 220
Zola-Morgan, S. 82