From the author’s collection: 269
Courtesy of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation: 259
Janet Conroy: 21 bottom left, 99, 192, 258
Ryan Conroy: 257 bottom
Courtesy of Cooper Industries, Inc., Diamond Farrier Products: 228
From the collection of Alan Fall: 177, 255
Caroline Freeman: 53
Courtesy of George Hollis Collection, Concord, NH: 150, 155, 256, 257 top and middle
Gerie Huppe: 178 top, 187 top, 196, 200 top
Wendy Huppe: 178 bottom
© Adam Mastoon: vii, 17, 22 bottom, 29, 35, 69–76, 221
Lee Sawyer: 187 bottom
Frank Scruton: 98
Pauline Scruton: 204
Courtesy of Bill Speiden: 191
Betty Van Ord: 170