- adaptation
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- climate change impacts
- climate-related conflict
- colonialism
- economies of violence
- energy conflicts
- environmental conflicts
- failing societies
- never-ending wars
- number of wars in
- private military companies
- refugees to Europe from
- Rwandan genocide
- Sudan
- African Union armies
- agriculture see farmers and farming
- aid
- Albert, Hans
- Anders, Günther
- Antarctic see polar regions
- anticipatory retrospection
- apocalypse blindness
- Aral Sea
- Arctic see polar regions
- Arendt, Hannah
- arms sales
- Asia
- climate change injustices
- energy conflicts
- environmental conflicts
- never-ending wars
- number of wars in
- asylum-seekers
- asymmetrical wars
- attention economics
- attitudes to climate change
- Australia
- Bächler, Günther
- Bauman, Zygmunt
- biodiversity
- Bongo-Bongoism
- border controls
- border disputes
- Brzoska, Michael
- Canada
- asylum-seekers
- border controls
- Canary Islands
- carbon dioxide emissions
- Caribbean islands
- catastrophes see disasters
- Chernobyl
- China
- Churchill, Winston
- civil liberties
- civil war
- classical interstate wars and
- failing societies
- in the future
- Rwanda
- Sudan
- class conflicts
- Clausen, Lars
- climate change
- attitudes to
- border controls
- as a cultural issue
- directly caused violence
- ecocide
- economics see economic issues
- environmental trends
- ethnic cleansing
- failing societies
- future pasts
- future of violence
- going on as usual strategy
- the good society
- injustices
- IPCC reports on
- as larger-than-life problem
- learning from history
- likely candidates for conflict
- never-ending wars
- rapid social change
- repressive tolerance
- shifting baselines
- social disasters
- social solutions
- state collapse
- Sudanese conflicts
- terrorism
- climate refugees
- cognitive dissonance
- economies of violence
- larger-than-life problems
- Cold War
- colonialism
- communication, good society
- concentration camps
- Conrad, Joseph
- crime, pre-criminal activity
- cultural change
- cultural sciences
- Darfur
- deforestation see forest destruction
- democracy, pre-criminal activity
- democratization, ethnic cleansing
- desertification, Sudan
- development policy
- Diamond, Jared
- disasters
- failing societies
- fateful moment in
- mastering consequences of
- shifting baselines
- violence and theory
- Djama, Marcel
- drought
- Easter Island
- Eastern bloc
- Eastern Roman Empire
- ecocide
- economic issues
- attention economics
- going on as usual strategy
- injustices
- violence markets
- Eduard Bohlen steamer
- Einstein, Albert
- Elias, Norbert
- Elwert, Georg
- empowerment
- energy conflicts
- energy strategies
- environmental trends
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- ethnic cleansing
- driving modernization
- UN troops
- violence and theory
- ethnic conflicts
- Europe
- anti-terror activities
- attention economics
- border controls
- climate change impacts
- colonialism
- environmental conflicts
- ethnic cleansing
- likely environmental conflicts
- number of wars in
- polar region resource claims
- political system change
- post-Second World War refugees
- private military companies
- rapid social change
- refugees
- see also Germany
- failing societies
- never-ending wars
- state collapse
- faith conflicts
- famine see food crises
- farmers and farming
- Festinger, Leon
- First World War
- Flannery, Tim
- food crises
- forest destruction
- Easter Island
- going on as usual strategy
- Sudan
- Vietnam War
- fossil fuels
- frame analysis see reference frameworks
- Friedländer, Saul
- Frontex
- frontiers
- future pasts
- gas
- Gehlen, Arnold
- generational injustices
- generational perception change
- genocides
- Darfur
- as dynamos of modernization
- group membership
- the Holocaust see Holocaust
- perpetrators’ rationalizations
- Rwanda
- shifting baselines
- violence and theory
- Germany
- anti-terror legislation
- colonialism
- conflict in Yugoslavia
- consequences of violence
- energy conflicts
- Frontex
- future pasts
- military alliance against Iraq
- rapid social change
- Second World War see also Holocaust
- shifting baselines
- violence and theory
- Gleditsch, Nils Peter
- global temperatures
- globalization
- class conflicts
- faith wars
- going on as usual strategy
- as process of social entropy
- repressive tolerance
- Goffman, Erving
- good governance
- good society
- Greece
- greenhouse gas emissions
- climate change injustices
- ecology of war
- going on as usual strategy
- good society
- group membership
- groupthink
- Heart of Darkness (Conrad)
- Herero people
- Himmler, Heinrich
- Hoffman, Bruce
- Holocaust
- dealing with the threat of
- fateful moment in
- lasting consequences
- learning from history
- modernity
- perpetrators’ rationalizations
- shifting baselines
- social action theory
- state-building and
- Huntington, Samuel
- hurricanes
- Hurricane Katrina
- military implications
- Hutus
- identity-level policy decisions
- ignorance, structure of
- illegal immigrants
- EU border controls
- shifting baselines
- individual-level strategies
- industrialization
- inertia in face of danger
- infectious diseases
- injustices of climate change
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- international aid
- international environmental law
- internet access
- Iran
- Iraq
- Islamist suicide bombers
- islands
- climate change injustices
- Easter Island
- studying
- US military bases
- Italy
- Janjaweed 61,
- Jews, the Holocaust see Holocaust
- Jonas, Hans
- justice of climate change
- Kafka, Franz
- Kaldor, Mary
- Keegan, John
- Kissinger, Henry
- Klein, Naomi
- Kyoto Protocol
- lakes
- law(s)
- pre-criminal activity
- shifting baselines
- supranational environmental
- Lévi-Strauss, Claude
- Libya
- Logan, John R.
- Lüdtke, Alf
- malaria
- Mann, Michael
- Marcuse, Herbert
- Mead, Margaret
- Meadows, Dennis
- Meier, Mischa
- mercenaries
- metaphor–behaviour relation
- Mexico
- Middle East
- environmental conflicts
- number of wars in
- suicide bombers
- migration see refugees
- military technology
- mirror reactions
- modernization
- climate change injustices
- environmental conflicts
- ethnic cleansing driving
- failing societies
- the good society
- violence and theory
- morality, collective players
- Morocco
- Moyo, Dambisa
- Münkler, Herfried
- Nama people
- Namibia
- nation-states
- building
- going on as usual strategy
- nationalism
- NATO armies
- natural disasters
- failing societies
- mastering consequences of
- shifting baselines
- violence and theory
- natural sciences
- neighbours, violence against
- never-ending wars
- New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina
- New Zealand
- norms, shifting baselines
- Norway
- nuclear reactor disasters
- oil
- energy conflicts
- use of revenues from
- Pacific islands
- climate change injustices
- Easter Island
- Palestine
- paramilitary groups
- past futures
- Pearce, Fred
- perceptions
- barriers to self-preservation
- climate change
- rationalizing violence
- shifting baselines
- Philip III of Spain
- polar regions
- climate change impacts
- climate change injustices
- potential for interstate war
- political system change
- political theory, need for
- Popitz, Heinrich
- population density
- Darfur
- Rwanda
- state collapse
- population movements see refugees
- Portugal
- poverty
- going on as usual strategy
- military violence
- Swift’s solution
- power
- the good society
- repressive tolerance
- through social cooperation
- private military companies (PMCs)
- privatization
- of security services
- of violence
- protection money
- Prunier, Gérard
- public transport
- Reagan, Ronald
- reality, perceptions of see perceptions
- reference frameworks
- refugees
- climate
- deportation camps
- ecology of war
- economies of violence
- EU border controls
- failing societies
- going on as usual strategy
- non-linear social processes
- post-Second World War
- reception camps
- shifting baselines
- US controls
- religion
- faith conflicts
- shifting baselines
- repressive tolerance
- resource conflicts
- climate change as direct cause
- failing societies
- potential for interstate war
- responsibility for actions
- rivers
- Roman Empire
- Russia
- energy conflicts
- likely environmental conflicts
- polar region resources
- Rwanda, genocide
- Sachs, Wolfgang
- Schengen Agreement
- sea levels
- climate change injustices
- military logistics
- social protection system breakdown
- Sebald, W. G.
- Second World War
- security
- displacement of violence
- EU borders
- international
- privatization of security services
- shifting baselines
- US homeland
- US national
- self-defence units
- self-dynamizing social transformation
- self-preservation
- Serbia
- shifting baselines
- slavery
- social action
- economies of violence
- mutual observation
- social change, rapidity of
- social disasters
- social habitus
- social sciences
- remoteness from disaster
- resource conflicts
- violence and theory
- society, the good
- Somalia
- South America
- Antarctic resources
- border controls
- climate change impacts
- environmental conflicts
- number of wars in
- Soviet Union
- Spain
- Speer, Albert
- states
- building
- collapse
- going on as usual strategy
- identity-level policy decisions
- Stern Review
- Sudan
- Darfur
- ecology of war
- as failing society
- likely environmental conflicts
- suicide bombers
- supranational environmental law
- survival instinct
- Swift, Jonathan
- Switzerland
- technological disasters
- technological solutions
- terrorism
- faith wars
- pre-criminal activity
- shifting baselines
- US border protection
- Thomas, William
- tolerance, repressive
- total institutions
- transformation societies
- transport networks
- tsunamis
- Tuchman, Barbara
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Tutsis
- United Nations armies
- United Nations Environment Programme
- United Nations Security Council
- climate change impacts
- climate change injustices
- ecology of war
- environmental conflicts
- faith wars
- Hurricane Katrina
- illegal aliens
- number of wars involved in
- perceptions of climate change
- polar region resources
- private military companies
- refugees
- shifting baselines
- Vietnam War
- utopianism
- value shifts
- Vietnam War
- violence
- attitude–behaviour relation
- climate change causing
- climate change injustices
- colonialism
- disasters
- displacement
- economies of
- energy conflicts
- environmental conflicts
- failing societies
- faith wars
- future of
- future pasts
- lasting effects
- privatization
- for problem-solving
- as a research theme
- Sudan
- see also ethnic cleansing; genocides; wars
- wars
- adaptation
- asymmetrical
- civil
- classical interstate
- climate change causing
- ecology of
- failing societies
- low-intensity
- never-ending
- numbers of
- old–new distinction
- poverty correlation
- processes of extreme violence
- secondary adaptation
- Vietnam
- violence markets
- water problems
- climate change injustices
- as direct cause of conflict
- drought in Sudan
- potential for interstate war
- see also sea levels
- ‘we’
- Western social model
- fading responsibility
- future of violence
- Western technology transfers
- Yugoslavia
- economies of violence
- ethnic cleansing
- UN troops
- violence and theory