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a priori, Blocking and the Latin Square, Glossary of Statistical Terms
hypothesis, Glossary of Statistical Terms
information, Blocking and the Latin Square
absolute frequencies, Frequency Tables, Bar ChartsBar Charts
absolute value, Laws of ArithmeticLaws of Arithmetic, Glossary of Statistical Terms
abstract, Writing the Article, Evaluating the Whole Article
critiquing in articles, Evaluating the Whole Article
writing, Writing the Article
Access, for data management, Spreadsheets and Relational Databases
actions, Decision Analysis
Age of Information, statistics in, Statistics in the Age of Information
algebra, linear, Relationships Between Continuous Variables
Alpha (α), Hypothesis Testing, Glossary of Statistical Terms
definition of, Glossary of Statistical Terms
probability of Type I error, Hypothesis Testing
alternate form method, Reliability of a Composite Test
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), String and Numeric Data
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), ANCOVAANCOVA
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), The t-Test, Introduction to Regression and ANOVA, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), One-Way ANOVAOne-Way ANOVA, Post Hoc TestsPost Hoc Tests, Factorial ANOVAThree-Way ANOVA, Two-Way ANOVATwo-Way ANOVA, Three-Way ANOVAThree-Way ANOVA, ANOVA
about, Introduction to Regression and ANOVA, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
factorial, Factorial ANOVAThree-Way ANOVA
one-way, One-Way ANOVAOne-Way ANOVA
post hoc testing, Post Hoc TestsPost Hoc Tests
t-test and one-way, The t-Test
three-way, Three-Way ANOVAThree-Way ANOVA
two-way, Two-Way ANOVATwo-Way ANOVA
violations of assumptions of, ANOVA
ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance), ANCOVAANCOVA
Anderson–Darling test, Data Transformations
ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), The t-Test, Introduction to Regression and ANOVA, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), One-Way ANOVAOne-Way ANOVA, Post Hoc TestsPost Hoc Tests, Factorial ANOVAThree-Way ANOVA, Two-Way ANOVATwo-Way ANOVA, Three-Way ANOVAThree-Way ANOVA, ANOVA
about, Introduction to Regression and ANOVA, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
factorial, Factorial ANOVAThree-Way ANOVA
one-way, One-Way ANOVAOne-Way ANOVA
post hoc testing, Post Hoc TestsPost Hoc Tests
t-test and one-way, The t-Test
three-way, Three-Way ANOVAThree-Way ANOVA
two-way, Two-Way ANOVATwo-Way ANOVA
violations of assumptions of, ANOVA
AR (Attributable Risk), Attributable Risk, Attributable Risk Percentage, and Number Needed to TreatAttributable Risk, Attributable Risk Percentage, and Number Needed to Treat
AR% (Attributable Risk Percentage), Attributable Risk, Attributable Risk Percentage, and Number Needed to Treat
arbitrary curve-fitting, OverfittingOverfitting
arithmetic mean, About Formulas, About Formulas, Glossary of Statistical Terms
(see also mean)
definition of, Glossary of Statistical Terms
formula for, About Formulas
arithmetic, laws of, Linear regression, Laws of Arithmetic, Laws of ArithmeticLaws of Arithmetic, Order of OperationsProperties of Real Numbers
absolute value, Laws of ArithmeticLaws of Arithmetic
number line, Linear regression, Laws of Arithmetic
order of operations, Order of OperationsProperties of Real Numbers
articles, Writing the ArticleWriting the Article, Writing the ArticleWriting the Article, Evaluating the Whole ArticleEvaluating the Whole Article, Common ProblemsCommon Problems, Quick ChecklistQuick Checklist, Issues in Research DesignThe Power of Coincidence, Descriptive StatisticsExtrapolation and Trends, Extrapolation and TrendsLinear regression
checklist for statistics based investigations, Quick ChecklistQuick Checklist
common problems with, Common ProblemsCommon Problems
critiquing descriptive statistics, Descriptive StatisticsExtrapolation and Trends
evaluating, Evaluating the Whole ArticleEvaluating the Whole Article
incorrect use of tests in inferential statistics, Extrapolation and TrendsLinear regression
issues in research design, Issues in Research DesignThe Power of Coincidence
research articles, Writing the ArticleWriting the Article
writing, Writing the ArticleWriting the Article
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), String and Numeric Data
associations, correlation, AssociationAssociation
Attributable Risk (AR), Attributable Risk, Attributable Risk Percentage, and Number Needed to TreatAttributable Risk, Attributable Risk Percentage, and Number Needed to Treat
Attributable Risk Percentage (AR%), Attributable Risk, Attributable Risk Percentage, and Number Needed to Treat
attribute data, in field of quality control, Run Charts and Control Charts
autocorrelated, Time Series
average inter-item correlation, Reliability
average item-total correlation, Reliability