Abbasids, the xxii

‘Abd al-Rahman III 381

Abdera 355

Acconcia Longo, Augusta 224–5, 233 n19, 234 n43

Achmet, writer 329

Acta sanctorum 257 n14

Acton, Lord 478 n50

Adrian Komnenos 27

Adrianople 53

Aelian 155, 161 n15;

Taktika 149–50, 152, 153

Aeneas Tacticus 152;

On Siegecraft 149

Aeschylus 106, 204

Agapetos Diakonos 436

Agapitos, P. 210 n27

Agathias 86–7, 218, 437

Agatho, pope 10

Agathon of Lipari 225

Agios Georgios tower 354

Agios Hilarion fortress 353

Ahura Mazda 104, 112 n18

Aikatherine, wife of Isaac I Komnenos 72–3, 77–8, 79

Akindynos 256, 259 n57, 259 n67

Akropolites 64, 213, 215

Alans, the 377

Albania and Albanians 430, 457, 464;

coin finds 43

Aldus Manuatius 436

Alegri, Francesco de, Don 417

Alexander, Paul 5

Alexander the Great 107, 152, 157

Alexander VI, pope 478 n66


mint 38

Alexios Axouch 30, 31

Alexios I Komnenos 19, 27, 39, 58, 67, 69, 75, 123, 124, 181, 214, 447;

armed forces 53, 54;

coinage 37;

debasement of gold 37;

fiscal system 2730;

Semeioma 283 n39;

slave marriages 94;

and Urban II 121–2

Alexios II Komnenos 30

Alexios III Angelos 31

Alexios IV Angelos 31

Alexios V Doukas 416

Alexios Stoudios, patriarch 24

Alexiou, Margaret 205;

After Antiquity: Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor 208

Allaci, Leone 440

Allatius, Leo 440

Allgemeine Zeitung 477 n39

Almoravids, the:

coinage 43

Alphabetical-Anonymous 249

Alphios, martyr of Lentini 225, 227–8, 234 n37

Althaus, Friedrich 466, 469–70

Amalfitan merchants 116, 123

Amastris 355, 363

Ameilhon, H.-P. 462

Amorion 363;

coin finds 43 581

Amphipolis 364

“An unprecedented report and an ultra-tragic one” poem 205

Anagnostakis, Ilias 63

Anagnostes 219

Analecta Bollandiana 257 n14

Anastasian wall, Thrace 354

Anastasijevi, Dragutin 432, 483–5

Anastasios I, emperor 12, 35

Anastasios II, emperor 13, 15, 16, 17, 336, 375

Anastasios, synkellos 16

Anastasios of Sinai 249

Anatolia and Anatolians 26, 49, 54, 95

Anatolic theme 11

andrapodon 93

Andrew of Crete 250

Andronikos I Komnenos 19, 30–1, 221

Andronikos II Komnenos 41, 294, 348, 365

Andronikos III Palaiologos 361, 365, 367

Andronikos Doux 98–9

Andronikos Lapardas 360

angels 104, 420;

assisting clergy 314–15;

as deacons 310–11, 313–14, 316;

eunuchs 86, 309;

lower than the emperor 307;

as priests 313–14;

see also cherubim;


Angold, Michael 1, 31, 32 n16, 32 n23, 501, 503

Angra Mainyu 104

Anicia Juliana 344–5

Aniketos icon 418

Anima Christi 251

Ankara 363

Anna Dalassene 67, 69, 72–3, 78–9

Anna Komnene 27, 66, 216, 484;

Alexiad 155, 213, 214, 219, 220, 439, 443 n21

Anna of Savoy 238

Anna Palaiologina gate 361, 362

Annual of the American Historical Association 479 n92

Anonymous Professor 191

Anonymous Vari see De re militari

Anselm of Havelberg 124, 125

Anthemios see Anastasios II, emperor

Anthologia Palatina 298

Anthologia Planudea 436

Antioch 38

Antiochos of St Sabas 250, 257 n22;

Pandektes 248

Antiochus, high court official 338–40

Antony of Novgorod 420, 425 n75

Apokapes family 144

Apollodorus of Damascus 152, 154;

Poliorketika 149

Apollo-Helios 335

Apollonia tower 354

Apulia 39, 119, 223, 224, 226;

church architecture 380, 395402, 403–4;

Jewish communities 231–2

Aqueduct of Valens 337, 340

aqueducts 354


church architecture 382, 389–95, 403–4

Arabia and Arabs 93, 106, 458;

of Crete 155;

envoys from Tarsus 165, 170, 171, 173 n36;

in historiography 218;

in military manuals 153, 154, 156, 157;

in Sicily 223–4

Arcadius 89

Archaeological Service 445

archangels 262, 309;

see also Gabriel, the archangel;

Michael, the archangel

Archimedes 150

architecture xxiixxiii;

concept of the copy 388–9, 389, 396;

and imperial ideology 345–6;

and politics 344–5;

and urban identity 346–8

architecture, church 261–2, 286–93, 292–3;

ambulatory type 290, 291, 294, 295–6;

Apulia 380, 395402, 403–4;

Aquitaine 382, 389–95, 403–4;

Bulgar 378–9;

chapels 296–8;

Constantinople 286–92, 294;

cross-in-square type 261–2, 287, 291, 293–4, 297;

crypts 296;

Cyprus 394, 396, 402–3;

diakonikon 293, 300 n27;

and the Eucharist 292, 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300 n27;

exonarthexes 291, 295–6;

galleries 293, 295;

Khazar 379;

and liturgy 287;

naos 287, 293–4, 299;

narthex 287, 292, 294–5, 299;

Palestine 380;

and ritual 284, 285–6, 292–3, 294, 295, 296, 299, 300 n27;

Rus 374, 376–7;

sanctuary 292–3, 299;

separation of social classes 295;

separation of the sexes 293–4, 295;

and space 291;

Syria 378, 380;

templon 293

architecture, military 263;

and daily life 356;

fortified towns 354–5;

fortresses 353–4;

kastra 354–5;

linear walls 354;

study of 352–3;

towers 354

Archive of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts (SANU) 484

Aretino, Leonardo Bruni 437

Argos 355

Argyropoulos, R. D. 459 n14

Argyrus, governor 117–18, 128 n23

aristocracy 12, 19, 22, 495–7

Aristotle 109–10

armed forces 2;

Armenians 49, 158;

baggage train 55–8;

cavalry 47;

Constantinople 9, 48;

dromos 59 n14;

and eunuchs 88;

financing 51–2;

full-time soldiers 57–8;

horses 54, 55, 156;

infantry 47, 48–9;

Komnenian period 58–9;

livestock 54–5;

mitaton 56, 60 n32;

prôtonotarios 52–3, 55, 58;

strategos 6;

strategy 50;

supplies 50–3, 55–8, 58–9;

tactical structures 4750;

transportation 51;

weapons 53–4, 59 n19;

see also military manuals

Armenia and Armenians xxii, 28;

in Byzantine army 158;

infantry 49;

non-Chalcedonian 116

Arnason, Johann 432–3

Arnulf 121

Arrian 154

Arsenius, patriarch 410

art xxiixxiii;

effect of Iconoclasm on 311;

emperor in 322;

eunuchs in 85;

images of heaven 305

art, religious:

and uniformity 320–2

art, unofficial:

abandon 329–30, 331;

innovation 322–5, 324;

nudity 325–6, 326, 327;

sexuality 326–9, 327, 328

Aryan race 464, 477 n19

Asclepiodotus 161 n15;

Taktika 150, 152, 153

Assemani 258 n24

Association Guillaume Budé, Paris 441

Association Internationale des Études Byzantines (AIEB) 442

Athanasios I of Constantinople, patriarch 236, 239, 242, 246 n33

Athanassiadi, Polymnia 110, 111

Athenaeus Mechanicus 154;

On Machines 149

Athenaïs, empress 469

Athens 205, 469;

coin finds 43;

as state capital 445, 450–1

Athens Archaeological Society 445

Atik Mustafa Pasa Camii 292

Auerbach, Erich 208


Byzantine historiography 429, 438–40

autochthons 431

Auzépy, Marie-France 233 n19

Avars, the 496

Avramovi, Jeftimije:

Ioannina Chronicle 482

azyme controversy 116–18, 123

Babelon, Ernest 471

Babi, Gordana 490

Bachofen, J. J. 477 n42

Badoer, G. 42–3

Bakirtzis, Nikolas 263

Baldwin, Barry 161 n15, 206

Balkans, the 26, 380

Barber, Charles 83, 84

Bardas Phokas 95, 156, 157

Bardas Skleros 141, 143, 148 n33

Bari 26, 224, 398

Bariši, Franja 488

Barlaam the Calabrian 259 n61, 259 n67

Barrett Browning, Elizabeth:

The Greek Christian Poets 208

Barsanouphios 197 n9, 250

Barthélemy, Anatole de 471

Barthes, Roland 65, 66, 175

Basil, hyparchos 360

Basil, metropolitan of Reggio 121–2

Basil I the Macedonian 36, 51, 63, 87, 164, 375;

in art 325;

biography 63, 96, 211, 218, 221, 329;

church-building 336–7;

in historiography 213–14;

military manuals 139;

triumphal entry 348

Basil II, emperor 3, 8, 19, 158, 159, 215, 472, 474;

consolidation of the state 495, 503;

fortification of Thessalonika 360, 367;

land legislation 22–3;

Michael Psellos on 139, 147, 160;

Ostrogorsky on 95–6;

Peira, the 25, 93, 147;

Psalter of Basil II 83, 86;

slaves 95;

unmarried 88, 91 n49

Basil Lekapenos 87

Basil of Caesarea 93, 197 n9, 200, 254

Basileios, magistros 98

Basilicata 223, 224

Basilike 93, 138

Bassett, Sarah 335–6

Bastéa, E. 460 n29

Baumbach, Johannes B. 443 n17

Beaton, Roderick 205, 208, 210 n27

Beck, Hans-Georg 438, 501


in military manuals 156

Bekker, Immanuel 441, 444 n34, 444 n36

Belfast Evergetis Project 257 n20

Belgrade 26, 380

Belgrade School of Byzantine Studies 487–8

Belgrade University 484–7

Belisarius 152;

and Justinian 74–5

Belting, Hans 420


in Constantinople 123

Benevento 223

Beowulf 105, 203, 206

Bera 367

Berger, Albrecht 234 n38

Berroia 54

Bertaux, Émile 396, 399400

Bertrand, Alexandre 473, 479 n88

Bertrand of Toulouse 392

Bessarion of Trebizond, cardinal 424;

library 436

Biblioteca Marciana, Venice 436


coin finds 43

Bjørnholt, B. K. 85–6, 90 n25

Blachernitissa icon 415, 417, 418

Blanchet, Adrien:

Sigillographie de l’orient latin 471

Blessing of the Waters ritual 294, 299

Bloom, Harold 206

Blues, the 11

Bogomils and Bogomilism 4, 108, 256, 259 n66, 382

Boissevain, U.Ph 444 n37

Boivin, Johannes 440

Bollandists 250

Bonifacio, Bartolomeo 410, 411, 414, 417

Book of the Eparch 93

Book of the Prefect 36

Borgia, Lucrezia 478 n66

Boškovi, Ðure 490

Boukoleon Palace, Constantinople 343, 343–4

Brague, Rémi 508

Branievo 380

Brankovi, Ðorde, Count 481

Brenk, B. 416

British Quarterly Review 463

Brown, Gordon 506

Brown, Peter 507

Brubaker, L. 74

Bryce, J. 465, 477 n19, 478 n49;

The Holy Roman Empire 468

Bufavento fortress 353

Bukoleon Palace, Constantinople 423

Bulgars and Bulgaria xxii, 11, 31, 106, 142, 154, 384 n45, 433, 457, 464, 474;

architecture 378–9;

Christian 115;

military 1516, 153;

minting 40

Burckhardt, Jacob 467

Burrows, Ronald 470

Bury, J. B. xxiii, 87, 465–6, 475, 477 n28

Büttner-Wobst, T. 441

Byzantine du Louvre see Corpus Byzantinae Historiae

Byzantine Empire and the Serbs, The 483

Byzantinische Zeitschrift 470, 485

Byzantis 448, 449, 454


Christian empire 498500;

commonwealth 502–4;

compared with China 491–2;

continuation of Roman Empire 497–8

Caesarea 53, 311

caesaropapism 433, 493, 494, 495, 497, 498500

Cagliari 39

Calabria 39, 43, 119, 120, 122, 223, 225, 229

Callixtus I, pope 392

Callixtus II, pope 392

Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire xxii

Cameron, Averil 433, 507;

The Byzantines 506;

“The Absence of Byzantium” 506

Campania 223

Canal, Martino da 408, 410, 411, 415, 423

Capodistrias, Ioannes 450

Cappadocians, the 254

Cardaillac, Géraud III de 392, 394

Carr, A. Weyl 309

Caruso, S. 228

Cassander, King of Macedonia 357

Catanei, Vannozza 478 n66

Caucasus 131, 502

Caves monastery, Kiev 264, 376–7

celibacy 88

ceremony 140, 178, 185, 320;

see also De cerimoniis

Chalandon, Ferdinand 471

Chaldaean Oracles 108–9, 110

Chaldaeans 109

Chalkoprateia basilica, Constantinople 296, 297, 417

Charlemagne 223, 508

Cherson 39, 131

cherubim 304, 310, 319 n45, 344

Cheynet, J. C. 102 n66

Chibnall, Marjorie 130 n67

Chilandar monastery, Mt Athos:

iconostasis curtain 314–15, 316

children 3

Choisy, Auguste 389

Chora monastery 291, 296, 297, 342, 346–8

Chortaitou monastery 366

Chosroes, king 106–7

Christ 111, 116;

Baptism of 278–81;

as bishop 314–15;

in Christos Paschon 204–5;

and the emperor 262, 304–10, 306;

and the Eucharist 310, 414;

as High Priest 317, 317–18;

icons 233 n16, 233 n18, 261, 320, 415;

images of 313, 314, 347, 419;

as Logos 267–9;

Passion relics 263, 411, 420–4, 423;

in spiritual writing 252–3;

sublimity 318 n27;

True Blood relics 421, 422, 423;

True Cross relics 420–1, 423

Christ Pantokrator, monastery, Constantinople 345–6, 346

Christian Typography 318 n2

Christianity 228;

azyme controversy 116–18, 124;

Christological dispute 125–7;

concept of evil 104, 108;

cross, cult of the 16;

dualism 104;

Filioque controversy 115–16, 118;

and friendship 192–3;

Holy Wisdom 374, 380;

imagery 16, 17, 36, 361–2;

and Islam 228–30, 498;

and Judaism 225–8;

Latin errors 118–19, 123;

Michael Psellos on 108–9;

and oratory 182–4;

and paganism 200–1;

papal primacy 120–2, 124;

in secular poetry 205–6;

Topography 303;

view of paganism 105;

worldview 205;

see also angels;


church, the;

Orthodox Christianity;


Roman Catholicism;


Christmas 171

Christodoulou, Despina 430–1

Christomimesis 304, 305–6

Christopher of Mytilene 32 n16, 67, 202, 203, 204, 207

Christos Paschon 204–5

Christoupolis 364

Chronicle of Ahimaaz 231–2

chrysobulls 138, 142, 143

chrysography 278

Chrysoupolis 365–6

church, the:

angel-priests 313–14;

celibacy of priests 88;

clergy assisted by angels 314–15;

deacons as angels 310–11, 313–14, 316;

and the emperor 6;

and heaven 310–15;

and heaven:

after fall of Constantinople 315–18

Cicero 198 n29

cinaedi 325

circus factions 7, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 170, 171

irkovi, Sima 489

Clari, Robert de 416, 423

Clark, Elizabeth 61, 62;

social logic 6870;

the ‘vanishing lady’ 63, 65–7

Clark, F. 258 n44

Claudian 89

Clauser, Conrad 439

Clucas, Lowell 109

Codex Theodosianus 92

coemptio 51, 60 n37

coinage 2, 138;

bronze 34–5, 36;

Christian imagery 36;

copper 43;

debasement of 26, 36–8, 37, 39, 40–1, 45 n32;

gold 32 n16, 35, 36–7, 43, 44;

hyperpyron 37–9, 40, 43, 44;

iconography 14, 348;

images of the emperor 307;

and inflation 35, 36;

Komnenian period 38, 39;

metrological scale 44;

mints 3840;

Palaiologan period 38, 40, 41;

Roman 34, 44;

Schlumberger 470–1;

silver 34, 35–6, 36, 37, 44, 44 n8

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 440

Collection Byzantine 441

Column of Constantine 423

Comana Pontica 355

Combefis, François 441

Commedia 205

Communion of the Apostles 315

Communist Party of Yugoslavia 486

Compendium of Syrianos 151, 156

Constans II, emperor 14, 36

Constantine, eunuch 98, 102 n50

Constantine, King of Greece 474

Constantine, Prince 482

Constantine I, pope 13

Constantine I the Great 18, 34, 263, 309, 380, 420, 448;

armed forces 47;

coinage 36, 38;

conversion to Christianity 506–7;

mausoleum of 345

Constantine IV, emperor 10, 14;

coinage 34, 35, 36

Constantine V, emperor 9, 10, 1518, 339;

aqueduct system 337;

coinage 35;

eikonomachoi 266;

St Eirene church, Constantinople 287, 337

Constantine VI, emperor 337

Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos 22, 310, 318 n13;

coinage 36;

De administrando limperio 144;

debasement of gold 37;

Excerpta de legationibus 439;

Great Palace, Constantinople 162, 171;

letter-writing 191;

Life of Basileios 63, 96, 211, 218, 221, 375;

literature 96, 139, 140–1, 151, 213–14, 329, 440, 446, 488;

orations 142;

religious observance 410;

Three Treatises on Imperial Military Expeditions 155–6;

see also De cerimoniis

Constantine VIII, emperor 388

Constantine IX Monomachos 40, 117, 218, 380;

armed forces 58;

in art 322;

coinage 37;

debasement of gold 37;

Michael Psellos on 23–4, 25, 32 n24

Constantine X Doukas 25, 77, 78, 80

Constantine XI Palaiologos 38

Constantine Manasses 213, 215, 437, 440

Constantine of Antioch 318 n2

Constantine of Preslav 131

Constantine the Rhodian 389

Constantinople 18, 129 n38, 291, 382, 469;

armed forces 9, 48;

Benedictines in 123;

building activity 336–7;

burials 339;

Christian imagery 361–2;

church architecture 286–92, 294;

coin finds 43;


effect on religious art 323;

in the Dark Ages 336–7;

fortifications 263, 356;

Forum of Constantine 336;

Forum of Theodosius 337;

Golden Gate 348;

in hagiography 229;

heroon 297;

hippodrome 7, 11, 12, 1617, 154, 171;

in historiography 219–20;

icons 273–5, 281;

ideal of empire 377;

imperial art 305;

imperial authority 14, 18, 19, 501;

and letter-writing 197 n13;

mint 3840;

as New Jerusalem 263, 336, 345;

as New Rome 263, 335, 336;

as New Troy 263, 335–6;

Palace of the Kathisma 309;

patriarch of 67;

patronage 337, 340;

pilgrimages to 123;

political culture 59, 143–6;

populace 89;

religious influence 223, 225;

sacked 127;

senate of 13, 19;

sieges 218;

slave trade 94;

as state capital 450–1;

Theodosian Harbor 334;

traditions of 1819;

Trojan legends 335–6;

see also Great Palace, Constantinople;

individual churches

Contarini, Domenico, Doge 381, 386, 387

Contemporary Review 465

Convegno storico interecclesiale 129 n38

Corinth 43, 311, 355, 450

Cormack, R. 476 n8

orovi, Vladimir 432, 483, 484

Corpus Bonnense 441

Corpus Byzantinae Historiae 429, 440–1

Corpus Byzantinorum 449

Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae (CFHB) 215, 429, 442

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 465, 467

Corpus Juris Civilis (CJC) 92

Corpus Parisiense see Corpus Byzantinae Historiae

Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae (CSHB) 215, 216, 429, 441

Corpus Venetum 441

Cosentino, S. 152, 161 n15

Cosmas Indicopleustes 318 n2

Coulange, Foustel de 464

Council of Constantinople (861) 340

Council of Melfi 121–2

creed of Chalcedon 10, 13

Crimea 94

Croats, the 27

Crusades 109;

Antioch 124;

First Crusade 123, 129 n38;

Fourth Crusade 127, 416

Cumans 49

Cuno, John 436

Cutler, Anthony 318 n13

Cyprus 433, 508;

church architecture 394, 396, 402–3;

military architecture 353;

minting 40

Cyrillic alphabet 131

Cyrus, healer 249

Cyrus the Great 112 n18

Cyzicus 38

Da Costa Louillet, G. 228

Dagron, Gilbert 1, 9, 19, 149, 153, 334, 433, 498, 500, 501

Dale, Thomas 264

Dalmatia 27

Damietta 53

Dandolo, Andrea, Doge 414, 420

Dandolo, Enrico, Doge 410, 411

Daniel, Arnaut 203

Daniel, the prophet 77

Danielis 3, 63, 96, 221

Dante Alighieri 105

Danube, the 26

Daphni, monastery church 290

Darkó, Eug. 466

Darrouzès, J. 125

Davidson, J. 222 n22

Dazimon 355

De administrando imperio 139, 141

De cerimoniis 139, 141, 171–2, 444 n33;

antiquarianism in 163–4;

everyday ritual 165, 168–9;

images of heaven 304–6;

procedure for races 171;

solemn rituals 169–70

De obsidione toleranda 153–4

De re militari 158–9

De re strategica of Syrianos 151–2, 153, 161 n15

De velitatione 157–8, 158

Delehaye, Hippolyte 250

Delta, Penelope 474

Demetrios Chomatenos 488

Demetrios Kydones 197 n9

demonology 106, 108

Demus, Otto 387, 390, 419

Dernschwam, Hans 438

Deroko, Aleksandar 490

di Lonigo, Nicolò 437

Diadochos of Photike 249, 252, 254

Diakonos, Leon 441

Diatesseron 251

Dictionnaire de spiritualité 248

Diehl, Charles 63, 470, 473, 475, 479 n92

Digenes Akrites 209, 326–8, 328, 329

Dimaras, Konstantinos 459 n5, 460 n48

Dindorf, Karl Wilhelm 441

Dini, Mihailo 489

Diocletian 34, 38

Diocletianoupolis 355

Diodorus 436

Diogenes Laertius 198 n28

Dionysios of Syracuse 74

Dionysios the Areopagite 253, 254

Dionysos, god 329

Dioptra of Heron of Alexandria 154

dispensation 30

Divine Liturgy see Eucharist

Dokimon 54

Dölger, Franz 441

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 372

Dorotheos of Gaza 254

Dorylaion 380

Doukas dynasty 22, 26, 27, 98

see also individual names

Dousa, Theodorus 440, 443 n17

Dragoumis, Nikolaos 450

Du Cange, Carolus 440

Dukljans, the 27

Dunlap, J. E. 84

Ðuri, Ivan 488

Ðuri, Vojislav J. 490

Durliat, Marcel 393

Dušan, emperor 487, 488

Dyrrhachion 54

Eastern Question 431, 462, 463

Ebersolt 165

Ecloga 93

Economic History of Byzantium 42

economy 10, 24–5, 35, 36, 41–4

ecumenical councils: 1011, 13, 1415, 1617;

Council of Constantinople (861) 340;

Council of Melfi 121–2;

Fourth Lateran Council 413;

Iconoclast council (754) 17;

In Troullo 11, 13, 14;

Monothelete council 13, 15;

Quinisext Council 378;

Second Council of Lyon (1274) 127;

Second Council of Nicaea 311

education 145;

girls 69;

and historical texts 216;

rhetoric 218–19;

secondary 7;

secular 212

Efthymiades, Stéphanos 224

Egio, Benedetto 437

Egypt and Egyptians 109;

langhauskuppelkirchen 404;

letter-writing 190–1

Ehrhard, Albert 250

Eirene Komnenos 297, 345

Eisenstadt, Saul 432, 494–5

elephants 157, 161 n15

Elias the Younger (the Cave Dweller) 229, 230

Elimagos, archon of Belegrada 99

Elissaeus 111

elite, the 78, 1213, 1718, 19, 140, 143;

see also aristocracy

emperor 146–7;

authority 14, 18, 140–3;

and Christ 262, 304–10, 306;

and eunuchs 87–8;

God’s representative 304–10, 502;

and historiography 213–14;

household 89;

ideology and architecture 345–6;

image of 83, 322;

and literacy 138–9;

munificence 140;

protected by Archangel Michael 414;

spiritual aspect 6, 9, 304–10, 307, 311;

succession 6;

see also caesaropapism;


empress 83, 91 n52

enamel 273

Enlart, Camille 392–4, 403

Eparchos, Antonios 439

Ephesus 311

Ephraim of Pereiaslav, metropolitan 376

Ephrem the Syrian 201, 209 n2, 210 n25, 250–1, 254

Epiros 42

Episcopus, Nicolaus 437

Epitedeuma of Urbicius 150

Estienne, Henri 437

Estienne, Robert 437

Ethiopians 157

ethopoiia 185

Etymologicum magnum 436


and Archangel Michael 414;

and Christ 310, 414;

and church architecture 292, 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300 n27;

display of 411, 413;

Elevatio 420;

evolution in 290–1;

San Marco church, Venice 422

Euclid 109

Eudokia, empress 94

eunuchs 3, 77, 84;

and angels 86, 309;

in art 85;

the body 85–6;

careers 86–8;

costume 87;

and the emperor 87–8;

and gender identity 84, 85, 87;

legal status 88;

and marriage 88–9;

and parenthood 89

Euripides 205

European Science Foundation:

“The Transformation of the Roman World” 508

European Union:

common heritage 507–8

Eusebios, bishop 360;

Ecclesiastical History 217

Eustathios Boilas 93, 144

Eustathios Maleinos 95–6, 101 n42

Eustathios of Thessalonika 93, 133, 180, 206, 212, 213, 216, 219, 380

Euthymios Tornikes 181, 185

Eutropius 89

Evagrios of Pontus 254

Evagrios Scholasticus 106, 108, 226, 233 n33, 437

Evagrius Pontikos 251–2

Faliero, Vitale, Doge 386

Fallmerayer, Jakob Philipp 430, 431, 453, 469;

Geschichte der Halbinsel Morea während des Mittelalters 457

Famagusta 394

Fassoulakis, Sergios 448

Fatherly Teachings 448

Fatih Camii, Constantinople 387

Fatimids, the xxii;

coinage 43

Felix, bishop of Canosa 397–8

Ferdinand, Habsburg emperor 438

Ferjani, Boidar 487, 488, 489

Ferluga, Jadran 487

feudalism 495, 502

Ficino, Marsilio 112

Filadelhios, martyr of Lentini 225, 227–8, 234 n37

Filioque controversy 115–16, 118

Finlay, George 463, 465, 476 n11

First Yugoslav Conference (1990) 488–9

Fisher, E. 45 n32


Platonism 110, 111

Flusin, B. 102 n66

Fontevrault abbey 392

fortifications see architecture, military

Fortnightly Review 463, 476 n10

Foucault, Michel 69, 208

Fourth Lateran Council 413

Franks 49, 123, 458;

missionaries 115

Frederick Barbarossa 31

Freeman, E. A. 431, 462, 463–6, 469–70, 476, 476 n8, 476 n11, 478 n64;

Comparative Politics 464;

Historical Essays 463;

History of Greece 477 n27;

History of the Federal Government 477 n28;

History of the Norman Conquest of England 463;

Little Greek History 477 n27;

The Ottoman Power in Europe 465;

Outlines of History 463;

“Roman Empire in the East” 463;

“The Byzantine Empire” 463;

“The Chief Periods of European History” 465;

The Turks in Europe 465;

The Unity of History 464

friendship 192–3, 195

Frobenius, Hieronymus 437

Fugger, Anton 439, 443 n16

Gabrades, the 39

Gabrias 446

Gabriel, monk 85

Gabriel, the archangel 418

Gallo, R. 416

Garland, L. 83

Gathas 108

Geltzer, Heinrich 484


and historiography 219;

identity 84, 85, 87;

letter-writing 190, 199 n47;

roles and stereotypes 76, 82 n33;

see also eunuchs;



Genesios 75, 213, 214, 215, 216


coinage 44

Geodesia 154–5

George Akropolites 85

George Gemistos Plethon 103, 108, 109, 110–12

George Kedrenos 95–6

George Maniakes 141, 143

George of Antioch 382

George of Cyprus 266, 281 n6

George of Pisidia 106, 107, 108, 221 n7, 328;

Hexaemeron 202;

poetry 201–2, 209 n6

George of Trebizond 110

George Pachymeres 41, 213, 215, 410

George Palaiologos 89

George Scholarios 110, 111

George Sphrantzes 437

George Synkellos 211–12, 214

George the Monk 211–12

George Tornikes 69

Georgia and Georgians xxii, 28, 50

Georgios Apokaukos Palaiologos 361, 440, 443 n17

Germanos, patriarch 13, 1516, 17, 19, 20 n41

Germans and Germany 49

Gerontikon 250

Géza of Hungary 309

Ghiselin de Busbecq, Ogier 438

Gibbon, Edward 84, 430, 431, 447–8, 451, 458, 459 n14, 462, 492;

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 458, 507


and letter-writing 189, 191, 195, 197 n18;

and status 373, 383 n9

Giovanni Aurispa 436

Gladstone, W.E. 464, 465

Glagolithic 131

Glossai nomikai 36

glyptos 278

Goar, Jacobus 441

gold 1;

fineness 35, 37;

hoarding 32 n16, 43;

and interest rates 25;

and public expenditure 24–5

Gossman, Lionel 476

Gouillard, J. 259 n60

Grabar, André 389

grammatike 7

Grani, Filaret 432, 483, 485

Graptoi 140

Great Church, Constantinople 297

Great Deesis 298, 307

Great Idea 431, 460 n29, 460 n32

Great Lavra, Mt Athos 24, 28, 239

Great Mosque, Damascus 263, 378

Great Palace, Constantinople 164, 263, 305, 309, 343;

Augusteus 163, 170;

Chalke Gate 163, 170, 267–9, 268, 271;

Chrysotriklinos 163, 165–9, 166, 167, 170, 171, 173 n14, 173 n16;

Consistorium 163, 165, 171, 173 n16;

Covered Hippodrome 168;

Golden Gate 172;

Great Triklinos of the Nineteen Couches 163, 171;

Kathisma 163;

Koiton of the emperor 163, 165, 168;

Koiton of the empress 168, 173 n27;

Magnaura 163, 165, 171;

Nea Church 164, 165;

Octagon 170;

Pharos chapel 336, 422;

porphyry 408;

Sigma-Triconchus 164, 173 n14;

St Stephen’s church 170;

Tribounalion 170

Great School, Belgrade 482–4;

see also Belgrade University

Greeks and Greece 12, 430, 433, 464;

cultural diversity 222 n22;

language 131;

minting 40

Grégoire, H. 471–2

Gregoras, historian 212

Gregorios Kyprios 197 n9, 215, 218

Gregorios of Agrigento 234 n38

Gregorovius, Ferdinand 431, 462, 466–70, 475, 478 n50;

Athenaïs, Geschichte einer byzantinischen Kaiserin 469;

Corsica 466;

The Death of Tiberius 466;

Die Idee des Polentums 466;

The Emperor Hadrian 466, 470;

History of the City of Athens in the Middle Ages 469;

History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages 466, 468;

Lucrezia Borgia 470, 478 n66;

“The Empire, Rome and Germany” 468;

“The Great Monarchies, or the Empires of the World in History” 469;

Tombs of the Popes 470, 479 n68;

Werdomar and Wladislaw 466

Gregorovius, Julian 468

Gregory, eunuch 87

Gregory Antiochos 67

Gregory I the Great, pope 253, 258 n44

Gregory II, pope 16, 378

Gregory of Nazianzus 193, 258 n40, 436;

on friendship 192, 198 n29;

letter-writing 191, 197 n9, 198 n28, 198 n41;

poetry 200, 207, 209 n2

Gregory of Nyssa 93, 436

Gregory of Sinai 256

Gregory Pakouorianos 28, 30, 143

Gregory Palamas 236–7, 254–5;

cult and canonization 237–9;

healing 243–4;

miracles 239–40;

miracula of 239–47

Grosswissenschaft 432, 466, 467, 476

Grottaferrata, monastery of 115, 121–2, 209

Groullos, jester 329–30

Gruji, Radoslav 490

Guarino da Verona 435

Guilland, R. 84, 87

Guizot, François 448, 456, 457

Guy, Jean-Claude 249

Gynaikokastron 364, 365, 366

gynaikonites 66

Haas, Charles 479 n87

Hadjinicolaou-Marava, A. 100 n2

Hadrian, emperor 505

Hagar, Hellmut 413

Hagia Euphemia, Constantinople 338–40, 339

Hagia Sophia, Constantinople 170, 264, 305;

architecture 286, 295, 344–5;

coronations 6;

decoration 337;

dedication 374;

Deesis 309;

Hodegetria 416;

legends 75, 141;

Manuel I’s theological resolution 126;

metatorion 264, 410–11;

miracles of Gregory Palamas 237, 239, 240, 244;

mosaics 322, 414;

porphyry 408;

Thessalian marble 409, 410;

in writings 334

hagiography 65, 184, 224;

Christian-Jewish conflict 224–8, 230–2;

Christian-Muslim conflict 228–30;

Constantinople in 229;

Rome in 229

Hagios Polyeuktos, church 344–5

Hahnloser, H. R. 414

al-Hakim, caliph 380

Haldon, John 500

Hamilton, G. W. (Annie) 470

Harnack, Adolf 467

Harrison, M. 344

Hase, Carl Benedikt 440, 441

Hausherr, Irenée 254

Heather, Peter 507

Heisenberg, August 441

Heliodoros 330

Heliou Bomon monastery 296

Hellas-Peloponnesos 54, 59 n19

Hellene 4, 103, 105, 106–7, 109

Helms 264

Hendy, M. 32 n31, 37, 42

Henry, emperor 416

Heosphoros 107

Herakleios, emperor 107, 227;

cavalry 55;

coinage 34, 35, 36;

military strategy 160;

Ostrogorsky on 495;

relics of St Euphemia 338;

in writings 201, 202, 221 n7

Herbst, Johannes 443 n16

heresy 104

Hermogenes 54

Herodotos 64, 106, 218, 436

Heron of Alexandria:

Dioptra 154

Heron of Byzantium 154, 159, 160

Herzfeld, Michael 453

hesychasm 236, 254, 256, 259 n61

Hesychios, the 436

Hexamilion wall, Corinth 354

Hieron fortress 353

Historiae Byzantinae scriptores tres Graecolatini uno tomo simul nunc editi 443 n17

historians, Byzantine 211–12;

influence of Roman models on 72;

motives of 212–13;

personal initiatives 214–15

historians, foreign:

influence of Greek culture on 145

historiography 140;

approaches to 219–21;

Augsburg 429, 438–40;

Constantinople in 219–20;

ecclesiastical affairs 217;

editing 436–42;

and education 216;

ethnography 218;

and gender 219;

language 216–17;

Leiden 440;

“monkish” 211–12;

orthography 442;

Paris 429, 440–2;

quotations 442;

and religious controversy 213;

and rhetoric 216, 220;

rhetorical punctuation 442;

similia 442;

treatment of emperors 213–14;

unity of corpus 215–16

Hodegetria 323, 415, 416, 417–18

Hoeschel, David 437, 439–40, 443 n21

Holtzmann, Wilhelm 439

Holy Anargyroi, Kastoria 311, 312

Holy Anargyroi, Vatopedi 238

Holy Apostles church, Constantinople 264, 336, 342, 345, 346, 386–9, 394, 397, 403, 404

Holy Apostles church, Thessalonika 296

Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem 380, 388

Homer 105, 106, 133, 157, 204;

Iliad 194

homo byzantinus 83–4

honours system 7, 27

Hopkins, K. 84, 86

Hormisdas 357

horses 54, 55, 156

Hosios Loukas, monastery church 290, 294, 296

Hotel Albergo Cesari 477 n38

Hugo Eteriano 125

humanism 110, 111, 204, 249

Humbert of Silva Candida 117–18

Hungarians 26, 379, 380

Hyaleos, logothete 361

Hypatius, general under Justinian I 74–5

Ianos Laskaris 436

Iaroslav of Rus 264, 374, 382

Ibn Battuta 337

Iconoclasm 115, 212, 225, 261, 275, 500;

effect on art 311;

effect on ritual 285, 290–1, 292, 300 n3;

eikonomachoi 266–73

Iconoclast council (754) 17

icons 16, 261;

apsychos graphe 275;

as debate 261, 266–73;

display of 262;

empsychos graphe 273;

enamel 273;

graphe 271, 275–6, 278–81, 267268;

human body receiving Spirit 266, 267;

Incarnational theory of 267–9, 271;

inviolate nature of 275–6;

Logos-graphe 269;

mixed-media relief 273–5, 281;

origins 265–6;

painted panel 276–81;

performative 273–5;

poililia 273–5;

saints 415;

Second Council of Nicaea 311;

Sinai 276–81;

stylite saints 266;

typos theory of 266, 267, 269–73, 276, 278, 281;

see also individual icons

idols 278

Ierodiakonou, Katerina 109

Ignatios, patriarch 218, 329

Ignatios the Younger 85

Ignatius of Antioch 310

Ignatius Xanthopoulos 256

Ilarion, metropolitan 374

Innocent III, pope 31, 416

Institute for Byzantine Studies 487, 488

International Review 465

Ioannes Chamaitos 361

Ioannes Kantakuzenos 437;

Historiae 443 n19

Ioannes Kinnamos 440

Ioannes Spatharakis 307

Ioannes Tzetzes 197 n9, 198 n39, 198 n41

Ionescu, Grigore 400

Iorga, N. 432, 492

Irene, wife of Alexios I 76

Irene Eulogia Choumnaina 256

Isaac I Komnenos 26, 27, 31, 72, 77–8, 80

Isaac II Angelos 31

Isaac Komnenos, basileus of Cyprus 40

Isaac the Syrian 251, 258 n27

Isaccea 39

Isaiah of Skete 251


monetary system 35

Isidoros of Pelousion 197 n9

Islam xxii, 499500, 503;

and Christianity 228–30, 498;

conquests 493, 496

Italy 26, 429, 503;

army 14;

minting 39;

slave trade 94;

unification 468

Italy, southern 115, 223;

churches 409;

East-West conflict 119–27;

ecclesiastical archives 142;

hierarchy of Greek Churches 120, 123;

Normans in 116, 117, 119–20, 129 n37, 224;

papal primacy 120–2, 124

Iveron monastery 355

Jagi, Vatroslav 484

James, L. 85–6, 90 n25

Jeffreys, E. 476 n8

Jerusalem 383

Jesuits 447

Jesus Prayer 254, 255, 256

Jews 109;

challenges to Orthodoxy 228;

as idolaters 226, 233 n24;

of Lentini 227–8;

and Pankratios of Taormina 226;

of Syracuse 226;

of Taormina 226;

see also Judaism

Jireek, Konstantin 432, 482, 484

John, bishop of Trani 116

John, brother of Isaac I Komnenos 7881

John, healer 249

John, letter-writer 250

John Apokaukos 295

John Chrysostom 93, 182, 193, 250, 254, 310, 315, 316, 436;

Homilies of St John Chrysostom 306–9, 308;

letter-writing 197 n9

John Geometres 202, 203, 364

John I Tzimiskes 36, 40, 212, 379–80, 383, 472

John II Komnenos 213, 297, 345, 418

John III Doukas 41

John VI Kantakouzenos 211, 212, 213, 215, 217, 354

John VI, patriarch 13

John Italos 109

John Kantakouzenos 365, 488

John Kinnamos 489

John Klimakos 253, 254

John Komnenos 31, 172 n12

John Lazaropoulos 236, 242

John Mauropous 105, 133, 196;

collection of letters 191–2, 197 n10, 197 n20;

letter-writing 188–9, 194–5, 197 n18, 199 n44;

on the loros 304;

and Michael Psellos 198 n39, 204;

monastery of Petra 196 n2;

poetry 202, 203–4, 207

John Moschos 254;

“The Spiritual Meadow” 184, 249

John of Antioch 124

John of Dalyatha 251

John of Damascus:

Fountain of Knowledge 193;

Incarnational theory of icons 267–9, 271;

Sacra parallela 193, 248

John of Karpathos 254

John Philagathos 229

John Skylitzes 4, 36, 68, 75, 95, 96, 143, 148 n32, 214, 215, 216, 330, 487;

on slavery 97100;

Synopsis Historion 142

John the Grammarian 268–9

John the Orphanotrophos 8, 25, 85–6, 89

John the Protovestiarios 89

John the Theologian 387

John Vatatzes 371 n112

John Zonaras 19, 27, 36, 96, 212, 215, 311, 325, 330, 429, 438–9, 440

Johnson, Howard 221 n7

Joseph, patriarch 412

Josephus Flavius 154, 436

Journal des débats 474, 479 n92

Jovanovi, Vojislav 490

Judaism 224;

and Christianity 225–8

Justin II, emperor 165, 310

Justinian I, emperor 6, 13, 17, 51, 85, 89, 496, 498;

architecture 264, 286, 374–5, 377–8;

jurisprudence 437;

legislation on slavery 92;

and Mundas 74–5;

novels 22, 23, 92, 93;

Prokopios of Caesarea on 73–5, 79

Justinian II, emperor 10, 1112, 14, 18, 19, 37, 88, 378

Kaegi, W. 95

Kakikis 370 n82

Kalavrezou, I. 83

Kaldellis, Anthony 103, 106, 112 n1

Kalenderhane Camii, Constantinople 290, 339, 341

Kali, Jovanka 489–90

Kallinikos, patriarch 11, 12

Kallistos, monks 256

Kallistos I, patriarch 238

Kallistos Xanthopoulos 256

Kalojan (Ioannitsa) 31

Kaminiates 219, 358, 360, 361, 366

Kantara fortress 353

Kaper Koraon treasure 310, 313

Karadzi, Vuk 481

Karamanlis, Kostas 506, 508

Karamanolakis, Vaggelis 451

Kariye Camii see Chora monastery

Karolides, Pavols 456

Kašanin, Milan 490

Kasiane, poet 66

Kassandreia 364, 365

Kassia, poet 66

Kastoria 237–8, 240, 241, 355

Katakalon Kekaumenos 141, 143;

Admonitions and Anecdotes 139, 143–4

Katartzis, Dimitrios 430, 448–9

Kazhdan, Alexander 83, 84, 88, 90 n6

Kecharitomene Typikon 301 n48

Kedrenos, George 4, 36, 95–6, 439

Kelly, Chris 132, 146

Khazars, the 379

Khludov Psalter 271, 272

Kissos 366

Kitromilides, Paschalis 457

Kitros 364, 365

Klov monastery, Kiev 264, 376–7

Koder, J. 44 n8

Koimesis, Nicaea 287

Kolettis, Ioannis 431, 450, 450–1, 460 n31, 460 n32

Komnenos dynasty 22, 30–1, 80, 219, 499;

armed forces 50;

dynastic privilege 501, 502;

monetary system 38;

and the state 495, 496;

tombs 345–6, 418

see also individual names

Konstantinos Akropolites 197 n9

Konstantinos IX Monomachos see Constantine IX Monomachos

Konstantinos Manasses see Constantine Manasses

Konstantinos Porphyrogenitos see Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos

Kora, Vojislav 490

Korais, Adamantios 430, 454;

Aesop’s Myths 446;

Atakta 447;

critique of Byzantine history 446–8, 450, 453, 458, 462, 476 n5;

Hellenic Library 446

Koromilas, Andreas 452

Kosmas the Aitolian 309, 430, 448

Kosmidion 389

Kosmosoteira monastery 367, 389

Koumanoudes, Stephanos 453, 455–6

Kovaevi, Ljubomir 482

Krautheimer, Richard 388, 389, 396

Kristeller, P. O. 110

kritai 58–9, 59 n19

Krumbacher, Karl 208, 432, 470, 475, 483

Kuefler, M. 84

Laiou, A. E. 66

Lambros, Spyridon 456

land ownership:

monasteries 24;

and soldiers 30;

and taxation 23, 25, 27–8, 32 n19

language 131

Langus, Joannes 437

Laonikos Chalkokondyles 217, 218, 437, 439

Larnaca 394

Latin language 131

Latins 4

Lauxtermann, M. 202–3, 209 n2

Lavra of St Sabas 300 n3

law 1718, 22;

novels 23

Le Beau, Charles 431, 448, 460 n53, 462, 476 n2

Le Gaulois journal 474, 480 n92

Lecky, W. 84


Byzantine historiography 429, 440

Lekapenos family 340–2

see also individual names

Lemerle, Paul 249


Jews of 227–8;

martyrs of 225, 227–8, 234 n37

Leo, archbishop of Ohrid 117

Leo, bishop of Catania 330

Leo, bishop of Chalcedon 275, 282 n36, 282 n37, 282 n38

Leo, strategos of the Anatolics see Leo III, emperor

Leo Choirosphaktes 85

Leo I, emperor 172

Leo III, emperor 910, 12, 19, 43;

building 337;

challenge to authority 1519;

Christian images 16, 17;

coinage 39;

eikonomachoi 266

Leo IV, emperor 88

Leo V, emperor 85, 337

Leo VI, emperor 156;

building activity 337;

debasement of gold 37;

legislation on slavery 93;

on marriage 88, 89;

Orations 318 n27;

Scepter 305;

Taktika 150, 152–3, 155, 157, 158, 159;

warfare 56, 139;

in writings 96, 97, 98, 213, 229, 440

Leo III, pope 223

Leo IX, pope 117

Leo Katakylas 51–2, 156

Leo Kephalas 30

Leo Phokas, general 89, 99, 156, 157

Leo the Deacon 212, 214, 472, 487

Leo the Isaurian see Leo III, emperor

Leo Tornikes 58

Leo-Luc of Corelione 229

Leon of Catania:

Life 225, 226, 233 n19, 233 n22, 235 n70

Leonardo Dellaporta 210 n25

Leontios, governor 1112

Leontios of Neapolis:

Apology 233 n24

letter-writing 141–3;

authoritative models 194;

context 188–9;

and conversation 189;

definition of letters 196 n3;

distribution 190;

and erotic discourse 195–6;

etiquette 198 n31;

gender 190, 199 n47;

genre 189;

and gifts 189, 191, 195, 197 n18;

humour 195;

intertextuality 194–5;

letter collections 192–4;

medieval Latin 197 n12;

periodization 190;

petitions 146;

publication of letters 191–2;

and rhetoric 191, 194;

and self-positioning 192–3;

and self-representation 192, 195, 198 n26;

social class 190–1, 197 n17;

and social networking 192–3;

social status 191;

volume 190, 193, 197 n11

Leunclavius, Johannes 440

Libanios 197 n9;

collection of letters 191

Life of Theoktiste 66

Limassol 394

literacy 138–9, 141

literary sources 62–3, 64;

application of 70;

authentic experience 67;

gender roles 76, 82 n33;

inversion of gender roles 73–5, 81;

Linguistic Turn 61–2, 65, 66, 68, 69;

realia 65–6, 67;

reception of 68;

Roman and Greek ideals 76;

social logic 6870;

social-linguistic framework 66–7;

speeches by women 72–3;

writers of history 75–6;

see also hagiography;


military manuals


editing 435–6;

Greek language 131;

novels 205, 218;

see also historiography;



liturgical fans 310–11

liturgical vestiture 262, 311–12, 314, 315–18


and church architecture 287;

language 131;

mocking 329–30;

Neo-Sabaitic rite 300 n3;

and order 320;

Stoudite synthesis 285, 300 n3

Liudprand of Cremona 24

Lives of the Desert Fathers 249

livestock 54–5

Lombards 153, 233 n30

Lopadium fortress 354

Louis XIV of France 429, 440

Löwenklau, Hans 440

Luc of Demena 230;

Life 229

Lucania 223, 226

Lucifer 107, 112 n19

Ludwig I of Bavaria 449–50

Lydia 54

Maas, P. 201

Macaulay, T. B. 457

Macedonia 26, 30, 35

Macrides, Ruth 64, 205

Madonna del Baccio 419

Madonna delle Grazie 419

Madrid Skylitzes 85, 90 n25

Magdalino, Paul 33 n53, 33 n55, 179, 181, 209 n9, 304, 334, 337, 348

Magi 107

magic 235 n70

Maguire, Henry 262, 309

Magyars 153

Mainstone, Rowland 387, 388

Major Sakkos of Photos 313, 314

Makarian homilies 252

Makarios of Corinth 254

Makrina, sister of Gregory of Nyssa 62, 66, 69

Maksimovi, Ljubomir 487, 489

Malagina 54

Malalas 35

Mandylion 323

Mango, Cyril 94–5, 106, 108, 163, 261, 291, 334, 337, 343

Mani, the Prophet 107

Manichaeism 104, 105

Manousakas, M. I. 210 n25

Manousis, Theodoros 453

Manuel Chrysoloras 429, 435

Manuel I Komnenos 42, 54, 58, 318 n27, 503;

challenge to authority 30, 31, 56;


Thessalonika 360–1;

fortifications 380;

theological resolution 125–6;

in writings 180, 304, 306

Manuel II Komnenos 40, 68, 213, 361

Manuel II Palaiologos 364–5, 367, 371 n112, 435

Manuel Philes 205–6, 207, 210 n25;

Dialogue of a Man with his Soul 207


battle of 26, 49

Marathon 152

Marcellinus Comes 35

Maria, wife of Michael Glabas Tarchaneiotes 297

Maria Branaina Palaiologina 291

Marinis, Vasileios 261–2

Marinos, basilikos protospatharios 360, 370 n82

Mark the Monk 250, 254

Markianos of Syracuse 225

Markos Musuros 121–2, 436

Marmarion, tower of 354

Maroneia 355

Martorana, Palermo 305

Mathews, T. 298, 338

Matthew Blastares 295

Maurice, emperor 35, 56;

Strategikon 51, 150–1, 152, 153, 157, 160

Mavrokordtos, Alexandros 450

Maximilian II of Bavaria 467

Maximo, queen 328, 329

Maximos Planoudes 197 n9

Maximos the Confessor 15, 252–3;

Centuries on Love 254;

Mystagogia 258 n38

Maximos the Deacon 236

Mazarin, Jules 440

McGeer, E. 157, 159, 160

Megara 450, 451

Megaw, Peter 387–8

Megiste Lavra monastery, Mt Athos 355

Meinwerk, bishop 382

Ménager, L. R. 129 n37

menavlatoi 155, 156

Mencken, Johannes B. 441

Menelaus 133


and beards 85–6, 90 n25;

studies of men as men 83–4, 89;

see also eunuchs;


Menologion icon 320, 321

Messalianism 252, 256

Messina, Aldo 228, 233 n16

Metaphrastic Menologion 141

Methodios I, patriarch 115

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York xxii

Meurs, Jan de:

Glossarium graecobatbarum 440

Michael, the archangel 86, 90 n31, 307;

and the Eucharist 414;

in the Hagia Sophia 414;

icons 273–5, 274, 415;

on the Pala d’Oro 264, 412, 413–14;

in the Pantokrator monastery 414;

protector of emperors 414

Michael Apostoles 197 n9

Michael Attaleiates 8, 19, 49, 78, 80, 99, 139, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 444 n34

Michael Choniates 133, 180, 197 n9, 205, 207, 213, 214, 216, 219, 221;

An Address to Those Who Accuse Me of Having No Desire for Exhibition 179

Michael Glabas Tarchaneiotes 197 n9, 297

Michael Glykas 75, 440

Michael I Rangabe 75, 85, 97

Michael II, emperor 57, 233 n16

Michael III, emperor 87, 91 n49, 214, 325

Michael IV the Paphlagonian 26, 76, 143;

coinage 36;

debasement of gold 37

Michael V, emperor 24

Michael VI Palaiologos 26, 140, 416

Michael VII Doukas 37, 40, 306–9, 308

Michael VIII Palaiologos 40, 41, 85, 99, 112 n1, 348, 376, 382, 410

Michael Italikos 109, 180–1, 304

Michael Keroularios, patriarch 117–18, 123, 128 n23, 313

Michael Prosuch 360

Michael Psellos xxi, 3, 22, 103;

army supplies 57;

on Basil II 139, 147, 160;

on Christianity 108–9;

Chronographia 32 n26, 40, 143, 160;

on coinage 40;

on Constantine IX 23–4, 25, 32 n24;

continuation of Leo the Deacon 214;

eulogy of daughter 64;

eulogy of mother 63–4, 67, 69;

history writing 7581, 87, 212, 213, 216, 218, 220, 221, 446;

inversion of gender roles 7281;

and John Mauropous 198 n39, 204;

letter-writing 191, 197 n9;

poetry 201, 202;

and rhetoric 178–9;

self-presentation 199 n47;

theatricality 180

Michael Radenos 67

Michael Synkellos 298

Middeldorf Kosengarten, A. 408

Mijatovi, edomilj:

Constantine: The Last Emperor of the Greeks or the Conquest of Constantinople by the Turks (AC 1453) 482–3

Mikhail Bakhtin 208

military manuals 139, 149–50, 151–2;

see also individual authors and titles

Millar, Fergus 83

Miller, Timothy 241

Millet, G. 475;

Les monuments de l’art byzantin 473


Gregory Palamas 239–40, 244;

St Eugenios of Trebizond 242

Miracles of Saint Demetrios 219, 360, 364

missionaries 115

Momigliano, A. 464, 476 n17

Mommsen, Theodore 465, 466, 467, 476, 477 n42, 477 n45, 478 n64

monarchy 449–50, 454


and the cathedral rite 285, 291;

celibacy 88;

destruction of 119;

fortifications 354, 355–6, 366–7;

foundations 138, 143;

land ownership 24;

Latinizing 129 n37;

training of monks 254;

see also individual monasteries

Monemvasia 40, 355


in the economy 41–4;

and the political system 7

monotheism 104

Monothelete council 13, 15

Monotheletism 15, 227

Montanists 226

Montesquieu, baron de 431, 448, 459 n14, 460 n53, 462;

Researches into the Progress and Fall of the Romans 449

Monumenta Germaniae Historica 467

Mordtmann, A. D. 471, 479 n77

Morosini, Tommaso 411, 424 n29

Morrison, Cécile 26, 32 n16

mosaics 263, 378, 384 n41, 384 n43, 423;

angels 420;

Apparitio miracle 408;

St Demetrios basilica, Thessalonika 358–60, 359

Moses 276–8, 303

Mošin, Vladimir 485–8

mosun 155

Mother of God 15, 305, 310;

Blachernitissa icon 415, 417, 418;

and Chora monastery 347–8;

a church 374;

cult of 12, 17;

cult of the Virgin’s Robe 376–7;

culture 18;

Hodegetria 323, 415, 416, 417–18;

icons 233 n18, 261, 264, 323, 329;

images of 347;

Madonna del Baccio 419;

Nicopea 264, 413, 415–20;

Nikopoios icon 415, 416;

patronage 374, 379, 415, 418;

portrait by St Luke 323, 417, 419, 423, 425 n75;

Virgin orant 415, 419;


Marian icon 425 n75

Mother of God, Blachernae 12, 347, 376, 415, 417, 419

Mother of God, Paderborn 382

Mother of God Pantanassa, Baionaia 301 n50

Mother of God Psychosostria 268, 277

Mousikos, eunuch and slave 97–8

Mt Athos 68, 123, 355;

Bogomilism 256;

Gospel book 310;

Messalianism 256;

monasteries 24, 28, 142, 143, 367, 484;

Palamism 254–6, 259 n67;

see also individual churches and monasteries

Mt Chortiates 366

Mt Sinai 320, 412;

Menologion icon 320, 321

Mt Tabor 256

Muhammad, the Prophet 107, 110

Mullett, Margaret 138, 141, 146, 186 n6, 209 n9

Mummius, Roman general 451, 452


and Justinian 74–5

Munich 449–50

Münz, Sigmund 467–8, 478 n48, 478 n66

mutilation 88

Myrelaion Palace, Constantinople 263, 287, 288, 291, 296, 340–2, 342

Nafplion 450

Naples 39

Napoleon III 468

Narcissus 204, 209 n16

Narses, general 86–7, 88

National Serbo-Croato-Slavonic Encyclopedia 485

Nativity, church of, Bethlehem 380

navy 10, 153

Nea, the 298

Nea Hestia 506

Nea Logarikê 28

Nea Moni, Chios 290, 380

Neilos Damilas Typikon 301 n50

Neilos of Ankyra 197 n9

Neilos of Rossano see Nil of Rossano

Neilos the Ascetic 254

Neohellenic Enlightenment 446, 459 n5

Neoplatonism 103, 108, 155, 303

Neroulos, Iakovos Rizos 430, 445;

Korakistika 446

Nestorian treatise 258 n27